A Review Of Global Developments - DME

A Review Of Global Developments - DME A Review Of Global Developments - DME

The <strong>DME</strong> Success Story:<br />

A R eview of <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Developments</strong><br />

Dr. T heo F leisch and Dr. Ron S ills<br />

BP Group T echnology and International <strong>DME</strong> Association<br />

NGCS 8<br />

Natal, Brazil<br />

May 2007

Oxygenates /<strong>DME</strong> in the NGCS s eries<br />

• F irst mention in S outh Africa (NGCS 4, 1995)<br />

• Market led GT L: the Oxygenate S trategy (NGCS 6, 2001, Alaska)<br />

í Great promise, great hurdles<br />

• B eyond GT L -F T : L arge S cale Gas Convers ion through Oxygenates (NGCS 7,<br />

2004, Dalian)<br />

í B uilding momentum (as s ociations , conferences )<br />

í Atlas methanol<br />

í First commercial plants in China<br />

• T he <strong>DME</strong> S uccess S tory: A <strong>Review</strong> of <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Developments</strong> (NGCS 8, 2007,<br />


Outline<br />

• Drivers for the emerging conversion indus try<br />

• T he s pecial role of oxygenates (methanol and <strong>DME</strong> )<br />

• T he long journey for new technologies and bus ines s es<br />

• A global update on oxygenate developments<br />

• A look into the future

Drivers : s tranded and as s ociated gas<br />

• Gas Reserves (2005) = 6500T CF<br />

(185T CM); “under-explored”<br />

• R/P ratio: ~70 years (versus oil at ~35)<br />

• About 40% of gas is stranded<br />

í (Russia, Qatar, Alaska, …)<br />

í S olution: convers ion of gas into<br />

trans portable liquids<br />

• Associated gas: re-injected or flared<br />

í ~15bcfd flared

New driver: S ecurity of supply<br />

Indus try moves from GT P to “XTP”<br />

Convers ion T echnologies<br />

Methane<br />

Coal<br />

Petcoke<br />

Biomass<br />

Reforming<br />

Synthesis<br />

Gas<br />

CO + H2<br />

GT L P R OCE S S<br />

FT<br />

Upgrading<br />


Methanol and <strong>DME</strong><br />

Gas oline, Hydrogen<br />

Olefins<br />

Ammonia and others<br />

Diesel<br />

Naphtha<br />

S yn-crude<br />

Gas ification/UCG<br />

“Clean Coal T echnologies ”

