As a former CIA black projects assassin, White Wolf Von ... - DivShare

As a former CIA black projects assassin, White Wolf Von ... - DivShare

As a former CIA black projects assassin, White Wolf Von ... - DivShare


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http://www.waysofthewildinstitute.com/<br />

<strong>As</strong> a <strong>former</strong> <strong>CIA</strong> <strong>black</strong> <strong>projects</strong><br />

<strong>assassin</strong>, <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen was<br />

systematically programmed by <strong>CIA</strong> covert<br />

operations from childhood (actually in utero,<br />

as you will learn in this first audio) to become<br />

a stealth human lethal weapon. <strong>As</strong> the<br />

programs broke down, so did the walls to his<br />

many identities and nightmarish past.<br />

Today, after years of effort and intense deprogramming,<br />

<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> works from<br />

his Ways Of The Wild Institute in Vermont to help others learn how to reprogram, reconnect,<br />

radically change lives, and to recover from trauma, and restore a more natural state of being.<br />

This exclusive audio series is intended to present the background and tools for anyone to begin<br />

healing, reconnecting, and discovering their own natural balances, based on <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong>'s own<br />

ongoing process of healing through physical, mental, and spiritual exercises. This series is NOT<br />

just for trauma-based mind control subjects or victims of abuse, but for anyone seriously in<br />

need of reconnection and restoration---in other words: everyone, as we are all alienated from<br />

our higher selves and Spirit through toxic forces introduced into the planetary grids.<br />

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<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong>-Session 1: Beginnings<br />

RM: I am Randy Maugans of OffPlanet Radio, and after we did our first interview together,<br />

<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzingen approached me about doing some sessions together, sitting down<br />

and basically breaking out some new information and some things that he has not talked about<br />

or written about in his book. There is an intent and a purpose to what we are about to embark<br />

on. This is going to be Part 1 of a multi-part series, and we are recording this on May the 18 th ,<br />

2012.<br />

<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong>, maybe what we could do here in the first five minutes is kind of spell out what<br />

your intents were in doing this series, where you’re going to go with it, and also outline what<br />

the bottom line is because we’re not just coming on here like a whistleblower type of thing so<br />

much as you’re going to open up some new things, part of your life, and also in terms of where<br />

this all goes because you’re going to be sharing information that is to benefit others.<br />

WW: Correct Randy. The whole intent of this radio series that we can record here is to get<br />

some information out to people in order to help them in their own lives, perhaps embark on<br />

their own healing path a little bit deeper with a few more perspectives and perhaps a few more<br />

tools under their belt, so to speak. I mean, this is a huge part of what I teach here in Vermont<br />

at Ways of the Wild Institute. You know, one of the main tiers of the school is self-healing and<br />

whatnot. I do a lot of courses on that up here, but I realize that not everybody can come to<br />

these courses. They can’t travel and they’re a little bit timid as to actually looking into the<br />

learning CDs and learning DVDs that I have that contain a ton of information on self-healing<br />

techniques. So, I thought it would be a really good idea to get some of these techniques onto<br />

the air so that the listeners can bring them into their own lives, see where they fit, see how<br />

they work for them, and do so in a simple offering to the world. What I have to express is that<br />

the techniques that I teach and share are techniques that I have utilized myself on the many<br />

years of my healing path. I do not claim that they will work for everybody. I do know that they<br />

have worked for me, and I do know that they have worked for the majority of my students who<br />

have come through Ways of the Wild Institute. So this has given me a lot of promise that these<br />

techniques can definitely work for a wide variety of people coming from a wide variety of<br />

backgrounds.<br />

RM: A lot of people may wonder why we’re doing a healing series and thinking that they don’t<br />

need this. Maybe what you can help me to understand is, there is a very diverse group of<br />

people, and I would suspect that you deal from time to time with people who are coming from<br />

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<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

trauma-based backgrounds, maybe people that have come out of military or intelligence<br />

<strong>projects</strong> or people that have a background in ritual or sexual abuse or something like that. But<br />

really, there is a broader spectrum I suspect, that can benefit as well from what you are offering<br />

in the healing modalities.<br />

WW: Correct. Yeah, there are a lot of people who come to me who indeed have come from<br />

<strong>black</strong> ops <strong>projects</strong> in the military, they have come from extreme sexual abuse, ritual abuse,<br />

they’ve come from all different manner of programming and mind control <strong>projects</strong> and<br />

whatnot. But I also have people who come who simply can’t put the pieces together in their<br />

life. They’re really struggling on getting anywhere or making a life for themselves that they<br />

really like. The techniques that I teach are geared towards everybody because there isn’t a<br />

person in the world today that does not need to work on self-healing. I mean, just the<br />

environment we live in, even if you live out in the country or out in the mountains or out in the<br />

desert seemingly away from everything, the amount of electrical interference and technological<br />

interference period that is in our atmosphere is absolutely insane. It starts from before birth<br />

and it just continues with the chemicals and the pollutants on all levels that are continually<br />

bombarding us.<br />

So, we all have our issues, and I am not one to say that anybody’s issues are better or worse<br />

than another’s. It’s all perspective. I have some people who come to me who have some<br />

really, really hardcore backgrounds similar to mine. I have other people who come to me who,<br />

if you tried to compare them, would seemingly be a very light background, just kind of your<br />

general trauma-based family issues, friends issues and whatnot. The techniques that I have<br />

been presenting to them and the processes that I have been walking them through have<br />

worked for both ends of the spectrum. So, it’s really nice that the healing path for everybody is<br />

really the same path. It’s about attaining a better quality of existence. I don’t care where<br />

you’re coming from. I don’t really even care where you want to go, as long as you want a<br />

better quality of existence that is a healing path, because we’re not only talking about healing<br />

the body, but also the mind, the spirit, the emotions, all aspects of yourself. Because, if you<br />

don’t take in the entire scope, whatever process you try to embrace, whatever path of healing<br />

you try to walk will be incomplete and you’ll just get frustrated along the way and quit.<br />

