CC Ryder, Mercy Me! - At My Friend's Place

CC Ryder, Mercy Me! - At My Friend's Place

CC Ryder, Mercy Me! - At My Friend's Place


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Post Office Box 567<br />

San Luis Rey, California 92068-0567<br />

Tel: (760) 803-6690<br />

Fax: (760) 637-2862<br />

bill@billcady.com<br />

WORD COUNT: 78,155<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>!<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 1<br />

The <strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong> series is written in this order. The stories are sequential, meaning you may enjoy<br />

them better reading them in the order they were created.<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, Jurist<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, Still Looking<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, Guilty of Nothing<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, It's Now Or Never<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, You Scratch <strong>My</strong> Back<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong> Never Gives Up<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, Picking Up The Pieces<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, Like Mama, Like Daughters<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, It's <strong>My</strong> Party, I'll Cry If I Want To<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, The Stalking Siren<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, Spanning The Gap<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, Beyond The Gap<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, Seeing Justice Done<br />

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … still being written<br />

Wrecked.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Monday, December 22 nd , 2008 … 7:04 p.m.<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 2<br />

It's not a term used often to describe another human being. As a matter of fact, because<br />

I'm such a voracious reader, I'll bet I've read eleventeen-hundred and eighty-eight books in my<br />

life and I don't think I've ever seen anyone described that way. I really don't.<br />

However, that's the most accurate way to tell someone what the man standing before me<br />

looked like. Wrecked. Ruined. Stranded. Left all alone in a location so far from anything worth<br />

knowing it's impossible to return from it. So remote you can't get here from there. You'd have to<br />

go elsewhere to start a return journey. The place he'd been dispatched to was simply too distant<br />

to even connect to a path back to the world.<br />

What made it even odder, more unacceptable, was the victim of the moment. You see, of<br />

all those books I've read, this man wrote the very best ones.<br />

Sheesh! Where are my manners? <strong>My</strong> common sense? To be fair, I'll need to back up to<br />

explain some of the important facts so you'll understand what I'm saying.<br />

<strong>My</strong> name, as you know, is <strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>. I'm a judge with the San Diego Superior Court in<br />

North San Diego County, working from the Vista courthouse. I'm a family woman who lives in a<br />

beautiful house on the beach located a little bit outside of Encinitas, halfway between San Diego<br />

and Oceanside, California. Who I am isn't really an important part of all this, but it does serve as<br />

a connection linking the fine man I'm talking about and the horrible situation he's now involved<br />

in. Because of me. That part hurts me just to think about it.<br />

It's fair to say the problems, and they are multiple, began with some very sleazy rapes. I<br />

don't mean to imply there's ever been a "good rape". Criminy! I was a rape victim myself, six<br />

years ago when the man I loved and I were on the beach at a lake in northern Michigan. A girl<br />

walking with us, a sweetheart teen named Chelsea Dunnigan, was raped and murdered. <strong>My</strong> guy,<br />

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<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 3<br />

Baker Mann, was beaten within an inch of his life and emasculated. I was so severely raped and<br />

brutalized inside I'll never bear children naturally. However, the man I've given my life to now,<br />

Donnie Oldrunner, and I have four beautiful babies and we're very happy together. Still, as the<br />

focus isn't on me at this point, we'll get to that part later.<br />

The rapes to which I refer were committed against my court reporter, Tabatha Marshall,<br />

and a wonderful woman who's also recently become my friend named Adele Nostrum. They had<br />

both joined one of those danged singles services and were set up maliciously. The people who<br />

ran a lowlife scam were scouring these sites to get first dates. The dates were, of course, all with<br />

unsuspecting women, although there was a woman among the sleazebags, too, who dallied with<br />

men on those sites. Her interests, however, were confined to prurient sex with almost any man<br />

who caught her fancy. The guys were an altogether different story, even more revolting.<br />

They'd duped a young girl who worked at various Starbucks stores into being a part of<br />

their scheme. In brief, they used "date rape drugs" in a woman's drink to incapacitate her, then at<br />

least two men at a time would have sex with her while she was incoherent and videotape it. The<br />

rapists would then vanish without a trace, leaving the women unknowing, feeling the guy was<br />

yet another slug who promised to call her, but didn't. Some time afterward that woman involved,<br />

pretending to be an attorney for a wealthy pervert, would contact the woman who'd unknowingly<br />

been violated. The ruse was her "client" had bought supposed porn tapes and learned the woman<br />

wasn't just some porn star. With an alleged "investment" of $10,000 then at stake this fictional<br />

pervert wanted to recover, the phony woman lawyer would offer to sell the photos back "at cost"<br />

and keep everything private. While we don't know exactly how many were victims of this sting,<br />

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<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 4<br />

one was connected to me as my court reporter. <strong>My</strong> secretary-office manager, Tez Fischer, came<br />

upon the other, that girl named Adele Nostrum.<br />

Because of some unusual circumstances and Tez tipping me to all this, when I found out<br />

the police were undermanned and wouldn't be able to do anything about it, I saw red. I set up my<br />

own "counter-sting" to get these lizards. <strong>My</strong> other co-best buddy, in addition to Tez, is a cop I<br />

met a year or so back named Angela Dutton. She's a Detective First Grade with the San Diego<br />

Police Department who insisted on taking part on a personal basis. If the Department couldn't do<br />

anything officially, she was still game to help me. Her associate, Detective Carlina Torres, took<br />

part for the same reason. Dedicated, pissed off and seeking justice, we all got started.<br />

Among the things we hadn't counted on were the people involved on the other side, far<br />

more than we anticipated. Nor their true motivation, and the power they wielded. Everything was<br />

soon turned upside down and the whole matter became scary as can be.<br />

As it developed, the two guys doing the actual physical rapes were twin brothers. Both<br />

came to the USA from the Ukraine via Brighton Beach, a section of Brooklyn, New York. It's<br />

now largely overrun with criminals from the former Soviet Union and the surrounding territory.<br />

They were paid assassins who relocated and set up shop doing the same thing in our country. As<br />

I understand it, a few years back they killed someone too high on the food chain to allow them to<br />

remain at large where they'd been living and went underground. They surfaced here in San Diego<br />

County and were lying low until the heat cooled off. Made wealthy by what they'd done before,<br />

they had no need to commit any crimes.<br />

Unfortunately, they were bored. Bored and horny. Possessed of a criminal mentality, it<br />

made sense to them to solve the problem via lucrative sex crimes. They'd make money and get<br />

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<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 5<br />

what they craved at the same stroke of a brush. While it may have been a feasible and viable<br />

theory from their demented perspectives, none of it sat well with anyone else. Their names were<br />

supposedly Brett and Brock Mandelbrot, but they were phony, of course.<br />

The one masquerading as Brett, if you can wrap your mind around something so utterly<br />

abhorrent, stooped to the low point of murdering his own twin brother to escape detection and a<br />

prison sentence. A total animal in every respect. However, he wasn't done murdering people by<br />

that point. It was more that he was just getting started. Perhaps that will tell you how creepy it all<br />

became in such a hurry.<br />

Jeez, this is getting involved, but you need to know it to make sense of what's happening<br />

in our world at the present. The twin who murdered his brother is actually named Boris Manlinin<br />

and he's even creepier than you might be thinking. However, even if the guy is an absolute turd<br />

in every way, he's subject to some of the same failings we are. As I understand it, he fell in love.<br />

In itself, that's not unusual. I absolutely love my guy Donnie to pieces, but I could never do any<br />

of the evil and nasty things this dirtbag has done. He fell in love with a rather wealthy and well<br />

connected tramp named <strong>Me</strong>lissa Detweiler. She's an otherwise average looking girl in her mid<br />

20s willing to have sex with anyone. Dang it, I mean anyone, too. Man, woman, good, bad, one<br />

at a time or in groups. No minimum requirements on her partner.<br />

I know. It makes me feel a bit urpy, too, but people like that do exist. Oh, but she has one<br />

other bed partner, this one of longstanding. Are you ready for this? It's her brother.<br />

Oh, puke! I'll admit I'm an only child, not spoiled, spanked on rare occasions as a kid, and<br />

I've never been called a prude. Still, with her own brother? Good Lord, how disgusting!<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 6<br />

In any event, she'd have sex with this Manlinin guy, but she wouldn't commit to him in<br />

any way. That leaves him in competition with her brother. How sick is that, I ask you?<br />

This Manlinin is a pain in more than one butt and for a number of reasons. We haven't<br />

figured out all of 'em yet, but we're getting there. By "we", I mean my cop friend Angela Dutton<br />

and me. And a few other cops she has involved. And "Federal weight", as she calls it. We have<br />

reason to believe all these things are connected and the link in every case is this Manlinin jerk,<br />

who gets around, to say the very least.<br />

Manlinin has a friend, if I use the term very loosely, who is a career criminal. Angela<br />

says it's all "small stuff", beyond the fact she's rather certain he's killed a few people. I'm sure it<br />

sounds tacky but, according to Angela, any killings he may have done were all NHI cases. In cop<br />

talk it means No Humans Involved. <strong>Me</strong>rely other scumwads like himself. Career criminals and a<br />

lot of what would be seen as "lowlifes". While I don't condone any killing other than to save the<br />

life of an innocent person, which I've done a few times myself, I'll confess I don't get up from my<br />

chair and pace with anxiety when a scumbag bites the dust. Not even sorry about it. For so many<br />

of them it just comes with the territory.<br />

In any event, this career criminal is named Casey Bingham. <strong>At</strong> the moment … well, until<br />

very recently, I guess … he was in a state prison for what would've been many years for armed<br />

robbery. Unquestionably, it wasn't his first offense, but he'd been caught, tried and sentenced. He<br />

made contact with a lady we know, a sweet black girl named Shandell who now works for a very<br />

prominent local criminal attorney. She wrote him in prison needing a big favor. He's known her<br />

for quite some time and she felt she could ask. He was actually her last hope.<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 7<br />

Her teen cousin, Varshawn Bristol, allowed himself to be caught up in the gang life. He<br />

was a participant at a crime that ended in some innocent deaths. Without an intervention, he'd've<br />

died in prison when he was in his 70s, maybe earlier because it's such a grungy lifestyle. Being a<br />

boy, he'd've also been the target of sexual predators in that prison. When she asked Casey's help,<br />

he explained the prison rules are very different than life is on the outside. Shandell is black, as is<br />

her cousin. Casey Bingham is a white male. In the prison system the races aren't even allowed to<br />

talk beyond a greeting and inconsequential things like "how are you?". If they do, it means they'll<br />

be beaten, maybe killed. Quite often they're also sexually molested by gangs of other inmates. It<br />

proves our prisons are not Mr. Rogers' neighborhood, I guess.<br />

However, Casey Bingham knew a black convict named Major Gaynor. We also knew of<br />

him. He'd been a rising star in the San Diego County Republican party and was a candidate in the<br />

2004 county supervisor's race. A man named Jerrod Detweiler, the sleazy brother of that outright<br />

slut named <strong>Me</strong>lissa, was running as a Democrat.<br />

Do you feel the strings drawing this together a little bit?<br />

This harlot <strong>Me</strong>lissa arranged to willfully have sex with Mr. Gaynor and three other black<br />

men, all at one time. It was her idea, and she even tried to recruit a relatively naïve girl named<br />

Della Purcell, going by the name Jaden Dormer at the time I met her, to assist. In other words, it<br />

was her idea to have sex with all these men.<br />

The next day she cried rape and Mr. Gaynor, along with his friends, was sent to prison for<br />

what would've actually meant his entire life. He was an innocent man, but she got him sent off to<br />

prison. It then meant her brother, well behind in the polls until that point, won the election.<br />

How convenient.<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 8<br />

With the help of Shandell, Angela got a few different people together, made excellent use<br />

of what she calls "Federal weight" because it was tied in with the Boris Manlinin matter, and got<br />

Mr. Gaynor released from prison into her custody. Casey Bingham and Varshawn came along in<br />

the swap due to the power of that "Federal weight".<br />

That was, by no means, the end of it. Not even close.<br />

This Manlinin is truly an ogre. In addition to killing his brother, he used a knife to slay a<br />

girl peripherally involved in the case named Donna and even tried to kill the woman involved in<br />

the blackmail scheme they had going. In a related matter we haven't yet resolved, that very same<br />

woman also tried to seduce my new writer friend, Bill Cady, rather enthusiastically. Worse, she<br />

even became a party to a thankfully unsuccessful attempt to blow up our home and kill a lot of<br />

good people, although Angela isn't yet certain whom was the specific target that time.<br />

Be that as it may, she did so in conjunction with what we believe is this Manlinin slob<br />

and another man, but they made the entire incident bizarre beyond any comprehension.<br />

Without belaboring the point and including far too many details, my new dear friend and<br />

favorite author ever, Bill Cady, became a collateral damage victim by the last step in a macabre<br />

and sinister event. While I hold Bill is a very handsome man and uniquely charming, with a very<br />

folksy manner, he says otherwise. Still, it seems he's never had any problem getting women into<br />

his life, but he's never found one he chose to keep. Now, around age sixty, he's divorced and, as<br />

he puts it, "alone except for my pet bear". He has a small stuffed bear he calls Kadiak de Kodiak<br />

as a best buddy, and no woman in his life. Swears he'd been done with the idea for a few years,<br />

but he does still date from time to time.<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 9<br />

In that oddest of fashions known as Fate, Bill encountered Adele Nostrum at our place<br />

and all the seismographs went berserk. I wouldn't even question it if told the electrical pull those<br />

two created threw the radar out of whack on any planes using Lindbergh Field in San Diego at<br />

the time. They were sucked together as if a fusion magnet was attached to each and the ground<br />

shook all the way up to Malibu, for Pete's sake! Criminy! That man and woman went absolutely<br />

nuts over each other. Talk about two people who are the victims of static cling? I mean!<br />

It never got to the sickening part where they were pawing each other, or tongue wrestling<br />

in front of everyone. They didn't make people think they'd walked in on a frantic spit swap meet<br />

of some kind, but no one's imagination had to make any Olympic leaps to picture it when they<br />

were away from the crowd.<br />

Which was very seldom and even more fleeting.<br />

Adele was staying with us. I think I mentioned it, along with Tabatha, because this very<br />

evil Manlinin was trying to kill them both. Bill was here as often as he dared, and there aren't too<br />

many things that guy doesn't dare. <strong>Me</strong>aning he left late and showed up early. They were both<br />

gaga for each other. Not in a sickening way, as I said, but in a fashion I found very touching. It<br />

was enough to bring a tear to my eye a couple times. Two people so anxious to find a partner,<br />

who had both given up, then stumbled upon each other. I even asked Bill if what he'd found with<br />

Adele might inspire a novel in that regard.<br />

He told me it takes no talent to write a love story and even less imagination, although he<br />

added he's convinced all love stories are 100% fiction. Perhaps with Adele, I wondered, that may<br />

change, but I didn't say anything about it to him. In many ways, I'm very glad I didn't.<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 10<br />

Three people appeared offshore late this afternoon as Bill and I sat talking up on the third<br />

deck of our house. The house is three stories overlooking the Pacific in Encinitas with a deck on<br />

each level. A speedboat of some kind came tearing at us, but stopped 200-300 yards away from<br />

the sand. The people in it, whom we surmise were Manlinin, the slutty pretend-attorney woman<br />

from the scam, and a guy we don't know, set about their tasks. They sent up a remote controlled<br />

airplane, circled the boat at first, then sent it charging toward us on the deck.<br />

The bleeping thing had a freaking bomb attached!<br />

I got lucky on my fourth shot and it exploded. Then, as if they'd swiped a scene out of an<br />

unbelievable Bruce Willis movie or something, these heathens also dispatched a half dozen men<br />

in black ninja suits. Those movie monster figures were swarming over our house, for Pete's sake!<br />

It was absolutely kaka!<br />

They broke in via the ground floor patio deck. <strong>My</strong> guy, Donnie Oldrunner, is a Luiseño<br />

Native American, himself a killing machine of the first degree with only his hands and feet, but<br />

he was away at the time. He had four fellow Luiseños present, all ex-marines and extremely well<br />

trained in hand-to-hand combat, guarding us. They herded our babies and the others into what we<br />

call the "safe room" on the ground floor. One was to go into the locked and fortified safe room<br />

with them while the other three stood guard outside.<br />

When Bill and I made it down there, me with my .380 Beretta and Bill with a 9mm I took<br />

from a dresser in my bedroom, one of the ninjas was already dead. Two of Donnie's guys were<br />

also killed, with one still alive and being attacked by three ninjas.<br />

Honestly, I just feel silly saying this, but they were dressed head to toe in black. Just like<br />

all the weird ninjas in movies. One of the three attacked me, the fool. As if I was going to let his<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 11<br />

eerie, guttural shriek freak me out or something? When two shots into his chest only slowed the<br />

nimrod down, telling me he had body armor, I put three into his freaking face.<br />

That got his blasted attention. Count on it.<br />

In the interim, never a man to sit idly by and chew the fat when there's work to be done,<br />

Bill grabbed a fireplace poker and made ski-mask-wrapped hamburger of another ninja's skull.<br />

The sleaze was dead before he knew about it.<br />

The last weirdo got away out the sliding door, but he threw what we first thought was a<br />

freaking grenade at us on his way out! Criminy! Did the three of us ever hit the deck in a hurry!<br />

However, it wasn't a grenade. It was a note.<br />

Odder yet, it was for Bill.<br />

Good grief! The man's a guest in our home and has been there primarily, other than as a<br />

visitor when he showed up before meeting Adele, because she was there. No other reason.<br />

The note said these people would get in touch with Bill soon. It insisted he has some item<br />

they want, although there's no telling what it might be. It also menaced they have something Bill<br />

wants and, if he fails to cooperate, it will be destroyed. So, on a first-things-first basis, we left the<br />

man at the door to guard it while Bill and I searched the house. Finding no intruders, we came<br />

back to the ground floor, both of us completely at a loss as to what those evil jerks might mean.<br />

It's not proven yet beyond any doubt we have the answer to that question, but we both<br />

think we do. If so, it's a rather glaring fact.<br />

Adele Nostrum is missing.<br />

Bill seems to have put it together at the same speed I made my assumption.<br />

That's why I see what I now see.<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 12<br />

Bill Cady is standing in front of me looking into the room where we expected he'd find<br />

Adele when we opened the door.<br />

Bill is wrecked.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Monday, December 22 nd , 2008 … 7:11 p.m.<br />

For a long time, the largest part of a minute, I stood in place. Stared at Bill. Sensed if I<br />

moved too quickly he might shatter. Come apart in irreparable pieces and fall to the floor as a<br />

pile of shards that were once a strong and caring man. It made me think of easing into the water<br />

when a toe test says it's pretty danged cold. Chilly enough to possibly throw someone into shock<br />

if that person dived headfirst.<br />

First taking a step, I called, "Bill?"<br />

Nothing. He didn't see me. I could tell by looking at him. I took another step. "Bill?"<br />

Still nothing. His face said he couldn't see what he knew wasn't there, so he took one<br />

more hard look, still not seeing what he knew wasn't in the room. Then he did it again.<br />

Now his expression said he knew his eyes were lying to him and he'd decided to give 'em<br />

one more shot at it. An unspoken message told me he wasn't yet prepared to deal with hearing, or<br />

maybe it's better said as not hearing, that much truth. I made a decision and stepped in front of<br />

him. "No, Bill. No." I didn't want to finish it aloud. That'd be diving into the gelid water.<br />

Still not looking my way, he shook his head slightly. "No. Wrong." He gulped. "You're<br />

wrong." Shook his head again. Gulped again.<br />

"Come sit on a chair," I told him in a firmer voice.<br />

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<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 13<br />

"Can't." Another headshake, his eyes still boring into the room. "Needs me. She does."<br />

Gulping again. "Needs me. Adele." He took a long breath, making it seem as if he'd forgotten<br />

and was just now getting around to breathing again. "Gotta be sure she's safe."<br />

"Come with me," I said more firmly, clenching his left elbow. "You need—"<br />

"No!" he snapped. "Leave me alone! Adele needs—"<br />

"Damn it, do what I tell you!" I barked back.<br />

That hit home. He shook his head once. Twice. Looked at me in surprise. "<strong>CC</strong>?"<br />

"Come," I repeated, tugging now as I guided him toward a chair on the wall to my left. "I<br />

want you to have a seat."<br />

Somewhat obediently, he allowed me to pull him slightly. Didn't exactly follow. It was<br />

more as if he was moving on his own while accepting I was diverting him. He gave the distinct<br />

impression he was trying to find a way around me so he could get into the safe room.<br />

"Bill, she isn't in there." Someone had to say it. He clearly couldn't see it himself.<br />

"Huh?" He shook his head again.<br />

"Bill, Adele's not there." Now I was the one taking the deep breath. I didn't see any point<br />

in covering the same ground all over again, but he created the impression we were heading into a<br />

chorus of what we'd just mumbled our way through. "We can't find her until you snap out of it."<br />

"Until I … me? Until I … where is she?" He leaned to his right, trying to look around me.<br />

Outside the door was Tommy Tallman, the Luiseño who'd stayed with the two others now<br />

dead at our feet on the floor. Filling the doorway, leaving no doubt any adversary would only get<br />

inside the room now over his corpse, was the one other surviving Luiseño, Delbert Coldwater.<br />

Behind them, a glistening knife in her hand, prepared to make anyone who got past Tommy and<br />

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Delbert wish they hadn't, was our oldest baby, Bren. On Bren's left, but a half step back, stood<br />

Adrianne, our child genius, with a look on her face announcing she wasn't always 100% gentle,<br />

especially where it concerned her family.<br />

An image flashed in my mind from last May when Daniel Barth tried to eliminate our<br />

entire family, using dynamite to do it when all his other insane attempts to kill us didn't work. I<br />

saw his last second escape attempt, with Adrianne's fingers clasping the remote detonator. That<br />

look of zero remorse on her face as she pressed her thumb and turned his body into a red mist to<br />

dissipate in the midnight breezes. An angel in every inch of her, a wimp or sissy in none of her.<br />

Tabatha Marshall, my court reporter, her right arm draped around the slender shoulders<br />

of Candy, our gourmet chef baby. Paul Girard, Bren's new husband, in a half crouch on her right,<br />

his thin and wiry frame poised to attack. Willing to do whatever it might require, no restrictions<br />

at all, to protect his bride and her family.<br />

That, and a glaring empty space. A position in the room that gave the impression it held,<br />

until minutes ago, the energy that was within Adele Nostrum. A space that seemed to apologize<br />

for not containing her at the moment. An open area with a reserved sign marking where she'd be<br />

standing as soon as she returned, yet with an uncertainty she'd be able to do so.<br />

"We don't know, Bill. Those men … those weirdos in the ninja suits … must've taken her<br />

when they ran. I think that's what the note means," I added, touching the piece of paper gripped<br />

in between his left index finger and thumb.<br />

Bill flinched and moved it away protectively, now watching my hand a second before his<br />

eyes rose to meet mine again. "Took her?"<br />

I nodded. "I think so. Bill, we have to call the police."<br />

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"Yes," he said listlessly, now raising his right hand. He examined the 9mm it held, the<br />

gun I got him from my bedroom on the third floor before he and I came charging down the stairs<br />

to what we'd hoped was the rescue. "Must find Adele," he declared as he turned and strode off<br />

toward the patio door that would let him out facing the beach. Two steps later, he stopped. Made<br />

a u-turn, came back and placed the weapon on the chair, thumbing the safety once to be sure it<br />

was on. Wheeling again, he only made it one stride back toward the patio before he spun on the<br />

ball of his left foot and came back. He lifted the firearm, stuck it into the rear waistband of his<br />

jogging suit and muttered, "Probably need it." Reversing course, he was doorway bound again.<br />

Rather than argue, I stepped after him quickly, yanked the gun out and said, "No, Bill. It's<br />

not a good idea."<br />

He turned once more. Eyed the weapon in my hand. Looked up to me, then back to my<br />

hand. Sighed. Gave the impression he was going to trust me partway on this. "Why?"<br />

"We need to tell the police … and quickly … what happened so they can get started on a<br />

way to get her back here safe. Then we have to get your thoughts in order so you can help her." I<br />

moved a step closer to the man, lowering my voice. "Bill, Adele is now going to need you to be<br />

in good shape. On top of your game so we can get her back. Bill, I need to have you tell me now.<br />

Are you going to do this the hard way, or the smart way?" I gulped, deciding to go for broke at<br />

this point. "If we don't have full use of your mind, we may not get Adele back at all. So, which is<br />

it going to be?"<br />

For a moment he just gaped at me. Then something crossed in his eyes. A force of some<br />

kind made itself felt as it resumed control inside his head. One more sigh. "Smart way."<br />

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"Good. Then, we'll all be okay. Give me a sec so I can call the police," I told him in a<br />

very matter-of-fact tone. "Then we can talk about all this."<br />

One hand up, palm facing them, I kept everyone still inside the safe room while I made<br />

my 911 call. Then I called Angela and told her what happened. She'd already gotten something<br />

on it from someone because she told me, "On my way, lights and siren!" She was heading to us<br />

from somewhere in San Diego when I reached her cell.<br />

Rather than leave him out here alone, hoping if I occupied some of his attention with a<br />

duty it'd help, I told Bill, "Come with me. They need us in there." Then I took his left hand and<br />

made my way into the safe room. When Bill and I got in there, everyone gave proof they hadn't<br />

forgotten how to talk. The clamor was instantaneous and sustained. Everyone got a hug and a<br />

kiss from me while Bill pretty much stood guard, unarmed, and waited. Tommy and Delbert<br />

stayed outside the door to make sure no one unauthorized showed up.<br />

When I called 911, I stressed we were all in the downstairs area and insisted any officers<br />

should come to the back patio. A minute or so later a sheriff's deputy called out in a loud voice,<br />

"Sheriff's Department!"<br />

Making sure my hands were up and away from my body, I went to greet them. <strong>At</strong> first it<br />

had only been one deputy, but another, then another, and yet another all showed up in what felt<br />

like another minute or less. Shortly thereafter some people wearing suits arrived, with a rather<br />

disturbed Detective Angela Dutton, San Diego Police Department, on their heels, her badge now<br />

hanging from the left outer breast pocket of her suit coat.<br />

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She spoke right away with the uniformed sergeant on the scene and the detective now in<br />

charge, explaining it was a joint investigation and was tied to a case she was currently working.<br />

Then she took me aside and said, "I have a surprise for you."<br />

"Oh, Lord. What now?"<br />

"Remember I told you about all the 'Federal weight' on this case?"<br />

"Of course," I assured her. "How could I forget after all that's happened?"<br />

"I don't know," she said, her eyes tightening at the edges. "But that 'weight' is coming and<br />

will be here in only a few minutes. As if I need that bullshit right now."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Monday, December 22 nd , 2008 … 7:53 p.m.<br />

We were involved for a while giving statements, with Bill and me separated until we'd<br />

made our recounting, twice apiece. It was the same as all police investigations. They want to get<br />

a story … any story will do, but they insist on getting something on tape … then they want to go<br />

back over it. And over it. And over it again. And again. The true method to that madness is to see<br />

how close repeat versions are to the original, with special attention paid to any lapses, omissions<br />

or additions. They don't appreciate "photocopies", by any means, meaning a verbatim repeat of<br />

the same thing, but they want to hear the same story, in general. Repeatedly.<br />

In this case we were given a little rhythm, meaning they cut us some slack, because of my<br />

pal Angela. She stepped up to my side with her badge on display and cop attitude unmistakable,<br />

telling the detective, "Can we grille these two a bit later? Looks to me like we've got a 'walking<br />

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wounded' on our hands," she emphasized, gesturing toward the stricken looking Bill Cady, "and I<br />

think Judge <strong>Ryder</strong> is the crutch he needs at the moment."<br />

The remark got her a nod in return from the detective, who instructed me, "Yeah. I do see<br />

what you mean. Go prop the man up before he falls on his rear end."<br />

I went over to Bill, took his left hand in my right and smiled at him. "I called Donnie and<br />

he'll be here within the hour, but you and I need a ciggie break."<br />

He glanced my way, still seeming as if he'd had a half dozen high-powered bullets graze<br />

his head on both sides, concussing him, patted the pocket of his sport shirt, and shrugged. "I had<br />

one a couple minutes ago." Distractedly, he pulled one out and lit it. "The cops might get mad if I<br />

smoke inside the house now." He took a drag and held it in a moment, then released it with a soft<br />

snort. "Got to be careful." Proving he was still only partly connected to reality, he took one more<br />

hit on his Winston 100 and shrugged.<br />

Tugging on his hand, I gave him a smile. "We have permission. I told 'em we were going<br />

upstairs to the second floor deck. C'mon, we need to talk."<br />

Bill followed me, muttering, "Man, I hate it when a girl says that."<br />

The inanity of it made me chuckle, but we went up the stairs, me still holding his hand. I<br />

grabbed a jacket from the closet near our front door and pulled one of Donnie's larger jackets off<br />

a hanger. I handed it to him, saying, "Put this on. It's getting chilly outside."<br />

More meek and mild than I could've imagined, he complied, then allowed me to lead him<br />

down the hallway. I'd asked Candy, who's the de facto supervisor of both kitchens, ground floor<br />

and second floor where we do most of our meals, to get us each a beer. She showed up just as he<br />

and I were about to seat ourselves on the chaise longues, with Bill using the one on my left, and<br />

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placed both cans of Pabst Genuine Draft on the table between our chairs. Stepping forward, she<br />

put her arms around me, kissed my cheek and said, "I love you, Mama." Then she whirled to see<br />

Bill, strode to him and went up on her toes. With a kiss on his cheek she assured him, "This'll all<br />

be cool when my Daddy gets back here. No sweat." Adding a hug for the road, she smiled at us<br />

in turn and went back inside, pulling the sliding door closed behind her.<br />

As we took our seats, the innate gentleman in him waiting until my fanny made contact<br />

before lowering himself, Bill sighed. "I haven't been a damned bit of help to anyone the past hour<br />

or so."<br />

"Not true," I argued. "You were a big help when that … I still can't even believe it really<br />

happened … stupid plane came after us. If I'd been out there alone, I might've waited until it was<br />

too late to put my shootin' iron to use. No, Bill, it's not fair to say you weren't on top of things all<br />

the way, start to finish. As I recall, you sort of scrambled that butthole's brains, literally, when<br />

we made it downstairs."<br />

"Whereupon I became as helpful as an infected pimple," he whispered defeatedly.<br />

Because it wasn't the nature of this man I was coming to know as a person and had begun<br />

to know rather well just from reading as many of his books as I have so far, I decided right away<br />

not to go there. "Don't give me that. You're a man, not a wimp." I fished out my own ciggie and<br />

he beat me to the punch with his lighter, showing it was an instinctive action, not something he<br />

even thought about. I took a drag and said, "You're looking shell-shocked, Bill, Tell me what's<br />

going through your head at the moment. Remember, we need you on top of your game if we're<br />

going to figure out what the heck's going on with this mess."<br />

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The expression on his face was now really quite telling. This was a moment he knew in<br />

his mind had to come. Something he had no choice to address, and he was willing to do it, but<br />

only after any-all preliminary duties had been attended to in full. Much like taking care of any<br />

improv "busy work" before actually getting at the real purpose of a mission. I knew the feeling<br />

only too well, having done it eleventy-nine cajillion times myself in the past.<br />

"I'm still trying to make myself accept it," he said glumly. "It's as if one part of my mind<br />

wants to believe she's … shit, I don't know … in the potty, maybe? Ran on out to her car to get a<br />

book she's reading? Stepped into the kitchen to snag a beer out of the 'fridge?" He added yet one<br />

more shrug, the last available "busy work" task he could find. "I'm trying to get my head around<br />

the fact it happened at all, then the way it's hit me." His eyes fell to his knees, encased in a pair of<br />

no-name jeans. Another futile shrug.<br />

"I think Adele is the 'item' they were after, Bill. The thing they feel is important to you. I<br />

don't see how they knew she'd be so important to you, and I sure as heck wish I knew who 'they'<br />

are … for sure." Now I sighed, wondering at my own question and where we'd start. Probably,<br />

until Donnie showed up to take charge, we wouldn't do much more than air this out for Bill. I<br />

wasn't teasing or humoring him to any extent. I knew Donnie would find what Bill had to say to<br />

be valuable information.<br />

<strong>My</strong> remark seemed to help him focus a little. "I'm pretty sure the woman was the one we<br />

first knew as Abigail Aaron, then as Marcella Thrasher." He nodded, confirming it for himself. "I<br />

also have no doubt that taller guy who was standing in the boat, the one we saw dickin' around so<br />

much with the plane, was the one you say they're looking for. That killer bastard."<br />

"Manlinin," I explained. "Boris Manlinin."<br />

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"Right. The other guy? No clue."<br />

"How would they know about Adele?" I asked him and the open air surrounding us. "It's<br />

not like you took out an ad in the U-T," was my comparison.<br />

"In a way, I did," he said. His face said he was assembling facts. Making them fit in order<br />

as he fleshed it out in his mind. "They wouldn't even need to have anyone inside the house to slip<br />

'em any info, come to think of it. Not if they broke into my house, something I wouldn't put past<br />

a group of alleged professionals."<br />

That one made me lean forward, curiosity etched on my face. "Why's that?"<br />

Reddening, he said almost sheepishly, "When I was back at the house in Oceanside to get<br />

a shower and change, I checked my e-mail. Even made a note on my Outlook calendar about the<br />

fact I met Adele." A long drag on the ciggie as he shook his head in disdain at what was coming<br />

to mind now. "As if I'm some kind of high schooler maybe? Is my face breaking out in pimples?"<br />

was the question to follow. "Here I am, acting like I'm about sixteen years old and now I may<br />

even be leaving notes around to point out where and why I'm most vulnerable? What kind of<br />

dipshit am I, anyway? Total high-school-fuck-around from the git-go."<br />

"Bill, there's no way you could've known. No one could."<br />

<strong>At</strong> first he looked as if he was going to argue the point, but it immediately became clear<br />

he saw the incongruity. "Yeah, you're probably right," he said, frustration evident in every word.<br />

"It's just … <strong>CC</strong>, you know I've given up on all that crap by now, don't you?"<br />

"That's what you said," I responded, "but I'm not sure we can ever really give up on any<br />

goal so important in life. We can say it, of course, but to honestly dismiss the idea from the realm<br />

of possibility, I'm not so sure we can ever do that."<br />

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"Moot point," he conceded. "In my mind I was sure it was a done deal. Shitcanning the<br />

entire idea, I mean. Then, when I saw her …" His eyes moved up and out, sweeping over the<br />

vista of majesty that is the Pacific Ocean when darkness has settled in for the night. "It hit me<br />

like a damned train, I swear."<br />

"Your reaction to her?" I asked in a question that was its own answer beyond any doubt.<br />

A nod of confirmation. "Honest to God, I was weak in my knees. It felt like I'd known her<br />

since I was a kid, right there, that first … what? … minute? Second, maybe? Like I had to get to<br />

her and … shit, I don't know … hold her, maybe? Let her know how I felt? Make sure she knew<br />

I'd always be here to take care of her? Protect her? Keep her safe?"<br />

The man gave out an angry snort, taking the last drag on his ciggie and mashing it hard in<br />

the ashtray. "Nice fucking job you're doing so far, Cady. The assholes got her and you were all<br />

the help of a ruptured toenail." The last few words emerged with a seething undercurrent.<br />

"Bill, we couldn't've known. No one could."<br />

"Tell that to Adele," he said angrily, then scanned the mighty waters ahead of us again,<br />

his voice not raised, but growing sterner. Colder. "It stops here. It stops now. I will do whatever<br />

it takes, <strong>CC</strong> … what-fucking-ever-it-takes … to get that woman back here safely, or I'll damned<br />

sure die trying."<br />

"What could it be they want?" I inquired, steering the conversation away from the futility<br />

of chasing moonbeams and back to what mattered more at the moment. "What can you possibly<br />

have these people, whomever they might be, would want? Want badly enough to go to all this<br />

trouble? I've been trying to come up with something, but I can't do it."<br />

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Again Bill shrugged. "It's impossible to even guess accurately. We'll have to wait until I<br />

… or you, or someone … hears from the shitheads. I mean, okay, I have money now. Selling all<br />

these books has produced a pretty decent pile of cash, but if these animals are big-time, as you<br />

suggest, that wouldn't do it. A few million is chickenfeed to someone like that. Hell, if it was just<br />

money they wanted, I'd say it was fine and dandy with me and fork it over on the spot, in cash."<br />

He scowled and lit another ciggie as he looked at me. "Every damned dime of it. What the hell is<br />

money if a guy can't manage to find happiness? It's nothing."<br />

I just watched him, expecting there was more to come. I stubbed out my ciggie, but kept<br />

my eyes on his face. Waiting.<br />

"That part. Shit, it could be kaka, too. I mean, I've met girls before where there was an …<br />

aura, would you call it? A connection? A link?" Again he shook his head. "Never anything even<br />

close to this powerful, but there, all the same. Each time it went poof as soon as the situation was<br />

taken back from the moment. Given a chance to stand on its own. That didn't happen here." His<br />

eyes locked onto mine. "I'm not going to use any asinine words like 'love', or any of that other<br />

crap. That's got to be the most misused, misunderstood word in our entire language system. I'm<br />

talking about something that just fits. Seems right. Feels right. As if, when I met her, I found a<br />

piece of the 'Bill kit' that's been missing." He shook his head. "When I put my arm around her<br />

shoulders the day I met her, it didn't feel wrong. You want to know what actually felt wrong to<br />

me, <strong>CC</strong>? It was all the times I didn't have my arm around her when I should've. That felt wrong.<br />

It's like I missed the damned boat when I didn't do it, not when I did."<br />

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"I know," I told him, my eyes blurring with tears I hadn't realized were welling up until<br />

that moment. "Donnie and I have that. It's … it's … hard to understand," I admitted as it came to<br />

me. "Even harder to explain. It just is."<br />

More futility as he shook his head now. "Whatever it might be, if I have it and they want<br />

it, if that's all it takes to get her back by my side, I'll fork it over." Now, with only the dimmed<br />

shadows of light from inside the hallway and the glow of the heater sitting down by our feet to<br />

illuminate the area, those steely blue eyes of Bill's went icy cold. Eerily cold and emotionless, at<br />

least as far as any capacity for pity. "But, if they've harmed her in any way … I'm talking about<br />

dislodging a hair on her head that wasn't ready to fall free on its own … there will definitely be a<br />

few dead motherfuckers among the people who took her."<br />

I was then able to feel someone walking over the graves of those people, whomever they<br />

might be. Bill had just taken an oath with the darkness itself. There'd be no survivors if they'd<br />

done Adele any harm in any way. Absolutely none.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Monday, December 22 nd , 2008 … 8:28 p.m.<br />

Somehow coming out and committing to what he had in mind and was intent on doing<br />

put a rod of steel in Bill. Straightened him up and got him so filled with resolve it soon began to<br />

slosh and spill as he moved. Discounted initially as he tried to absorb the potentiality of a loss he<br />

was once so sure he'd never face again, he was girding up for battle to make sure he didn't fall<br />

prey to whimsy and fate. Every step we took on the way back seemed to enhance his mood. Put<br />

him more into the frame of mind assuring him he would be a part in solving this problem.<br />

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Or else.<br />

We gravitated toward Angela, who was asking questions and taking notes, already having<br />

called her backup, Detective Carlina Torres. Mainly Bill and I were listening, trying to take it all<br />

in as we waited for Donnie to show up. He'd be our go-to guy on this in all areas where Angela<br />

and her huge police department weren't the most helpful. Beginning with the Luiseño people, and<br />

extending to levels many wouldn't believe, Donnie has contacts. A network. People he can call<br />

on, or prevail if necessary, to get things done without silly hindrances like warrants and other<br />

tools of the rights we give known criminals.<br />

Standing where we were, by the first floor patio door, and trying to stay out of the way as<br />

busy cops did cop things, I distractedly lit a cigarette. I hadn't even put the danged lighter back in<br />

my ciggie case when a sheriff's deputy stepped in front of me. Close. Too close for comfort, in<br />

my opinion.<br />

"You can't smoke here," he said curtly.<br />

"Pardon me?"<br />

"Put it out," he told me with a pompous gesture. "Now."<br />

"Look, deputy, for your infor—"<br />

"She doesn't have to do that," Bill broke in, shouldering past me so he stood closer to the<br />

lawman than I was.<br />

Reactively, the cop took a half step back. "If I say she—"<br />

"This is her house," Bill said with a quiet authority. "She's a crime victim. She won't be<br />

disturbing any evidence and there's no damned reason you need to pester the woman and be so<br />

damned bossy. Leave her alone." He fished out a ciggie and lit it. "Leave me alone, too."<br />

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"Look, mis—"<br />

"Chill, deputy," was Angela's interjection. "He's right." She stepped closer, stopping at<br />

Bill's side. "If Judge <strong>Ryder</strong> wishes to smoke in her own home, leave the woman alone." Then she<br />

followed it up with a dose of "the Angela eyes". They could probably film that look and take it to<br />