Driver: value creation<br />

F eeds tock: $0 to 2/MMB T U (remote/flared gas ; coal)<br />

Products: $10/MMBT U<br />

(diesel at $50 oil or methanol at $200/t)<br />

XT P: Benefits from high oil prices<br />

Mitigated by es calating capital cos ts<br />

Coal convers ion more expens ive than gas conversion

BP Context<br />

• Drivers of the E nergy F uture<br />

í Demand growth<br />

í L ocation of demand and res ources<br />

í S ecurity of s upply<br />

í Environmental Impact<br />

• Key T echnologies<br />

í Resource business extensions<br />

í L ow-carbon technologies<br />

í Convers ion technologies<br />

S o: BP S ustainability Report, www.bp.com

Outline<br />

• Drivers for the emerging conversion indus try<br />

• T he s pecial role of oxygenates (methanol and <strong>DME</strong> )<br />

• T he long journey for new technologies and bus ines s es<br />

• A global update on oxygenate developments<br />

• A look into the future

Why oxygenates ? Why <strong>DME</strong> ?<br />

• Oxygenates (general)<br />

í Proven production technologies (high efficiency)<br />

í Multiple markets (fuels and chemicals)<br />

í S uperior combus tion properties<br />

í Pos itive environmental impact<br />

• <strong>DME</strong> (specific)<br />

í L P G blending opportunity<br />

− (WL PG As s ociation endors ed)<br />

í Environmentally benign<br />

í Ultimate dies el fuel

Comparis on GT L and MeOH/<strong>DME</strong><br />

GT L -F T<br />

MeOH/<strong>DME</strong><br />

T echnology<br />

availability<br />

Is s ue but improving<br />

<strong>Global</strong> choice<br />

Process steps<br />

3<br />

2/3<br />

E fficiencies<br />

T hermal/carbon<br />

F uel markets<br />

60/77<br />

Conventional<br />

Large<br />

70/85<br />

Conventional<br />


Why oxygenates ? Why <strong>DME</strong> ? ---continued<br />

• New, large markets<br />

í Methanol in gas oline<br />

í <strong>DME</strong> in LPG<br />

í New chemistries (eg olefins )<br />

• Divers ity of products and markets<br />

í Beyond GTL-FT and LNG<br />

í Gas R efinery or Polygeneration<br />

• S maller s cale projects<br />

í S maller gas field requirement<br />

− ~150mms cfd; 300mms cfd for GT L-F T<br />

í Less capital, less risk

Outline<br />

• Drivers for the emerging conversion indus try<br />

• T he s pecial role of oxygenates (methanol and <strong>DME</strong> )<br />

• T he long journey for new technologies and bus ines s es<br />

• A global update on oxygenate developments<br />

• A look into the future

A B rief His tory of <strong>DME</strong><br />

1963<br />

Major Activity/E vent<br />

F irs t us e as aeros ol<br />

Companies<br />

Akzo Nobel<br />

1990-94<br />

Jan/Feb<br />

1995<br />

1996-2001<br />

1996-now<br />

2000-4<br />

<strong>DME</strong> multi-purpos e fuel s trategy development<br />

Dies el fuel demons tration<br />

P res s conference, papers , world tour<br />

IEA <strong>DME</strong> Annex XIV & XX (workshops & studies)<br />

India <strong>DME</strong> Project<br />

Multiple commercial projects pursued<br />

Formation of IDA, JDF, KDF, and CDA<br />

Amoco, HT AS , AVL , DT U ,<br />

B P vis it with NE DO, T E PCO,<br />

EPDC and others<br />

TNO and 16 companies;<br />

Amoco and partners<br />

Amoco, Japan <strong>DME</strong> L td, <strong>DME</strong><br />

International, Iran, Chinese<br />

ventures , Methanex,<br />

200+ members<br />

2004-7<br />

F irs t commercial projects !!!<br />

Annual conferences<br />

S handong Jiutai. Luthianhua<br />


Development History of JFE Direct <strong>DME</strong> Synthesis<br />

89 90 91 92 93<br />

94 95 96<br />

97 98 99 00 01<br />

02 03 04 05 06<br />

Laboratory<br />

Bench<br />

Pilot<br />

Demonstration<br />

scale test<br />

scale test<br />

scale test<br />

test<br />

1kg/day<br />

50kg/day<br />

5t/day<br />

100t/day<br />

Catalyst<br />

Development<br />

Catalyst production Process Development<br />

<strong>DME</strong> Synthesis Process Development<br />

Syn-gas Process Development

Outline<br />

• Drivers for the emerging conversion indus try<br />

• T he s pecial role of oxygenates (methanol and <strong>DME</strong> )<br />

• T he long journey for new technologies and bus ines s es<br />

• A global update on oxygenate developments<br />

• A look into the future

Major developments since NGCS 7 in 2004<br />

• Crude oil has jumped to over $60/bbl<br />

í Makes products more valuable<br />

í S ecurity of s upply iss ues are on fore-front<br />

• World scale size of oxygenate plants has doubled (>5000tpd)<br />

í L owers cos t of production<br />

í Produces material quantities<br />

í Methanol dehydration plants : increas ed to >100ktpa (S handong<br />

Juitai Chemical, L uthianhua Group)<br />

• <strong>DME</strong>/LPG cooking market has been developed in China<br />

í E as y blending/high value<br />

• <strong>DME</strong> dies el market has been advanced to s erious fleet tes ting<br />