RM: I know I’ve said in interviews before with different people that I have interviewed that we<br />

have to own up to the fact that everybody has been subjected to trauma and everybody has<br />

been subjected to mind control even though most people are unaware of it. You talked about<br />

this electrical atmosphere that we now live in, we are bathing in it, there is almost no place on<br />

this planet where we can go and escape the EMF and all of the other waves that are shooting at<br />

us, and these are not natural waves like what comes into Earth naturally with background<br />

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<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

adiation. Some of the things that I don’t think people are aware of is the necessity to<br />

reground, to reconnect, to get back in tune with the Earth and how critical this is in order to<br />

even just emotionally, physically, mentally survive right now. How do you address that in the<br />

things that you do? I mean, obviously by definition, your entire system is kind of based around<br />

this return to nature.<br />

WW: It is, and that’s a huge principle of Ways of the Wild Institute. It’s getting people back to<br />

the Earth, back to the elements, and some people might get the wrong impression that I am<br />

trying to teach people how to basically get back to living primitively. That is not the intent of<br />

this school at all. Yes, I do teach a lot of primitive skills, both wilderness living and wilderness<br />

survival skills that can be utilized in any environment around the world, but that’s not the main<br />

intent. The main intent is to get people doing hands-on skills as a means to help them ground,<br />

center, and focus through the deeper aspects of self-awareness and self-healing. I noticed that<br />

most people that come to me, they don’t have a sense of center or grounding, and so if you try<br />

to lead them down a self-healing path that is unique unto their own without giving them<br />

something physical to do along the way, they get lost. They have a very hard time making it<br />

their reality and seeing how it connects to their reality in all aspects of their life. So yeah, what<br />

I do here in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont is, I do just that. I present an<br />

atmosphere, a very natural atmosphere, to help people get away from the normal hustle and<br />

bustle or maybe even chaos of their daily life and slip them into a place that has no time in the<br />

wilderness, that has only universal laws, into a place that is visually untouched by modern<br />

society. I do teach in wilderness areas so there are no trails, there are no roads, there’s nothing<br />

in there except for the wilderness. So, it is an absolutely perfect place to tap into the raw<br />

energy of the Earth and really get down and dirty and to your work. So whether I am teaching<br />

awareness, or whether I am teaching survival skills, or whether I am teaching living skills, or<br />

whether I am teaching philosophy or whatever, as long as it’s taking place in the warm season,<br />

it’s outdoors. The only classes I teach outdoors in the Winter are the actual survival skills in<br />

Winter. But the philosophy skills in the Winter are taught indoors. But still, I also pick the areas<br />

up here that are very removed. The areas that I work with indoors are in very small<br />

communities, or just sitting out in the middle of the mountains there is no community around<br />

them. So again, it is very conducive to the healing path and really focusing on it.<br />

RM: What about people who have, let’s say, physical limitations; people who think that they<br />

are too old, too young, too short, too fat?<br />

WW: Well, it’s interesting that you bring that up because the youngest student that I have ever<br />

had was 5-years-old and the oldest student that I have ever had was, let’s see, either 74 or 75-<br />

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<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

years-old. I actually had, two years ago, I had a group of women that were all over the age of<br />

68 and they all wanted to come out and actually learn some hands-on survival skills. So I<br />

brought them out into the wilderness, and I pace it to the group. Every group is different. If<br />

there is somebody who has a physical limitation to the point where they cannot make it into<br />

the wilderness, I do hold more conducive classes that take place in more of a yard situation. So<br />

yes, I do cater to that, definitely. But as far as people who think that they are too old, I don’t<br />

buy that. You’re never too old.<br />

RM: You know, I have seen that recently with some groups that I have worked with, the age<br />

spectrum from very young on up to people who are elderly. In watching people, a lot of times<br />

the older people just seem so beautiful in their commitment to this. It’s like something that<br />

they never had a chance to explore before, and it’s like a world opens up to them. I suspect<br />

that a lot of the things that you impart come, even though they are physical, at the same time<br />

you are kind of streaming the spiritual and the psychological type of things into it. I have a<br />

sense that it’s probably multi-dimensional on that level.<br />

WW: I can’t teach two-dimensional. Sorry, if you’re looking for that, don’t come here because<br />

you won’t find it. I wrap it all together because you know, when I am teaching somebody,<br />

whether I’m teaching philosophy or whether I’m teaching spirituality or whether I’m teaching<br />

actual hands-on physical skills, whether that be wilderness living or whether that be wilderness<br />

survival, I do not teach flat skills. I teach the meaning behind it. I teach you how to use the skill<br />

to tap the multi-dimensional aspect of yourself, the wilderness, everything. So yeah, it’s all<br />

wrapped into one.<br />

RM: So as we talked when we initially agreed to begin doing this series, a lot of what we’re<br />

going to deal with in the early part of this is laying some ground work that’s going to be your<br />

background. Again, like I said, this is not to peak people’s curiosity or to titillate them. I think<br />

there’s enough media out there that have done the exposé/whistleblower type of stuff that if<br />

people want to indulge in that, this has an opposite purpose actually. To get some information<br />

exposed is useful to the final stream that we want to go to in these interviews which is the<br />

healing and in order to understand that, <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> has agreed to kind of lay out some things<br />

that he has not talked about before in his past. It will give you a sense as well, if you’ve heard<br />

prior interviews either on this show or on other interviews that he’s done, it gives you a<br />

background by which to gauge maybe perhaps your own situation and understand that from<br />

the extreme ends of trauma-based mind control and background, it’s possible for you to kind of<br />

inject yourself into that and understand that your situation can be addressed by the things that<br />

