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Considerate Constructors Scheme<br />

performance review<br />

Second half 2012<br />

2013 Code and Checklist<br />



02 Introduction<br />

03 2013 Code and Checklist<br />

11 <strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> performance from July to December 2012/ Scores above the industry average<br />

12 Second/third visit analysis<br />

13 Best practice and below average performance by category<br />

15 <strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> companies performance in second half 2012 - site reports<br />

21 Two of the best<br />

22 CCS co-ordinators<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Introduction<br />

Paul Sheffield<br />

Chief Executive<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Alan Smith<br />

Director of Corporate<br />

Communications<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

I am pleased to be ending yet another year of associate<br />

membership under the Scheme on a positive note<br />

with the <strong>Group</strong>’s monthly performance remaining at<br />

a consistently high mark. I would like to extend my<br />

thanks to everyone who is involved in maintaining<br />

such high standards - it truly is an achievement that<br />

you should all be proud of.<br />

As you will see from these pages, the Scheme has<br />

introduced major changes to its Code, Checklist and<br />

scoring system, and I encourage all of you to study<br />

this document and the CCS website to ensure that you<br />

have a full understanding of how these changes will<br />

affect you and your site. Only with your co-operation<br />

can we ensure that this new scoring system is fully<br />

adopted and understood by all those operatives who<br />

go that extra mile to ensure that <strong>Kier</strong> consistently<br />

performs at a level that is way beyond compliance.<br />

Although the new documentation marks major changes<br />

in the way the Scheme now monitors registered sites,<br />

it is important to remember that its aim is still the<br />

same and that is to ensure that registered sites and<br />

companies are improving the image of construction.<br />

I have no doubt that this new system will be fully<br />

implemented by all <strong>Kier</strong> sites and personnel - allowing<br />

the <strong>Group</strong> to maintain the trend of achieving scores well<br />

above the industry average. In turn, this will ensure<br />

that we remain respected by both our competitors and<br />

customers alike - further cementing our reptuation<br />

as one of the most considerate constructors in the<br />

industry.<br />

Welcome to the second CCS review of 2012. I would<br />

like to begin by congratulating everyone on another<br />

fantastic year – these last six months have seen yet<br />

another rise in <strong>Kier</strong>’s average monthly scores with the<br />

<strong>Group</strong> hitting an all-time high of 35.73 out of 40.00<br />

in October. Not only have our sites been achieving<br />

top scores in all the eight categories under the Code<br />

of Considerate Practice, but we are also beating the<br />

industry benchmark by at least 1.25 points every<br />

month. With the CCS introducing more stringent<br />

marking criteria in 2012 it was pleasing to see that<br />

the <strong>Group</strong> managed to maintain a high standard of<br />

performance – showing that its sites are consistently<br />

improving and meeting these new challenges head on.<br />

As you may already be aware, from 1 January the<br />

CCS has completely overhauled its Code of Practice,<br />

supporting Checklist, marking system and Monitor’s<br />

Report. The once eight-point Code has now been<br />

reduced to a five-point document under which sites<br />

and companies will be assessed. This means that<br />

even if a site was originally registered under the old<br />

system, the new scoring method will be used from this<br />

point onwards. It is therefore vitally important that<br />

all staff responsible for their project’s/company’s CCS<br />

performance are up to speed with these changes so<br />

that we can maintain our reputation as considerate<br />

constructors.<br />

Throughout these pages, as well as reporting on the<br />

last six months data, there will be copies of the new<br />

documentation the Scheme is now using to assess<br />

sites and companies. Please make sure that you<br />

and your colleagues familiarise yourselves with this<br />

material and get to grips with the new five points of<br />

the Code of Considerate Practice as well as the tenpoint<br />

scoring system.<br />

If you feel you need further clarification on how this<br />

new system operates the CCS offers a number of<br />

seminars and workshops which offer guidance and<br />

support. Details of how to sign up can be found on<br />

www.ccscheme.org.uk.<br />

Once again please ensure that this document is<br />

filtered down through the businesses so that all those<br />

involved with the CCS have access to a copy.<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


2013 Code and Checklist<br />

The Considerate Constructors Scheme has<br />

now launched a new five-point Code of<br />

Considerate Practice, supporting Checklist,<br />

scoring system and Monitor Reports. From<br />

the 1 January 2013, all registered sites and<br />

companies will be assessed on this new Code<br />

and the scheme monitors will be using the<br />

new supporting Checklist when assessing<br />

registered sites and companies, and will<br />

be reporting and scoring the visit using the<br />

revised formats. All monitor visits taking<br />

place after the 1 January 2013 will be<br />

on the new five-point Code, even if a<br />

first visit was assessed on the eightpoint<br />

version.<br />

Though the Code has been updated to<br />

remain aligned with the industry’s values,<br />

it is important to remember that the aim<br />

remains the same. The Scheme is still looking<br />

to see how registered sites and companies<br />

are improving the image of construction.<br />

Code of Considerate Practice<br />

The new Code is now in five parts and is<br />

no longer a narrative, but a series of bullet<br />

points. Each section of the Code contains<br />

an aspirational supporting statement and<br />

four bullet points which represent the<br />

basic expectations of registration with the<br />

Scheme.<br />

The new Code of Considerate Practice<br />

applies to all registered sites and companies,<br />

regardless of size, type or location.<br />

Monitor’s Checklist<br />

Like the Code, the new Checklist is made up of five sections with ten questions in each section. The four bold,<br />

closed questions are aligned to the four bullet points of the Code, and allow the monitor to establish whether<br />

the site or company has achieved compliance with the Scheme. The six non-bold, open questions directly<br />

support the bold questions by asking ‘what’ is being done and ‘how’ things are being addressed to meet and<br />

exceed the required standards.<br />

The Code of Considerate Practice details the Scheme’s requirements and the Checklist’s bold<br />

questions establish if a site or company is meeting these requirements. The Checklist’s non-bold<br />

questions then ask ‘how’ these requirements are being met or exceeded.<br />

Each question in the Checklist is now supported by a number of ‘prompts’ and these indicate specific items<br />

the monitor may consider when establishing whether the site or company has met the expectations of that<br />

Checklist question. It is important to note that this list of prompts is not exhaustive and inevitably other items<br />

will need to be considered.<br />

It is important to understand that the prompts are just that – prompts. They are on the Checklist to indicate<br />

the kind of issues that the monitor will be looking at within that question, but they are not a ‘sub checklist of<br />

requirements’. Some will apply on all sites while others won’t – it is down to the monitor to look at the size,<br />

type and location of the site, and use his or her judgement to decide what is expected.<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Continued...<br />

The prompts can also be used by site managers to understand the questions but, as above, the list is not<br />

exhaustive and simply addressing each prompt will not necessarily provide a high score. We expect sites to<br />

use their initiative to decide what they can and should do to achieve the expectations of the Scheme.<br />

