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Citation: Journal of the Texas State Convention: Assembled at Austin, Feb. 7, 1866. Adjourned April<br />

2, 1866. [Austin, TX.]: Printed at the Southern Intelligencer Officer, 1866.<br />

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<strong>Tarlton</strong> Constitutions 1824-1876 (http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/constitutions/)<br />

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On motion of Mr. Smith of Lamar, Conventior adjourned tilt<br />

.o’clock to-morrow.<br />

SATURDAY’, March 24th, 1866.<br />

Convention met pursuant to adjournment; prayer by the<br />

halJlaln roll called; quorum present; journkI o yesterday<br />

On motioh of Mr. Jones of Bastrop, Mr. Allen and<br />

Johnson o Titus were excused from further attendance<br />

Convention.<br />

Mr. Noron chairman of committee oa Condition of the<br />

ade following epor<br />

I[on. W. M. Tylor, President, 2to tern., Conven$ion<br />

The eommigce on Condition of the State, to whom was referre<br />

an ordinance oa the subjec of Mines Minerals, Salines,<br />

report the accompanying ordinance, and recommend its passage<br />


O the sub’ect of 3lines, fierals, Salines and Oil<br />

SEco 1. e it ordained b te 2eople of Texas in<br />

vention asembted, That all mines minerals, salines, oil springs<br />

or wells and all precious metals or meraIs, heretofore discpvcreed<br />

oruged or which hereaher may be discovered, Shall b,<br />

game are hereby declared<br />

on<br />

to be, lhe property of the rightf<br />

wner o the land ih which the same m%w be situated, subject.<br />

to suhuniform rate 5f taxation as the Legislature may impose.<br />

Read first time, and passed t/o the orders of the day.<br />

Mr.<br />

n<br />

PhiIlips one of the committee on Legislative Department<br />

behalf of said committe, made following report:<br />

Hon. W. Z Taylor, 2resident 2to tern., of Convention<br />

Th committee on the Lesltive Department, to whom was<br />

Constitution for the State<br />

referred n ordinance relative to a<br />

Texas, have instructed me t9 repor a substitute for the same<br />

and to recbmmen4 its adoption.<br />

0RDIANCE,<br />

efi!ng te ConStitution of the State<br />

S8: I. e ordained 5 the Teopk of Texa in onentibn<br />

as fllows<br />

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26<br />

:to The Constitution of the State of Texas as in force on<br />

28th of January, 1861.<br />

2. The following ordinances adopted by ths Conventmn<br />

The ordinance entitled "Freedmen" adopted as a substitute<br />

er Article VIII of the Constitution in force Jnury 28tL<br />

1861.<br />

The ordinance<br />

purposes."<br />

"declaring the War Debt void, nd for other<br />

SEc. 2. All other mendments that my be made by thi<br />

Conveution shll bc submitted to the people, t the first genera<br />

election, for their acceptance or rejection; and if ccepted by<br />

hem shll become prt of sid Constitution, nd not otherwise.<br />

The amendments submitted to the people shll present the<br />

whole Constitution as proposed to be mended.<br />

Read first time, and pssed to orders of the day.<br />

Mr. Cmp of Upshur in behalf of the committee on Legisla<br />

ve Departmen made following report:<br />

Hon. W. E a.Slor 2resident firo tern. of Convention<br />

The committee on the Legislative Department, to whom was<br />

referred an ordinance provldmg for the election of State Officers,<br />

and fixing the time for the meeting of the Legislature have had<br />

,he same under conslderation and instruct me to report the<br />

ccompanying as a substitute for same and recommend its passage.<br />


