Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 5. Common Controls<br />

((CSpinButtonCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SPIN_HOR))->SetRange(50, 0);<br />

((CSpinButtonCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SPIN_HOR))->SetBase(10);<br />

((CSpinButtonCtrl *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SPIN_HOR))->SetPos(25);<br />

}<br />

return TRUE;<br />

5.3 Displaying Text Strings in the Buddy Window<br />

Sometimes we want the buddy to display text strings rather than numerical numbers. For example, we<br />

may prefer the text displayed in the buddy window to be “One”, “Two”, “Three”… rather than “1”, “2”,<br />

“3”…. To customize this style, we could not use “Set buddy integer” style anymore. Instead, we need to<br />

write our own message handlers and set the buddy control’s text by ourselves.<br />

When the position of a spin has changed, the parent window of the spin control will receive a<br />

UDN_DELTAPOS message. From this message, we can get the current position of the spin control, along with<br />

the proposed change to the current position. Based on this information, we can decide what we should<br />

display in the buddy control window.<br />

Sample 5.3\CCtl demonstrates how to display text strings in a buddy window. It is based on sample<br />

5.2\CCtl, with a new spin control IDC_SPIN_STR and an edit box IDC_EDIT_STR added to the application.<br />

The edit control will display text strings “Zero”, “One”, “Two”,…, “Nine” instead of integers. The buddy<br />

of spin IDC_SPIN_STR is set automatically.<br />

The UDN_DELTAPOS message handler can be added through following steps: 1) Invoke Class Wizard,<br />

click “Messages Maps” tab. 2) Select “CCCtlDlg” class from “Class name” window, then highlight<br />

“IDC_SPIN_STR” in “Object IDs” window. 3) There will be two messages contained in “Messages”<br />

window, we need to highlight “UDN_DELTAPOS” and press “Add function” button. The newly added<br />

function will look like follows:<br />

void CCCtlDlg::OnDeltaposSpinStr(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)<br />

{<br />


}<br />

*pResult = 0;<br />

The first parameter here is a NMHDR type pointer. This is a structure that contains Windows<br />

notification messages. A notification message is sent to the parent window of a common control to notify<br />

the changes on that control. It is used to handle events such as mouse left button clicking, left button double<br />

clicking, mouse right button clicking, and right button double clicking performed on a common control.<br />

Many types of common controls use this message to notify the parent window. For spin control, after<br />

receiving this message, we need to cast the pointer type from NMHDR to NM_UPDOWN. Here structure<br />

MN_UPDOWN is defined as follows:<br />

typedef struct _NM_UPDOWN { nmud<br />

NMHDR hdr; // notification message header<br />

int iPos; // current position<br />

int iDelta; // proposed change in position<br />

} NM_UPDOWNW;<br />

In the structure, member iPos specifies the current position of the spin control, and iDelta indicates<br />

the proposed change on spin’s position. We can calculate the new position of the spin control by adding up<br />

these two members.<br />

The following function shows how the buddy’s text is set after receiving the message:<br />

void CCCtlDlg::OnDeltaposSpinStr(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)<br />

{<br />

int nNewPos;<br />

char szNumber[][16]=<br />

{<br />


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