Monitors will use their discretion when assessing whether questions or prompts are relevant. Where they are<br />

not, they will not be considered when assessing performance or awarding a score. Monitors will decide whether<br />

a question has been adequately addressed taking into account the size, type and location of the site or<br />

company, as well as the context of the project. Credit will not be given for activities that are planned but have<br />

yet to be carried out.<br />

The additional questions detailed on the final page of the Checklist are for data gathering purposes only and<br />

the responses to these questions will have no impact upon the score awarded.<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme<br />

Site Registration Monitors’ Checklist<br />

This checklist should be used as a basis for discussions that complement direct observations by the Monitor.<br />

Questions marked in bold directly reflect the Scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice and must have been satisfactorily<br />

addressed to achieve a ‘compliant’ score.<br />

The Checklist contains a number of prompts that highlight specific areas the Monitor may take into consideration when<br />

reviewing that question. Monitors will only look at the activities of the site during the construction phase.<br />

Monitors will use their discretion when assessing whether questions or prompts are relevant. Where they are not, they<br />

will not be considered when assessing performance or awarding a score. Monitors will decide whether a question has<br />

been adequately addressed taking into account the size, type and location of the site. Credit will not be given for<br />

activities that are planned but have yet to be carried out.<br />

Site ID number Visit No. Date<br />

Brief description of the work, site location and context, anything ‘sensitive’, type of contract and other relevant matters<br />

1. Enhancing the APPEARANCE<br />

Constructors should ensure sites appear professional and well managed.<br />

1.1 Does the external appearance of the First impressions, signage, fencing, obstructions, mud, debris, litter<br />

site present a positive image of the<br />

industry?<br />

1.2 Does the site appear well organised, Tidiness, organisation, entrance<br />

clean and tidy?<br />

1.3 Does the appearance of all facilities, Screening of facilities, remote compounds<br />

stored materials, vehicles and plant make<br />

a positive impression?<br />

1.4 Does the appearance of the workforce Dress code, smoking<br />

project a positive impression?<br />

1.5 What actions are taken to keep the Inspection, public rubbish, access roads, dust prevention<br />

perimeter and surrounding areas clean, tidy<br />

and free of litter, mud and dust?<br />

1.6 What arrangements are in place to Site waste, litter, debris, viewing points, graffiti, vandalism<br />

ensure that the public and visitors see a site<br />

that is organised, clean and tidy?<br />

1.7 How are site facilities, compounds, waste Supervision, procedures<br />

and storage areas cleaned, managed and<br />

maintained?<br />

1.8 How does the site encourage the<br />

Workforce awareness, involvement<br />

workforce to contribute to cleanliness and<br />

good housekeeping?<br />

1.9 How is smoking managed to avoid a Guidance, discrete areas, ashtrays<br />

negative impact on the public?<br />

1.10 How are company values and corporate Branding guidelines, signage, websites, communications<br />

identity promoted?<br />

2. Respecting the COMMUNITY<br />

Constructors should give utmost consideration to their impact on neighbours and the public.<br />

2.1 Are all those affected by the work<br />

identified, notified and kept informed and<br />

shown courtesy and respect?<br />

Pre-start information, company contact information, complaints procedures,<br />

updates, sensitivity to neighbours, special needs<br />

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<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Continued...<br />

2.2 Are all reasonable efforts being made<br />

to minimise the impact of deliveries,<br />

parking and work on the public highway<br />

and footpaths?<br />

2.3 Is the site contributing to and<br />

supporting the local community and<br />

businesses?<br />

2.4 Is the site actively working to create a<br />

positive impression by promoting the<br />

site’s registration with the Scheme and<br />

displaying Scheme banners and posters?<br />

2.5 How does the site ensure that all those<br />

affected, including visitors, are treated with<br />

consideration, courtesy and respect?<br />

2.6 How is nuisance and intrusion<br />

minimised?<br />

2.7 How are compliments, comments and<br />

complaints sought, recorded and managed?<br />

2.8 What is being done to support and<br />

contribute to the local community including<br />

promoting local employment?<br />

2.9 How do company directors, senior<br />

managers, clients and consultants assist the<br />

site in meeting the requirements of the<br />

Code?<br />

2.10 What is being done to leave a positive<br />

and lasting impression of the industry on<br />

completion of the project?<br />

Routes, timings, unloading, public diversions, utility works<br />

Community liaison, local shops, trade contractors<br />

Workforce and public, inductions, toolbox talks, newsletters<br />

Local and special needs, operative conduct and behaviour, induction and<br />

training<br />

Noise, privacy, outlook, radios, phones, cameras, parking and obstruction<br />

24/7 contact information, regular reviews<br />

Corporate Social Responsibility policy, creating opportunities, schools,<br />

businesses, residents<br />

Scheme champions, CCS briefing and action plan, meeting agendas,<br />

management review<br />

Co-operation, support, goodwill, legacy<br />

3. Protecting the ENVIRONMENT<br />

Constructors should protect and enhance the environment.<br />

3.1 Are environmental issues identified,<br />

communicated, managed and promoted?<br />

3.2 Is waste avoided and the use of<br />

resources and energy minimised?<br />

3.3 Are all reasonable efforts being made<br />

to minimise the impact of vibration and of<br />

air, light and noise pollution?<br />

3.4 Are all reasonable efforts being made<br />

to protect the existing ecology, the<br />

landscape and water courses?<br />

3.5 How are environmental issues identified<br />

and managed?<br />

3.6 How are environmental issues<br />

communicated and promoted to the<br />

workforce and the general public?<br />

3.7 How is the site measuring and minimising<br />

its use of natural resources including water?<br />

3.8 How is the site measuring and reporting<br />

its carbon footprint and what is being done to<br />

reduce it?<br />

3.9 How is vibration, and air, light and noise<br />

pollution measured and managed to minimise<br />

impact?<br />

3.10 How is a positive contribution being<br />

made to the natural environment?<br />

Environmental policy statement displayed, site specifics, induction, waste<br />

management plan, workforce, supply chain<br />

Policy, reducing, reusing and recycling, sustainable solutions<br />

Working methods and equipment, programming, noise monitoring<br />

Birds, trees, plants and wildlife, river, hazardous substance storage, spill<br />

control<br />

Management policy, training, specialist input, planning, monitoring<br />

Newsletter, notice board, local groups, consultation, involvement, promoting<br />

achievements<br />

Recycling, sustainable sources, policy, implementation, water/energy saving<br />

measures, harvesting rainwater, offsite construction, prefabrication<br />

Carbon footprint reporting tools, report to company level, energy and fuel use<br />

minimised, eco cabins, signage, travel plans, green purchasing<br />

Noise monitoring, lighting, dust, fumes, working methods<br />

Awareness, goodwill work, planting, landscaping, local materials,<br />

improvements, post completion impact<br />

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<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Continued...<br />

