Klaxon March 2008.pdf - Cyber Hot Rodders

Klaxon March 2008.pdf - Cyber Hot Rodders

Klaxon March 2008.pdf - Cyber Hot Rodders


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MARCH 2008 No. 169<br />

On the start line, Gibby psychs out another opponent.<br />




DRAG MEET Kwinana Feb 2008<br />

Neil Gibb has concreted his<br />

claim as KING of Dial-Your-Own<br />

drag racing at the annual Nostalgia<br />

Drags meet recently held at the<br />

Kwinana Motorplex strip.<br />

Gibby is a multiple winner of this<br />

event and has beaten all comers.<br />

Dial-Your-Own requires consistency<br />

in the vehicles and driver’s performance.<br />

Neil and the triple carbed<br />

Y-Blocked T combo has all the consistency<br />

needed. Just bolt on the<br />

roll cage, safety belts and front<br />

wind deflector then run what you<br />

brung. While Gibby doesn’t suffer<br />

shortness in breathe due to the G<br />

forces of acceleration, he still sure<br />

has a lot of fun.

Please contact us using the details below.<br />

Address: Unit 1, 12 Cusack Rd, MALAGA. WA. Ph (08)9249 9632<br />

General meetings: 3rd Sunday of each month at 7.30pm. Visitors<br />

welcome.<br />

President: Bob Mulder Ph.0407040341<br />

Vice Presidents: Brian French 9377 7837 Alan Barton 9448 0110 .<br />

Secretary: Garry Bryant 9257 1973<br />

Treasurer: Ian Swinbourne 9300-8506<br />

ASRF Delegate: Jeff Ewence 9339 4337<br />

TAC Delegate: Peter Hunter 9445 2493<br />

WAHRP Delegate: vacant, representative required.<br />

Management Committee: Executive committee (above) and<br />

B. French, Dave Krause. All members welcome to meetings. Get<br />

involved or get left behind.<br />

Social Committee: D. Krause, A.Lawrence , Maurie Searle, Ian<br />

Swinbourne, Jim Candido<br />

Strata Committee: Neil Gibb, Jeff Ewence, .Eric Warren<br />

<strong>Klaxon</strong> Editor: Eric Warren 9574 6440 or fax 9444 3299 or email<br />

on rodder@gidgenet.com.au Deadline is 7 days before the meeting.<br />

<strong>Klaxon</strong> Distribution: Peter Hunter 9445 2493.<br />

CONTRIBUTORS: Allan Rossi, Garry Curnow, Joe Carbone, Neil<br />

Gibb<br />

COVER: Neil Gibb at the Nostalgia Drags.<br />

Club Merchandise. Phone 9249-8553.<br />

Call Mr Andrew Lawrence<br />

the Gentlemen’s outfitters of<br />

West Coast Street Rod Club,<br />

Malaga , Western Australia.<br />

Red and Black, give it a crack!

Editorial From The World’s Finest Mind.<br />

Howdy doody once again my learned friends.<br />

Just as I want to stick a full Sunday’s effort into the<br />

Willys coupe, panic strikes as I realise it is <strong>Klaxon</strong> deadline<br />

time again. I am going to Sydney on Tuesday night so I<br />

lose three panic days and it’s back to the PC and here we<br />

are yet again to record the ins and outs of the lives and<br />

times of the WCSRC super heroes.<br />

I would have to talk all about me again if not for the<br />

efforts of Allan Rossi in providing more photos and event<br />

information and also a few photos from cameras of Garry<br />

Curnow and Neil Gibb.<br />

Besides a belated trip to the drags, without my<br />

camera, I have been away from other events in the last<br />

month, so I am relying on information from you guys to get<br />

information into the <strong>Klaxon</strong>. Thanks to Joe Carbone for a<br />

few shots from Big Al’s Poker Run too..<br />

The last month has again been chockas with great rodding events<br />

particularly the drags and the Busselton Drive in Run.<br />

Several members now have their rods in transit on the way to the east<br />

coast in preparation for the ferry trip over to Tasmaina for the Easter<br />

Nationals Rod Run. I hope the weather is fine and you all have a fantastic<br />

trip.<br />

I have to stay back and save for a daughter’s wedding and work on<br />

the coupe , OH the ups and downs of life!<br />

The coupe does have its modified radiator and the rebuilt fired and<br />

purred in only two seconds.. Gotta be happy about that.<br />

Hey, have a pleasant Easter everyone, and take care everywhere, whether<br />

at Yvonne’s Moora Run, in Tassie , or in your kitchen with sharp things..<br />

Extreme E.

