Lecture XI

Lecture XI

Lecture XI


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Particle Physics 2011<br />

Luis Anchordoqui<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Radiative Corrections<br />

As a rule ☛
size of radiative corrections to a given process is<br />

determined by discrepancy between various mass & energy scales involved<br />

For a wide class of low-energy and<br />

-boson observables<br />

dominant effects originate entirely in gauge boson propagators<br />

➊●⦁<br />

●⦁<br />

➋ ∆ρ<br />

●⦁<br />

➌<br />

●⦁<br />

➍<br />

(oblique corrections)<br />

and can be parametrized in terms of 4 electroweak parameters:<br />

∆α<br />

Z<br />

∆α, ∆ρ, ∆r, and ∆κ<br />

determines running fine structure constant at<br />

α(m Z )/α = (1 − ∆α) −1<br />

Z<br />

boson scale<br />

measures quantum corrections of NC/CC amplitudes at low energy<br />

∆r embodies non-photonic corrections to muon lifetime<br />

∆κ<br />

controls effective weak mixing angle<br />

that occurs in ratio of<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

sin 2 ¯θw = sin 2 θ w (1 + ∆κ)<br />

Zf ¯f<br />

vector and axial-vector couplings<br />

i.e. c f V /cf A =1− 4|Q f | sin 2 ¯θw

Chess Notation<br />

Today’s class ☛ intro to theory of electroweak radiative corrections<br />

and its role in testing SM, predicting top mass, constraining Higgs mass,<br />

and searching for deviations that may signal presence of new physics<br />

Implementing such a program<br />

can be first formulated from point of view of experimentalist<br />

Introducing notation ☛<br />

sin 2 θ w = s 2 =1− c 2 , m 2 W ≡ w, m 2 Z ≡ z<br />

Electroweak theory predicts at Born level that:<br />

w<br />

z<br />

=1− s2<br />

♜<br />

σ(ν µ e)<br />

σ(¯ν µ e) = 3 − 12s2 + 16s 4<br />

♚<br />

1 − 4s 2 + 16s 4<br />

πα 1<br />

√<br />

2 GF<br />

w = s2<br />

♟<br />

Γ(Z → f ¯f)<br />

m Z<br />

= α 3 C F<br />

((c f V )2 +(c f A )2)<br />

♝<br />

A LR ≃ A τ ≃<br />

[ 4<br />

3 A FB<br />

] 1/2<br />

≃ 2(1 − 4s 2 )<br />

♛<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chessboard<br />

Chess Eqs. represent incomplete list of experiments<br />

capable of measuring sin 2 θ w<br />

Validity of SM requires that each measurement yields same value of s 2<br />

〡<br />

Ratio of<br />

ν µ<br />

scattering on left- and right-handed electrons<br />

which is a function of<br />

sin 2 θ w<br />

only ☛<br />

♚<br />

〢<br />

Measurement of weak boson masses ☛<br />

♜<br />

〣<br />

m W ,α G F ♟<br />

Combination of , and as determined by muon lifetime ☛<br />

ⅠⅤ<br />

Ⅴ<br />

Partial widths of<br />

with vector<br />

and color factor<br />

Z<br />

into a fermion pair<br />

and axial coupling<br />

c f V<br />

and<br />

c f A<br />

C F = 3 (1) for quarks (leptons) ☛<br />

Various asymmetries measured at Z-factories ☛ ♛<br />

♝<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Corrections to<br />

Z<br />

propagator<br />

After inclusion of<br />

O(α)<br />

corrections<br />

sin 2 θ w values obtained from different methods will no longer be same<br />

ple,<br />

because<br />

the diagram<br />

radiative example, the corrections diagram modify chess eqs. in different ways<br />

E.G.<br />

diagram ☛<br />

Z<br />

W W<br />

modifies -channel (5.5.92)<br />

(5.5.92)<br />

W (5.5.92)<br />

propagator measured by ♚<br />

W<br />

fies<br />

It<br />

the<br />

does<br />

t-channel<br />

not It does<br />

Z propagator<br />

-- not, however, contribute<br />

measured<br />

-- contribute to O(α) shifts in<br />

by (5.5.87); see<br />

to the W, Z masses<br />

also (5.1.27).<br />

shifts in masses<br />

f<br />

W<br />

es not, however, contribute to O(α) shiftsf<br />

in the W, Z masses<br />

Z<br />

W<br />

example, the diagram<br />

f<br />

+ + +<br />

W. . .<br />

W<br />

W<br />

H<br />

+ + + . . .<br />

(5.5.93)<br />

+ + + . . .<br />

W<br />

W<br />

modifies the t-channel Z propagator measured by (5.5.87); see also (5.1.27).<br />

modifies It does not, the t-channel however, contribute Z propagator O(α) measured shiftsby in (5.5.87); the W, Zsee masses also (5.1.27).<br />

Z<br />

Z<br />

W<br />

W<br />

Z<br />

Z<br />

Z<br />

+ + + . . .<br />

f<br />

f<br />

W<br />

t<br />

(5.5.93)<br />

(5.5.93)<br />

f<br />

W<br />

H<br />

W<br />

(5.5.94)<br />

which yield an improved sin 2 θ w<br />

sin 2 value θvia w (5.5.88). value There viais no♜<br />

real mystery (5.5.94)<br />

which here. yield Afteran inclusion improved of sin O(α) 2 θ w contributions value via (5.5.88). in Eqs. There (5.5.87)–(5.5.91), is no real mystery they<br />

which yield an improved<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

W<br />

H<br />

O(α)<br />

W, Z

Weinberg Angle<br />

Experimentalist has to make a choice and define Weinberg angle to<br />

All other experiments should be reformulated in terms of preferred<br />

What this choice should be is no longer a matter of debate<br />

we will define<br />

sin 2 θ w<br />

in terms of physical masses of weak bosons<br />

O(α)<br />

s 2<br />

i.e.<br />

sin 2 θ w ≡ 1 − m2 W<br />

m 2 Z<br />

=0.23122(15) ☎<br />

This choice is particularly useful in that one can estimate<br />

radiative corrections in terms of renormalization group<br />

which has been previously introduced<br />

O(α)<br />

corrections can be qualitatively understood<br />

in terms of loop corrections to vector-boson propagators<br />

<br />

and<br />

<br />

A most straightforward test of theory is now obtained<br />

by fixing<br />

sin 2 θ w<br />

in terms of measured weak boson masses<br />

and verifying that its value coincides with other measurements of<br />

θ w<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Free Parameters<br />

All UV divergences in QED can be absorbed in two parameters:<br />

α<br />

and<br />

m e<br />

List of parameters to be fixed by experiment in electroweak theory includes<br />