• <strong>DME</strong> power market potential currently decreased due to lower value<br />

of power versus synthetic liquid fuels

Methanol: relations hip of chemical and fuel value<br />

Wholesale Gasoline & Crude Price vs Methanol Price<br />

3.00<br />

Energy Equivalence and Volumetric Equivalence<br />

119<br />

Wholesale Gasoline Price<br />

($/gallon)<br />

2.60<br />

2.20<br />

1.80<br />

1.40<br />

1.00<br />

Energy E basis eq<br />

Volumetric basis<br />

Volumetric eq<br />

102<br />

85<br />

69<br />

52<br />

35<br />

WTI Crude Price ($/bbl)<br />

0.60<br />

18<br />

0.20<br />

1<br />

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800<br />

Methanol Price ($/MT)

Atlas Plant inT rinidad<br />

Pioneer methanol plant; Operational since 2004<br />

• 5000tpd (150MMscfd); equivalent to 15,000bpd GT L<br />

• Operated by Methanex, B P is 40% equity partner<br />

• World’s largest single train reformer

L P Gas and <strong>DME</strong> : S ome characteris tics<br />

Butane<br />

Propane<br />

<strong>DME</strong><br />

C 4<br />

H 10<br />

C 3<br />

H 8<br />

C 2<br />

H 6<br />

O<br />

Boiling Point<br />

-2° C<br />

-45°C<br />

-25°C<br />

Kcal/Kg<br />

11800<br />

11900<br />

6900<br />

Kcal/l<br />

6840<br />

5950<br />

5110<br />

Cetane Number<br />

5<br />

55<br />

Octane Number<br />

100<br />


Dies el: 2 nd generation vehicles developed<br />

“<strong>DME</strong> is our preferred long term fuel, and under evaluation.” Volvo Group (2005)<br />

• T es t vehicles in S weden, Japan and<br />

China<br />

• Most technical problems resolved<br />

í L ubricity packages developed<br />

í <strong>DME</strong> resistant polymers found<br />

• Ultra-low emissions confirmed<br />

• Improved dies el efficiency<br />

demons trated

Methanol/<strong>DME</strong> projects : trans ition from chemicals to fuels<br />