<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> is going to talk about.<br />

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<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

WW: Yeah, this little section of information is interesting, Randy. When we originally spoke<br />

about this, about a month ago when we talked about doing this series, I was completely neutral<br />

on the whole thing and I said, “Yup, it’s a good idea and we’ll lay it out there and I’ll touch on<br />

this aspect of my past that I have not touched on in any detail anywhere else before,” because I<br />

think it will help people who have been kind of following my life and what I’m doing now get a<br />

little bit of a different perspective and maybe a greater scope on some of the areas that I come<br />

out of so that they can better understand as this series goes on where some of these<br />

techniques that I’m going to be presenting are actually coming from and on what levels they<br />

actually tap into. But it’s interesting, about four days ago, I began having serious second<br />

thoughts and reservations about presenting this information; not so much the healing<br />

techniques, but what I’m about to present here. And I realized, I mean I really did a lot of deep<br />

looking in connections and communications and realized that these feelings are due to<br />

programming trying to keep me quiet about this material. So I’m really going to bite the bullet<br />

here, so to speak, and do my best to go through with this and present this section of my past<br />

before we actually get into discussing any kind of actual healing path and technique set that we<br />

can utilize in any aspect of life.<br />

Those of you who have read my book, 'Shadow Scorpion Memoirs of an <strong>As</strong>sassin', who have<br />

read the large number of blogs that I’ve written on my website Ways of the Wild Institute, have<br />

heard me on radio shows over the past year, you understand a fair amount of my past and the<br />

trauma-based situations that I have come out of. This little piece of information I’m going to<br />

throw out here might put a little bit more of a twist on it. It will also help to clarify some things<br />

that I briefly touched upon in my book but didn’t lay out in any detail until now. Like Randy<br />

said, this is not a whistleblower thing. This is not to get your sympathy or anything else. This is<br />

to give you a little bit more background on a different level of dynamic so that you can better<br />

understand the rest of the series, and that’s it.<br />

So I guess what we need to do is go back quite a ways because, in my book, for those of you<br />

who have read it, you might have remembered two small sections where … let’s see, I believe it<br />

was the Lead Training Instructor who, in the book, is named Blake, and the old man, whose<br />

name was Aman; they briefly touched on what they called werewolf genetics and genetic<br />

manipulation <strong>projects</strong>. Like I said, I touched on it, and I left it at that. But Aman, who was the<br />

old man in my book, he had spent his long, long years in life working within many different<br />

agencies in the government. He spent decades and decades inside the deep areas of the<br />

United States Government. His scope of knowledge was absolutely amazing. He was literally a<br />

walking encyclopedia. He was a library full of information that most people just don’t even<br />

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<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

hear of, they don’t even know about. One of the things he did very well for the government<br />

was, he worked on medical experimentations. He worked in biowarfare, he worked in all kinds<br />

of genetic manipulation aspects of the government <strong>projects</strong>. He worked in many, many<br />

underground bases around the country. He also worked in many above ground labs from coast<br />

to coast. He was quite amazing in his knowledge and he is the one that helped to clarify a lot of<br />

this area of my past because I have many, many memories, very clear memories all the way<br />

back to probably when I was about 12-years-old, that in the earlier aspects of my life I thought<br />

were very odd, very strange. My childhood teacher, however, was an individual who believed<br />

that everything has a purpose, everything has a place. Otherwise it wouldn’t exist. So he<br />

always taught me that this is part of my place, this aspect of me does have a purpose, and that I<br />

shouldn’t fight it; that I should simply accept that’s the way it is and learn to live with it. So to<br />

him, it was something sacred. To him, to Meechgalanne, everything was sacred so this was<br />

really no different. For a long time, I struggled with that a lot because I didn’t see anything<br />

sacred about it. I was a part of a program when I was still in utero. I was not born yet, I was<br />

inside my mother’s womb. And I was born in a military hospital as I have stated before. I was<br />

actually at Fort Dix in New Jersey which happens to be in the Pine Barrens, which is a very<br />

interesting place. But we’ll get to that in a minute. The program, I found out the name of many<br />

years later through Aman, has a series of letters. They’re all capitalized, so it’s definitely an<br />

acronym, and I do not know what each letter stands for. I just have the acronym. It’s LIY-<br />

CONN/DELTA-A. This was the name of the program. It was a genetic manipulation program<br />

that took place through the Air Force. I do not know if it is still there today or if the program is<br />

even in existence anymore today or if it’s simply evolved into other programs, but the base of<br />

this program was in the underground facility beneath Fort Dix which spanned out throughout<br />

the massive tunnel system that goes underneath the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. This was a<br />

whole genetic manipulation project that was based upon three main things; one was my<br />

genetics; two was the mind patterns that I came into life with as well as mind patterns that<br />

carried through my frequency field from past life genetic manipulation experiences.<br />

RM: This was the part, you know, when I think that I’ve heard everything my jaw drops and I<br />

say, “I didn’t see that coming.”<br />

WW: And the third one was my frequency in this life.<br />

RM: Now let me ask you this, <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong>, the time period here, in which of course, is obviously<br />

your gestation period, I guess.<br />

WW: Yes, it was in the very early ‘70s; so ’71. Supposedly, Aman told me that this project was<br />

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<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

a very powerful and very active project in the early ‘70s. Like I said, the main project was<br />

centered in the subterranean base under Fort Dix that spanned out into the many subterranean<br />

structures that laces the Pine Barrens still today. Huge genetic manipulation project facilities<br />

exist under the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. Between this fact and the sheer amount of odd –<br />

whatever you want to call them – energy vortexes that are found throughout the Barrens make<br />

them a very interesting place.<br />

RM: Yes, they are a very interesting place and there definitely are people who know and have<br />

documented some of the things that they call ‘paranormal’ which are probably just part of the<br />

natural energetics and I assume they are amplified somewhat as well by the existence of that<br />

base there.<br />

WW: Yeah, I’m sure it is. I’ve been through the Barrens a number of times. You know, people<br />

go missing in the Barrens all the time. Many people are never found, and they’re not reported.<br />

