Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 8. DC, Pen, Brush and Palette<br />

CDC::LineTo(…) to complete drawing. We don’t need to call CDC::MoveTo(…) each time when drawing<br />

several connected line segments continuously. After function CDC::LineTo(…) is called, the DC’s origin<br />

will always be updated to the end point of that line. The following function shows how the mouse moving<br />

activities are handled in the sample:<br />

void CGDIView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)<br />

{<br />

CClientDC dc(this);<br />

CPen pen;<br />

CPen *ptrPenOld;<br />

int nMode;<br />

}<br />

if(nFlags & MK_LBUTTON)<br />

{<br />

pen.CreatePen(PS_DOT, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0));<br />

ptrPenOld=dc.SelectObject(&pen);<br />

nMode=dc.SetROP2(R2_XORPEN);<br />

if(m_bNeedErase == TRUE)<br />

{<br />

dc.MoveTo(m_ptStart);<br />

dc.LineTo(m_ptEnd);<br />

}<br />

else<br />

{<br />

m_bNeedErase=TRUE;<br />

}<br />

m_ptEnd=point;<br />

dc.MoveTo(m_ptStart);<br />

dc.LineTo(m_ptEnd);<br />

dc.SetROP2(nMode);<br />

dc.SelectObject(ptrPenOld);<br />

}<br />

CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);<br />

We declare CClientDC type variable to obtain the device context of the client window. First function<br />

CPen::CreatePen(…) is called to create a dotted pen with black color. Then this pen is selected into the<br />

device context and the old pen is stored in ptrPenOld. Next, the device context’s drawing mode is set to<br />

R2_XORPEN, and the original drawing mode is stored in nMode. If this is the first time the function is called<br />

after the user pressed mouse’s left button, m_bNeedErase flag must be FALSE. In this case we need to set it<br />

to TRUE. Otherwise if m_bNeedErase is TRUE, we need to first draw the old outline (This will erase the<br />

outline). Next the current mouse position is stored in variable m_ptEnd, and CDC::MoveTo(…),<br />

CDC::LineTo(…) are called to draw the new outline. Finally device context’s old drawing mode is resumed.<br />

Also, the old pen is selected back into the DC (which will also select the new pen out of the DC).<br />

For WM_LBUTTONUP message handler, we also need to erase the old line if necessary. Because the new<br />

line is fixed now, we need to add new data to the document and update the client window. The following<br />

function shows how this message is handled:<br />

void CGDIView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)<br />

{<br />

CClientDC dc(this);<br />

CPen pen;<br />

CPen *ptrPenOld;<br />

int nMode;<br />

CGDIDoc *ptrDoc;<br />

pen.CreatePen(PS_DOT, 1, RGB(0, 0, 0));<br />

ptrPenOld=dc.SelectObject(&pen);<br />

nMode=dc.SetROP2(R2_XORPEN);<br />

dc.MoveTo(m_ptStart);<br />

dc.LineTo(m_ptEnd);<br />

dc.SetROP2(nMode);<br />

dc.SelectObject(ptrPenOld);<br />

pen.DeleteObject();<br />

ptrDoc=(CGDIDoc *)GetDocument();<br />


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