EU-SICHERHEITSDATENBLATT Dieselkraftstoff ... - Schmierstoffe

EU-SICHERHEITSDATENBLATT Dieselkraftstoff ... - Schmierstoffe EU-SICHERHEITSDATENBLATT Dieselkraftstoff ... - Schmierstoffe
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Vacuum Gas Oils, Hydrocracked Gas Oils, and Distillate Fuels Muller, J (2000). Daphnia magna, Acute immobilisation test with gas oil WAFs. Testing laboratory: Fraunhofer Institute. Owner company: DGMK, Hamburg. Study number: DGM-001/4-20. Report date: 2000-07-24. Nessel, C.S., Priston, R.A.J., McKee, R.H., Cruzan, G.,Riley, A.J., Hagemann, R., Plutnick, R.T. and Simpson, B.J. (1998). A comprehensive evaluation of the mechanism of skin tumourigenesis by straight-run and cracked petroleum middle distillates. Toxicological Sciences,. 44(1), 22-31. Nikolaou K, Masclet P, Mouvier G. (1984). Sources and chemical reactivity of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere - a critical review. Science of the Total Environment. 32:103-132. NTP (1986) Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of marine diesel fuel (CAS No. 68334-30-5) and JP-5 nvay fuel (CAS No. 8008-20-6) in B6C3F1 mice (dermal studies). National Toxicology Programme Technical Report Series. US Department of Health and Human Services, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA. Report No. 310. Palmer, A. G. (2001a). Research Note: SMDS as an AGO component: an assessment of acute ecotoxicity. Shell Global Solutions. Testing laboratory: Shell Global Solutions. Report no.: OP.00.49012. Owner company: Shell Global Solutions. Study number: SHLL 6679. Report date: 2001-02-01. Plant Reasearch Interrnational (2008). Assessment of chronic effects of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene (mesitylene) and n-undecane on plants. Reports 204 and 205. Owner company: CONCAWE. Prince RC, Walters CC. (2006). Biodegradation of Oil Hydrocarbons and Its Implications for Source Identification. In: Wang Z, Stout SA, (Eds.) Oil Spill Environmental Forensics Academic Press. p 349- 379. Redman, et al. (2010a). PETRORISK Model. CONCAWE. Testing laboratory: Hydroqual Onc., Mahwah, NJ, USA. Owner company: CONCAWE. Redman, et al. (2010b). Aquatic Toxicity Predictions Obtained Using the PETROTOX Model for petroleum substances. CONCAWE, Brussels, Belgium. Redman, et al. (2010c). PETRORISK Users Guide, HydroQual, Inc., for Conservation of Clean Air and Water in Europe (CONCAWE). Schiff, K (1994a). Acute toxicity study with Menidia beryllina for 96 hours with daily renewal. Testing laboratory: Kinnetic Laboratories, Inc. 5225-H Avenida Ecinas, Carlsbad, California 92008. Report no.: 20MEN003. Owner company: ARCO. Study number: ATX-91-0284. Report date: 1994-08-02. Schiff, K (1994b). Acute toxicity study with Daphnia magna for 48 hours with no renewals. Testing laboratory: Kinnetic Laboratories, Inc. 5225-H Avenida Ecinas, Carlsbad, California 92008. Report no.: 20DAP003. Owner company: ARCO. Study number: ATX-91-0282. Report date: 1994-08-01. Schiff, K (1994c). Acute toxicity study with Mysidopsis bahia for 96 hours with daily renewal. Testing laboratory: Kinnetic Laboratories, Inc. 5225-H Avenida Ecinas, Carlsbad, California 92008. Report no.: 20MYS003. Owner company: ARCO. Study number: ATX-91-283. Report date: 1994-08-02. Schiff, K (1994d). Static acute toxicity study with Selenastrum capricornutum for 96 hours. Testing laboratory: Kinnetic Laboratories, Inc. 5225-H Avenida Ecinas, Carlsbad, California 92008. Report no.: 20SEL003. Owner company: ARCO. Study number: ATX-91-0285. Report date: 1994-08-01. Schiff, K. (1992). Acute toxicity study with Pimephales promelas for 96 hours with daily renewal. Testing laboratory: Kinnetic Laboratories, Inc. 5225-H Avenida Ecinas, Carlsbad, California 92008. Owner company: ARCO. Study number: 20PIM003. Report date: 1994-08-02. Stainken, D (1977). The accumulation and depuration of No. 2 fuel oil by the soft shell clam, Mya arenaria L. In Wolfe, D. Fate and Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Marine Ecosystems and Organisms. New York: Pergamon Press pp 313-322. Targia, M. (1998a). Rainbow trout acute toxicity test. Testing laboratory: Exxon Biomedical Sciences, 2010-07-30 CSR 197