Providin# for t]e [eeio of ae Oeers, and fixin<br />

time for t]ze meetzn of the<br />

SECI0 1. Be it ordained by the people of Texas in<br />

centio assembled That an elecfion shall be held on the 4tI<br />

honduy in MV, A. D. 1866 m the several counties of this<br />

State, for ll the State nd County Officers, who under the Con<br />

siuton and laws arc elected by the people.<br />

SEc. 2. Be t ftert/vr ordained, That the officers elected<br />

under ths ordinance shall hold their respective offices from the<br />

4ate of their nstallation to the first Monday in August A.<br />

1866 and thereafter, ii)r the full term prescbed by lw.<br />

SEc. 3. Be it2rt/er ordained That the Legislature of<br />

State of Texas shall meet at the seat of Government thereof,<br />

ad begin their session on the first Monday m July A. D. 1866<br />

SEc. 4. Ae it )trt/ter rdained, That in order to carry out<br />

the provisions of this ordinance, the Prowsionl Governor of<br />

State be and is hereby uthorized and requested to ssue h<br />

proclamation, s early us may be, ordering an election to be<br />

in the several counties of this State at the time and for the pm<br />

poses specifiin his ordinance.<br />

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265<br />

Read first time, and passed to orders of the day,<br />

Mr. Degener, a miho{ity 61 g the bmlitee<br />

Dpartment, made following repoyt<br />

Wra. Ta$,r, residentoe; Of nveniou :<br />

Sa<br />

The undersigded, a minority p he committee aa th<br />

Lehlative Department, diseeh2 ith h reot of<br />

ajofity of sai committee in the mttr of the orinanc fixing<br />

the eleci0n fo te ocers, ke.i und kingthe snse of the<br />

pee of the Ste oa the adoption of the Constitutmri a<br />

9sed by this C0vention, begs leavto epo he enclosed ordiuance,<br />

us substitute for the ordinahce eported by the mcjoriy<br />

f said emittee<br />

The Temple of Texas, in onvtn assembled, ordain and<br />

&cree Sc. I. That the whole of the action of this Convention,<br />

duding all or4inancs and ameadmems e Constitutiou of<br />

his State, shall<br />

submitted o the ople of this State<br />

the acceptance or rejection by vote of the qualified deeor of<br />

he State, on the first Mond id gffne A. D. 1866.<br />

Sc. 2. That anvleotion slt be held on the first Monday in<br />

hugust A. D. 1866 ia the severM counties of this State,: for<br />

Stte District nd Cowry Officers required by the Constiution<br />

and laws of the Sate o be elected bye people.<br />

Sc. 3. The Legislature of ts State shall meet u the<br />

)f Government, nd begin its session on the first Monday n<br />

September A. D: 1866.<br />

Sc. 4. That the Frosionat Governor of this State be and<br />

he is authorized and requested te iue the necessary<br />

ions to carry out the provisions of tMs ordinance.<br />

Read u first time nd passed o orders of the<br />

Mr. Roberts, chairman of the Jadidary Committe% made<br />

oIlowing report:<br />

Co Roo, Mch 24th 1866,<br />

The committee on She Judclaxy, to whom was<br />

.<br />

rerred an<br />

ordinance making vlid the laws and acts of:officers therein men,<br />

5oned, and for othr purposes, wih the amendmenis offere5<br />

ihereto o:n moon ofh dlete rom Gonzule (Mr. Wu)<br />

iave had the same under oniderion, and rennet me to epor<br />

t they he nt had tme d mmre he sam ask<br />

ey be allowed nfil M0y morning eh a*cl0k(o repc<br />

t/hereon.<br />

O. M. ROBERTS, hMn Committee;<br />

Report adopted, and, on motion of Mr.<br />

Property of <strong>Tarlton</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, Jamail Center for Legal Research, The University of Texas School of <strong>Law</strong>