Pamplona, in northern Spain, then play it when all those danged bulls start running. They'd see<br />

those eyes of hers, turn around as a group and head for the freaking barn. I'm serious.<br />

The deputy glanced at her SDPD badge, took another look into her eyes, shrugged and<br />

turned away. "Whatever," he muttered.<br />

The three of us spoke a few minutes, keeping our voices low, with Bill and me giving her<br />

as accurate a description as we could of the three people in the boat. She explained the sheriff's<br />

bomb squad was in our back yard now gathering as much evidence as possible. She also let us<br />

know they didn't have a whale of a lot more at the moment than what we'd already told them. It<br />

was a crime scene, as the deputy said, and they were putting a case together.<br />

Angela assured me they wouldn't make us leave the house, which I felt was important,<br />

crime scene or not. This is our home. Where our babies live. Where we all sleep. This place is<br />

the center of our collective world and I didn't want to face the idea we'd be booted from home at<br />

night with no place to go. Especially with a team of hobgoblins attempting to kill someone on the<br />

premises, name yet unknown, both of the killers and the potential victim or victims. She said we<br />

would be barred from the ground floor beyond going into and out of the garage area, but I saw it<br />

as an inconvenience only. Not a major hurdle.<br />

They'd been specific when they arrived about our youngest, smallest baby, Brittany. She<br />

had to go, they insisted. Too interested. Too excited. Might destroy evidence. Would get in the<br />

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way and was a problem they didn't need. That's when we found out she had her own guardian, of<br />

a sort. It was quite a surprise.<br />

"If ya touch our doggie I'm gonna scratch yer eyes out!" barked Candy, our quietest and<br />

gentlest baby of all. Candy is the kind of young woman who, if she saw a fly land on the kitchen<br />

counter, would try to reason with it and ask it to leave before someone with a flyswatter saw he<br />

was there and harmed him. However, when it was Brittany's safety at stake, she was suddenly a<br />

fearless protectoress. She sprang forward, scooped the dog into her arms, then stood there as she<br />

stared defiantly at the cop. "I ain't kiddin' ya none, neither!" she snapped. "I mean it!"<br />

Her sisters, Bren and Adrianne, stepped forward and guided Candy and Brittany away<br />

before it became any more contested, then stayed off by a wall, remaining out of the way like<br />

Bill and I were doing. Adrianne dashed upstairs and returned with the leash, so Brittany was<br />

spared any additional conflict.<br />

We'd hit a momentary lull in the conversation with Angela. As a matter of fact, she was<br />

sort of eyeballing the ciggie I held and I was half expecting to hear "Gimme" from her, other<br />

cops present or not, when a scowl crossed her face. Either Brittany got loose and did a very rare<br />

boo-boo on the floor, with Angela inadvertently stepping in it, or she'd just seen something too<br />

gross and disgusting to overlook.<br />

"Cheese it!" she whispered hotly. "It's the super-cops." The grimace to follow told me she<br />

was seeing someone or something that evoked a host of bad memories.<br />

As a unit, Bill and I swiveled to look at what had caused Angela to glower that way.<br />

A woman had walked in through the garage area, opened now with a few people out there<br />

sifting for clues and-or evidence they'd never find. I already told them there was never anyone in<br />

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the garage. Explained those ninja freaks came in through the beach side of the house, using the<br />

patio doors. She was attractive, but not beautiful. Late 50s with platinum blonde hair. She had a<br />

pretty mouth, one that looked as if it often smiled, but there was an aura about her promising she<br />

wasn't always pleasant. Made it clear if someone tried to bite her, they'd be in grave danger of<br />

being bitten in return, but much worse than what they inflicted.<br />

She was perhaps five six, no more than that, but not too awfully much more than 120<br />

pounds. Hazel eyes evinced a portrayal of power she'd earned, maybe even usurped, but never<br />

waited to have it given to her. She was the crux of a job that would get finished if she had any<br />

say in the matter. She was also a fight about to happen, or an irresolvable problem about to be<br />

encountered, if anyone stood in her way.<br />

When her gaze, which was sweeping our small domain, locked with Angela's, I had a hint<br />

of where Angela learned to bark. And bite.<br />

"Detective Angela Dutton. Hello, dear. And how are you doing?" she asked, extending<br />

her hand to shake. Without feeling it, I could sense she had a firm grip.<br />

"Not as well as I'd like to feel … now," Angela answered grudgingly. She peered down at<br />

the hand extended her way. Seemed to give it a moment's thought, then dutifully put out her own<br />

hand to accept the offering. "Hello, Olivia. What's your title now, if I might ask? No longer a<br />

special agent with the FeeBees, I know, and I heard you shitcanned the SAC job, too. Right?"<br />

"And it's nice to see you, too," the woman replied with a warmth I never questioned was<br />

pulled from a training session somewhere years ago. "Still the same warm, cuddly little thing I<br />

came to know and love, aren't you, Detective?"<br />

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"Oh, you bet your sweet ass," Angela vowed, not even a trace of a smile on her face. "I<br />

hesitate to ask, but duty requires it. Why are you here, Olivia?"<br />

"To be involved in this investigation, of course," she responded.<br />

"Oh, that's just great," Angela told her with an air of disgust. "How many cops are you<br />

going to get killed this time?"<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Monday, December 22 nd , 2008 … 8:36 p.m.<br />

The electricity in the air was almost crackling. I swear, honest to Pete, I could feel it in<br />

my hair. <strong>My</strong> scalp was tingling. I'd hate to think how big my eyes became at Angela's question,<br />

but I knew my buddy well enough to have no doubt she was severely pissed at this Olivia babe,<br />

whomever she might be.<br />

Some people might even try to call Angela a "pretty little thing", but they'd sense in a big<br />

hurry they were off base and want the words back. For one thing, she's not phenomenally little at<br />

five-seven, between 130-135, and the "pretty" part is true from a couple interpretations. She's an<br />

attractive woman, but tough. As quickly as she might kiss you, she'd also knock you on your butt<br />

or arrest you. Shoot you, if necessary. She's skeptical, untrusting, doubtful and leery all at once.<br />

Her icy blue eyes can pierce deeply enough to think if she did it in an operating room she'd be<br />

able to take out your brain and examine it under a microscope. The term a "cutting glance", if<br />

used with regard to that woman, might honestly draw blood.<br />

Those same eyes can stop a bad guy in his tracks. Make him pause in startled fear long<br />

enough for her to take action to defend herself. Her personality, when Angela believes it to be<br />

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necessary, is "Type A" on steroids. If she's afraid of anyone at all, it would only be God, and I've<br />

heard she and that Deity normally just pass each other with polite nods in the hallway. Only if a<br />

man has all day to devote to an arduous task should he go nose-to-nose with Angela Dutton. In<br />

that case, the guy should also pack a lunch. He'll be there all day and into the evening.<br />

This woman named Olivia didn't seem to feel a big need to back down from Angela, but I<br />

also didn't detect any indication she was preparing to charge. Olivia appeared too worldly to be<br />

seen as foolhardy, and I had the sense she hadn't done anything rash since she was a teen, if it<br />

ever took place at all. Following a sudden urge, I took a half step back. If weapons were drawn,<br />

or fists began flying, I didn't want to be in the middle of it, but I wouldn't get far enough away to<br />

be unable to help my pal.<br />

Facing each other, no clue as to which was matador, which was the bull, the women had<br />

their eyes locked in bristling silent communication. Following what felt like five minutes of heat,<br />

Olivia gave a quiet chuckle. "You never will leave that resting dog alone, will you, dear?"<br />

"Your hair is very pretty," Angela said unexpectedly.<br />

Olivia looked at her, taken off base. Her expression swore she wanted to know why the<br />

compliment was offered. It also attested she'd die before she asked.<br />

"If you want it yanked out by the fucking roots … Olivia … call me 'dear' again."<br />

"Oh, my. We can be testy, can't we?"<br />

"Speak for yourself. From my end of it, anyone who does something that gets a brother<br />

officer killed doesn't get any fucking slack later on."<br />

The cutting remark made Olivia's hazel eyes narrow, but the smile was somehow amped<br />

up at the same instant. "I believe we might be better served discussing such matters in private,"<br />

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she suggested with the undertone of issuing an order. To emphasize what she had in mind, she<br />

turned only her head toward me, then Bill. Looking back at Angela, she added, "Little pitchers<br />

have big ears."<br />

"I had a Grandma, too," chided Angela, "but I don't use that many of her expressions. As<br />

far as the company I'm keeping, they can hear whatever you want to say to me in that regard, or<br />

other."<br />

Now Olivia's eyes tightened even more. "Not possible. I also have a need to discuss this<br />

matter with you in some detail," she explained, now using her eyes to sweep the location that still<br />

contained the bodies on the floor. "It's too involved for these people."<br />

"Oh? 'These people', huh?" Taking a step forward, she hissed, "Well, 'these people' are a<br />

part of my investigation. Anything you tell me you can damned well believe I'll tell Judge <strong>Ryder</strong>,<br />

and this man, as well. He has a serious stake in what's going on around here now and I, for one,<br />

do not intend to keep him ignorant of what's taking place as it pertains to his welfare."<br />

"This is a matter of high priority," Olivia stressed. "Clearance is required."<br />

"TFB, then," Angela challenged. "Too fucking bad. I don't have clearance myself. If I<br />

want to step in the Oval Office to see The Prez, they'd ask, 'Angela Who?' If I'm cleared to hear<br />

what you've got to say, I'm clearing them. If I'm not, tell your story down the street."<br />

"Perhaps," Olivia said with an unexpected half sigh as she gave ground.<br />

"No 'perhaps' to it. It's a done deal. So, back to basics we go, Olivia. How many cops are<br />

you going to arrange to have killed this time?"<br />

"That's an untrue statement and you know it is," argued the woman.<br />

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"I think not. You were not only with the damned Feebs … you were, what, ten years on<br />

the job as an agent, then went to the SAC job? … but you took away my prisoner and put the<br />

dirty son-of-a-bitch in Wit Pro when I insisted otherwise. Didn't you?"<br />

"The man was a major player in an ongoing investigation."<br />

"A 'major player' my fucking ass, Olivia! That lowlife bastard was a drug dealer with a<br />

list of connections up the ass! We could've sweated the prick, gotten a helluva lot of names out<br />

of him, and still arranged a plea bargain so the bastard would've done some time in prison. But,<br />

no! You took the som'bitch away, used him for who the hell knows what, then stuck his mangy<br />

ass in Wit Pro. So, what happens not too long after that?" Angela suddenly stuck out her hand,<br />

the palm facing her adversary. "Don't even fucking try to say anything, Olivia! You stuck him in<br />

Wit Pro and, faster'n you can say 'piece of shit', that piece of shit was right back into the swing of<br />

it, wasn't he? Then he 'lost it' one day and killed a few people. So, the officers of the Fresno PD<br />

go to arrest his mangy ass and the prick knows he's not gonna get a second roll out of you people<br />

by then, not the damned Feebs! Consequently, the a-hole decides to do a 'suicide by cop' routine,<br />

except he screwed that up, too, by shooting back. In that happy exchange of fire a damned fine<br />

Fresno cop bites the fucking dust and you people had your way."<br />

This time Angela stepped to a foot away from the woman who was about an inch shorter<br />

and glowered into her face from only inches as she leaned in yet closer. "I'm tempted to drop my<br />

drawers long enough for you to kiss my royal ass, Olivia!"<br />

The silence was again crisp. Stinging. The acrid air surrounding Angela almost burned as<br />

it wafted our way. She was as pissed as I'd ever seen her.<br />

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<strong>At</strong> the end of a moments long staring match that made itself felt as a period of penance,<br />

Olivia shrugged. "I'll give you that, Angela. You're correct and, to be quite honest, I can't argue<br />

with a single word you said. I'll even go a step farther," moving a barely perceptible step that put<br />

her almost breast to breast with Angela, "and say I was wrong in more ways than that. There'd<br />

been a couple other crimes with our offices involved where we leaned on you more heavily than<br />

was necessary. We also withheld information from you when we shouldn't've done so at times. I<br />

was following orders from my chain of command but, at the same time, I knew it was wrong. For<br />

that, I apologize." She again put out her hand to shake.<br />

First, Angela looked down at it, then let her eyes rise to the level she was staring again at<br />

the other woman's face. "Gimme a second," she said in a cold tone. "I'm still trying to decide if I<br />

should just kick your ass for all the trouble you've caused, or maybe I should let it go. I haven't<br />

made a decision yet."<br />

"You'd better hope you decide to let it go," Olivia countered with a steely gaze. "I don't<br />

think your department will grant you enough medical leave to fully recover after I'm done with<br />

you if you try."<br />

"You're that confident, huh?"<br />

"You don't want to find out," said Olivia.<br />

A few moments later, Angela took her hand. "Provisional. I reserve the right to kick your<br />

ass later if I change my mind."<br />

"And I renew my pledge to see you'll need hospitalization if you try." Olivia took a deep<br />

breath. "I'll give you some room because you were done wrong in a way on my watch. I will not,<br />

however, eat your shit. Don't ever forget that … Angela."<br />

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The tension grew, the two of them standing face to face, their hands still enclasped. As<br />

the air was again ready to crackle, Angela released the air pent up in her lungs. "Set aside, for the<br />

moment. Let's go outside." As she turned, before she began walking, Angela told me, "Gimme."<br />

Stunned, I handed her a ciggie and my lighter. She lit it, handed me the lighter, then put<br />

her eyes on the deputy who bothered me a short time ago. "See what you started?" she snapped<br />

as she headed for the patio. "Damned county cops."<br />

Once outside, Olivia trailing her, Bill and me bringing up the rear, Angela leaned against<br />

the railing. "Talk to me."<br />

"In front of them?" Again, she raked us both with her eyes.<br />

"Old enough you've got a hearing problem, huh?" Angela gibed.<br />

"This is important," came the somewhat exasperated reply.<br />

"So are they. I told you, Olivia. If I know, they know. Make a decision."<br />

On the heels of a frustrated sigh of resignation came, "Very well. I now have a position<br />

with a department of the U.S. government. We deal with terrorism, primarily, and international<br />

matters. Most particularly anything that may involve foreign affairs or, as the classic cutups all<br />

like to call it, espionage."<br />

"The name of your department?" was Angela's next question.<br />

"You don't need to know."<br />

"You're shitting me? A Feeb and you don't want to talk about it?" She took a long drag,<br />

then spoke again. "Got a business card?"<br />

"No. I said you don't need to know."<br />

"Oh? Not even a badge?"<br />

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"Please," came the word riding on a sigh dressed in scorn. "Not with the work we do. It<br />

would be inappropriate."<br />

"Then how do I know you're even connected any longer? You could be some shitcanned<br />

bitch who was dumped by the FBI and is out playing cowboy now."<br />

"The 'Federal weight' you mentioned?" Olivia inquired in what was crystal clear was not<br />

a fishing expedition. "It was all done under my authority. That's why I'm here now."<br />

"Bullshit. You could be making it all up. I have no proof you have any authority."<br />

"Part of the deal I approved involved a man named Major Gaynor and another named<br />

Casey Bingham."<br />

"Again, not top secret."<br />

"And a boy named Varshawn Bristol."<br />

"Still could've found that out other ways."<br />

"Your request to have the boy get a walk was turned down by what you thought was the<br />

real 'Federal weight'. He then spoke with his boss, called you back and said the kid would get a<br />

walk, as well." Olivia let it linger for a minute. "That's how I instructed him after he brought the<br />

final results to me. I am that boss."<br />

The crispness relaxed slightly. Angela looked the woman over again, then released some<br />

of the tension she felt, relaxing her shoulders a little. "Okay, you're the downtown article."<br />

"Our chief and most immediate concern is the man known as Boris Manlinin," Olivia<br />

said finally. "He's a skilled employee of a group known as 'The Side'." She chuckled, which at<br />

first caught me by surprise. "The name is a bit of sarcasm, if the truth be known. They're called<br />

'The Side', but they don't have one, really. They're an offshoot variation of the CIA, although not<br />

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connected with our government in any way. However, a number of their personnel were once a<br />

part of the CIA. Mostly rogues and renegades the CIA cut loose for good cause."<br />

Ciggie in her left hand, Angela took a drag, held up her right one and beckoned at her by<br />

wiggling her fingers. "Say more, Olivia."<br />

"They are for sale to the highest bidder … and they can always find one. They do a great<br />

deal of terrorism, as I said, and much of their work is connected to international politics. We now<br />

know they have something sinister afoot, although we aren't yet sure what it might be. The worry<br />

is increased, however, because Boris Manlinin is now involved. 'The Side' only brings him in on<br />

a case when a rather elite killer is required, with an added touch."<br />

"Which would be?"<br />

"When it's to be gory or especially gruesome. Manlinin loves to kill and he gets a real<br />

kick out of doing it in as nasty a manner as he possibly can."<br />

"I'm listening," said Angela, taking another drag and staring at Olivia.<br />

"Remember I said I didn't want these people involved, will you?" asked Olivia with a<br />

thumb gesture toward Bill and me.<br />

in some way."<br />

"If you say so. Why bring that up again?"<br />

"Our intel leads us to believe Manlinin's involvement may very well be connected to him<br />

"Who in the hell is 'him'?" Angela asked in confusion.<br />

"This man," she responded, again with the thumb gesture. "Bill Cady. The writer."<br />


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Monday, December 22 nd , 2008 … 8:49 p.m.<br />

After Angela and Olivia stood staring at each other like a pair of bulls accidentally left in<br />

the same pasture, they began kicking around a very generalized battle plan. I was still trying to<br />

shake the image I'd visualized of these two women, each menacingly pawing the ground with a<br />

front hoof, snorting as they readied themselves to charge, maybe. Envisioning that almost made<br />

me chuckle, but the reality of it made me think it wouldn't be a pretty sight. Not at all. I don't<br />

think Bill was at all anxious, either, to see them tear into each other.<br />

This wouldn't be one of those silly events where guys stand around, a beer in hand, and<br />

yell "Cat fight! Cat fight!" as the action unfolds. It'd be more like a "lioness fight", with at least<br />

one likely to cash in her danged chips when the music stopped. That concept somehow made me<br />

shiver. Another thought telling me if wouldn't be a pretty sight to see.<br />

Bill and I were saying nothing, just absorbing the bits and pieces of info and ideas as they<br />

began to flow between them. Then came an interruption I suppose it's safe to say we'd expected,<br />

but not this quickly. Bill's cell phone began to ring. Although he wears an earpiece … I think it's<br />

from Jawbone … we could hear it anyway.<br />

"Excuse me a sec," he said quietly as he prepared to turn and step away. "Got a call."<br />

"Our people already have a fix on your phone," Olivia interjected, "so they'll be taping<br />

this call and any-all others you get or make."<br />

"How the hell'd you get my damned number?" he asked, clearly annoyed.<br />

"Puh-leez," she answered sarcastically.<br />

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As he took the phone from his pants pocket, the peeved expression departed his face. "I<br />

suppose it's for the best. I sacrifice a little freedom, but it's worth it if what you hear will help us<br />

get Adele back."<br />

"We want that even more than you do, Mr. Cady," she offered.<br />

"I doubt the hell out of that part," he told her, raising his right hand toward his ear. "Now<br />

we'll see just who the hell's calling me this time of night," he added, holding the phone in his left<br />

hand as he glanced at the front of it. "<strong>My</strong> contact list doesn't identify anyone and I sure as hell<br />

don't recognize the number."<br />

Olivia nodded as Angela moved in closer to Bill. I found myself easing his way, thought<br />

on it for a second, decided it was semi-silly and did it anyway. I was interested and I wanted to<br />

know who in the world it might be. He pressed the little bar on the earpiece and announced in a<br />

normal voice, "Bill Cady." He faced us collectively as he spoke, a half circle of women with our<br />

eyebrows cocked in anticipation. Removing the earpiece, he held it in his hand, on the palm,<br />

allowing the voice to be heard a yard away with no difficulty.<br />

"We have something you want, Mr. Cady."<br />

"I gathered as much."<br />

"We know how important Adele Nostrum is to you."<br />

"You don't know the half of it," he replied, his face stony. "She owes me twenty bucks."<br />

"We don't think that's the reason you want her back."<br />

"Got a mouse in your pocket, huh? Who the hell is 'we', white man?"<br />

"That doesn't concern you."<br />

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"I see. You call me up to sell me something and don't even want to tell me who you are? I<br />

bet sales are way down this month."<br />

"We're doing just fine, thank you. What we want—"<br />

"How did you get Adele without anyone else seeing you do it? And so quickly? I know<br />

you didn't have much time. <strong>At</strong> least, those cartoon characters you sent didn't. What did you do to<br />

make it so damned secretive?"<br />

"She was in the restroom, which is closest to the sliding doors. It was a break that fell our<br />

way, saving the time required for a search. Just our good fortune, it seems."<br />

"How lucky for you," Bill said as he lit a ciggie. Quickly figuring out he was doing it to<br />

help himself relax, I got one for myself. As I got it going, Angela mouthed, "Gimme" and held<br />

her hand toward me. I complied as Olivia rolled her eyes, but kept my eyes and attention well<br />

focused on Bill and what he was saying.<br />

"Look," he said casually, "while I'm pretty pissed off at what you assholes did, I'm still<br />

willing to work this out without going to court over it. Tell me where she is and I'll come pick<br />

her up. Once that's handled, as long as you stay totally away from us afterward, I'm willing to let<br />

bygones be bygones. So, what's the address?"<br />

"The man is a comedian, it seems," said the caller pleasantly. He had a strong voice and a<br />

well modulated tone. "However, that's not what we plan to do and you know better."<br />

"Had ya goin there for a minute, didn't I?" he inquired, releasing a long drag while his left<br />

eye closed in a conspiratorial wink. "I figured you'd head me off at the pass. Okay, to whom do I<br />

make the cheque out and for how much?"<br />

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"I'd say you're a riot, Mr. Cady, but the time for such foolishness has come and gone. By<br />

the way, there's not a chance any of the cops … or other law enforcement personnel you have on<br />

hand … will be able to trace this call. That said, I'm about to hang up. However, in order for you<br />

to gather whatever you'll need to pay what we do want, be prepared when we call tomorrow at<br />

some unknown time to give us everything you have on Hondo Wilkerson. By 'everything', Mr.<br />

Cady, I mean every fucking thing you have, no exceptions. All of it."<br />

Bill's eyes enlarged. "Don't quit your damned day job. That's not even close to funny."<br />

"I wasn't trying to be humorous."<br />

"Good, because you did a nice job of not being that way. Now, what do all you assholes<br />

want, really?" He was staring at something unseen about halfway down, somewhere around our<br />

knee level. His face was all twisted in confusion.<br />

"We want what I just told you, all the information you have on Hondo Wilkerson."<br />

"That's not funny, asshole."<br />

"It wasn't meant to be. Get it together and be prepared to discuss it tomorrow, probably in<br />

the afternoon, and be ready to answer all our questions."<br />

"So, you're not going to tell me what you really want, huh? If so, why the hell'd you even<br />

call me? This makes no damned sense."<br />

"You just do as you've been instructed, Mr. Cady, and Adele will be returned to you in<br />

the condition you last saw her. Play any games with us, try any setup, do anything to piss us off,<br />

and you not only won't see her alive again, what you do see when you encounter the woman will<br />

be a grisly mess."<br />

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"Harm her and, no matter who you are, I'll find out. When I do, I'll find out where you are<br />

and leave you in far worse condition than anything you might even think of doing to her."<br />

"I've dealt with professionals for many years, Mr. Cady. Idle threats from amateurs such<br />

as you don't rile me at all."<br />

"I'm no amateur, Slick, when it comes to that woman. I'm the man who'll make you the<br />

sorriest motherfucker ever born. You keep that in mind, asshole."<br />

"Get the information together and expect another call." He disconnected.<br />

After looking at the phone for a moment, Bill snapped it shut one-handed, shaking his<br />

head in pure bewilderment. "Unreal. Totally unreal."<br />

Olivia pressed the earpiece periodically visible under the platinum hair that dangled to<br />

her collar and said, "Go." She listened a moment, nodding a few times, then concluded, "Got it.<br />

Stand by."<br />

She glanced at all of us in turn, her face hardened now, not really shaking her head, but<br />

moving it to and fro slightly. "Satellite based. It bounced all around from Brazil to Germany to<br />

Wales to Australia to Iceland to a farm in Illinois, where it mysteriously ended. We've already<br />

got people checking the farm, but it's sure to be a dead end."<br />

Bill was still shaking his head, clearly mystified. "I absolutely don't get it."<br />

"Who is Hondo Wilkerson?" Olivia questioned.<br />

"That's what's so crazy," he said quietly, still shaking his head. "I can't for the life of me<br />

figure out what this means."<br />

"Why?" she pressed. "Who is the man? How do you know him?"<br />

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"I created him in 1999," Bill told us, obviously aghast. "He was a character in a novel I<br />

wrote called Stranded. Everyone assumed he was a villain, a serious killer, until the end." He<br />

sighed. "When I finished the story he was heading for a surprise hero's welcome in Samoa."<br />

Angela asked almost angrily, "They want information on a character in a story you wrote<br />

nineteen years ago? Well, fuck me."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Monday, December 22 nd , 2008 … 10:22 p.m.<br />

There was a great deal of cleanup to be done and a number of people got right at it. The<br />

bodies, in most cases, would've stayed where they were, since the days of outlining a corpse in<br />

chalk are now only on television. However, I raised a semi-righteous fit about it, insisting this is<br />

where our babies live and I didn't want them to see things like this any longer than necessary.<br />

It was almost ironically comical when I had my mini-outburst. Quite a few people didn't<br />

get it in any way. I'm twenty-nine. Our babies are Brenda, age 25, Candy, age 22, Adrianne, age<br />

10 going on 35, and Brittany, around a year. I adopted the three humans, getting Brittany from<br />

my first and only husband, Baker Mann, whose widow I became six hours after we were legally<br />

married in Vegas. Bren and Candy, for reasons I won't go into here, were both hookers when I<br />

met them and we somehow became a very close and loving family. Adrianne was the product of<br />

a revolting situation with a pedophile who kidnapped a little girl 20 years earlier and she was a<br />

byproduct of the horrors he'd done. She and I killed that animal not so long ago and, to be quite<br />

honest about it, we rescued each other. That, too, is another long and involved story.<br />

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So, as I walked around clucking angrily like a frustrated mother hen, shooing all four of<br />

'em up the stairs, the girls voiced their own thoughts on the matter.<br />

Bren said, "Mama, I seen 'em a lot deader'n these guys a lotta times."<br />

Candy added, "Yeah, we seen folks so bloody an' gory it'd make these dudes be lookin'<br />

like they was takin' theirselfs a nap, er somethin'."<br />

From Adrianne, I heard, "Mama, are you sure it's healthy for you to see these people?"<br />

I assured her, since I put three bullets into the face of one of the bodies, I'd find a way to<br />

cope with the ugliness.<br />

An air of comfort settled in when Donnie showed up. He kissed all the girls first, even<br />

our littlest baby, Brittany, comforted the two Luiseño men still alive and keeping a vigilant eye<br />

on us, then got in touch with Cool Wind, his one-time mentor and a dear friend to both of us. It<br />

was left to Cool Wind to break the news to anyone connected to the men who'd died, and it was<br />

more than evident Donnie took their deaths personally. Marks were made in a mental ledger in<br />

his mind. If he ever encountered the ones who'd done it, retaliation would be very swift and more<br />

than brutal. It was a point of honor he'd redeem if at all possible.<br />

Olivia was quickly moved out of the way when Angela fired up those "I'll hurt you if I<br />

have to" eyes and began "explaining things" to numerous people. When she "explains", there are<br />

penalties for those too slow to understand and she issues them on the spot, in most cases. She<br />

made it clear Judge <strong>Ryder</strong> was not going to be forced to endure these atrocities and the bodies<br />

were soon loaded into various conveyances and taken elsewhere. Perhaps 37,000 pictures were<br />

taken, so they'd preserved everything they might need for a later time. The ME had all the notes<br />

he'd ever need.<br />

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Because it was a state offense so far and there was no reason to believe Adele had been<br />

taken across a state line, the FBI was not yet needed. They were informed, as I understand it, but<br />

it was let slip to me Olivia also made a number of calls. Only at her request would any federal<br />

agency other than hers, whatever it was called, be brought in on the case. I even heard Olivia tell<br />

Angela, "We seldom bother with warrants. The work we do isn't very often aimed at getting our<br />

subjects into a courtroom."<br />

I took her inference for what it was, made my own assumptions and let it go. There are a<br />

few matters where my work, sitting in judgement, isn't always the best idea in town. <strong>At</strong> times it's<br />

best to let things like this play out on their own. While I have as healthy a respect for the law as<br />

anyone you'll ever meet, I don't abide with terrorism in any form. I also think our government<br />

wastes an incredible amount of time and money on places like Guantanamo Bay and others like<br />

it. Things like water torture have developed an ugly, horrible reputation, but the things all those<br />

people do are even uglier. In my personal opinion, that's not a time to mollycoddle anyone who<br />

has information we need to prevent those jackals from doing what they do.<br />

We left all those people downstairs doing their gruesome tasks and retired to the second<br />

floor, the part of the house where we do most of our living. It's a rather large area with the front<br />

door actually on the north side of the house, about halfway back. The house itself is three floors,<br />

with an indoor garage, the entrance area, the safe room and a lavatory on the ground floor. The<br />

second has a somewhat mammoth living room taking up maybe half the length of the floor with<br />

a small foyer and a carpeted stairwell to the upper and lower floors. A hallway leads back to the<br />

outer deck where we spend a lot of our time being a family and looking out over the Pacific. We<br />

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also have bedrooms for the girls on that floor and the smaller kitchen, which is the one Candy<br />

uses to make most of our meals.<br />

Any cooking I do involves plastic in the form of a credit card. If I can't nuke it, I'm at a<br />

loss as to whether water is supposed to be boiled, fried or baked, and I really don't care much on<br />

the answer, whatever it might be. To me, food I prepare is either served at a counter or involves a<br />

waiter or waitress. In most cases I do want fries with that.<br />

I'd've almost preferred sitting on Donnie's lap when we began talking in our rather large<br />

living room where two good size couches face each other starting about forty feet from the front<br />

door. However, the far end, where I sit, is a chair attached to the couch, or a part of it if you want<br />

to look at it that way, where the leg rest comes up when I pull a lever. I'm at the far end of it, the<br />

couch on the left if you look at it from the doorway, with the back of the second one facing you.<br />

There are two Strato-Loungers at both ends of each couch, angled to face between them. Donnie<br />

uses one of the chairs at the other end of the couch I sit on. There's a pretty danged big coffee<br />

table in the center of this hub we use for a variety of purposes but the girls, with an emphasis on<br />

Candy as the leader, keep it very well cleaned and picked up at all times.<br />

As we sat around talking about all these unfolding events, with me trying subtly to be of<br />

comfort to Bill, we had two other part-time participants in the conversation. Angela was up and<br />

down very frequently from the couch facing mine. Every time she sprang to her feet it was to<br />

make or take a phone call on her cell. Olivia was more open and forthright about it. She never<br />

once sat while we were on this floor. Instead, she paced and spoke on her phone, stopping from<br />

time to time to speak with us, then going on her merry way again to converse with people we<br />

knew not where.<br />

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Finally, she came to the couch facing me and sat at the far end, the one closest to the<br />

front door, on the same end where Donnie has his chair. She took a deep breath, then halted and<br />

peered at Angela, who'd just bummed another ciggie from me. "Must you?" she inquired with<br />

more than a dribble of disdain.<br />

"Fuckin'-A," Angela assured her. "Did you sit on the couch just to bitch, or have you got<br />

something to tell us?" She emphasized her inquiry by taking a drag and, moments later, setting<br />

the contents free in Olivia's general direction.<br />

Frowning, but retaining any additional editorial remarks to herself, Olivia told us, "Yes, I<br />

do, as a matter of fact. Our people have been very busy recently and I do believe we now have an<br />

answer regarding Hondo Wilkerson."<br />

"This oughta be good," said Bill as he lit his eleventy-sixth ciggie. I don't think Bill<br />

smokes too much more than I do but, in light of all the reasons he had to worry, he'd become a<br />

short-term chain smoker. I really couldn't blame him. If it was Donnie who'd been taken instead<br />

of Adele, despite the fact he'd've likely killed 'em all with his hands and-or feet, I'd be lighting<br />

one from the end of the other myself.<br />

When Angela watched Olivia wrinkle her nose at what Bill was doing, she quietly told<br />

the woman, "He must, too. Get on with it, huh?"<br />

"Very well," Olivia replied, clearly miffed but too distracted with what she'd learned to<br />

delve into it deeper. "Our computers ran an incredible number of algorithms based on the info<br />

they contain and our recent additional input. It's really quite amazing what they came up with."<br />

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"Pins and needles," Angela said annoyedly, rolling her hand to promote Olivia getting at<br />

it more quickly. "We're all on 'em. Do you suppose you can get started without dragging it out<br />

any longer, or are you waiting for a timpani drum roll?"<br />

"Really," Olivia snorted, "you don't seem to have changed much since last I saw you."<br />

"Sure I have. <strong>My</strong> hair's a couple inches longer now and I have a new boyfriend. So, with<br />

that much out of the way, what say you get to it, huh? Curious minds want to know."<br />

One more dignified snort was followed by, "We believe we know why they've taken such<br />

an inordinate interest now in your fictional character, Mr. Cady. This Hondo Wilkerson man you<br />

came up with for your story."<br />

"That 'Mr. Cady' guy was my dad. He died. I'm just Bill. Please," he suggested, taking a<br />

drag while staring at her intently, "bring us all up to speed."<br />

"There was a man named Hondell Wilkins who was, at one time, a rather significant man<br />

and working, after a fashion, with our government. To wit, with the CIA."<br />

With everyone gawking at her, Olivia said, "Apparently the description you used for that<br />

character fits Mr. Wilkins to a tee, build, vocabulary, everything. Even many parts of his life as<br />

were described in that character's past. They probably feel you couldn't describe him that well<br />

unless you knew him personally … meaning you may know how to find him now."<br />

"Aw, jeez!" Bill exclaimed, throwing up his hands in bewildered disgust.<br />

"Oh, fuck!" barked Angela. "For real?"<br />

"Indeed. He was, after a fashion, employed by them. Then, also after a fashion, he was<br />

not. He was an inventor, working on his own and in conjunction with our government."<br />

There were sighs all around, more than likely meaning much the same in the end.<br />

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"It's a connection based on his separation from our CIA, and any-all other branches of the<br />

U.S. Government, as well as his current work, that makes this a likely assumption."<br />

From Angela. "I assume you're going to fill us in on both?"<br />

A nod. "Mr. Wilkins was drummed out of his work with the CIA based upon what he'd<br />

gotten involved in with a Soviet scientist named Zelda Gromerski. They met at a number of high<br />

level scientific sessions, conventions if you will, and it is our belief they were truly in love. By<br />

that, I mean she wasn't just a spy trying to encroach on the man and pick his brain. We believe<br />

they truly fell in love. Unfortunately, the work they did cast a very bad light on any relationship<br />

they had or might've had and it became a very large problem."<br />

"This oughta be rich," remarked Angela, stubbing out her ciggie in anticipation. "More,<br />

lady, tell us more."<br />

"Our government felt she was an unacceptable threat because of her position with the<br />

former Soviet Union as a scientist and, we believed, a senior government employee. We were<br />

never able to prove she was more than a scientist, but the odds weren't worth the risk. Making it<br />

appear as if it was the work of the Soviets … a ploy not accepted by Mr. Wilkins, or a number of<br />

people who knew what happened … Boris Manlinin was hired to kill the woman."<br />

"No!" snapped Angela. "Our people fucked up that bad? Are you serious?"<br />

"I'm afraid so. Mr. Wilkins had been asked to sever all connections to her. He did not."<br />

"So they had her killed? Son-of-a-bitch! This is a bunch of bullshit!" Angela argued.<br />

"The CIA, and other factions of our government, wanted to make sure he didn't pass any<br />

information to her that would be harmful to our interests as a country. When he wouldn't refuse<br />

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to see her any longer, a plan was set in action. Unfortunately, using Manlinin wasn't enough to<br />

convince everyone, particularly Mr. Wilkins. He was firmly convinced it was the CIA—"<br />

"Not a bad guess, it seems," Angela beefed, securing another ciggie from me and using<br />

my lighter to get it going. "So, what happened next, as if I couldn't guess?"<br />

"Mr. Wilkins sought revenge. He had certain information … knew of agents working for<br />

or with the CIA … and he exposed them. A few were murdered and all who survived had to be<br />

pulled in, making them worthless any longer as spies. That's when the CIA was forced to sever,<br />

at least on the surface, any connection with the man."<br />

"Shit! You mean he didn't want to stay on the payroll long enough to collect a gold watch<br />

and a nice three-tiered cake? Ungrateful bastard," was Angela's thought on the matter.<br />

"As you say," Olivia conceded. "That brings us to his current status and the reason for all<br />

this concern. The man had, it seemed, disappeared from the face of the earth. It was thought he'd<br />

taken refuge with the Soviets, but that's not what happened. Instead, he assumed an identity no<br />

one knew he'd held as an escape plan for years and quietly went underground. Regretfully, as an<br />

inventor, he went on at his craft. Sadly, he's come up with a very unique property that makes him<br />

valuable in different ways to many nations for different reasons."<br />

"Spill it," instructed Angela. "No timpani roll, just spit it out."<br />

"The man came up with a concept to make combustible fuel from salt water combined<br />

with three other plentiful and very inexpensive chemicals. It's really an incredible process and<br />

the value to many nations is the same for varying reasons."<br />

Too tense to sit any longer, Angela stood, ciggie in hand, and began pacing. "Say it."<br />

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"The invention can, and will, sway the balance of power in the world depending on where<br />

it lands and who's in control. We want it to be the property of the USA, of course. So many other<br />

countries do not. They want it, or want another leading power to have it, but not us. The Arabs<br />

all want the idea destroyed, of course, as it would again render them as impoverished nations of<br />

mere nomads and beggars. They have heat, sand and oil. The only asset they can sell is oil. If we<br />

no longer need their oil, well …"<br />

"<strong>Me</strong>aning all the Arab countries want the man dead. Am I correct?" asked Angela.<br />

"Exactly. As do a few others. The USA, of course, wants him alive and with a loyalty to<br />

us he seems to have let slip when Zelda died."<br />

"Can you fucking blame him?" grilled Angela. "It's not like he has no reason."<br />

"Not acceptable at this point. Yet, it gets worse."<br />

"Is that fucking possible?" Angela almost wailed. "How?"<br />

"The Arabs, and a number of other countries, want him dead. We don't. It seems, based<br />

on info we aren't supposed to have … but we do have it … our government also hired The Side<br />

to find the man and bring him to us."<br />

"Oh, Good Christ!"<br />

Olivia was on a roll now and would finish regardless of what might be said. "It turns out<br />

the Arab nations, and their allies, have also hired The Side to find Mr. Wilkins. Complicating the<br />

issue, primarily because The Side has the loyalty of a hungry pit bull with a piece of meat under<br />

his nose, is the fact The Side seems to want him for their own interests. They accepted contracts<br />

from both factions with the idea, once found, they will auction Mr. Wilkins to the highest bidder<br />

and walk away with incredible wealth."<br />

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"For what price?"<br />

"I'm not sure there is a price for total control of the world," Olivia speculated. "If there is,<br />

it will be rather hefty, we're assured of that much."<br />

"Let's tell 'em I sent the bastard to Samoa and have 'em look there," Bill suggested glumly<br />

as he stood and looked around at all of us. "<strong>My</strong> main concern is getting Adele back here safely."<br />

"This project is even more important than that woman's wellbeing at the moment," said<br />

Olivia rather pragmatically.<br />

Bill glared down at her a lingering moment, then said coldly, "Fuck you, lady. I really<br />

don't need any shit out of you."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Monday, December 22 nd , 2008 … 11:34 p.m.<br />

Carrying a worn weekly newspaper already three months old, The Julian News published<br />

on Wednesday, the 17 th of September, 2008, Adele Nostrum rose from the older brown couch<br />

barely large enough to seat three adults. She headed off for the bathroom. In this imitation chalet,<br />

which was actually a one-room house split into different areas, she'd already made quite a few<br />

decisions. Among them was not to ask for these jerks every bleeping freedom under the bleeping<br />

sun. If these people don't understand how a girl has to pee from time to time, they need to learn a<br />

few things.<br />

The living room part was also the section containing the front door. <strong>At</strong> least, as far as this<br />

primitive dwelling was designed, that's what it had to be. The front door … actually, the only one<br />

since the rear door was held shut with a heavy chain … was in the middle of the building which,<br />

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if she had to guess, was slightly over twenty by thirty feet. Maybe twenty-two deep, thirty wide.<br />