Busselton Drive-In Run

Busselton Drive-In Run

Busselton Drive-In Run

Busselton Drive-In Run<br />

Above: Barry Batten

Born Loser File<br />

Busselton Drive-in Weekend<br />

29/02/08 – 3/3/08<br />

BL 1 and BL 2 accompanied by rookie loser Gary (Blossom) Bryant<br />

hit the road south in the BL mobil for the Radiators 10 th Anniversary<br />

Drive-in run over the Labour Day weekend.<br />

Preparation consisted of making sure the eskies contained the correct<br />

amount of beer and ice as we waited on Bloss for a mind-Friday<br />

getaway, an early start as Monday the BLs had work commitments.<br />

The scenic drive around Morley was a non –event this year. This didn’t<br />

deter the passengers from testing the temperature of the contents of the<br />

eskies, as Bl 1 sipped water, the crescendo of empty bottles grew loader<br />

as time passed.<br />

The pace seemed slow, taking 3 hrs to the Dawsville Bridge, the<br />

temperature cooling with every kilometre south, even experiencing<br />

light rain near Bunbury, than eventually booking into the Peppermint<br />

Park Village without mishap. Instead of pizza supplied by Radiators we<br />

opted for a delicious steak at one of the hotels in town. We then caught<br />

up with the other entrants who had arrived.<br />

Saturday 1 <strong>March</strong><br />

BL 2 drew the long straw this time, in so getting the unit to himself,<br />

Blossom and Bl 1 shared the adjoining room. Thank God for daybrake<br />

as Blosses snoring torture kept Bl 1 awake all night. After a light<br />

breakfast we prepared for the show and shine, a police escort had been<br />

arranged to keep the rods together especially as several sets of traffic<br />

lights needed to be negotiated before arriving at our destination, a park<br />

close to the beach near the busy town centre.<br />

Including a few late arrivals an impressive 52 cars were on display<br />

to the public, who for gold coin donation which went to charity could<br />

peruse the unique display of rods and customs. The BLs took the opportunity<br />

to take in the busy Busselton town as did many others. Busselton<br />

was overrun with 0dd fellows, Pranksters plus families from<br />

Perth and Mandurah rod clubs. BL 2’s knees gave out returning back to

the car show, probably from an over-indulgence of pies and sweets, a<br />

timely passing of Gary and Helen King perked him up enough for him<br />

to hobble back to the park.<br />

The rest of the day flew by catching up with other rodders as they arrived.<br />

We were now ready to assemble for the drive-in, deciding to buy<br />

dinner there, the BLS struck out again, the food being virtually uneatable.<br />