4. Securing everyone’s SAFETY<br />

Constructors should attain the highest levels of safety performance.<br />

Note that the Code addresses the safety systems in place. The safety of the working site is outside the Code and the monitoring<br />

process.<br />

4.1 Are systems in place that care for the First aid, A&E, safety plan updated, inspections, risk information, PPE,<br />

safety of the public, visitors and<br />

protected access to cabins, controlled access<br />

workforce?<br />

4.2 Have security risks to neighbours and Site security, scaffold protected, traffic management, protection<br />

the public been considered and<br />

addressed?<br />

4.3 Are initiatives in place to ensure Workforce consultation and information, training<br />

continuous safety improvements?<br />

4.4 Does the site encourage attitudes and Management, supervision, induction<br />

behaviours that enhance safety<br />

performance?<br />

4.5 How is the safety of the public outside the Falling debris, roads, footpaths and diversions, barriers, lighting<br />

site addressed and monitored?<br />

4.6 What arrangements are in place for Emergency procedures, medical info<br />

dealing effectively with emergencies?<br />

4.7 What is done to ensure that the<br />

Vehicle protection, warning systems, sensors, speed limits, supervision<br />

movement of vehicles and plant outside the<br />

site is not a risk to pedestrians, cyclists and<br />

other road users?<br />

4.8 How are accidents, incidents and near Recording, analysing, communicating, training<br />

misses recorded, and what is done to learn<br />

from them?<br />

4.9 How does the site provide current safety Hazard board, daily briefing<br />

and risk information to operatives and<br />

visitors?<br />

4.10 How does the site embed a culture of Attitudes, behaviour, incentives, controls, CSCS cards for visitors<br />

continuous positive safety performance?<br />

5. Caring for the WORKFORCE<br />

Constructors should provide a supportive and caring working environment.<br />

5.1 Does the site demonstrate a<br />

Harassment, male, female, mobility impaired, age<br />

commitment to respect, fair treatment,<br />

encouragement and support?<br />

5.2 Are personal development needs Training – directly employed, supply chain, trade contractors<br />

identified and is training promoted?<br />

5.3 Does the site care for the health and Occupational health risks assessed, drugs and alcohol, contact details,<br />

wellbeing of the workforce?<br />

medical conditions, medications<br />

5.4 Are suitable, hygienic and well<br />

Changing, drying, toilets, showers, lockers, kitchen<br />

maintained welfare facilities provided<br />

within a reasonable distance of the work<br />

area?<br />

5.5 How does the site assess and monitor CSCS, skills cards<br />

the competency of the workforce?<br />

5.6 How does the company encourage new Careers advice, apprenticeships, placements<br />

people into the industry?<br />

5.7 How is the health and wellbeing of the Posters, healthy lifestyle advice, weather protection<br />

workforce assessed and addressed?<br />

5.8 How is the site providing for the needs of<br />

a diverse workforce regardless of gender,<br />

age, religion or ability?<br />

5.9 How are the welfare facilities managed<br />

and what additional facilities are available?<br />

5.10 What is done to ensure that the<br />

workforce feels involved and is encouraged<br />

to provide feedback?<br />

Separate changing rooms, ramps, cultural needs, literacy and numeracy<br />

training<br />

Cleaning regime, rest, exercise and recreation<br />

Open door policy, recognition, reward, feedback/consultation<br />

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<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Continued...<br />

Additional Information<br />

Innovation<br />

What measures have been implemented on the project that demonstrate innovation and original thinking?<br />

Site Specific Data<br />

This information is used to capture key information and identify trends within the industry<br />

Please note that data should be gathered on the current registration period only<br />

What is the average number of operatives?<br />

Of these, how many on average are women?<br />

What percentage of the workforce holds CSCS cards? %<br />

How many compliments have been received and recorded by the site?<br />

How many complaints have been received and recorded by the site?<br />

How many reportable accidents have there been?<br />

How many non-reportable accidents have there been?<br />

Have there been any fatalities on site?<br />

Does the site record environmental incidents<br />

If yes, how many have there been?<br />

Site Manager Feedback<br />

Does the Site Manager have any comments, questions or suggestions for the Scheme?<br />

Y / N<br />

Notes<br />

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<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Continued...<br />

Scoring explained<br />

The 2013 Checklist contains five sections each containing a number of bold ‘compliance’ questions, and a number of non-bold<br />

‘beyond compliance’ questions. Each section of the 2013 checklist is scored out of ten points, with a score of five indicating<br />

compliance. All questions highlighted in bold on the checklist must be satisfactorily addressed in order for the site to achieve<br />

compliance in that section. Sites are not only assessed for compliance, but also to identify measures taken which are above<br />

and beyond these requirements, and addressing the non-bold questions on the Checklist may result in a higher score.<br />

Monitors will use their discretion when assessing whether questions or prompts are relevant. Where they are not, they will<br />

not be considered when assessing performance or awarding a score. Monitors will decide whether a question has been<br />

adequately addressed taking into account the size, type and location of the site, as well as the context and value of the project. Credit<br />

will not be given for activities that are planned but have yet to be carried out.<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme<br />

Site Scoring<br />

Each section of the Checklist is scored out of 10 points, with a score of 5 indicating compliance.<br />

Questions highlighted in bold on the Checklist must be satisfactorily addressed in order for the site to achieve<br />

compliance and this indicates that a site has reached a standard beyond statutory requirements. Sites are not only<br />

assessed for compliance, but also to identify measures taken which are above and beyond these requirements,<br />

and addressing the non-bolded questions on the Checklist may result in a higher score.<br />

The score awarded reflects the Monitor’s opinion on how the site is performing based on what they see at<br />

the time of the visit and their discussion with the Site Manager.<br />

In any one section, a project’s performance is assessed using the following performance descriptors.<br />

Descriptor Explanation of score descriptor Score<br />

Gross failure<br />

A letter highlighting the gross failure(s) will be sent with a request for a meeting at the company's office to<br />

discuss the issue(s) detailed in the Monitor’s report. A further site visit will be required so that the Monitor<br />

can establish that compliance has been achieved. Failure to address the issue(s) may result in the site’s<br />

removal from the Scheme.<br />

1<br />

Failure<br />

Major non<br />

compliance<br />

Minor non<br />

compliance<br />

Compliance<br />

Good<br />

A letter highlighting the failure(s) will be sent with a request for the site to address the issue(s) detailed in<br />

the Monitor’s report. A further visit will then be required so that the Monitor can establish that compliance<br />

has been achieved. Failure to address the issue(s) may result in the site’s removal from the Scheme.<br />

A letter highlighting the major non-compliance(s) will be sent with a request for the site to address the<br />

issue(s) detailed in the Monitor’s report. A Monitor revisit will be arranged or evidence will be required to<br />

establish that the non-compliant issue(s) has been addressed.<br />

A letter highlighting the minor non-compliance(s) will be sent with a request for the site to address the<br />

issue(s) detailed in the Monitor’s report.<br />

The site has satisfactorily addressed all bold items on the Monitors’ Checklist which demonstrates that they<br />

are adhering to the minimum requirements of the Scheme’s Code.<br />

The site has satisfactorily addressed all bold items on the Monitors’ Checklist and has also undertaken<br />

additional measures to address some of the non-bolded questions demonstrating that they are performing<br />

to a good standard beyond the minimum requirements of the Scheme’s Code.<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Very good<br />