α, m W ,m Z ,m H ,m f<br />

<br />

g, g ′ , λ, µ, Y f<br />

weak mixing angle does not appear in list of parameters:<br />

its value is automatically determined by via ☎<br />

Traditionally ☛
SM Lagrangian is determined in terms of<br />

There is in fact a direct translation between sets and ☕<br />

☕<br />

m W ,m Z<br />

g 2 = e 2<br />

z<br />

z − w<br />

g ′2 = e 2 z w<br />

λ = e 2<br />

zm 2 H<br />

8w(z − w)<br />

Y f = e 2<br />

zm 2 f<br />

2w(z − w)<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Y f = e 2<br />

2w(z − w) . (5.5.101)<br />

Electromagnetic Radiative Corrections<br />

As an example we will show how the relation (5.5.89) zm<br />

Show how relation ♟ is calculated to O(α)<br />

2 is calculated to<br />

Y<br />

O(α) in terms of the weak angle θ<br />

θ<br />

w defined by f = e<br />

(5.5.88). 2 f<br />

example ☛<br />

The origin of the<br />

relation in terms (5.5.89) of weak is the angle muon’s lifetime w defined which, to by leading ♜ order, is given by<br />

Origin of relation the diagram ♟ is lifetime ☛ to leading order is given by diagram<br />

µ<br />

and<br />

f<br />

H<br />

λ = e 2<br />

8w(z − w) , (5<br />

2w(z − w) . (5<br />

As an example we will show how the relation (5.5.89) is calcula<br />

O(α) in terms of the weak angle θ w defined by (5.5.88). The origin<br />

relation (5.5.89) is the muon’s lifetime which, to leading order, is gi<br />

the diagram<br />

Γ (0)<br />

µ = W<br />

Γ (0)<br />

µ = W<br />

(5.5.102)<br />

(5<br />

In Fermi theory In Fermi ☛ theory, electromagnetic radiative corrections must be included to<br />

must be included obtain the to result obtain to O(α). result Symbolically, to O(α)<br />

Symbolically Γ (1)<br />

where<br />

In Fermi theory, electromagnetic radiative corrections must be inclu<br />

obtain the result to O(α). Symbolically,<br />

µ = G F<br />

√ [1 + photonic Γ (1)<br />

µ = G F<br />

corrections] , (5.5.103)<br />

2<br />

Γ (1)<br />

√<br />

2<br />

[1 + photonic corrections] , (5<br />

µ = G F<br />

√ [1 + photonic corrections]<br />

2<br />

where<br />

<br />

where<br />

photonic corrections = + . . . (5<br />

photonic corrections =<br />

photonic corrections = + . . . (5.5.104)<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Electroweak Radiative Corrections<br />

]<br />

[<br />

Γ (1)<br />

µ = e2 + box<br />

1 + photonic corrections<br />

electroweak In electroweak theory, on thetheory<br />

other hand,<br />

8s 2 c 2 z<br />

where<br />

+ propagator<br />

[<br />

[<br />

In electroweak Γ (1) theory, on the other<br />

Γ (1) hand,<br />

µ = e2<br />

+ vertex<br />

µ = e2<br />

1 + photonic corrections<br />

8s 2 c 2 z<br />

f ]<br />

[<br />

8s 2 c 2 1 + photonic corrections<br />

z<br />

Γ (1)<br />

µ = e2 + propagator<br />

+ box<br />

1 + photonic corrections<br />

8s 2 c 2 z+ vertex<br />

propagator<br />

(5.5.105)<br />

= +<br />

where + propagator ♬<br />

]<br />

+ box+ propagator<br />

(5.5.105)<br />

+ vertex<br />

+ vertex f<br />

ere<br />

]<br />

]<br />

+ box<br />

H<br />

propagator + = box +<br />

f<br />

t<br />

where<br />

where<br />

+<br />

propagator = +<br />

f<br />

t<br />

H<br />

propagator = +<br />

+<br />

H<br />

+<br />

+<br />

H<br />

In electroweak theory, on the other + vertex hand,<br />

+. . .<br />

vertex = + . . .<br />

+. . . (5.5.106)<br />

+. . . (5.5.106) Z<br />

and<br />

vertex = + . . . (5.5.107)<br />

vertex = + . . .<br />

vertex = + . . . (5.5.107) box = + . . .<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

Z<br />

and<br />

and<br />

Z<br />

Equating (5.5.103) and (5.5.105) we obtain<br />

W<br />

box = + . . .<br />

t<br />

t<br />

+. . .

Electroweak Model at Born Level@<br />

e threshold for producing charmed par-<br />

. Above the threshold for all five quark<br />

1 as predicted. These measurements conuark,<br />

because R = 11 would be reduced<br />

3<br />

e color.<br />

with<br />

ified when interpreted in the context of<br />

the (leading order) process e + e − → q¯q.<br />

grams where the quark and/or antiquark<br />

<br />

Equating and ♬ we obtain G F = πα<br />

Before discussing status of measurements of<br />

σ e + e − →q ¯q<br />

α = e2<br />

4π<br />

∆r =∆α − c2<br />

to leading order ☛ ∆r =0<br />

using<br />

σ e + e − →µ + µ − (3.5.86)<br />

coupling α,<br />

1<br />

√ (1 + ∆r)<br />

2 ws2 ∆r ☛<br />

s 2 ∆ρ +∆ rem<br />

note that<br />

m W = gv<br />

2 = g<br />

2 √ 2 λ m H and m Z = m W<br />

cos θ w<br />

♒<br />

<br />

♒<br />

(3.5.87)<br />

reduces to Born relation<br />

♟<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

nate this quantity. We specifically isolated the fermions which are responsible<br />

the electroweak radiative corrections are gathered in ∆r. Notation (5.5.110)<br />