Trinidad – (2) 5,000 TPD<br />

Atlas<br />

Methanol Holdings<br />

Oman Methanol - 3,000 TPD<br />

Qatar Methanol - 6,750 TPD<br />

Methanex<br />

Egypt <strong>DME</strong><br />

Iran Methanol 1- 5<br />

5,000 TPD<br />

Iran <strong>DME</strong><br />

2500 TPD<br />

Qatar<br />

<strong>DME</strong> Int’l Corp.<br />

2,500-4,500 TPD<br />

China Methanol<br />

2020: 60mmtpa<br />

mostly coal based<br />

China <strong>DME</strong> Plants<br />

2020: 20mmtpa<br />

mostly coal based<br />

Japan <strong>DME</strong> Ltd<br />

3,000 TPD<br />

Methanex<br />

Chile <strong>DME</strong><br />

Heritage plant<br />

Mobil MTG<br />

Methanol<br />

Methanol for Fuel, Power/Olefins<br />


China conversion strategy<br />

•2006 – 2020: $130 billion for mostly coal based conversion projects<br />

•2020: 10% of gasoline, diesel, LPG and olefins supplied through<br />

MeOH, F T , <strong>DME</strong> and DT O

Methanol/<strong>DME</strong> in China<br />

S handong Jiutai Chemical industry<br />

1 million T /y - 2009<br />

Xinao Group<br />

400,000 T /y - under construction<br />

Mengda Group<br />

1 million T /y – under planning<br />

L uthianhua Group<br />

200,000 T /y – under planning<br />

China Nat. Coal/S inopec<br />

3,000,000 T /y – 2010<br />

Yigao Chemical Co<br />

20,000 T /yr– Aug 2006 wet commiss.<br />

S hanxi L anhua S ci--<br />

Tech<br />

100,000 T /y – under<br />

construction, 2007<br />

(Jincheng)<br />

L anhu Group<br />

1,000,000 T /Y-under<br />

planning<br />

Thousands<br />

Year MT/yr<br />

2004 40<br />

2005 155<br />

2006 275<br />

2007 935<br />

2008 1555<br />

2009 4155<br />

2010 8355<br />

S handong Jiutai<br />

Chemical Industry<br />

30,000 T /yr 2003<br />

100,000 T /yr 2005<br />

S henhua Ningxia<br />

Coal Industry Group<br />

210,000 T /y -2007<br />

T o 830,000 T /y - 2008<br />

Yankuang Group<br />

200,000 T /y - 2009<br />

Yuannan Jiehua<br />

Chem. Group<br />

150,000 T/y – 2007<br />

Under construction<br />

Hubei Zhongjie Petrochem. Group<br />

100,000 T/y – under const. - 2007<br />

Hubei B iocause P harmaceutical<br />

100,000 T /y – under planning -2007<br />

Memo: This is a work in progress, Ron Sills, Sept. 19, 2006<br />

L uthianhua Group<br />

Inc, S ichuan<br />

10,000 T /y – 2003<br />

110,000 T /y – 2006<br />

Shanghai<br />

Coking/Huayi<br />

Company<br />

5000 T /y – Apr.2006<br />

Xinao Group<br />

10,000 T /y – Jan. 2006<br />

1 MT <strong>DME</strong> requires 1.4 MT methanol

Walter F lowers Clean E nergy Achievement Award<br />

Dr, T heo H F leis ch<br />

Dr. Yotaro Ohno<br />

Outstanding Achievement Award<br />

F or the Advancement of<br />

<strong>DME</strong><br />

as a new and clean<br />

Multi-feedstock & Multipurpose<br />

Fuel<br />

P aris , S eptember 2006

Outline<br />

• Drivers for the emerging conversion indus try<br />

• T he s pecial role of oxygenates (methanol and <strong>DME</strong> )<br />

• T he long journey for new technologies and bus ines s es<br />

• A global update on oxygenate developments<br />

• A look into the future

Automotive fuel demand s cenario to 2100<br />

Energy Demand x10 18 J<br />

300<br />

Gas<br />

Hydrogen<br />

Gas eous<br />

Fuels<br />

250<br />

Electricity<br />

200<br />

BP<br />

S ynthetic fuels<br />

and biofuels<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

Diesel / Gasoline<br />

F rom oil<br />

Liquid<br />

Fuels<br />

0<br />

2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100<br />

Source: Data IEAsourceWEC; with modification

The future in XTP<br />

• On-going R &D and value engineering<br />

í lower cost processes<br />

í Higher efficiencies<br />

í CO2 management (at leas t from non gas bas ed plants )<br />

• Floating applications<br />

í Marinization of GT P<br />

í Micro-channel technologies (Velocys , CompactGT L)<br />

• New products from s yngas , methanol and <strong>DME</strong><br />

í <strong>DME</strong> to olefins is here

S ummary<br />

• Methanol and <strong>DME</strong> have entered the fuel market<br />

í E as y marketing through blending with conventional fuels<br />

í Paradigm shift in methanol business<br />

í Critical capacity is built up<br />

í P roduction from coal dominates<br />

• F uture outlook<br />

í Clean diesel business emerges by 2010<br />

í DT O becomes technology of choice<br />

í <strong>DME</strong> will become versatile chemical building block

Thank you<br />



T he dangers of technical prediction<br />

• Nuclear-powered vacuum cleaners will probably be a reality in 10 years - Alex L ewyt,<br />

pres ident of vacuum cleaner company L ewyt Corp., 1955<br />

• T here is no reas on anyone would want a computer in their home -<br />

Ken Ols on, pres ident of Digital E quipment Corp. 1977<br />

• Drill for oil? You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil?<br />

You’re crazy. - Drillers who Edwin L. Drake tried to enlist in 1859<br />

• Radio has no future. Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. X-rays will<br />