It’s not public information. You would have to go through high up law enforcement agencies to<br />

find the names. <strong>As</strong> a matter of fact, there is an individual who just within the last maybe year<br />

or so wrote a book, a series of books, two I believe, about missing people in the wilderness or<br />

national parks I believe it was. He did one for the Eastern United States and one for the<br />

Western United States. I would have to look his name up, but he’s a very interesting<br />

individual. He’s actually an old-time law enforcement officer himself and he has been studying<br />

these disappearances.<br />

RM: It’s David Politis.<br />

WW: Ah yes.<br />

RM: That wasn’t me pulling … I actually googled this.<br />

WW: That’s okay. Anyway, the Pine Barrens is a really screwed up area. It’s beautiful. But<br />

when you’re there and you’re actually out in them and you really tap into what’s there, it’s an<br />

interesting place. In certain areas of the Pine Barrens, if you go to, it’s very quiet. But if you<br />

stand there in that quietness, you will hear a hum coming from underground from these bases.<br />

It’s loud enough where the animals that live in those areas are very disturbed, and there are<br />

some areas where the birds, they avoid the areas completely because they are very sensitive to<br />

these frequencies. So anyway, here nor there, that is where this experience set in this life for<br />

me began. I guess, when I was between the ages of seven and thirteen, I have very clear<br />

memories of continuing genetic procedures that took place in Pennsylvania. I really don’t<br />

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<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

portend to know how this works. But from what I’ve been told by Aman in my book, as well as<br />

details picked up as I have been going through my healing path, the technological biochemistry<br />

techniques involved are quite complicated. I was born with a very high level wolf frequency,<br />

and I have seen and have been told in more of a confirmation means that during Atlantis times.<br />

So this is ancient simultaneous existences if you want to put a time frame on them. I had three<br />

main lives in which I was directly part of the human/animal genetic manipulation <strong>projects</strong>, and<br />

the specific project in all three lives were between human and wolf. Anybody who wants to<br />

know more about genetic manipulation <strong>projects</strong> that took place during the Atlantis time can<br />

look at civilizations that came directly after, like Egypt. You know, you look at their drawings<br />

and you look at their gods and they’re all half human and half animal. This was because they<br />

brought the belief systems and the energetic tappings of genetic manipulation into their culture<br />

from the Atlantis <strong>projects</strong>. Of course, this is all reptilian-based and all that yadda, yadda stuff.<br />

RM: And you and I have talked about this as well, that my research indicates that this goes<br />

back to Atlantis and some of the experiments that occurred there; some of the spiritual things<br />

that occurred there as well because apparently, some of this animal spiritism was a part of the<br />

culture in Atlantis to my understanding as well.<br />

WW: Yes, especially during the later time frame of Atlantis after heavy reptilian influence had<br />

moved in, this is when these <strong>projects</strong> were intense. This stuff, people don’t understand it, but<br />

this stuff still goes on today on a very large scale. This stuff is not just Unites States based. This<br />

stuff spans the globe.<br />

RM: Yes, we’ve interviewed Barry King from the UK, and Barry confirms a lot of this stuff going<br />

on at bases like Peasemore and also the big base down in Australia, Pine Gap.<br />

WW: Yeah definitely, this is a very real aspect of our modern world and it has roots into an<br />

ancient world. So I hold the wolf frequency in body, in mind, very strongly in this life and<br />

somehow they, the people who ran this project, enhanced the wolf frequency that I already<br />

had quite strongly and manipulated my own genetics by physical and frequency-wise<br />

implanting of hybrid wolf genetics, and the process had something to do with altering my<br />

genetics while I was in the fetus stage. Aman had a decent amount of experience with such<br />

<strong>projects</strong>, though he never told me if he was actually involved with this particular project or<br />

similar ones. But he definitely had a pretty good idea of what genetic manipulation was all<br />

about. He told me that my mother was actually taken, because he had access to files that I<br />

have never seen about me and my family. He told me that when my mother was taken when<br />

she was in an altered state into a military hospital in New Jersey during her pregnancy near<br />

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under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

where my father was stationed, and I guess she lived right outside the bases, so it was right<br />

there in the Pine Barrens and everything else. So it’s not like she had to travel from states to<br />

get there. There I went under frequency targeting and injections of some kind that changed the<br />

genetic coding. It was during this process that I, in the fetus stage, was traumatized and the<br />

grounds were laid in my mind for what they called demon attachments. This demon energy<br />

bound with the manipulated wolf genetics and frequency to create an altered state of<br />

human/wolf or the common layman term is werewolf. During this creation, the human/wolf<br />

frequency was literally piggybacked onto my pure wolf frequency so that I would never find it<br />

and my mind would always accept it as me. Now, certain demon energies were layered at<br />

entry points into this human/wolf frequency, which prevented me from getting anywhere near<br />

it. See, since everything is created by frequency, if you can force the frequency to change, you<br />

can then in extreme cases change the physical structure. This process can be greatly enhanced<br />

and intensified through these genetic manipulation <strong>projects</strong> where the physical DNA is also<br />

being manipulated with whatever the heck it is they inject while the body is still in the fetus<br />

stage, still growing, and before it’s actually fully formed, and then triggers were placed within<br />

this frequency. Then a handler was assigned to me who had direct access to it. In my book, I<br />

gave her the name Lilith. Her real first name is Diana. I will not disclose her last name because<br />