for Dominant Terms<br />

recognizes the running the fact of αthat from in the theOMS muon scheme, to thevacuum Z mass, polarization loops dominate<br />

this quantity. We specifically isolated the fermions which are<br />

Electroweak radiative corrections are gathered in ∆r<br />

responsible<br />

for the running of α from the muon to the Zf<br />

mass,<br />

We specifically isolated fermions which are responsible for running of<br />

∆α = ∑ f<br />

(5.5.111)<br />

f<br />

∆α = ∑ f<br />

(5.5.111)<br />

as well as the third generation, heavy quark diagram<br />

as well as third generation heavy quark diagram<br />

as well as the third generation, heavy quark diagram<br />

∆ρ = t<br />

W<br />

∆ρ =<br />

W<br />

t<br />

(5.5.112)<br />

(5.5.112)<br />

∆ rem<br />

Other contributions are small and are grouped in remainder<br />

Other contributions are small in the OMS scheme and are grouped in the<br />

To “remainder” Other can extent contributions imagine ∆ rem that . summing are ∆small rem the inis the series small OMS ☛
one scheme and can areimagine grouped insumming the series<br />

“remainder” Before discussing ∆ rem . the status of measurements of ∆r, we make several comments.<br />

Before To discussing leading order the status ∆r = of0 measurements of ∆r, we make several comments.<br />

+<br />

and, using (3.5.87) and (2.4.88), (5.5.109)<br />

+ . . .<br />

reduces to<br />

To<br />

the<br />

leading<br />

Born<br />

order<br />

relation<br />

∆r =<br />

(5.5.89).<br />

0 and, using<br />

The full<br />

(3.5.87)<br />

order<br />

and<br />

α calculation<br />

(2.4.88), (5.5.109)<br />

of ∆r will<br />

reduces to the Born relation (5.5.89). The full order α calculation of ∆r will<br />

not be presented here. We have attempted to describe the full formalism in<br />

not be presented here. We have attempted to describe the full formalism in (5.5.113)<br />

by a relatively replacement accessible (1 way + elsewhere. ∆r) →<br />

a relatively accessible way elsewhere. 23 (1 23 To− the∆r) extent −1<br />

by the replacement (1 + ∆r) →<br />

that ∆<br />

To(1the extent ∆r) −1 that in (5.5.109).<br />

in<br />

∆ rem ♒ is small, one<br />

rem is small, one<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

∆ρ<br />

recognizes the fact that in the OMS scheme, vacuum polarization ∆α = loops ∑ dominate<br />

this quantity. We specifically isolated the fermions which are responsible<br />

f<br />

for the running of α from the muon to the Z mass,<br />

We already discussed running of<br />

α<br />

from small lepton masses to<br />

f<br />

m Z<br />

as well as the third generation, heavy quark diagram<br />

∆α = ∑ (5.5.111)<br />

f<br />

t<br />

Other large contribution<br />

∆ρ<br />

which represents loop ☛<br />

as well as the third generation, heavy quark diagram<br />

∆ρ =<br />

W<br />

Its value is given by<br />

∆ρ = α 4π<br />

with<br />

N C =3<br />

z<br />

ω(z − ω) N C|U tb | 2 [ m 2 t F (m 2 t ,m 2 b)+m 2 bF (m 2 b,m 2 ]<br />

t ) Other contributions are small in the OMS scheme and are grouped in the<br />

F (m 2 1,m 2 2)=<br />

∆ρ =<br />

where is number of colors and U tb is CKM matrix element<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

|U tb | 2 ≃ 1<br />

t<br />

is our primary focus here<br />

Other contributions are small in the OMS scheme<br />

(5.5.112)<br />

“remainder” W ∆ rem .<br />

Before discussing the status of measurements of ∆<br />

ments. To leading order ∆r = 0 and, using (3.5.87<br />

reduces to the Born relation (5.5.89). The full order<br />

<br />

not be presented here. We have attempted to descr<br />

a relatively accessible way elsewhere. 23 To the exten<br />

“remainder” ∆ rem .<br />

Before discussing ∫ the status of measurements 1<br />

[ of ∆r, we make several<br />

dx x ln m 2 1(1 − x)+m 2 ]<br />

comments.<br />

To leading order ∆r = 0 and, using (3.5.87) and (2.4.88), (5.5.109)<br />

reduces to the Born relation (5.5.89). 23 F. The Halzen fulland order D. αA. calculation Morris, Phys.<br />

2x of ∆r Lett. will ☢B 237, 107 (199<br />

not be presented here. 0 We have F. attempted Halzen and to describe B. A. Kniehl, the full Nucl. formalism Phys. Bin<br />

353, 567 (199<br />

a relatively accessible way elsewhere. M. L. 23 Stong, To thePhys. extent Lett. thatB ∆277, rem is 503 small, (1992); oneF. Halzen, B.<br />

Z. Phys. C 58, 119 (1993); M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia, F. Halze<br />

23 F. Halzen and D. A. Morris, Phys. Lett. B 237, 107 (1990); Part. World 2, 10 (1991);<br />

Lett. 322, 233 (1994).<br />

F. Halzen and B. A. Kniehl, Nucl. Phys. B 353, 567 (1991); F. Halzen, P. Roy and<br />

M. L. Stong, Phys. Lett. B 277, 503 (1992); F. Halzen, B. A. Kniehl and M. L. Stong,<br />


Fingeprints of Electroweak theory<br />

e third generation, heavy quark diagram<br />

Diagram<br />

In QED<br />

ibutions are small in the OMS scheme and are grouped in the<br />

only equal mass fermions and antifermions appear in neutral photon loops<br />

∆ rem .<br />

and diagrams of this type are not possible<br />

iscussing the status of measurements of ∆r, we make several comleading<br />

Rewrite order<br />

∆r and = 0 and, ☢<br />

using form (3.5.87) and (2.4.88), (5.5.109)<br />

he Born relation (5.5.89). The full<br />

∆ρ = G order [ α calculation of ∆r ]<br />

F<br />

m 2 t + m 2 b − 2m2 will<br />

ented here. We have attempted to describe the full formalism in b m2 t<br />

accessible way elsewhere. 23 To the extent that ∆ rem is small, one<br />

m 2 t /z<br />

∆ρ =<br />

≃<br />

4π<br />

G F<br />

4π m2 t ≃ 3α<br />

16π<br />

m 2 t − m 2 b<br />

1 m 2 t<br />

c 2 s 2 z<br />

ln m2 t<br />

m 2 b<br />

contribution to an observable is forbidden in QED and QCD<br />

where virtual particle effects are suppressed by inverse powers of their masses<br />

