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to our world. - NOLS


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Amazon<br />


the southern part of the Amazon Basin. You<br />

will experience the natural environment—the<br />

diverse forest types and their myriad insects,<br />

birds, and mammals—as well as the fascinating<br />

culture of some of the people who live there.<br />

The Amazon region is an incredibly beautiful<br />

part of the <strong>world</strong> but a highly challenging place<br />

<strong>to</strong> travel through. For 80 days you’ll explore<br />

a variety of environments that transition from<br />

dry upland forests known as the cerrado, <strong>to</strong> the<br />

lowland rain forest closer <strong>to</strong> the equa<strong>to</strong>r. You<br />

will see the southern s<strong>our</strong>ces of the Amazon<br />

River in the highlands and also travel by canoe<br />

on some of the huge lowland clear-water<br />

tributaries. If you crave a remote, extended, and<br />

demanding tropical expedition that enables you<br />

<strong>to</strong> visit part of the Amazon Basin, this unique<br />

<strong>NOLS</strong> program is the best option.<br />

Dalio Zippin Ne<strong>to</strong><br />

Discover Amazon culture as you engage with locals in<br />

day-<strong>to</strong>-day tasks. Rio Madeira<br />

Facing page: Experience the raw power of the Amazon<br />

watershed up close and personal. Serra Ricardo Franco<br />

A river ecology class is more meaningful, and cooler, when you’re actually in the river. Rio Juruena National Park<br />

WILDERNESS FIRST AID (WFA) The first few days of y<strong>our</strong> c<strong>our</strong>se will be spent learning<br />

first aid at the <strong>NOLS</strong> Amazon base before leaving on y<strong>our</strong> expedition. Being<br />

oriented <strong>to</strong> the various health concerns of the tropics and practicing good hygiene are<br />

part of <strong>our</strong> basic curriculum.<br />

AMAZON RIVER TRAVEL The Juruena River in the state of Ma<strong>to</strong> Grosso is <strong>our</strong> river of<br />

choice and canoes are <strong>our</strong> mode of transportation. You’ll begin this section by practicing<br />

paddling and other travel skills on flat water for seven days before entering areas of<br />

the river with more rapids. There are cultural experiences along the way with chances<br />

<strong>to</strong> visit remote subsistence communities and meet people who make a living along the<br />

river. This is where you will experience the classic style of Amazon Basin river travel<br />

as you hone y<strong>our</strong> paddling skills and learn both tropical and river risk management<br />

while negotiating rapids one day and paddling long stretches of still water the next.<br />

BACKPACKING There are two hiking sections during which you will practice backpacking<br />

skills and land navigation: one in the Brazilian Highlands on the southern<br />

rim of the Amazon Basin and another in the lowland rain forest. Each of the areas<br />

offers different learning opportunities. On hiking sections, occasions for small group<br />

travel and independent student expeditions are possible.<br />

CULTURE The Amazon Basin’s biodiversity is matched only by the cultural diversity<br />

of its inhabitants. Locals live off the land and use the rivers as their main avenue of<br />

transport. During y<strong>our</strong> semester you will spend time with caboclos, seringueiros, and<br />

other inhabitants of the Amazon backcountry in their communities as you travel by<br />

foot, canoe, voadeira (a small dugout canoe with an outboard), and riverboat. Our<br />

options include staying with local families, contributing <strong>to</strong> community projects, and<br />

visiting isolated riverside communities.<br />


FALL<br />

Age and Length: 18 & Over • Average age: 21 • Duration: 80 days<br />

Tuition: $14,800<br />

Optional College Credit: 4 h<strong>our</strong>s Biology, 2 h<strong>our</strong>s Environmental Ethics, 2 h<strong>our</strong>s Leadership Techniques, 4 h<strong>our</strong>s<br />

Skills Practicum, 4 h<strong>our</strong>s Risk Management<br />

Dates: page 107<br />

Dalio Zippin Ne<strong>to</strong><br />

80<br />

www.nols.edu • (800) 710-<strong>NOLS</strong> • admissions@nols.edu

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