prove to be a hoax - William T homson, Lord Kelvin, 1899

Convers ion T echnologies<br />

Primary E nergy Conversion T echnology Products<br />

Natural<br />

Gas<br />

Reforming<br />

Syngas<br />

Convers ion<br />

Clean F uels<br />

Coal<br />

Gas ification<br />

-FT<br />

-Oxygenates<br />

- Chemicals<br />

Chemicals<br />

Biomass<br />

Power<br />

Generation<br />

Extra<br />

Heavy Oil<br />

E nzymatic/B iological Conversion<br />

R efining Processes<br />

Electricity<br />

Shale Oil<br />

CO 2 Capture<br />

CO 2 for<br />


Proces s carbon efficiencies<br />

Benchmark:<br />

LNG and refineries<br />

GT L today<br />

Goal<br />

Methanol/<strong>DME</strong> today<br />

Goal<br />

Carbon efficiency (%)<br />

85 - 90<br />

75 – 80<br />

~/>85<br />

80 – 83<br />

85 - 90

Impact of high crude and product prices<br />

18<br />

17<br />

16<br />

15<br />

14<br />

13<br />

12<br />

11<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

1980<br />

1981<br />

US Energy Costs ($/Million BTU)<br />

1982<br />

1983<br />

USA<br />

Gasoline>Diesel>Natural<br />

gas /L NG>Coal<br />

L iquid fuels >> natural gas<br />

1984<br />

1985<br />

1986<br />

1987<br />

1988<br />

1989<br />

1990<br />

1991<br />

1992<br />

1993<br />

1994<br />

1995<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

Bituminous Coal Lignite Coal Natural Gas Domestic Crude<br />

Imported Crude Gasoline Diesel >1%S Resid Fuel Oil

GT P offers large markets for gas<br />

Target Products<br />

Comparison: L NG<br />

S ynthetic “crude”<br />

GT L -F T Dies el<br />

Methanol, chemical<br />

Methanol as /to gas oline<br />

Methanol to <strong>DME</strong> (L PG)<br />

Methanol to Olefins<br />

Power (methanol, hydrogen)<br />

Ammonia<br />

Product market s ize<br />

MMT P A<br />

150 (actual size)<br />

3800<br />

1100<br />

34<br />

900<br />

215<br />

140<br />

Very large<br />


S namprogetti L PG/<strong>DME</strong> blending diagram<br />


&RRNLQJ±Y<br />


6,(QJLQHV±<br />

'0(<br />

'0(±/3*DV0L[WXUHV<br />


New <strong>DME</strong> Production Technology<br />

Two step process (Mega-Methanol+Dehydration)<br />

Licensor: Haldor Topsoe, Lurgi, DPT, Toyo, MGC,etc.<br />

(1)Methanol Synthesis:<br />

2CH 4 +O 2 +H 2 O 4H 2 +2CO+H 2 O 2CH 3 OH<br />

(2)Dehydration of Methanol:<br />

2CH 3 OH<br />

CH 3 OCH 3 +H 2 O<br />

One step process:<br />

Licensor: JFE<br />

2CH 4 +O 2 +CO 2 3H 2 +3CO+H 2 O CH 3 OCH 3 +CO 2

Fundamental Process Flow of XinAo Coal Chemical Project<br />

Coal-based energy<br />

chemical basic<br />

process<br />

+\GURJHQ<br />



072<br />



(WK\OHQH<br />

(WK\OHQH<br />

3RO\HWK\OHQH<br />

3RO\HWK\OHQH<br />

39& 39&<br />


&RDO &RDO<br />



6KLI 6KLI<br />



0HWKDQRO<br />

0HWKDQRO<br />

'0( '0(<br />


073<br />

3URS\OHQH<br />

3URS\OHQH<br />

/3* /3*<br />



1* 1* &1* &1* /1* /1* )XHO<br />



<strong>DME</strong> Application and Marketing 6WUDWHJ\<br />

<strong>DME</strong> Plant<br />

Civil<br />

Fuel<br />

Diesel Alternative<br />

Torch Cutting<br />

Power generation, cogeneration,<br />

air conditioner<br />

refrigerant, china etc.<br />


<strong>DME</strong> Markets : different paces of development<br />

CFC<br />

Replacement<br />

Three Primary Fuel Applications...<br />

1<br />

commercial<br />

LPG<br />

Alternative<br />

<strong>DME</strong><br />

2<br />

ready<br />

3<br />

demonstration<br />

Power<br />

Generation<br />

Transportation Fuel

Progress on <strong>DME</strong> as Diesel fuel at DT U, Denmark<br />




<strong>DME</strong><br />

combustion<br />

chamber<br />

Diesel<br />

combustion<br />


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