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AIM Herbal Fiberblend - Oz Nature Shop

AIM Herbal Fiberblend - Oz Nature Shop


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Cleansing the Body and the Colon for a Happier and Healthier You<br />

using<br />

<strong>AIM</strong> <strong>Herbal</strong> <strong>Fiberblend</strong><br />

“How to safely remove and treat Parasites, Chemicals, Impacted Wastes, Constipation and Diarrhoea”<br />

Best Seller!<br />

By Teresa Schumacher and Toni Schumacher Lund<br />

Parasites - Another Missing Diagnosis?<br />

Is it possible that you have undiagnosed nutritionthieving<br />

worm parasites living in your encrusted<br />

intestinal tract? There are about three hundred types<br />

of parasites thriving in America today.<br />

June Wiles, PhD, and parasite expert notes: “Parasites<br />

are vermin that steal your food, drink your blood and<br />

leave their excrement in your body to be re-absorbed<br />

back into the blood stream”.<br />

It’s easy for people to get worms - pinworms,<br />

tapeworms, hookworms, ringworms, roundworms, and<br />

Giardia Lamblia, the microscopic worms now<br />

pandemic in much of the United States.<br />

“One of every four people in the world is infested by<br />

roundworms, which cause fever, cough and intestinal<br />

problems. A quarter of the world’s people have<br />

hookworms, which can cause anaemia and abdominal<br />

pain. A third of a billion people suffer from the<br />

abdominal pain and diarrhoea caused by whipworms”.<br />

Dolly Katz Miami Herald.<br />

You can get worms by simply shaking hands with a<br />

world traveller! You can get parasites from contact<br />

with pets, with children, with workers and food<br />

handlers in restaurants, from undercooked meats, or<br />

from eating raw fruit or vegetables that have parasite<br />

eggs embedded in them. Obviously, parasites are<br />

extremely catchable, and millions of us have them in<br />

our systems, robbing us, making us weak and making<br />

us sick. As many as seven varieties of parasites have<br />

been found in one person at one time.<br />

If one person in the family has parasites, chances are<br />

the entire family has parasites to varying degrees.<br />

There isn’t much talk about it, but parasites may be<br />

more easily passed in sex practices than venereal<br />

disease.<br />

According to researchers, the most common parasite<br />

among children in temperate climates such as ours is<br />

pinworm.<br />

Crowding children in schools and day-care centres has<br />

been shown to increase the incidence of pinworm<br />

infection from the “normal” one in six, to<br />

approximately 90%.<br />

Medical experts know there are two things that make<br />

an epidemic of parasites possible - IMPACTED,<br />


COLONS AND INTESTINES, which provide the<br />

perfect place for worms of all sizes to thrive; and wide<br />

spread lack of sanitation.<br />

Is there a chance you have a plaque-coated intestinal<br />

tract and parasites?. Billions of people today have<br />

intestinal parasites or worms, and these creatures<br />

cause a greater susceptibility to sickness and probably<br />

weight problems as well. Medical statistics are<br />

admittedly not accurate concerning intestinal parasites<br />

in the US, however, it is estimated that more than 80%<br />

of the population may be infected.<br />

Unhealthy Colon<br />

Years of build up on the wall of the<br />

colon prevent the body from<br />

absorbing any good nutrients. Only poisons and<br />

toxins are released from the accumulated, compacted<br />

faecal matter on the wall of the colon.<br />

HERBAL DIETARY FIBRE softens and helps to<br />

eliminate this build up. A person may have a daily<br />

elimination but it only passes through the small<br />

opening in the colon, leaving the encrustment on the<br />