Plan A, we decided to arrive early to obtain a prime position near<br />

all the amenities and exit road for a quick getaway if needed, knowing<br />

how bad the movies can be. Of course, we never had any jackets as it<br />

was a very warm afternoon. To our dismay the sea breeze cam in from<br />

Antarctica, BL 2 and Blossom snuck down hear the redundant speakers<br />

which omitted a small light taking it in turn to hold their finger near it<br />

for warmth. BL 1 sat frozen on the tailgate until Alvan and the chipmunks<br />

finished. Plan A was then implemented, we bolted back to our<br />

units for a cold beer, followed by a hot shower.<br />

Sunday, 2 <strong>March</strong><br />

We awoke to a beautiful morning accompanied by the smell of<br />

burning bacon, NU-Breed were on cooking duties, which aroused our<br />

hunger pains after our debacle of the previous night. Breakfast went<br />

down well as we caught up on some of the ‘goss’ from the previous day.<br />

After a pep talk we were supposed to line up in numerical order<br />

which never happens as most rodders cannot count past 28. At 9<br />

o’clock sharp the first rod left, then the other cars left at 2-minute<br />

intervals. The cruise was a time trial with 20 minute breaks until we<br />

reached our destination. A questionnaire had also been provided, the<br />

BLs failed dismally on that count.<br />

At the first check point at the Gunyulgup Galleries we all colluded<br />

with each other over the questions. The Yellingup Shearing Shed came<br />

as the second check point where many sampled the crafts on sale. As<br />

per usual we had been directing Frenchy in the wrong direction, another<br />

budding BL member.<br />

Check point three, Wises Winery with magnificent views across<br />

Eagle Bay where many sampled the fine wines. The final stop being the<br />

Bush Shack Brewery. Gary took over as skipper as the 2 Bls sampled<br />

most of the beers on sale, the Strawberry and chocolate beers the<br />

favourites, all over 6% alcohol. Then sadly Bloss called a holt to it all,

we headed back to PeppermintVillage to pack, then head for home.<br />

Other hazy information to hand, West Coast cooked the BBQ-athon that<br />

evening for dinner. Expert chef Neville Anderson led the motley crew<br />

of cooks which included Gary Curnow, Clive Kitchener, Jim Longman,<br />

Alan Barton, Frenchy and Gibby, no outbreak of food poisoning has<br />

been reported, so all went well.<br />

Thanks to Glen Armstrong and the Radiators for another excellent<br />

weekend.<br />

Clive Anckle<br />

Left: the hectic social<br />

pace at Busselton<br />

sends Blossom to the<br />

cot for a kip, to dream<br />

of his 34 roadster with<br />

Why-Block motor.<br />

Left: Gibby with pony tail borrowed from Jeff<br />

E.?? Below l-r: AB having a Hat-Off contest<br />

with BB.Can’t see next (is it Clive?), Garry<br />

Cuboid Curnow and Neil silver tail Gibb in<br />

stylish WCSRC aprons, thanks to Jan French.<br />

Above: West Coast members diligently cooking the evening meal<br />

while ignoring the bullsh*t flowing from Barry Batten at left.