The site is performing well above the minimum requirements of the Scheme’s Code, and has undertaken a<br />

number of additional measures to address most of the non-bolded questions on the Checklist<br />

demonstrating that they are performing to a very good standard with a thorough commitment to the<br />

Scheme’s Code.<br />

7<br />

Excellent<br />

The site has undertaken a significant number of additional measures to address all applicable non-bolded<br />

questions on the Checklist demonstrating that they are performing to an excellent standard and showing a<br />

real commitment to improving the image of construction.<br />

8<br />

Exceptional<br />

The site is at the forefront of industry best practice demonstrating the very highest level of achievement far<br />

above the minimum standards required by the Scheme’s Code and has addressed all questions on the<br />

Checklist to the highest standards.<br />

9<br />

Innovative<br />

The site, beyond being exceptional, has introduced innovative practices or thinking that goes far beyond<br />

the expectations of the Scheme and, as such, is considered to be advancing the standards by which the<br />

image of the industry is judged.<br />

10<br />

While an innovative activity is required to achieve a score of 10 in any section, such activities will be recorded regardless of score. When<br />

recorded on a visit where a score of 10 has not been achieved, the activity may count towards achieving a 10 score on subsequent visits.<br />

An innovative activity will only count once towards a 10 score unless it is further developed and improved.<br />

Version 1 (January 2013)<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />

02 08

Continued...<br />

Any site which fails to adequately address all bold compliance questions in a section to the monitor’s satisfaction will be awarded a<br />

non-compliant score for that section, regardless of any other positive activities or initiatives undertaken relevant to that section. The<br />

non-compliant score is awarded depending on the nature and severity of the issues identified and taking into account the required<br />

course of action. Therefore, when awarding a section a non-compliant score, consideration will be given to the expected course of<br />

action though it is still the nature of the issue itself which will dictate the score.<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme<br />

Company Scoring<br />

Each section of the Checklist is scored out of 10 points, with a score of 5 indicating compliance.<br />

Questions highlighted in bold on the Checklist must be satisfactorily addressed in order for the company to achieve<br />

compliance and this indicates that a company has reached a standard beyond statutory requirements. Companies<br />

are not only assessed for compliance, but also to identify measures taken which are above and beyond these<br />

requirements, and addressing the non-bolded questions on the Checklist may result in a higher score.<br />

The score awarded reflects the Monitor’s opinion on how the company is performing based on what they<br />

see at the time of the visit and their discussion with the Company Manager.<br />

In any one section, a project’s performance is assessed using the following performance descriptors.<br />

Descriptor Explanation of score descriptor Score<br />

Gross failure<br />

A letter highlighting the gross failure(s) will be sent with a request for a meeting at the company's office to<br />

discuss the issue(s) detailed in the Monitor’s report. A further site visit will be required so that the Monitor<br />

can establish that compliance has been achieved. Failure to address the issue(s) may result in the<br />

company’s removal from the Scheme.<br />

1<br />

Failure<br />

Major non<br />

compliance<br />

Minor non<br />

compliance<br />

Compliance<br />

Good<br />

A letter highlighting the failure(s) will be sent with a request for the company to address the issue(s)<br />

detailed in the Monitor’s report. A further visit will then be required so that the Monitor can establish that<br />

compliance has been achieved. Failure to address the issue(s) may result in the company’s removal from<br />

the Scheme.<br />

A letter highlighting the major non-compliance(s) will be sent with a request for the company to address the<br />

issue(s) detailed in the Monitor’s report. A Monitor revisit will be arranged or evidence will be required to<br />

establish that the non-compliant issue(s) has been addressed.<br />

A letter highlighting the minor non-compliance(s) will be sent with a request for the company to address the<br />

issue(s) detailed in the Monitor’s report.<br />

The company has satisfactorily addressed all bold items on the Monitors’ Checklist which demonstrates<br />

that they are adhering to the minimum requirements of the Scheme’s Code.<br />

The company has satisfactorily addressed all bold items on the Monitors’ Checklist and has also<br />

undertaken additional measures to address some of the non-bolded questions demonstrating that they are<br />

performing to a good standard beyond the minimum requirements of the Scheme’s Code of Considerate<br />

Practice.<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Very good<br />

The company is performing well above the minimum requirements of the Scheme’s Code, and has<br />

undertaken a number of additional measures to address most of the non-bolded questions on the Checklist<br />

demonstrating that they are performing to a very good standard with a thorough commitment to the<br />

Scheme’s Code.<br />

7<br />

Excellent<br />

The company has undertaken a significant number of additional measures to address all applicable nonbolded<br />

questions on the Checklist demonstrating that they are performing to an excellent standard and<br />

showing a real commitment to improving the image of construction.<br />

8<br />

Exceptional<br />

The company is at the forefront of industry best practice demonstrating the very highest level of<br />

achievement far above the minimum standards required by the Scheme’s Code and has addressed all<br />

questions on the Checklist to the highest standards.<br />

9<br />

Innovative<br />

The company, beyond being exceptional, has introduced innovative practices or thinking that goes far<br />

beyond the expectations of the Scheme and, as such, is considered to be advancing the standards by<br />

which the image of the industry is judged.<br />

10<br />

While an innovative activity is required to achieve a score of 10 in any section, such activities will be recorded regardless of score. When<br />

recorded on a visit where a score of 10 has not been achieved, the activity may count towards achieving a 10 score on subsequent visits.<br />

An innovative activity will only count once towards a 10 score unless it is further developed and improved.<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> performance from July to December 2012<br />

The graph below shows the <strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> average scores over the last year compared directly with industry average. As you can<br />

see, the scores increased month on month for the first six months and after taking a dip in July the <strong>Group</strong> reached an all time high<br />

monthly average score of 35.73 out of 40.00.<br />

36<br />

36<br />

31<br />

35<br />

26<br />

34<br />

21<br />

33<br />

16<br />

11<br />

Industry average<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> average<br />

No. of registrations<br />

32<br />

6<br />

1<br />

31<br />

Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12<br />

-4<br />

Scores above the industry average<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> points above industry average<br />

As 3 a <strong>Group</strong> we consistently outperform the industry and since July have beaten their scores by at least 1.25 points every month<br />

(as show in the graph below).<br />

2.5<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> points above industry average<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

July August September October November December<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Second/third visit analysis<br />

The following tables demonstrate how over the last six months our sites have managed to improve their scores from their first<br />

inspection and monitor’s reports to their second and third inspections (with a few exceptions). It demonstrates how important it is<br />

for projects to take into account and utilise the comments and feedback made by monitors on first visits.<br />

Please ensure then once the monitor’s report has been received, that this is discussed and analysed to identify areas for improvement.<br />

If you require ideas on how to enhance certain categories please contact Lauren.jones@kier.co.uk.<br />