order for 1"2 o’clock [onday next, and committee insrude,l<br />

to report by that time.<br />

Mr: ]all, from commitee..Sn Enro]Jed nd :Engrossed<br />

nnces, made following reports;<br />

COEE Roo, March 24th, 186G<br />

To Hon. Yff. [. ’aylor 2resident 2ro tern. of onventio<br />

The undersigned, one<br />

o t!e committee on EnroIled und<br />

grossed Ordinances, respecthlly report hat they have examined<br />

an ordinance making a pproprition of money for per.dem<br />

pay aud mileage, nd nd the same properly enro]ted nd<br />

A. J. BALL, one of the Committee.<br />

Coi Roo, Murch 24th, 1866.<br />

Hon. Vn. JL aylor, resident, pro tern., of Convention.<br />

The undersigned, one of the committee on :Enrolled nd<br />

grossed dmnces, respectfully report thut they huve exumined<br />

ArtMe IV, Judid Deprtment, und find the sme properly<br />

enrolled and sied.<br />

A. J. BALL, one of the Committee.<br />

Co Roo, March 24h, 1866.<br />

Hon. Win. Talor, President, pro tern., of Convention<br />

The undersigned, one of the committee on Erolled and Engrossed<br />

Ordinances, respectfully report thut they huve examined<br />

Article V, Executive Department, nd find the same properly<br />

enrolled und signed.<br />

A. J. BALL, one of the Committee.<br />

Repdrts uccepted.<br />

Mr. Nortpn offered<br />

the,<br />

following resolution<br />

Resolved, by te peflle of tI tate of exas, b<br />

in Convetion ssembled, That the deth of General<br />

ouston ]te Governor o[ the State of Texas, is<br />

culmity, und that in consideration of hs pre-eminent abilities.<br />

greut experience und exalted ptrlotsm, his high churcter awl<br />

enthusiastic devotion o the interest und he cuse of Texa,<br />

from he beginning of the strgge for independence,<br />

ofir revolutionary wr, our estence as Repubhc nd our life<br />

s State,. nd in upprecition of the fithl dischurge of<br />

duges s Commander-in-Chief of the rmy as Presiden of the<br />

Republic, us United Stues Sento nd us Governor of the<br />

Sute His Excellency the Gsvrnor i hereby authorized<br />

powered to procure and plae in the Reprdsentative Hll,<br />

full length portruit, to commemorate his distinguished service,<br />

and peetute his nem6ry:<br />

Aopte4 unanimously.<br />

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Property of <strong>Tarlton</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, Jamail Center for Legal Research, The University of Texas School of <strong>Law</strong>


Article X, tducation, an engrossed article, was aken up, and<br />

placed on its third and final reading.<br />

Mr. Norton offered the following amendmen’t<br />

Amend Section 8, by striking out all after the word "shall,"<br />

in second line, and inserting,<br />

"be appropriated to the support of<br />

public schools, and is hereby passed to the credit of the free<br />

common school fund."<br />

Mr. Henderson moved the previous question.<br />

Seconded.<br />

The question being Shall the main question be now put ? and<br />

he Yeas and Nays being called, sood:<br />

Yeasessrs. Anderson, acon, Beall, Bumpass, Camp of<br />

Upshur, Genv, Gurley Hancock Henderson, Hill Hun Jones<br />

f Bastrop, Lane, Mabry, Murchison Perry Reeves Richardson<br />

Saunders Taylor of Houston, Yarnell and Whitfield22.<br />

NaysMessrs all Benge, Bradshaw, Burke Camp of Golind,<br />

Davis of Webb, Daws of Cherokee, Degener, Dre<br />

lanagan,. Giddings Hart Hurt Johnson of Tarran, Ledbeer,<br />

Lmdsey Iiddleton, Nelson, )orton, orris, Parsons,<br />

hillips, Roberts, Runnels Saufley Selman, Shepard, Shields,<br />

Shaw Smith of Lamar Taylor of Fannin, Thompson Tyus<br />

Walker, Waul and Woodcut37.<br />

So the ouse refused to order the main question.<br />

The question recurring oa the amendment of Mr. orton<br />

Hurt moved o lay on the be; and he Yeas and ays bring<br />

called, stood thus<br />

YeasMessrs. Anderson, Bacon, Bradshaw, Bumpass, Camp<br />

of Upshur Davis of Webb, Degener, Gentry, Giddings, Gur!ey,<br />

Hncock, Henderson, Hunt, Iur, Johnso of Trrant, Jones<br />

of Bastrop, Jones of Bexar Lane, Ledbetter, Mabry<br />

mack, Murchison, Perry, Ihillips, Reeves, Roberts Runnels,<br />

Saunders Shepard Shields, Smith of Colorado, Taylor of Houston,<br />

Thomas of Cameron Thompson, Tyns, Walker, Waul,<br />

Whitfield and Woodsy39.<br />

NaysMessrs. Armstrong, Beall, Benge, Burke, Camp of<br />

GoIiad, Dalrymple, Dvls of Cherokee, Drake, Ylanagan, Hart,<br />

Lindsey, Middleon dson, Norton, orris, Paseha Richardson,<br />

Saufley, Shaw, Smith of Lamar, Taylor of Yannin, and<br />

Varnell22.<br />

So he amendment was lald on the table,<br />

Mr. Waul offered the following amendment:<br />

So. 2. Strike ou, in 6th line, the word "the" between<br />

and eduemion, and aher education, in 6th line to and in 7th<br />

Property of <strong>Tarlton</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, Jamail Center for Legal Research, The University of Texas School of <strong>Law</strong>