King of the Wings - Super Modified Nationals<br />

Quit Motorplex - Kwinana Beach<br />

Speedway manager Gavin Migro, through Neil Gibb invited the ASRF to<br />

supply “open” street rods to parade the qualifying drivers of the super<br />

modified finals, which determined who would be King of the Wings.<br />

Drivers from America, Queensland, NSW, Victoria , South Australia and<br />

Perth qualified for the finals.<br />

Thanks to Charlie Feralloro (28<br />

Ford roadster, Clive Blowers (38<br />

Chev tourer), Michael Morris (28<br />

whippet tourer), Ron Andress (28<br />

Ford roadster), Chris Coves (40<br />

Chev truck), Dave Krause (28<br />

Dodge ute), Ian and Mandy Swinbourne<br />

(32 Ford 2-door tub), Neil<br />

Gibb (23 T-bucket) and Allan Rossi<br />

(32 Ford roadster) who paraded the<br />

finalist around the inside track before<br />

the feature race.<br />

I was fortunate enough to have Dave Myers, well known driver from<br />

Victoria who’s father is into street rodding in Tasmania, in my rod.<br />

Unfortunately Dave never came a place, but the racing was fast and<br />

furious needing 3 re-starts withy many other spectacular pile-ups, which<br />

eliminated 6 cars in the first few laps. After 30 action packed laps Jamie<br />

Farr is now King of the Wings.<br />

The ASRF has been doing the parades for 3 years so keep in mind<br />

for next year about the<br />

same time open rods are<br />

needed. Benefits besides<br />

personal satisfaction, you<br />

meet famous drivers and<br />

see a great night’s racing<br />

for free. It’s a<br />

great night!!!!!<br />

Allan Rossi

Nostalgia Drags<br />

Quit Motorplex 16.2.2008<br />

Neil Gibb wins top <strong>Hot</strong> Rod<br />

West Coast entered 5 rods for the popular drag fest first created three<br />

years ago by the crew from Crusin. The series is sponsored Australia<br />

wide by Shannons in conjunction with Crusin Magazine. Street rodders<br />

can compete under A.N.D.R.A. rules on a handy cap system reliving<br />

an era when hot rods ruled the drag strip. This year, the organisers<br />

were more than happy with the 220 competitors entered, including<br />

about 30 rods.<br />

The West Coast crew consisted of Neville (Lars) Anderson 34 Ford<br />

coupe, Neil (Mr Consistent) Gibb 23 “T” bucket, Dave (Barman)<br />

Krause 34 Ford coupe, Des Thomas 27 “T” Tudor and Gary Curnow 32<br />

Ford roadster.<br />

Gary was a late withdrawal after<br />

blowing his new 390ci motor<br />

during dyno tests, believed to be<br />

Above: Gibby launches (?) the Y-<br />

block on the way to another win.

Nostalgia Drags<br />

caused by a dropped sleeve.<br />

Neville Anderson, blown 350<br />

chev, 34 coupe. In qualifying during<br />

the hot afternoon Lars’ 34<br />

seemed to be lacking power, sensing<br />

distributor<br />

problems. Nev quickly rectified the<br />

cause only to red light in the second<br />

eliminations, running a personal<br />

best 11.260 seconds at 187<br />

kph.<br />

Des Thomas, 289 winsor<br />

powered 27 “T” Tudor.<br />

Des ran consistent mid 15s’<br />

all day only to be beaten by<br />

Chris Bitmead (Hemi powered<br />

32 coupe in the eliminations.<br />

Des dialled in a<br />

15.2 sec, running a respectable<br />

15.481 sec at 135 kph,<br />

a bad reaction time of .284<br />

sec let Chris over the line<br />

running 13.793 at 146 kph.<br />

Nev Anderson squaring up with worthy<br />

competitor Dexter Taylor<br />

An experts word on drag strip photography.<br />

Cameras left at home, cameras with flat batteries (both counts<br />

to the editor), borrowed cameras and shit photographic skills are<br />

not the best ingredients for shooting photos at the drags. See<br />

the surrounding pre cropped and blurred shots. The photo on the<br />

next page shows an A-model roadster in a blurred racing shot<br />

when it is standing still. Thanks to Garry Curnow’s camera, and<br />

the unknown photographers for giving it a crack! A team effort!<br />

PS... Where are the compulsory boob shots?

Nostalgia Drags<br />

Dave Krause, V6 Commodor powered 34 Hi-boy coupe.<br />

Dave’s little V6 of G.M. origins also run constant 15’s all day. Sensing<br />

the car running harder as the track and ambit temperature cooled, Dave<br />

made it to the third round eliminations. Trying consistently to improve<br />

his reaction times, pulled a cherry against Neil Gibb. The result<br />

15.900 sec at 111.86 kph.<br />

Neil Gibb, 292 Y-block Ford powered 23 ‘T’ bucket.<br />

Neil was under pressure to emulate or better his performance<br />

from last year after losing Top <strong>Hot</strong> Rod by .002 seconds. Mr<br />

consistent ran mid 16’s all day making it through to the run off<br />

against his old foe of Ray Barett in his 34 chev Tudor for the second<br />

consecutive year. Neil dialled in 16.450 seconds for the run<br />

off, pulling 16.433 at 131.66 kph. Technically both drivers broke<br />

out, the win going to Neil by .001 of a second.<br />

Congratulations to Neil and Barbara on winning Top <strong>Hot</strong> Rod<br />

plus all the West Coast members for participating or supporting<br />

the club on the day.<br />

Just for the record,<br />

Dexter Taylor in his<br />

Donovan powered ‘A’<br />

coupe in his last<br />

grudge match of the<br />

evening blasted a<br />

10.99, the fastest<br />

time of any street rod<br />

at the meet.<br />

Allan Rossi<br />

Above: Blurred A Model quite still in<br />

the car park. Left: Drag racing leaves.<br />

----Class photography at the drags!----

Greg Foulds<br />

sent in some shots of<br />

his rare smicko 34 ute.<br />

Excellent detail includes<br />

non-factory<br />

swages around the<br />

rear guards.<br />

Not even Lars has got<br />

one of these!<br />

Australia<br />

1934 ford

Big Al’s Poker Run 2008<br />

Big Al’s Poker Run was held again this year (28th year ?) and<br />

started with the tradional show n shine besides the Swan River<br />

adjacent to the Burswood Casino.<br />

The committee this year enforced a non-American pre mid<br />

70’s cut off date for entrants, primarily to keep the theme as it was<br />

always intended, for rods, vintage and classic American cars. The<br />

other reason was to try and eliminate the non thinkers in Commodores<br />

and rice burners that have caught the Police’s attention over<br />

the last few years with their hoonish behaviour.<br />

An official report of the run has not been forwarded to the<br />

<strong>Klaxon</strong> Publishing Works, so please enjoy the photographs supplied<br />

