Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 6. Dialog Box<br />

Sample<br />

Sampel 6.5\DB demonstrates background customization. It is a standard dialog-based application<br />

generated from Application Wizard. In the sample, instead of using a uniform color, the dialog box paints<br />

its background with a bitmap image (Figure 6-3).<br />

Figure 6-3. Customize the background of a dialog box<br />

Because WM_ERASEBKGND is not listed as a dialog box message, first we need to customize the filter<br />

settings for this application. We can do this by invoking Class Wizard, clicking “Class Info” tab then<br />

changing the default setting in combo box “Message Filter” from “Dialog” to “Window”. By going back to<br />

“Message maps” page now, we can find WM_ERASEBKGND in “Message” window, and add a message handler<br />

for it. The function name should be CDBDlg::OnEraseBkgnd(…).<br />

In the sample, a bitmap resource IDB_BITMAP_DLGBGD is added to the application, which will be used to<br />

draw the background of the dialog box. In function CDBDlg::OnEraseBkgnd(…), this bitmap is painted<br />

repeatedly until all dialog box area is covered by it:<br />

BOOL CDBDlg::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC *pDC)<br />

{<br />

CBitmap bmp;<br />

CBitmap *ptrBmpOld;<br />

CDC dcMemory;<br />

BITMAP bm;<br />

CRect rect;<br />

int i, j;<br />

int nHor, nVer;<br />

bmp.LoadBitmap(IDB_BITMAP_DLGBGD);<br />

bmp.GetBitmap(&bm);<br />

GetClientRect(rect);<br />

nHor=rect.Width()/bm.bmWidth+1;<br />

nVer=rect.Height()/bm.bmHeight+1;<br />

dcMemory.CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);<br />

ptrBmpOld=dcMemory.SelectObject(&bmp);<br />

for(i=0; i

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