⌚ embodies this 174 requirement because ɛ =0 for photon loops<br />

Conversely ☛ appearance of<br />

W<br />

t<br />

has important property that<br />

m 2 t /z<br />

term<br />

(5.5.112)<br />

and D. A. Morris, Phys. Lett. B 237, 107 (1990); Part. World 2, 10 (1991);<br />

d B. A. Kniehl, Nucl. Phys. B 353, 567 (1991); F. Halzen, P. Roy and<br />

Phys. Lett. B 277, 503 (1992); F. Halzen, B. A. Kniehl and M. L. Stong,<br />

, 119 (1993); M. C. Gonzalez-Garcia, F. Halzen and R. A. Vazquez, Phys.<br />

233 (1994).<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

defining<br />

m t = m b + ɛ<br />

☛<br />

∆ρ ≃ G F<br />

3π 2 ɛ<br />

❃<br />

is a characteristic feature of electroweak theory<br />

We are now ready to illustrate that ...<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

We first determine experimental value of<br />

Using<br />

G F<br />

√<br />

2<br />

=<br />

g2<br />

8m 2 W<br />

and<br />

∆r exp ≃ 1 − (37.281 GeV) 2<br />

We next recall<br />

Crucial point is that<br />

O(α)<br />

∆α ≃ 1 −<br />

∆r exp ≠∆α<br />

∆r<br />

from<br />

e = g sin θ w<br />

♒<br />

z<br />

ω(z − ω) ≃ 0.035<br />

α(0)<br />

α(m 2 Z ) ≃ 1 − 128<br />

137 ≃ 0.066<br />

(◬ ≠⌛)<br />

SM relation requires a non-vanishing<br />

value of<br />

∆ρ ≠0<br />

◬<br />

⌛<br />

∆ρ<br />

<br />

<br />

Using ❃ we obtain that<br />

∆ρ =0.0086<br />

and yields<br />

(∆r) calculated =∆α − c2<br />

∆ρ =0.037<br />

s2 in agreement with experimental value<br />

We leave it as an exercise to insert errors into calculation<br />

and show that argument survives a straightforward statistical analysis<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

to insert errors into the calculation and show that our argument survives a<br />

straightforward Constrains statistical analysis. on Higgs Mass<br />

The Higgs particle makes a contribution to ∆r:<br />

Higgs particle makes a contribution to<br />

∆r<br />

∆h =<br />

∆h =<br />

W<br />

H<br />

= 11α<br />

48π<br />

48π<br />

1<br />

1<br />

c ln m2 H<br />

2 z . (5.5.121)<br />

c 2 ln m2 H<br />

z<br />

From<br />

we obtain that<br />

From (5.3.59) we obtain that ∆h < 0.0006, a contribution too small to<br />

contribution be sensed too small by the simple to be analysis sensed presented by simple above. analysis The quantity presented ∆r is in above<br />

principle Quantity sensitive ∆r is to in theprinciple Higgs mass. sensitive More sophisticated to Higgs analyses mass which<br />

include the dominant O(α 2 ) corrections are now yielding weak, but definite,<br />

constraints on the value of m H .<br />

Other measurements support the electroweak model’s radiative correction<br />

associated<br />

program<br />

with the<br />

is<br />

t¯b<br />

however<br />

loop ∆ρ.<br />

far<br />

Recall<br />

from<br />

that charged<br />

complete<br />

weak currents couple with<br />

problem strength Gcan F , while be quantified neutral currents by couple rewriting as ρG F ; ◬ see and (5.1.10) and as(5.1.23).<br />

Radiative corrections predicted by SM have successfully confronted experiment<br />

Using<br />

Z<br />

∆r exp = F (m W 176 ,m t ,m H )<br />

-pole measurements of SLD and LEP1<br />

electroweak radiative corrections are evaluated<br />

to predict masses of top quark and<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

114.4 GeV

(m W ,m t )<br />

plane<br />

July 2008<br />

80.5<br />

LEP2 and Tevatron (prel.)<br />

LEP1 and SLD<br />

68% CL<br />

m W<br />

[GeV]<br />

80.4<br />

80.3<br />

!"<br />

m H<br />

[GeV]<br />

114 300 1000<br />

150 175 200<br />

m t<br />

[GeV]<br />

m t ,m W<br />

Contour curves of 68% CL in (<br />

) plane<br />

for<br />

Figure<br />

direct<br />

5.5: Contour<br />

measurements<br />

curves of 68% CL<br />

and<br />

in the<br />

indirect<br />

(m t ,m W )<br />

determinations<br />

plane for direct measurements<br />

and the indirect determinations.<br />

mThe band shows the correlation<br />

Band shows correlation between W and m expected in SM<br />

between m W and m t expected in the standard model. t<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Neutrino Oscillation<br />

Convincing experimental evidence exists<br />

for oscillatory transitions<br />

ν α ⇋ ν β<br />

Simplest and most direct interpretation of atmospheric data<br />

is that of muon neutrino oscillations<br />

Evidence of atmospheric ν µ disappearing is now at > 15σ<br />

most likely converting to ν τ<br />

Angular distribution of contained events shows that<br />

for<br />

deficit comes mainly from<br />

E ν ∼ 1 GeV<br />

between different neutrino flavors<br />

L atm ∼ 10 2 − 10 4 km<br />

These results have been confirmed by KEK-to-Kamioka (K2K) experiment<br />

which observes disappearance of accelerator ν µ at a distance of<br />

Data collected by the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO)<br />

in conjunction with data from Super-Kamiokande (SK)<br />

show that solar ν e convert to ν µ or ν τ with CL of more than<br />

7σ<br />

250 km<br />

KamLAND Collaboration has measured flux of ν e from distant reactors<br />

and find that ν e disappear over distances of about 180 km<br />

All these data suggest that neutrino eigenstates that travel through space<br />

are not flavor states that we measured through weak force<br />

but rather mass eigenstates<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lepton Flavor Mixing<br />

