Fall 2012 -- Prof. Claude Crépeau

Fall 2012 -- Prof. Claude Crépeau Fall 2012 -- Prof. Claude Crépeau

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COMP-330<br />

Theory of Computation<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2012</strong> -- <strong>Prof</strong>. <strong>Claude</strong> <strong>Crépeau</strong><br />

Lec. 9 : Context-Free<br />

Grammars<br />


COMP 330 <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2012</strong>:<br />

Lectures Schedule<br />

1. Introduction<br />

1.5. Some basic mathematics<br />

2. Deterministic finite automata<br />

+Closure properties,<br />

3. Nondeterministic finite automata<br />

4. Determinization+Kleene’s theorem<br />

5-6. Regular Expressions, GNFA and<br />

Regular Languages<br />

6-7. The pumping lemma<br />

8. Minimization+Myhill-Nerode theorem<br />

9. Context-free languages<br />

13. MIDTERM<br />

15. Pushdown automata<br />

16. Parsing<br />

17. The pumping lemma for CFLs<br />

18. Introduction to computability<br />

19. Models of computation<br />

Basic computability theory<br />

20. Reducibility, undecidability and Rice’s theorem<br />

21. Undecidable problems about CFGs<br />

22. Post Correspondence Problem<br />

23. Validity of FOL is RE / Gödel’s and Tarski’s thms<br />

24. Universality / The recursion theorem<br />

25. Degrees of undecidability<br />

26. Introduction to complexity<br />


Context-Free Grammars<br />

Let’s call the following grammar G 1 :<br />

A 0A1<br />

A B<br />

B #<br />

Derivation of a string “000#111” :<br />

A0A100A11000A111000B111000#111.<br />


Definition of CFG<br />

Variables<br />

A, B, C, ⟨TERM⟩, ⟨EXPR⟩<br />

Alphabet (of terminals)<br />

0,1,#<br />

Substitution Rules<br />

Start Variable<br />

A 0A1<br />

⟨EXPR⟩ ⟨TERM⟩<br />

A<br />

(left-hand side of the first substitution rule)<br />


Definition of CFG<br />


Parse Tree<br />


Definition of CFL<br />

If u, v and w are strings of variables and<br />

terminals, and A w is a rule of the<br />

grammar, we say that uAv yields uwv, written<br />

uAvuwv.<br />

We say that u derives v ( u * v ) if u=v or if<br />

uu 1 u 2 ...u k v, k≥0.<br />

The language of G is { w∈∑* | S * w }.<br />


Context-Free Grammars<br />

Formally, grammar G 1 :<br />

V = {A,B}<br />

∑ = {0,1,#}<br />

R = {A 0A1, A B, B #}<br />

S = A<br />

L(G 1 ) = { 0 n #1 n | n≥0 }.<br />


Example of CFG<br />


Example of CFG<br />

⟨ARTICLE⟩ a | the<br />

means<br />

⟨ARTICLE⟩ a<br />

⟨ARTICLE⟩ the<br />


Regular Operations :<br />

Kleene’s theorem (CFG)<br />


Regular Operations :<br />

Kleene’s theorem (CFL)<br />

CFLs<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />

Let G A =(V A ,∑,R A ,S A ) be a CFG generating L A and<br />

G B =(V B ,∑,R B ,S B ) be a CFG generating L B (V A ∩V B =∅).<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />

Let G A =(V A ,∑,R A ,S A ) be a CFG generating L A and<br />

G B =(V B ,∑,R B ,S B ) be a CFG generating L B (V A ∩V B =∅).<br />

Consider<br />

G U =( {S U }∪V A ∪V B ,∑,{S U S A | S B }∪R A ∪R B ,S U ).<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />

Let G A =(V A ,∑,R A ,S A ) be a CFG generating L A and<br />

G B =(V B ,∑,R B ,S B ) be a CFG generating L B (V A ∩V B =∅).<br />

Consider<br />

G U =( {S U }∪V A ∪V B ,∑,{S U S A | S B }∪R A ∪R B ,S U ).<br />

L U = L A ∪ L B .<br />


Regular Operations :<br />

Kleene’s theorem (CFL)<br />

CFLs<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />

Let G A =(V A ,∑,R A ,S A ) be a CFG generating L A and<br />

G B =(V B ,∑,R B ,S B ) be a CFG generating L B (V A ∩V B =∅).<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />

Let G A =(V A ,∑,R A ,S A ) be a CFG generating L A and<br />

G B =(V B ,∑,R B ,S B ) be a CFG generating L B (V A ∩V B =∅).<br />

Consider<br />

G C =( {S C }∪V A ∪V B ,∑,{S C S A S B }∪R A ∪R B ,S C ).<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />

