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<strong>HISTORY</strong> <strong>PAPER</strong> 1 <strong>MARKING</strong> <strong>SCHEME</strong><br />

LAINAKU 1 2012<br />

1. List any two characteristics of government. (2mks)<br />

i. Rules<br />

ii. Sovereignty<br />

iii. Jurisdiction<br />

iv. Legitimacy<br />

v. Law enforcement<br />

2. Name two political factors that led to the migration of people into Kenya. (2mks)<br />

i. Territorial expansion<br />

ii. Military organization<br />

3. Identify any two communities that make up the coastal Bantus. (2mks)<br />

i. Mijikenda<br />

ii. Taita<br />

iii. Pokomo<br />

4. What was the main factor that facilitated the coming of the early visitors to the East African Coast?<br />

(1mk)<br />

i. Existence of the monsoon winds<br />

5. Name two ways of becoming a Kenyan citizen. (2mks)<br />

i. Birth<br />

ii. Registration<br />

6. Identify two factors that can undermine national unity in Kenya. (2mks)<br />

i. Tribalism<br />

ii. Nepotism<br />

iii. Racism<br />

iv. Religious rivalry<br />

v. Corruption<br />

vi. Uneven economic development<br />

vii. Division politics<br />

7. What is the main non- peaceful method of conflict resolution? (1mk)<br />

i) Use of force.<br />

8. Which document contains the bills of right in Kenya? (1mk)<br />

i. The Kenyan constitution.<br />

9. What is the meaning of the term promulgation of the constitution? (1mk)<br />

i) It was the official announcement to introduce the constitution.<br />


10. Name two levels of government as provided in the new constitution. (2mks)<br />

i. County Government<br />

ii. National Government<br />

11. Identify two economic reasons that made Africans to move to urban centres during the colonial period<br />

in Kenya.<br />

(2mks)<br />

i. Land alienation<br />

ii. Escape from forced labour<br />

iii. Trade<br />

12. State one reason why Africans were reluctant to accept western medicine in Kenya during the colonial<br />

period.<br />

(1mk)<br />

i. Deep rooted fear in operation treatment.<br />

ii. When the government introduced vaccination campaign some Africans saw it as a way of<br />

being tortured and they went into hiding.<br />

iii. Africans had belief in traditional medicies.<br />

13. Name the first president of Kenya African National Union. (1mk)<br />

i. James Gichuru<br />

14. State two characteristics of political organizations in Kenya after 1945. (2mks)<br />

i. They were more radical and aggressive in their demands.<br />

ii. They had a national outlook involved people from all ethnic backgrounds.<br />

iii. They demanded for full political independence.<br />

15. Which is the highest ranked court in Kenya’s judicial system under the new constitution.<br />

(1mk)<br />

i. The supreme court<br />

16. Name the environmental organization founded by Wangari Mathai. (1mk)<br />

i. Green belt movement<br />

17. State the main role of the Attorney General as the ex-official Member of Parliament. (1mk)<br />

i. Advise parliament and the government on legal matters.<br />

SECTION B (45MKS)<br />


18. a) State five results of the migration and settlement of Bantus in Kenya. (5mks)<br />

i. Spread of iron working to other parts of Kenya.<br />

ii. Led to increased population<br />

iii. Led to increased inter community conflict.<br />

iv. Trading activities intensified on Bantus exchanged their iron products with other<br />

communities.<br />

v. Led to the spread of agricultural practices in Kenya.<br />

vi. Led to population redistribution e.g Dorobo moved to forested areas.<br />


vii.<br />

viii.<br />

ix.<br />

Displacement of some communities was also realized e.g Abagusii displaced by the Luo,<br />

cushites were displaced by Agikuyu in central Kenya.<br />

Inter-marriages between the Bantu communities and other groups.<br />

Exchange of knowledge and skills e.g many Bantus adopted the ageset system circumcision<br />

from the southern cushites.<br />

b) Describe the political organization of the Akamba during the pre-colonial period.<br />

(10mks)<br />

i. Practised a decentralized system of rule/council of elders.<br />

ii. Homestead (Musyi) war the smallest political unit.<br />

iii. Akamba had a territorial group comprised of several families called the clan.<br />

iv. The elders were ranked according to seniority<br />

Medium elders – Ntehe – helped in administrator<br />

Full elders – Atumia ma kivalo – acted as judge<br />

Senior elders – Atumia ma thembo - religion<br />

v. Had age set system for defense purpose/security.<br />

vi. Council of elders were also religious leaders.<br />

19. a) State five factors that led Seyyid Said to transfer his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar.<br />

(5mks)<br />

i. The climate in Zanzibar was pleasant compared to Muscat which was hot and dry throughout<br />

the year.<br />

ii. The need to control the towns along the East African Coast more effectively.<br />

iii. Zanzibar was a wide deep and well sheltered harbor in which ships could anchor.<br />

iv. Zanzibar had fertile soils for the cultivation of cloves.<br />

v. Zanzibar’s strategic position was convenient for trade with the mainland.<br />

vi. Zanzibar had clean and sweet water for drinking.<br />

b) Explain six effects of slave trade on the people of East Africa. (10mks)<br />

i. Africans subjected to untold sufferings and misery during slave raids and trade.<br />

ii. Depopulation of the interior of East Africa.<br />

iii. Led to fear and suspicion among the people.<br />

iv. Warfare increased due to slave raid.<br />

v. Undermined traditional industries as those with such skills were taken as slaves.<br />

vi. The use of slaves as porters promoted the trade in ivory and copper.<br />

20. a) State three reasons for convening the 2 nd Lancaster House Conference. (3mks)<br />