|ν α 〉 |ν i 〉<br />

U<br />

Flavor eigenstates and mass eigenstates<br />

are related by a unitary transformation<br />

|ν α 〉 = ∑ i<br />

U αi |ν i 〉 ⇔ |ν i 〉 = ∑ α<br />

(U † ) iα |ν α 〉 = ∑ α<br />

(i.e. mixing matrix)<br />

U ∗ αi|ν α 〉<br />

with<br />

U † U = I, i.e., ∑ U αi Uβi ∗ = δ αβ and<br />

i<br />

For antineutrinos one has to replace U αi by<br />

i.e.<br />

|¯ν α 〉 = ∑ Uαi|¯ν ∗ i 〉<br />

i<br />

⨸<br />

∑<br />

i<br />

Uαi<br />

∗<br />

U αi U ∗ αj = δ ij<br />

♁<br />

Number of parameters of an unitary matrix<br />

It is easy to see that relative phases of n 2<br />

is<br />

neutrino states<br />

can be redefined such that<br />

n × n<br />

2n − 1<br />

(n − 1) 2<br />

1<br />

2 n(n − 1) weak mixing angles of an n<br />

and<br />

1<br />

2<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

For these it is convenient to take:<br />

(n − 1)(n − 2)<br />

CP<br />

-violating phases<br />

2n<br />

independent parameters are left<br />

-dimensional rotation

Hamiltonian Mechanics<br />

⚈<br />

Being eigenstates of mass matrix ☛
states<br />

|ν i 〉<br />

(i.e. they have the time dependence)<br />

are stationary states<br />

|ν i (t)〉 = e −iE it |ν i 〉<br />

where<br />

with<br />

E ≈ p<br />

E i =<br />

√<br />


here it is assumed that<br />

p 2 + m 2 i ≈ p + m2 i<br />

2p ≈ E + m2 i<br />

2E<br />

is total neutrino energy<br />

neutrinos are stable<br />

<br />

⚈<br />

A pure flavor state<br />

|ν α 〉 = ∑ i<br />

U αi |ν i 〉 present at t =0<br />

develops with time into state<br />

|ν(t)〉 = ∑ i<br />

U αi e −iE it |ν i 〉 = ∑ i,β<br />

U αi U ∗ βie −iE it |ν β 〉<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Transition Amplitude<br />

Time dependent transition amplitude<br />

for transition from flavor<br />

ν α<br />

to flavor<br />

ν β<br />

is<br />

A(ν α → ν β ) ≡〈ν β |ν(t)〉 = ∑ i<br />

U αi U ∗ βie −iE it<br />

<br />

= ∑ i,j<br />

U αi δ ij e −iE it (U † ) jβ<br />

with D ij = δ ij e −iE it<br />

(diagonal matrix)<br />

= (UDU † ) αβ<br />

An equivalent expression for transition amplitude is obtained by<br />

inserting into and extracting an overall phase factor e −iEt<br />

A(ν α → ν β ,t) = ∑ i<br />

U αi Uβi ∗ e − im2 i t<br />

2E<br />

= ∑ i<br />

U αi Uβi ∗ e − im2 i L<br />

2E<br />

L = ct<br />

c =1<br />

where (recall ) is distance of detector<br />

in which ν β is observed from ν α source<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

i → j<br />

For an arbitrary chosen fixed<br />

Transition Amplitude<br />

j<br />

transition amplitude becomes<br />

Ã(ν α → ν β ,t) = e iE jt A(ν α → ν β ,t)<br />

☤<br />

= ∑ i<br />

U αi U ∗ βi e −i(E i−E j ) t<br />

= δ αβ + ∑ i<br />

U αi U ∗ βi<br />

[<br />

]<br />

e −i(E i−E j )t − 1<br />

= δ αβ + ∑ i≠j<br />

U αi U ∗ βi<br />

[<br />

e<br />

−i∆ ij<br />

− 1 ]<br />

with<br />

∆ ij =(E i − E j ) = 1.27 δm2 ij L<br />

E<br />

L is measured in km in GeV and δm 2 ij = m 2 i − m 2 j in eV 2<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

E<br />

when<br />

(in ☤unitarity relation ♁ has been used)

Properties of Transition Amplitude<br />

✔<br />

Transition amplitudes are thus given by<br />

(n − 1) 2<br />

n(n − 1)<br />

independent parameters of unitary matrix<br />

(which determines sizes of oscillations)<br />

real parameters<br />

and<br />

n − 1<br />

mass square differences<br />

(which determine frequencies of<br />

oscillations)<br />

✔<br />

If<br />

CP<br />

is conserved in neutrino oscillations<br />

all -violating phases vanish and U αi are real<br />

i.e.<br />

U<br />

CP<br />

is an orthogonal matrix<br />

U −1 = U T with<br />

1n(n − 1)<br />

Number of parameters for transition amplitude is then<br />

2<br />

parameters<br />

1<br />

2<br />

(n − 1)(n + 2)<br />

✔<br />

Using ⨸ we obtain amplitudes for transitions between antineutrinos<br />

A(¯ν α → ¯ν β ; t) = ∑ i<br />

U ∗ αiU βi e −iE it<br />

<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This follows directly from<br />

and<br />

CPT<br />

Comparing and following relation holds for<br />

C<br />

P<br />

transformations between neutrinos and antineutrinos<br />

CP T<br />

theorem:<br />

provides necessary flip from left-handed neutrino<br />

T<br />

A(¯ν α → ¯ν β )=A(ν β → ν α ) ≠ A(ν α → ν β )<br />

changes particle into antiparticle<br />

to right-handed antineutrino and vice versa<br />

reverses arrow indicating transition<br />

If CP is conserved ☛ and are real in and <br />

U αi<br />

U βi<br />

That is ☛ if time reversal invariance holds one has<br />

A(¯ν α → ¯ν β )=A(ν α → ν β )=A(¯ν β → ¯ν α )=A(ν β → ν α )<br />

☛<br />

CP<br />

e.g. by comparing oscillations<br />

violation can be searched for<br />

ν α → ν β<br />

and<br />

ν β → ν α<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Transition Probability<br />