Vacuum Gas Oils, Hydrocracked Gas Oils, and Distillate Fuels Inc. Owner company: Exxon Chemical Intermediates, Houston, Texas. Study number: 142958. Report date: 1998-06-08. Targia, M. (1998b). Sheepshead Minnow Acute Toxicity Test. Testing laboratory: Exxon Biomedical Sciences, INC. Owner company: Exxon Chemicals Intermediates, Houston, Texas. Study number: 142961. Report date: 1998-09-09. Targia, M. (1998c). Fish Acute Toxicity Test with Menidia beryllina. Testing laboratory: Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc. Owner company: Exxon Chemicals Intermediates. Study number: 142940MB. Report date: 1998-09-09. Targia, M. (1998d). Alga toxicity test. Testing laboratory: Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc. Owner company: Exxon Chemical Intermediates. Study number: 142967. Report date: 1998-06-08. Targia, M. (1998e). Alga Toxicity Test with Skeletonema costatum. Testing laboratory: Exxon Biomedical Sciences, INC. Owner company: Exxon Chemical Intermediates. Study number: 142967SK. Report date: 1998-08-25. Van der Meer JR, de Vos WM, Harayama S, Zehnder AJB. (1992). Molecular mechanisms of genetic adaptation to xenobiotic compounds. Microbiological Reviews. 56:677-694. Volkering F, Breure AM. (2003) Biodegradation and general aspects of bioavailability. In PAHs: An ecotoxicological perspective, Douben PET (Ed.). Wiley, West Sussex, UK, pp. 81-96. Walborg, E.F., Digiovanni, J., Conti, C.J., Slaga, T.J., Freeman, J.J., Steup, D.R. and Skisak, C.M. (1998). Short-term biomarkers of tumour promotion in mouse skin treated with petroleum middle distillates. Toxicological Sciences, 45(2), 37-145. Witschi, H.P., Smith, L.H., Frome, E.L., Pequet-Goad, M.E., Griest, W.H., Ho, C.H. and Guerin, M.R. (1987). Skin tumorigenic potential of crude and refined coal liquids and analagous petroleum products. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, 9(2), 297-303. 2010-07-30 CSR 198

Vacuum Gas Oils, Hydrocracked Gas Oils, and Distillate Fuels<br />

Inc. Owner company: Exxon Chemical Intermediates, Houston, Texas. Study number: 142958. Report<br />

date: 1998-06-08.<br />

Targia, M. (1998b). Sheepshead Minnow Acute Toxicity Test. Testing laboratory: Exxon Biomedical<br />

Sciences, INC. Owner company: Exxon Chemicals Intermediates, Houston, Texas. Study number:<br />

142961. Report date: 1998-09-09.<br />

Targia, M. (1998c). Fish Acute Toxicity Test with Menidia beryllina. Testing laboratory: Exxon<br />

Biomedical Sciences, Inc. Owner company: Exxon Chemicals Intermediates. Study number:<br />

142940MB. Report date: 1998-09-09.<br />

Targia, M. (1998d). Alga toxicity test. Testing laboratory: Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc. Owner<br />

company: Exxon Chemical Intermediates. Study number: 142967. Report date: 1998-06-08.<br />

Targia, M. (1998e). Alga Toxicity Test with Skeletonema costatum. Testing laboratory: Exxon<br />

Biomedical Sciences, INC. Owner company: Exxon Chemical Intermediates. Study number:<br />

142967SK. Report date: 1998-08-25.<br />

Van der Meer JR, de Vos WM, Harayama S, Zehnder AJB. (1992). Molecular mechanisms of genetic<br />

adaptation to xenobiotic compounds. Microbiological Reviews. 56:677-694.<br />

Volkering F, Breure AM. (2003) Biodegradation and general aspects of bioavailability. In PAHs: An<br />

ecotoxicological perspective, Douben PET (Ed.). Wiley, West Sussex, UK, pp. 81-96.<br />

Walborg, E.F., Digiovanni, J., Conti, C.J., Slaga, T.J., Freeman, J.J., Steup, D.R. and Skisak, C.M.<br />

(1998). Short-term biomarkers of tumour promotion in mouse skin treated with petroleum middle<br />

distillates. Toxicological Sciences, 45(2), 37-145.<br />

Witschi, H.P., Smith, L.H., Frome, E.L., Pequet-Goad, M.E., Griest, W.H., Ho, C.H. and Guerin, M.R.<br />

(1987). Skin tumorigenic potential of crude and refined coal liquids and analagous petroleum<br />

products. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, 9(2), 297-303.<br />

2010-07-30 CSR 198

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