wall of the colon. This encrustment is hard and like a<br />

rubber tyre.<br />

This build up over the years is the cause of many<br />

chronic illnesses.<br />

“Today in my 60 th year, my health is the best it has<br />

ever been. Obviously, with a statement like that, my<br />

health has not always been good. The poor health<br />

conditions I had in September 1988 are shown below.<br />

Sinusitis - constant nasal drainage<br />

Asthma - occasional difficulty breathing<br />

Tonsillitis - perpetual sore throat<br />

Bronchitis - air passage infection<br />

Oesophageal spasm - difficulty swallowing<br />

Gastritis - two dozen Digel everyday<br />

Colitis - alternate constipation and diarrhoea<br />

Spastic Colon - lower back pain<br />

Haemorrhoids - protruding half inch with every bowel<br />

movement<br />

Bowel Movement Haemorrhaging - squirting raw<br />

blood with every bowel movement<br />

Arthritis - knees, elbows and fingers hurt and stiff.<br />

Bursitis - Lumbago, Rheumatism - shoulders hurt<br />

Gout - right foot swollen two sizes wider than left<br />

Boils - arms with many small boils-large pimples<br />

Migraine Headaches - frequent and severe<br />

That’s quite a list. I have eliminated or minimised all<br />

of them without prescribed medication. The AMA<br />

identifies many of these symptoms as “Irritable Bowel<br />

Syndrome”. According to the AMA Home Medical<br />

Encyclopaedia, (c 1989), “the cause is not understood<br />

and their is no cure”.<br />

I removed eight pounds of residual, putrefied, petrified<br />

food and waste material and parasites from my<br />

digestive system. I filled the toilet four times a day for<br />

eight weeks with stuff I had never seen before. It<br />

looked like three inch long by a quarter of an inch 80<br />

wedges from an automobiles black, hard rubber<br />

radiator hose - or automobile tyre chunks. Eliminate<br />

this foul material and the body will correct its<br />

“Irritable Bowel Syndrome”. Food particles had<br />

progressively coated and clogged my small intestine<br />

microvilli since I took my first meal. Nourishment<br />

could not get through this impacted toxic roofing tarlike<br />

layer. My microvilli were passing toxins from the<br />

spoiled particles to my blood. My body was being<br />

starved and poisoned at the same time because the<br />

microvilli could not function as intended. Waste was<br />

not eliminated. My microvilli were at least 95% contra<br />

functional.<br />

HERBAL DIETARY FIBRE removed the<br />

accumulated particles from my digestive system. This<br />

thorough cleaning restored my small intestine<br />

functions. Toxins continue to be removed from every<br />

cell in my body. Pharmacy laxatives and popular highfibre<br />

foods do not have the cleaning power required to<br />

remove this compacted, toxic sludge. This product has<br />

allowed my body to heal itself.<br />


The booklet Cleansing the Body for a Happier and<br />

Healthier You by Teresa Schumacher and Toni<br />

Schumacher Lund no doubt will enlighten you.<br />

During the past 25 years as a practitioner, I have been<br />

formulating various medicinal preparations for<br />

numerous pharmaceutical and other institutions, as<br />

well as prescribing an untold number of formulas from<br />

different suppliers.<br />

Yet, I have never encountered any other product as<br />

remarkable and having such dynamic results. This<br />

testimony is not high-powered sales talk or from<br />

glossy print. Verification of unbelievable results are<br />

forthcoming from patient portfolios from my own and<br />

other practitioner clinics. The results have been<br />

carefully documented and validated with photographs<br />

etc, etc.<br />

The bottom line is simply that I am really wrapped<br />

with <strong>AIM</strong> <strong>Herbal</strong> <strong>Fiberblend</strong> and that you, as well as<br />