i. To draw independent constitution.<br />

ii. To sort out the difference between KANU and KADU.<br />

iii. To deal with the final touches of granting Kenya independence.<br />

b) Explain six provisions of the independence constitution in Kenya. (12mks)<br />

i. Provided the three arms of government namely; Judicial, Executive and Legislative.<br />

ii. Regional type of government.<br />

iii. Sharing power between KANU & KADU.<br />

iv. Provide the post of governor General who was the head of state.<br />


v. National Assembly was bicameral.<br />

vi. Prime minister was the head of government.<br />

vii. Gave judiciary authority to interpret law.<br />

viii. Parliamentary form of government.<br />

ix. Provided a Bill of Rights which stipulated the rights and freedom of citizens.<br />

x. Establishment of independent public services commission.<br />

21. a) Give five reasons for the rise of independent churches and schools. (5mks)<br />

i. Africans were unhappy with westernizing influence of Christian missionaries.<br />

ii. Africans felt that mission education was inadequate.<br />

iii. They were started by Africans who claimed to have received divine calling.<br />

iv. Africans felt that the scriptures were not properly interpreted.<br />

v. The mission churches did not accommodate traditional African expression of worship e.g.<br />

dancing, singing and beating drums.<br />

vi. Africans viewed missionaries as agents of colonization.<br />

vii. Forum for African meeting.<br />

b) Explain the role of women in the Mau Mau liberation movement in Kenya. (10mks)<br />

i. Participated in the armed struggle.<br />

ii. Coordinated rural networks to supply the provisions required.<br />

iii. Acted on spies for the mau mau.<br />

iv. Composed songs to mobilize people.<br />

v. Participated in oathing ceremonies.<br />

vi. Many women were imprisoned and detained.<br />

vii. Were tortured by colonial agents.<br />

SECTION C (30MKS)<br />


22. a) Identify five values of a good citizen in Kenya. (5mks)<br />

i. Respect for other people/their property.<br />

ii. Obedience to the laws of the county.<br />

iii. Participation in development projects.<br />

iv. Participation in the democratic/elected process.<br />

v. Being loyal/patriotic to one’s country.<br />

vi. Practicing integrity/honest when performing duties.<br />

vii. Reporting law breakers to the authorities.<br />

viii. Efficient use of national resources.<br />

b) Explain five peaceful methods of solving conflicts in Kenya. (10mks)<br />

i. Negotiation – Conflicting parties resolve their disputes cordially.<br />

ii. Mediation – a partial person helps the conflicting group parties to agree.<br />

iii. Arbitration – use of a third party to solve a dispute e.g. an elder, religious leader.<br />

iv. Litigation – filling of a lawsuit in a court of law.<br />

v. Diplomacy – Holding of peace talks to resolve international conflicts.<br />

vi. Use of force by international society i.e. peace keeping mission.<br />

vii. Sanctions – economic or social, the affected nations is isolated in order to force it to<br />

implement the decision made during conflict resolution conference.<br />


23. a) State three ways in which the judiciary ensures fairness in the administration of justice in Kenya.<br />

(3mks)<br />

i. The judicial service commission ensures that judges and magistrate discharge their duties<br />

without interference.<br />

ii. Suspected criminals are held innocent until proved guilty in a court of law- giving them a<br />

chance to be heard by the courts.<br />

iii. Persons found administering mob justice are liable to prosecution.<br />

iv. Suspected criminals are entitled to legal representation through an advocate of the high<br />

court.<br />

v. Suspected criminals of serious crimes such as murder are guaranteed free government<br />

services being represented by advocates.<br />

vi. Persons not satisfied with the verdict are allowed to appeal to higher court.<br />

b) Explain six factors that may undermine the administration of justice in Kenya. (12mks)<br />

i. High incidents of crime cause delay in the hearing and finalizing of cases.<br />

ii. Corrupt practices by some of the judiciary panel and police officers undermine fair<br />

administration of justice.<br />

iii. Political interference – Some suspected criminals may be freed on orders from about without<br />

following the laid down procedures.<br />

iv. Lack of awareness by the general public on their rights and legal procedures.<br />

v. Inadequate personnel and equipment for detecting and investigating acts of crime this may<br />

lead to inadequate evidence against acts of crime.<br />

vi. Some of the laws are too colonial/foreign to be relevant to the Kenyan context.<br />

vii. Unwillingness of some members of the public<br />

24. a) State three reasons why general elections are held in Kenya every five years. (3mks)<br />

i. It is a constitution requirement<br />

ii. To enable Kenyans to have a new government.<br />

iii. To enable Kenyans to elect leaders of their choice/confidence in.<br />

iv. To enable Kenyans to remove the non-performing leaders.<br />

v. To enable eligible Kenyans to exercise their democratic rights of voting i.e being elected.<br />

b) Explain six circumstances which may lead to a by-election in Kenya. (12mks)<br />

i. The death of a sitting member of parliament<br />

ii. It the sitting member of parliament defects from the party that sponsored him/her to<br />

parliament.<br />

iii. If a member of parliament is jailed for a term exceeding 12 months/life imprisonment.<br />

iv. Resignation of a sitting member of parliament.<br />

v. If a member is declared bankrupt by a court of law.<br />

vi. If a sitting member ceases to be a citizen of Kenya.<br />

vii. If the election results are nullified b the High Court /election offence<br />

viii. If the sitting member is elected the speaker of the National Assembly.<br />

ix. If a member misses eight consecutive parliamentary sitting without permission and the<br />

speaker declares the seat vacant.<br />

x. If a member is sentenced to death.<br />

xi. If a member is proved to be insane.<br />


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