Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 5. Common Controls<br />

modifications to the above message handlers, we can easily implement both node copy and move as<br />

follows: when CTRL key is held down, the node can be copied through drag-n-drop, when there is no key<br />

held down, node will be moved.<br />

5.15 List Control<br />

A list control is another type of control that can be used to manage a list of objects. Rather than storing<br />

items in a tree structure, a list control simply organize them into an array. There is no parent or child node<br />

in a list control.<br />

A list control can be viewed in different styles: 1) Normal icon style ⎯ each item is represented by a<br />

big icon. 2) Small icon style ⎯ each item is represented by a small icon. 3) List style ⎯ all items are<br />

represented by small icons contained in a vertical list. 4) Report style ⎯ the details of all items are listed in<br />

several vertical lists.<br />

In <strong>MFC</strong>, list control is supported by class CListCtrl. Implementing list control is similar to<br />

implementing tree control: the list control resource can be created in dialog template, then the list control<br />

can be initialized in the dialog’s initialization stage. Each item in the list control can be associated with one<br />

or more images, they will be used to represent the item in different styles. Usually we need to associate two<br />

images for an item: one big image for normal style, and a small image for other three styles. In general<br />

case, we need to prepare two image lists to create a list control.<br />


The procedure of initializing list control is similar to that of tree control. First we need to create two<br />

image lists: one for normal icon style; one for small icon style. Then we need to call function<br />

CListCtrl::SelectImageList(…) to associate the image lists with the list control. The following is the<br />

format of this function:<br />

CImageList *CListCtrl::SetImageList(CImageList *pImageList, int nImageList);<br />

Here pImageList is a pointer to the image list, and nImageList specifies the type of image list: it could<br />

be LVSIL_NORMAL or LVSIL_SMALL, representing which style the image list will be used for.<br />

After the image list is set, we need to add columns for the list control (Figure 5-12). This can be<br />

implemented by calling function CListCtrl::InsertColumn(…), which has the following format:<br />

int CListCtrl::InsertColumn(int nCol, const LV_COLUMN* pColumn);<br />

The function has two parameters. The first one indicates which column is to be added (0 based index),<br />

and the second one is a pointer to LV_COLUMN type object:<br />

typedef struct _LV_COLUMN {<br />

UINT mask;<br />

int fmt;<br />

int cx;<br />

LPSTR pszText;<br />

int cchTextMax;<br />

int iSubItem;<br />

} LV_COLUMN;<br />

Here, member mask indicates which of the other members contain valid values, this is the same with<br />

structure LV_ITEM. Member fmt indicates the text alignment for the column, it can be LVCFMT_LEFT,<br />

LVCFMT_RIGHT, or LVCFMT_CENTER. Member cx indicates the width of the column, and iSubItem indicates<br />

its index. Member pszText is a pointer to the text string that will be displayed for each column. Finally,<br />

cchTextMax specifies the size of buffer pointed by pszText.<br />


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