Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 5. Common Controls<br />

TV_INSERTSTRUCT tvInsertStruct;<br />

char szBuf[256];<br />

HTREEITEM hTreeItem;<br />

}<br />

tvInsertStruct.item.mask=<br />

(<br />



TVIF_IMAGE |<br />


TVIF_TEXT |<br />


);<br />

tvInsertStruct.item.pszText=szBuf;<br />

tvInsertStruct.item.cchTextMax=sizeof(szBuf);<br />

tvInsertStruct.item.hItem=hTreeDragSrc;<br />

GetItem(&tvInsertStruct.item);<br />

tvInsertStruct.hParent=hTreeDragTgt;<br />

tvInsertStruct.hInsertAfter=TVI_LAST;<br />

hTreeItem=InsertItem(&tvInsertStruct);<br />

if(tvInsertStruct.item.cChildren != 0)<br />

{<br />

hTreeDragSrc=GetChildItem(hTreeDragSrc);<br />

while(TRUE)<br />

{<br />

if(hTreeDragSrc == NULL)break;<br />

CopyItemTo(hTreeItem, hTreeDragSrc);<br />

hTreeDragSrc=GetNextItem(hTreeDragSrc, TVGN_NEXT);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

This function copies node hTreeDragSrc along with all its descendent nodes, and make them the child<br />

nodes of hTreeDragTgt. First we call function CTreeCtrl::GetItem(…) to retrieve source node’s<br />

information. We must pass a TV_ITEM type pointer to this function, and the corresponding object will be<br />

filled with the information of the specified node. Here, we use member item of structure TV_INSERTSTRUCT<br />

to receive a node’s information (Variable tvInsertStruct is declared by TV_INSERTSTRUCT, it will be used<br />

to create new nodes). When calling this function, member mask of TV_ITEM structure specifies which<br />

member should be filled with the node’s information. In our case, we want to know the handle of this node,<br />

the associated images, the text of the label, the current state (expanded, highlighted, etc.), and if the node<br />

has any child node. So we need to set the following bits of member mask: TVIF_CHILDREN, TVIF_HANDLE,<br />

TVIF_IMAGE, TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE, TVIF_TEXT and TVIFF_STATE. Note we must provide our own buffer to<br />

receive the label text. In the function, szBuf is declared as a char type array and its address is stored in<br />

pszText member of TV_ITEM. Then we use tvInsertStruct to create a new node. Since we have already<br />

stuffed item member with valid information, here we only need to assign the target handle (stored in<br />

hTreeDragTgt) to hParent, and assign TVI_LAST to hInsertAfter. This will make the new node to<br />

become the child of the target node, and be added to the end of all child nodes under the target node. Next<br />

we check if this node has any child node. If so, we find out all the child nodes and call this function<br />

recursively to copy all the child nodes. For this step, we use the newly created node as the target node, this<br />

will ensure that the original tree structure will not change after copying.<br />

In the final step, we call function CTreeCtrl::GetChileItem(…) to find out a node’s first child node,<br />

then call function CTreeCtrl::GetNextitem(…) repeatedly to get the rest child nodes. The two functions<br />

will return NULL if no child node is found.<br />


Now we need to implement TVN_BEGINDRAG message handler. First, we need to obtain the node that<br />

was clicked by the mouse cursor. To obtain the current position of mouse cursor, we can call API function<br />

::GetCursorPos(…). Since this position is measured in the screen coordinate system, we need to further<br />

call function CWnd::ScreenToClient(…) to convert the coordinates to the coordinate system of the tree<br />

control window. Then we can set variable m_bIsDragging to TRUE, and call function<br />

CTreeCtrl::HitTest(…) to find out if the mouse cursor is over any node:<br />


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