July 2012<br />

25 projects with second/third visits<br />

8 projects improved with overall scores raised by 13.0<br />

14 projects remained the same<br />

3 projects had a lower score reducing the overall scores by 1.5<br />

Overall points<br />

gained by<br />

second visits<br />

11.5<br />

August 2012<br />

19 projects with second/third visits<br />

10 projects improved with overall scores raised by 12.0<br />

8 projects remained the same<br />

1 projects had a lower score reducing the overall scores by 0.5<br />

Overall points<br />

gained by<br />

second visits<br />

11.5<br />

September 2012<br />

13 projects with second/third visits<br />

8 projects improved with overall scores raised by 9.0<br />

4 projects remained the same<br />

1 projects had a lower score reducing the overall scores by 0.5<br />

Overall points<br />

gained by<br />

second visits<br />

8.5<br />

October 2012<br />

15 projects with second/third visits<br />

9 projects improved with overall scores raised by 7.5<br />

6 projects remained the same<br />

0 projects had a lower score<br />

Overall points<br />

gained by<br />

second visits<br />

7.5<br />

November 2012<br />

14 projects with second/third visits<br />

6 projects improved with overall scores raised by 10.0<br />

4 projects remained the same<br />

2 projects had a lower score reducing the overall scores by 2.0<br />

Overall points<br />

gained by<br />

second visits<br />

8.0<br />

December 2012<br />

11 projects with second/third visits<br />

8 projects improved with overall scores raised by 5.0<br />

0 projects remained the same<br />

3 projects had a lower score reducing the overall scores by 3.0<br />

Overall points<br />

gained by<br />

second visits<br />

2.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Best practice and below average performance by category<br />

The following three tables examine <strong>Kier</strong>’s performance under the eight individual categories in the Scheme’s Code of Considerate<br />

Practice. The table below shows that Safety has the highest average throughout the second half of 2012 which is reassuring to<br />

see. The safety of <strong>Kier</strong>’s employees and the public is of utmost importance and to know the <strong>Group</strong> as a whole is consistently<br />

performing well in this area is encouraging.<br />

Average performance figures: July to December 2012<br />

Order by<br />

performance<br />

Category<br />

Average<br />

score<br />

July<br />

2012<br />

Average<br />

score<br />

Aug<br />

2012<br />

Average<br />

score<br />

Sept<br />

2012<br />

Average<br />

score<br />

Oct<br />

2012<br />

Average<br />

score<br />

Nov<br />

2012<br />

Average<br />

score<br />

Dec<br />

2012<br />

Average<br />

score<br />

Second half<br />

2012<br />

1) Safety 4.39 4.47 4.45 4.55 4.30 4.47 4.44<br />

2)<br />

A Good<br />

Neighbour<br />

4.29 4.39 4.50 4.50 4.38 4.41 4.41<br />

3) Accountable 4.24 4.45 4.47 4.48 4.38 4.41 4.40<br />

4) Considerate 4.37 4.41 4.39 4.47 4.35 4.41 4.40<br />

5) Responsible 4.34 4.38 4.39 4.48 4.39 4.40 4.39<br />

6) Appearance 4.21 4.39 4.44 4.45 4.36 4.41 4.37<br />

7) Respectful 4.29 4.33 4.36 4.43 4.30 4.40 4.35<br />

8) Environment 4.26 4.41 4.34 4.37 4.20 4.29 4.34<br />

Overall average<br />

per month<br />

4.30 4.40 4.42 4.47 4.33 4.40 4.39<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Continued...<br />

The table below shows clearly how the <strong>Group</strong> has performed in individual categories and clearly highlights those areas we are<br />

performing well in and those we are failing to. A Good Neighbour received the most 5.0 out of 5.0 scores which indicates that our<br />

sites are having a positive influence on the communities they operate in and that <strong>Kier</strong> is interacting proactively with its neighbours.<br />

Considerate recived the least amount of 5.0 out of 5.0s<br />

Best results July to December 2012<br />

5.0 score Total<br />

Considerate<br />

Environment<br />

Appearance<br />

A Good Neighbour<br />

Respectful<br />

Safe<br />

Responsible<br />

Accountable<br />

July 1 1 1 1 1 5<br />

August 2 3<br />

2 2 1 10<br />

September 1 6 1<br />

4 2 14<br />

October 2 2 4 1 4 3 1 17<br />

November 1 1<br />

1 2 1 6<br />

December 6 2 1 4<br />

13<br />

Second half 2012 1 4 3 21 5 9 16 7 65<br />

Average or below average results for July to December 2012<br />

3.0 or below<br />

Considerate<br />

Environment<br />

Appearance<br />

A Good Neighbour<br />

Respectful<br />

Safe<br />

Responsible<br />

Accountable<br />

Total<br />

July 1 2 1 1<br />

2 7<br />

August 1 1<br />

September 1 1<br />

October 0<br />

November 0<br />

December 1 1<br />

First half 2012 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 10<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> companies performance in second half 2012<br />

Site reports • July 2012<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> company<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Eastern Meadowgate School, Cambridgeshire 35.5<br />

Manson House, Suffolk 36.0<br />

St Peter’s Primary School, Essex 35.5<br />

Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Cambridgeshire 36.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - London ECEB, London 33.0<br />

Lewisham Hospital UCC, London 36.0<br />

NPSM Theatre reconfiguration, Middlesex 34.5<br />

St Thomas Hospital, London 35.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Northern Rossendale Leisure, Lancashire 36.5<br />

Darnall Community Health Centre,<br />

South Yorkshire 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Southern The Hastings Academy, East Sussex 36.0<br />

The Keep, East Sussex 36.0<br />

Southampton General Hospital, Hampshire 36.0<br />

Crawley Magistrates Courts, West Sussex 36.5<br />

Norfolk Court, Surrey 34.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Western Retail development, Vale of Glamorgan 36.0<br />

& Wales<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central South Woodland Hospital, Northamptoonshire 36.0<br />

Botnar 2, Oxfordshire 34.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central Highfield Adolescent Unit, Oxordshire 35.0<br />

Mount Gilbert School, Shropshire 33.5<br />

Refurbishment of County Hall, Nottinghamshire 35.0<br />

Cookley Sebright School, Worcestershire 33.0<br />

Trent Bridge House refurb, Nottinghamshire 36.0<br />

Total visits<br />

23.0<br />

Average scores<br />

35.30<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Building Maintenance Owen Building, South Yorkshire 25.0<br />

Installation of thermal cladding to external<br />

walls of BISF properties, Stoke 26.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> North Tyneside Wallsend Parks, Tyne & Wear 36.0<br />

Carville refurbishment, Tyne & Wear 36.0<br />

Sir James Knott Nursery, Tyne & Wear 32.0<br />

Marden High School, Tyne & Wear 30.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Sheffield<br />

Parkview Lodge sheltered scheme, South<br />

Yorkshire 33.5<br />

Total visits<br />

7.0<br />

Average scores<br />

31.36<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Homes R5A & R5B, Norfolk 34.5<br />

North Hykeham, Pavilion Gardens, Lincolnshire 31.5<br />

Thetford, Norfolk 34.5<br />

Belvidere Village, Glasgow 35.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Partnership Homes Lower Milehouse phase 2, Staffordshire 36.0<br />