Mr. MoCormack moved that the Article and proposed<br />

ments be recommitted to the committee.<br />

Mr. Whltfield moved to ly the motion to recommit on the<br />

tble nd the Yeas and ays being called for stoo thus<br />

YeasMessrs. Anderson Armsrong Ball BelI,Bege<br />

shw Bumpass Burke, Camp of Upshur, Davis of Cherokee,<br />

Drake, Gentry, Gurley, Henerso Jones of Bastrop L]rdsey<br />

Mbry, son, rris, erry, Roberts, Saunders<br />

Selmn, Shields, Smith of Colorado Taylor of Houston Walker.<br />

Whfield nd Woodsy30.<br />

ays--Mssrs. Bacon Camp of Gohad, Dalymple Daws<br />

Hun Hurt, John-<br />

Webb Degener, Flanagan Giddings Hart,<br />

son of Tarrant, Jones of Bexar, Ledbetter, McCormack, Middleton,<br />

Mchison, qorton, Parker, Parsons, Paschal, PhiIlips<br />

orter, Rseves, Richardson, Runnels, Sh%pard, Shaw, Slaughter,<br />

Smith of Lamar, Taylor of Fannin Thomas of Cameron Thompson,<br />

Vuell and WauI--34.<br />

So the House refused to lay on the table.<br />

The question recurring on the motion to recommit, Mr. Whi<br />

field moved a call of the House. Lost.<br />

The question being on the motion to<br />

recommit and tle Yeas<br />

and ays being called, stood thus:<br />

Yeas--Messrs. Bacon, Ball, Bea, Bradshaw Camp of Go]ind.<br />

Davis of Webb, Davis of Cherokee, Degener, Dre, Giddings,<br />

Gurtey, Hart, Hunt Hurt, Johnson of Tarrant Jones of Dexar,<br />

Ledbetter, Lindsey McCormack, Middleton Murchlson, orton,<br />

orr, Parker 2arns, Paschal Phillips, orer, Roberts, Runads,<br />

Shields, Shaw, Smith of Lamar, Taylor of Fannin, Thomas<br />

of Cameron, Thompson, Tyus, Varnell and WauL<br />

ays--Messrs. Anderson, Armstrong, Benge, Bumpass, Camp<br />

of Up,hut, DahTmple Flanagan, Gentry, Henderson,<br />

Mubry, 1-elson Perry, PcoM, Richardsn Saufley, Selman,<br />

Sm of Colorado, Taylor of Housn Wker and Whitfield21.<br />

So [e Artlele and proposed amendment were recommitted.<br />

When the<br />

name of Mr. Jones of strop ’us culled on the<br />

preceding call of the es and Noes he moved that he be permitted<br />

t9 pair off with Mr. Walker, and the question being put<br />

the permission was granted.<br />

Mr. Selman introduced the following ordinance<br />

A 0RDIAIqCE,<br />

efesrn to tge ldebtedness of ts State.<br />

in onventlon assembled that the 1st and 2d Sections of<br />

ordinance entitled "An Ordinance declaring the War Debt<br />

Property of <strong>Tarlton</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, Jamail Center for Legal Research, The University of Texas School of <strong>Law</strong>