Transition probabilities are obtained by squaring moduli of amplitudes <br />

P να →ν β<br />

=<br />

∑<br />

∣<br />

i<br />

U αi Uβie ∗ −iE it<br />

∣<br />

2<br />

⌘<br />

= δ αβ − 4 ∑ i>j<br />

Re(U ∗ αi U βi U αj U ∗ βj) sin 2 ∆ ij<br />

+ 2 ∑ i>j<br />

Im(U ∗ αi U βi U αj U ∗ βj) sin 2∆ ij<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Matching Experimental data<br />

✻<br />

✻<br />

In standard treatment of neutrino oscillations<br />

flavor eigenstates<br />

|ν α 〉(α = e, µ, τ)<br />

are expanded in terms of 3 mass eigenstates |ν i 〉(i =1, 2, 3)<br />

Atmospheric neutrino data suggest corresponding<br />

corresponding oscillation phase must be maximal ∆ atm ∼ 1<br />

which requires<br />

δm 2 atm ∼ 10 −4 − 10 −2 eV 2<br />

✻<br />

Assuming<br />

all upgoing multi-GeV ν µ<br />

while none of downgoing ones do<br />

oscillate into different flavor<br />

observed up-down asymmetry<br />

leads to a mixing angle very close<br />

to maximal<br />

sin 2 2θ atm > 0.85<br />

✻<br />

✻<br />

Combined analysis of atmospheric neutrinos with K2K<br />

leads to a best fit-point and<br />

δm 2 atm =2.2 +0.6<br />

−0.4 × 10−3 eV 2 and tan 2 θ atm =1 +0.35<br />

1σ<br />

ranges<br />

On the other hand ☛ reactor data suggest<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

|U e3 | 2 ≪ 1<br />


Mass eigenstates<br />

To simplify...<br />

|U we use fact that e3 | 2 is nearly zero to ignore possible CP<br />

and assume that elements of<br />

With this in mind ☛ we can define a mass basis as follows<br />

U<br />

are real<br />

violation<br />

|ν 1 〉 = sin θ ⊙ |ν ⋆ 〉 + cos θ ⊙ |ν e 〉<br />

|ν 2 〉 = cos θ ⊙ |ν ⋆ 〉−sin θ ⊙ |ν e 〉<br />

where<br />

θ ⊙<br />

is solar mixing angle<br />

|ν 3 〉 = 1 √<br />

2<br />

(|ν µ 〉 + |ν τ 〉)

Flavor Eigenstates<br />

Inversion of neutrino mass-to-flavor mixing matrix leads to<br />

|ν e 〉 = cos θ ⊙ |ν 1 〉−sin θ ⊙ |ν 2 〉 & |ν ⋆ 〉 = sin θ ⊙ |ν 1 〉 + cos θ ⊙ |ν 2 〉<br />

by adding

For<br />

Far-out neutrinos<br />

∆ ij ≫ 1 phases will be erased by uncertainties in L and E<br />

(as would be case for neutrinos propagating over cosmic distances),<br />

averaging over<br />

sin 2 ∆ ij<br />

in ⌘ we obtain<br />

P (ν α → ν β )=δ αβ − 2 ∑ i>j<br />

U αi U βi U αj U βj<br />

⌬<br />

using<br />

2 ∑ 1>j<br />

= ∑ i,j<br />

− ∑ i=j<br />

,<br />

⌬ can be re-written as<br />

P (ν α → ν β ) = δ αβ − ∑ i,j<br />

U αi U βi U αj U βj + ∑ i<br />

U αi U βi U αi U βi<br />

⍒<br />

= δ αβ −<br />

( ∑<br />

i<br />

U αi U βi<br />

) 2<br />

+ ∑ i<br />

U 2 αiU 2 βi<br />

Since<br />

δ αβ = δ 2 αβ<br />

first and second terms in ⍒ cancel each other<br />

P (ν α → ν β )= ∑ i<br />

U 2 αi U 2 βi<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Average Probability<br />

Probabilities for flavor oscillation are then<br />

P (ν µ → ν µ )=P (ν µ → ν τ )= 1 4 (cos4 θ ⊙ + sin 4 θ ⊙ + 1)<br />

P (ν µ → ν e )=P (ν e → ν µ )=P (ν e → ν τ ) = sin 2 θ ⊙<br />

cos 2 θ ⊙<br />

P (ν e → ν e ) = cos 4 θ ⊙ + sin 4 θ ⊙<br />

Let ratios of neutrino flavors at production in cosmic sources<br />

be written as<br />

w e : w µ : w τ<br />

so that relative fluxes<br />

with<br />

∑<br />

α<br />

w α =1<br />

of each mass eigenstate are w j = ∑ α<br />

ω α U 2 αj<br />

We conclude that probability of measuring on Earth a flavor<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

P να detected = ∑ j<br />

∑<br />

Uαj<br />

2 β<br />

w β U 2 βj<br />

α<br />


Earhtly Ratios<br />

⍜ Any initial flavor ratio that contains w e =1/3<br />

will arrive at Earth with equipartition on 3 flavors<br />

⍜ Cosmic neutrinos arise dominantly from decay of charged pions<br />

their initial flavor ratios of nearly<br />

1 : 2 : 0<br />

should arrive at Earth democratically distributed<br />

⍜ Fairly robust prediction of 1 : 1 : 1 cosmic neutrino flavor ratios<br />

⍜ Prediction for pure ¯ν e source originating via neutron β -decay<br />

has different implications for flavor ratios<br />

yields Earthly ratios<br />

w e =1 ∼ 5 : 2 : 2<br />

⍜ Such a unique ratio would appear above<br />

in direction of neutron source<br />

1 : 1 : 1<br />

background<br />

⍜ Flavor identification of neutrinos on a statistical basis<br />

becomes possible at IceCube<br />

opening up a window for discoveries in particle physics<br />

not otherwise accessible to experiment<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

the Vampire<br />

❖<br />

❖<br />

❖<br />

❖<br />

In SM masses arise from Yukawa interactions<br />

which couple right-handed fermion with its left-handed doublet<br />

after spontaneous symmetry breaking<br />

Because no right-handed neutrinos exist in SM<br />

Yukawa interactions leave neutrinos massless<br />

One may wonder if neutrino masses could arise from loop corrections<br />

or even by non-perturbative effects<br />

but this cannot happen<br />

because any neutrino mass term that can be constructed with SM fields<br />

would violate total lepton symmetry<br />

To introduce a neutrino mass term<br />

we must either extend particle content<br />

or else abandon gauge invariance and/or renormalizability<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to kill a Vampire<br />