she is still alive and kicking out there. But she was not the only one who had this access. I<br />

know of two others who had it as well; though they didn’t have the full access, they only had<br />

partial access. Yes, I do know who both of them are. Anyway, an astral being beyond the<br />

demon frequencies supposedly was also plugged into the human/wolf frequency to assist in<br />

controlling it during shifts or activations. This being is a lower astral entity that seems to have<br />

familiar energy readings with this type of genetic manipulation. When this frequency in me was<br />

activated, it would change the frequency pattern of my mind, which would alter the frequency<br />

of my body to match the human/wolf hybrid frequency. Of course, my body and mind would<br />

then literally shift to match this frequency. I would lose conscious awareness, and the<br />

programs within and the handlers dictating my actions would then claim full control. This is not<br />

to say that my mind would go into a dead state and the handlers and controllers would act<br />

through me. What I mean is that waking conscious would be locked out while this hybrid<br />

human/wolf altered state of mind would become present.<br />

RM: This is effectively a compartmentalized alternate personality that is triggered in the<br />

process.<br />

WW: Yes. Over the years, I’ve learned to become aware of when this frequency is being<br />

triggered and I have learned to block it. To this day, I can block it, but it’s both mentally and<br />

physically excruciating to do so. I think this is probably because it was through pain and torture<br />

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under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

as well as obvious genetic alteration that were placed in me in the first place. My wife has seen<br />

me begin to shift many times, and the times she was around, she somehow managed to stop<br />

the completion of the shift. I wrote a lot about her aspect in my life in the book, 'Shadow<br />

Scorpion’. She is pretty gifted on many levels. Many times in my past I would wake up in the<br />

morning in my bed with dirt-caked feet and smeared, dried blood all over my body. I had no<br />

wounds, but the blood might not have been mine. Dried stuff I would find under my nails and<br />

sometimes in my teeth, and I would have to get up and floss. I would literally freak out inside<br />

and I would scrub down hard in the shower and brush and floss like three times before I would<br />

stop. My wife can tell you, I used to bathe two or three times a day because these events<br />

continued to happen and I could never explain them. It was an area of my life that was<br />

definitely a grey zone. My wife would tell me things. At the time of this particular series of<br />

events, we were living at like 9,000 feet in the Rocky Mountains in the middle of Winter, it was<br />

January or February, billowing snow and sub-zero temperatures outside and the Moon would<br />

come out; it would be like daylight outside and she says, “I would come out in the middle of the<br />

night and you would be standing in the living room, stark naked, staring out the window.” She<br />

says, “I would come back to bed and within seconds after turning around, I would hear the door<br />

open and close and you would be gone. “ I mean, if I went out there just in my human skin, I<br />

would freeze to death in a matter of … up at that elevation and in those temperatures, fifteen<br />

minutes.<br />

RM: Oh yeah, absolutely.<br />

WW: You know these are certainly not some kind of claims of invincibility because that’s not<br />

even close. These are simply some things in my life that just don’t add up.<br />

RM: I guess one question that I have is, given that a lot of times you were in remote locations,<br />

you were being tracked, you had an implant, and the triggering was being done by what … via<br />

satellite?<br />

WW: Most likely. I actually posted some photographs on my website on my blog of some of<br />

the implants that I found in x-rays. So it’s very possible that this triggering was through<br />

satellite. But also, I did notice as the years went on that the triggering would happen during<br />

specific time frames of the Moon’s cycle. That’s not to say that it would happen every first<br />

quarter moon, but the time frames of the Moon would associate with select date numberings.<br />

So these were programmed triggers into the genetic frequency matrix. So when these dates<br />

and these timeframes of the natural cycles of the Moon and the Earth and the Sun would come<br />

about, it would act as a natural trigger. So yeah, some odd things that I was able to do<br />

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under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

throughout my life that never really added up in my mind until this aspect of my awareness<br />

came about.<br />

In my past, I would spar in martial arts for many, many hours every week. I had a few highlytrained<br />

people whom I would spar with weekly. Many times, we would spar for six hours<br />

straight. We didn’t take a break, we just sparred for six hours straight. They would always<br />

comment on my speed and how it was almost impossible for them to touch me. This was<br />

interesting because years later I would test this speed, and I would stop training for months<br />

while they would continue training daily. Then we’d get together and spar and they would tell<br />

me, if anything, I would get faster. I’ve also been told many times by many people, including<br />

my physical therapist, that my strength doesn’t fit the size of my body. I’m not saying I can lift a<br />

thousand pounds, because I can’t. I’m just saying that for the size of my body, I have a strength<br />

that just doesn’t fit the muscle structure that I have. Again, I would test this by avoiding major<br />

activities that would sustain such strength for many, many months. I remember a number of<br />

times in my past. I would stop strength training for a year. One time I stopped for two years,<br />

and afterwards, I went back and tested my strength to find out that it hadn’t changed at all.<br />

These things don’t add up; speed, strength, they take practice, they take diligence. You’ve got<br />

to keep them up. These are skills that you have to continually work on.<br />

This is very interesting. When I was born, I had my blood tested like all infants. I was tested as<br />

an A positive. I had surgery at the age of five, this is actually when my first implant was put in,<br />

and my blood was still supposedly A positive. I was born in a military hospital, so they tested it;<br />

and then the surgery at the age of five took place in a different state, with different doctors. It<br />

came out the same, A positive. From the time that I was born, through my childhood and midteens,<br />

I was allergic to almost everything under the Sun; I mean food, plants, molds,<br />

temperature change, insects, you name it. However, after I left the training facility at age<br />

nineteen, all of my allergies disappeared almost overnight and my blood type today is O<br />

positive. I’ve had it tested a number of times and each time it comes up very clear, O positive.<br />