and for other purposes/ adpted by this Convention, be and the<br />

same are hereby declared to be f[naI and forever binding on the<br />

State but the 3d section shl be submitted to a direr vote<br />

he people to be taken sparatety d dlstincly from all other<br />

mesures.<br />

Ssc. 2. At the first general election after the adjournment<br />

his<br />

onvention qe quatified voters throughout the State may<br />

voe zpraely on sMd hlrd section a:nd itsalt be the duy of<br />

he Provisional Goverr o issue his proclamaion acordinly,<br />

giving such instructions as may seem most appropriate, in order<br />

o obtain the sense of the people on he questibn involved ia<br />

secgon referred o.<br />

Sc. 3. ShouM a majority of the legal yos cas be against<br />

he section, he whole subject matter contalmd therein all<br />

math subject o the future action of the Legislature.<br />

Read a first time, and placed o the orders of he day.<br />

Ir. Degener moved to ad Mr. Waul o the committee<br />

Education.<br />

Los.<br />

0n moion, the Convention ajourned till half after 7 o’clock<br />

to-night.<br />

Convention met roll called; q:uoram present.<br />

On moion of Mr. Whitfieid the vacancies on committee og<br />

Education were filled.<br />

The ollowing gentlemen were named by the Presiden o<br />

:Iessrs. Mahry, Record, Smtho Colorado Perry, nd Burke.<br />

0tDS OF THE DAY.<br />

t.epor of t;he comkee o General Provisions. as to the proriety<br />

oF<br />

srlkiag,<br />

ou he 30th section of the VH Article of the<br />

A communlcaioa o:m Itls Excellency, e Provional Governor,<br />

caIlng fhe attention of the Convengon tthe condition<br />

he Blind Asdum, and king that some provision be made for<br />

he support 0 Blind until Legislative action could be had, was<br />

read, and referred to he Finance committee.<br />

The question recurring on t/he adoption of the report of the<br />

committee, Mr. PaschaI offered the following<br />

Strike out Sec. 30 General Provisns of the Constitution<br />

Art. VII.<br />

ir. Camp of Upshur raoved to lay he moion on the<br />

on which the Yes nd Nys were ordered, and stood ihus<br />

Yeas--SIessrs. Anderson, Armstrong, Bacon, Ball,<br />

Property of <strong>Tarlton</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, Jamail Center for Legal Research, The University of Texas School of <strong>Law</strong>

Benge, ]radshaw, Camp of Upshur GentG, Gddmg%, Gurley<br />

Hancock, Hunt, Jones of Basrop, Lane Liadsey,<br />

glsoa, orton, Rorr% Parson% Perry hillip% rer, Recvrd<br />

Reeves,<br />

Rober Runnels, Setman hepd Shields, Shuford,<br />

Slaughter, Smith of Ooloruo, Taylor of Fannin, y!_or<br />

Houston, TSompson Tyu% Walker, Waal, nd<br />

ysMessrs. Burke, amp of Gollud,<br />

Witfiedl.<br />

Dlrymple, Daws of<br />

Webb, Davis of Cherokee, Degener, Drake, Flanagn Htl<br />

Hurt, Johnson of Tarran% ones of Bexr Ledber<br />

MC,rmack, Murchson, Paker, ha! Sufley, Thomz of<br />

Cameron, Varndl and<br />

S he momn prevailed.<br />

The qaestio eing on the dopon of the reort of the<br />

mtee t was smitted the Hona% and<br />

Report of the committee on General ovisis of the Constitution,<br />

mending Sec. 9 Bill of Right% was tak up and red<br />

second time, a4 adopted.<br />

0n motion of M Phillips, ule ws suspended bill re4<br />

hrd tme, and passed.<br />

eport of the committee on Gc’I 2rowsmns of the ConstuUon<br />

m regard to retaining in the Bdl af Rghts the ngh of<br />

he State to regulate th elective fraaehie ’s tkeu up, red<br />

and adopted.<br />

The report of the committee o General Proqsioas of the<br />

Consttutmn, elatmg to eserving from i%rced sale certain<br />

mouat of personal proper:y, was suken up.<br />

Mr. Camp of Goliad offered the following us subsgute for<br />

he report<br />


by te W91e of Te2ag i Obnvention assemexempte<br />

Be it ordained<br />

5ed That m addition to the property heretofore<br />

%rced sla, tht n additional amount f once thounl dolhrs<br />

xorh<br />

of such propy as heads of famils my most desire for<br />

he farrnce of thdr respectiveocums, be gloae exempted<br />

}om brced sle.<br />

r. Br_shaw moved ffhe premus<br />

Seconded.<br />

The question being, shM1 he m[a qusstmn be no" put, nd<br />

he Yeas and ay$ eiag called for stood hus:<br />

Yes--Messrs. aeon Brdsh Davis of Webb Giddlng%<br />

Gurley, ncock, Hill Hunt, ur, Johnson of Trat, Jones<br />

of Bsrop, Jones of exar, Ldbetter, Liney<br />

Middleton, elson, Parker, Paschal, Perry, Philli<br />

Reeve% Roberts, Runnels, Saunders, Shepard, Shuford Smith of<br />

Property of <strong>Tarlton</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, Jamail Center for Legal Research, The University of Texas School of <strong>Law</strong>