In that range. This truly was a log cabin, which initially gave her some hope, but she quickly saw<br />

it was very solid. No way she could sneak out.<br />

Stepping in that front door, directly in the middle, meant standing on the edge of this part,<br />

which was not quite two-thirds of the space on this "ground floor". One half the remaining third<br />

contained what one would conventionally call the kitchen, with a front window looking out over<br />

whatever was in front of the building. It was blocked off with an oilskin drape or curtain of some<br />

kind, as was the front room, front, side and back. It meant lamps were on at all times. That tiny<br />

kitchen came to within a yard of the door, cream colored linoleum on that smaller part of an L, a<br />

shaggy brown carpeting in the living section.<br />

The couch she'd been on faced the front door from next to the side wall. It was maybe<br />

three feet from the back wall with the chained door. The carpeting continued past where all the<br />

linoleum stretched toward the living area and went the rest of the way to the back wall, where it<br />

ended at that sealed door and a stairway to the loft. She'd been told that's where she'd be sleeping<br />

later. It bypassed a smaller door to the bathroom, an otherwise quaint room with a tub-shower on<br />

the right as she entered, a counter starting partway back on the left with a wee sink in it, cabinets<br />

underneath. An old white toilet perhaps six feet away with a blue shaggy cloth covering atop the<br />

tank. The rim of the toilet bowl was cracked with a small jagged piece on the left side, if seated,<br />

broken off. The fold-down seat was also cracked, some kind of vinyl at one time, she imagined,<br />

but it was serviceable, all the same.<br />

When sitting on it, there was an empty medicine cabinet above the counter and sink with<br />

an equally empty wooden ledge below it. The shelf was a medium blue sort of close to the color<br />

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of the tank cover, with the walls and ceiling all a dull, medium pink. Adele thought it would be a<br />

great place for her to come puke, since that's what the color scheme made her feel like doing. As<br />

she stepped into the room and closed the door, surprised it didn't squeak, she now felt even more<br />

depressed.<br />

I have no freaking idea in the world why these douche bags made me come with 'em, she<br />

thought mournfully, and now no one will tell me squat. The part that freaked me out the most …<br />

I mean, I thought that crap was just for bad movies … was those ninja freaks! Holy cow! What in<br />

the world are they doing? She scowled as she undid the button at the waist of her navy blue pants<br />

and tugged the zipper down. Lowering her pants and panties after she used three squares of toilet<br />

paper to wipe the seat, dropping it into the bowl, she turned and sat. It only required a few scant<br />

seconds to achieve relief. Except those nimrods are the only people who'll talk to me. The way<br />

the ninja jerks are built, small and wiry, they probably are Asian men. Those other three aren't.<br />

Even if they were the same kind of crapola, two of 'em are good-sized men and the other one's<br />

either a guy with a very weird chest or a woman with knockers bigger than mine, and I'm not, by<br />

any means, flat chested. Except, why only the cartoon freaks talking to me? And why is it all the<br />

one-word stuff? Like they're going to catch my bleepin' cooties if they say an extra word to me?<br />

Plus, she thought with a scratch of her head, the largest part of her four right fingers lost<br />

in a wave of the chocolate brown hair down to her shoulders, they seem to rotate like once every<br />

freaking hour, for Pete's sake! Her thoughts flitted back to <strong>CC</strong>. Boy, if she was here now, I'd be<br />

hearing a whole bunch of that "Criminy!" stuff out of her! Bet your bleepin' boots! I'll bet she'd<br />

be asking these yahoos a ton of questions, too.<br />

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A scowl this time. Like I didn't? "Shut up" was the most common answer. Except for that<br />

girl, or guy with the boobies, whichever it is. Never said a bleepin' word! Just cocked a right arm<br />

as if I was about to take one in the chops! Well, whomever it was apparently believed me when I<br />

said, "I'll break that sucker off and shove it up your butt if you dare hit me!"<br />

Pretty hard to be sure with that freaking cartoon mask, but I thought I caught a big frown.<br />

Well, screw you, buddy or babe, whichever. You hit me, darn it all, I'm gonna hit back. Freak!<br />

Three more squares were used as she dabbed herself dry, then stood, pulling up her pants<br />

and undies. About to turn and flush, she heard the sound of a door opening and was convinced it<br />

could only be the front door. "Where is she?" whispered a woman's voice, throaty and seemingly<br />

oozing sexuality.<br />

"In the restroom," intoned the guy she assumed to be Asian. It sounded as if he was now<br />

in the kitchen section. "I cannot make this unit work properly," he informed her.<br />

"What's to make it work?" she said a touch louder, evidently convinced her voice was too<br />

low to hear in the restroom. "It's a fucking microwave."<br />

"It continues to shut off," he protested, "meaning we can't eat or feed the prisoner if it<br />

won't run properly. I will show you." There was the sound of a door closing on the machine, a<br />

short series of beeps, then the whirr of a microwave.<br />

Still not flushing, wondering if this was her opportunity, Adele edged the bathroom door<br />

open and peered out. She couldn't see into the kitchen, and she remembered the microwave was<br />

on the wall at the end, above a vinyl counter. What she could see made her heart flutter!<br />

Oh, Lordy! she told herself. The front door's not quite closed! Maybe this is it!<br />

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Moving on tiptoes, she started forward, the small piece of wall on her left preventing her<br />

from seeing into the kitchen, or being seen. When I see those creeps I'll simply take off running<br />

like Billy-blue-blazes and make it out that bleepin' door! I'll figure out the rest as I go along. As<br />

she stepped a bit into the open, prepared to begin her sprint, she saw they were both standing<br />

there in those silly outfits with the microwave door open. The one she assumed was a woman<br />

was reading something inside the unit. "Can't see where any of this crap helps. It talks about the<br />

model number and a lot of other shit, but nothing on fixing the damned thing. Let's look in the<br />

fucking drawers and cabinets for a manual."<br />

Almost at the front door, Adele yanked it open, stepped out and pulled it again almost to<br />

where it was closed. Then, still afraid to even breathe yet, she whirled and sprinted away from<br />

the building. With casual slacks and a darker red shirt with ¾ sleeves, she wasn't exactly dressed<br />

for temps in the 40s, but that didn't matter. I'm free, dadblast it! I am outa here!<br />

Approximately a dozen steps later, just as she was hitting her stride, she was "de-strode".<br />

Moving at what she'd've called close to her top speed in daylight where she could see what she<br />

was doing, she was covering ground in the inky blackness of night on a mountain. The Julian<br />

newspaper she'd read told her she was in a small but expensive camping-resort area maybe 50<br />

miles northeast of San Diego, up in the mountains where they operated a 100% tourist city four<br />

blocks long, half a block wide off each side of Main Street. Buggy rides, restaurants and stores<br />

on the first and second floors of those old brick buildings she could believe were constructed by<br />

the original frontiersmen. Candied applies, pies, cakes, cookies, breads, rolls, doughnuts, all the<br />

crap a girl needed to shoot up from 129 on a five-five frame to 400 pounds. The "de-striding"<br />

part occurred when she collided face first with a thick tree.<br />

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Halted immediately, at least in her direction of travel, she reactively threw her arms up<br />

and out to the side, ending up a second or two later on her butt. She flopped backward, seeing<br />

stars before her eyes with the impending sense of a killer headache about to pay a visit. A long<br />

and extended visit. With it would come the unconsciousness she sensed invading her world as<br />

the waves of black flooded over her.<br />

No! she told herself. Can't do it! If I give up now, they'll get me again! No! I can't!<br />

Only allowing herself a few seconds to recoup, insisting all the light green circles half the<br />

size of a dime would disappear without permanent harm, she rolled over. Clambered to all fours,<br />

then struggled to her feet, using the tree as a brace. Adele shook her head once, now sensing the<br />

ache as it began to make itself known. Got to get away! she urged herself. I can get to a doctor<br />

when I find some people. A cop, for God's sake. Got to get the heck out of this loony place.<br />

Finally on her feet again, reeling and staggering, she walked this time, unwilling to take<br />

on a tree solid enough to withstand a speeding truck. Still swerving, swaying, teetering as she<br />

made her way from that madhouse, Adele encountered a gravel road. The ground was a little bit<br />

lighter in color than what she'd been walking on, and the sky was a different shade of darkness<br />

up over treetop level. For about a minute longer, she kept walking, then decided that was crazy.<br />

I'll run!<br />

And she did. About 100 feet later she rounded a curve in the road and her escape ended.<br />

Shocking her so suddenly the scream of terror and surprise froze in her throat, one of the<br />

ninja cartoon characters sprang from the trees and bushes alongside the road she'd been praying<br />

was her path to freedom. The man made a screeching sound that sounded like someone was just<br />

announcing a lunch break in the very bowels of hell, then fell into a crouch. There was so little<br />

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she could see in the all encompassing darkness, and she probably wouldn't've witnessed a whole<br />

lot of what happened even in broad daylight.<br />

The man ducked low, his lithe body almost parallel with the ground at a yard or less, then<br />

commenced a spinning motion. His foot rose from the vague surface at her feet, giving Adele no<br />

more than a split second to recognize what it was before it collided at great velocity with her jaw.<br />

Her horrified mind was still filing that concept into her memory banks when she wilted to<br />

the road unconscious.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Tuesday, December 23 rd , 2008 … 8:17 a.m.<br />

Our ballistic doorbell went off, a sound we all once found to be a shrill annoyance that<br />

really no longer bothered anyone living here. It reminded me of a girl I knew in high school,<br />

back in the godforsaken state of Michigan. Her parents bought a place in the country, away from<br />

all the hustle and bustle of the city. A freaking railroad track ran by their house not a hundred<br />

yards away, crossing the country road they lived on. I wondered how on earth any of them ever<br />

got any sleep, since the trains came roaring by 20-30 times per day, and all night long, as well.<br />

She said she got used to it in a week, week and a half, and never noticed it anymore.<br />

I didn't believe her, considering our trash trucks that came on Tuesday morning woke me<br />

up during summer vacation whenever I tried to sleep in.<br />

Yet, that's how it was with Brittany, our shrill barking doorbell. In less than two weeks<br />

we all ceased to be alarmed. I knew only too danged well if she caught a housefly farting in the<br />

living room she'd be calling in the volunteer fire department. In almost every case, it would be a<br />

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big nothing, so we no longer sprinted to the door. If we heard the doorbell that made a soft bong<br />

when pushed, it only confirmed she was being the Ballistic Brittany again. No biggie.<br />

Not quite so with Adrianne, our child of 10 going on 35, proving there's still a piece of<br />

little kid in the girl, even if we rarely see it. She was still always off like a shot to corral the little<br />

loudmouth right at the door. That's what she did again today, although she'd be leaving for her<br />

"gifted child" school in a few minutes when the bus arrived. Couldn't let her play hooky, even if<br />

her Mama was doing exactly that today. Again.<br />

The reason I'm able to get away with it is only partly my doing. Granted, my court has<br />

turned out some great cases and some serious volume. <strong>My</strong> understanding is most attorneys, the<br />

defense and prosecution, are pretty happy with my work. We seem to move more cases than any<br />

other court in the Vista Courthouse, and I'll take some of the credit for it. I brook no head games,<br />

no grandstanding, no phony emotional drama, and it's important to me people be on time for the<br />

things we do. <strong>At</strong>torneys who show up late are fined. Parties to a matter who show up late without<br />

an incredible excuse get their cases tossed. People who talk in my courtroom seats are escorted<br />

out to the hall by a bailiff who explains if it ever happens again, they'll be banned. People I see in<br />

worn or very revealing clothing are forced either to leave, sometimes permanently, or to get into<br />

something from the box of items I picked up at Goodwill. It's my courtroom, and I run it my way.<br />

The other half of the equation is Tez Marshall, my office-manager & secretary, a woman<br />

who is an absolute jewel. She could've stood out in front of Moses there in the Red Sea directing<br />

traffic from a route she opened that crossed his. I can attest to this, famed biblical character or<br />

not, if Moses didn't follow all her signals and do exactly as he was told, she'd've made him very<br />

sorry for being such a snot. She's created that impression on everyone who has visited my court<br />

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since I took the bench. Consequently, she and I run a very tight ship. We get things done and we<br />

get some bennies others don't enjoy. Among them, if I take a day off during the week, justice<br />

will not grind to a halt. Not as long as Tez is on the scene, it won't.<br />

The caller who set off the dinging doorbell and Ballistic Brittany was none other than my<br />

co-best buddy, Detective Angela Dutton. Without her, and Tez, I'm not sure I could adequately<br />

cope with the world as we know it these days. We hugged at the door and, as she was stepping in<br />

and I was about to close it, we heard, "Yoo-hoo? Got room for one more at your party?"<br />

That "one more" was Olivia Higgenbotham.<br />

I think I mentioned she has platinum blonde hair to her collar, pretty hazel eyes, stands<br />

about fix-six with her weight in the low 120s, and isn't diminished in the boob department to any<br />

extent. What she was wearing today caught my attention. As my Aunt Siobhan might say, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong><br />

me! The woman had a black short-sleeved satiny blouse, a business jacket draped over her left<br />

forearm, what looked to be a black Gucci purse dangling from her right shoulder, and a tan and<br />

very brief skirt a couple inches above her knees. Dang it, she's in her late fifties!<br />

As a Mama, I'm not sure I'd allow any of our babies to wear anything like that, even if<br />

one of 'em is married and the oldest two were once hookers. She capped it off with thin leather<br />

strapped black open-toe sandals with … I am not making any of this crap up! … heels of at least<br />

two or more inches. <strong>My</strong> Mama would've said, "She's sure making bait of herself, and not doing a<br />

bad job of it, either."<br />

The closest I could figure she had a meeting with some guy today, lunch or whatever, and<br />

wanted to impress him with all her feminine wiles. Personally, in her work, I'd be more inclined<br />

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to impress them with force of person, which she definitely has, than a "babe suit", but that's not<br />

my decision. <strong>At</strong> least, not outside my courtroom or being a Mama, it isn't. I let it ride.<br />

Angela didn't. "Heading off to a fuckfest after you leave here, are you?"<br />

"Not hardly," Olivia intoned, "and there's nothing wrong with a woman looking nice."<br />

"Depends on how you want to look so 'nice'," Angela retorted, "and for whom and why."<br />

Olivia's hand was rising to come to rest on Angela's shoulder. "Now, Angela, dear—"<br />

"If that thing touches me, Olivia, you'll pull back a bloody fucking stub. Might I add, in<br />

light of that 'dear' bullshit, your hair's still in danger of coming up by its platinum fucking roots.<br />

Remember, I warned you already."<br />

The hand stopped in midair. "Certainly are a touchy little thing, aren't you?"<br />

"You can grab hold of me and find out … but, I wouldn't." She turned to face me again.<br />

"In light of all this shit, gimme."<br />

I fished my case from the shirt pocket of my gray sateen jogging suit and handed it to her.<br />

Angela dug one out, lit it and handed me back "the makin's'" with a shrug. "Let's boogey<br />

inside where it's not so damned nippy, huh?" She looked around us, then shook her head. "This<br />

time of day, I'll bet it isn't even up to 50 yet."<br />

Stepping aside, I ushered them both in, where "Aunt Angela" took a few seconds to fuss<br />

over Brittany, whom Adrianne had set on the floor. To my surprise, Olivia offered the backs of<br />

her fingers for a smell test. When she seemed to pass, she began patting the dog, saying things<br />

like "Good doggie," and "Pretty girl".<br />

"How'd you know she's female?" inquired Angela.<br />

"Different equipment underneath," was Olivia's reply.<br />

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"Oh, shit," muttered Angela, "I hope she's only sexing dogs today."<br />

"And what does that mean?" Olivia nearly barked.<br />

Now Angela snickered. "Your Mom made me promise I wouldn't ever tell you." With<br />

that, still snickering, she walked past me toward the living room area. "Bill was looking pretty<br />

tense and tight last night. Will he make it over here this morning?"<br />

"I gave the man a room and a bed," I answered, "but he hardly slept in it, if he even did at<br />

all. I came down here at a zillion o'clock in the morning and saw he'd fallen asleep out back on<br />

one of the chaise longues, so I put a blanket over the poor guy. I hope he didn't—"<br />

"Freeze my ass off?" Bill asked, walking into the room with said blanket draped over his<br />

shoulders, hanging to the middle of his calves in back. "Naw. Some hot, sexy babe … just hang<br />

on, damn it, it was my freakin' dream … put this thing on me. Saved my craggy old ass." He now<br />

made his way toward the couch, still shrouded in the blanket, a light blue fleece I knew would be<br />

nice and comfy if he stayed out long last night. Which it seems he did, a couple hours, anyway.<br />

"When I get up the gumption, is there anywhere a guy can get a cup of coffee in this place?"<br />

"I'll do it. What do you want in it?" I volunteered.<br />

"What I want is lots of powdered creamer and maybe four or five tablespoons of sugar,<br />

but what I should get is yucky tasting black, just to wake me up."<br />

"Bill, it's really no problem for me to—"<br />

"No," he said, dismissing the offer with a wave of his hand, which went back under the<br />

blanket to emerge with his ciggies and lighter. "I'm going to need to be awake today. I have a<br />

feeling the buffalo are going to dance, so I need to be ready."<br />

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"Is that an old Native American saying from some other band? I've never heard it, but I<br />

can envision the imagery behind it," asked Donnie, sipping herbal tea he has sent here from "The<br />

Rez" because he's enjoyed it all his life. The man would sooner shoot heroin than drink coffee.<br />

"Only in part," Bill responded, getting his ciggie going and taking a deep drag. "It's an<br />

old Indian saying I just made up as I said it, but you were real close."<br />

We all began laughing as I headed to get him a cup of black coffee. Candy keeps an urn<br />

in the second floor kitchen that will make around 20 cups and she had that sucker at work when I<br />

came downstairs this morning rather early. When I returned and handed him an insulated mug<br />

with dark coffee in it, he frowned. "Thanks. I haven't drunk it this way for years, but I sure do<br />

need to wake up. What I meant by the buffalo dancing is I think these yahoos are gonna try to<br />

strut their shit today and I want to be ready for 'em."<br />

Bill took a drink of the black coffee. "Aha! And now I remember why I haven't drank it<br />

this way for many years! Yuck!"<br />

"Bill, I can put some—"<br />

"No, this shit will put hair on my chest, and I've only got 144 of 'em there, as it is. I even<br />

named every hair 'cause I have so damned few of the little fellers."<br />

"You named your chest hairs?" asked Angela, gullibly.<br />

"All except for Bruce," Bill said with a straight face. "Feisty little prick he is, he told me<br />

he already had a damned name. I didn't want to get into it with him, so I let it ride." He took one<br />

more deep drag and watched her face as she caught the joke.<br />

"Not many fool me anymore," she chuckled.<br />

"It's a knack," he said, still without even a grin. "I'm a novelist. A storyteller. An author."<br />

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"I'll say. You're damned good. I've noticed you almost never call yourself a writer. Does<br />

that mean there's a difference between a writer and an author?"<br />

Bill nodded, the cup almost to his mouth. "Yup. Authors get paid for it." He took a gulp.<br />

"Good point. Look," Angela said, swinging her eyes to me at the beginning, "we've got at<br />

least six other teams of detectives out looking for Adele, even as we speak. We also have a good<br />

number of our undercover people … the ones associated with drugs, immigration and border<br />

crime, and even society people … with their ears to the ground. It won't likely be of any help to<br />

us, but we'll know all we need to know about any-every person getting on an outbound plane or<br />

train, car rentals, and any other means of transportation. The CHP has been briefed, along with<br />

the guys on Border Patrol. They … whomever they might be … will not get that woman out of<br />

the state of California unseen."<br />

"While I can't … and wouldn't … argue with what you're doing," Bill interjected, "just<br />

because you have to do all those things as a matter of procedure, I'm equally certain they're all a<br />

big waste of time. Those people didn't kidnap her for her monetary value."<br />

###<br />

Starting with Angela and Olivia, then moving to Donnie and me, even Brittany, we all<br />

stared at him anticipating follow-up.<br />

"They want me, and anything I possibly can tell 'em about good ol' Hondo Wilkerson,<br />

aka Hondell Wilkins, and I intend to remind 'em people in hell want ice water."<br />

Olivia inserted, "I don't think you should be making those kind of—"<br />

"Let's just leave that statement at 'I don't think ' and call it a day, since it's apparent you<br />

don't, really. Think, I mean. This woman truly means something to me. Ask me to explain it and<br />

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all you'll get will be 'shrug number seventeen' 'cause I can't tell you so you'd understand. Try to<br />

tell me I can't be a part of getting her back, you'll get a fast 'fuck you' to stick in the file. Leave it<br />

said anything it takes to do to get her back, if I can do it, consider it done. I don't give a red rat's<br />

ass if it's legal or aboveboard, either. I've waited one helluva lot of years to feel like she makes<br />

me feel and there's no chance in hell I'm leaving this to all you people to fuck up for me. I don't<br />

need your sad apologies while I stand at a casket considering the murder of every fucking person<br />

who had any part in getting her killed."<br />

"Well, even under an ugly threat of death," Angela offered with more compassion than I<br />

would've dared expect, "although I will keep you, <strong>CC</strong> and Donnie briefed, I can't get you in on<br />

the actual cop work we do. Too dangerous, and it'd take too long to train you."<br />

"You can work with me, Bill," Donnie suggested. "We'll go up to my office, make a few<br />

calls, then get moving."<br />

"As long as I'm doing something," he said, so inadequately containing a mixture of rage,<br />

fear and desperation. "I can't just sit around on my ass. If I did, and if anything happened to her<br />

while I was doing it…" His words trailed off, leaving only implications.<br />

"<strong>My</strong> people will also keep you involved," Olivia pledged. "As a matter of fact, I want a<br />

few minutes of your time when we finish talking with these people." Her eyes scanned our small<br />

group as she finished the sentence.<br />

"Have you forgotten we had a thing called 'sharing' in mind, Olivia?" Angela challenged<br />

a bit nastily. "Little shit like keeping each other in the loop? Ringing any bells, is it?"<br />

"I don't mean it that way," she responded, reddening a little. "I simply need to discuss a<br />

few items with the man in private."<br />

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Now Angela's face took on a knowing look. She glanced at Brittany, standing on the rug<br />

spread below the coffee table. "Uh-oh, kid." Then she shrugged.<br />

Olivia reddened a bit more.<br />

Donnie and I merely looked quizzically at each other.<br />

Brittany began twirling the little stub attached to her butt.<br />

<strong>At</strong> a loss as to what was next, I did think of something. "Angela, is there anything we can<br />

do to get a hurry-up <strong>CC</strong>W for Bill? I mean … criminy! … if he's going to be involved with these<br />

total dirtbags … there's no way to do this without him now … the man should have a right to be<br />

armed. If he gets a <strong>CC</strong>W so he can carry concealed—"<br />

She held up her right hand, palm to me. "If a citizen has a verifiable reason to believe his<br />

life and wellbeing are in danger, he can carry a weapon during a short-term crisis. The weapon<br />

may, or may not, be impounded if found. It's possible, but not likely, he'd be arrested. It's not too<br />

likely anyone with the DA's office would want to prosecute. If anyone did, it's unlikely any judge<br />

would let it stand up." Now she looked at Bill. "I'm not giving you permission to do anything but<br />

take a seat when you need to in the potty room, okay? If it happens, so be it. Oh, and you'd get<br />

the weapon back when the dust settles. That's the law."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Tuesday, December 23 rd , 2008 … 9:26 a.m.<br />

Donnie and I don't give each other orders, as I've mentioned. Our practice is to have the<br />

one most capable do most of the decision making with the other following that lead. Bill'd gone<br />

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to Donnie's office on our third floor and I went along, leaving Angela and Olivia to either do cop<br />

work or fight a battle to the death, however it might work out.<br />

As he promised, Donnie made a few calls to get the ball rolling in different areas, then a<br />

call came in on Bill's cell phone. As before, Bill put the Jawbone earpiece on the desktop so we<br />

could all hear it. "Bill Cady," he said tersely, with all of us looking at a phone number that wasn't<br />

in Bill's phone book.<br />

address?"<br />

"We're going to meet. This morning. Do you have something to use so you can write the<br />

"Don't need anything," Bill countered.<br />

"Oh? Why would you say that?"<br />

While jotting, "It's the same guy" on a piece of paper he pulled in front of himself with<br />

his left hand, Bill replied, "Because I already know where we're going to meet. You're right on<br />

the other part, too. It'll be this morning."<br />

"You can't know, since I haven't given you the location yet," said the man calling.<br />

"Sure I can," Bill assured him, with Donnie and me both looking at him in confusion.<br />

Donnie had suggested a couple places and jotted them on a piece of paper, but we had no<br />

idea what this ad lib move on Bill's part might be.<br />

"I see," he said ominously. "Tell me why you say that."<br />

"Because we'll meet where I say we'll meet, or there won't be any meeting. Did I say it<br />

slow enough for you to catch it all, or do you want me to start fresh, from the top?"<br />

"Don't be a smartass or play games with me," the caller menaced.<br />

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"Two-way street, Slick. You don't get to fuck with me, either. So, assuming you have the<br />

proverbial pen and paper, I want you to make note of a coffee house on the beach in La Jolla.<br />

That way you'll know where we're getting together."<br />

"It simply doesn't work that way," said the man, rather obviously becoming annoyed. "I'll<br />

tell you where we meet and you—"<br />

"'Fraid not, Slick. Now, do you want that address, or not?" A steeliness was creeping into<br />

Bill's voice. This may sound silly, but it almost felt like I was taking part in a dramatic scene in<br />

one of his novels.<br />

"I'm going to tell you one more time—"<br />

"Wrong again, Slick," said Bill disdainfully as he flipped open the phone and pressed the<br />

END button. A dial tone came from the earpiece, but stopped when Bill thumbed it off.<br />

"I can't believe you just did that," I said in a somewhat hushed whisper. "I really can't."<br />

"Neither can I," Bill confessed, "but this bastard needs to get it straight right away, all up<br />

front, this is a bargaining session, not a time where he can dictate all the conditions."<br />

As I sat with my mouth gaping, I caught a glimpse of Donnie shaking his head in what<br />

may've been a degree of awe, then looking toward Bill with a nod. "That took raw courage."<br />

"Maybe, but it wasn't my ass I was putting on the line," Bill admitted as he used shaky<br />

hands to light a cigarette. "Now we get to wait and see which of us has the larger Johnson rod to<br />

plop on the damned table." He released the smoke. "Sure as hell hope it's me."<br />

We sat an interminable time, perhaps as long as two minutes, and I could see from his<br />

face Bill was second, third and fourth guessing himself. Finally, when the tension had gotten so<br />

powerful it filled the room and weighted us down, at the point I began wondering if I might even<br />

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break down and cry, Bill's phone rang again. He pressed the button on the Jawbone and asked,<br />

"Do you have your shit together yet, Slick?"<br />

In a stern, yet subdued tone, the man told Bill, "I've decided to let that lapse go, seeing as<br />

you must feel under pressure. I'll give you one more chance. Write this down now."<br />

"You'll give me one more chance, huh? Well, Slick, I don't want to treat you like you're<br />

as stupid as you sound, but you must be that damned dumb or we wouldn't be at this point. It's<br />

me who gives you the address, capiche?"<br />

"I'm afraid you don't—"<br />

Bill hung up. Then, setting the earpiece back, he leaned forward a bit, fingers laced, with<br />

his forehead resting on his palms. "Please, Father, make that shithead call me back." Even as the<br />

words emerged from his mouth, I saw his shoulders shake. It was, quite clearly, the largest bet he<br />

ever placed in his life.<br />

Donnie nodded. "You did the right thing. He will call again."<br />

Perhaps thirty incredibly tense seconds later, Bill's cell rang again. He pressed the button<br />

on the Jawbone again. "I'm not going to keep playing this fucking game with you, Slick. Do you<br />

have something to write on?"<br />

As we waited, Donnie stood, a cell in his hand, stepped into the hall and dialed. Moments<br />

after Bill answered this time, he was back, but kept standing when he returned.<br />

"Give me the address," the man told him without as much assumed authority.<br />

Not gloating or otherwise pushing the matter, Bill glanced at the address Donnie gave<br />

him a while ago and read it off. He didn't add anything sarcastic like asking the man if he had it<br />

correctly. He simply spoke it, then shut up.<br />

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"Ten-thirty," said the caller.<br />

"Wouldn't be fair if you didn't get to set any of the conditions," Bill informed him, his<br />

eyes now an icy blue that made me feel like obeying anything he'd say in hopes he wouldn't get<br />

pissed off for some reason. "However, if I don't see Adele when we meet, you just wasted your<br />

time and some gas getting there 'cause I'll walk. We clear on that part, Slick?"<br />

"That will only happen after we've—"<br />

"Want me to hang up on you again, asshole? I'm not gonna continue playing these silly<br />

fucking games. She's not there where I can see her, I walk and you won't learn shit."<br />

"Any more trouble out of you and we'll just kill the woman."<br />

"No, you won't," Bill said icily. "Confirm she'll be there or I'm not even getting into my<br />

damned car." He took a drag, then exhaled loudly enough for the man to hear it. "Three, two—"<br />

"She'll be there," said the guy as he disconnected.<br />

Bill's face was frozen in grim determination. "Surprised the shithead didn't ask me where<br />

I got the stones needed to hang up on him like that, or to stand up on my back legs that way." His<br />

hands were shaking visibly now.<br />

"He will," Donnie assured him. "However, you've generated a new respect in the man. He<br />

will no longer be as cavalier when dealing with you."<br />

"God, I hope so," Bill said, glancing at me first, then back to Donnie. "What you now see<br />

before you is a man with no 'Plan B' to work from. Any ideas?"<br />

Donnie just smiled and nodded sagely.<br />

"Care to share with the class?" Bill asked in a voice slowly regaining its timbre.<br />

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Again Donnie nodded. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I have a few. Tell me, did you ever see<br />

any of the Godfather movies?"<br />

"All of 'em," Bill told him, clearly not understanding why it was important, but ready to<br />

grasp at any available straw. "I'm old, remember? Those were a big deal, back in the day."<br />

"Good. We have a table selected for you to use," Donnie advised. "It will work perfectly<br />

for what I have in mind." He stopped speaking a moment and looked at me. "As you and I don't<br />

order each other about … yet I have no question you'll insist on being present … a camera and a<br />

microphone are being put in place as we speak. You will be approximately one block from the<br />

location. Acceptable?"<br />

Pleased my guy knew me that well, and because he'd taken steps to provide for what he<br />

knew I'd insist on, I smiled and nodded my approval.<br />

Motioning with his hand for us to follow, Donnie explained, "One of the ideas we'll now<br />

be using came from that source. I will have people near at hand and will, myself, be close by. I<br />

am more than confident you will be able to pull this off, Bill." He clasped the bigger guy on the<br />

shoulder to show he was comfortable relying on Bill's ability.<br />

of war."<br />

"Because of my ad lib ability, right?" Bill joked.<br />

"Precisely because of that talent," Donnie said convincingly. "Precisely because of it."<br />

As he came to his feet, Bill said to no one in particular, "Cry havoc and set slip the dogs<br />

"That, we shall do," Donnie promised. "You'll do just fine."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

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Tuesday, December 23 rd , 2008 … 10:06 a.m.<br />

Donnie was surprisingly terse and abrupt with Angela and Olivia when we made it back<br />

to the second level of the house. "We've arranged a meet with the kidnapper," I announced when<br />

he nodded his approval. He'd told me what to say as we came down the stairs.<br />

"That's great!" Angela told him, rising to her feet. She'd been using the Strato-Lounger by<br />

where I sit and Olivia was on the couch to the right of my spot. "Give me the address so I can get<br />

some people in the area."<br />

Shaking his head, never once breaking eye contact, Donnie told her, "No. Angela, you<br />

may accompany us, and Olivia is welcome as long as she stays with you and you both remain out<br />

of my way, but no more police personnel."<br />

While Angela merely glared at him in a surprised mix of anger and frustration, Olivia<br />

used the moment to step forward and brandish some clout. "Your directive is obstructing a police<br />

investigation and interfering with an officer in the performance of her duties."<br />

"I am not," he said succinctly.<br />

"But she just said you've arranged a meet with the kidnapper and I … she … we want to<br />

be present. Now you say we can't? Why would you say that's not interference?"<br />

Suddenly I understood why he had me say it instead of him. "I lied, I guess," I offered.<br />

"What, pray tell, does that mean?" questioned Olivia.<br />

"Donnie never lies," Angela inputted. "Not for any reason. I'm sure that's why he had <strong>CC</strong><br />

make the announcement." Looking to my guy, she asked, "How'm I doin' so far, slugger?"<br />

He remained stoic.<br />

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After a crisp few seconds watching the man, Angela faced Olivia again. "I'm dead on the<br />

money. Either we go along as witnesses, or he's going to suffer 'selective memory loss' and won't<br />

have the foggiest idea what's going on." She glanced Donnie's way for affirmation.<br />

He nodded without even a trace of any smile.<br />

Grinding her teeth a moment, Angela inquired, "Okay, where is it?"<br />

Again, he shook his head. "We will transport you, if you agree to my conditions."<br />

His remark left Olivia sputtering and Angela barely shaking her head, a brief glimpse of<br />

admiration on her face. "Can it, Livy," she cautioned. "Donnie's way is the only way. I can say<br />

that from knowing the man."<br />

A beat passed, then Olivia warned, "If you'd prefer your own lovely locks not be removed<br />

from the root end, that will be the last time I'm addressed as you just referred to me."<br />

With a chuckle, Angela conceded, "All's fair in love and war. As you wish."<br />

Bill piped in with, "If you ladies are all finished plopping your figurative big dicks on the<br />

table for a penis measuring contest, we have a life to save. Let's cease the attitude sessions and<br />

the useless dicking around, huh?"<br />

Now Angela looked at a Bill a lingering moment, but let it go with a shrug. "The man's<br />

got a point," she said, giving ground to reality.<br />

Not wishing to get involved any further than I was in an obvious pissing contest, I made<br />

my way to the front closet and got my coat, a three-quarter length black leather I like. It keeps<br />

me nice and warm with no wind ever getting through the material. We headed outside where, not<br />

at all to my surprise, Donnie was still in charge. He used some handheld electrical thingamabob<br />

to go over Bill's gleaming black Dodge Viper, smiled knowingly and stepped a dozen feet away<br />

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from the car. "It's bugged," he explained to anyone interested, but with his eyes trained on Bill. "I<br />

want you to ride with me in my truck. <strong>CC</strong> will drive your vehicle until we near the place, staying<br />

mum the entire trip, whereupon you will take over the driving duties. "<br />

"I'm driving?" I asked in surprise. "That killer hotrod?"<br />

"You are able to drive a stick shift, are you not?" Donnie inquired.<br />

"Well, of course I can, but that's a pretty fast, powerful car."<br />

"Not all that hard to drive," Bill assured me, "just don't hang your leg in it or you'll be off<br />

like a rocket. Take it easy, <strong>CC</strong>, and you'll be fine."<br />

"I assume that means we'll be riding with you in the truck?" Angela inquired.<br />

"No, you'll ride with him," he explained, gesturing with his right thumb to one of the men<br />

he had here for protection. "Bill and I have a few things to discuss, not all of them things I'd want<br />

you to hear."<br />

Looking at him again, the smile of admiration once more in place, she muttered, "Well,<br />

kiss my ass. When you've got it, you've got it, must be." She faced Olivia, then pointed towards<br />

the other man standing beside a late model Ford crew-cab pickup. "That's our limo so, if you're<br />

coming along, we'd better mount up."<br />

"You truly are the queen of mixed metaphors," replied the woman still trying to catch on<br />

to the way Donnie's system was designed to work. "Might I have a brief moment to speak with<br />

him now, before we leave?"<br />

That caught us all off guard. We all took a moment to look at each other in confusion as<br />

Olivia added, "In private?"<br />

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Once more we all exchanged glances, but Donnie took the lead, as I expected. "Make it<br />

fast. Bill, come get into my truck as soon as you've finished."<br />

###<br />

When Olivia moved a few yards away, his brow furrowed and a dozen unasked questions<br />

swarming his face, Bill followed. As soon as she stopped he came to a halt alongside, then faced<br />

the woman, the others in a small group on the right, dispersing to the vehicles they'd be using.<br />

"What is it that can't wait until we finish this?" he asked, glancing at his watch.<br />

"Do you like my outfit?" she countered.<br />

"Do I li— … lady, what the hell's that got to do with the price of eggs or the number of<br />

licensed hookers in Amsterdam? Why the hell would you ask me a question like that?"<br />

"I wore this today because I knew I'd get a chance to visit with you," was her reply. "I'd<br />

hoped for a bit more time, but—"<br />

"Huh? 'But', my ass! Why would you want more time? For what purpose?"<br />

"I'm … I'm, um … I'm interested in you."<br />

"For what? I haven't committed any damned crime. These dingbat bastards now have it in<br />

mind some character I created years ago is someone they want, so they kidnap the girl I … that<br />

is, someone important to me … and you want to talk about it? In private like this? Why?"<br />

"As I just mentioned," Olivia said in explanation, her face reddening measurably, "I'm a<br />

great deal interested in you. As a man, not as a suspect or a witness, but I didn't—"<br />

"Oh, man, did you ever blow this one all to hell and gone," Bill snapped as he fumbled to<br />

get a cigarette lit. He thumbed in the general direction of the others. "No smoking in Donnie's<br />

ride, so I'll do it here." Towering over her at six-two as opposed to her five-six, he added, "Must<br />

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be something in the ozone 'cause I'm not even wearing any cologne." He coughed once, gently,<br />

using the moment to peer into the woman's eyes. "I don't understand why the hell you'd make a<br />

joke at a time like this, but it's not all that funny. So, what do you really want?"<br />

Looking up at him, Olivia's hazel eyes moistened a little. "<strong>My</strong> reason was as I just said.<br />

I'd like to see you … personally … but there just hasn't been an opportune moment so far and I<br />

didn't want to let the chance get away."<br />

"Are you shitting me?" he asked, agog. "How could you … shit, why would you … you<br />

know what? It doesn't matter." He took a drag and expelled it heartily. "This isn't a joke?"<br />

"Not by any means," she attested, shaking her head. "However, it seems you're not in the<br />

least bit interested, so I'll simply apologize and we'll be on our—"<br />

"Look, this is possibly the craziest thing I've ever run across … you even making this, uh,<br />

suggestion … and I'll admit I'm flattered. I'll add, in pretty much any other case, I'd also be very<br />

much interested in pursuing the idea … but, it's not the case here. Not here, not now."<br />

"I see," she said self-defensively. "You've just barely met the woman and you've fallen in<br />

love with her. A question of timing, it would seem."<br />

Bill looked down at her, studying her face, then shook his head almost unnoticeably. "No,<br />

I wouldn't say that. Not that way, anyhow." He took another drag, eyeing her intently. "Who the<br />

hell knows what that silly-ass word even means anymore? You're right in that I've just 'met her,'<br />

and the word you used would be one helluva leap. I'm purportedly a wordsmith and I doubt I can<br />

tell you accurately what it is in the light of reality. I can only say this much. Just seeing her put<br />

everything else in off a different perspective for me. It all dropped like a freaking stone to some<br />

other level and she happened to be the only thing remaining that counted. Hell, for all I know, if<br />

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we … I mean when we get her out of this mess … she may very well tell me to go piss up a rope.<br />

<strong>At</strong> which time," he said with a sigh, "I'll go get ten or twenty feet of good hemp product and get<br />

started sopping it from the bottom to the top."<br />

"That, I can assure you, will not happen," she advised. "Not from what I've heard."<br />

"I hope you're right," he said almost prayerfully. "In any event, I'm not the guy for you or,<br />

the way I read it, for anyone else now that I've met Adele." One more long drag, then he began to<br />

twist the cigarette between his fingers, making the hot ash fall to the driveway. "Some things just<br />

happen to us and we can't avoid or deflect them in any way. Can't change 'em, either."<br />

"I apologize for bothering you," she told him, slowly turning away.<br />

"That's not the right way to say it," Bill explained. "You didn't 'bother me' and, as I just<br />

told you, I'm flattered. However, with Adele, it's as if I just found the other piece of myself that<br />

was inadvertently knocked off some long time ago and I need to get it back. If more comes of it,<br />

I'll be elated. If not, I'll deal with it. For now, however, we have a rescue to take care of, so let's<br />

get a move on, huh?"<br />

"What will you tell the others?" she asked. "About our … conversation?"<br />

"I'm a professional liar," he explained with a momentary grin that departed as fast as he<br />

flashed it her way. "I'll think of something." Hands now loose at his sides, stuffing the rest of the<br />

cigarette in the side pocket of his jogging suit top, he turned and headed back toward the group.<br />

Angela questioned, "What was that all about?"<br />

Bill grinned again. "Something to do with genealogy," he replied. "Seems our ancestors<br />

may've dropped to the ground from the same copse of trees."<br />

"In other words, you're not saying?"<br />

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He looked back at her, smiled once and said, "<strong>CC</strong> was right. You just don't miss a trick."<br />

