Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 5. Common Controls<br />

}<br />

ptrEdit->SetSel(0, -1);<br />

nSize=ptrCombo->GetCount();<br />

bHit=FALSE;<br />

for(i=0; iGetLBText(i, szStrLB);<br />

if(szStrLB == szStr)<br />

{<br />

bHit=TRUE;<br />

break;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

if(bHit == FALSE)<br />

{<br />

ptrCombo->AddString(szStr);<br />

if(wParam == IDC_COMBO_DROPDOWN)<br />

{<br />

GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_DROPDOWN)->SetWindowText(szStr);<br />

}<br />

if(wParam == IDC_COMBO_SIMPLE)<br />

{<br />

GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_SIMPLE)->SetWindowText(szStr);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

return (LRESULT)TRUE;<br />

In this message handler, we first obtain a pointer to the combo box using the ID passed through WPARAP<br />

message parameter. Then we use above-mentioned method to get the pointer to the edit box (a child<br />

window of combo box), and assign it to variable ptrEdit. Then we use this pointer to call function CWnd::<br />

GetWindowText(…) to retrieve the text contained in the edit box window. If the edit box is not empty (this is<br />

checked by calling function CString::IsEmpty()), we select all the text in the edit box by calling function<br />

CEdit::SetSel(…), which has the following format:<br />

void CEdit::SetSel(int nStartChar, int nEndChar, BOOL bNoScroll = FALSE);<br />

The first two parameters of this function allow us to specify a range indicating which characters are to<br />

be selected. If we pass 0 to nStartChar and -1 to nEndChar, all the characters in the edit box will be<br />

selected. Then we use a loop to check if the text contained in the edit box is identical to any item string in<br />

the list box. In case there is no hit, we will add this string to the list box by calling function<br />

CComboBox::AddString(…). Finally, a TRUE value is returned before this function exits.<br />

Using this method, we can also trap other keystrokes such as DELETE, ESC to the combo box. This<br />

will make the application easier to use.<br />

5.10 Implementing Subclass for the Edit Box of a Combo Box<br />

Under certain conditions we may want to put restrictions on the contents of the list items. For example,<br />

sometimes we may want the combo box to hold only numerical characters (‘0’-‘9’), and sometimes we may<br />

expect it to hold only alphabetical characters (‘a’-‘z’, ‘A’-‘Z’). In these cases, we may want to customize<br />

the properties of the edit box so that only a special set of characters can be accepted. If we are creating an<br />

edit box resource in dialog template, this can be easily achieved by setting its customizable styles. But for<br />

the edit box of a combo box, we can not customize its styles before it is created, so the edit box contained<br />

in a combo box will have only the default styles.<br />

To customize the behavior of the edit box in a combo box, we need to use “subclass” technique. We<br />

can design our own class to intercept and process the messages sent to the edit box. Sample 5.10\CCtl<br />

demonstrates how to customize the edit box that belongs to a combo box. It is based on sample 5.9\CCtl,<br />

with two combo boxes customized as follows: combo box IDC_COMBO_SIMPLE allows only numerical<br />

characters to be input into the edit box; combo box IDC_COMBO_DROPDOWN accepts only alphabetic<br />

characters.<br />


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