Colorado, Taylor<br />

and Walker--33.<br />

:[qays--Messrs. Anderson, Armstrong, Beall, Bongo, Burke<br />

Camp of Goliad, Camp of Upshur, Degener, Drake, Flaagan<br />

Gentry, Murchison, lorton loris, Parsons, Porter, Saufley<br />

of Houston: Thomas of Cameron Thompsor<br />

Shields, Slaughter, Taylor of Fannin, Tyus, arneI1, Waul<br />

Whitfield, and Wool--,,5.<br />

S(> the main question was ordered to be put.<br />

The question being on the adopt;on of the report, the Yeas<br />

and lays were ordered, and stood thus<br />

Yeas--iY/essrs. Bacon, Bradshaw, Giddings, Gurley Hancock,<br />

Hunt, Hurt, Johnson of Tarrant, Jones of Basrop, Jones of<br />

Bexar, Ledbetter, Lindsey, Mabry, MeCormk, Nelson, Parker,<br />

Parsons, Paschal, :Perry, Phillips, Porter, Record, Reeves<br />

Roberts, Runnels, Saunders Sdman, Sheprd, Shuford, Smith<br />

of Colorado, Taylor of Houston, Thomas of Cameron, Thompson,<br />

and Walker34.<br />

lays--Messrs. Anderson, Armstrong, Beall, Bongo, Burke,<br />

Camp of Goliad, Camp of Upshur, Davis of Webb, Degener,<br />

Drake, Flanagan, Gentry, Hill, Middleton, Murehison, lorton,<br />

;orris, Saufley, Shields, Slaughter, Taylor of Fannin, Tyus,<br />

Yarnell, Waul, Whitfield, and Woods--26.<br />

So the report was adotted.<br />

The reports of the committee on General Provisions of the<br />

Constitution, in regard to the observance of the Sabbath, was<br />

taken up.<br />

Mr. Waul moved o substitute the minority report and the<br />

accompanying ordinance for the report of the majority of the<br />

committee.<br />

The ’eas and Nays were ordered, and stood thus<br />

YeasMessrs. Anderson, Bacon, Beatl, Bongo, Bumpass,<br />

BUrke, Camp of G01d Camp of Lrpshur, Drake, Flanagan<br />

Hancock, Hill, Hurt, 5’IeCormack, Middleton, :Norton, Phillips,<br />

Record, Reeves, SauiIey, Slaughter, Taylor of Houston,<br />

Waul, Whitfield, and Woods--25.<br />

laysMessrs. Anderson, Bradshaw, Davis of Webb, Degener,<br />

Gentry, Giddings, Gurley, Hunt, Johnson of Tarran, Jones of<br />

_]exar, Jones of Bstrop, Ledbetter, Liadsey, Mabry, Murchison,<br />

Nehon, i’orris Parker, Parsons, Paschal, Perry, :Porter,<br />

Roberts, Runnels, Saunders Shepard, Shields, Shuford. Smith<br />

of Colorad% Taylor of Fanin, Thomas of Cameron,<br />

and Watker33.<br />

Lost.<br />

Yarnetl<br />

Property of <strong>Tarlton</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, Jamail Center for Legal Research, The University of Texas School of <strong>Law</strong>

273<br />

M0DA, March 26th, 186.<br />

Convention met pursuant, to adjournment; prayer by the<br />

hpain roll called quorum psen journal of yerday<br />

read and adopted..<br />

Mr. h%torr, chairman f committee 0n Condition of the<br />

The emR off<br />

Oondiimn of the Sate, to whom the<br />

prig n ordinance i egr o te remptioa, of tnds.<br />

ld for es hs been<br />

refed regarding the subje s<br />

h eion,by this Oonventmn recvmmend the<br />

ompanng ordinance r<br />

A ORDinANCE,<br />

pssge of the<br />

Cvonention assembled, Th he owners of all lands sdd<br />

axes since the 1st day of Wbmary, t1, sha have two years<br />

v)eSt were such lands hvea purchaseby te<br />

e amount of taes due upon the same<br />

and heze such tnds<br />

h been Fahased by divi,la, by ying to Pa ind-<br />

,ziduals the amount of money pad for such ad with ten per<br />

nt. iert on said amnt from the dae of purchase.<br />

And<br />

here such purcaase n be made wth urrecy or faads ether<br />

6n spie; the owner of such lands sha have the righ to<br />

sme by pving o such purchaser the wlue of the<br />

t of tzrency or funds pain by tim fo uid tads<br />

le time the same was so paid, with int un the same as<br />

bove stated.<br />

ad first time, and pass<br />

-<br />

Vhe orders of the<br />

Mr. Roberts, chairman of Judiciary Committee made rep:rt<br />

Cor Rooz, March 26th, 1866.<br />

h. W. Taylor residen pro tern. the<br />

T. diary Comuiltte to whom was refeed two<br />

:e eting W payments Cue school fund in State sury<br />

Wrrants, made by the Railroad Companies, have had he same<br />

Property of <strong>Tarlton</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, Jamail Center for Legal Research, The University of Texas School of <strong>Law</strong>

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