He then headed for Donnie's truck.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Tuesday, December 23 rd , 2008 … 10:33 a.m.<br />

As he clambered into Donnie's truck Bill said with a halfhearted attempt at a grin, "I hope<br />

we'll be outside at this coffee place. I'm gonna need another cigarette to deal with the pressure."<br />

"You can smoke in here if you wish," Donnie conceded as he backed up, turned around<br />

and headed for the road. Bill's throaty Dodge Viper fired up, rumbling ominously as <strong>CC</strong> made<br />

the same K-turn and idled along in his wake. The thundering herd of 600 horsepower under the<br />

Viper's hood sounded anxious to get things moving. The other pickup fell in line behind <strong>CC</strong>, a<br />

small convoy off on a high-tech foray into enemy territory.<br />

"Wouldn't do that to you," Bill said with a dismissive shrug. "I'm not that addicted." He<br />

grinned feebly. "Not yet, at least. So, what's the schematic?"<br />

The ground giving brought a rare brief smile to Donnie's face. "<strong>My</strong> lady, <strong>CC</strong>, smokes in<br />

here, so it's not virgin territory. We compromise in many ways." His hand went to the window<br />

controls on his door, dropping Bill's window six inches. "Go ahead, light one up. We need you at<br />

the top of your game for what we'll be doing."<br />

With a grateful look and asking "You sure?" as he dug it out from the side pocket of his<br />

jogging suit, Bill did as suggested. He followed with, "You called her 'my lady'. I've only heard<br />

Shriners use that term. You aren't one of them, are you?"<br />

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Keeping an eye on the traffic as he entered I-5 south, Donnie explained, "No, nothing like<br />

that. It's a term of respect I prefer when mentioning her. She's the finest, most important person I<br />

have ever encountered and, of course, a complete lady in every respect. It's but an expression of<br />

how much I care for her." His eyes again swept the road and his three mirrors, remaining alert to<br />

potentially fatal surprises based on the incompetence of so many drivers.<br />

Bill's face brightened. "You know something? I think that's it." He took a drag, looking<br />

out the front windshield, savoring the idea a moment. "Yes, I think that's the distingue to Adele<br />

that cuts her out of the herd." Expelling the smoke out his open window, he added, "I see her as a<br />

deeply valued friend and, at the same time, as a real lady. I don't mean to imply she's priggish or<br />

anything like that … not a snob or a bluenose … but the woman has such an overwhelming air of<br />

class. She's down-to-earth in so many ways, but I don't see many occasions she couldn't rise to<br />

and handle them well. Thanks for the idea. I'm stealing it."<br />

"You're welcome to it," Donnie said, again smiling briefly. "I have no patent on it." He<br />

changed lanes, checking his mirrors again. "She's right behind us, perhaps fifty yards, handling<br />

your car most proficiently." One more sweep of the instrument panel. "I asked you about seeing<br />

The Godfather movies. In Part II Vito had been shot. He was mortally wounded but they knew<br />

he would survive. A crooked police commissioner was in on the plot to have him killed and the<br />

family knew it. Therefore, they had to kill that commissioner."<br />

"I remember that scene well," Bill said with a nod. "They arranged a dinner at a place the<br />

commissioner always used, but the Mafia people had an 'in' with the owners. As I recall, they hid<br />

a gun in the toilet tank. Sonny insisted, 'I don't want my kid brother to come out of that restroom<br />

with only his dick in his hand', and he was assured that wouldn't happen."<br />

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Donnie opened the glovebox with a gloved hand and removed a shiny Colt .32 caliber<br />

semiautomatic with a white handle. He checked to be sure the safety was on and handed it to Bill<br />

butt first, the barrel pointed at the floor. "Put this in your waistband." With his eyes back on the<br />

road Donnie added, "You will be searched. There's no question. We want them to find this."<br />

"That doesn't make any sense."<br />

"Sure it does. They'll believe they've outsmarted you. However, as you'd look over the<br />

patio if emerging from the coffee shop, there will be an attractive young woman with long black<br />

hair at the third table on your right. You will go into the store, get a drink, then come back out.<br />

She will rise and leave when you appear, so you'll take the chair she was using."<br />

After clearing his throat, Donnie told Bill, "There will be a 9mm in a clip taped under the<br />

table, perhaps a foot from the edge. The kidnappers may search you when you arrive, or tell you<br />

to stand and do it there at the table. Feel free to be grumpy and surly, ad libbing as you do, but let<br />

them take this Colt. Then, when you're seated again, you'll have access to a weapon in seconds. It<br />

will have the butt end on your right, the top of the weapon on your left. Only use it if you must,<br />

but I do not want you unarmed."<br />

"I won't hesitate to use it if necessary."<br />

"That much is unquestioned. Your position when you speak with whomever meets you<br />

… I suspect it will be the man in charge, the one on the phone … is you will discuss nothing of<br />

this character you created until Adele is seated with you at the table. You will accept no other<br />

conditions. She must be present or you are to threaten to leave."<br />

"What if he calls my bluff, so to speak?" Bill wondered aloud. "He's already tried once or<br />

twice to stand on his back legs with me. What do I do if that happens?"<br />

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"Tell him to raise his drink or, if he doesn't have one, push yours across the table and tell<br />

him to raise that one face high."<br />

"Okay, why?" Bill leaned closer, obviously curious.<br />

"We will have a sniper approximately 100 yards away on a rooftop with a silenced .223<br />

caliber rifle. <strong>At</strong> that distance, he'll be able to cut the straw in two pieces without a sound."<br />

Bill nodded appreciatively. "So far, I like it a lot. So, then what?"<br />

"You'll tell him whatever you wish about the Hondo Wilkerson character … I suggest the<br />

truth, but feel free to play it by ear … when she is at your side. With your lady in your presence,<br />

safe and secure, you will depart, reminding the man the same thing that happened to that drink<br />

can, and will, happen to him if you meet any interference."<br />

"More and more," Bill said with a contented smile as he took another drag and expelled it<br />

from the open window, "this is sounding like a plan."<br />

###<br />

True to his word, Donnie had a place for us about a block from the location they'd use to<br />

meet the kidnapper. It was a small rental office, vacant except for a dusty old metal desk and four<br />

worn business chairs that had seen better days but appeared sturdy, in any event. The windows<br />

were all dirty and a bit smudged, but they opened immediately when Donnie's associate pushed<br />

them apart.<br />

We arranged the chairs in a semicircle with a laptop computer on the desk, the screen in<br />

our direction. It showed the patio area of the coffee shop with seven tables out front placed in an<br />

irregular order. Three were occupied, one nearest the sidewalk by a very fat Samoan guy not too<br />

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much older than twenty and a girl in her mid teens, also Samoan, with long, sheeny black hair.<br />

She was relatively thin and seemed happy, but not very attractive.<br />

An older woman, easily in her 70s, sat at a table nearest the window to the store on the<br />

right of the door. The main door to the shop was on the far left side as a customer approached the<br />

building. To the right of the door if exiting the store, on the edge of the patio, was a table with a<br />

pretty brunette, her hair almost raven black. She had a big drink of some kind in front of her, an<br />

ashtray off to her left, and no napkins or other accessories. She was looking out onto the ocean.<br />

Prepped and ready for the show, pleased to find an old Pepsi can we could both use as an<br />

ashtray, Angela and I lit up while Olivia scowled. Thinking again at the last minute it would be a<br />

great time for some popcorn, I tapped my ashes in the can on my right, on the floor between my<br />

buddy Angela and me, and scanned the screen.<br />

###<br />

As we'd planned, Bill was on time. Donnie stopped perhaps half a mile from the location<br />

and Bill got into the Viper while I scurried to the truck. His buddy soon pulled in behind us and<br />

Donnie took off right away, dropping us off where they had the second floor office awaiting us. I<br />

got a very quick kiss, then hopped out. Donnie was already moving when I shut the passenger<br />

door of his truck.<br />

We got in position around the screen while, I assumed, Bill parked that danged car I had<br />

no doubt could go faster than the bleeping speed of sound. Zowie! That is one powerful auto, I<br />

tell you! I laid a patch about four times before I got used to it. That thing is scary fast.<br />

Bill walked into camera range, looked all around, hooked his sunglasses in the open vee<br />

of his jogging suit top and went inside. He was back in about three minutes. As he stepped out<br />

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the door the pretty girl with the raven hair stood, walked to the trash can, dropped her drink in it<br />

and walked away, never looking back.<br />

Following one more scan of the area around him, Bill shrugged, meandered to the table<br />

she'd been using, and took the same chair. He placed the drink in front of him on the table, lit a<br />

cigarette, crossed his legs cowboy fashion and began to wait. He didn't look at all nervous, tense<br />

or edgy.<br />

That part was up to us. Angela, Olivia and me. We did a fine job of it.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Tuesday, December 23 rd , 2008 … 10:44 a.m.<br />

We watched the camera shot intently, the images very vivid and the sound effects making<br />

me feel we were all at a table there on the corner of the store, right behind and to the left of the<br />

place Bill was sitting. In the next few minutes a dozen people walked past in both directions on a<br />

sidewalk not more than twenty feet from the store. A young mother with a tandem baby carriage,<br />

a child about a year old in each seat. Two young black guys in long shorts and sleeveless Lakers'<br />

jerseys. A businessman on a cell phone with an earpiece. An enormously overweight woman in<br />

her 40s munching something from a candy store down the block. Two elderly women in jogging<br />

suits who walked more fitly and comfortably than people half their ages. A teen couple, the girl<br />

taller by two inches, the boy a serious acne victim.<br />

Even a homeless guy, stopping to search the trash cans while flashing looks in any and all<br />

directions to be sure a cop didn't see him. They get ticketed for "disturbing the public trash". I've<br />

thrown out every danged case like that to appear before me.<br />

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Finally, around fifteen minutes after the appointed time, a man I'd estimate was in his late<br />

50s approached, stepping off the sidewalk and traveling at what I sensed was a forced slow pace,<br />

not his normal gait. Not quite six feet, it was hard to tell too much more about him. He wore a<br />

heavy medium brown corduroy three-quarter length coat, dark brown nondescript pants, glasses<br />

with large frames I sensed were fake clear lenses, a black stocking cap, work boots and a rather<br />

bushy grayish beard. The entire outfit seemed to scream, I look nothing like this, and the little of<br />

his expression I could derive said he was by no means feeling convivial.<br />

He arrived at Bill's table, stopped and stared.<br />

"You have information I want," he said as a beginning remark.<br />

"You only think so," Bill responded, "but you aren't going to hear a damned thing on the<br />

topic until you pay up, in advance. I've already stated my conditions."<br />

"That remains to be seen," said the visitor, glancing off to both sides behind Bill, then<br />

pulling out the chair across from him. There were four chairs surrounding the table, leaving an<br />

empty seat between them on Bill's left and right.<br />

"You know my name," Bill told him, sitting erect and affixing the man with a stare that<br />

emphasized his now much more than light blue eyes. They'd become a whitish pale blue, a coat<br />

of azure coloring over a polar underground. They were a background of non-emotion. A sign no<br />

mercy existed in that realm. "What do I call you?"<br />

"Try 'Sir'," was the reply from a face flattened of all emotion.<br />

"Okay, 'Slick' it shall be, although you aren't at all slick in any way I can see."<br />

"Stand," the man said, gesturing with the double flip of his left index finger.<br />

"Why?" No movement, the stare ongoing.<br />

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"So he can search you," came the answer. "Slick" glanced to Bill's right.<br />

Bill looked up over his right shoulder to see a man he'd never encountered. Late 20s, in a<br />

t-shirt, with a vee neck black sweater and denim pants. <strong>Me</strong>dium height and weight, brown hair<br />

and eyes, face void of expression, the man looked at Bill wordlessly and awaited.<br />

"You steal something from me, you ineptly set up a meeting, mishandle practically every<br />

fucking step of the process, and you don't trust me?" He turned his face slightly to the right and<br />

spat on the ground. "You suck donkey dick, you know that?" Scowling, Bill stood and held his<br />

arms out at an angle. "Search away, asshole."<br />

Fifteen seconds later, having extracted the Colt and grunting a sound Bill assumed was a<br />

word in a foreign language, the stranger departed. The visitor said, "I had good reason. You were<br />

armed. That wasn't part of what we agreed upon."<br />

"Are you telling me you're not armed?" inquired Bill, his eyes riveted on the man again.<br />

"I make no comment in that regard." Slick leaned forward, no more than an inch. "I want<br />

to know everything you know about this purported 'Hondo Wilkerson' in your novel."<br />

"Selective hearing loss, huh?" Bill argued with redoubtable intensity. "Slick, you ain't<br />

gonna hear squat-diddly until you pay up. I'm rapidly growing weary of all the bullshit and I am<br />

again warning you you're walking on some very thin ice. You get that woman to this table, now,<br />

unharmed, or this will degenerate to be a situation no one's gonna like, and you may very well<br />

not survive it. In short, asshole, I'm now all done fucking around with you. Pay up or things're<br />

gonna get ugly."<br />

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McLain, the visitor in disguise, wrinkled his mouth, pursing his lips in a tight circle, the<br />

bundle making a circular loop two times. Finally he said, "Unacceptable" and shoved back his<br />

chair by affixing his feet on the concrete and straightening his legs.<br />

Leaning forward at the same time, left hand lying flat on the table with a cigarette in the<br />

first two fingers, right hand shoved beneath the table, Bill said coldly, "Don't move, Slick. I am<br />

not fucking around with you. Not one damned bit."<br />

"I don't see you having any options," was the reply.<br />

Using his thumb, Bill cocked the hammer of the 9mm located exactly where he was told<br />

it would be positioned. "You'll piss from a tube the rest of your life if you survive this round I'll<br />

put in your crotch. Now, do as I told you and sit the fuck down."<br />

The next sixty seconds were devoted to a silent stare down.<br />

McLain raised his left hand slowly, clenched it into a fist, unclenched it for two beats and<br />

tightened it once more before lowering it to the table to rest in place. The battle of the fixed eyes<br />

continued unabated another sixty plus seconds until Bill heard the scuffle of shoes off to his right<br />

on the sidewalk. He glanced that way and saw Adele was approaching, her face set, mouth fixed<br />

while it struggled to contain what he was sure had to be a smile of some sort.<br />

As she drew closer, hope flickering brighter and brighter in cocoa brown eyes begging to<br />

face no disappointment, Bill detected a bruise on her jaw. He rose to his feet, slowly moving the<br />

9mm to slide it into the front of his jogging pants inside the top with an extended vee because the<br />

zipper was down so far. "If I don't like what I hear, you'll be a dead man. Her story will decide if<br />

you leave this place on two feet or in a body bag."<br />

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She reached the table, Bill moving quickly to his right and positioning the woman on his<br />

left where he loosely draped his left arm around her neck, resting it easily on her shoulders. "The<br />

world is getting brighter," he said huskily. "What happened to your face, pretty girl? Tell me the<br />

truth. Someone's life rests on your answer."<br />

Adele gulped, then took a deep breath before she answered. Her words began in a quiver<br />

and took on strength as she spoke, her eyes anchored to Bill's still icy blue orbs flickering from<br />

her to the man across the table and back. "I tried to get away. I ran into a tree in the dark, but I<br />

got up and ran some more. Then one of the guards … honest, they were like those weirdos in the<br />

low rent movies … jumped out of the bushes and kicked me in the head." She gulped, sighed one<br />

more time, then apparently decided she'd said enough for the moment.<br />

Bill now glared at the man seated across from him. "That was the last mistake you'll ever<br />

make around me or mine. Don't make me tell you again." He eased forward, thighs brushing the<br />

side of the round table, then used his left foot to slide the chair back on that side. "You sit here,<br />

baby, but don't scrunch in with your legs under the table." Lowering himself again to his seat a<br />

beat behind Adele sitting in hers, he added, "I may need to put a bullet in this bastard's crotch<br />

and I want a clear target." The 9mm went back under the table, the gesture made obvious.<br />

Again in position, Adele safely to the side, Bill said with a now controlled rage, "Listen<br />

up close here, Slick, because I don't enjoy repeating myself. The character known as 'Hondo<br />

Wilkerson' is one I created all those years ago for the novel Stranded. It originated in my truly<br />

demented mind and expanded as his role grew in the story. He's not a real person and, the last I<br />

knew of him, was headed for a hero's welcome in Samoa with a pretty young Samoan girl named<br />

Jasmin. That's it, dude. End of story. I made the man up out of thin air."<br />

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"I don't believe you."<br />

"Life's a bitch, then you die. Deal with it."<br />

"You are going to tell me, one way or another. Make it easy on yourself," McLain said in<br />

an unmistakable order as he sought to regain control of the moment, the situation at hand. It was<br />

the first flicker of emotion to cross his face other than the lip movements of moments earlier and<br />

it told Bill the battle was his to win or lose. He did not attack the opportunity halfheartedly.<br />

"That man was a work of fiction. A damned good character, yes. I'll grant you that much.<br />

He was a surprise wrinkle in the story and I brought some characters together unexpectedly in<br />

ways you'd've never seen coming. That's because I'm one damned good writer, and you're gonna<br />

have to accept that point. There's no more to the story. That's it, Slick. Fini."<br />

"I don't believe you."<br />

Bill sighed, not tiredly this time, but with a rising sense of realization the discussion was<br />

on a high speed route to getting nowhere in a devilish hurry. "Your ignorance and incapability<br />

are not my responsibility." His left hand clasped Adele's. "Girl, we're leaving now. Get up."<br />

"Not until I say you are," McLain directed, glaring in order to dominate the other man.<br />

Waiting until he was erect, releasing his grip on Adele, Bill said in a soft but stern tone as<br />

he slid his drink across the table, "Pick up my drink."<br />

"No. I don't intend to do that, and you are not leaving until I say you can. Sit down."<br />

"I told you, Slick, I'm all done fucking around with you." He raised the drink with his left<br />

hand and tapped the middle of the paper cup with the tip of his right index finger. "Can you see<br />

what it says on the cup, Slick?"<br />

"Yes, of course, but that has nothing to do with—"<br />

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The cup exploded in McLain's face, showering it with liquid. Bill released his grip as the<br />

bullet pulverized the container. He then rather patiently explained, "If you want to discuss this<br />

any further … as a gentleman … call me. If you ever play any more fucking games like this with<br />

me, mister, I'll kill you."<br />

He drew Adele closer to him with a gentle pressure, kissed her on the forehead and said,<br />

"C'mon, pretty girl. We're outa here." Backing up slowly, easing her around so he was between<br />

her and the gawking man seated at the table with a soaked face, Bill muttered, "Quickly and with<br />

no fuss, let's get our asses in the wind."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Tuesday, December 23 rd , 2008 … 11:36 a.m.<br />

When Bill and Adele exited the scene the man Donnie had showing us the video, a tall<br />

Luiseño named Domingo, hurriedly bustled us all back out to his truck, beginning a conversation<br />

on his cell with Donnie as he followed us down the stairs to the street. He didn't bother to lock<br />

up, so I made the guess Donnie had others involved who would clean up the room and remove<br />

anything to say we'd even been there. Domingo explained as we jumped into his pickup, a four-<br />

door crew cab with comfy back seats, there'd been three cameras at the location which gave us an<br />

ever changing view. To be honest, I'd been so caught up in the moment, in the event unfolding, I<br />

hadn't paid a whole lot of attention to those details. Thinking back, it was so much like watching<br />

a real movie in a theater, I didn't catch the changed angles as I saw it all unfold.<br />

We all reunited about six blocks away, but only for a few seconds. It was immediately<br />

made clear to anyone and everyone this operation was still 100% Donnie's and under his total<br />

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control. The tone of his voice and cast of his dark brown eyes explained without any doubt there<br />

was no room for discussion and he wouldn't entertain any questions. Donnie put Bill and Adele<br />

in the back seat of his truck, waved once and a Luiseño appeared to drive Bill's hotrod, then my<br />

guy rearranged the ridership. While Bill and Adele were placed in the back seat of Donnie's truck<br />

for the trip, Angela and Olivia were told to remain in Domingo's.<br />

The sole deviation was Angela moving to ride up front with Domingo, frustrated and a bit<br />

annoyed she'd have to wait to ask questions and get information. Olivia, on the other hand, was<br />

in a silent snit, casting snarky looks at pretty much everyone, with some green-eyed digs shot at<br />

Adele with near glaring intensity. I saw it, as did everyone else, and I noticed just those looks put<br />

a brief scowl on Donnie's face. That made my decision. I wouldn't say anything to her about it,<br />

but I knew beyond any doubt Donnie would. He's never a bossy taskmaster, but he doesn't easily<br />

put up with dissension or argument. When he's not running an operation, he's 100% compliant<br />

with whomever is in charge. When he's that man in charge, he not only expects rigid obedience,<br />

he demands it.<br />

We emerged in a caravan of sorts with Domingo's truck leading the way, us in the middle<br />

and the man driving Bill's car in the rear. Another Luiseño, never saying a word, hopped into the<br />

second seat of Bill's car, telling me they were both armed and along to protect our flank under<br />

my guy's competent direction. Along the way Adele told us her part of the story. How those apes<br />

pounced on her as she exited the potty and swooped her away without a word. She'd been kept a<br />

prisoner in a cabin she believed was in Julian, up in the mountains past Ramona, last civilization<br />

before being dumped into the desert where Borrego Springs was the next place to be found.<br />

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I noticed fondly there wouldn't've been room to slip a piece of paper in between the two<br />

as they sat in the back seat, Bill on my side with Adele his second coat of skin, his big arm held<br />

across her shoulders. Bill kept his other hand on the 9mm in his belt when he wasn't smoking and<br />

sending the used stuff out the window he had cracked about four inches, same as mine up front.<br />

He frowned angrily when she explained about that yucca plant who kicked her in the head and<br />

she was knocked unconscious. It planted the seed in my mind about Bill. While he seemed to be<br />

a relatively good-natured guy and would prefer being happy with others, I decided it wouldn't be<br />

a "top of the list" idea to seriously piss the man off.<br />

He's definitely the kind of guy who'll do something about it and there's no reason to feel<br />

whatever he did would be pleasant for anyone involved.<br />

Things changed a bit, of course, when we arrived at the house. Donnie's guys took up<br />

their stations, making no attempt to conceal what they were doing or the fact they were armed.<br />

Angela calmed down a bit when we then took up our places there in the large living area on the<br />

second floor because she was getting answers to questions that'd been driving her cuckoo all the<br />

way back here. Olivia trotted out a more up-close snarky expression and gave off the impression<br />

she'd gotten filmed evidence proving Adele had stolen her family's silver collection.<br />

Donnie rose, stepped over to stand behind Olivia, leaned and whispered something in her<br />

ear. Her eyes enlarged. Her neck swiveled. She began a glare at him but, when her eyes met his,<br />

she changed the look on her face. Sat in thought a second or two, then nodded. Whatever Donnie<br />

said to her convinced the woman she would only be allowed to be present while she maintained<br />

his permission, and that would change very quickly if her attitude remained as it had been.<br />

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<strong>My</strong> guy can be a man of long and impactive messages while containing himself to but a<br />

very few words. Along with facial expressions and the power behind those dark eyes, he can get<br />

a thought across so it's unmistakably understood by all. He'd just worked his magic on Olivia,<br />

who now sat and pouted very quietly, eyes mostly on her lap, no longer scanning the room with a<br />

scathing expression.<br />

About the time Angela was getting up to speed, our ballistic doorbell went off, followed<br />

in twenty seconds by the electric one installed with a button outside. Brittany made it clear we<br />

were being invaded, promised to kill at least her share, and invited any other brave souls present<br />

to join her in repelling the onslaught before it fully began. With Adrianne already bussed away to<br />

the "gifted kids" school, our second oldest baby, Candy, took over the duty of collecting her and<br />

preventing the promised attack. Still, we all knew it was mostly false effrontery. Brittany will<br />

bite only when someone tries to harm her family, at which point she can be a bit vicious.<br />

The callers were unexpected, but not unwelcome. The man was a guy named Royal<br />

Rankin, an SDPD uniformed officer who'd recently become connected with our family in an odd<br />

but memorable and endearing manner. Not that long ago a maniac kidnapped Adrianne to get at<br />

me and she was placed in jeopardy to the point we might've lost her. Royal was the cop on-duty<br />

who found her bus, abandoned and set to go up in flames, then played a major role in helping us<br />

get her back. He's a very good looking guy, not quite thirty, who's taken on the maturity as an<br />

SDPD officer to look a few years older than he is, which is helpful in many ways to his newest<br />

station in life.<br />

Royal also played an extremely important role in saving the life of the phenomenally<br />

beautiful woman at his side, a strawberry redhead with the customary freckles and seldom seen<br />

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attractiveness. She has one of those "to die for" bodies, entrancing light blue eyes that draw all<br />

who see her closer and closer by instinct. In a way it's beneficial she also doesn't look her age. If<br />

the average person would make a guess he or she would peg Siobhan O'Grady's age around forty<br />

or so as they admired her stunning physical appearance.<br />

I'm not among those likely to mistake her age since she's my Mama's half sister, older by<br />

seven years, making her sixty years of age. I'd made it my near lifelong practice to avoid her at<br />

all costs because, until only a few months ago, I loathed the woman with a passion. Her history<br />

since her teens had been to lure men to her bed, all the while feigning her undying love. All the<br />

men she drew to her had a few things in common. They were well off or wealthy, certain to be<br />

her elder, and married to someone else. Aunt Siobhan would intentionally cause the man to fall<br />

in love with her, then connive until she got him to tell his wife he was leaving her for another<br />

woman. Satisfied then at the havoc she'd created, my Aunt Siobhan would drop the man like a<br />

hot potato and go in search of her next victim. She's a relatively well established actress, too.<br />

In a startling turn of events wherein she was nearly murdered more than once by failed<br />

efforts of a maniac and his evidently equally deranged mother, Mama and I learned the reason<br />

behind her sordid history. She'd been molested by her Daddy, my Mama's natural paternal dad,<br />

and did all those evil things in a confused way of getting even. When she realized what she'd<br />

done all those years, she begged Mama's and my forgiveness. In a very touching and sensitive<br />

time none of us ever expected, she got it.<br />

Royal Rankin saved her life when that loopy woman tried to kill her and take the rest of<br />

us with her, and she saved his by shooting the woman to death as she attempted yet another kill.<br />

As an unexpected consequence, while serving as her police bodyguard-protector for a short term<br />

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in which she was deemed in danger, Royal fell hopelessly in love with my aunt. Then, unable to<br />

prevent the reaction, she followed suit … for all the right reasons.<br />

To their chagrin, she's 33 years older than the man she loves. She appears to be only a<br />

few years his senior and they're working on it. I suppose they honestly are one of the couples<br />

who could dismiss questions about themselves by saying "It's complicated" and be right on the<br />

money. As it is, they're taking things one day at a time and letting "their thing" go wherever it's<br />

meant to go. They both have all our very best wishes in that regard and I consider each to be a<br />

part of my growing family.<br />

Because Royal is a cop and enjoys the reputation of a rising star in the department, no<br />

objection was made by Angela or Donnie over involving him in the discussion. There was a<br />

good chance he could add to it, so Royal was seen as a resource. Olivia, of course, wasn't even<br />

consulted. I drew the impression that sort of pissed her off but, after she received a brief look<br />

from Donnie, she managed to completely contain her reactions, whatever they might be.<br />

What happened next was a totally unexpected event, one I'd've never seen coming.<br />

<strong>My</strong> Aunt Siobhan sat next to Royal on the other couch, the one across from where I use<br />

the part at the far end with leg lifts. She held his elbow on her thigh and occasionally looked at<br />

the rest of us between the times devoted to watching the man she loved. Because she wasn't law<br />

enforcement in any way, she was only a witness, not a participant. For a time, that is.<br />

Since Royal joined the conversation late, in order to take advantage of his input and any<br />

ideas he may have, they recovered some ground we'd already gone over. Obviously, it included<br />

the reason Adele was kidnapped, although no one went into any depth about the connection Bill<br />

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and Adele were putting together. That was left unsaid, remaining decipherable only to those who<br />

could see and hear. <strong>Me</strong>aning anyone on scene not completely retarded.<br />

Aunt Siobhan still sat mute, listening only, until the explanation of how Bill was made to<br />

be involved came about. The similar names of Hondo Wilkerson and Hondell Wilkins were then<br />

made a part of the conversation and immediately captured my Aunt Siobhan's attention. She now<br />

hung on every word, listening intently, then began blushing rather furiously. Almost with tears in<br />

her eyes, she whispered something in Royal's ear, gathering his attention completely.<br />

The soundless interruption was unavoidable by anyone, so we all stopped talking and<br />

waited as they whispered to each other. Finally, Royal kissed her forehead, nodded and told us in<br />

a somber tone of voice, "Siobhan has something she feels she should add. I agree with her."<br />

Given the floor in silent mutual assent, she looked up at him and vowed, "Royal, I am so<br />

very sorry I need to say this. I don't want to embarrass—"<br />

"Think nothing of the kind, Princess," he cut in. "Yesterday is gone, so to hell with it. If<br />

what you know can effect this investigation, you'd be way the hell out of line if you said nothing<br />

at a time like this. Go ahead, baby, tell 'em."<br />

Siobhan scanned the room, her main focus on Donnie and Angela, then spoke.<br />

"This man, Hondell Wilkins, is in his late 60s, am I correct?"<br />

With everyone pertly watching her face, Angela said, "Yes. We think he's 67 now."<br />

"Tall, heavy, a scientist and inventor? He later had a … gee, what the heck would you<br />

call it, anyway, a love affair? … with a Russian woman they felt was a spy of some kind, right?"<br />

"I'm not sure I like where I think this is going," muttered Angela.<br />

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Aunt Siobhan again blushed badly. "He was one of the men I, um, seduced when I was<br />

just getting started in all those bad things I did for so many years. I ruined his marriage, just as I<br />

did for so many others." A tear of obvious shame trickled down her left cheek.<br />

Royal tightened his grip around her and sat quietly emanating strength on her behalf.<br />

"I suppose that's good to know," admitted Angela, "but not really germane to anything in<br />

this case unless you think you have any info to add on the guy … like how we might find him."<br />

"<strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> me! I might, somehow, be able to do that," said Aunt Siobhan a bit reluctantly.<br />

"I'm uncomfortable at the idea, but I might be able to help out."<br />

"How, pray tell?" shot from Angela's mouth.<br />

"He still sends me a Christmas card every year and a note or something bringing me up to<br />

speed on his life. Always says he misses me and still, um …" She glanced up embarrassedly now<br />

at Royal. "He still loves me." She cleared her throat. "He sends me pictures at times, including<br />

the two women he now has living with him. Youngsters, actually. He calls them his 'bimbinis', a<br />

pair of girls in their late 20s or very early 30s named Sharla and Cutterby." She sighed. "He says<br />

he'd be happy to leave them if he thought he'd be able to get me back." Another sigh. "That's not<br />

much, I guess, but I thought I should at least say something. I'm done interrupting you now."<br />

Angela spoke for us all when she mumbled, "Holy shit!"<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Tuesday, December 23 rd , 2008 … 11:55 a.m.<br />

Aunt Siobhan's bombshell turned the conversation in an altogether different direction,<br />

with everyone wanting to throw in an idea or twelve, each of us certain he or she knew what was<br />

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the wisest thing to do. After allowing us a couple moments to prattle on aimlessly, even Angela<br />

inputting ideas, Donnie stood and ignited his eyes.<br />

That's really the only way I can say it.<br />

I really don't brag on my guy just because I love him, although I suppose that's a great<br />

reason all on its own. Still, have you ever known anyone who could "yell" with his eyes?<br />

He came fully erect, an even six feet supporting 180 pounds of muscle with a possible 3.2<br />

ounces of fat, and turned on those eyes. I swear by all that's holy, even those not looking in his<br />

direction shut up immediately. It was as if they could all hear him looking at the backs of their<br />

heads or something. A silence fell upon the large room we were in. Donnie allowed it to linger a<br />

few seconds, then swept the area with his hand, indicating the places we'd all been seated before.<br />

His words were normal conversational volume, but not a soul wanted to interrupt the man.<br />

"We will discuss what to do in a calm and ordered manner," he explained.<br />

As we all took our seats, Olivia rose to her feet again. "Where is the ladies room?"<br />

<strong>My</strong> hand was coming up to point when Candy evidently popped right straight out of the<br />

freakin' woodwork. She can be a silent little devil, our second oldest baby can. "I'll show 'er fer<br />

ya, Mama. Ya don't gotta interrupt nothin'. I'm on it." She grinned, spun in place with a cascade<br />

of platinum hair whirling like a water skier's wake on a tight left turn, and told Olivia, "Follow<br />

me, ma'am. I'll show ya how t' find it." Long athletic strides had our baby out of the room and<br />

into the hallway as if she'd slid on an oiled floor. Very impressive, since the most athletic thing<br />

she ever does is cook us an epicurean meal.<br />

Olivia followed her without looking back.<br />

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Again I sensed the force of Donnie's eyes. When I looked over at him they were boring a<br />

hole in Olivia's back, directly between the shoulder blades. I concluded my guy had a very good<br />

reason and, as soon as he wanted me to know about it, that reason would be disclosed. Until it<br />

was, we had plans to make as a group.<br />

This may sound a little silly in the description, but my guy, Donnie Oldrunner, is always<br />

the man in charge of any of his events. People innately respect it and cooperate. Don't ask me to<br />

explain how or why, it just happens. Not kidding here, we all began raising our hands to get our<br />

ideas into the record. Even Detective Angela Dutton, for Pete's sake, and she's as bossy a cop as<br />

you'll ever run across in your entire bleepin' life. Royal also fell in line, and he's 100% a street<br />

cop.<br />

Donnie listened, asking the occasional question with his eyes again. It's amazing all the<br />

communication he can accomplish without speaking a single word. The expression on his face<br />

told me we were a vestige away from hearing what he'd decided on as our course of action when<br />

a flustered Olivia strode back into the room.<br />

"Dreadfully sorry," she said, already showing us her back as she headed for the door. She<br />

left a puzzled looking Candy standing in the hallway opening, long manicured fingernails busily<br />

scratching the waves of platinum hair. Quite clearly, something was puzzling our second oldest<br />

baby, but there was no time to ask what it might be.<br />

"Olivia, come back here," Donnie ordered. There was a sharp crispness in every word.<br />

"I fear I cannot. Really, I must run," she said impatiently as she strode toward the door.<br />

When I looked back to my left at Donnie, I'm positive my two eyeballs grew easily large<br />

enough to look like beach balls. His right hand darted to the rear of his collar. Even as much as I<br />

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love him and as well as I know my guy, it took me a split second to realize what was happening.<br />

In one fluid motion, as my mind coordinated and I remembered what he carried in a case he lets<br />

rest between his shoulder blades, a gleaming stiletto appeared. As it emerged from his collar it<br />

was also airborne, the follow-through initiated the instant it saw the light of day.<br />

The handle was very small and light, meant to do nothing more than give the man who<br />

hurled it a purchase so he could direct its flight. Eight inches of steel with two inches of handle,<br />

it was a throwing knife. Not designed for combat or to stab someone, it was balanced and built to<br />

pierce a target 25 feet away or less.<br />

When thrown by Donnie Oldrunner, it always lands exactly where he intends it to land<br />

and does exactly what he wants it to do.<br />

As it did here.<br />

The blade whizzed past Olivia's right biceps, almost precisely between her elbow and her<br />

shoulder. It pierced the wooden door frame, embedding itself a good 2-3 inches, then quivered as<br />

the thud echoed into the room. "I said to come back here," he repeated solemnly as he strode to<br />

where she awaited. The woman was trembling slightly, evidently not as indefatigable as she'd<br />

have the world around her believe. The blade missed her by less than six inches. It must've had<br />

the same sound as a high-speed helicopter when it roared its way past her body.<br />

Donnie arrived at her right side and pointed to her left hand. "Give me that."<br />

"No," she said firmly, sliding what I could then see was a cell phone into the pocket of<br />

her skirt on that side. "I do not report to you, and I … ouch!"<br />

Donnie had taken her left wrist prisoner, his sinewy arm darting across her abdomen with<br />

the blinding speed of an attacking King cobra. "I shall fracture this wrist if you do not give me<br />

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that phone and inform me of whom you called." He scathed her with his cocoa brown eyes. "It<br />

will never heal properly, that I promise you. Consider that my final warning. Give it to me."<br />

In a temporary standoff, clearly wanting to writhe in pain as his powerful hand clutched<br />

her thin wrist, Olivia's eyes dropped to the floor. To everyone's surprise, Donnie held his near<br />

awesome strength in abeyance yet a moment longer. "Whom did you call?" he demanded.<br />

He must've squeezed again because her eyes shot up, enlarged, but she somehow found<br />

the strength to stand her ground a little more, despite what had to be incredible pain. Olivia just<br />

shook her head.<br />

Now Donnie looked up to Angela. "Get a marked unit to Siobhan's address forthwith. <strong>At</strong><br />

least one. Station armed officers around the building so no one can effect entry. Officers must<br />

keep that property secured until one of my people can get to the scene and retrieve the data she<br />

told a henchman to appropriate. Otherwise, her group will find that man and we shall have lost<br />

our sole possible lead. We have only minutes or it will be gone forever."<br />

The look on Angela's face said she'd just found a grizzled dead body and had every good<br />

reason to believe she was related to the deceased. She drew her own cell phone with all the speed<br />

Wyatt Earp ever used pulling a .44 in any gunfight and dialed hastily.<br />

Surprising everyone, me included, Adele rose to her feet and stomped angrily toward the<br />

door, going around Donnie and coming to a halt facing Olivia. "Did you send someone to their<br />

house to get that information I nearly died for? Did you? Well, did you? I demand to know!"<br />

Olivia shrugged. "I had to. There was no other choice."<br />

Almost too rapidly to follow, Adele summoned a mouthful of saliva.<br />

The two women looked at each other as they traded silent messages.<br />

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Seconds afterward, Adele spat from less than a foot away and followed the wetness with<br />

a snarl. "You dirty, rotten bitch!" she wailed as she let fly a roundhouse right. It landed full on<br />

the point of Olivia's chin, coldcocking the woman, who fell like a poleaxed steer to the floor, out<br />

completely.<br />

As she was spread in a pile at his feet, Donnie released Olivia's wrist. She wasn't going<br />

anywhere for a while.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Tuesday, December 23 rd , 2008 … 12:02 p.m.<br />

It's pretty safe to say I was able to whirl in place fast enough to keep anyone from having<br />

a really good look at my face, which I'm sure had a satisfied smirk when I saw the meek, mild,<br />

gentle Adele Nostrum coldcock that nasty bitch. Pardon my bleeping French, but I drew a strong<br />

sense of satisfaction watching her take one that way. I'm not naturally a violent person, and I sure<br />

as heck can't throw a punch myself without jamming my stupid thumb, but Olivia Higginbotham<br />

is simply one of those people who sort of needs a fist in the mouth.<br />

To be completely honest, I was secretly proud of sweet, tender, loving Adele for jacking<br />

that witch's jaw the way she did. What sort of blew me away was seeing Adele somewhat going<br />

into a meltdown after it happened.<br />

I watched that poor woman's face and felt guilty myself as I witnessed all the raw regret<br />

washing over her. The pained expression on her face made me want to step forward quickly and<br />

make my own apology for what happened. Honestly, Adele appeared well beyond horrified and<br />

helpless to undo the damage she seemed to feel she'd caused.<br />

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Thankfully, before I would've been able to do anything, Bill assumed control of the issue<br />

and took the needed immediate remedial steps.<br />

###<br />

Adele gazed down at the unconscious woman at her feet and grew a bit dizzy at what she<br />

saw. Oh, my God! What have I done? Why did I … that is, how could I … um, I mean, for Pete's<br />

sakes, how the heck did I do that? Oh my God!<br />

She felt her body begin to shake a little. A coldness and a tingling in her hands. <strong>My</strong> face<br />

even feels funny. Oh, Lord, help me! I never meant to —<br />

Bill's arms came around her, pulling Adele to his chest. Very softly and gently her face<br />

was pressed against his left shoulder, his hand on the back of her head now stroking the hair as<br />

he muttered into her ear, "Easy, Adele. Take it easy. It's okay. Really. It's okay."<br />

"No," she mumbled, happy to find her lips were slightly smushed up against the material<br />

of his rayon jogging suit, "it's not. What I … what I did was … it was terrible! I shouldn't've … I<br />

mean, darn it all, I had no right to … to … to—"<br />

"The hell you didn't," he broke in, squeezing her against himself even tighter now for a<br />

moment, his hand pressing just a bit stronger against the back of her head. He interrupted the<br />

tender caresses of her locks long enough to brush his lips over the cascade of dark chocolate hair<br />

falling past her left ear. "Actually, you did me one helluva favor."<br />

Sniffling a bit, only now realizing she had tears in her eyes she hadn't noticed because the<br />

trembling had grown so vibrant she couldn't concentrate on anything else, Adele inquired, "How<br />

did I … did I help … help you?" Another sniffle and a handful of tissue came to a stop near her<br />