Total visits<br />

5.0<br />

Average scores<br />

34.40<br />



<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> companies performance in second half 2012<br />

Site reports • August 2012<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> company<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Infrastructure West Lakes Academy, Cumbria 35.0<br />

& Overseas<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Eastern<br />

Thomas Clarkson Community College,<br />

Cambridgeshire 36.0<br />

Tempsford redevelopment, Bedfordshire 35.5<br />

Hampton College, Norfolk 36.0<br />

Tudor School, Suffolk 35.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - London Queensland Road, London 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Northern Blacon Crematorium, Cheshire 35.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Scotland NPA police training facility 35.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Southern Isle of Sheppey Academy, west site, Kent 36.5<br />

Isle of Sheppey Academy, east site, Kent 36.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Western & Wales Torre Abbey phase 2, Devon 37.5<br />

Plot G, Millbay, Cornwall 37.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central South Phase 2A post graduate centre, Bedfordshire 36.0<br />

Morrisons Houghton Regis, Befordshire 33.0<br />

Project Edinburgh, Berkshire 36.0<br />

Nene Park Academy, Cambridgeshire 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central Tudor Grange Academy, Worcestor 36.5<br />

St James C of E School, Gloucestershire 34.5<br />

University of Lincoln, Lincolnshire 36.0<br />

Newport Girls High School, Shropshire 36.5<br />

Total visits<br />

20.0<br />

Average scoes<br />

35.83<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Building Maintenance Castleford Library, West Yorkshire 35.0<br />

Owen Building, South Yorkshire 32.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> North Tyneside Longbenton flats refurbishment, Tyne & Wear 30.0<br />

Whiteley Lodge First School, Tyne & Wear 30.0<br />

George Square, Tyne & Wear 32.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Sheffield Newgate sheltered scheme, South Yorkshire 36.5<br />

Total visits<br />

6.0<br />

Average scores<br />

33.58<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Homes The Avenue, Stoke Mendeville 35.5<br />

Connect 21, Cambrisgeshire 34.0<br />

Kingfisher Court, Lincolnshire 35.0<br />

Redding Banks, Stirlingshire 36.0<br />

The Rushes (Elsea Park) Lincolnshire 34.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Partnership Homes Higher Lydney Park, Gloucestershire 36.0<br />

Willow Park, Nottinghamshire 34.0<br />

Total visits<br />

7.0<br />

Average scores<br />

35.0<br />



<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> companies performance in second half 2012<br />

Site reports • September 2012<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> company<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Major Porjects B3, Camden Civic Centre 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Eastern UEA Earlham Hall refurb, Norfolk 35.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - London Epsom regeneration, Surrey 36.5<br />

Francis Coombe Academy, Hertfordshire 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Northern Newspaper storage building, West Yorkshire 36.0<br />

Winsford E-Act Academy, Cheshire 36.0<br />

GSC Preston (Places for Poeple), Lancashire 36.0<br />

Barnsley College, South Yorkshire 35.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Scotland Sunderland Travelodge, Tyne & Wear 35.5<br />

SEBN School, South Lanarkshire 32.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Southern KCC Session House, Kent 33.0<br />

Norfolk Court, Surrey 36.0<br />

The St Leonards Academy, East Sussex 36.5<br />

Pilgrims Cross C of E Primary School,<br />

Hampshire 35.0<br />

Maidstone UMU, Kent 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction Western & Wales Barepta Cove, Cornwall 36.5<br />

Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw, Torfaen 37.0<br />

Retail development, Vale of Glamorgan 36.5<br />

Site E, Raleigh Avenue 36.5<br />

Falcon Road School, Devon 36.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central South Downs School science block, Berkshire 32.5<br />

Building 910, Babraham Research Campus 35.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central Plot 2600 Oxford Oxford Park, phase 2,<br />

Wiltshire 34.0<br />

Mannington Retail Park, phase 2, Wiltshire 35.0<br />

Brook Haven, Worcestershire 34.5<br />

Hole Farm House, Worcestershire 33.5<br />

Penn Hospital, West Midlands 36.5<br />

Ashbourne House, Derbyshire 35.0<br />

Total visits<br />

28.0<br />

Average scores<br />

35.39<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Sheffield Stradbroke Primary School, South Yorkshire 34.0<br />

Parkview Lodge, South Yorkshire 35.0<br />

Total visits<br />

2.0<br />

Average scores<br />

34.5<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Homes Bowmans Mews, Lincolnshire 34.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Partnership Homes Hurcott Road, Worcestershire 36.5<br />

Total visits<br />

2.0<br />

Average scores<br />

35.34<br />



<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> companies performance in second half 2012<br />

Site reports • October 2012<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> company<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Major Projects Arthouse, London 38.0<br />

Aylesbury Manor House, Buckinghamshire 36.0<br />

UCL, Howland Street, London 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Infrastructure & Furnes Academy, Cumbria 36.5<br />

Overseas<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Eastern City Academy Norwich 35.5<br />

Stanground College, Cambridgeshire 37.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - London Coombe Road pahse 3, Kent 36.0<br />

Whipps Cross University Hospital, London 36.0<br />

Menorah School, London 36.5<br />

Ainsworth House, East Sussex 36.0<br />

Bell Green retail development, London 35.0<br />

NPSM Theatre reconfiguration, Middlesex 36.0<br />

Drapers Academy, Essex 35.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Northern Bolton Green retail development, London 35.0<br />

HMP Lindholme, South Yorkshire 35.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Southern Rosewood School, Hampshire 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Western & Wales Porthcressa regeneration, Cornwall 35.0<br />

Exeter University Sports Park, Devon 37.5<br />

Brynhyfryd Care Home, Powys 35.0<br />

Grymscott Estate, Cornwall 34.0<br />

Whitechurch EM Primary, Cardiff 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central GAD Darlaston, West Midlands 34.5<br />

Phonenix SLC, Telford & Wrekin 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central South<br />

Mawsley Community Primary Extension,<br />

Northamptonshire 36.0<br />

Totals visits<br />

25.0<br />

Average scores<br />

35.60<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> North Tyneside Whiteley Bay High School, Tyne & Wear 34.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Sheffield St George’s Court, South Yorkshire 34.5<br />

Totals visits<br />

2.0<br />

Average scores<br />

33.25<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Homes 164-166 High Street, Cambridgeshire 34.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Partnership Homes Lower High Street, phase 2, Cambridgeshire 36.5<br />

Ingestre Square, Staffordshire 36.5<br />

Totals visits<br />

3.0<br />

Average scores<br />

35.67<br />



<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> companies performance in second half 2012<br />

Site reports • November 2012<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> company<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Eastern The County School, Cambridgeshire 34.0<br />

Hampton Community School, Lincolshire 36.0<br />

Tudor School, Suffolk 36.0<br />

Manson House, Suffolk 36.0<br />

Cambourne Secondary School<br />

Cambridgeshire 36.0<br />

Springfield new library, Essex 33.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - London Queensland Road, London 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Northern The Walton Centre, Merseyside 36.0<br />