And blood type doesn’t change. Either somebody messed up twice in two different hospitals,<br />

actually three, because I had surgery when I was seven as well that showed A positive with<br />

different doctors. So either somebody messed up three times, or something very odd went on.<br />

Even when I had my blood tested recently and over the past three years, it took three tests<br />

before my blood would register at all as any type of human blood; and then when it did, it came<br />

up with O positive. Now, this is interesting because Aman had told me that in the training<br />

facility, genetic updates were done to coincide with my training and usage purposes. I was also<br />

told that a type A blood mind or mental capacity for detail orientation and memory was<br />

required for the work, but only a type O blood body could withstand the physical feats because<br />

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under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

of its ability to use stress to build physical attributes.<br />

RM: So, in effect, you may actually have what … a dual Rh factor and one is dominant? Is that<br />

what you believe?<br />

WW: No. From what I could gather from what Aman was telling me, is that because of the<br />

genetic manipulation in the beginning of my life, they were able to somehow change my blood<br />

after the mental downloads in the training facility were complete.<br />

RM: Okay, that makes sense.<br />

WW: How? I don’t know. Don’t ask me how. I have no idea. The only way that I know for<br />

people to actually change somebody’s blood, I mean it happens to infants once in awhile when<br />

they are born into an incompatible mother/father blood relationship.<br />

RM: Right, like a blue baby.<br />

WW: Right. They will actually drain the blood out and put a different blood in. It’s crazy. So<br />

how this actually happened, I have only speculations. A number of people in my past, including<br />

my wife and my son, have seen my eyes turn jet <strong>black</strong>. My son has actually witnessed partial<br />

shifts before and other odd things that I wrote in detail about in my book. The whole question,<br />

of course, comes down to why. What is the whole purpose of this in my past? In this<br />

wolf/human frequency activation, I was used to kill as well as in blood rituals. Each one of<br />

these times, I can clearly remember Lilith being present. I have had many bleed-throughs and<br />

they have allowed me to regain many memories from within the shifted state because it is still<br />

my mind. Anybody who has been programmed, mind-controlled, any of you who have altered<br />

states, they are just aspects of you that are sealed off from your core consciousness. So the<br />

information is there. It’s a matter of being able to merge these back together so that you can<br />

fully tap into this information bank, and we’ll get into this as the series goes on. But even<br />

though consciously I wasn’t tuned into my actions during shifts, the altered states of my mind<br />

were fully present. And like I said, they are simply part of me and thus, my mind. Also, the<br />

subconscious logs every detail over our lives and if we learn to access this, we can find many<br />

details that would otherwise be unfound. My other major cross-check base was my training<br />

facility nurse who I wrote about in some detail in my book. I believe her name in the book was<br />

Kaira. When I met her years after leaving the training facility and during a time when bleedthroughs<br />

were beginning very strongly, she told me a great deal about these tests that were run<br />

on us while we were in the training facility and mine in particular. She also told me about the<br />

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under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

ituals and the genetic manipulation usage that enhanced the training. You know, Aman was<br />

telling me that most people die in genetic manipulation <strong>projects</strong>. I’m told that it’s extremely<br />

rare to find people that have survived and have actually been used for project purposes. I don’t<br />

really know if this is a fact or not, it’s just what I’ve been told.<br />

RM: Yeah, I’ve heard anecdotal evidence as well from people in other <strong>projects</strong> and probably<br />

one of the most high-profile of these is Montauk which operated both in the United States and<br />

the UK, and anecdotally, I’ve been told that there was a huge mortality rate certainly in the<br />

early parts of the <strong>projects</strong> and some of the mortality had to do with people who maybe didn’t<br />

physically die but just went completely insane from what they were exposed to.<br />

WW: Right. Yeah, exactly. That’s interesting that you bring up Montauk because again, I’m still<br />

working on cross-checking this stuff, but I was told that this level of project that I was involved<br />

with was actually a future branch of the old Montauk project. I’m talking about the genetic<br />

manipulation part, not so much the <strong>assassin</strong>ation training facility aspect. But like I said, I’m still<br />

trying to cross-check that. I don’t know if I’ll ever find that out, but it’s some interesting<br />

research.<br />

RM: Can I go back for a minute? There is something that I want to ask you about while it’s still<br />

in the brackets. You talked about the overlay of demon energy and I guess this goes into the<br />

ritual aspects as well. I mean, we’re talking about genetic manipulation which is biochemical,<br />

we’re talking about energy manipulation which goes into the area of I guess what you would<br />

call a hard science type of thing – frequencies; but now with the overlay of demon energy,<br />

we’re talking about something that operates on an entirely different level that we would<br />

consider to be spiritual. Can you give me any insight into how that works or how they are<br />

harnessing this demonic energy?<br />

WW: Yeah. Now that leads me into a misconception that I had for awhile. I have been told<br />

that this kind of manipulation is based upon what is known as Moon Child programming. But<br />

again, I’m not really sure. Yes, the Moon Child is tortured during the fetus stage, and yes,<br />

demons are layered into the mind, but it also has to do with religious cover alters of which I<br />

have none. So, as much as it’s similar, I feel that in my case it had more to do with a specific<br />

genetic manipulation and control rather than demonization even though there seems to be<br />

aspects of demonization involved.<br />

RM: Okay, but we’re basically talking about the energy itself, not necessarily the personality<br />

traits or anything like that. This energetic is layered into it in a way that they basically have<br />