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nose. Looking to her right in surprise, she saw a misty-eyed <strong>CC</strong> with her arm extended while she<br />

silently mouthed, "Good job!"<br />

Now I really do feel stupid, Adele determined while a feminine giggle erupted even as<br />

she began weeping. I must look like a blooming idiot!<br />

"Because," Bill cooed softly in a tone she wasn't sure anyone else even caught, "I don't<br />

ever hit women and I truly wanted to deck that bitch myself!" He concluded by kissing her ear<br />

again.<br />

"But, I … Bill, I had no right?" It was a statement, yet a question, as well.<br />

"The hell you didn't," he insisted. "You nailed it when you said you damned near died for<br />

the information that bastard has and she was going to send one of her lowlifes to scarf up the one<br />

and only shot we have of getting to the guy." He snorted. "Shit, you should've kicked the bitch in<br />

the face when she hit the damned floor."<br />

"Maybe, but I was … I was … darn it all, Bill, it was wrong of me! I hit that woman! I've<br />

got no … no right to … to do anything like that." The weeping increased.<br />

Still pressing her to his chest, Bill changed tacks. "C'mon, I'm getting you out of here. We<br />

need a little privacy."<br />

"I don't think that's a good idea," was Angela's stern suggestion as Bill now steered Adele<br />

toward the foyer closet where her coat would be hanging.<br />

"No, she'll be safe," countered Donnie, gesturing toward two of his troops. "Domingo,<br />

Gregory, go with them, fifty feet in front and behind, weapons at the ready."<br />

With silent nods the two Luiseño warriors strode toward the front door, Gregory in the<br />

lead, Domingo also stepping outside, waiting to take up the rearward guard position.<br />

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Gesturing his appreciation with a half nod of his own, Bill got her coat, zipped his own<br />

jogging suit halfway up but left room to reach the 9mm in his waistband, then ushered her out<br />

the door. Entrusted to the diligent care of their two safe keepers, his left arm draped across her<br />

shoulders, they set out for the beach.<br />

Oh, Good Lord! Now what do I do? she wondered fearfully. What if … what if I have to<br />

… to say it? What if I have to … to tell him? Worse, if I'm forced to say it, how will he react? I<br />

have no idea what I'll do if he … oh, please, God? Help me now? Please?<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Tuesday, December 23 rd , 2008 … 12:07 p.m.<br />

The first twenty or so steps they took, Adele looked at no one. Not Gregory, who was out<br />

in front, hand on a .40 Glock in his waistband, or Domingo, stealthily pacing behind them, both<br />

men's eyes moving a mile per minute to take in any motion or movement in the vicinity. Not at<br />

the tall, platinum-haired writer with the trimmed beard and again icy blue eyes safeguarding her,<br />

his left arm draped on her shoulders. Not even at the ocean spread wide before them.<br />

First she watched the ground pass beneath them as they moseyed to the crest of the hill<br />

and ambled down toward the beach. They were off the snaky sidewalk, perhaps forty feet away<br />

from the three-story modernistic dwelling, in a physical sense. From an emotional perspective,<br />

each was in a remote corner of limbo. Two minds were furiously, frantically searching for the<br />

words to pass a thought to the other. Neither knew it for sure, but both suspected that was the<br />

case at hand.<br />

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Finally, with a sigh of exasperation, a signal of sensory exhaustion that had forced her to<br />

make a decision she did not want to arrive at, Adele expelled the air she hadn't even realized she<br />

was holding in her lungs. Surprised by her inner motivation, then immediately rewarded by how<br />

good it felt, she leaned more to the right, pressing her right shoulder even more firmly against his<br />

body. Pieces of her thoughts fell together in domino fashion and she concluded, If this means I<br />

lose the man, so be it, I guess. I just can't run from it any longer. Can't hide my dumb head in the<br />

blasted sand and pretend what is really isn't. Nope, I can't do that any longer.<br />

Her mouth opened, her intent the words she was compiling would spill out, but nothing at<br />

all was forthcoming. The outer corners of a full, soft mouth unadorned by lipstick or even gloss,<br />

not requiring either to look enticing in most instances, turned downward. Doggone it, Adele, you<br />

are mucking it up even worse, girl! You need to say something, you dumb ninny, not just open<br />

and close your moron mouth like a dying fish! Talk to this man! It's now or never!<br />

<strong>At</strong> that very instant his face descended the nine inches between his six-two height and her<br />

five-five stature to brush easily atop her head. In an explosion of reality, Adele understood it felt<br />

so good she had no other choice. I've got to put it on the line here! The recognition sent a pair of<br />

salty tears zigzagging their way down her slightly angular face, pooling a moment in the small<br />

hollows that often displayed dimples in her smile before they resumed their trek to her jaw.<br />

Again, he saved the day unexpectedly. His arm tightened, left hand comfortably gripping<br />

her biceps, and he said in a quiet voice, "Take your time, girl. Might as well. I am, too." Ending<br />

it with a chuckle bereft of any real humor, he repeated the kiss atop her head.<br />

That same warm gush of emotion flowed in her, but it carried a seasoning this time. An<br />

additive that prompted her, Say it, Adele! Say it now, or forever hold your piece!<br />

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"Bill, I'm … sorry. So very, very sorry." I hate myself for acting so violently went unsaid.<br />

For maybe ten seconds they continued walking in a hollow silence. Then Bill sighed, a<br />

note of resignation and acceptance. "It's okay. I knew it would happen." To fill the moment he<br />

pulled his hard-pack of cigarettes out, inserted one in his mouth, replaced the pack, removed a<br />

lighter and lit it, then stowed that away, as well. He exhaled, a thin gray line rushing away ahead<br />

as it caught a small puff of breeze, moved more at a right angle and dissipated. "That doesn't, by<br />

any part, mean I wanted it … or that I like it even a little … but I knew it would happen."<br />

"That I'd blow it that way? Bill, are you saying you already knew it?"<br />

"Blow what?" He stopped, turned ninety degrees and looked at her.<br />

When they quit moving it triggered what she first thought was a bird call behind them,<br />

one that stopped Gregory in his tracks. Adele delayed a moment to glance at Domingo behind<br />

them, unmoving. Watchful. Alert. He made a gesture of some sort that prompted her to peer at<br />

Gregory, still some fifty feet in front. The man nodded and resumed scanning meticulously in a<br />

stationary position.<br />

Following another deep breath, Adele said painfully, "Us."<br />

It seemed to take all the air out of him like a battering ram into a large balloon. "Yeah. As<br />

I said, I knew it'd happen. Well, what the hey, huh? We seldom get what we don't have coming<br />

to us." A longer drag was taken in, then released with a good bit of extra pressure as she sensed it<br />

spew out of his mouth. "<strong>At</strong> least, not the really good stuff."<br />

"I know," she admitted with a sniffle as she clambered to govern her teeming emotions.<br />

"I was hoping you'd be able to understand, but it's probably because I … because I haven't … I<br />

never said the … the, um, the other part." The tears were almost manageable now, except for one<br />

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lurker who raced onto her left cheek in search of those to have preceded it. "It's probably just as<br />

… just as well … you know, since I didn't really, um … have it coming." One last defeated sigh<br />

and she let her lower lip protrude far enough to blow a puff of air upward. Something had to be<br />

done about the lock of hair that had fallen across her right eye. It seemed out of line to use her<br />

hand to remove it. When the tress edged back to where it had been, she puffed once more, but a<br />

bit harder, and it went away as she wanted.<br />

His hands took a gentle purchase on each of her upper arms and adjusted her stance, not<br />

at all pushing or twisting, but guided her torso in a turn that left Adele facing him directly. "I was<br />

with you word for word right up until you blew me out of the water there. Is there even a remote<br />

chance you'll tell me what the hell's going on, or should I just stand here with my big, dumb face<br />

all hanging out and wonder? We can work it whichever way fits best for you, but I sure do hope<br />

you decide to give me something I'll understand."<br />

Darn it all! This makes it even worse! He's trying to be nice about it! This bites! "Bill, I<br />

understand. Really, I do. If I just hadn't acted … you know, as I did back there … so violently, I<br />

know I wouldn't've made you withdraw that way." Another saline drop escaped her eyelid, but<br />

she resolved to let no more of them find freedom. "If I hadn't done that, I probably wouldn't be<br />

losing you this way. I probably would've said … you know? … the right thing to say."<br />

"You wouldn't … Adele? What the hell are you talking about?"<br />

"Well, your … reaction? Yes, that's a good word for it." Her lips flattened a moment as<br />

she battled for the needed emotional self-control. "Honestly, Bill, I understand totally."<br />

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"That's good," he said, staring at her now so intently she drew the impression the man<br />

was able to cause pain with only his eyes, if necessary. "In that case, would you mind sharing it<br />

with the rest of the class?"<br />

Her lower lip extended itself again, possibly in a defensive pout, but she wouldn't allow<br />

herself the crutch. Again, her mouth attempted to flatten itself, but her lips were simply too full<br />

to compress that much. "That I've … that I've lost you," she said from a throat suddenly aching<br />

from the bubbling cauldron of emotion she needed a moment to realize was her roiling stomach.<br />

"How the hell can you say you 'lost me', Adele, when you're putting my big, dumb ass in<br />

the road?" His hand came up, palm facing her, and his face took on a drained aspect. "I'm not on<br />

my knees begging you … although I'll admit I would if I thought it'd help … but why would you<br />

say you've 'lost me' when the only reason I'd even think of going away is at your order?"<br />

Now she leaned back, sifting his words. Battling to make some sense of what it seemed<br />

she heard, albeit what she thought he'd said didn't adapt to reality as she understood it to be. "I<br />

said that because … um, you know what I mean, I'm sure … I acted so ashamedly back there.<br />

Not at all ladylike … which I already fully understand is your preference … and I'd really give<br />

anything if I could change what happened, Bill, but I can't." <strong>Me</strong>ntal reserves gushed to her aid<br />

and she conquered an emerging tear, sending it back wherever the stupid things come from. "I<br />

won't embarrass either of us by whining or pleading or begging, and I know I must somehow<br />

look and sound pretty pitiful at the moment, but if there was any way I thought I could get you<br />

back, I swear I'd—"<br />

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" he cut in, his right hand still palm toward her, rising another inch<br />

or two in obvious confusion. "Damn it all, I'm not only not sure we're on the same page here, or<br />

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even the same scene or act, I can't swear we're even in the same damned stage play. How … and<br />

why, I guess … would you have to do anything to get me back? I'm right here. Matter of fact,<br />

even if I'm out of line, I want to be with you and I know damned good and well not only do I not<br />

have it coming, I can't make it work and I still want it … if that makes any damned sense."<br />

Adele slumped a little, very confused and feeling overwhelmingly defeated. "I'm not sure<br />

what you're telling me, Bill, but it's not like I … um, 'cause I managed to avoid it every time it's<br />

tried to pop out so far … it's not like I actually … you know? … said it."<br />

"What … somehow I've just gotta know … is 'it', Adele?"<br />

"The fact I'm in love with you," she said with the tears resuming. "As if that's any huge<br />

surprise. There. See? I knew it'd come out and, just as soon as it did, you'd drop me."<br />

"Why the hell would I ever … are you sure about that? … drop you because you said …<br />

what the hell are we talking about, Adele? You lost me on the last curve. I don't get it. Not even<br />

a little bit."<br />

Her lower lip switched tactics and began to tremble, putting a jitter in her words.<br />

His eyes suddenly adapted a blur as the bottoms were beginning to flood with tears.<br />

"We kind of … I mean, golly, you were the one who said it, and all … agreed that day we<br />

wouldn't use that darned word. So, all along, I've made sure I didn't say it … and I haven't, Bill,<br />

not even once, as bad as I wanted to … but I was certain you'd leave me when you witnessed me<br />

being so darned violent like that. Right away I was afraid I'd say it just to keep you from walking<br />

away from me … like I wouldn't do darned near anything to avoid that … and then, just a minute<br />

ago, I actually did it. I said it, right out loud."<br />

"Said what, damn it? I have no idea what you're talking about."<br />

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"That I'm in love with you. We agreed—"<br />

"So? I'm crazy in love with you, too, but I wouldn't—"<br />

"You are?"<br />

"Adele, you know damned well I'm—"<br />

"Uh-uh!" she nearly cried, shaking her head side to side and setting up a swirling cocoa<br />

stampede of hair back and forth across her face. "I didn't know … are you, Bill? Really?"<br />

For a long, stunned moment, all they could do was look at each other. Then he nodded as<br />

his face approached hers. Swept into a kiss so velvety she didn't even recognize it as such at the<br />

beginning, Adele stopped quivering and put her arms around his neck.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Tuesday, December 23 rd , 2008 … 12:13 p.m.<br />

The kiss had only begun, yet it was already rocketing Adele to heights of joy she'd not so<br />

far dared even imagine, when she felt it hit Bill. The projectile was on a clear and concise path, a<br />

trajectory leading to the impact point high on his back, up between the shoulder blades, directly<br />

on his spine. She heard it make contact, an event she immediately found beyond horrifying.<br />

The part that made her want to scream in terror and anguish was what she felt.<br />

Liquid gushed onto her fingers as her hands were spread apart and splayed on his broad<br />

back in the embrace. It went across them on both hands, feeling very hot and even sticky. Only<br />

one answer came to her, and the mere thought of what it had to be made her feel like vomiting.<br />

Not simply because someone had obviously been shot. No, it was far more than that, as Adele<br />

viewed it.<br />

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This man I've so quickly come to love so much will be taken away from me so soon, and<br />

so cruelly. <strong>My</strong> God, he's going to die in my arms! Oh, please, God! Please! Save him!<br />

As that thought was drilled into her psyche, she realized just as well he was probably in a<br />

great deal of pain. Whomever just shot him may still be here, she concluded, but Domingo and<br />

Gregory can deal with that part. If I get shot, too, so be it! Maybe that'd be for the best. I don't<br />

want to continue living as I have been and, if I'm losing this wonderful man, I might as well be at<br />

his side wherever we're both going now. I just don't care, darn it!<br />

She leaned into his torso, prepared to support the man she loved in his fall to the sand<br />

they'd only reached a few steps ago. As she tightened her arms around him to ease his body to<br />

the ground, she was astounded by what she heard. The fact he could speak at all was a total and<br />

complete blessing. The words she heard, however, did not fit the scenario she envisioned.<br />

Preceding Bill's roar by no more than a millisecond she detected a shrill scream. An alien<br />

sound, yet familiar in some way, as well. It was a piercing, high-pitched noise bespeaking some<br />

sort of emotional reaction, at least as far as her ears determined. Even sillier, it seemed to come<br />

from behind Bill and pass them both by.<br />

What she heard from Bill also didn't fit the images she somehow knew her mind would<br />

now never manage to blot out or erase. Not the sound of an injured or dying man. Not in any<br />

way, shape or form. What she heard was anger, an animosity she'd only seen one time in her<br />

entire life. That moment was around an hour ago, when Bill was holding a weapon under the<br />

table and prepared to use it on the man who'd orchestrated her kidnapping. It was painted on his<br />

otherwise handsome face now as he stepped back from her a couple feet, pulling out that evil<br />

looking gun in his waistband.<br />

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"Dirty, no-good, son-of-a-bitch! Nasty bastard bird!" As he brought the weapon to bear<br />

on the loudly clamoring bird she'd heard called a "flying beach rat", her ears detected that same<br />

sound she'd heard not long ago. What she assumed was a bird call came from Domingo, some<br />

kind of signal to Gregory, who spun in place, the .40 Glock in his hand. Any threatening force in<br />

the vicinity would've died in a hail of bullets as Domingo's weapon was also in his hand.<br />

The "awk-awk-awk-awk!" scream of the fast departing gull was a combination of what<br />

she'd deem an ear-splitting screech and a squawk. It was the cry of Lucifer's pet bird as it made<br />

its way in escape after a bombing raid. She heard the click of the safety, the slide of the bar as he<br />

jacked one into the chamber, and even the steam of Bill's exiting rage as logic overtook it and<br />

drowned out his fury. "Dirty, rotten bastard!" he spat as he thumbed the hammer of the handgun<br />

back in place and reset the safety. He glanced at the sidearm and shrugged. "If I torched off a<br />

couple rounds at that mouthy prick it'd cause a damned panic with Donnie and everyone else," he<br />

said as he inserted the gun again into his pants. "Look at your hands, baby."<br />

When Adele looked down she was able to identify the hot black and white liquid she'd<br />

felt engulfing her fingers. "Oh, goody!" she wailed. "It's bird poop!"<br />

"What? You said 'oh, goody'? You like getting bird shit all over your—"<br />

"Bill, I thought it was blood! Your blood! I thought you'd been shot, and—"<br />

His arms were around her again. "No, baby, no. I'm fine. It was just that shiteating bird<br />

… maybe I should say 'shit tossing' … and I still wish I'd shot the son-of-a-bitch. Damn him!" he<br />

barked, glancing once more over the water where the gull had been traveling. The bird was gone<br />

and, as far as she could see when she peered up at his face, so was his wrath.<br />

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Adele saw the relieved looks on the two Luiseño faces as each holstered his sidearm. The<br />

feelings they were experiencing were magnified a thousand times in her heart, causing her now<br />

to gulp air as she grew weak and dizzy with relief. Adele guessed it must've shown on her face as<br />

well when Bill eased her to a kneeling position on the sand.<br />

"Here, lean your head forward and down," he directed as he placed her elbows flat on the<br />

soft beach. "Take a few deep breaths. I've got you, girl. You won't fall." His hands came down<br />

on her sides and forward, palms up, holding both her shoulders in support, straddling her.<br />

After a couple minutes she felt her strength returning and her breathing slowed. "I'm …<br />

I'm okay, now, I think." A glance at her hands spread before her in the sand showed streaks of<br />

the black and white goo encrusted with sand grains. Her mouth reshaped itself into a derisive<br />

sneer. "Oh, poop! Look at the poop all over me!" Then the exclamation she'd used hit her. It<br />

made her giggle, which felt even sillier. "I'm sorry. That was a dumb thing to say."<br />

He sat next to her and encircled her with his arms as she sat back. "Don't you ever do that<br />

around me. Never feel sorry for what you say … unless you're telling me to leave. In that case,<br />

it'd be best to get a second opinion. Hopefully mine." Now he grinned happily at her. "After all<br />

the damned emotional turmoil we just went through, I will not allow a little bird shit to cause us<br />

a problem. Not a chance."<br />

They held each other a while, both acclimating themselves to the dual misunderstanding<br />

that caused so much pain for each, then calmed down a bit. Bill insisted she follow him to the<br />

edge of the water where she was able to wash her hands in the gently lapping waves as they<br />

came up and wetted the sand. He turned over the top of his jogging suit after he removed it and<br />

swished the messy part in the water. She yelped in surprise, worried he'd soak his top and get<br />

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cold, but he laughed and said that material would only look wet. He insisted he'd be dry inside<br />

the jacket. Then he escorted her back ten yards or so from where the waves were ending, told<br />

Domingo they'd sit here a while to talk, and waited until their sentries repositioned fifty or so<br />

feet to each side.<br />

Seated now, still on his left with her head resting easily on his chest, Bill smoking a new<br />

cigarette, they began talking.<br />

"Adele, I'm really sorry I misunderstood you … and so badly … when you said that. See,<br />

I've been worrying about something else … it concerns you directly … so I guess my head wasn't<br />

on straight when you said it."<br />

"You were worried? About wha— … it concerns me? You were wor— … Bill, did I do<br />

something to offend you, or—?"<br />

"No. God, no. Not in the least." He took a drag, let it out slowly and added, "Something<br />

else, um, sort of offends me about me. I don't want it to offend you, as well."<br />

Her hand rose, buried the fingers in those chocolate tresses and scratched while Adele<br />

pondered what she'd just heard. "How can you offend yourself? I don't get it."<br />

"Yeah, I knew this part would come, too." Scowling, he took another drag.<br />

"Oh, God. Do we have another problem?"<br />

The question made him smile, which made her feel fantastic. I can't believe how happy I<br />

am around this guy. Please, God, help us fix whatever it is that's bothering him.<br />

Bill leaned left and kissed her very tenderly, then drew back again. "I like the way you<br />

asked if 'we' have a problem." The smile became a frown. "Nice phraseology and, I guess, also<br />

very accurate. See, there's a medical prob—"<br />

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"Oh my God! Bill, you're not … not dying, or anything like that, are you?" Fingertips on<br />

her lips, she watched his face for a response.<br />

"Well, we're all dying, they say. Someday. In that respect, I am, but I have no reason to<br />

think I'll be kicking any buckets in the near future. No."<br />

"Thank God. Well, if it's something else, we can handle it. Together. I'm sure we can."<br />

Now she gulped. "What … what is … it? The problem, I mean?"<br />

"Do you know about diabetes?" was his question.<br />

"Sure. I'm a teacher. We had some biology and science classes, and I read all of those<br />

darned bulletins the school system sends us. Are you diabetic?"<br />

He nodded.<br />

"Insulin dependent? Do you take shots a few times per day?"<br />

Bill shook his head. "Nope. Couple pills every morning and I'm good to go."<br />

Adele scratched her head again. "Not trying to be funny but, if that's true, what's the big<br />

problem? It may sound stupid, but I don't get it."<br />

"Diabetes is a circulatory disease. It slows blood flow." He coughed, face reddening, and<br />

added, "Which is what it's done to me."<br />

She was nodding slowly, eyes moving side to side, trying to think and watch his face at<br />

the same time. "So, what's our problem, then?"<br />

"When it effects the Johnson rod, it becomes a 'performance problem' for me. Us."<br />

"The 'Johnson—?"<br />

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His index finger was aimed at his groin area. "Lack of blood flow means the lack of what<br />

was once instantly possible and no longer happens. That's why I now hate the term 'broke dick',<br />

since I essentially have one."<br />

Unable to stop herself, she burst into laughter, but got a handle on it seconds later. "I'm so<br />

sorry I laughed, but the way you said it, and pointing like that—"<br />

"Not a problem," he assured her, "but lovemaking would be. See, if I can't—"<br />

"Oh, poop! That's not the part that matters, honey. What matters is us. Being together as a<br />

couple. Loving each other. I mean, heck, sex would be a nice fringe benefit, but that's certainly<br />

not a be all-end all in my opinion. Strength and character, your value as a person, having you as<br />

my best friend, those are the things that really count. Besides, maybe there's something we can<br />

do about the, um, 'problem'. If not, no biggie. We'll deal with it. I can cope and I know you can,<br />

so we'll be just fine."<br />

For an extended moment they merely looked at each other. Then he put his arms around<br />

her once more and the kiss from before was alive all over again. This time, she told herself, with<br />

no darned bird poop, is much, much better! As they embraced their bodies moved to the side and<br />

they were soon lying stretched out on the sand. His hands were moving on her back, as were hers<br />

on his. More pointedly, both tongues were now in a mad frenzy, grappling with each other and<br />

moving about helter-skelter. Their breathing rates were substantially increased and Adele began<br />

having thoughts she'd feared after the rape would never again come her way. After a while, as all<br />

their shared passion began taking control, she sensed something else. Not willing to call the man<br />

she'd decided she loved so much a liar, what she felt left her terribly perplexed. Finally, unable to<br />

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contain all her bounding curiosity, Adele let her left hand fall between their bodies at waist level.<br />

"What's this, Bill, if you can't, um … you know? … do that anymore?"<br />

Kissing her again before replying, he said, "A damned welcome blessing." He pulled his<br />

head back a few inches. "I'd hoped … even if it was such a damned long shot … The Holy Spirit<br />

might one day … um, if He brought me the right girl, that is … sort of allow that to happen, but I<br />

didn't really dare count on it."<br />

Adele giggled. "Should we go someplace right away and 'do something with it'?"<br />

"No," he said, smiling again before he kissed her, "I have a strong feeling you'll be able<br />

to cause a repeat performance. It's a little crowded out here on the beach."<br />

"Darned crowds," she tittered as she kissed him in return. "I hate 'em."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Thursday, December 24 th , 2008 … 1:26 p.m.<br />

The rabbit, coming from upwind, took its last four hops to wait in sheltered safety by the<br />

scraggly clump of shrubbery on the side of this hill three blocks west of North Vulcan Avenue in<br />

Encinitas, California. One more street laid ahead. If he crossed it, then darted across all the sand,<br />

the next street he encountered would be somewhere in China. Not wondering about his odds and<br />

unaware he couldn't swim, he also didn't even know there was an ocean a couple hundred yards<br />

ahead. He seldom ever went across the road for fear of that noisy brown and white thing in the<br />

yard that always barked insanely and clearly wanted to kill him.<br />

No, his goal at the moment was making it to the pile of shrubs and brush so he'd still be<br />

hidden as he surveyed the sloping hillside scene for danger. Once he knew he was safe, he'd start<br />

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eating but, being a defenseless rabbit, he had to check out the scene first. As he came to a halt,<br />

the bush moved and something came his way in a hurry. Seeing what he'd never know was a<br />

man's arm in body-camo, he decided, Br'er Rabbit is outa here, dude!<br />

He was gone like a convict placed on parole.<br />

The pile of brush was only too glad to see the bunny in flight. It was occupied by a white<br />

man who hadn't bothered with facial grease, using only the netting on the cap to cover his face.<br />

The camo had been here two days, hidden in another pile of brush where it was undetectable. He<br />

got here and put it on around four this morning and waited patiently with his Bushnell 4 x 50<br />

night monocular, a classy 9-inch telescope with infrared viewing when needed.<br />

This was merely a scouting mission, not a kill raid. Too fucking many people there, Boris<br />

Manlinin determined when he made his initial forays. Plus that fucking Indian asshole, someone<br />

I don't want to meet up with again if I can help it. He almost had my ass with Marcella when he<br />

and that shiteating writer came to get her. No sense stepping in the same pile of shit twice. Not<br />

me. <strong>My</strong> mother didn't raise no foolish children.<br />

As the sun rose it first became warm, but wasn't yet near what he'd deem uncomfortable<br />

by this point, somewhere in the mid to high 50s. Not even enough to make me sweat, although I<br />

might just kill for a damned cigarette by now. Probably could have one since it's gotta be at least<br />

150 yards to the house, but I'm taking no fucking chances. If I see that damned crazy Chirikawa<br />

or Apache or whatever the hell he is take off, I might just try to get inside the place. I can handle<br />

a couple of his shiteating compadres, I imagine, but that asshole who's dickin' the judge is more<br />

than I want to mess with if I can avoid it.<br />

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That once upon a fucking time Della bitch … was Jaden for a while and now she's back<br />

to the same old shit name of Della … knows too damned much about me. If they pick my ass up<br />

… which is very unlikely, but a guy's gotta watch his ass, all the same … she can easily get me<br />

convicted of murder. Not good. Hence, she dies.<br />

A smile came to his face. And, because of a chicken-shit rookie, I have wheels handy and<br />

at my disposal if something develops. If that Injun asshole leaves I can get in the house … that<br />

part is a no-brainer for a guy like me … and maybe kill the slut with no one seeing me. Then, if I<br />

am seen, more will die. TFB, man. Too fuckin' bad. However, if I see her leaving … or even if I<br />

see the Injun outside for some reason … I'm going to make a stab at it. I only wish I was able to<br />

use some of the agency personnel for all this shit, but I can't. McLain would call this a private<br />

mission … like I'd argue about it? … and say no. So, I found my own dummy.<br />

The smile grew. Donald Kirkwood, private eye. Shit, he's a damned kid, practically. He's<br />

not out of his 20s yet, by my guess. Got his own damned PI license after being a flunky cop up in<br />

some Podunk town in the freakin' mountains and hung out a shingle here in San Diego. Even<br />

says in his ad he takes divorce cases. Fucking loser!<br />

So, for fifty bucks an hour … like money matters to me, anyway? … he's now sitting two<br />

blocks away watching what he thinks is my house. Texting me on my cell phone once per hour<br />

to update my ass on what's happening. A real Sherlock Fucking Holmes, that kid, but he'll do in a<br />

pinch, and that's what I have right now, A damned pinch.<br />

Can't have my car around here and, if I park it in a neighborhood, someone's going to say<br />

something, sure as shit. But, this Kirkwood kid, he's moving around. Parking his car in different<br />

spots, using that park area to look like he's reading a book, he sort of fits in. Adapts better to the<br />

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scenery. Now he frowned. So, my heap's in a shopping center almost two miles up the damned<br />

road. That's why I have Sam Spade, Jr., on a phony stakeout. When or if I need his ass, he'll be<br />

here in no time. Smart, Boris, very smart.<br />

He thought of the story he gave Kirkwood. The cheating wife. Her boyfriend coming to<br />

see her when he's away. Even showed the kid some pictures … of Marcella, for God's sake! Like<br />

that slut wouldn't dick anyone who smiled at her? Shit, the kid swallowed my entire line of total<br />

bullshit and took the thousand bucks in cash. Yeah, he'll be there if I need him. Damned straight<br />

he will be.<br />

Uh-oh! What's this? Son-of-a-bitch! This is my lucky fucking day!<br />

The garage door opened, making no noise to speak of, a full two cars wide. The fact the<br />

sun was still high overhead let him see everything now as it began to unfold. There's that damned<br />

Injun bastard and his foxy judge wife, or whatever the hell she is. Plus a whole lot more!<br />

Oh, man! This is more than I was hoping for! It looks like I'll get the shot at her I need!<br />

That bitchy judge's got the Injun, then that little girl, the blonde with the big tits and that<br />

fucking Jaden with her! Perfect! I'll nail the bitch wherever they're going!<br />

Using the speed dial, he called Kirkwood and said to meet him at the corner where the<br />

street ended by <strong>CC</strong>'s house, scurried backward on his belly to get behind a tree, peeled off the<br />

camo and headed to his left. A trail led across the top of the hill he was using, along a line to the<br />

intersecting street he wanted where it met Neptune Avenue. Then, instead of turning right to the<br />

road running parallel to the water, he crossed the street and began walking left so he could flag<br />

the private detective down.<br />

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When the car, a Chevy Impala about five or six years old, approached he waved to get the<br />

man's attention. Kirkwood pulled over on the wrong side of the street, putting the driver's door at<br />

the curb. Manlinin walked up to the car dressed in worn levis and a pale blue work shirt made of<br />

denim. His windbreaker and jogging shoes were black. "Listen," he said as Kirkwood put it in<br />

park and started to open his door. "First thing I need is to have to tell me what I should do about<br />

that." He pointed across the street to his right with a scowl on his face.<br />

"About what?" Kirkwood inquired, turning all the way right, then squirreling around to<br />

see somewhat behind where he'd parked.<br />

When the man turned away to look, Manlinin pulled a black silenced .22 revolver from<br />

his ankle holster, pressed it to the man's temple as he was turning back and sent a bullet into his<br />

skull from half an inch away. Although the first shot clearly was fatal, the professional in him<br />

made him pop the man a second time. Jamming the weapon back in the holster, he dragged the<br />

body to the back seat, put it on the floor and got behind the wheel. Hands with transparent gloves<br />

took the wheel, put the Chevy in drive, and idled away from the curb.<br />

<strong>CC</strong> and her crowd were just pulling out of the driveway when he reached the corner.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Thursday, December 24 th , 2008 … 1:26 p.m.<br />

When I was still a kid in junior high school back in Michigan we had a female mongrel<br />

dog. I'm not sure what she was, mostly a concoction of things resembling a collie with black and<br />

gold hair. Daddy said she was probably shepherd and collie. Her name was just Girl and she'd<br />

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come to almost anyone who called her. Daddy kept saying he wanted to have her spayed but he<br />

always forgot. Until that last time, I mean.<br />

There was a male dog, a big old Rottweiler, who fell in love with Girl. Daddy said she<br />

was in heat and that's what was driving them both nuts. Girl even found a way to get over the<br />

fence in the back yard. Heck, I was the one who found the two of 'em and Daddy told me it was<br />

too late as far as avoiding puppies. They were "hooked up" … that's what Daddy called it … and<br />

the Rottweiler was trying to get up and walk away. Daddy said he would've pulled her insides<br />

out and left Girl for dead.<br />

He kept both dogs calm until they were relaxed and "unhooked" naturally. The male left<br />

then and we never saw him again. Mama called the vet, anyway, and Girl got a quick injection of<br />

some drug that aborted whatever might've gotten started and was spayed a week or two later. I've<br />

never dared mention that position is something where Donnie and I have both laid gasping as we<br />

each caught our breath, but that's not something I'd ever say to Mama.<br />

However, that danged black dog was flitting across my mind ever since Bill and Adele<br />

got back to the house yesterday from the beach. Adele told us about the seagull who left his mark<br />

on Bill's jacket and we all chuckled when we realized how scary it must've been, but then turned<br />

out so funny and the big nothing Bill made of it all. However, they were back to where there was<br />

no room between them even for a blasted sheet of paper. I swear, Bill left very late, then seems<br />

to have snagged about nine minutes of sleep, turned around and buzzed back here. I just hope we<br />

don't have to take Adele in for a shot in the next few days.<br />

It was a busy morning here at the house, in any event. Angela had to leave earlier today<br />

than she planned. She got a call from Carlina Torres, a gorgeous young detective she works with.<br />

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It seems the lab people found Casey Bingham's fingerprints on a gun used Sunday to kill County<br />

Supervisor Jerrod Detweiler and even on the shell casings in the weapon. It was a revolver stolen<br />

some time ago and it just resurfaced as a murder weapon.<br />

Even worse, they found the prints of Major Gaynor, the man I just assisted Angela to get<br />

released from state prison for rape, on his own sunglasses. They were left at the crime scene, the<br />

apartment of a woman they can't yet connect with the man who was killed while having sex with<br />

her. There's also no connection between Bingham and Detweiler or the woman killed, Beatrice<br />

Kost. Detweiler was inside her, according to the report Angela got from Carlina, when someone<br />

shot them both in the head and left a gun by the danged bed.<br />

Angela and Carlina have no idea how Mr. Gaynor's glasses got to the scene of a murder<br />

but they were going to bring him in for questioning. His status is uncertain now but, based on the<br />

criminal justice system and how slowly it unwinds from anyone, I'd say it's safe to treat him like<br />

a man on parole. If he does anything seriously wrong, he'll be back in jail on a no-bail warrant in<br />

a big hurry.<br />

So, she left earlier, promising to call me later so she can fill me in on what's going on.<br />

However, that doesn't change the bleeping calendar. Not a danged bit it doesn't. This is<br />

still Christmas Eve Day and I discovered we are really not quite done shopping.<br />

There's nothing under the tree for Jaden. I also confided in the girls, Candy and Adrianne,<br />

we don't have anything for Bill or Adele and I have little doubt they'll both be here. With that<br />

kook out hunting for Adele, and we think Jaden as well, neither of them dares leave the house. It<br />

gets even worse with that creepy guy Bill said kidnapped Adele, and they're still working on the<br />

info Aunt Siobhan gave Angela on Hondell Wilkins when they got it from her house.<br />

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As a result, I convinced Donnie we simply had to go shopping. He wanted to just go get<br />

her a few things on his own, but we quickly nipped that one in the bud. Donnie's certainly no<br />

one's personal shopper and the girls wanted to come along, as well. I dubbed it a "family outing"<br />

and he was outvoted.<br />

We didn't make plans to leave until I remembered we hadn't gotten gifts for those three<br />

and Angela was already gone by then. Of course, there was no reason for anyone to take Olivia<br />

into custody because there's no proof she did anything wrong, or she was even going to do so. In<br />

addition, albeit in some sort of spy-related capacity, like a female American James Bond person,<br />

she is a cop of some kind. That's why it struck me as sort of odd when I told Donnie we had to<br />

go out like this. He ordered two Luiseño's to follow us in their pickup and he actually handcuffed<br />

the woman to a big, heavy chair.<br />

All I was able to get out was, "Honey, are you su— … okay, I guess you are," I amended<br />

when those eyes of his interrupted me. There was no question she'd be here when he returned. He<br />

left the other two guys to make certain of it, along with Bill and Adele. I could see they'd both be<br />

a world of help today, sitting around making goo-goo gaga eyes at each other, holding hands and<br />

looking as pitiful as Donnie and I did at first. We've gotten a sort of handle on our own passions,<br />

but it took us a while. Bill and Adele are just getting started and are definitely in the stage where<br />

they get along just great.<br />

We made it to the mall I had in mind and Donnie put his guys to work before we were<br />

even out of the danged vehicle. The men were armed, as was Donnie, and of course I carried my<br />

.380 Beretta with me. A girl never can be too freakin' careful is the way I see it. Plus, with all the<br />

"bad guys" we've come across, it makes sense. Still, dang it all, this is Christmas and I want it to<br />

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feel like Christmas … even if there isn't any disgusting snow any closer than the mountains some<br />

40 "crow-fly-miles" east. It's an hour and a half to two hours from us, far and away too bleeping<br />

close for my comfort. I just hate snow. Lots of bad memories with that stuff.<br />

We were on our fourth store. The girls were all looking at sweaters. Because Donnie had<br />

been so hinky, and since I'm never all that keen on shopping in the first place, I was more like<br />

standing guard than taking part in the hunt. Candy, on the other hand, was 100% in her element.<br />

You'd've thought she worked at all these stores the way she seemed to know her way around. I<br />

was amazed and, if I must admit it, a little proud of our second oldest baby. She may not act like<br />

the "queen of the smarts department" at times, but that girl can cook like a seasoned chef and she<br />

really knows clothing.<br />

Maybe I should at least skim through some of the 11,000 fashion magazines she has all<br />

over the bleeping house at times. It was more than likely my motherly pride that distracted me. I<br />

was busy watching the girls when Donnie silently, almost magically, appeared at my side. That<br />

man can move around like a deer in the forest. One minute he's all the way across the room. The<br />

next, he's close enough to kill you with his bare hands.<br />

I looked right and was about to say something, but stopped when I saw that look in his<br />

eyes. Again, he made me think of a dog. A sentry dog, maybe a police dog. He stood there on my<br />

right staring toward the side of the store. I could feel all the tension emanating from inside him,<br />

even if none of it showed in a way anyone else could tell it. His words were short. Terse. Crisp.<br />

Like the sound of small arms fire cracking away at a shooting range. Perhaps a .32 or a<br />

.25 caliber pistol. Not loud, but potentially deadly, all the same. "Quickly!" he told me with a<br />

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scary energy in the words. "Gather the girls. Make your way to the front corner of this store to<br />

the other side of the door. Do it now."<br />

That last phrase is a cop command. A "take charge" series of words spoken with a bite to<br />

it that insists on no one dragging their feet. "Have your weapon at the ready. I want the two girls<br />

behind you, in the corner and seated on the floor. If you must use your weapon … if he gets by<br />

me … shoot to kill. No second chances. None."<br />

With that, he was gone again. A whimsical ghost. Speaking to me one minute, ducked<br />

down and gone the next. That's also what he was doing. Duck walking, in a manner of saying it.<br />

He was out of sight of anyone in the area where he'd been looking. A section nearest the booths<br />

where girls can try things on in a small enclosure, one of a few rooms behind the curtained door<br />

opening, was Jaden-Della's targeted point of arrival.<br />

I saw Jaden, who'd stopped just outside the dressing room with three or four sweaters so<br />

she could select a skirt from a table of them. There was a tall man easing his way toward her … I<br />

still think I'd've seen him if I hadn't been so absorbed in the girls … and something about him did<br />

look familiar to me. Tall, a handsome face, I suppose, with a chic beard and large sunglasses, it<br />

only took a moment.<br />

It's that Manlinin guy! I realized. Good God, the bastard's going to kill Jaden! I keep on<br />

mucking that part up when I should be calling her Della now, but it slips my mind a lot.<br />

If not for Donnie being here I would've had my weapon out and aimed. Most likely, in<br />

line with what Angela says is a cop mentality with a guy like that, I'd be shooting at him at the<br />

same time I yelled "Freeze! Raise your hands!"<br />

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You do not mess around with a professional killer like that, particularly when he's after<br />

someone you care about. Take him out, then worry about the details later. <strong>At</strong> a moment such as<br />

this one, ten witnesses will have twenty different stories. Nope. I'd shoot first and ask questions<br />

when he was no longer a threat to me or anyone else.<br />

The tone of my voice and, while it can't compare to Donnie's, the expression on my face,<br />

had Candy and Adrianne scooting toward the area I directed. Then, contrary to what Donnie just<br />

told me, I headed for where he was, leaving the Luiseños to watch our babies. I don't know for<br />

sure how well those two guys can shoot. However, Donnie is my guy and I have no question <strong>CC</strong><br />

