Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 8. DC, Pen, Brush and Palette<br />

void CGDIView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)<br />

{<br />

int nNumOfPts;<br />

int nMode;<br />

int i;<br />

CPen pen;<br />

CPen *ptrPenOld;<br />

CPoint pt[4];<br />

}<br />

CGDIDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();<br />

ASSERT_VALID(pDoc);<br />

pen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 255, 255));<br />

ptrPenOld=pDC->SelectObject(&pen);<br />

nMode=pDC->SetROP2(R2_COPYPEN);<br />

nNumOfPts=pDoc->GetNumOfPts();<br />

for(i=0; iGetOnePt(4*i);<br />

pt[1]=pDoc->GetOnePt(4*i+1);<br />

pt[2]=pDoc->GetOnePt(4*i+2);<br />

pt[3]=pDoc->GetOnePt(4*i+3);<br />

pDC->PolyBezier(pt, 4);<br />

}<br />

pDC->SetROP2(nMode);<br />

pDC->SelectObject(ptrPenOld);<br />

Since we need 4 control points to draw a curve, the number of curves we can draw should be equal to<br />

the number of points stored in array CGDIDoc::m_dwaPts divided by 4. In the function, a loop is used to<br />

draw each single curve. Within each loop, four control points are retrieved one by one, and stored in a local<br />

CPoint type array pt. After all four control points are retrieved, function CDC::PolyBezier(…) is called to<br />

draw the curve. Here, we also need to create a pen and select it into the DC before any drawing operation is<br />

performed.<br />

The rest thing we need to implement is recording control points. In order to do this, we need to handle<br />

two mouse related messages: WM_LBUTTONUP and WM_MOUSEMOVE. In the sample, their message handlers are<br />

added through using Class Wizard, the corresponding member functions are CGDIView::OnLButtonUp(…)<br />

and CGDIView::OnMouseMove(…) respectively.<br />

Since a curve needs four control points, we use mouse’s left button up event to record them. In the<br />

application, a counter is implemented to count how many control points have been added. Before a new<br />

curve is added, this counter is set to 0. As we receive message WM_LBUTTONUP, the counter will be<br />

incremented by 1. As it reaches 4, we finish recording the control points, store the data in the document and<br />

update the client window.<br />

In the sample, to implement curve drawing, some new variables are declared in class CGDIView as<br />

follows:<br />

……<br />

……<br />

class CGDIView : public CView<br />

{<br />

protected:<br />

CPoint m_ptCurve[4];<br />

int m_nCurrentPt;<br />

BOOL m_bNeedErase;<br />

BOOL m_bCapture;<br />

};<br />

We are familiar with variables m_bCapture and m_bNeedErase. Here, variable m_ptCurve will be used<br />

to record temporary control points, and m_nCurrentPt will act as a counter.<br />

Some of the variables are initialized in the constructor:<br />

CGDIView::CGDIView()<br />

{<br />

m_nCurrentPt=0;<br />

m_bNeedErase=FALSE;<br />


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