Let G A =(V A ,∑,R A ,S A ) be a CFG generating L A and<br />

G B =(V B ,∑,R B ,S B ) be a CFG generating L B (V A ∩V B =∅).<br />

Consider<br />

G C =( {S C }∪V A ∪V B ,∑,{S C S A S B }∪R A ∪R B ,S C ).<br />

L C = L A ∘L B .<br />


Regular Operations :<br />

Kleene’s theorem (CFL)<br />

CFLs<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />

Let G A =(V A ,∑,R A ,S A ) be a CFG generating L A .<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />

Let G A =(V A ,∑,R A ,S A ) be a CFG generating L A .<br />

Consider<br />

G S =( {S S }∪V A ,∑,{S S E | S A S S }∪R A ,S S ).<br />


Kleene’s<br />

theorem (CFL)<br />

Let G A =(V A ,∑,R A ,S A ) be a CFG generating L A .<br />

Consider<br />

G S =( {S S }∪V A ,∑,{S S E | S A S S }∪R A ,S S ).<br />

L S = (L A )*.<br />


Construction tools<br />

(and Reductions)<br />

CFLs are closed under union, concatenation and<br />

star. If there exists a CFL C s. t. either A*=A’,<br />

A∪C=A’, A∘C=A’ (but not complement nor<br />

intersection) or any combinations of these<br />

operations then A’ is a CFL as long as A is.<br />

( If A’ is NON-CFL then so is A. )<br />


Construction tools<br />

Constructing a CFG for a regular language L:<br />

M = (Q={q 0 ,q 1 ,...,q k },∑,δ,q 0 ,F) is converted to<br />

G = (V={R 0 ,R 1 ,...,R k },∑,R,S=R 0 ) where<br />

R contains rule R i aR j for each δ(q i ,a) = q j<br />

in M, and rule R i E for each accept-state<br />

q i ∈F.<br />

R 0 is the start variable.<br />


extra EXAMPLE of CFG<br />


extra EXAMPLE of CFG<br />


Ambiguity in CFGs<br />


Leftmost Derivation<br />

A derivation is Leftmost if every time a variable<br />

is substituted, it is always the leftmost variable.<br />

E<br />

X<br />

A<br />

M<br />

PLE<br />


Ambiguity<br />

A string w is derived ambiguously by a CFG<br />

G if it has two or more distinct leftmost<br />

derivations. Grammar G is ambigious if it<br />

generates some string ambiguously.<br />


Ambiguity<br />

Ambiguity is not desirable in CFG because it<br />

may lead to unexpected interpretations of a<br />

string, for instance in the context of arithmetic<br />

expressions or programming languages.<br />

However, some languages are inherently<br />

ambiguous, meaning that all grammars<br />

genrating this language must be ambiguous.<br />

example : {a i b j c k | i=j or j=k}<br />


Ambiguous version of<br />

example 2.4<br />

G 5<br />


Ambiguous CFG<br />


Noam Chomsky<br />

Chomsky Normal Form<br />


Chomsky Normal Form<br />


Chomsky Normal Form<br />


157<br />


Proof:<br />


Proof:<br />

First, we add a new start variable S 0 and the<br />

rule S 0 S, where S was the origial start<br />

variable.<br />


Chomsky Normal Form<br />


Second, we take care of all E-rules. We<br />

remove an E-rule A E, where A is not the<br />

start variable.<br />


Second, we take care of all E-rules. We<br />

remove an E-rule A E, where A is not the<br />

start variable.<br />

Then for each occurrence of A on the righthand<br />

side of a rule we add a new rule with<br />

that occurrence deleted.<br />


Second, we take care of all E-rules. We<br />

remove an E-rule A E, where A is not the<br />

start variable.<br />

Then for each occurrence of A on the righthand<br />

side of a rule we add a new rule with<br />

that occurrence deleted.<br />

Accordingly, each rule R A is replaced by<br />

R E unless it has been already removed.<br />


Chomsky Normal Form<br />


Third, we handle all unit rules by removing<br />

each unit rule A B.<br />


Third, we handle all unit rules by removing<br />

each unit rule A B.<br />

In consequence whenever B u appears, we<br />

add the rule A u unless this is a unit rule<br />

previously removed.<br />


Chomsky Normal Form<br />


Finally, we convert all remaining rules as<br />

follows: A u 1 u 2 ...u k for k>2, where each u i<br />

is a variable or terminal with a series of<br />

rules A u 1 A 1 , A 1 u 2 A 2 ,..., A k-2 u k-1 u k<br />

where each A i is a new variable.<br />


Finally, we convert all remaining rules as<br />

follows: A u 1 u 2 ...u k for k>2, where each u i<br />

is a variable or terminal with a series of<br />

rules A u 1 A 1 , A 1 u 2 A 2 ,..., A k-2 u k-1 u k<br />

where each A i is a new variable.<br />

When k=2, and A u 1 u 2 , we may replace<br />

any terminal u i by a variable U i and the rule<br />

U i u i.<br />


Chomsky Normal Form<br />


COMP-330<br />

Theory of Computation<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2012</strong> -- <strong>Prof</strong>. <strong>Claude</strong> <strong>Crépeau</strong><br />

Lec. 9 : Context-Free<br />

Grammars<br />


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