Rochdale Interchange, Manchester 35.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Scotland Hermiston Retail Park, Co. Durham 35.5<br />

Whitburn Leisure Centre, West Lothian 35.5<br />

St Cadoc’s Primary School, South Lothina 35.0<br />

Maxwelton and Greenburn Primary School<br />

South Lanarkshire 35.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Southern Eastbourne Academy, East Sussex 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Western & Wales Estover Community Campus, Devon 37.5<br />

Sainsbury’s supermarket, Pontypridd 36.5<br />

Aberystwyth Law Courts, Ceredigion 36.5<br />

665/670 Ajaz, Berkshire 35.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - East Midlands Falcon Rod School, Devon 37.5<br />

Consol, phase 2, Cornwall 34.5<br />

Site A, PRC, Devon 33.0<br />

RUV, phase 3, Cornwall 34.5<br />

Site B, Smallcombe Road, Devon 34.0<br />

Culverland Road, Devon 35.5<br />

Bridge Meadow, Lapford 34.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central South Babraham Research Campus, Cambridgeshire 34.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central<br />

Mansfield passenger transport interchange<br />

Nottinghamshire 36.0<br />

Cookley Sebright School, Worcestershire 34.5<br />

Gloucestershire Academy, Gloucestershore 35.0<br />

Total visits<br />

25.0<br />

Average scores<br />

35.18<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> North Tyneside Whitley Lodge First School, Tyne & Wear 33.5<br />

Howdon bungalows, Northumberland 30.0<br />

Rocket Way refurbishment, Tyne & Wear 34.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Sheffield <strong>Kier</strong> Sheffield Decent Homes, South Yorkshire 32.0<br />

Total visits<br />

4.0<br />

Average scores<br />

32.50<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Homes Belvidere Village, Glasgow 34.5<br />

Hawkhead Village, Renfrewshire 35.0<br />

Academia, Turnford 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Partnership Homes Willow Park, Nottinghamshire 34.0<br />

Total visits<br />

4.0<br />

Average scores<br />

34.88<br />



<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> companies performance in second half 2012<br />

Site reports • December 2012<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> company<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Eastern UEA Earlham Hall refurbishment, Norfolk 35.5<br />

Cromwell Community College, Cambridgeshire 36.0<br />

Harris School SOR, Suffolk 34.0<br />

University of East Anglia, Norfolk 35.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - London Menorah School, London 35.5<br />

Etz Chaim Free School, Hertfordshire 36.0<br />

North Middlesex University Hospital BEH<br />

Clinical Strategy, London 35.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Northern Blacon Crematorium, Cheshire 34.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Scotland Halfway Park Primary School, South Lanarkshire 34.0<br />

Rhyber Avenue, Lanarkshire 35.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Southern HMP Coldingley, Surrey 35.5<br />

Charters Retirement Village, West Sussex 36.0<br />

Neats Court, Kent 37.0<br />

HMYOI Rochester, Kent 36.0<br />

Pathology, St Richard’s Hospital, West Sussex 35.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Western Porthcressa regeneration, Cornwall 36.0<br />

SWEC, South Decon College, Devon 37.0<br />

Grimscott Estate, Cornwall 35.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central South Nene Park Academy, Cambridgeshire 36.5<br />

St John’s Hall student residencies,<br />

Northampstonshire 35.0<br />

Lonza car park, Berkshire 34.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Central Sheffield Community Academy, West Midlands 34.5<br />

Brook Haven, Worcestershire 35.0<br />

Cheltenham Bourneside School, Gloucestershire 34.5<br />

Total visits<br />

24.0<br />

Average scores<br />

35.35<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Building Maintenance Peterlee Decent Homes, Co. Durham 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> North Tyneside Foxhunter Pavilion, Tyne & Wear 34.0<br />

North Sheilds Library, Tyne & Wear 31.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Sheffield St George’s Court, South Yorkshire 35.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Sheffield Decent Homes, Kinsley IL,<br />

South Yorkshire 36.5<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Decent Homes, East, South Yorkshire 36.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Sheffield Decent Homes, South East<br />

South Yorkshire 36.5<br />

Total visits<br />

7.0<br />

Average scores<br />

35.0<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> Homes Soverign Court, Cambridgeshire 32.0<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Partnership Homes Hurcott Road, Worcestershire 34.5<br />

Grange Farm, West Midlands 35.0<br />

Owen Croft, West Midlands 35.0<br />

Total visits<br />

4.0<br />

Average scores<br />

34.75<br />



<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Two of the best recent site reports<br />

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January2012<br />

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58939 Two <br />

Arthouse(BuildingJ)<br />

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<strong>Kier</strong>Construction<br />

MrPhilipDownham<br />

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4.5<br />

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4.5<br />

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4.5<br />

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4.5<br />

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5<br />

Construction of an 8/S RCframed block building,consisting of 143 residential apartments as partof a very<br />

largemixedusedevelopmenton67acresofoldrailwaylandnearKingsCrossstation.<br />

The RC frame building is progressing with structural works to the basement and ground floors completed. There is a detailed Traffic<br />

Managementplanforthewholedevelopmentaswellasasiteonewithaone waysystemthroughthesite with full time gatemen and<br />

banksmensupervisingvehiclemovementsandunloading.Noparkingisavailableonsiteandallstaffusepublictransportorcycle.Thesite<br />

officehasbeenrelocatedtoalargesharedofficewithaneighbouringkiersiteandfacilitiesareprovidedtoaccommodatepersonswith<br />

restrictedmobility.SomesiteinformationisprintedinPolishanddisplayedonsiteandatinduction.Smokingisonlyallowedindesignated<br />

discreteareasonsiteandwithinthecompounds.<br />

ThedisplayedcompanyEnvironmentalPolicyandsitespecificplan,ismonitoredbythesitemanagers,coveredatinductionandtoolbox<br />

talksandauditedbytheresidentEnv.Officer,withdisplayboardsaroundthesite.Thereisfullmonitoringofthesite’scarbonfootprintwith<br />

targetssetforenergyandwateruseandwasterecycling.Ecocabinsinusewithhighinsulation,PIRlighting,automaticshutdownonall<br />

officeequipment,pushtapsandwaterharvestingfromcompoundbuildings.Alltravel,deliveryandwastemileageisrecorded.TheSWMP<br />

hasbeenupdatewithsegregationonsiteandenhancedcompanytargetsexceededfor%wasterecycled.Foodwastefromcanteenis<br />

stored in a biobin and collected and used locally in an anaerobic digester to produce electricity. A large concrete slope within the<br />

compoundistobeconvertedtoa‘greenwall’toencouragewildlifeintothearea.<br />

Thesitecontinuestogiveagoodfirstimpressionwithbrandedhoardingsuppliedbythemaincontractor,madefromrecycledplasticand<br />

cleanedweekly.Theperimeterisregularlycheckedforappearanceandlitterpickingcarriedoutasrequired.Therearepermanentroad<br />

