Which Alice?

Which Alice?

Which Alice?


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"I see," said <strong>Alice</strong>, "and now, given this additional information<br />

about the Jabberwocky, I should be able to solve the case. Is that it?"<br />

"No," replied the White Knight thoughtfully, "no, no, you don't<br />

have enough information yet."<br />

"What else do I need to know?"<br />

"Well," replied the Knight, "a week after I spoke to the Jabberwocky,<br />

I met Tweedledee, who takes an interest in these matters,<br />

and told him everything I have told you so far. Of course, he could<br />

not solve the case any more than you can now do. However, he<br />

asked me if I could remember what the first defendant had said.<br />

Fortunately, I could remember at the time, and I told him what the<br />

first defendant said. Still Tweedledee was unable to solve the case."<br />

"This is most interesting!" said <strong>Alice</strong>. "So, knowing that<br />

Tweedledee couldn't solve the case, knowing what you told him,<br />

then I should be able to solve the case?"<br />

"Oh, no," replied the Knight, "there is more to come!<br />

"A week later," continued the Knight, "I met Tweedledum. I<br />

didn't tell him about my meeting with Tweedledee, but I told him<br />

everything else I've told you so far. Then Tweedledum wanted to<br />

know, not what the first defendant said, but he either asked me<br />

what the second defendant had said, or else he asked me what the<br />


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