Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 8. DC, Pen, Brush and Palette<br />

1) Select the GDI object into the DC, use a pointer to store the old GDI object.<br />

1) Perform drawing operations.<br />

1) Select the old GDI object into the DC, this will select the new GDI object out of the DC.<br />

1) Destroy the GDI object if necessary (If the GDI object was created in step 2 and will not be used by<br />

other DCs from now on).<br />

The following sections will discuss how to use specific GDI objects to draw various kind of graphic<br />

objects.<br />

8.1 Line<br />

Creating Pen<br />

Sample 8.1\GDI demonstrates how to create a pen and use it to draw lines. The sample is a standard<br />

SDI application generated from Application Wizard.<br />

To draw a line, we need the following information: starting and ending points, width of the line,<br />

pattern of the line, and color. There are several types of pens that can be created: solid pen, dotted pen,<br />

dashed pen. Besides drawing patterns, each pen can have a different color and different width. So if we<br />

want to draw two types of lines, we need to create two different pens.<br />

In <strong>MFC</strong>, pen is supported by class CPen, it has a member function CPen::CreatePen(…), which can be<br />

used to create a pen. This function has several versions, the following is one of them:<br />

BOOL CPen::CreatePen(int nPenStyle, int nWidth, COLORREF crColor);<br />

Parameter nPenStyle specifies the pen style, it can be any of the following: PS_SOLID, PS_DASH,<br />

PS_DOT, PS_DASHDOT, PS_DASHDOTDOT, PS_NULL, etc. The meanings of these styles are self-explanatory. The<br />

second parameter nWidth specifies width of the pen. Please note that if we create pen with a style other than<br />

PS_SOLID, this width can not exceed 1 device unit. Parameter crColor specifies color of the pen, which can<br />

be specified using RGB macro.<br />

In <strong>MFC</strong>’s document/view structure, the data should be stored in CDocument derived class and the<br />

drawing should be carried out in CView derived class (for SDI or MDI applications). Since CView is derived<br />

from CWnd, we can obtain its DC by either calling function CWnd::GetDC() or declare a CClientDC type<br />

variable using the window’s pointer. To select a GDI object into the DC, we need to call function<br />

CDC::SelectObject(…). This function returns a pointer to a GDI object of the same type that is being<br />

selected by the DC. Before we delete the GDI object, we need to use this pointer to select the old GDI<br />

object into the DC so that the new DC will be selected out of the DC.<br />

We can not delete a GDI object when it is being selected by a DC. If we do so, the application will<br />

become abnormal, and may cause GPF (General protection fault) error.<br />

Drawing Mode<br />

Besides drawing lines, sample 8.1\GDI also demonstrates how to implement an interactive<br />

environment that lets the user use mouse to draw lines anywhere within the client window. In the sample,<br />

the user can start drawing by clicking mouse’s left button, and dragging the mouse with left button held<br />

down, releasing the button to finish the drawing. When the user is dragging the mouse, dotted outlines will<br />

be drawn temporarily on the window. After the ending point is decided, the line will be actually drawn<br />

(with red color and a width of 1). In order to implement this, the following messages are handled in the<br />


Before the left mouse button is released, we have to erase the old outline before drawing a new one in<br />

order to give the user an impression that the outline “moves” with the mouse cursor. The best way to<br />

implement this type of operations is using XOR drawing mode. With this method, we can simply draw an<br />

object twice in order to remove it from the device.<br />

XOR bit-wise operation is very powerful, we can use it to generate many special drawing effects.<br />

Remember when we perform a drawing operation, what actually happens in the hardware level is that data<br />


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