Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 8. DC, Pen, Brush and Palette<br />

}<br />

m_ptEnd=point;<br />

ptrDoc->AddLine(CRect(m_ptStart.x, m_ptStart.y, m_ptEnd.x, m_ptEnd.y));<br />

m_bNeedErase=FALSE;<br />

Invalidate();<br />

if(m_bCapture == TRUE)<br />

{<br />

::ReleaseCapture();<br />

m_bCapture=FALSE;<br />

}<br />

CView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);<br />

Here a dotted pen is created again to erase the old line. Then function CView::GetDocument() is called<br />

to obtain a pointer to the document. After the line information is retrieved from the mouse position,<br />

function CGDIDoc::AddLine(…) is called to add new data to the document. Then flag m_bNeedErase is<br />

cleared, and window capture is released. Finally function CWnd::Invalidate() is called to update the client<br />

window. By default, this action will cause function CView::OnDraw(…) to be called.<br />

For SDI and MDI applications, function CView::OnDraw(…) will be added to the project at the<br />

beginning by Application Wizard. In order to implement our own interface, we need to rewrite this member<br />

function as follows:<br />

void CGDIView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)<br />

{<br />

CPen pen;<br />

CPen *ptrPenOld;<br />

int nMode;<br />

int nNumOfLines;<br />

int i;<br />

CRect *ptrRect;<br />

CGDIDoc *pDoc=GetDocument();<br />

ASSERT_VALID(pDoc);<br />

}<br />

pen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 0, 0));<br />

ptrPenOld=pDC->SelectObject(&pen);<br />

nMode=pDC->SetROP2(R2_COPYPEN);<br />

nNumOfLines=pDoc->GetNumOfLines();<br />

for(i=0; iGetLine(i);<br />

pDC->MoveTo(ptrRect->TopLeft());<br />

pDC->LineTo(ptrRect->BottomRight());<br />

}<br />

pDC->SetROP2(nMode);<br />

pDC->SelectObject(ptrPenOld);<br />

In the above function CPen::CreatePen(…) is called to create a red solid pen whose width is 1 device<br />

unit. Since the window DC is passed as a parameter to this funciton, we do not need to call CWnd::GetDC()<br />

or declare CClientDC type variable to obtain window’s device context. After the pen is selected into the<br />

DC, the drawing mode is set to R2_COPYPEN, which will output the pen’s color to the target device. Next<br />

function CGDIDoc::GetNumOfLines() is called to retrieve the total number of lines stored in the document.<br />

Then a loop is used to draw every line in the client window. Finally the DC’s original drawing mode is<br />

resumed and the new pen is selected out of it.<br />

8.2 Rectangle and Ellipse<br />

It is easy to implement rectangle drawing after we understand the previous sample. To draw a<br />

rectangle, we need to call function CDC::Rentangle(…) and pass a CRect type value to it. The rectangle’s<br />

border will be drawn using current pen selected by the DC, and its interior will be filled with the currently<br />

selected brush.<br />


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