w h i t e w a t e r • r i V e r • s e a • m u l t i s p o r t ... - Canoe & Kayak

w h i t e w a t e r • r i V e r • s e a • m u l t i s p o r t ... - Canoe & Kayak

w h i t e w a t e r • r i V e r • s e a • m u l t i s p o r t ... - Canoe & Kayak


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Land of fire and ice?<br />

Baptism of fire?……<br />

by Justine Curgenven<br />

Kamchatka is a wonderful 900 mile long jagged peninsula<br />

in far East Russia, with a backbone of active volcanoes,<br />

turquoise crater lakes and steaming geezers. Another woman,<br />

Hadas Feldman, and I hoped to kayak 400 miles north from<br />

the capital Petropavolvsk to the next town, Ust Kamchatsk.<br />

It was an ambitious plan as this stretch of coastline contains<br />

no roads, very few people and 10,000 hungry brown bears.<br />

Not to mention the pounding surf. Our expedition would be<br />

the second one ever to kayak this coastline.<br />

As this wasn’t challenging enough, the authorities insisted we must have<br />

a Russian ‘guide’ with us at all times. The only problem was that no-one in<br />

Kamchatka can seakayak so we’d be taking a complete novice with us.<br />

22 year old Alexey Sitnokov was an expert kayaker by Kamchatka standards<br />

– he’d kayaked on flat water twice and he held his paddles the right way up.<br />

He spoke only pigeon English. “tank – yoo” he grinned when I told him he<br />

had the job, and I couldn’t help thinking how quickly that would be wiped off<br />

on his first surf landing.<br />

Before the expedition I took Alexey for a few days kayak training. As we<br />

pulled up at the top of an endless golden beach my heart sank. Instead of the<br />

small introductory waves that I had hoped for, 4 or 5 lines of whitewater were<br />

battering the shore. I glanced at poor Alexey who was smiling a wide smile<br />

of ignorance and trust.<br />

The practice session didn’t start off very well. The young Russian capsized<br />

practically the first time a small wave hit him, and swam 3 more times in a<br />

hour. Back on dry land, he was optimistic to say the least.<br />

“For me, this expedition is crazy. But, I do it anyway.”<br />

Early the next morning, we launched from Petropavlovsk in mist and drizzle.<br />

Hadas is used to a somewhat different climate in her home of Israel and she<br />

wore 3 hats to combat the chill! Even so, we all had beaming grins on our faces<br />

as we pushed off from the shore into the unknown. I felt my whole body relax<br />

as the safe rigidity of land was replaced by the dancing unpredictability of<br />

the sea.<br />

We crossed the sheltered Avacha Bay and turned north into the open ocean.<br />

Immediately we could feel the dormant power of the Pacific ocean as we rose<br />

and fell on the swell. I lost sight of Hadas and Alexey when the crest of a wave<br />

came between us. Landing through the surf would not be easy.<br />

After 8 hours paddling and 30km under our belt Alexey was flagging. It was<br />

time to take on the surf. I went first in what I hoped was a break in the sets. It all<br />

went well until I was within spitting distance of the shore. A small wave started<br />

to break right behind me and turned my kayak sideways violently. Suddenly<br />

cold water hit my face and my ear was in the sea. I felt a sense of inevitability<br />

– the certainty that I’d now have to try to roll alone here in the breaking surf.<br />

But while my mind was trying to work out a strategy, my body kicked in with<br />

natural reflexes. One hip flick and I was upright again – no roll necessary.<br />

With the panicked eyes of a wild animal, I bullied my way gracelessly to<br />

the beach. Once ashore I was shaking with cold, relief and nerves. This was<br />

only day one and Hadas and Alexey were still out there. I couldn’t see them<br />

anywhere. 10 minutes passed. 15 minutes. I cringed at the possibility that I’d<br />

have to fight my way back out through the surf to find them. Finally after about<br />

20 minutes I caught sight of two yellow kayaks coming towards the beach.<br />

Alexey did brilliantly and was almost on shore when one last wave hit him<br />

and capsized him. He walked the last few metres to dry land with his kayak,<br />

but he was smiling. Hadas excitedly told me that Alexey had been capsized<br />

by an unexpected breaking wave way out to sea and she’d had to rescue him.<br />

So he’d swum twice on his first day!<br />

We’d only just set up our tents when the peace was shattered by the rattling<br />

engine of a battered old tank plowing across the dunes in a cloud of sand. It<br />

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