sweepersaroundthedevelopmentandallaccessandsiteroadsarekeptcleanandmudfreeatalltimes.Therearevisionpanelsinthe<br />

hoardingandworkareaofthesiteiskeptisacleanandtidycondition.Dampingdowniscarriedouttocontroldust.Materialsandwaste<br />

skipstorageareasarewellorganisedandtidywithsecuremetalstoragecontainersavailable.Allofficeandwelfarefacilitiesarecleaned<br />

throughoutthedayandadeepcleancarriedouteverymonth.<br />

Neighboursarekeptfullyinformedofworksonthewholedevelopmentbytheclientwhoproducesamonthlynewsletterwhichallthesites<br />

contributeto.Thisisalsoavailablebyemailandonthededicatedwebsite.Therearenoticesdisplayedbytheviewingpanelsdescribing<br />

whatcanbeseenandthesitemanagerholdsmonthly‘constructionsurgerymeetings’whichallowsneighbourstovisitthesite&speakto<br />

thesiteteam.Thereisalotofprojectinvolvementwithavarietyofneighbouringgroups,organisationsandschools.Theseincludebuilding<br />

bencheswithdiscardedmaterials,constructingplantingboxestogrowvegetableswith‘globalgeneration’andbuildingaviewingplatform<br />

with discarded materials on the canal with a local wildlife trust. The site is also participating in a ‘Big Site Open Day’ for the whole<br />

development,withchildren’scompetitionsetc&visitfromthecompanymascot.<br />

Thereisawelfarecompoundadjacenttothesitewithafullyequippedmessroom,adryingroomwithgoodchangingfacilitiesandlockers,<br />

andatoiletblockwithseparatefemaletoilet,disabledtoiletandshower.Thesiteofficesaresharedwithaneighbouringsitewhichalso<br />

hasfullwelfarefacilitieswhichincludeafullservicedcanteenandacyclerack.Thecompanyhasafull‘coverup’policywithmandatory<br />

PPE being worn, includinggloves and goggles, with site specific hivis. The dangers ofexcessive exposure to thesunarecovered at<br />

inductionwithsunblockprovided.AsupplyofcleanPPE,includingboots,isavailableforvisitors.Acceptablesitelanguageandbehaviour<br />

iscoveredatinductionandnooffensivematerialorradiosareallowedonsite.<br />

ThesiteoperatesofaveryhighsafetylevelwithformalH&Svisitseverytwoweeksanddetailedweeklyinhousechecks.Forevery‘high<br />

score’achievedthecompanydonates£50tocharity,matchedbytheleaddeveloper,with£500alreadyraised.TherearedetailedH&S<br />

boardsonsiteforeachS/Candtheyarerequiredtoprovide1supervisorforevery7operatives.Nearmissesreportedviaacardsystem<br />

anda‘yousaid,wedid’boarddisplayed.Sitesafetypromotedby‘SUSA’whichisabehaviouralbasedapproach,whichS/C’sarebeing<br />

trainedin.Afurthertrafficcycleawarenessschemeforthelocalstudentshasbeenrun.Thesiterunsanemployeeandapprenticeofthe<br />

monthschemeandaleaguetableofperformanceoftheS/C’sisbeingsetup.Thereisadetailedfireplanwithfirepoints,escaperoutes<br />

andwirelesslinkedalarmsandregularfiredrillscarriedout.<br />

DetailsofthenearestA&Ehospitalaredisplayedwithmapsprovidedandtherearenumerousfullytrainedfirstaidersonsite,highlighted<br />

atinductionandbygreencrossonhardhats.Alloperativesreceiveasitespecificinductionwithallrelevantskillsandmedicalconditions<br />

recorded,aswellasCSCScardsandcontactsdetails.AlloperativesreceivephotoIDcardswhichgiverecordedaccesstothesiteand<br />

welfareareas.Therehavebeenseveralsitevisitsforlocalschoolsanda3hoursitevisitfortheConstructionYouthTrust,includingfull<br />

induction,whichwasverypositive.Sitehasprovidedworkplacements&workexperienceandtherearecurrently5apprenticesonsiteand<br />

aprograminplacetoprovidemanymore.Therehasbeentwooccupationalhealthvisitstositewithhearingandsighttestingcarriedout<br />

andfurtheroneplannedforcholesterolandbloodtesting.<br />

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5<br />

ThewholesitemanagementteamarefullyinvolvedinpromotedtheidealsoftheCCSregistration.CCSbanners,flags&postersareall<br />

welldisplayed,bothexternallyandwithinthecabins.DetailsoftheschemeareaformalpartoftheinductionwithaCCSDVDavailableto<br />

show. The company is an Associate Member of the scheme and there is a detailed site file recording all CCS related activities. The<br />

construction manager is also promoting the scheme to all S/C’s and setting up monthly meetings on site to promote CCS standards.<br />

Benefitsofsiteregistrationarepromotedtoneighboursviathedistributednewsletter&mostofthesitesonthedevelopmentareregistered<br />

withthescheme.Theclientisalsofullyoftheschemeandwillreceiveacopyofthisreport.<br />

(outof40): <br />

<br />

The promising start shown on the first visit has been well developed with many initiatives taking place and the CCS ideals being promoted at every<br />

opportunity.Thereisalotofpositiveinvolvementwithlocalschoolsandorganisationsandtheconstructionindustryisbeingwellpromoted.Mythanks,<br />

onceagaintoPhilip,Gary,Rachaeland,inparticular,Mikefortheirtimeandhospitality<br />

No 14 th September2012<br />

Bsc(Hons)MRICSMBEng <br />

<br />

<br />

Majornoncompliance Highlevelbeyondcompliance<br />

Minornoncompliance Exceptionalmeasurestaken<br />

Compliance <br />

<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


Two of the best recent site reports continued<br />

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<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


CCS co-ordinators<br />

Note: This list of CCS co-ordinators/representatives has been submitted by the companies named below. Those companies not<br />

listed below are asked to email lauren.jones@kier.co.uk with their representatives’ names(s) as soon as possible.<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Construction - Building<br />

• David Allen, SHE manager<br />

• Val Atha, regional office manager<br />

• Ian Brooks, business improvement manager<br />

• Theresa Burkat, business development<br />

• Richard Charman, director<br />

• David Coleman, marketing manager<br />

• Janet Crabtree, business development manager<br />

• Manni Ferguson, procurement manager<br />

• Jamie Hunt, business improvement manager<br />

• Cheryl Arnold, systems assistant<br />

• Tom Tagg, director<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Property<br />

• Adam Vine, associate director<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Property - Homes<br />

• Mark Smith, construction director<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> Services - Maintenance<br />

• John Bower, services manager<br />

• Keith Naylor, operations manager<br />

• Kevin Young, operations manager<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Tempsford Hall<br />

Sandy<br />

Bedfordshire SG19 2BD<br />

Tel: 01767640111<br />

Fax: 01767640002<br />

www.kier.co.uk<br />

<strong>Kier</strong> <strong>Group</strong> plc<br />

Considerate Constructors Scheme performance review - second half 2012<br />


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