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under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

tapped into something that’s a different frequency range than what we would get in our<br />

normal spectrum.<br />

WW: Yeah. This aspect, I was told, began while my mind was still forming in the fetus stage<br />

and then also within a very short time after I was born. And then it picked up again between<br />

the ages of seven and thirteen, and I’ve written about this on my website about my<br />

recollections of being taken on summer nights to some underground basement facility very<br />

close to where I lived in Pennsylvania. I actually found the entrance to the tunnel for this years<br />

later. But very traumatic events happened in that place that involved invoking terror. The main<br />

events that occurred were being tied, wrists and ankles, and then being tormented by humans<br />

wearing demon-style masks. Of course at the time, I thought they were actually demons and<br />

that I was dreaming a very real dream.<br />

RM: That’s not a small detail, by the way. Thank you for that, because in interviewing<br />

abductees who believe that they’ve experienced so-called alien abductions, and I’m not<br />

doubting what anybody’s experience is, there is a strong body of evidence that indicates that is<br />

a similar tactic that is used there as well in what is called military abductions, MILABS.<br />

WW: Yeah, and who knows? Maybe they were actual dreams, but they were very real. And if<br />

they were, then they were very real and quite clearly set up in the dream state by<br />

programmers. The basements were all cement, very damp, there were puddles on the filthy<br />

floors, and it was dark besides a dim, bare light bulb that was hanging from the ceiling. Each<br />

time I can remember being there. The masks were always white with <strong>black</strong> and red highlight<br />

facial features. There was also a metal water trough in one of the corners that I remember<br />

being thrown into and held under. I know the purpose of this was to further fracture my mind<br />

in order to create space for future alters, and I know in my gut that it was connected to the<br />

genetic project, but I don’t know the details as to how. I can only speculate that it had<br />

something to do with creating greater internal separation for the piggyback frequency to<br />

perhaps grow. To my understanding, the demon energy aspect of this or the demonization if<br />

you want to call it that, comes into utilizing rituals combined with technology, combined with<br />

who knows what, to tap into lower astral entities. So these are very low level entities that exist<br />

in the non-physical layer of what we know as the astral plane. These energies are actually laced<br />

into the fragment zones of the mind through technology. I think it’s done by frequency and it<br />

probably has some ritual that goes with it, I don’t know. But the main purpose that I have come<br />

to the conclusion on my own path of these demon energies being there for is to keep me from<br />

accessing all the areas of myself and actually merging myself back into one core being. The<br />

demon energies are there to basically act as guardians, to guard the fractured selves. But I do<br />

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under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

emember some rituals where Lilith was present and these were blood rituals that were used to<br />

invoke demon energies. I remember two of them very specifically and the demon name that<br />

was continually repeated throughout the ceremony. Where the ceremony took place,<br />

everything was pure white. The walls were white, the floor was white, the ceiling was white,<br />

any furniture in the room was white, the people who had clothes on, they were all dressed in<br />

white; everything was white. The only thing that had any color was the red, five-pointed star<br />

that was painted on the floor. But the name Moloch was the only one that I can ever<br />

remember hearing.<br />

So, to give people a little bit of a better background on my history and the levels of trauma that<br />

I have gone through and I have had to heal from and I am still working on healing from, I<br />

thought it was very important to bring this piece of information out publicly. Again, this is<br />

definitely not a whistleblower thing at all. This is just so you can better understand where I<br />

come from so that as we go along with this series, you might be able to relate to different areas<br />

of my life. Whether you relate to them or not, it doesn’t really matter because what I have<br />

tried to heal from and I am still trying to heal from was intense enough that you can pretty<br />

much fit it into …<br />

RM: Yeah, it’s a big space. It really is.<br />

WW: Yeah, it is. So anyway, that’s why I decided to come forward and talk about this on the<br />

first show and actually, I feel better for doing so. I feel a lot better now than I did at the<br />

beginning.<br />

RM: I understand your apprehension in bringing it out, and I understand that may be part of<br />

your programming. But it’s also very human in terms of the things that we want to keep locked<br />

down in our mind compartmentalized. And in sharing that, knowing my listenership and<br />

knowing some of the things that people have shared with me, you doing that enables them to<br />

also confront things. Because I have people at different stages of dealing with fragmented<br />

memories, dealing with memories that are beginning to seep out of the cracks, people who are<br />

dealing on a daily basis with depression, suicide programs, rage; these are all things that you<br />

know very well are part of the breaking down of the program. When somebody hears you<br />

share what you just shared, it gives them strength to confront. I got emails from a number of<br />

people thanking us for doing that first show, even thanking you for some of the information<br />

that you gave in that show on some simple healing techniques. And I haven’t announced<br />

publicly that we were doing this series, but there were people who asked, was I going to have<br />

you back for interviews, and they really wanted to learn more and of course, we send them<br />

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under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

over to your website, and even to the point of saying, send <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> an email because you’re<br />

very generous in dealing with helping people deal with this stuff. So I guess, in a way, you<br />

stepping out like this is going to enable some people out there to begin to recognize their own<br />

trauma. It also enables people who are dealing with what I guess we would call maybe, not to<br />

diminish it, lower order stress type things to realize that what you’ve come out of is a testing<br />

ground for a lot of the techniques that you utilize.<br />

WW: Yeah, and that’s true. From whatever path you come, or from whatever trauma you have<br />

experienced, it takes a great deal of inner strength and courage and commitment to self and<br />

self-truth to really come forward. That doesn’t mean that everybody has to come forward and<br />

write a book or go public on the radio or in newspapers, but just to go public within the realm<br />

of your own mind to say, you know, it’s time to address this, it’s time to deal with it, and it’s<br />

time to surpass it and move on. But the only way that you can do that is to first of all accept<br />

that it’s there, explore it as much as you possibly can to gain as many of the details as you can<br />

because it’s hard, it’s very hard to do your work if you refuse to look at the details because that<br />

– I call it mouse mind. If you’re not utilizing mouse mind and scrutinizing every detail and crosschecking<br />

it with as many means as you can, you truly don’t know what is an illusionary reality, I<br />

mean, this is all an illusionary reality, or if it was actually a physical reality that you experienced.<br />