by the Duke of York, Joe Carbone.. Thanks Joe.<br />

Above: Classy vintage roadsters are always welcomed on Big<br />

Al’s Poker Run. There is a Top Vintage trophy available for the<br />

vintage guys who can mix beyond their own. This example is<br />

possibly a Buick.

Big Al’s Poker Run 2008

Big Al’s Poker Run 2008

NEWS FLASH Boyd Coddington Dies At 63............<br />

Lendary Southern California hot-rod builder and reality show<br />

host Boyd Coddington died Wednesday at a Whittier hospital at<br />

age 63, according to his La Habra-based company.<br />

The cause of death was not immediately disclosed.<br />

Coddington was the star of the TLC reality show "American<br />

<strong>Hot</strong> Rod," on which he and his crew overhaul classic cars<br />

recovered from junkyards and build custom hot rods from<br />

scratch.<br />

The icon of the hot-rod industry and Idaho native got his first car<br />

when he was 13 years old. He built his interest in car-building<br />

into a multimillion-dollar industry in Southern California,<br />

headquartered at his massive garage in La Habra.<br />

Coddington has built vehicles for celebrities such as Billy<br />

Gibbons of ZZ Top, Michael Anthony of Van Halen and Los<br />

Angeles Dodgers pitcher Brad Penny.<br />

His cars have won the "America's Most Beautiful Roadster"<br />

award seven times. He is a mamber of the Grand National<br />

Roadster Hall of Fame, the National Rod & Custom Museum Hall<br />

of Fame, the Route 66 Wall of Fame and the Street Rod<br />

Marketing Alliance Hall of Fame.<br />

He was named <strong>Hot</strong> Rod magazine's Man of the Year in 1988<br />


Coming Events<br />

<strong>March</strong> 16: Cranksters’ Pipeline Cruise<br />

<strong>March</strong> 21-24: WCSRC Easter Rod run to Moora.. Cate Cebrano will<br />

be there.. Contact Bob or Yvonne Mulder. 0407040341<br />

<strong>March</strong> 21-24:Tasmanian Rod Holiday, mini Nationals.<br />

May 2-4: Iggy Memorial Weekend. Conrodders Dean 9523 1932<br />

Regular :Wanderer’s Pizza night. Mark Gryska 9418 3668.<br />

At Brandi Pizza, Rockingham Rd , Munster. 6.00pm.<br />

Second Thursday each Month.<br />

Regular: Frenchy and Jimbo’s <strong>Rodders</strong> breakfast at WCSRC<br />

at 8.30 every Saturday morning. Spread the word...<br />

Regular: Radiators Monthly Bunbury Cruise. Tony 9721 4386<br />

TAC Inspections. 3rd Saturday of month. Call Chris if you need an<br />

inspection to make an appointment 9240 1500.<br />


Gary Curnow wants a 39 ford gearbox and good 352/390 block.<br />

Parts for 1948 Fargo. John Ferrier.<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Four off 14”x 8” 5 spoke mags suit HQ/Chev. Av cond. Price negotiable (cheap<br />

cheap) Call Dave Krause on 9320-1940 ah.<br />

Two sets of ‘glass guards for 39 Chev... Michael Caleja.<br />

Front seat from 36 Chev, Contact BJ . loufiler@bigpond.net.au<br />

1937 Pontiac 4 door sedan nearly rust free body, very straight,,has<br />

Holden rear end and 350/350 combo [been sitting 10 years] 90% complete<br />

ring 95745217 for more details. Or ask Joe Carbone.<br />


Sponsored by: Brian & Jimbo’s Brekky Bar

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