your family, will have the related benefits.<br />

Rest assured in saying it with a good old Aussie<br />

colloquium - “You can’t go wrong mate”.<br />

Dr Matt Willemse, PhD, Australia.<br />

Testimonials<br />

Over the years, we have received some wonderful<br />

testimonial letters from users of HERBAL DIETARY<br />

FIBRE. We have been so impressed with the results<br />

many have received and shared with us, that we would<br />

like to share a few of them with you.<br />

“I started taking dietary fibre when it was in the<br />

testing stage. I was taking it to cleanse my colon and<br />

organs and rebuild my immune system. Without any<br />

thought of weight loss, I lost 30 pounds, mostly in my<br />

stomach area.<br />

We have used herbs in my family for generations, and<br />

I have studied herbs and nutrition. My wife is a midwife<br />

and uses herbs with her clients. My wife has had<br />

chronic problems for years, and even with our herbal<br />

background, we had not been able to help it. Using<br />

HERBAL DIETARY FIBRE, it has diminished<br />

drastically. Our entire family is on HERBAL<br />


We are knowledgeable in iridology and find it a joy to<br />

look into our children’s eyes and see improvement.<br />

We find this formula to be effective in many areas”.<br />

Dear Teresa<br />

M.S.<br />

“I had been taking capsulated herbs and vitamins for<br />

years. I know HERBAL DIETARY FIBRE has saved<br />

us from complications that would have been worse<br />

than they were. My husband has eliminated two<br />

gallons of parasites, green rope and mucus. He lost 30<br />

pounds in the stomach area. We had been using<br />

HERBAL DIETARY FIBRE for one year before my<br />

husband stopped eliminating parasites. His health has<br />

so much improved.<br />

I have always had elimination problems, but did not<br />

know how to help myself. I used Milk of Magnesia for<br />

twenty years. I think it would be safe to say I have<br />

eliminated two gallons of black, green and yellow rope<br />

as hard as a rock. It is unbelievable what was in my<br />

body. With colon irrigation and HERBAL DIETARY<br />

FIBRE, I feel I have a new body.<br />

My husband and I had different severe problems and<br />

we are so thankful to Teresa for guiding us through<br />

them. I hope we can help others as we have been<br />

helped”.<br />

P.L.<br />

“I am a 35 year old lady who has recently been<br />

diagnosed with a “Twisted Colon” by Dr Wegman of<br />

Sydney Gastro-intestinal Diseases.<br />

Ever since I was a child I have suffered chronic<br />

constipation, often going up to seven days between<br />

eliminations; laxatives became an essential part of my<br />

life. I suffered from chronic lethargy, poor<br />

concentration, haemorrhoids, and became very<br />

overweight, all the time knowing something was very<br />

wrong but not knowing what.<br />

A kind friend introduced me to a vegetarian diet which<br />

was initially a tremendous help, however, as the years<br />

passed I found I needed more and more fruit to stay<br />

regular and became frustrated that with eating a<br />

virtually 75% raw diet. I still experienced pain, gas<br />

and constipation. Back to laxatives I went.<br />

About a month ago I discovered HERBAL DIETARY<br />

FIBRE, which has made an incredible difference to<br />

my whole life. I now visit the toilet at least twice a<br />

day, I can eat foods other than just fruit and raw<br />

vegetables, (although this is still the best 75%) without<br />

dread of pain, and do not have the bloated feeling all<br />

the time. Such is the difference in me, I am a more<br />

happy, vibrant person and I enjoy life a whole lot more<br />

than before.<br />

I would recommend HERBAL DIETARY FIBRE to<br />

anyone who is interested in managing their health,<br />

whether they are already ill or not. I understand why it<br />

is important to keep my body clean and will happily<br />

take your product for the rest of my life”.<br />

D. Martin NSW.<br />

The building process begins when correct, life-giving<br />

attitudes and habits take over. We can regenerate the<br />

body when we have clean tissues that are able to<br />

assimilate all the nutrients that we need from the foods<br />

we eat. Coffee and doughnuts will not do the job;<br />

sugar and white bread won’t either. If old habits are<br />

not given up, only temporary “flash” results will be<br />

experienced.<br />

We need to remember Rome was not built in a day,<br />

nor are the dividends of effective bowel management<br />

always evident immediately. Developing proper<br />

elimination is half the job.<br />

We hope that you will make HERBAL DIETARY<br />

FIBRE a part of your nutritional program.<br />

From the x-ray, traced the condition of the colon only.<br />

Was not interested in the small intestines nor other<br />

organs.<br />

This man began using HERBAL DIETARY FIBRE<br />

November 1990. These tracings taken of his x-rays<br />

show the changes that occurred in his colon over<br />

approximately a 15 month period.<br />

Many people have taken HERBAL DIETARY FIBRE<br />

and were so happy with the results, they did not want<br />



REST OF HIS OR HER LIFE. The herbs in HERBAL<br />

DIETARY FIBRE build the nervous system, activate<br />

the liver and gall bladder, provide good nutrients for<br />

the body giving you a feeling of calm and well being.<br />

If you are overweight, you may see a decrease in your<br />

weight. If you are underweight, you may put on<br />

weight. Your cleansing will normalise your body’s<br />

metabolism, and your weight will be adjusted by your<br />

body accordingly.<br />

Recently a young man came to me with a serious<br />

colon blockage. He had been on water, juice fasts, and<br />

wheat grass without any results. He then took<br />

HERBAL DIETARY FIBRE for two weeks. He<br />

experienced pain and discomfort, so he took a warm<br />

bath and gently massaged his colon. He was then able<br />

to pass the faecal matter that was causing the<br />

blockage. It was foul smelling and full of parasites. He<br />

could not dissolve his blockage merely with juices. He<br />

needed fibre, bulk and the proper combination of<br />

herbs. In time, with proper care and nutrition, the<br />

ballooning he had in his colon can be corrected.<br />

Who Needs to cleanse the<br />

organs and the colon?<br />

Everyone who eats today’s food produces waste, some<br />

of which may remain on the colon wall. Mucus, which<br />

is secreted by all intestinal cells, can collect on the<br />

colon wall and accumulate, holding faecal matter. All<br />

this interferes with the proper functioning of the colon.<br />

Can this happen to you?<br />

Yes!. Unfortunately, it can!. The all-American diet<br />

that relies on processed, frozen, canned and<br />

convenience foods, that have been prepared from<br />

modified food materials low in fibre and many<br />

nutrients, causes the bowel contents to move slowly,<br />

stagnate and collect on the colon wall where it<br />

becomes entrapped in mucus.<br />

We eat today’s foods and yet expect our digestive<br />

system to cope with it year after year. We load up on<br />

dairy foods that have been pasteurised, homogenised,<br />

and stripped of their original digestive aids and<br />

enzymes. In this condition, milk and dairy products<br />

become mucus producers, coating the colon and<br />

obstructing the natural elimination process.<br />

<strong>AIM</strong> <strong>Herbal</strong> <strong>Fiberblend</strong><br />

If you would like more information or obtain a<br />

copy of the booklet, please contact:<br />

Newstart Health Supplies<br />

Ph: 1300 680 093<br />


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