<strong>Ryder</strong> hits what she aims at when she fires her weapon.<br />

To avoid giving anything away, since it was clear the man must've somehow followed us<br />

here, I headed toward the back of the store on my left, the opposite side from where Della-Jaden<br />

was standing. I acted as if I was looking at the other corner of the store now, using my peripheral<br />

vision, with my hand inside my purse on my Beretta. The safety was off, but no one could see I<br />

was armed.<br />

Not yet.<br />

That was all subject to change in the blink of an eye.<br />

As Jaden-Della slowly turned to her left, about to head for the curtain, that Russian guy<br />

made his move. It took me a split second to realize what he had in his hands was a garrote, but I<br />

was a lot slower than Donnie.<br />

"Jaden, get on the floor!" he barked as he sprang from behind a round clothing tree that<br />

was perhaps four to four and a half feet tall. He was again moving like the artful dodger, heading<br />

in a straight line to intercept the killer and face him down barehanded.<br />

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Manlinin saw Donnie coming and began his own attack on the girl's protector.<br />

The two men almost collided, each grabbing the other by an arm and trying a flip as it<br />

looked to me. Each evaded the move, fell back and attacked again. Manlinin came around with a<br />

deadly kick that, had Donnie still been standing erect, may have killed him. <strong>At</strong> the least the blow<br />

would've crippled him, making victory a certainty for the Russky.<br />

Donnie dropped to his left side as Manlinin's leg was still rising and swept his right leg in<br />

a vicious arc along the floor. It took the other guy's leg out from under him and, based on the<br />

sound I heard and the loud groan of pain, broke the ankle. Almost before the echoes of Manlinin<br />

issuing his cry of pain were washed away, Donnie was on his feet, standing sideways at an angle<br />

to his opponent. Donnie bent to his left and his right leg shot straight out like a coiled spring.<br />

His right foot, the heel as far as I was able to tell, landed with a savage thud on the guy's<br />

face and I'd swear I saw a light go out in his eyes. Not even breathing hard, Donnie stood with<br />

arms loose at his side, looking down at the man he'd just subdued.<br />

Running now, my .380 in my hand aimed at the ceiling, I hollered, "Everybody down!<br />

Now! On the floor!"<br />

That's when Donnie's left hand came up, the palm facing me. I heard him say, "Don't<br />

worry, <strong>CC</strong>. He's dead. You're all safe."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Thursday, December 24 th , 2008 … 6:47 p.m.<br />

Carefully looking around first, she backed her car into a parking space here in the hotel<br />

parking lot. She chose a spot near the end of the row between a brown <strong>Me</strong>rcedes and a big black<br />

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Lincoln. The engine idled quietly as she sucked on the Benson & Hedges 100, watching the side<br />

door she'd been instructed to use leading to the lounge. <strong>My</strong> next assignment, huh? That's what he<br />

says he'll have for me. Well, oh goody. I'm sure this'll be a real trip.<br />

Scowling, temporarily diminishing the sultry beauty of a full crimson colored mouth that<br />

coordinated so well with her peaches and cream complexion, Marcella Thrasher exited her car. I<br />

don't give a flying fuck about littering, she mused with a sneer as she dropped the lit filter behind<br />

her. All I want to do is get what he has to tell me, do the fucking job, and be done with it. From<br />

what he's told me so far, there are much bigger fish to fry.<br />

Swaying as she moved, a rhythmic movement better described as undulating, the small<br />

black leather purse slightly swaying from her right shoulder, she slunk across the parking lot. As<br />

often happened, she heard the sudden dearth of silence as she walked past two guys in suits with<br />

ties loosened standing by their cars talking baseball. Both shut up and watched her move. It was<br />

an old thrill, but still a good one for her. Feeling semi-flirty, she even glanced at the two, let her<br />

smile widen momentarily, then looked again at the door she was seeking.<br />

She didn't even have to open the stained glass door opening into a hallway where a sign<br />

indicated the lounge was located on her right. A man with a leer did it for her and wasn't even<br />

given a smile as a tip. Slowing her pace while adding an enticing swing to her step, Marcella<br />

moved into the semi-darkened pub area. Half a dozen strides later, as she drew even with the bar<br />

on her left, a good looking guy she assumed was Italian or Greek half spun on his stool. He ran<br />

his eyes up and down her body. Coal black, soft wavy hair and obsidian eyes made him stand out<br />

slightly from the handful of other single men seated usually a stool or two apart. He raised up a<br />

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hand halfway in greeting and said, "You're the best looking thing I've ever seen in this place, and<br />

I've been coming here a while."<br />

Feeling slightly devilish, Marcella stopped and appraised him in return. "What was it you<br />

noticed first, Superman? The ass or the tits?" She chuckled flirtingly as the last word oozed out<br />

in her standard sultry tone, the one she used to turn a man on and distract his attention.<br />

"I haven't even seen the ass yet, baby, but if it's anything like those titties, I'd be damned<br />

sure to pay for it."<br />

"You couldn't afford the price," she mocked.<br />

"Oh?" he inquired lustily, leaning closer to her. "What would that be, sexy?"<br />

"Your balls, sugar. In my fucking hand. After that, who the hell knows?"<br />

The man paled, even in the dimmed lighting, turned and continued watching her in the<br />

mirror behind the bar. She amped up the smile just to let the smarmy bastard get a better idea of<br />

what he'd missed out on. Slowing her pace yet further, she washed the scenery with hazel eyes<br />

that took in every scintilla of movement. Created pictures in the recesses of her mind her inner<br />

senses would scan in greater detail while her surface thoughts skimmed everything else.<br />

Coming back toward the very last booth on the right, a nook in the far corner with a man<br />

seated in the middle and looking directly at her, she kept her gaze in place and headed his way.<br />

When she stopped by the other seat, knowing her back would be facing the front entrance, she<br />

peered down at him. "I'm here, as ordered."<br />

The man she knew as Darius McLain nodded, displaying his game show host smile, one<br />

she knew quit cold after it was two layers of skin deep. Even with her own noted ability to be as<br />

frosty as ice when needed, Marcella doubted any smile or other facsimile of anything pleasant<br />

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had ever touched this guy inside. Not in his soul. His inner self. He was, in her opinion, a killing<br />

robot if that's what he felt was called for.<br />

Professional enough herself not to let it show, she still experienced a chill scurrying up<br />

and down her spine. She was also smart enough to let him speak next. Predators never mistake a<br />

sign of weakness and she wasn't going to display one by opening her mouth yet.<br />

"Sit," he directed, vaguely gesturing to the seat with his left hand. He had a small glass in<br />

front of him, not much larger than a teacup, with a golden colored liquid. Prior research led her<br />

to believe it would be ginger ale. "Drink?" he inquired.<br />

"No, thank you." After giving him a moment to examine a body that often turned men to<br />

raw putty without her saying a word, as old habits die hard, she slid into the open seat. "What am<br />

I going to be doing?" she inquired, her hazel eyes locked onto his brown ones.<br />

"Very good," he said with an absence of any emotion. "Get right down to business. I like<br />

that about you, Marcella."<br />

Remaining noncommittal, she merely nodded.<br />

"There's a man I want you to approach. You need to be your normal seductive self so you<br />

can get him to take you to a specified location. Once that much is accomplished you'll be only an<br />

almost certainly unnecessary backup."<br />

"Pardon me?" She leaned forward, eyes narrowed, somewhat confused.<br />

McLain ignored her curiosity and discombobulation. "He's a black man who recently was<br />

released from a state prison. Among his many weaknesses, shall we say, is a tendency he has to<br />

indulge in tasting white flesh. You, Marcella, will fill that bill nicely. Ergo, as I just said, you'll<br />

approach him and serve a purpose in what I have planned."<br />

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"<strong>Me</strong>? With a darky? Surely this is a bad joke?"<br />

"It is not," he said, his own gaze narrowing to a pinched expression. "Have you ever once<br />

known me to jest on an assignment?"<br />

Marcella slowly moved her head side to side, no longer flooding the entire booth with her<br />

sensuality. "No, but this is … what you're suggesting is … it's deplorable."<br />

"Oh?" His expression turned skeptical.<br />

"You want me to hit on a nigger? Pray tell, you expect me to fuck him, do you?"<br />

"It needn't go that far," he replied, his eyes somehow turned steelier even in the lesser<br />

light of the bar. "Your task will be to lure him to a location and keep the man distracted for a<br />

given amount of time."<br />

"A nigger? You want me to … what? Crawl all over a fucking spade? Not a chance."<br />

"Oh?" he questioned again, this time tainting his single word with some menace.<br />

"I have never been with one in my entire life and I don't intend to start now. There's no<br />

way in hell I'm going to do anything like that." She forced herself to smile now, but it became<br />

easier as the next words flowed because of the novelty the idea possessed. "Unless, of course, the<br />

nigger is female. In that case I might very well—"<br />

"You'll have very little choice in the matter," he said stringently. "I've brought in a hitter<br />

who will take the man out. I require a distraction, as does the hitter, and you shall be such for our<br />

intended target." He sat silently watching her face, his own seemingly chiseled of stone.<br />

Praying for something that would put him off her for a moment, reduce the pressure and<br />

let her think, Marcella withdrew a cigarette, lit it and took a drag. She'd taken a second one when<br />

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a waitress, almost trotting toward her, said, "You can't smoke in here, ma'am." The newcomer<br />

was at Marcella's side looking at her with raw disapproval.<br />

"Fuck you," Marcella responded with a malicious glare.<br />

The server hesitated, looked to her left at the man across the table, peered again at a lethal<br />

looking Marcella, shrugged and walked away.<br />

McLain slid from the booth and said quietly, "We've been here long enough. <strong>Me</strong>et me in<br />

the parking lot. Now." He left a ten on the table and walked away.<br />

Shakily carrying her purse as before, the cigarette between the first two fingers of her left<br />

hand and her right remaining free at her side, she followed in that direction. If he tries to kill me I<br />

sure as hell hope I can stop him, was her thought. It erased any taunting siren image she'd put on<br />

herself when arriving, to the point the guy who hit on her earlier just shook his head and kept his<br />

eyes on the mirror.<br />

Once outside she saw McLain was standing in front of her car, hands in the pants pockets<br />

of a charcoal Armani, waiting, seeming to have his lips formed in a whistle she never did hear,<br />

only saw and imagined. When she reached him, the sultry walk wholly abandoned, Marcella said<br />

quietly, "May I ask why this is so important?"<br />

Evidently sensing her seeking grounds now for face-saving compromise, McLain brought<br />

back the smile swiped from a college dental school poster. "That you may. The target was a part<br />

of an effort to have Manlinin arrested. His name is Major Gaynor, known at one time as a mover<br />

and shaker in county politics. He, along with a white man who will be your subsequent target,<br />

were in tandem with police personnel in attempting the arrest. I needn't tell you anything of that<br />

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nature would almost certainly imperil our primary operation in San Diego county, or do I?" He<br />

eyed her for a visual reply before she spoke.<br />

"No," she said in well disguised relief, shaking her head fast enough to set up a tidal<br />

wave of auburn hair from shoulder to shoulder and back.<br />

"Good," he said, notching up the phony smile. "Casey Bingham is the other man."<br />

"I don't want to even be seen with a nigger," she said in raw disgust.<br />

"A pity, that, should you maintain that point of view."<br />

"Why?" she said too quickly, mentally scrambling to somehow get a one-length lead in a<br />

matter she sensed was incredibly important to her future wellbeing.<br />

"The hitter I've summoned was in the lounge we just left. You were identified merely by<br />

your presence. That mechanic has been instructed, should you choose not to comply as directed,<br />

to substitute you for Mr. Gaynor. We shall then take other measures to remove him."<br />

"In the bar there?" she asked, gesturing over her left shoulder with a thumb.<br />

"Precisely."<br />

Marcella tried skimming the pictures framed in her mind, stored temporarily and ready to<br />

be archived. She saw the Greek-Italian, five other midlevel executives or managers, perhaps four<br />

or five women in business attire, an older couple in a booth three units before the one they used,<br />

and a pair of younger women not even thirty in shorter skirts and tighter tops. None of them rang<br />

an alarm to label anyone an assassin, in her opinion. Yet, rather than appear ignorant, she said in<br />

a sneering tone, "Obviously. I noticed that much, but I wasn't going to mention it." She still had<br />

the cigarette in her hand so, to feign nonchalance, she inhaled and waited for him to speak.<br />

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Her façade shaded over the iciness she felt as her blood ran cold at the thought. I didn't<br />

see a fucking thing! I have no choice. "Very well. I'll do it. However, as a lark, why not have him<br />

do it … Manlinin, I mean … if it was all on him."<br />

"It will be easier using you. More so, I can't locate him now. Not for the last few hours."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Thursday, December 24 th , 2008 … 7:33 p.m.<br />

Having just finished dinner in the hotel restaurant, the waitress leaving his change and<br />

him leaving a tip, Major Gaynor rose to leave. He stopped walking when his cell phone rang, put<br />

it to his ear after not recognizing the number and said, "Hello?"<br />

"Hi, Big Boy," came the sultry feminine greeting. "I assume I've reached Major Gaynor?"<br />

A bit stunned, confused over a sexy sounding woman having his name and number, yet<br />

enticed at what he heard, he said, "Yes. That's me. Who's calling?"<br />

"Well, I'm not so sure … oh, phooey. Abigail, Big Boy. <strong>My</strong> name is Abigail. <strong>My</strong> friends<br />

do not call me Abby, however. I'm Abigail Aaron but you, of course, may call me Abigail."<br />

"Pleased to meet you, Abigail. Do we … do we know each other?"<br />

"Not yet, darling, but that is all subject to change."<br />

"Sounds inviting, to say the least." He coughed nervously, feeling the excitement rise. I<br />

haven't had a piece of ass since I went to jail years ago and this babe sounds like I'd leave almost<br />

any woman just to be with her. Damn! Does she ever sound ready for some action!<br />

"Funny you should use that word. 'Inviting'. That's exactly what I'm doing, baby."<br />

"Pardon? You're … inviting me? What? You mean … like, to a party?"<br />

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She chuckled throatily. "Yes, I suppose that's one way to say it. A party of two, if you<br />

don't mind small, intimate parties."<br />

"Not at all … with the right people," he chuckled with some embarrassment, wondering if<br />

this was a joke, a setup, or maybe a con game. Perhaps even some spooky shit from the cops. But<br />

why, he wondered just as rapidly, if the cops got together on this … even different agencies as<br />

far as the Dutton babe told me … would they run a game on me? No, that's not it, but I don't see<br />

why this hot babe's calling me. "Tell me, if I have the right to ask, why are you calling me? How<br />

did you even get my number, now that I think of it. This is a rather new phone."<br />

Another sardonic chuckle. "If I tell you I'd have to kill you." She paused and he could<br />

hear her inhale on a cigarette, but the idea didn't faze him any. Not important. She went on, "A<br />

friend of mine is sort of connected with the police. Not actually a cop, but connected in a way.<br />

<strong>My</strong> friend tells me you may very well be quite a stud."<br />

He blushed slightly but decided to play his role in the impromptu game. "What's your<br />

friend's name? Is it a man or woman?"<br />

Another vixenish laugh, soft, low, tempting, taunting. Throaty and ready. "As I say, my<br />

darling man, if I told you, I'd have to kill you." More sultry chortling. "Look, sugar, this may be<br />

a bit too forward for you. If it is, my friend has misled me and we can call it a day right here."<br />

"Oh, no!" he said in surprising pangs of regret at what he sensed was coming. "I'm sure I<br />

can handle whatever you have to say. Feel free." Moving again, he stepped out of the restaurant<br />

and into the lobby, then turned and faced the wall. Reaching to the crotch of his cargo pants, he<br />

adjusted the position of a rapidly enlarging erection. He was mentally fully involved in talking<br />

with this woman, whatever she might suggest.<br />

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"Very well, darling, but remember I asked if this was too forward. I don't want to scare<br />

you off, but I'm a bit afraid myself."<br />

"After what I've been through recently," he rejoined, "there's very little, if anything, I'm<br />

afraid of. Go ahead, what is it?" One more turn, an additional adjustment and he headed for the<br />

elevators.<br />

"Do you know San Diego at all?" she asked.<br />

"Some. I lived here a long time but I was … away … for a while. A few years."<br />

"Yes. I know," she said in an almost normal voice, but even that had a heavy tinge of sex<br />

in it. "In prison, I was told."<br />

Major's face tightened up and he lost about half the fledgling erection. "So I take it you<br />

know about what happened?"<br />

"About you being innocent … at least, of any crime? Yes, of course I know that part."<br />

"What's that mean? The 'crime' part?"<br />

"I'm led to understand you aren't wholly 'innocent' in certain other matters." A long sigh.<br />

He lost more of the erection, but maintained a basis that still needed an adjustment. "You<br />

lost me?" His face was now devoid of the smile he'd been sporting as he talked with her.<br />

"<strong>My</strong> friend estimates you're quite a stud." She cleared her throat. "By that I mean it's said<br />

you're probably pretty damned good in bed. Any truth to that idea?" She inhaled a long drag and<br />

left a vacuous space on the line. An empty void with a hot ball of anticipation and lust bouncing<br />

from one wall to the other in a frenetic attempt to seek fulfillment.<br />

<strong>At</strong> a momentary loss, unaccustomed to any kind of flirting other than homosexuals back<br />

in prison, he sputtered, "I suppose … with the right woman, yes."<br />

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"Oh? How would I know if I'm she … that 'right woman'?"<br />

With the hard-on halfway back to its former state, which was close to fully engorged, he<br />

said lustily, "I think you might be. I like the way you sound. The way you talk."<br />

"Good," she purred. "Look, I shouldn't just admit this so easily, but something tells me I<br />

can trust you. I've … I've never been with a … with a black man before." Another drag, leaving a<br />

pause that demanded he fill it with an imaginary response as he awaited whatever she chose to<br />

add to her words. "For some reason … I suppose it's based on whom my friend is and what I was<br />

told about you … I'd like that to change. Tonight." Again she took a drag, expelled it and added,<br />

"With you, Big Boy. As soon as possible, to be frank, before I chicken out … which may happen<br />

any old minute now if I don't hear some encouraging words from you." One more sultry sigh. It<br />

was bulging with promise and an equal amount of hesitation, an enticing mixture to the man.<br />

"I'm game as hell, to be honest. Tell me, Abigail, what do you, uh, look like?"<br />

A pert chuckle was followed with, "I'm very early 40s … I probably shouldn't've told you<br />

that as you'll think I'm in my early 30s, I'm sure … five-two, one-hundred eight pounds with dark<br />

red hair and I have a 40-inch set of tits that have your name on them, Big Boy. I can … and I will<br />

if you treat me right … fuck your brains out and leave you gasping for air. Interested?"<br />

"You're damned right. Listen up. C'mon over here to my hotel. I'm at—"<br />

"I know where you are, sugar, but I don't intend to be that easy. I realize from this call I<br />

probably sound like a complete slut … which I can assure you I am not … but what I was told by<br />

my friend, and what I hear in this call, makes me want to do some crazy things with you."<br />

"That's why I said—"<br />

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"No, not that way. Look, there's a Starbucks not far from you. It's on the corner of … do<br />

you have something to write on?"<br />

He said he did, digging out Angela Dutton's business card and writing on the back as she<br />

gave him the street corner a mile or so from the hotel. "Got it," he told her. "I'm very sure I can<br />

be there in fifteen minutes, maybe less."<br />

"I'm here now, Big Boy. And I'm getting horny as hell. Don't be late." She hung up.<br />

As the elevator door opened, he turned and walked away from it. No time to waste!<br />

###<br />

Driving the white Ford Taurus rented for him by the Honorable Judge <strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, even<br />

risking a ticket on his newly restored temporary California driver's license, he made great speed<br />

to the store in question. The car almost slid to a stop in the parking lot. He got out, looked down<br />

his front for an assessment at the last moment, already too late to make any changes.<br />

White Nikes, white socks, gray cargo pants, a black polo shirt, a black windbreaker, a<br />

yellow gold colored digital watch he owned when he went to prison with a new battery, as it was<br />

dead when they handed it back to him upon his release. He didn't even think to lock the car. As<br />

he scanned the people waiting outside at the tables he saw a woman raise a cigarette to her mouth<br />

and knew he'd found the woman of his dreams.<br />

She stood, smiling at him from perhaps sixty feet away, and many parts of him melted as,<br />

at the same moment, other parts grew ready for action. Readjusting the now nearly turgid bulge<br />

in his pants before he stepped past the protective cover of the car, he started in her direction. She<br />

was as small as she said, which was a turn-on for him.<br />

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The hair was even longer than he imagined, the tits behind a tight dark blue vest over a<br />

white, filmy silk top larger than he dared hope. A short and reasonably tight skirt showed a great<br />

pair of statuesque legs, shapely thighs and, he had no doubt, a magnificent ass. It made him all<br />

the more excited, to the point his breath rate increased without being noticed. As he drew near to<br />

her, his passion, born in agitation and neglect, fostered further by her words and the sultry voice,<br />

welled over. He spread his arms, a massive smile on his face, and gushed, "C'mere, baby!"<br />

"Not so fast," she argued, her left palm pressed against his broad chest, forcibly pushing<br />

him away. "We need to talk a little first. I told you, I am not a slut."<br />

Backing off, confused but trying to think as flexibly as possible, he was determined not to<br />

fuck this opportunity up. Especially not just by being horny. This woman could not only fulfill a<br />

wild night of passion, perhaps an entire Christmas season, but may very well fit in permanently<br />

in whatever direction his life would soon take. Be a part of his future. It, and she, were all part of<br />

a package too big to mess up with lust and exuberance. "Okay, okay, okay. I've gotcha. So, we'll,<br />

uh, both sit down and—"<br />

"Go inside and get yourself a drink," she suggested, a manicured left index finger pointed<br />

at the dual glass doorway.<br />

"I've never done it before. Used one of these places, I mean. What should I get?" He took<br />

one step in that direction, then stopped to listen.<br />

"Get a caramel Macchiatto. The size of you," she oozed lustily, "I'd make it a Venti. It<br />

means big." She beamed a smile at him. "Do you have a Venti dick, sugar?"<br />

"I do," he said with a toothsome smile, "and I really think you're gonna like it."<br />

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"We shall see," she told him, licking her crimson lips as her tongue made a slow and lurid<br />

lap around her mouth. "We shall see."<br />

Major went into the store, fumbled around verbally ordering the drink, but the tall skinny<br />

kid behind the counter, a victim of advanced acne who was futilely attempting to grow a wild<br />

and scraggly beard his black hair wouldn't allow for years, guided him. The drink was made, he<br />

paid an outrageous price, then headed back outside.<br />

He pulled out the chair opposite her, having tasted the drink on his way out, and said, "It's<br />

pretty good. Never had one of these before."<br />

Abigail was about to speak, then glanced up over his right shoulder, the one nearest the<br />

store he'd just left, in curiosity. Drawn along her line of sight, he looked right, then up and back.<br />

He saw an attractive woman, perhaps as old as 50, with black hair to her collar dressed in a dark<br />

green sweatshirt and comfortable levis, finished off with white socks and jogging shoes. "Can I<br />

help you with something, ma'am?" He couldn't help looking her over and even appraising her as<br />

she stood beside him. His immediate classification was a good looking woman but, not to any<br />

big surprise, not in the same league as the big-titted sexy fox who'd been waiting for him. This<br />

was a total no-brainer. Ergo, he needed to get rid of this newcomer so he could get inside the fox<br />

as rapidly as possible. The idea ruled his thoughts.<br />

She leaned forward, her left palm coming to rest on his right shoulder. "I think so. You<br />

are Bernie Calton, are you not?" She gave a broad smile, but it seemed empty. More like a photo<br />

shop picture installed in a fireplace. All image and no warmth.<br />

"Uh, no," he said, looking down at her hand on his shoulder. The main thought racing in<br />

his mind was, If this Abigail woman is at all possessive, this may blow the best piece of ass I've<br />

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ever had … and the only one in five fucking years! "I am … my name is Major Gaynor." With no<br />

desire to know it, instead fixated on Abigail Aaron, he didn't ask her name.<br />

"Oh, goodness. It certainly does seem I've made a very stupid mistake. I'm very sorry."<br />

"It's okay. No harm done. Have a nice day," he said dismissively.<br />

"You really are a muscular man," she said persistently. "Look at those muscles."<br />

"Thank you," he replied, not adding anything to a conversation he wanted to have die a<br />

quick natural death.<br />

"May I see them?" she inquired, stroking his right upper arm. "Just for a moment? They<br />

are such muscular arms. Really they are … but, of course … you know that."<br />

He glanced at Abigail, as if seeking absolution and understanding, hoping she'd see he<br />

was trying to blow this bitch off before Abigail decided he wasn't gonna get laid tonight.<br />

To Major's surprise, Abigail smiled and said, "Go ahead, sugar, take off your coat. I'd like<br />

to see all those muscles myself."<br />

Prefacing it with an embarrassed smile, but willing to do practically anything under the<br />

sun to get in Abigail's pants, he sighed and rose to his full five-eleven height, all 250 pounds of<br />

him. He unzipped the jacket at the bottom and removed it, dropping it to the chair.<br />

"Oooo, they're huge!" said the unnamed admiring woman. "<strong>My</strong> goodness! Please tell me<br />

you'll make a muscle for me? Please?"<br />

Another embarrassed look toward Abigail, who again surprised him by smiling. "Yes,"<br />

she told him, "let me see it."<br />

Getting more into it, especially if it interested her, he brought up his right arm curled in a<br />

body builder's pose, exposing a 23-inch biceps.<br />

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"<strong>My</strong> goodness," gushed the newcomer. "So much muscle! Let me feel it." She reached up<br />

with both hands, her left trying to clasp the outside of his arm, her right inside on the more tender<br />

skin. "So incredibly large and powerful!"<br />

About to issue an embarrassed "thank you", he stopped when he felt a sharp stinging pain<br />

in that soft skin. Reflexively, he jerked his arm away and looked at her in confusion.<br />

"Oh, gee! I'm so sorry," she said apologetically. "This darned ring has a burr on the band<br />

inside." She raised her right hand, the top held out to him showing the ring, the inner band facing<br />

her. "Please forgive me?"<br />

Seeing only a small pinpoint of blood, hoping her guilt would make her go away, Major<br />

toughed it out. "That's okay. Now, if you'll excuse us, my friend and I were—"<br />

"Oh, certainly. I understand. So sorry," she said, pointing at his arm.<br />

"Think nothing of it," he said forgivingly, again donning his jacket. He resumed using the<br />

chair and was grateful when the visitor smiled and walked away. Turning his full attention back<br />

to Abigail, he felt a tightness in his chest but ignored it. Gotta be tension. The real tightness is all<br />

in my dick! Damned if this isn't one foxy fucking woman! Man, I gotta have me some of that and<br />

that's all there is to it! "So, Abigail, tell me what made … ugh!"<br />

She looked at him quizzically.<br />

"Hurts!" he said in sudden pain, wondering if this was what it felt like in a heart attack. "I<br />

got pains … in my … in my … chest!" An attempt to stand failed, dropping him to kneel on his<br />

right knee. "I can't—" He wanted to add the word "breathe" but there was no oxygen left in his<br />

lungs, so it came out as only a squeak. He flailed his arms wildly, his lips mouthing the words,<br />

"Help me! Help me!" as he fell face forward and flopped like a beached tarpon.<br />

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When his arms started to pitch wildly, Marcella came to her feet and watched. A group of<br />

people rushed forward, a woman kneeling to support his head, a man unzipping the coat and then<br />

pulling the shirt up to expose his heaving chest. Marcella backed away farther.<br />

Another man said, "I'm a doctor! Make way!" With various people dialing 9-1-1 on cell<br />

phones, the medical man began compressing Major's chest and started CPR, telling a woman on<br />

the other side of his patient what to do as she tried breathing air into his mouth. After almost two<br />

minutes with no positive signs, again feeling for a pulse, the doctor sat back, saying as he peeked<br />

at his watch, "Time of death 7:42 p.m. Thursday, December 24 th . May God rest his soul."<br />

Marcella was in her car, parked across the street, pulling into traffic at that moment.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Thursday, December 24 th , 2008 … 8:45 p.m.<br />

After she departed the scene at the Starbucks, instructed to drive around and be sure she<br />

was unnoticed, Marcella did as she'd been told. She reflected on her memory bank of images, all<br />

the faces she'd ever seen in her line of work, trying to sift and sort. To come up with a name and<br />

a pic that might be the black-haired woman who did the job on Major Gaynor. Thank God!, she<br />

thought in relief. If it had come down to me fucking that piece of garbage, there's no way I would<br />

ever be able to do it. Now she sported a large, unpleasant scowl. In which case Darius would've<br />

had me killed. Lucky me, it seems.<br />

Having begun her evening with a full tank, she had no distractions and nothing else was<br />

on her mind beyond getting these terribly unpleasant tasks out of the way. She drove aimlessly<br />

all around the area of upper San Diego, never stopping except for traffic lights. Looking around<br />

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carefully even when going through an intersection on a green light. I can't afford to have any odd<br />

event fuck this up for me. For some reason I can tell all these little steps are a major part of what<br />

he has planned. If I do anything to throw a wrench into the machinery, I might as well put a gun<br />

to my own head. She shuddered. Darius has always scared the hell out of me and nothing's a bit<br />

changed now in that regard.<br />

So, who is that babe? she wondered, changing lanes and getting on 5 north to move a bit<br />

back toward where she'd been earlier. I don't recall I've ever seen her before. Not bad looking for<br />

a woman her age, even if she wasn't what I'd call "overdressed" in any way. Still, that wasn't it,<br />

not by any chance. That's not what struck me about her. No, it was her mercilessness I saw first.<br />

Thinking back on what she saw, Marcella grimaced. It was as if she was enjoying her job<br />

so much she'd've done it for free, if necessary. Of course, I've killed people, too. Never really felt<br />

"bad" about it, but I also didn't slaver with joy at the moment. Plus, I've never done it in such a<br />

hands-on manner. I've shot, and even stabbed, a few. Or run them down with a car. Used other<br />

ways, too, but never such close contact.<br />

Plus, I saw her eyes at the moment she took him out. I've seen more emotion in a potted<br />

plant than was on her entire face. That woman is as cold-blooded a killer as Darius and, as I was<br />

just reminding myself, he's the scariest bastard I've ever met. What a fucking pair to draw to.<br />

After not quite an hour of cruising the streets, her cell phone rang. Pressing the button of<br />

her earpiece after seeing the number was blocked out, even so her phone couldn't pick it up, she<br />

knew it was him. "Yes?"<br />

"It's me."<br />

"Okay. What's next?"<br />

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"We've been following the other target. That Casey Bingham. Where are you?"<br />

She scowled at the irrelevancy of the question. "I'm quite sure you have this car so well<br />

rigged you already know. What say we dispense with triviality and you tell me what you want<br />

done. It won't be another nigger, I hope?"<br />

"There's a picture of the man in your car's glovebox."<br />

"Mistake on your part. I checked the car over when I took it today. There was no pic in<br />

there. Just an owner's manual."<br />

"Have you checked it since you left that coffee place?"<br />

Marcella blushed. Saw she'd been one-upped. "I'll look at it. What's next?"<br />

"He's at a juice drink store by I-15 off Mira <strong>Me</strong>sa Boulevard."<br />

"I believe I know the store. I take it I'm to go there? Now?"<br />

"Now. Get the man's attention … you won't need any coaching on that part, I'm sure …<br />

and draw him away, out to the parking lot. From there, it will be the same as the last one. When<br />

that's finished, we can begin preparing for what I have on the agenda as the main topic."<br />

"Anything else I need to know before I get there?"<br />

"Yes. I was about to get into that."<br />

Shit! Now I get to wait for the other shoe to drop! She sighed, but said nothing.<br />

"He contacted a prostitute he frequented between incarcerations. Evidently she no longer<br />

plies her former trade … a black woman named Shandell Greene … and has agreed to meet him,<br />

in the company of her boyfriend, to share the Christmas spirit of the season." He paused. Then,<br />

in an ironic twist, asked, "Are you enjoying your yuletide festivities, Marcella?"<br />

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"If I was having any more fun I know I'd be expected to write a cheque to pay for it." She<br />

lit a cigarette to occupy her hands, having pulled to the curb as she answered the call. Waiting for<br />

whatever else was coming her way, she kept her eyes busy scanning her mirrors, the street ahead<br />

and to both sides, and worked to remain calm. She reflected, What an amazing line of work I'm<br />

in. I get to spend Christmas Eve setting up murder victims.<br />

"He's with the prostitute and her companion now. Are you ready to memorize the address<br />

so you can get there quickly?"<br />

"Go," she confirmed.<br />

McLain gave it to her, then disconnected without adding anything.<br />

Marcella shrugged and eased her way back into the traffic flow.<br />

###<br />

Casey Bingham, in an unusual way for him, arrived ten minutes early.<br />

It was wasted. Shandell and her boyfriend, Thurston Wackerly, were already there at a<br />

table. Each was drinking an apricot smoothie. As if on cue, Shandell inquired if he wanted to get<br />

a drink.<br />

"I got no idea what kinda shit a place like this sells," he said somewhat defensively.<br />

"Thurston," she began, looking to her left at the outside patio table on a very large shared<br />

customer area between this smoothie store and a very busy Starbucks 75 feet to the south of their<br />

table, "will you get him what we're having, sweetheart?"<br />

"You bet," said Thurston Wackerly, a 23-year old computer services consultant who had<br />

a BS, an MS and a PhD in computer Sciences. A young man able to write code so detailed and so<br />

intrinsic he was also consulting to a number of government agencies, including a select group of<br />

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intelligence services in limited capacities. Average height at five-eight, a bit skinny at 138, he<br />

was the perennial mockup of the stereotyped nerd. Large blond frames on his glasses somehow<br />

managed to emphasize what had been called "Dumbo ears" since he was a boy. His dark brown<br />

hair contrasted with the glasses, although the slightly lighter brown eyes seemed in conflict with<br />

the frames themselves.<br />

His longtime acne problem, continually under treatment to stay controlled, still managed<br />

to get away from him on occasion, leaving an occasional small scar on his face. The longer than<br />

usual teeth, quite white and fresh, were accented by metal braces that, oddly enough, didn't seem<br />

out of place on his face. The young man's mouth was always shaped in a smile, an expression he<br />

was aware magnified whenever he was in the presence of this woman he so adored.<br />

In addition to his computer consulting and classes he was still taking, classes he might<br />

well be teaching in a year or two, he worked part-time at two Starbucks stores. He rented a room<br />

from an elderly spinster and did the chores around her house, as well.<br />

When circumstances put him in a position to be a friend to Shandell, who was working as<br />

a prostitute when they first met, he lunged at the opportunity. She was the only woman he'd ever<br />

known sexually, the only woman he'd ever love. In his mind, and hers, that would never change.<br />

It was some time after they met, when they'd already begun seeing each other exclusively, she<br />

reminded him she was black, referring to her chocolate skin.<br />

her sensuality.<br />

It surprised him, as he'd never noticed, but all he said was it added to her beauty and all<br />

Vastly different circumstances had drawn her off the streets and into a permanent line of<br />

work, running the office of Clarence Burns, a thriving local criminal attorney. He had served as<br />

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her lawyer on numerous occasions and saved her time in jail because of her trade, a job she only<br />

did as she couldn't find gainful employment. Her "record" for what she'd done as a trade barred<br />

her from everything she ever tried to do as a legitimate career until the opportunity to work for<br />

Clarence Burns arose. She'd come in to pay on her account the morning after his secretary was<br />

murdered in the parking lot. Assuming those duties with an eye on it being temp work to help a<br />

man she really liked, it rapidly evolved to a full-time permanent gig.<br />

It seemed a match made in heaven. That's how she treated her job and her employer.<br />

Now she worked diligently every day of her life to not only put time between her and her<br />

sordid past, but to put it all permanently out of her mind. It was moments and events such as this<br />

one, when Casey Bingham, a former "client" of her "other work", popped out of the woodwork,<br />

that pulled her regretfully back into that old mindset. It reawakened the unhappiness she knew in<br />

that sleazy existence. This time, however, was different in a way.<br />

Casey Bingham was an instrumental tool in arranging for a cousin, Varshawn Bristol, to<br />

avoid being raped as a first time prison inmate. A somewhat innocent boy, still in his late teens,<br />

bad choices and the wrong crowd as friends left him facing a virtual life sentence in prison. His<br />

youth and size would've left him a defenseless victim of the sexual predators lurking in the walls<br />

and halls of penal institutions all over California. Based in large part on the actions of the man<br />

they were meeting, Casey Bingham, that dismal future was thwarted well ahead of time.<br />

The deed instilled a debt of honor into Shandell. Now, reinforced by the presence of the<br />

man she loved, without regard to his nerdiness, his appearance, or evident lack of any physical<br />

strength, she was in control. Of her thoughts. Of her destiny in this moment. Of her life.<br />

Doing this meet was a great deal easier than she'd hoped it would be.<br />

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When Casey arrived she greeted him, impulsively allowing the man to embrace her, then<br />

being rewarded at seeing Thurston confidently shake hands with Casey while showing not even a<br />

trace of embarrassment over her former life. He knew what she'd done before and, because of the<br />

unusual request to meet with her and offer Christmas wishes, even knew Casey was a one-time<br />

sampler of her feminine favors. Yet he loved her enough to shrug it off and dismiss the idea.<br />

The first part of their meeting was devoted to her thanking him for the invaluable aid he<br />

provided for the boy at her request. Then Casey surprised her by giving them both a gift. Hers<br />

was an empty leather-bound journal to record her life in and Thurston, whom she'd described in<br />

some detail to the former customer, was given a $200 gift certificate to a large computer supply<br />

store in San Diego county. Although they'd brought no gifts for him, it was apparent Casey had<br />

no such expectations. He was honestly trying to adjust the relationship they once shared to that<br />

of an amicable friendship and nothing more.<br />

The honesty and simplicity of the moment and the intention almost made her cry, but she<br />

managed to get past it and stayed the course. The idea of possibly changing things to be only<br />

what he suggested … just friends … felt as if it was becoming a reality.<br />

As it began to appear the visit was wending its way to a peaceful and satisfactory end, he<br />

had a caller. Someone unknown to him, Shandell was quite sure, someone she'd never imagine<br />

would have even a reason to look twice at Casey, let alone find him at all interesting. They were<br />

saying the things friends say before parting, vague references to meeting again and even making<br />

it an annual event, when she approached their table.<br />

Because Marcella Thrasher was dressed as she was in the form fitting business attire that<br />

accented her sensuality, Shandell was immediately put off by the woman. Still, remembering the<br />

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way people had treated her when it was not at all doubtable what she did for a living, Shandell<br />

held her tongue and said nothing.<br />

"Ooo, aren't you just the most precious thing?" asked Marcella as she arrived at their<br />

table and glanced down at Casey. "You are one fine looking man, fella."<br />

Casey first looked over both shoulders, making it clear he presumed she spoke to some<br />

unknown guy behind him, but found no one. He faced her and asked, "Who? <strong>Me</strong>?"<br />

"Yes, you. Of course," she practically gushed. Then, in a manner so brazen and bold it<br />

made Shandell think this might be a tremendously well dressed working girl, the woman took a<br />

chair beside Casey's. Talked exclusively with him, ignoring the fact he was with other people.<br />

Shandell was very conflicted. To the point she went silent.<br />

Thurston also said nothing, but she noticed a change in him. It created the impression he<br />

had hackles standing straight up on the back of his neck, guard dog fashion. It was odd. Chilling<br />

in a way. Very much out of character for the man she'd already come to know better than any<br />

man she'd ever encountered.<br />

Finally, at a point the uninvited siren seemed to be getting lurid beyond the believable,<br />

she invited Casey to take her home and stop in for a Christmas drink.<br />

He literally sprang from his chair, then admitted he had no car. That he took a taxi to get<br />

here, although Shandell had seen him emerge from a city bus when he arrived. The vixen who<br />

was tempting and arousing Casey assured him she did have one, adding he'd soon be very glad<br />

they met. That was all it took. Casey had nothing on his mind beyond leaving the premises to do<br />

whatever the woman wanted, any time, any place, any way.<br />

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Thurston, on the other hand, seemed to be on the verge of a fit of apoplexy, his face the<br />

color of a fresh red apple. He was clenching his teeth and even had his hands balled into fists on<br />

his lap. Unmistakably, the woman caller had pressed all the wrong buttons on her guy, but she<br />

was able to hold him in check with her eyes and by placing her fingers on his wrist as a ground.<br />

She was certain, if she could restrain Thurston for only a couple more minutes, the crisis she now<br />

feared would soon pass.<br />

Although she'd argued against breaking up their visit early, exactly what they'd all had in<br />

mind until the man-eater showed up, Casey was all on the side of their as yet unnamed visitor.<br />