♰<br />

We keep gauge symmetry<br />

and introduce arbitrary number<br />

right-handed neutrino states<br />

(singlets under hypercharge)<br />

m<br />

ν Rs (1, 1) 0<br />

of additional<br />

With particle contents of SM<br />

and addition of an arbitrary number of right-handed neutrinos<br />

one can construct two types of mass terms<br />

that arise from gauge invariant renormalizable operators<br />

m<br />

−L Mν = ∑<br />

α=e,µ,τ<br />

m∑<br />

i=1<br />

M D<br />

iα ¯ν Ri ν Lα + 1 2 M N ij ¯ν Ri ν c Rj + h.c.<br />

♰ indicates a charge conjugated field<br />

ν C (ν c = C ¯ν T )<br />

♰ M D is a complex m × 3 matrix<br />

and M N<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

is a symmetric matrix of dimension m × m

Dirac Neutrinos<br />

⎊<br />

Forcing<br />

M N =0<br />

leads to a Dirac mass term<br />

which is generated from Yukawa interactions<br />

after spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking<br />

Y ν<br />

iα ¯ν Ri ¯φ† L Lα ⇒ M D iα = Y ν<br />

iα<br />

v √2<br />

similarly to charged fermion masses<br />

⎊<br />

⎊<br />

⎊<br />

⎊<br />

Such a mass term conserves total lepton number<br />

but it breaks the lepton flavor number symmetries<br />

For<br />

m =3<br />

we can identify the hypercharge singlets<br />

with right-handed component of 4-spinor neutrino field<br />

Y 3 × 3<br />

Since matrix is (in general) a complex matrix<br />

flavor neutrino fields ν e ,ν µ and ν τ do not have a definite mass<br />

Massive neutrino fields are obtained via diagonalization of L Mν<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

If<br />

M N ≠0<br />

Majorana neutrinos<br />

neutrino masses<br />

receive important contribution from Majorana mass term<br />

Such a term is singlet of SM gauge group<br />

Therefore ☛ it can appear as bare mass term<br />

Furthermore ☛ since it involves two neutrino fields<br />

it breaks lepton number by two units<br />

More generally ☛ such a term is allowed<br />

only if neutrinos carry no additive conserved charge<br />

This is reason that such terms are not allowed<br />

for any charged fermions which (by definition) carry U(1) EM<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Majorana neutrinos (cont’d)<br />

Dirac mass terms are protected by symmetries of SM<br />

(neutrino masses<br />

∝<br />

EW symmetry-breaking scale)<br />

Majorana mass term is SM singlet<br />

elements of M N are not protected by SM symmetries<br />

It is plausible that Majorana mass term<br />

is generated by new physics beyond SM<br />

and right-handed chiral neutrino fields ν R<br />

belong to nontrivial multiplets of symmetries of high energy theory<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Title<br />

Title<br />

SM accuracy has been shown<br />

in a variety of experiments<br />

to an amazing level<br />

☛ some observables<br />

beyond even one part in a million<br />

Saga of SM is still exhilarating<br />

because it leaves all questions<br />

of consequence unanswered<br />

Most evident of unanswered questions is why weak interactions are weak<br />

In gauge theory<br />

natural values for m W<br />

are zero or Planck mass<br />

SM does not contain physics that dictates<br />

why its actual value is of order 100 GeV<br />

Thursday, November 17,<br />

onday, November 14,<br />

Monday, 2011<br />

2011<br />

November 14, 2011

The Ugly...<br />

e<br />

u d<br />

s<br />

µ<br />

c<br />

τ<br />

b<br />

t<br />

10 −4<br />

10 −3<br />

10 −2<br />

ν 1<br />

ν 2<br />

ν 3<br />

m [eV]<br />

10 −1<br />

10 0<br />

10 1<br />

10 2<br />

10 3<br />

10 4<br />

10 5<br />

10 6<br />

10 7<br />

10 8<br />

10 9<br />

10 10<br />

10 11<br />

10 12<br />

Figure 5.6: Order of magnitude of the masses of quarks and leptons.<br />

Order of magnitude of masses of quarks & leptons<br />

ith real positive masses m k .<br />

ritten as<br />

The resulting diagonal mass term can b<br />

−L Mν =<br />

3∑<br />

m k¯ν Rk ν Lk + h.c. =<br />

3∑<br />

m k ν k ν k (5.6.156<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

k=1<br />


The Good...<br />

Already in 1934 Fermi provided an answer<br />

with a theory that prescribed a quantitative relation<br />

between fine structure constant and weak coupling<br />

G F ∼ α/m 2 W<br />

Although Fermi adjusted m W<br />

to accommodate strength and range of nuclear radioactive decays<br />

one can readily obtain a value of m W of<br />

from observed<br />

µ<br />

Answer is off by a factor of 2<br />

40 GeV<br />

decay rate for which proportionality factor is<br />

because discovery of parity violation and neutral currents<br />

was in future and introduces an additional factor 1 − m 2 W /m 2 Z<br />

[ ] [ ]<br />

πα 1<br />

G F = √<br />

2m<br />

2<br />

W<br />

1 − m 2 (1 + ∆r)<br />

W /m2 Z<br />

π/ √ 2<br />

Fermi could certainly not have anticipated<br />

that we now have a renormalizable gauge theory<br />

that allows us to calculate radiative correction<br />

∆r<br />

to his formula<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

der el sorted predictions dimensional to rather with operators extreme too highin lengths precision, Weinberg’s by proposing pushing effective Λ to that Lagrangian 10the TeV. factor<br />

ection esorted rder dimensional (2m to rather<br />

Higgs 2 operators extreme<br />

mass<br />

lengths in Weinberg’s by proposing<br />

Radiative effective that Lagrangian the factor<br />

Corrections<br />

rection resorted(2m to rather 2 W + m2<br />

W extreme lengths by proposing that the factor<br />

One of most + Z + m2<br />

m2 Z + H − 4m2<br />

acute m2 H − t ) must vanish; exactly! This<br />

ion. The problem is now “solved” 4m2 t ) must<br />

problems because<br />

vanish;<br />

connected scales<br />

exactly!<br />

as<br />

This<br />

large with asultraviolet divergences<br />

tion. rrection The (2mproblem 2 W<br />

concerns + m2 is<br />

Z<br />

radiative + now m2 “solved”<br />

H − 4m2 t ) must because vanish; scales exactly! as large This as<br />

accommodated by the observations<br />

corrections<br />

once one<br />

to<br />

eliminates<br />

mass appearing<br />

the<br />

in Higgs potential<br />

ition. accommodated The problemby isthe now observations “solved” because once one<br />