You know, a lot of these things in my past that I thought were real physical experiences I found<br />

out to be actually programmed experiences; that they never actually physically happened.<br />

They happened to my mind, but not in a physical sense.<br />

RM: But they are still an important part of the bigger picture.<br />

WW: Oh exactly. Like I said, you’ve got to scrutinize everything because to know whether or<br />

not it took place only in your mind, or mind as well as body, or sometimes only body, is to be<br />

able to understand what level of techniques, what level of self you need to approach to<br />

properly deal with that layer of your experiences because your body reacts to things differently<br />

than your mind, and different areas of your mind react to different things within the construct<br />

of the mind, let alone from the body. So to understand where these took place in your life is of<br />

vital importance I have found out. I think I did my best in my book to really lay out the areas of<br />

my life that did take place in the physical and areas that were strictly isolated to the mind and<br />

how that affected me differently as my life went on. I have started to write a second book, it’s<br />

called ‘Tracking Demons’, and it is a book about my healing and about the healing path. But<br />

because I am so busy teaching and everything else, I don’t know when I am ever going to finish<br />

the book. So that was one reason why I decided to come forward with this radio series; to<br />

maybe get some of that basic information out there to the public so that you can see that it can<br />

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under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

e done.<br />

RM: Yeah, that’s the important part. I think what both you and I share in terms of a vision is<br />

not oriented towards trotting out more information. We’re bathing in information constantly,<br />

largely because of the Internet, and that’s not a bad thing. But my personal goal in even<br />

interviewing people such as yourself has not been, as I said earlier, to do whistleblower or<br />

titillation. It has been to bring information out to help people, even helping myself to a large<br />

degree. You know, I’ve been very honest. A lot of what I do on this show is, for me, kind of a<br />

form of therapy as well. So I’ve learned that people who are healers are people that have been<br />

healed. So the goal is actually multi-faceted from my perspective in bringing people like you on<br />

and presenting the information, but then going beyond the information into something that’s<br />

constructive and something that can go towards healing, raising people up, and building them<br />

up so that they become healers too. This is very much a proactive thing that I believe you have<br />

been doing for a lot of years in terms of breaking the cycle. We break the cycle of abuse and<br />

these secret <strong>black</strong> <strong>projects</strong>, and we do that one person at a time so that each person then<br />

becomes another brick in the wall, so to speak, in terms of getting to a place of healing.<br />

WW: Yeah, I agree completely, 100%.<br />

RM: So, we’re going to wrap this up. One of the things that is going to occur probably, <strong>White</strong><br />

<strong>Wolf</strong>, is we will begin to get some feedback from the listeners and I want to encourage that,<br />

even questions and things like that. Although what I find with things like this is that questions<br />

will get answered pretty organically as we flow through this. But I’ll put it out there that if<br />

anybody wants to ask questions, or if there is something that you want dealt with, or if you are<br />

dealing with something yourself in your own life, that you can contact me via the email form at<br />

www.offplanetradio.com/ and I assume that you are open as well for correspondence.<br />

WW: Yeah, definitely at firewolfways@gmail.com.<br />

RM: Excellent, excellent! So, next show, what are we going to do? Have you mapped that out<br />

at all or are we just going to go flowing with the time stream so to speak?<br />

WW: Well, one other place that they can ask questions in on my website<br />

http://www.waysofthewildinstitute.com/ in the left-hand information bar, you’ll see an <strong>As</strong>k<br />

<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong>. You can click on that. You can do it anonymously, it doesn’t matter. But people<br />

can go ahead and they write questions in there and then I get them, and then when I have time,<br />

I answer them, and then I post them. So that’s another way that you can do it.<br />

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<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

Well, I mean I can only talk from my own personal experience and so, I think the best way for<br />

me to present information is how I have experienced the healing process to work in my own<br />

personal case. So through that, I will present how it came to be, how my healing path actually<br />

started, what steps I began taking when I started, what levels of myself it began on when I<br />

started. Then we can go from there and really lay out how it progressed and see how far we<br />

get because, within that, I would like to try to encompass all levels of ourselves; spiritual,<br />

emotional, mental, physical, and on and on and wrap it into a whole very real story line that will<br />

hopefully answer people’s questions about how a healing path from this type of stuff looks<br />

from a unique perspective, how I dealt with it, how I learned to deal with it, the problems that<br />

came up along the way, how I learned to deal with those, how I made contacts with other<br />

individuals who helped me out, took bits and pieces from, so that’s kind of how I’m looking at<br />

it.<br />

RM: Excellent. Okay, well that’s going to wrap it up for this session. This is Session 1 of, gosh, I<br />

don’t even know what we’re going to call this yet. We’ll find something appropriate at some<br />

point. And so, we’ll get together and there will be a Session 2 as well. Again, you can find this<br />

information at www.offplanetradio.com/ and you can contact me through that website, or you<br />

can go to http://www.waysofthewildinstitute.com/ and contact my co-presenter, <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong><br />

<strong>Von</strong> Atzingen. <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong>, thank you so much for this time.<br />

WW: Thank you, Randy. It was a pleasure and enlightening as always, and yeah, I look forward<br />

to future sessions.<br />

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<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

For more information or materials please contact <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> at:<br />

www.waysofthewildinstitute.com<br />

For distribution of this print material, or audio please contact Randy Maugans at:<br />

offplanetradio.com<br />





Transcription by Patricia Howard<br />

<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy<br />

Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-<br />

NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.<br />

Page 20 of 20<br />

<strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen: The Healing Sessions by <strong>White</strong> <strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Von</strong> Atzigen and Randy Maugans/OffPlanet Radio is licensed<br />

under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.<br />

Based on a work at www.waysofthewildinstitute.com.

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