He was not only no help in achieving her goal, he was the main hindrance. As the couple walked<br />

away, Thurston's eyes remained fixed on them. Still grinding his teeth, he asserted, "There's just<br />

something evil about that woman. I do not trust her and it's clear he's your friend, darling. I am at<br />

my wit's end over this."<br />

She was still attempting to console her man when he sprang erect, pointing after them. "I<br />

just saw a woman emerge from the shadows and begin following them! You wait here, darling! I<br />

shall return posthaste!" Then he was off like a shot.<br />

Shandell clambered to her feet and set out to follow, regretting now she'd worn a pair of<br />

stiletto high heels because Thurston liked her so much in them. She discovered right away they<br />

were not at all conducive to running, or even walking fast.<br />

As she raced along at her fastest feeble walk, finally deciding to shred her nylons by a<br />

trip with no shoes, she carried them in her hand. Quite a bit short of catching up with her lover<br />

and best friend, she watched in horror as Thurston broke into a full gallop. He was yelling, "Get<br />

away, Casey! That woman's going to harm you!"<br />

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The woman he'd identified as an attacker was only about ten feet short of reaching Casey<br />

and Marcella when Thurston left the ground in a full-fledged dive. He tackled the woman he saw<br />

approaching Shandell's friend and slammed her against the side of a brown SUV parked at the<br />

end of a double-sided row of cars. The woman whirled in place, seemingly trying to slap the man<br />

assailing her. However, as her arm swung in a wide arc to land her hand on his head, another guy<br />

who heard everything attempted to intervene.<br />

The woman's hand collided with the back of that man's arm and he howled once in pain,<br />

as if the blow of a woman had caused him unusual suffering. <strong>At</strong> the same time, when Casey<br />

turned to get into the fray after realizing one participant was Thurston, Shandell noticed the<br />

woman who'd been so enamored of him was concentrating on making tracks away from the<br />

scene. The one Thurston tackled had turned her resistance efforts directly on him. To Shandell's<br />

astonishment, although she never expected any feats of strength from her guy, she was very<br />

impressed with his efforts at the onset.<br />

However, when the woman broke into a martial arts stance and left him moaning in pain<br />

seconds later, she was free of any custodial hold Thurston may have applied and already on her<br />

way from the scene. What added an air of mystery is the way the bystander died two minutes or<br />

so later. Choking, gasping, unable to breathe.<br />

<strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> me! Shandell thought in horror. <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> me!<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 10:16 a.m.<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 153<br />

After we left the scene of Mr. Gaynor's dead body last night, with both of us perplexed<br />

and Angela feeling more than a little guilty, we headed for the other crime scene, the one being<br />

headed up by Carlina Torres. She's an absolutely adorable little thing, only a year younger than I<br />

am at 28, barely over five-two, one-ten if she's completely soaked, and sporting a pair of boobies<br />

any cabaret dancer would be very proud about. She has an ocean of hair so dark brown it does an<br />

impersonation of black with no problem. Hangs almost to her teeny, tiny waist, too.<br />

A girl could almost be envious of her except for the fact she's a total sweety in every inch<br />

of her. She fits that saying about being even prettier inside than outside, and the outside part of<br />

her is a true show stopper. Oh, and she's as smart as a whip to boot. A <strong>Me</strong>xicana, she doesn't do<br />

very well with bigots and will not laugh at a "beaner" joke. She also earned a nickname during<br />

her days on patrol. She and her unie partner were in a scuffle with a monstrous linebacker-type<br />

who was drunk or spaced out on something. The man was a wrecking machine and they couldn't<br />

take him down.<br />

Apparently he swatted Carlina to the ground and was about to pulverize her partner, so<br />

she determined she'd had enough. Using her baton, while stretched out on the concrete, Carlina<br />

swung it hard enough to break his ankle, and he went down. That's when she sprang to her feet<br />

and used it to break his other ankle, as well. She reasoned she wanted to be sure he couldn't get<br />

back on his feet again.<br />

Henceforth, she was known as "El <strong>Me</strong>añorita", a combo of "mean" and "señorita". It's<br />

hard imagining that side of her when meeting Carlina as a person, or even as a cop, since she's so<br />

sweet and attractive. However, after that day, not one man in the Department was afraid to have<br />

her along as backup on a call. They all knew she'd do in a pinch and would always account for<br />

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herself and her partner in every way necessary. With about eight years now as an SD cop, she's<br />

in what I think is her fourth year as a detective and already second grade. That's very unusual.<br />

Something else that helps keep us "older women" from acting jealous is a relationship she<br />

has with a very sharp local criminal attorney, Clarence Burns. Not only is the man an outstanding<br />

legal eagle in every respect, he's a monster at six-six, 270 pounds. Even so, when he's with that<br />

gorgeous young cop, he's a virtual puppy dog. They make a contrasting but most enjoyable pair.<br />

We learned the other guy Angela got released from prison along with Mr. Gaynor, a man<br />

named Casey Bingham, was evidently the target of a murder attempt. Of all people, Shandell<br />

Greene was there to meet with Bingham. Thankfully, she'd brought along her seemingly nerdy<br />

guy, Thurston Wackerly. As it developed, Thurston ripped off his "nerd suit" and went right into<br />

attack mode, a virtual terrier on a rat. He tackled the would-be murderer … perhaps I'll be better<br />

off saying murderess, since it was a woman according to the witnesses … and fought like some<br />

sort of madman to save Bingham's life.<br />

The part that turned Angela's otherwise pretty mouth into a snarl was a description of the<br />

woman who, according to Shandell, "seduced him right in front of us". What we were told, here<br />

and at the locale where Mr. Gaynor died, were identical descriptions that virtually painted us a<br />

picture of Marcella Thrasher. To be honest, I could see it pissed Angela off. I knew she'd rather<br />

retire now than let go of that lead. She's as good a cop as I've ever met and she'd quite simply had<br />

enough. No more. As I said, she was pissed.<br />

The poor man who was killed, it turns out, was an innocent bystander.<br />

So sad. So terribly sad. The poor man died trying to prevent a crime. The way Angela<br />

saw it, the killer was the very same person who snuffed Mr. Gaynor, working in tandem with<br />

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Marcella Thrasher. As far as Angela was concerned, the whole thing stank to high heaven and<br />

she deemed it a "puzzle with a lot of big pieces missing".<br />

That part also pissed her off, but that's my buddy Angela for you.<br />

We were out on the two calls a total of some three hours. Then, when we were back at the<br />

house, I wouldn't hear of her and Giff driving home. Not when we have all these rooms. One of<br />

the rooms had been occupied all day and evening by a non-appearing pair of guests, which I felt<br />

was a good idea. <strong>My</strong> ultra-favorite author ever, Bill Cady, was no longer even trying to hide the<br />

fact he and Adele Nostrum "had a thing going". She'd spoken to me on the q.t. and I had them<br />

move up to the third floor, the level where Donnie and I have our bedroom.<br />

There hadn't been a peep out of anyone yesterday, and Bill caught my attention today to<br />

tell me they wouldn't be downstairs until later. I smiled at him and said okay, thinking to myself,<br />

Go get 'em, Tiger!<br />

Angela and Giff were up bright and early, with her into the "Gimme" routine right away.<br />

She also looked like she might harm someone until Candy stuck a thermal cup of coffee in her<br />

mitt with a smile. That took the edge off my pal and she was tolerable afterward.<br />

The aromas from the kitchen promised our second oldest baby, Candy, was working her<br />

usual culinary magic feats. All I was sure of was it involved some very savory smelling bacon<br />

and, knowing her, something epicurean with eggs and, probably, French toast. Whatever it was<br />

smelled heavenly.<br />

All the presents had been opened and the crowd was just about ready to migrate toward<br />

the dining table when Angela's phone rang again. As if in a duet, she and Giff both said, "Shit!"<br />

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Face transformed into a scowl, annoyed enough to put the phone on speaker, she set it on<br />

the coffee table while gesturing to me with the fingers of her right hand, mouthing "Gimme". To<br />

the phone laid out before her she added, "Dutton. This better be good, damn it. In case you don't<br />

recall, this is Christmas Day."<br />

"And I'm … what?" came the male reply with a hint of annoyance, "just dialing you up,<br />

maybe, from Disneyland? This is Bergin. I'm stuck with the shit shift today, Dutton. You want,<br />

maybe, we should change places? How's about I come to wherever the hell you are and you can<br />

zip in here and fly this fuckin' desk? Take all these pissant calls? Sound like a plan?"<br />

"Got it. I'll call FTD. Watch for the flowery truck, okay?" She took a long drag, got rid of<br />

it and asked, "Okay, to what do I owe the pleasure?"<br />

"Got some babe … probable bimbo, maybe even a 5149½, fer Chrissakes, like I'd know<br />

fer sure? … been calling fer ya. Looks like … hang on," he mumbled as he shuffled paper in the<br />

background, "gotta be four, five times so far. Says she gotta talk to ya since you been the one on<br />

that case with the Gaynor guy." He coughed. "Whatever the hell's bitin' her ass, this babe is sure<br />

as hell persistent."<br />

"Who is she, Bergin? You get a name?"<br />

"Gee, why didn't I think of that? No wonder you're first grade and I'm not yet." Again, he<br />

coughed. "She won't say and, as far as what she does say, there's no way we can even trace her<br />

on the phone she's using. That part sort of got to me, so I tried. Damned if she isn't right. I can't<br />

get even a hint."<br />

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A chair squeaked as he evidently shifted positions. "She got through to a lieutenant who,<br />

as you might very fucking well guess, foisted it off on me. Like I need this shit when I'm stuck<br />

here on Christmas day?"<br />

"Bergin, you're a Jew. If you were home, you'd still pay it no attention."<br />

"Yeah," he chuckled, "I would, but I wouldn't get triple time at home." He broke into a<br />

loud peal of laughter for a few seconds. "Anyway, this babe says you gotta call her so, since it<br />

was dumped in my lap, I called you. Whaddaya want me to tell her?"<br />

"Give me the number and I'll tell her myself," was Angela's reply as she dug out her pen<br />

and notebook with a scowl on her face. "Okay, shoot."<br />

"This'll only take a minute," she said, telling us all but looking at me when she was done.<br />

She thumbed a number on the phone, set it on the table and still hadn't bothered to activate her<br />

earpiece. On the second ring she heard, "Hello, Detective Dutton. How are you?"<br />

"What's more pertinent," she answered evasively, "is who are you and why have you been<br />

calling me?" She went back to work on the ciggie, her eyes narrowing, all the focus aimed at the<br />

floor, her mind hovering above her somewhere, playing lookout.<br />

"I have some information for you, Detective. We need to talk. Soon. Very soon."<br />

"Name," Angela said with some annoyance. "Who are you?"<br />

"If it matters, ma'am, I'm Sharla."<br />

"That a first name or last?" The drag she'd just taken was expelled directly at the phone, a<br />

subconscious gesture of defiance, as I saw it.<br />

"First, Detective. Does that matter?"<br />

Again, Angela ignored the inquiry. "Why are you calling me, ma'am?"<br />

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"So we can get together … the sooner, the better … because I have information on one of<br />

the cases you're working. It's something I'm sure you'll want to know, Detective."<br />

"Which case would that be?"<br />

"I'll tell you when we meet, Detective."<br />

"That's not going to happen right away," Angela said with an annoyed sigh.<br />

I figured she was simply maneuvering, since she's not the kind to let a good lead go to<br />

waste. <strong>At</strong> the same time, I saw she wasn't anxious to jump into her unit right away, either.<br />

"You mean you don't want the information I have on one of your active cases?"<br />

"Lady, you still haven't even told me which case. If, and until, I learn something that gets<br />

my interest up, the answer is I'm not planning to go play 'cops and robbers' on Christmas Day. If<br />

you have something relevant to tell me, say it. If not, call me again tomorrow."<br />

There was an empty space hanging vacant in the air a moment before the woman spoke<br />

again. "Hondell told me to call you."<br />

Angela's eyes grew large. "Where do you want to meet?"<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 10:27 a.m.<br />

We all listened as Angela worked out a meeting with the woman who'd called her, some<br />

girl I gathered was named Sharla Something-or-other. It made no sense to me from the small part<br />

I overheard, but Angela's a pro, so I knew she'd handle it as it should be done. <strong>Me</strong>anwhile, I was<br />

a bit busy with the latest arrivals in the living room.<br />

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<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 159<br />

Looking a bit sheepish yet, at the same time, very happy and in love as they held hands<br />

entering the room, my favorite author … ever … and what we could all see was now "his girl",<br />

joined us. Bill Cady and Adele Nostrum were still in that giddy, gushy, practically-goofy-to-the-<br />

point-it's-embarrassing stage we all either remember or hope to enjoy. Those two "had it bad" for<br />

each other and it brought a huge smile to my face.<br />

However, since I already consider each a valued friend, even after such a brief time, I did<br />

manage to keep that knowing look off my face. Criminy! Donnie and I just went through pretty<br />

much the same thing not so long ago and almost everyone cut us the slack we needed. With these<br />

two I was simply paying back the blessings we received. While still listening to Angela finalize<br />

the meeting, I gave 'em a recap of what was going on.<br />

Bill then surprised me, and everyone else, by saying he had a number of presents for all<br />

of us in his car, although I don't know where the heck he'd've hidden 'em in something with so<br />

little storage space, but he was going to go get 'em after he had a cup of coffee. That is, until all<br />

our plans were changed by Angela's announcement.<br />

"I've got to go meet that babe now," she said almost unhappily. "Too important to wait."<br />

In one of those "Jinx, you owe me a Coke!" moments, Giff and I almost shouted a duet.<br />

"Not without backup!"<br />

Giff leapt to his feet. "Baby, I know you won't let me ride along with you, since we've<br />

been through this crap before, but I do not want you going off to meet some bimbo all alone. Not<br />

ever, and especially not on Christmas Day! Damn it, Angela, we don't know if—"<br />

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"Got it handled," she said in dismissal, kissing him briefly, then walking across the room<br />

to her purse where she'd left it on a table in our foyer. Reaching into her bag, she then extracted a<br />

small package wrapped in Christmas paper and plodded back to stand in front of me.<br />

For some unknown reason I suddenly felt like we were in my high school auditorium and<br />

I was on stage. The principal of the school was standing in Angela's place about to tell me I had<br />

to get off the stage because I'd failed to graduate. The feeling creeping over me was akin to a kid<br />

hoping she'd be able to walk out the doorway and step in front of a fast moving beer truck to end<br />

it all in a big old hurry.<br />

With a near growl in her voice and a definite scowl on her face, my co-best girl buddy<br />

told me, "I hate it when things jerk my plans around, ya know?"<br />

No, I wanted to say, but you're scaring the pee out of me with whatever you're trying to<br />

do, so I wish like crazy you'd just finish it and put me out of my bleepin' misery! Maybe use that<br />

big old Glock on your hip and park one between my stupid eyes! Instead of spewing out all that<br />

clever oratory, I nodded like a dingbat and said, "Okay?"<br />

She handed me the package. "<strong>Me</strong>rry Christmas, lady. I'd planned to give you this later,<br />

after we all scarfed that delicious breakfast Candy's making … a meal you and I are going to be<br />

forced to skip … but it seems duty calls." The scowl lightened up a bit. "For both of us."<br />

Please, Angela, was the thought running through my mind, just shoot me now and tell my<br />

family I loved 'em all right up to the bitter end! Yes, that's what I thought … don't know why, but<br />

I did … and I felt my lower lip start to tremble a little. "W-w-w-what's this … all … all about?"<br />

"It's 'all about' what you did in late November, girl. P.O.S.T. Ringing any bells, am I?"<br />

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She had everyone in the room frozen, all watching us, with none but Donnie and me able<br />

to put any of it together. Cautiously, I looked over at my guy and saw the idea click home for<br />

him. Take shape in his mind, changing his concerned expression to a relaxed smile. That made<br />

me feel even dumber, but I reflected back on P.O.S.T. and what it meant in my life.<br />

The acronym, P.O.S.T., stands for Peace Officer Standards & Training. It's the "bible" as<br />

far as all California peace officers go. Back in November, she pulled a surprise on me and got the<br />

Department to sponsor me to apply as a Reserve III officer. Doing so made me a volunteer with<br />

the same arrest authority as any other sworn cop. Because I'm an attorney and also a judge, they<br />

waived the two-week course of procedure, although I was requested to at least read the bleepin'<br />

manual, which I did, cover to cover. Yet, because there's a physical part to the job, they wouldn't<br />

waive the three-day arrest procedures and firearms portion.<br />

Of course, I aced the shooting part 'cause I hit what I aim at, but the physical section of it,<br />

along with the holds, throws, and techniques used left me sore and achy for a week. <strong>At</strong> the end of<br />

it all I was sworn in, taking the same oath as some 2,000+ SDPD officers. Albeit a volunteer, I<br />

was much the same as the rest … at least, in name. I was sworn in as a cop. A reserve cop.<br />

But, I told myself then and now, that's just some "ego thing" Angela set up for me. Isn't<br />

it? I mean … criminy! … she sounds as serious as can be right now!<br />

"The, um, the … P.O.S.T stuff? Is that what you mean?"<br />

"Bingo!" She scanned the group around us. "By Jove, I think she's got it!"<br />

Shaking my head in confusion … maybe embarrassment, too … I said, "I don't get it."<br />

"Open your present. That'll help you along." As she instructed me, she reached into the<br />

left coat pocket of my navy blue jogging suit and told me, "I'll handle my own 'gimme' while you<br />

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tear that sucker open." She also fished out my lighter and used it, then stuffed it all back where<br />

she found it while I opened the gift.<br />

I dropped the paper to the floor and stared dumbfounded at what was in my trembling<br />

hand. It was a yellow gold SDPD badge with an officer number and the words "reserve officer",<br />

plus an ID tag saying "<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>". For a moment all I could do was stare at it. Then, like a total<br />

ditzoid, I began to cry.<br />

Ciggie in her left hand, right arm draped around my shoulders, Angela told me, "Yeah, I<br />

love you, too. However, you are … legally and officially … a cop with full arrest powers and the<br />

right to carry a weapon, on-duty or off. As it happens, I need backup and I need it now. I don't<br />

want to roust some other poor schnook on Christmas day, so you're elected. So, Officer <strong>Ryder</strong>,<br />

we have a call. Let's roll on it, huh?"<br />

Of course, that got me crying even harder, but I wasn't done yet. Donnie came over and<br />

held me, kissing my forehead and telling me how proud he was of me. All our babies, as well as<br />

Bren's new hubby, hugged and kissed me. Even Bill and Adele got in on the deal. By the time I<br />

was done being kissed and hugged … Brittany got in on it, too, although she had no idea why …<br />

I was also able to stop blubbering like an idiot. Angela kissed my cheek again and ordered, "Go<br />

wash your face, woman. We've got work to do."<br />

Not even worried about potentially puffy eyes now, I did as she beckoned, came back,<br />

got my coat and we headed for her unit. Very proudly, I was all "badged up" and about to go on<br />

my first official on-duty call as a cop. I was too happy at that point to do any more crying.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Leviticus, Limited 33-0505963

<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, <strong><strong>Me</strong>rcy</strong> <strong>Me</strong>! … by Bill Cady 163<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 10:49 a.m.<br />

"Is it okay if I smoke? You know, since I'm sort of 'on-duty' this time?" I asked as Angela<br />

pulled out of the driveway. She didn't bother to use the oscillators, but there was so little traffic<br />

she had no need. Almost everyone was still home, either opening presents or getting ready to go<br />

to a relative's house for the day.<br />

"If you do the 'gimme' routine, I can buy it," she said with her right palm extended.<br />

"I'm on it." I gave her one, held up the lighter for her, then took care of my own. "I've<br />

never done anything like this before."<br />

"Gee, I wouldn't've known if you hadn't told me," she chided playfully. "Actually, you<br />

have done it, you just can't see it."<br />

"That will need explaining." I took another nervous drag, somehow feeling panicky at the<br />

idea, since I was honestly, legitimately doing a piece of police work at the moment.<br />

"Any and every time you've rolled on a call with me … and there've been more than a<br />

few times that's happened … it's the same as what's happening now. The difference is this time<br />

you have a badge and can arrest some asshole, if necessary. Not that you couldn't've done it any<br />

other time, but it would've been a citizen's arrest. There's a big difference when it gets to court<br />

but, being a judge, you'd know that."<br />

"Not much different in my court, " I argued. "Evidence is evidence, as I see it."<br />

"If only they were all like you," she told me wistfully as she wheeled onto the ramp and<br />

booted the car up the slanted concrete path onto 5 south. "If only."<br />

Thoughts began running through my head. "Um, what should I, um, do? You know, um,<br />

when we get to the scene?"<br />

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For a moment she looked serious, as if pondering a deep question. "Well, unless you see<br />

me pull out my Glock, or someone's about to fire at us, you probably shouldn't kill anyone. It'll<br />

look bad if you off some asshole on your first legit call." Then she maintained a straight face, as<br />

if every word had been heartfelt and serious.<br />

"Har-de-har-har-har," I replied. "Not funny, Angela."<br />

"Hey, I'm not the one they call the 'Annie Oakley judge', girl. You are."<br />

"Very funny. Not! You know that's never my kneejerk reaction."<br />

"<strong>At</strong> times, it should be … but, you're right. Sorry I yanked on your chain. It can be very<br />

important as far as the 'if-when thing' when a cop gets out her piece. Too fast and you can end up<br />

with an officer-involved shooting. Never good if it's not 125% righteous. We don't get cut any<br />

fucking slack if a citizen goes down, <strong>CC</strong>. None. From the moment a sergeant hits the scene, we<br />

can count on flying a desk anywhere from a few days to weeks. With that patrolman who shot<br />

that dude in la Jolla in '06, he's still not carrying. Fucking thing's still in court, but they don't have<br />

enough to put him on the beach."<br />

"Pardon? 'On the beach'?"<br />

"Yeah. When a cop gets days off, since we really can't do shit in a situation like that, all<br />

the cop can do is go hang around the beach. It gets boring as hell, I'm told. Anyway, that's what<br />

we say when someone's written up but still collects a cheque regularly."<br />

"It's never happened to you, has it? More than a couple days, I mean?"<br />

"No," she chuckled, "and the only time it has happened, even in part, is the cases where<br />

you were a part of it." Now she looked at me. "All were righteous, so don't sweat it, okay?"<br />

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I wasn't sweating it, but I was fast becoming aware of how different it felt being in the<br />

unit with her and knowing I, too, was a cop for the moment. The weight of the responsibility was<br />

far more than ponderous. "So, what do you want me to do? How should I handle it?"<br />

"For starters, put the badge in that ID case. The little leather wallet-thing in the box under<br />

the badge. Then hang it somewhere prominent on your front. Anywhere a citizen will be sure to<br />

see it. Even in plainclothes, when that badge is hung like that, you're in uniform. It matters."<br />

It only took a few seconds to comply. I held up the name tag and she said, "Put that part<br />

in your purse. It says 'C. <strong>Ryder</strong>' on the badge and that's all you're required to provide. If some big<br />

a-hole wants to take your badge number and file a complaint, that'll do it."<br />

"Think it'll ever happen?" was my follow-up question as I put away the tag.<br />

"Not with you. By that point you've usually shot all the bad guys. One big benefit is a<br />

dead guy can't file on you." She began chuckling for a moment, then added, "Sorry, I couldn't<br />

resist. Just too prime an opportunity."<br />

"Again, yuk-yuk," I shot back. "Very funny … not!"<br />

First she took a drag, eyes rolling everywhere so she knew who was where and what they<br />

were doing. She'd told me before a surprised cop is too often a dead cop. "I'll have to admit, this<br />

is odd. <strong>Me</strong>eting this bimbette at a damned convenience store over off Balboa Avenue. Still, with<br />

it being Christmas, those 'battery stores' are about the only damned things open. Take a look."<br />

I did. Store after store after store was closed, many without even a lit sign this time of<br />

day. Gas stations, too. Those I could see off the freeway were dead to the world, except a few<br />

with their convenience store sections open, in which case they also sold gas.<br />

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A few minutes later we pulled into the one she had in mind. The shoulder holster was<br />

over my jogging suit top but under my three-quarter length black leather coat. Angela left the<br />

engine running a moment and turned to face me. "Leave your coat open in case, God forbid,<br />

there's a reason to reach your weapon. Don't have your hand on it … that's intimidating … but<br />

try at all times to keep your right hand free. If anything comes up, key off me, but be ready at all<br />

times to use those takedown moves, maybe that thumb-come-along routine they taught you at the<br />

academy. Pulling your weapon should be a last resort. However, you have to be able to recognize<br />

a 'last resort' situation in one helluva hurry if it pops up. Get there late, mentally, and it could be<br />

the 'last thing you ever do', if you get my point?"<br />

I nodded, taking it all in and now taking my duty even more seriously.<br />

We entered the convenience store, the area out front where they sold gas occupied only<br />

by a black SUV a few years old. There was a woman in the passenger seat, average looking, in<br />

her late 20s, with what I took to be two small young children in the back seat of the vehicle. A<br />

man dressed in denim pants and a brown coat was pumping gas into the tank. He was around the<br />

same age, average height and weight with brown hair. Didn't get close enough to see his eyes.<br />

The clerk was dark brown skinned, maybe five-nine, skinny with black glasses and a big<br />

nose. He looked to me as if he arrived last night from New Delhi. In all likelihood he had a rough<br />

flight and seemed to still be a little pissed off about it. He glanced at us, exhibited approximately<br />

the same cordiality as a mad rattlesnake if you step on him, then resumed reading a newspaper in<br />

a foreign language with odd characters. The font of the print was somehow unusual, too.<br />

Two <strong>Me</strong>xican men were back by the counter with potato chips, nuts and pretzels acting as<br />

if they were shopping for the family dinner, in that they were inspecting each package carefully.<br />

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A man, probably in his 50s and doubtlessly homeless by his tattered, worn clothing, stood by the<br />

coffee machine, looking at it with undisguised longing. I began to open the purse I'd slung on my<br />

left shoulder when Angela, whom I swear never misses a trick, shook her head. "Not now," she<br />

said in a quiet voice. "Focus. We're on a call. You don't need any distractions and a guy trying to<br />

be your buddy while thanking you could be the reason you get killed. Save your generosity for<br />

later and keep your mind on what we're doing."<br />

Rebuked, but appreciating it all the same, I did as she'd instructed me. The homeless guy<br />

was also staring at the donuts under the glass next to the main counter. I determined, if he was<br />

still here when we finished, I'd buy him a half dozen donuts and a mega-size coffee.<br />

Also near the coffee urn was a young woman. I assumed she was the reason we were here<br />

at the moment. She was very, very cute, perhaps only two degrees short of beautiful but, based<br />

on what I'd have to call an impish expression, avoided that classification. It seemed as if she'd<br />

much rather be known as someone people enjoyed than an object to be looked at. In that case, I<br />

could feel an empathy. I'd far rather have someone want to know the real me than to gawk and<br />

feed me a load of BS about my incredible beauty. Oh, puke!<br />

The girl was five feet even … max. I'd say 100 pounds and doubt I was off by more than<br />

two, either way. Black hair, like a <strong>Me</strong>xicana, and dark brown eyes, she wasn't Hispanic. That<br />

was clear, but not her nationality. The hair fell to the bottom of what no man, and few women,<br />

would be able to avoid noticing were some very healthy boobies. Well-built, smiling, a dancing<br />

flicker in her eyes, she appeared calm and in control of herself and the world around her. If I was<br />

pressed to guess an age, I'd say mid 20s, no older. There was an intelligence about her telling me<br />

she knew a lot more than most people would estimate at first blush.<br />

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Following my partner's lead … criminy, that sounds strange! … I was a pace and a half<br />

behind as we approached her near the front window of the store. It was very big, that window,<br />

starting from a ledge a foot off the floor and extending upward to the ceiling ten feet above. The<br />

window was a full thirty feet wide, covering the largest part of the store, with the front door on<br />

the right side as one entered the building. There were a dozen counters with merchandise in the<br />

store and seven aisles, counting the fact there was an aisle on the outside of each section of racks.<br />

A break between the racks halfway back was the lone sideways running aisle, plus the two ends,<br />

along with the open space in front of the cooler, which took up the entire rear wall.<br />

When we entered that put the counter on our right, where the pissed off Indian or Muslim<br />

was still reading the paper. All the counters were left of the front door with the coffee section in<br />

the far corner to the left as we came in, backed up to the glass front wall. The cute-unbeautiful<br />

girl was blowing on a Styrofoam cup I assumed held coffee based on the vapors arising from it.<br />

A red stir stick protruded from the cup, which she held in her left hand as she twirled the stick in<br />

a lazy clockwise circle.<br />

sure."<br />

"You're Sharla?" Angela asked pointedly.<br />

An amused smile. "I was when I left home. However, this is California, so I can't ever be<br />

"And you work as a comedienne, I take it?"<br />

"From the look on your face, I shouldn't," she said with a chuckle. "I take it you didn't get<br />

your oatmeal this morning, Detective?"<br />

"Take whatever you wish," Angela rebutted. "Why don't we step out to my car so we can<br />

talk a bit. Too open and crowded in here."<br />

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"Why don't we not do that and we'll just pretend we did it?" Sharla rejoined. "I have no<br />

intention of getting into that car unless you arrest me, in which case I want a lawyer."<br />

"Just hold your horses. No need to butt heads right off the bat. Let's talk about the man<br />

you mentioned, this Hondell."<br />

"Hondell Wilkins. He's my boyfriend."<br />

"Really? A May-December sort of relationship?"<br />

She chuckled. "I doubt I'll ever have his babies, but it's possible. No, Hondell takes care<br />

of me and Cutterby … her name's Cutterby Peterson, my last name is Golding … and neither of<br />

us has a criminal record. Nor, as you're well aware, does Hondell, although you can access a set<br />

of fingerprints for him if your security clearance is high enough."<br />

"Where is he, this Hondell?"<br />

"Not really that far away," she said reassuringly, "although you'd never in a million years<br />

find him unless he wanted to be found. That's why, even with a bunch of governmental agencies<br />

on his trail, you don't know how to locate him. We've been … well, it's more accurate to say he's<br />

been … living that way for many years."<br />

"Because?"<br />

"Oh, don't be trite, Detective. You know why. He's concocted a formula for making gas<br />

out of water and a few simple elements … only he knows how he does it … and every country<br />

on the face of the earth wants him for that reason. However, he will not be taken into custody in<br />

any way, for any reason. He's also very duly concerned he'll be killed. Half his pursuers would<br />

put him somewhere in seclusion forever … eerily similar to being imprisoned for helping the<br />

world-at-large to cure it's addictive obsession with oil … and the other half wants to kill him."<br />

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"And he wants …?"<br />

"To speak with you, Detective. You have a reputation as a straight shooter." Now she<br />

faced me. "Hello, Judge <strong>Ryder</strong>."<br />

Taken by surprise, I asked, "How did you know who I am?"<br />

Another soft chortle. "Everyone knows the 'Annie Oakley judge'. You have a rep, too."<br />

"Which she doesn't at all appreciate," Angela cautioned.<br />

"Sorry, my bad." Facing Angela, "Hondell wants to talk with you. Soon."<br />

"Have him come to the station. I'll buy the coffee."<br />

"That won't happen, ma'am," she said with a degree of respect that seemed annoying to<br />

Angela from where I was watching. "He trusts you … and, of course, Judge <strong>Ryder</strong> … so I can<br />

take you to him. However, you have to ride locked in the van. It's a sealed unit. You won't be<br />

able to see where we're going." She sipped her coffee. "Oh, and I'll need your weapons, too."<br />

"Not gonna happen."<br />

"Very well," she said sweetly. "We may be in touch again, we may not. <strong>Me</strong>antime, I'll<br />

pay for my coffee before I leave." She started to walk past us.<br />

Putting a hand on the girl's upper arm, Angela said reluctantly, "Give me a minute to lock<br />

my unit and we'll be right with you."<br />

coffee."<br />

"I thought you'd say that," was her smiling reply. "I'll meet you outside after I pay for my<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 11:02 a.m.<br />

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The first thing I did, now we were in no danger I could see and despite Angela's wiseacre<br />

remark about me shooting everyone, was make a beeline to the counter. I dug out two fives and<br />

handed one to the clerk. "<strong>At</strong> least a large coffee and a half dozen of whatever donuts that man<br />

may want, please. Any change left is for him, understood?"<br />

Flashing a "butt-kiss smile" in place of what seemed an otherwise standard scowl, the<br />

"Man from New Delhi" broke into a very phony award-winning grin. "Oh, but of course. Never<br />

would I do anything so vile as to keep change a customer didn't know he had coming." To show<br />

he was serious, he changed the face-covering smile to a simper.<br />

Able to hold down the breakfast Angela mentioned we wouldn't have, since I didn't get it,<br />

I thought of a neat old movie Daddy likes to play on his DVD. It's called "Hannie Caulder", with<br />

Raquel Welch as the lead and Robert Culp as a bounty hunter of some great fame named Price.<br />

Luther Thomas Price. Everyone who knows him calls him "Thomas". When he shoots someone<br />

dead, an event that occurs frequently, he always pays for the funeral. Then, with a hand on the<br />

butt of a .44, he always promises, "I'll be back to check. The grave better be there."<br />

I stole his line.<br />

"I'll be back to check," I said as I pulled the coat away from my body, exposing my new<br />

badge and the .380 Beretta under my left arm. "He'd better be burping and have some money in<br />

his pocket, or I plan to see you about it."<br />

That wiped the Cheshire cat grin off his face. He broke into a series of furious nods as he<br />

interspersed each bob of his head with a "Certainly, certainly, certainly!" over and over and over<br />

again. His facetiousness was annoying me a great deal more than Sharla's excessive politeness<br />

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had gotten to Angela, but I let it go. Instead, I copied Culp's follow-up from the movie. I ran my<br />

eyes up and down the man, head to toe, and remarked, "Be sure of it. I will be back here."<br />

The nods and assurances went on unabated, so I turned and walked over to the homeless<br />

man, as I perceived him to be. Using the suggestion of Shirtless Kent, a homeless guy who lives<br />

now with my Aunt Siobhan and Royal Rankin, I held out the other five to him. "Excuse me, sir,<br />

you dropped this." In the midst of his astounded expression and all the wordless opening and<br />

closing of a mouth missing fully half the teeth, I added, "I saw it fall from your pocket." Then I<br />

glanced over my shoulder. "I also made a mistake and paid for some donuts and a large coffee,<br />

but we have to leave in a hurry and I don't have the time. I told that man," I added while pointing<br />

over my left shoulder with my thumb, "to let you have 'em and to give you the change. He better<br />

do it or I'll be back, so be sure you get the change, okay?"<br />

The man was still stammering wordlessly when I turned and walked away, but I stopped<br />

long enough to fix the clerk with a final warning stare before I joined Angela outside by her unit.<br />

She looked me up and down, then smiled unexpectedly. "That was so cool. You scared the shit<br />

out of that A-rab." Her expression stayed beaming a moment, then died down as she put a hand<br />

on her Glock. "This part makes me feel like shit. Not like I'm going to call in and clear it, but the<br />

idea of handing over my piece just grates on me."<br />

"I don't like it either," I said in concert, resting my left hand on my Beretta but not taking<br />

it out yet. "Still, it's important we meet this guy." I had a second thought. "Well, at least you, not<br />

both of us, I mean."<br />

"Don't sell yourself short. She's heard of 'The Annie Oakley judge' and it helped get us in<br />

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the door. Don't knock it, huh? Like I said, I need backup on this thing and you're it, lady. Plus,<br />

you had that super cool line."<br />

We sighed collectively, then she locked the unit after using her radio mic to call dispatch<br />

to say she'd be away from the unit a while, was not in pursuit, and would notify them when she<br />

was again behind the wheel. Looking up at me, she added, "Damned if I'll tell anyone I'm about<br />

to hand over my shootin' iron. Goes against the grain, you know?"<br />

I knew, and I felt the same way, but we did it, all the same. The van she mentioned was a<br />

white one, a Chevy a few years old. It was clean but not sparkling, undented but not too special,<br />

with no side or back windows. After we put our weapons in a metal box with a dial lock on it, in<br />

step with Angela's repetitive "tsk-tsk" sounds, we were ushered into the back. There was no way<br />

to see outside. There was a metal plate with a dial lock door blocking off the cab area and it had<br />

the same setup in the rear.<br />

There was a five feet long metal bench with gray cushions on each side, along with a bar<br />

every couple feet from floor to ceiling ahead of each bench to serve as handholds. Those seats,<br />

three to a side, even had seat belts, although neither of us buckled in. That may've been a bit silly<br />

as we were both now unarmed, but it wouldn't've felt right to me. Apparently not to her, either,<br />

as all she did was sneer at hers.<br />

When I started to say something after the door closed in back, Angela faced her left palm<br />

at me while she continued to scan the interior. "Hold that thought, okay? I want to keep an ear on<br />

how fast we're going, lights we stop at and turns, directions and how far apart. Maybe I can get a<br />

fix on where she takes us."<br />

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The fact I couldn't remember what I was going to say clued me in it probably wasn't all<br />

that important. More like nervous chitchat.<br />

Well, since Angela's the pro and I'm just a Reserve III cop, that was fine with me. I let<br />

her do her thing and zipped my lip.<br />

Minutes later Angela used a line made semi-famous by a character they called Snidely<br />

Whiplash, a villain opposed to Dudley Do-Right in the old Rocky and Bullwinkle Show I used to<br />

watch as a kid. "Curses, foiled again!" she snapped as the van slowed, then turned left and went<br />

even slower. Seconds after that we were turning in a sharp circle, making Angela frown and nod<br />

at the same time. "She's found an open parking lot and is going around in a shitload of circles so<br />

I can't keep track of the damned turns." The frown became a scowl. "It's working, too, damn it."<br />

"I thought it would," came Sharla's voice over speakers located somewhere back here we<br />

couldn't even see. "I'll do this two or three more times before we stop. Enjoy the ride, ladies."<br />

First looking up, her expression promising a sharp, biting retort, Angela scowled once<br />

and shook her head. "Fuck it. Saying anything would be a waste of time and energy."<br />

A soft chuckle over the speakers confirmed what she'd said, then a silence returned and it<br />

pervaded the space we occupied. After two more episodes of pulling off and circling, I had not a<br />

clue even which direction we were headed. Angela mouthed, "Totally lost" and glared up toward<br />

the blocked off area in front. When we'd been driving ten to fifteen minutes Angela shouted, "If<br />

it matters, all this shit is pissing me off."<br />

Sharla said in reply, "Sorry, ladies. It's the cost of doing business. We need to be sure we<br />

keep Hondell alive. These are things that must be done. Hondell Wilkins doesn't dare be found<br />

by anyone." With a click, it was ended.<br />

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San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 11:26 a.m.<br />

When we finally pulled in somewhere, I'd been thinking like crazy on the fix we were in,<br />

hoping I could somehow do something worthwhile. To my untrained ear it sounded as if we'd<br />

come into an enclosed space, perhaps a large garage or parking lot, maybe even underground. All<br />

the outside noises changed. Were slightly muffled, leading to my conclusion of where we were.<br />

<strong>At</strong> the same time I heard the driver's door open I also heard the sounds of what I was sure<br />

was a garage door opening. There was no time to alert Angela because I also thought I heard the<br />

footsteps I assumed would be Sharla heading toward the back door. It was confirmed when I<br />

heard the dial combination, like they had on old-time safes, being turned. Hoping my hunch was<br />

on the money, I leaned forward and looked toward the place I knew the door would open.<br />

I was in luck and it appeared the security conscious young woman hadn't paid attention to<br />

what she left as a view behind her. I saw a business across the street, a halfway tidy but still a bit<br />

messy tattoo parlor called Golden Boys, which I assumed referred to homosexuals, as if it made<br />

any difference. However, I decided I'd also mention that thought to Angela later, since it may<br />

reflect on the area or location. Then I got an unexpected bonus.<br />

The way the sun was reflecting off the large window on the front of the parlor, itself a red<br />

brick façade maybe 25 feet wide, it gave an image of the building we were in with a large double<br />

door about one fourth of the way closed. The building we were in had a concrete block frontage.<br />

It also showed me the bottoms of second floor windows, but only for a split second as the door<br />

was dropping, plus the large garage area and a door for people I took to be metal, in a rust color.<br />

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The people door was normal size with a round knob, but that's all I caught because the<br />

door went low enough to eliminate the reflection. Well, it was better than nothing and, I hoped,<br />

would be a worthwhile contribution to the case when we were out of here. To cover appearances,<br />

I turned my expression to one of anticipation and watched to see the back door open.<br />

Our vision wasn't too goofed up because there were some low wattage lights at the van's<br />

ceiling level. They let us see each other, and I probably could've read something from a piece of<br />

paper, but it wasn't bright enough to read a book. However, as we were now in what I took to be<br />

a garage or maybe a warehouse, the change wasn't that distinctive. Wherever we had been taken,<br />

it was also illuminated with artificial light, the kind of white light seen in those tubular bulbs in<br />

office areas. Easier on the eyes, I suppose.<br />

When Sharla beckoned us and said to join her, I even reflexively held my hands beside<br />

each other a moment, like a prisoner in cuffs, for Pete's sake! I quickly dispensed with all that<br />

nonsense, but it embarrassed me I'd acted that way. I hoped Angela didn't see it, and a glance at<br />

her face told me she must've missed my dummy move. That part was comforting. Although it<br />

made zero sense, even to me, it seemed unforgivable to make such a juvenile move now that I<br />

had a badge. Must be all in the mindset was all I could conclude.<br />

It was a long step down, and I remembered seeing what I think was a C-30 metal insignia<br />

on the front fender. <strong>Me</strong>mory told me it meant a one-ton van, signifying the heavy-duty kind built<br />

for work or as a camper, but not a pleasure vehicle. True to form, it was sort of a long step down,<br />

making me glad there was a small set of metal steps Sharla pulled out for us before we started<br />

out the door. She took my left arm with her right to steady me as I made it to the ground.<br />