V = µ 2 scales eliminates<br />

ΦΦ † as large the<br />

make this stick to all orders and for Λ ≤ 10 TeV, this requires<br />

as<br />

emake accommodated this stick toby allthe orders observations and for Λonce ≤ 10one TeV, eliminates this<br />

+<br />

requires<br />

λ(Φ the † Φ) 2<br />

n make<br />

f, W,<br />

this stick to all orders<br />

self-coupling<br />

and for Λ ≤ 10<br />

radiative<br />

TeV, this requires<br />

and H<br />

corrections to Higgs mass are<br />

H<br />

H<br />

f<br />

f<br />

H<br />

H<br />

i Y f<br />

2<br />

2<br />

∫ Λ<br />

d 4 k<br />

(2π) 4 tr(<br />

i<br />

̸ k − m f<br />

i<br />

̸ k+ ̸ p − m f<br />

) ∼ −Λ 2 tr(I)<br />

Y 2<br />

f<br />

32π 2<br />

H<br />

H<br />

W,Z<br />

W,Z<br />

HH<br />

H<br />

i g2<br />

4<br />

∫ Λ<br />

d 4 k 1<br />

(2π) 4 k 2 − m 2 W<br />

∼ Λ 2 g 2<br />

64π 2<br />

Z<br />

m W → m Z<br />

g 2 → g 2 + g ′ 2<br />

H<br />

H<br />

H<br />

H<br />

H<br />

H<br />

H<br />

H<br />

i6λ<br />

∫ Λ<br />

d 4 k 1<br />

(2π) 4 k 2 − m 2 H<br />

∼ Λ 2 3λ<br />

8π 2<br />

m 2 W = 1 4 g2 v 2 , v = 246 GeV, m 2 Z = 1 4 (g2 + g ′2 )v 2 , m 2 f = 1 2 Y 2<br />

f v 2<br />

Y f<br />

is Yukawa coupling<br />

m 2 H =2λv 2 , g g ′ SU(2) L × U(1) Y<br />

λ is quartic Higgs coupling and Λ is a cutoff<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

and are gauge couplings

Difference between bare and renormalized masses is<br />

∆µ 2 =<br />

Veltman Condition<br />

⎛<br />

1<br />

⎝9g 2<br />

64π 2 +3g ′2 + 24 λ − 8 ∑ f<br />

N f Y 2<br />

f<br />

⎞<br />

⎠ Λ 2<br />

≃<br />

3<br />

16π 2 v 2 (2m2 W + m 2 Z + m 2 H − 4m 2 t )Λ 2<br />

SM works amazingly well by fixing<br />

at electroweak scale<br />

generally assumed ☛ this indicates existence of new physics beyond SM<br />

Following Weinberg<br />

Λ<br />

L(m W )=|µ 2 | H † H + 1 4 λ(H† H) 2 + L gauge<br />

SM<br />

+ LYukawa SM + 1 Λ L5 + 1 Λ 2 L6 + . . .<br />

where operators of higher dimension parametrize physics beyond SM<br />

Some have resorted to rather extreme lengths by proposing that<br />

factor multiplying unruly quadratic correction<br />

(2m 2 W + m 2 Z + m 2 H − 4m 2 t )<br />

must vanish exactly!<br />

By most conservative estimates this new physics is within our reach<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Physics at the TeV Scale?<br />

Avoiding fine tuning requires<br />

E.G. for m H = 115 − 200 GeV,<br />

∆µ 2 ∣ ∣∣∣<br />

∣ µ 2 = δv2<br />

v 2<br />

Λ 2 − 3<br />

to be revealed by CERN LHC<br />

≤ 10 ⇒ Λ = 2 − 3 TeV<br />

we have implicity used<br />

v 2 = −µ 2 /λ<br />

[valid in approximation<br />

disregarding terms beyond<br />

Let's contemplate possibilities<br />

O(H 4 )<br />

in Higgs potential]<br />

⌾<br />

Veltman condition happens to be satisfied<br />

and this would leave particle physics with an ugly fine tuning problem<br />

⌾<br />

⌾<br />

This is very unlikely ☛ LHC must reveal Higgs physics<br />

already observed via radiative correction<br />

or at least discover physics that implements Veltman condition<br />

It must appear at<br />

2 − 3TeV<br />

even though higher scales can be rationalized<br />

when accommodating selected experiments<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

SUSY<br />

Supersymmetry predicts that interactions exist<br />

that would change fermions into bosons and vice versa<br />

and that all known fermions (bosons) have SUSY boson (fermion) partner<br />

SUSY offers solution of bad behavior of radiative corrections in SM<br />

As for every boson there is a companion fermion<br />

bad divergence associated with Higgs loop<br />

cancelled by a fermion loop with opposite sign<br />

H<br />

Figure 1: Supersymmetry offers a neat solution of the bad behavior of radiative corrections in the<br />

standard model. As for every boson there is a companion fermion, the bad divergence associated<br />

with the Higgs loop is cancelled by a fermion loop with opposite sign.<br />

even though it elegantly controls quadratic divergence<br />

by cancellation of boson and fermion contributions <br />

Let’s contemplate the possibilities. The Veltman condition happens<br />

2 −<br />

to<br />

3TeV<br />

be satisfied and this<br />

would leave particle physics with an ugly fine tuning problem. This is very unlikely; LHC must<br />

reveal the Higgs physics already observed via radiative correction, or at least discover the physics<br />

it is already fine-tuned at a scale of<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Bad...<br />

Next class<br />

U have a test!<br />

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011<br />

Happy thanksgiving

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