Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming

Advanced MFC Programming


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Chapter 4. Button<br />

The button’s ID can be retrieved by calling function CWnd::GetDlgCtrlID(), it will be sent through<br />

WPARAM parameter to the button’s parent. The x and y coordinates of mouse cursor can be combined together<br />

to form an LPARAM parameter by using MAKELPARAM macro. Here, macro MAKELPARAM can combine two 16-<br />

bit numbers to form a 32-bit message. If we provide two 32-bit numbers, only the lower 16 bits will be<br />

used (Of course, screen coordinates won’t use more than 16 bits).<br />

The message is received and processed in class CBtnDlg. In <strong>MFC</strong>, general message can be mapped to a<br />

member function by using ON_MESSAGE macro. This type of message handler has two parameters, one for<br />

receiving WPARAM information and the other for receiving LPARAM information. Also, it must return a LONG<br />

type value.<br />

The following code fragment shows how member function OnBtnPos(…) is declared in class CBtnDlg<br />

(It will be used to receive WM_BTNPOS message):<br />

……<br />

……<br />

class CBtnDlg : public CDialog<br />

{<br />

protected:<br />

};<br />

afx_msg LONG OnBtnPos(UINT, LONG);<br />


In the implementation file, ON_MESSAGE macro is added as follows:<br />

……<br />

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CBtnDlg, CDialog)<br />



The control ID and the mouse information can be extracted within the message handler as follows:<br />

LONG CBtnDlg::OnBtnPos(UINT wParam, LONG lParam)<br />

{<br />

CPoint pt;<br />

UINT uID;<br />

uID=wParam;<br />

pt.x=LOWORD(lParam);<br />

pt.y=HIWORD(lParam);<br />

}<br />

return (LONG)TRUE;<br />

Sample<br />

Sample 4.6\Btn has a four-arrow bitmap button. First a button resource is added to the dialog template,<br />

whose ID is IDC_PLAY_POS and caption text is “PLAYPOS” (bitmaps will be loaded through automatic<br />

method). Two new bitmap resources “PLAYPOSU” and “PLAYPOSD” are also added to the application,<br />

which will be used to draw button’s “up” and “down” states.<br />

We need to know the sizes and the positions of four arrows within the bitmap button so we can judge if<br />

the mouse cursor is over any of the arrows. Within class CBtnDlg, a CRect type array with size of 4 is<br />

declared for this purpose. Their values are initialized in function CBtnDlg::OnInitDialog(). Also an<br />

MCBitmapButton type variable m_btnPlayPos is declared to implement this new button:<br />

……<br />

……<br />

……<br />

……<br />

class CBtnDlg : public CDialog<br />

{<br />

protected:<br />

};<br />

MCBitmapButton m_btnPlayPos;<br />

CRect m_rectBtnPos[4];<br />


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