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Again, I felt like an amateur when I heard Angela say crisply, "No, thanks." It made me<br />

wish I was still that much in control of my thoughts. Nope, I'm the amateur, Angela's the pro.<br />

With the door closed, purposely not looking at it so I wouldn't tip Sharla off I'd been<br />

eyeing across the street, I stepped away from the truck to look around. She didn't seem to mind,<br />

so there was no real tension created. We were in a two-story warehouse building. The walls were<br />

of unpainted grayish concrete blocks, perhaps fifteen feet tall below a second floor that rimmed<br />

the entire building. It extended about twenty feet from the wall with a reddish-brown metal walk<br />

in front, a two-inch handrail perhaps four feet up from the walkway. A support post connected it<br />

to the walking part roughly every half dozen feet or so.<br />

There were more reddish metal people doors along the walkway, but I couldn't be sure<br />

how many. Perhaps three to five in each section. There was also a set of stairs at each corner. If I<br />

was outside facing the building, the door the van entered was in the right third of the frontal area,<br />

some 200 feet, give or take ten. <strong>At</strong> the rear right corner and the left front corner the stairs were<br />

about five feet wide. In the other two, they were less than a yard, by my guesstimate.<br />

When she'd allowed us a quiet minute, not much longer, to take it all in, Sharla said in a<br />

calm voice, "Ladies?" She gestured with an open hand toward the broad stairway in the rear on<br />

the right and added, "Up there, if you please?" Her hand rose to aim at the second floor, another<br />

people door six feet to the left of the corner.<br />

We went up the stairs, a handrail on each side, with Angela and me neck and neck. We<br />

held back at the top as Sharla was almost ten feet behind us. I could only assume she did it that<br />

way so she'd be too far back to be attacked. Hmmm? Maybe I am catching on to this "spy stuff"?<br />

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The doorway had four deadbolt locks, each of which required a separate key. It told me<br />

the man we were seeking was well beyond prudent and careful. He was evidently obsessive but,<br />

if that's what a man has to deal with to stay ahead of the game, to outwit all these "James Bond"<br />

characters, who am I to say he's wrong?<br />

Especially if it works? If he's been getting away with it for years, there must be a method<br />

to his madness.<br />

With Angela behind me, the rear guard while I walked point as they say in the military,<br />

Sharla a yard or so behind her and still out of assault range, I stepped into a rather plush looking<br />

apartment living room. I pegged it at 20 x 20 feet with a counter at the back between us and a 15<br />

x 10 kitchen, very well-equipped from what I could see. The appliances were all that burnished<br />

metal stuff, which I believe costs extra and only comes on the good bits and pieces.<br />

A hall at the back of the room, one to be entered from the living room or the kitchen, led<br />

off to my left. I was to learn later it led to three bedrooms, a den and some restrooms. Sharla then<br />

directed us to a rather plush looking oxblood leather couch, bade us to sit, then took a matching<br />

chair sitting with the back toward the counter by the kitchen. "We'll wait here. Hondell will join<br />

us all momentarily."<br />

###<br />

In this case, "momentarily" was about ten minutes.<br />

He entered the room from the hallway wearing a quilted burgundy robe I assumed cost a<br />

lot of money. He also had leather slippers, oxblood like the couch, and two large, padded chairs<br />

exactly matching its covering. Trailing him was a brunette woman I took to be around five-seven<br />

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or so, maybe 130 pounds, nicely built but without nearly the rack Sharla carried. <strong>My</strong> guess put<br />

her in her later 20s, but probably not as old as my 29 years. Close, but no cigar yet.<br />

She wore a happy smile on her face. It made me think of the way I've seen myself look<br />

after making love with Donnie. To my surprise, it also made me blush. I could feel my face as it<br />

got warmer, hoping I wasn't turning all red. It was one of the ups and downs I was finding on this<br />

most unusual Christmas Day, with me all hinky because of my new badge. Goofy, I know.<br />

"This is Cutterby Peterson," Sharla told us. Her face lit up a little with what I took as a<br />

combination smile based on insider info, since she quite clearly knew what had been going on in<br />

a bedroom down the hall, and something else. It took me a moment again, as well as a little bit of<br />

self-comparison, before I recognized it as love. They were both goo-goo-gaga over this guy.<br />

If Hondell Wilkins was 67, as I was told, he carried it very well. I would've called him at<br />

60 or so without that tip. He seemed tall, six-two like Bill Cady, my favorite author, weighing in<br />

around 220 or thereabouts. What little hair he had remaining was a light, dirty dishwater gray,<br />

the white hairs mixed with what was probably black many years ago. Only a little bit of a gut,<br />

not unusual for a man in his 60s or older. When he spoke I noticed he had a deep, mellow voice.<br />

It promised, whatever else he might do in this life, he'd be hired on the spot at any radio station<br />

in the country merely by introducing himself verbally.<br />

"You ladies probably wonder why I had Sharla bring you here," Hondell Wilkins began.<br />

"You couldn't find the station," Angela shot back quickly, "but you'd prefer to be held in<br />

custody. Well, you're in luck. I'm here to help you." Not a trace of a smile on her face. Instead,<br />

she drilled him with her piercing light blue eyes.<br />

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"Actually, that's not entirely off base," he said to our surprise. He sat in the oxblood chair<br />

facing us from across the room, with Cutterby seating herself on his left thigh, her legs draped<br />

across his. Except for the size, her robe was the twin of his. She wore light blue bunny slippers.<br />

Her right arm was placed across his broad shoulders, with her cheek on his chest. She looked at<br />

us from time to time, but said nothing. Just rolled her eyes dreamily once in a while.<br />

"Oh?" was Angela's follow-up.<br />

"In a way, yes. I do somewhat want to be in custody. Partly yours, as well as someone<br />

you know. That's key to all this."<br />

"Explain yourself." Now she leaned forward, both feet flat on the floor, her forearms on<br />

her knees. Her expression was extremely intent.<br />

way.<br />

"You're aware of the invention I created?" Not really a question, although it sounded that<br />

"In general."<br />

"That's all you need to know for now." He stopped to kiss Cutterby's nose, then went on.<br />

"I intend to auction my creation. The bid floor will be fifty billion dollars." It made him smile.<br />

"Of course, I'll get it. Easily. The 'custody' part is also crucial here. By that, I mean I need to be<br />

alive and not a prisoner of anyone or any nation until after I've been paid, whereupon no one will<br />

then want me for any reason. That's where you come in, Detective. You, and one other party."<br />

"Which would be?"<br />

Now he looked at me. "Her man, Donnie Oldrunner, the Luiseño. He and his band of men<br />

must be a part of the deal, along with a special unit of police officers all individually selected by<br />

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you. Your job will be to keep me alive and undiscovered … at this location and elsewhere, as I<br />

will determine … until afterward."<br />

"<strong>My</strong> Donnie?" I asked in utter surprise. "How do you even know about him?"<br />

"He has little fame in any area, by his own choice, but there are ways to learn these things<br />

about a man. In my former trade, Donnie Oldrunner is already legendary in so many elite circles.<br />

He and his people will be necessary to safeguard my welfare, along with the personnel you deem<br />

a worthy fit, Detective Dutton. Your stellar reputation for certainty and success precedes you, all<br />

draped in a cloak of honesty and competence, making you an ideal choice for what I need."<br />

It takes quite a bit to shock Angela, but he managed to pull it off that way.<br />

Her jaw was moving up and down, but no words emerged.<br />

"In return, I have something with which to barter. A currency, if you will, to pay for these<br />

services I seek."<br />

That got her back on track. "Tell me about it."<br />

"I wish to share some information about a rather sinister group known as 'The Side'."<br />

Unable to stop herself for some reason, Angela nodded. For a total pro like her, that was<br />

the same as a blink in a stare-down contest. As fast as she did it, I could see she most desperately<br />

wanted the gesture back.<br />

It was not to be. Hondell saw it and smiled. "You indicate you know about 'The Side'. I<br />

plan to explain you don't know them. You only think you do. In part."<br />

Her only response was to notch her right eyebrow. Just the one. I wish like crazy I could<br />

do that, and with such stunning emphasis.<br />

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"Some of the personnel associated with 'The Side" actually believe they're a covert piece<br />

of the CIA." He shook his head. "They aren't. They've been fooled. In truth, the organization is a<br />

very real apparition of that foolish sounding TV show, Alias, with Jennifer Garner of years ago."<br />

He gave a smile, ear to ear, proving he took good care of his teeth. "Those in leadership with the<br />

group, of course, aren't at all deluded that way. They all know who and what they really are, and<br />

will do anything to avoid discovery."<br />

He kissed Cutterby's nose again. "They were also hired to locate me. However, if they do,<br />

'The Side' will conduct that auction and take it all for themselves." Hondell shook his head sadly.<br />

"That, I cannot allow. Will not." He looked down as he spoke, then back up at us. "That's why I<br />

am opting to make this trade of intel. You keep me safe until I sell my invention, I'll tell you who<br />

they are and the best way to find them."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 2:31 p.m.<br />

Part of the luster was taken away from my first bit of spy craft when we arrived back at<br />

the house. Angela was very impressed when I explained what I'd seen as far as pinning down the<br />

location. She said it would cut a lot of time from the investigation and, quite likely, put us a leg<br />

up on everyone else.<br />

What she didn't count on, nor did I, was what we'd hear from Donnie. I was so revved up<br />

about it, I told him just as soon as I kissed him hello. He smiled proudly and said, "I know about<br />

it, but that was very clever of you."<br />

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<strong>My</strong> reaction was much the same as if I'd been given what I thought was a big, beautiful<br />

diamond ring, only to learn it was a fancy zircon. "You knew? How? Since when? Why the heck<br />

didn't you say something?"<br />

His direct gaze assured me of the honesty of what he told me. "<strong>My</strong> people learned of it a<br />

half hour or less after you took off. I certainly wasn't going to broadcast something so critical,<br />

but I had a man on the scene almost immediately. Tell me, did you see a homeless derelict across<br />

the street by that tattoo parlor?"<br />

The question forced me to think about it. Roll my memory tapes backward, trying to see<br />

an image. It was blurry and I could only account for what I'd been seeking when I looked out the<br />

open back door of the van. "I can't say for sure. Possibly. Why?"<br />

"He's one of my people. He'll stay there until I can get others set up where they won't be<br />

seen. Still, it was very clever of you to locate the place he's hiding."<br />

"If I was so clever," I asked, working to hide the small amount of hurt I felt at having all<br />

the air let out of my balloon, "how did you find out about it even ahead of our stop there?"<br />

"We've had people looking over property records and leases but, in the end, this one came<br />

down to pure dumb luck. A girl who lived part-time on 'The Rez' in her teens works in the rental<br />

agency that handles that property. She made some calls with a couple possible addresses and my<br />

people checked them out. I've got two men in that building even now, as we speak."<br />

"And if they're discovered?" asked Angela almost testily, evidently a bit displeased to see<br />

my parade rained upon that way.<br />

"They won't be," he said with that same clear, steady gaze. "I trained them myself. They<br />

are like smoke."<br />

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She and I both had enjoyed plenty of experiences with Donnie that came out exactly that<br />

way. He could be as difficult to follow as a cloud of vapor and as elusive as the hiss of an unseen<br />

leak in a pipe. It was beyond plausible if he said they'd not be found, they wouldn't be.<br />

"Well, we did still get a piece of intel I suspect you don't have," was Angela's taunt. She<br />

attracted his immediate attention, so we sat to discuss it and fill Donnie in as far as we knew. The<br />

first order of business for Angela was a "Gimme" but, when she had hers going, she almost had a<br />

gloat in her voice. "Hondell Wilkins has a son. The boy … I believe I'm using the term rather a<br />

bit loosely … would be an adult by now."<br />

"Age? Name? Anything he told you?" Donnie pressed, clearly alert to the concept.<br />

"He wouldn't tell us much," she said, shaking her head. "None of that part yet. He says<br />

he's known of the kid for many years, but the boy has no idea he even exists. <strong>At</strong> least, not as far<br />

as who he is. The kid, as we were told, only knows what his mother told him. It was a man out of<br />

her long ago past and neither she or the kid will ever see him again."<br />

"Very well?" Donnie acknowledged, understandably confused.<br />

"Not only does he insist we guard and protect him … that 'we', by the by, includes you<br />

and your men. By specific named request." A smile. "We need to contact the kid for him."<br />

"I expected we would be included in protecting the man," he said in dead seriousness.<br />

Angela screwed her face up in confusion, but didn't step into the trap. Donnie either knew<br />

something or someone closer than we suspected, or he gets called on more often than I know of<br />

and we need to work on our communication habits. I made a note to myself to bring it up with<br />

him … in bed. That's the best place for any serious dialogue between us.<br />

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We were still discussing all we'd learned when Candy announced she had lunch ready for<br />

us, so we took a break to eat a fantastic Christmas dinner. Ham, yams, potatoes, about four super<br />

veggie dishes, Jell-o, coffees with special herbs and scents, salad dishes, coleslaw, breads, you<br />

name it, she had it ready. Angela and Giff stayed, of course, and we were even able to manage an<br />

appearance by Bill and Adele. That rascal Bill really did have a gift for everyone. He purchased<br />

tickets for a whale migration viewing ride with open dates to be confirmed later for everyone.<br />

The whales are always a big deal when they swim past our shores in January and February.<br />

After dinner we'd only been sitting around talking, having coffee and wishing we'd eaten<br />

less, when our ballistic doorbell went postal on us. Brittany was proving she could've outdone ol'<br />

Paul Revere very handily before Adrianne snagged her off the floor. As befits him being the man<br />

of the house, Donnie answered the door with an entourage consisting of all of us behind him. We<br />

wanted to greet whomever had stopped to call on us.<br />

Until we saw who Donnie greeted. That's when we all backed up and returned to where<br />

we'd been seated minutes earlier.<br />

Donnie said quietly, "Hello, Olivia. What can I do for you?"<br />

"May I come in, or am I suddenly not good enough to be in your home?"<br />

He stepped a bit to his left. "Feel free. Are you celebrating Christmas, perhaps?"<br />

"Not hardly," she barked in mild annoyance as she walked past him. "Angela, you had a<br />

meet this morning … or, so I'm told. With whom and how did it come off?"<br />

Before Angela could even respond, whether she'd've answered or not, Donnie cut in to<br />

head off the question. "I'm afraid the meet she had set up was a no-show. Nothing happened, but<br />

I have people looking into it. I'll let you know as much as I can of whatever I learn."<br />

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"I think you're lying to me," she accused.<br />

Opening the door again, his face translucent, he advised, "You be careful on the way to<br />

your car. Wouldn't want you to fall."<br />

"I'm leaving? Is that is?"<br />

"Precisely," he replied, following the door around in a half arc and herding her with only<br />

the shifting of his body mass.<br />

"Well, I never… ouch!" she yelped when his hand touched her lower back.<br />

"Problem?" Donnie inquired, eyes focused on her lower spinal area.<br />

"Only since that bitch hit me," she barked, the left index finger now aimed right at Adele.<br />

Her hand went to her lower backbone. "I think I might've pulled a muscle. It hurts a little. If it<br />

doesn't get a lot better in a couple days, I'll see my doctor."<br />

"Sorry to hear of your troubles," Donnie added, easing her out the doorway. As soon as<br />

he turned back to us, Angela was doing that impossible thing with her eyebrow. "You blew her<br />

off, Donnie. Why was that?"<br />

Donnie nodded. "I do not trust that woman. Not at all."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 3:04 p.m.<br />

Once we cleared the landscape of Olivia Higginbotham, a feeling of relief to me as I also<br />

don't trust that woman half as far as I could throw her left-handed, we got back to talking about<br />

the case. Angela and Giff were on scene, as were Bill and Adele, with even my Aunt Siobhan<br />

and her guy, the patrolman named Royal Rankin, again in attendance. Because she'd missed out<br />

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on so many family years based on the life she once led, Aunt Siobhan worked overtime these<br />

days to make up for it. I suspected she'd gone to one of the better clothing stores down there in<br />

Fashion Valley or somewhere like that and said, "I'll take one of everything." Then she wrapped<br />

it up, added tags with our names on them and had everything sent to her car.<br />

Correction, make that a bleepin' truck.<br />

Because Royal is a studly young cop and only recently developed grade-one goo-goo<br />

eyes for my aunt, he drives a Corvette. That wouldn't've even come close to carrying the load she<br />

brought us today, especially for our babies, so he drove her <strong>Me</strong>rcedes instead. Yes, she went out<br />

of her way for me, too, and Royal must've been in charge of things for Donnie. I was presented<br />

with a trousseau fit for a bride … or a girl going on an exclusively wild weekend with her guy.<br />

Some of the panties and bras she had my name on were so revealing I hid the danged things as<br />

fast as they were unwrapped.<br />

That part got all our babies teasing me almost endlessly, asking to see what I'd gotten, or<br />

for me to try them on. Since it was more likely I'd attend a tea with that imbecile who was just<br />

elected president, M. Bareass Obama, I pooh-poohed everything. Finally our oldest baby, Bren,<br />

stood and said with a laugh, "Mama, me an' Candy was whores fer a few years, 'member? There<br />

ain't nothin' in them li'l goody boxes o' yers where we ain't seen somethin' maybe a good ten er<br />

so times worse, ya know? Jeez, Mama, at least let us take 'em down t' Candy's room so's we c'n<br />

all get a good look, ya know?"<br />

With my face beaming a bright red, feeling flush and terribly embarrassed, I said, "Okay,<br />

but make sure Adrianne doesn't see—"<br />

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<strong>At</strong> which point our ten-year-old genius, going on thirty-five, assured me, "Don't worry,<br />

Mama. I'll see they don't get out of control. Okay, ladies, let's go."<br />

<strong>My</strong> mouth was still wordlessly opening and closing, my hapless right index finger aimed<br />

at the retreating trio, plus Jaden-Donna, when Adrianne added, "Personally, I think Mama will<br />

look really hot in the red panties and this bra. This is positively sultry, don't you agree?"<br />

Candy, our fashion horse, was opining to that effect when they disappeared down the hall<br />

in a gleeful scamper of happy young ladies. <strong>Me</strong>? <strong>My</strong> freakin' face was on fire!<br />

Aunt Siobhan also did well by Donnie, supplying him with a full length black leather coat<br />

I had no question was not less than $400, if even that would come close. It was beautiful, and so<br />

soft I wondered if he'd need a permit to wear it out of the bleeping house! Plus, I even thought I<br />

might need to call our homeowner's insurance agent and send pictures of the danged thing! We'd<br />

also gotten them some gifts but, after seeing the haul she brought us, I sort of wanted to pretend<br />

the things we bought had been lost or stolen. That way I'd be able to write her a huge cheque and<br />

tell her to consider it a gift certificate. Sheesh!<br />

Candy soon returned, all the girls babbling about "Mama's haul", then set about putting<br />

all her new special coffees out for us. I had a butterscotch flavored cup that almost knocked my<br />

danged socks off! The conversation had sort of drifted away from the Hondell Wilkins matter<br />

and toward daily matters of living when Bill and Adele came back into the room. They seemed<br />

as if they knew something the rest of us would never even be able to guess.<br />

The shared look on their faces made me think of the times I was a little girl when two of<br />

my neighborhood girlfriends and I formed our "secret clubs". We all had passwords and a basic<br />

code for communicating and no one else on earth was allowed in our clubhouse. It was a small<br />

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tool room in the garage of one of the girls, but we sure did learn about keeping all our deep, dark<br />

secrets. That image perfectly described these two love birds at the moment.<br />

"Uh, Donnie?" Bill began, moving his right hand from where he'd been holding Adele's<br />

to where it was affectionately draped across her shoulders. "Adele and I are going back to my<br />

place in Oceanside for a while. We've really enjoyed the time spent with your family, but …"<br />

Bill sort of let it hang there, suspended in front of everyone. A peek inside the two of 'em,<br />

but not an indiscrete look that provided many solid details. All the guessing in the world would<br />

be allowed, of course, but confirmation wouldn't be coming from either.<br />

"I am not in favor of your suggestion," Donnie responded, his head slowly moving from<br />

one side to another. "It is a markedly unsafe idea."<br />

"I don't see any risk," Bill argued, glancing at Adele for reinforcement and getting just<br />

the most cutesy smile and a shrug I've seen in years! It was like watching the guy talking to his<br />

girl's dad when he picked her up for the junior prom. She peered once at Donnie, then directed<br />

her pretty brown eyes back at Bill, whereupon she disappeared into a cloud of "goo-goo" again.<br />

"I'm afraid I do," Donnie said more insistently. "Bill, those people have a misguided idea<br />

you know how to find that man, Hondell Wilkins."<br />

"Aw, man, you know that's crazy, and so do I," Bill protested, bending once to kiss Adele<br />

on her forehead, sending her up a flight of stairs in the "Goo-goo house". "I don't know squat."<br />

"I agree, but if they think you might know something, it's all the same. Bill, these people<br />

are all ruthless killers. They will not hesitate to kill you … or Adele, if that works easier, or if it<br />

forces you to talk … to get what they want out of you. They're playing for world-class stakes and<br />

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will stop at nothing to get what they want. I think you should reconsider staying here with us so I<br />

can protect you. Honestly, I really think that will be best."<br />

When I'd listened to them tussle a few more moments, I rose and went to stand beside<br />

Donnie, then leaned forward and suggested, "Honey, if all they want to do is go to Bill's place to<br />

be alone, maybe you can have a couple of your men go along and stand guard. That ought to<br />

work well enough and will accomplish what everyone wants … won't it?"<br />

After mulling it over a moment, Donnie agreed to compromise. "It's not an ideal answer,<br />

but it will probably be safe." He came to his feet. "I'll instruct a couple of my men to accompany<br />

you both back to Oceanside."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 4:13 p.m.<br />

The story, as I heard it, came in bits and pieces from the ER at Tri-City <strong>Me</strong>dical Center in<br />

Oceanside. It was a half-garbled collection of eyewitness info given to unies, later gleaned from<br />

them by Angela. I was again wearing my badge, so they paid me little attention. Angela's "He's<br />

with me" blew any inquiry regarding Donnie, so the bits and pieces began to flow.<br />

The call I received to get the ball rolling struck me numb. It was the weak, scraggly tone<br />

of a woman's voice in the midst of terrible trauma. Having been the one speaking with that exact<br />

inflection in the past, I was well able to recognize it now. I only needed a few seconds. When it<br />

came to me it was Adele speaking, my knees quivered. I pressed my hand over the earpiece and<br />

sat back in my seat. Unquestionably, there had to've been a very odd expression on my face. It<br />

put Donnie in front of me in a split second.<br />

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He leaned in, his eyes filled with concern. I raised my right index finger, leaving it at an<br />

angle straight up to tell him to wait while I listened. "Adele?" was all I could say.<br />

"<strong>CC</strong>, it's me."<br />

When I pressed the earpiece button and said, "<strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>", her tremulous voice called out,<br />

After I spoke her name, trying to attach the image of a woman destroyed she created in<br />

my mind to the happy, smiling, crazy-in-love woman who just left us maybe half an hour ago, it<br />

wouldn't fit. All I found was a "square peg-round hole" syndrome. What I was hearing simply<br />

did not attach to what I had in memory. "Honey, are you hurt? Have you been injured? Adele,<br />

did something bad happen?"<br />

"It was … it was … very … bad," she gasped. "Bill is … <strong>CC</strong>, he's gone!"<br />

Oh, God! was my immediate thought and I hated myself for being unable to stop the next<br />

words out of my mouth. "Bill's dead? Is that what you're —?"<br />

"No!" she shot back, just the single word dripping in horror. "I don't … think … so. They<br />

just … they took him, <strong>CC</strong>! They took Bill! He's my guy and … they … took him!" The spiraling<br />

terror in her voice was commencing to rise, filling the air ahead of her spoken words with dread<br />

and agony even before she spoke. "<strong>CC</strong>, I love that man and … they … they took him!"<br />

By this point I'd removed the earpiece and held it so Donnie, and now Angela and Giff,<br />

could get the gist of what I heard. "Honey, where are you? Tell me. Now. Where are you?"<br />

<strong>My</strong> question created a moment of confusion. A lapse. An interim where I could "see" her<br />

looking around, all based on the vibes I was getting. "In Oceanside," she blurted seconds later.<br />

"On 76 … the highway. Bill said we'd—"<br />

"What part of Highway 76?" I pressed as Angela jotted something in her notepad.<br />

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"Airport," she muttered, clearly disoriented. "The road sign says Airport. There are a lot<br />

of planes in a … in a field across … the highway." Those last few words were losing any means<br />

of connection to reality. I sensed she was going into shock.<br />

"Look, Adele, we're on our way!" I said with more excitement and concern in my voice<br />

than I wanted her to detect. "You say they took Bill? Who?" I asked as Donnie slipped an arm of<br />

my leather coat on me and moved to put my other arm in place. Angela and Giff were already in<br />

their coats and heading for the door, with Donnie herding me in that direction.<br />

Bren, Candy and Adrianne were standing with fearful expressions on their faces, but I left<br />

it to Donnie to explain what was going on.<br />

"Some … some scary men," she said in a deflated tone. "They just … <strong>CC</strong>, they all had<br />

masks … on their … faces. And … guns." I swear, I heard her shudder. "There were … I think it<br />

was … was … four. I think." A very weary sigh. "Maybe more." The fear again began rising in<br />

her words. "They … took him … <strong>CC</strong>. Just … did it, you know? Took … him. Away." A gulp of<br />

air, struggling to regain control. "Why would … they … just … take him? <strong>CC</strong>, he's my guy! I<br />

love him! Why'd they … why'd they … take him? Not fair!"<br />

A paramedic or EMT came on the line and said they were taking her to Tri-City, then a<br />

cop got my name and number, so we were very soon on I-5 north, siren squealing, red and blue<br />

lights going on and off. Angela's speedometer was at 120 and holding steady. She called it in and<br />

let Dispatch know she was in double high gear. By the time anyone got back to Angela with the<br />

idea she should slow her rate of progress, we were in Oceanside, where she dropped it to 80 for<br />

the ramp onto Highway 78, only 3-4 miles west of the exit we'd use. When she barreled out of<br />

that curve, we were back at 100 in seconds.<br />

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There was no question where she'd park her unit when we slid into the ER parking lot, so<br />

we were inside almost immediately and getting the story. They wouldn't let us see Adele yet, as<br />

she was still in a treatment room. The nurse Angela spoke with said, "Give us ten minutes and<br />

you can speak with the woman," then she was whisked away to her duties.<br />

What we discovered was a total surprise, although it didn't start out that way. When Bill<br />

and Adele took off we waved good-bye to a pair of star-crossed lovers who seemed to feel they'd<br />

now gotten around that impediment. Circumvented the normal route of predestiny and slipped<br />

into a safe lane of sorts. They were holding hands and, as a matter of fact, Bill stopped his black<br />

outer space rocket at our front gates long enough to kiss her again. Yup, they were two "goofy-<br />

in-love" people and it got my eyes moist just watching them.<br />

The last we saw, a pickup with two Luiseños followed them onto the road out front.<br />

Then I received that horrible phone call.<br />

I remember his black Dodge Viper not only looked as if it was capable of traveling outer<br />

space, it sounded that way, too! I remembered driving it, the way I laid patches of black rubber<br />

on the street just getting the danged thing moving! When they left I had a visualization of them<br />

gathering takeoff speed for a couple blocks, then lifting upward and shooting toward the stars on<br />

a direct angle into space.<br />

Evidently they continued all the way to Oceanside, where Bill selected the northernmost<br />

route across town if heading east or west. Highway 76 is on the north side, continuing all the way<br />

to I-15 and beyond to the east, most of it four-lane divided, with Highway 78 on the south side of<br />

town. It's the borderline between Oceanside and Carlsbad. Highway 78 runs all the way up into<br />

the mountains, ending in the tourist town of Julian.<br />

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Being two lanes with a boulevard divider, 76 has a traffic light about every mile. From all<br />

I was told, Bill usually takes 76 east from I-5 to Foussat Road, then cuts right a block to Mission<br />

Avenue, hangs a left and moseys over to El Camino Real and he's almost home. Today, thinking<br />

of what he and Adele must've had in mind, I doubt there was any moseying going on. However,<br />

all three witnesses swore his car had a green light. That was also the case, as I understand it, for<br />

the GMC crewcab pickup with two of Donnie's men aboard it.<br />

Apparently they were 100 feet or more back, trailing Bill's hotrod, when Bill and Adele<br />

made it through safely. The witnesses said that's when an older Ford pickup with a man dressed<br />

in shabby clothing floored it. The old truck tore into the intersection against a red light and ran<br />

into the GMC with Donnie's men in it. The witnesses said the guy who ran away not only didn't<br />

act drunk, but also didn't appear to be injured. However, the floor of the truck was strewn with a<br />

ton of beer cans, purportedly indicating a DUI hit and run.<br />

Donnie blew that off immediately, as did Angela. She told the Oceanside PD what was<br />

going on, within a general range, keeping the details to herself other than their need to know. It<br />

was almost certainly a kidnapping, she assured them, but not an event where they'd involve the<br />

FBI at this point. The noted author, Bill Cady, was the victim, as was Adele via the beating.<br />

As fast as the crash occurred, even as the clearly not really drunken driver was fleeing the<br />

scene, two more nondescript cars pulled up to the intersection. Two men wearing ski masks and<br />

plain, drab clothing leapt from each car, leaving a masked driver behind the wheel, and raced to<br />

cut off Bill and Adele.<br />

In the interim, according to the police officers' reports, Bill was startled, then ran back to<br />

the pickup after yelling for Adele to remain in his car. It worked with her about as well as it'd go<br />

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over with me, meaning he wasted his breath. She raced back toward the pickup, hopeful she'd be<br />

of help to Donnie's men, but was intercepted before she got to the crossing. One of the masked<br />

men, as I heard it, began pistol-whipping her with what the officer took to be a semiautomatic, a<br />

9mm in all probability. The witness depicted it as "this huge-ass fuckin' gun that looked like it<br />

was a fuckin' cannon, ya know?"<br />

The reports said that was, on the face of it, the wrong thing for anyone to do to Adele, as<br />

she now had a very prized and lofty position in Bill's life. One witness attested Bill "threw this<br />

here vicious fuckin' roundhouse punch, like t' took th' fuckin' head clean fuckin' off that asshole<br />

who was whuppin' on the babe." Apparently from the follow-up actions described, one of the<br />

other three attackers approached Bill from behind. It's likely, according to Angela and a couple<br />

OPD detectives, an injection was put into his neck. In any event, Bill was unconscious a moment<br />

later. They dragged him to a car and took off, leaving a beaten and bloody Adele to call me.<br />

Now you know as much about what happened as I do. But, I'll learn more soon.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 5:07 p.m.<br />

Bill Cady was an author with a stiff neck, accompanied by a groggy feeling. He began to<br />

sense he wasn't alone, was sitting in a reasonably soft chair, and his hands weren't restricted. It<br />

was a sensation only. He didn't move them, but that was the perception he drew. For a moment<br />

he was concerned he may have shown a change in facial expression as he began the long climb<br />

from wherever he'd been sent. A chamber of evil buried far underground was what it felt like, but<br />

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it had to be imaginary on his part. Still without moving his eyelids, no change of his face, he did<br />

his best to pay attention. Listen for sounds. Count the people he felt were in the room.<br />

What's different? he asked himself. Yeah, that's it. Someone coughed. That's what caught<br />

my attention. Now, how many people are in here?<br />

As he listened a new problem, very small, began developing. Damn it! <strong>My</strong> freakin' nose<br />

has to pick now to start itching, right? Shit! He fought the feeling a while, then was about to give<br />

in, when the itch stopped. He'd barely begun moving his right hand, preparatory to raising it up<br />

to his face, when the need went away. Feigning it was a movement in his sleep, Bill dropped the<br />

hand back atop his lap. It rested on the black rayon pants of his jogging suit, the top a mixture of<br />

a dark green and black with a wide white band down each arm from the shoulder. The sleeves<br />

were pulled up above his elbows, as usual when it wasn't cold outside, and it felt as if he still had<br />

the jogging shoes on his feet. Just to be sure, he briefly wiggled his toes. Confirmation. Fred and<br />

Millie's oldest boy is wearing shoes.<br />

Yippee-kie-ay!<br />

He listened for a while longer but really didn't get anything. Well, screw it, he decided. I<br />

don't plan to lie here all freakin' day playing games with these jerks, whomever they are. He let<br />

his eyelids creep open the smallest space, lashes still covering the openings, seeing everything in<br />

a blur through the hairs. Making every effort to rotate only his eyes, not his head, he scanned the<br />

room. Can't be 100% on it but, if asked, I'd say there are six assholes in the room with me. Looks<br />

like a living room of some kind with a beige couch and some matching chairs. <strong>At</strong> least three, and<br />

a guy sitting on the floor between the couch and a chair to the right of it, on my left.<br />

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Well, this sure was fun, boys and girls. We'll have to do this the next time we find we're<br />

all bored out of our fucking minds! Scanning one more time, he shrugged mentally. Might's well<br />

let the a-holes see I'm awake. Bill opened his eyes and looked around, still not moving his head.<br />

The six men facing him sat in a well-padded beige chair off to his right, a similar couch facing<br />

him fifteen feet away, and two more chairs like the first on the left of the couch. Only two men<br />

on the couch, he observed, which seems a little strange. Don't know why that guy's on the floor<br />

with his legs stretched out. Not sure I give a rat's ass, either.<br />

Each of the attendants wore a dark colored shirt with no pattern on it, either navy, black<br />

or burgundy, and denim pants with noticeable wear plus, of course, black jogging shoes. Who<br />

the hell wouldn't plan on that? Bill asked himself. Oh, yeah! <strong>Me</strong>! Since I don't know shit about<br />

this crap other than what I write in my novels … like I'd ever come up with something this far<br />

off the bleepin' map? … I have no damned idea what's gonna happen next.<br />

Just as quickly, he developed an idea. More to the point, it was shoved into his lap. The<br />

guy on the end of the couch, farthest to Bill's right, raised his left hand. It held a cell phone. He<br />

pressed something and put it to his left ear. A moment later he announced, "He's awake."<br />

After a few seconds, the man nodded, folded the phone closed and watched his prey.<br />

Figuring, Two can play this silly game, Bill traded stares with the man. The one most<br />

common feature shared by all six was a black ski mask over the head covering the entire face.<br />

On each man the bared arms showed a brownish skin, but Bill decided, That tells me squat. All I<br />

know is none of these suckers are black or Asian. Could be <strong>Me</strong>xican, some other Hispanic kind,<br />

or just white guys with a tan. Doesn't do much if I'm gonna make myself capable of barfing up a<br />

few clues when they spring my ass from this mess.<br />

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The thought injected a dour aspect, but he even faster blew it away. Damn it, Donnie<br />

Oldrunner is as good as they come at this crap and I know he is. Plus, the woman I've come to<br />

know as Detective Angela Dutton more than likely has every damned cop west of Chicago out<br />

looking for my mangy ass right about now. Nope. Never sweat the small shit, Bill, my man. Any<br />

and all crap we get out of these crow-kissin', cow-suckin' dog lickers is all small shit. Just hang<br />

on tight in case the ride gets a little tense before it's over.<br />

A constantly reappearing image drifted into his mind again. The deep brown eyes were<br />

glinting with a special sparkle he now understood only happened when she was looking at him or<br />

thinking of him. All that dark cocoa hair, loose and silky, hanging a few inches beneath the gold<br />

necklace she almost always wore. The radiant smile, enhanced because of him, that pulled her<br />

face back almost enough to cover "little girl dimples" … but not quite. That expression when she<br />

smiled he knew people would almost want to pay to see again. The one that made it appear only<br />

she knew what she'd done … and would soon get away with … and she wasn't telling anyone.<br />

That confirms it, Bill told himself. All those years I dicked around and pretty much told<br />

God to kiss my ass, then I found my way back not that long ago. Maybe I would've believed<br />

back then God would play games with me, but now I know better. He wouldn't bring us to each<br />

other if He had any silly bullshit in mind. This is all gonna come off my way, and soon.<br />

As he watched the man watching him, concentrating so he wouldn't blink, Bill made up<br />

his mind. I won't ever worry about low-class shit like that again. Got my girl now and I'm sellin'<br />

books like crazy. I have enough money to take care of the homeless and more. So, I guess the old<br />

saying from MAD Magazine still applies. What? <strong>Me</strong> worry?<br />

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He was still competing very favorably in the stare down when the blonde wood door in<br />

the far left corner of the room opened. Bill had a brief glimpse to note the carpet in the hallway<br />

was the same darker green in this room, the paint the same off yellow as these walls. He also saw<br />

a feminine right hand wearing a white nail polish that triggered a memory. The arm was partly<br />

covered in what he took to be a business suit, additional confirmation arriving when the bottom<br />

of her leg appeared clad in the same material. With black shoes, the heel only an inch tall.<br />

Less than a full second later, the rest of Olivia Higginbotham appeared. Her blonde hair,<br />

a platinum-whitish shade he somehow knew she spent a lot of money to maintain, hung down to<br />

her shoulders. The smile on her face was, at first, the same beguiling expression she wore that<br />

day she hit on me, Bill acknowledged. Now, however, when she takes in all the assholes here in<br />

the room with me, she just flip-flopped to pure bitch. Well, screw her, huh? I've got my girl and<br />

who the hell needs this broad's shit? Certainly not me.<br />

"Don't suppose you're here to rescue me, huh? Olivia? If that even is your name?" Bill<br />

tweaked. If I piss her off, so what? When I fought in the ring I always made it a point to piss the<br />

guy off so he'd act on emotion instead of logic. Seems worth a shot here, I guess.<br />

"Oh, that's my name, alright. One of them, in any event. Not that it will even matter to<br />

you, however." She glared. "It will be more difficult this way, Bill, but you will talk. You will<br />

tell me what I want to know about Hondell Wilkins."<br />

"Is that all you want? Not a problem. I made him up. Are we done here?"<br />

"Not by a long shot." She scowled at him, saying nothing.<br />

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"Okay, lemme get a free throw here, huh? You came on to me that day, hitting on me and<br />

showing those nice, tight titties, with the idea we'd do some pillow talk and I'd let slip this 'secret<br />

of the century', right? Share a little pussy to get the info you needed, am I correct?"<br />

Her eyes had been on the men facing him, but Olivia snapped her head back in Bill's<br />

direction at the sexual innuendo. "Not hardly. Don't flatter yourself. All I wanted to do was lure<br />

you away as easily as possible. Had I done so, you'd've been here in this safe house that very day<br />

and I'd already have all the information you can come up with on the man."<br />

"I made the prick up and, as it seems, the fictitious person I created is remarkably like the<br />

guy you and your people once knew … but can't locate at present. However, because it seems to<br />

be so important to you … and because you do have a decent set of tits, whether I want 'em or not,<br />

which I don't … I'm willing to make a deal."<br />

"And that would be?" she inquired, brow raised significantly.<br />

"Let me haul ass out of here now. I'll go home and write another piece of fiction but, in<br />

this version, when I have him meet up with the character played by you, she won't be such a slut.<br />

Of course, I wouldn't allow even that small amount of sag such as you have in your tits, and—"<br />

"Fuck you!" snapped Olivia.<br />

"We've already been over that part and I told you 'no'," Bill taunted, hoping to get her as<br />

riled as possible. "Do you have to resort to offering pussy every time you want something? See,<br />

that's what connotes a slut on your part, and—"<br />

Olivia took one angry step in Bill's direction, then stopped. He found satisfaction in the<br />

fact he never flinched when she began what he thought was a charge and knew he won when he<br />

remained stoic in the face of her mini-attack.<br />

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Getting a grip on herself, Olivia again faced the men with the masks. "Which of you was<br />

to be responsible for gathering the woman who was with this man?" She raked them all with her<br />

eyes, going right to left.<br />

The guy at the end of the couch, the one who'd phoned to summon her, said with what<br />

Bill felt was a barely contained smile behind the mask, "<strong>Me</strong>. I was supposed to capture her."<br />

"And you didn't." There was a barely disguised growl in Olivia's tone. "Why was that?"<br />

"She was too violent, to be honest about it. She was putting up quite a tussle. I don't take<br />

that kind of shit from any woman … for any reason … business or personal. The bitch didn't<br />

seem to know her place, so I showed it to her." This time the chuckle emerged briefly. "I fell<br />

back on my training and pistol whipped the bitch, which was exactly what she had coming. It<br />

was a discretionary decision on my part and, as I said, I made it in conjunction with my training<br />

to do this work. Do you have a problem with what I did, Olivia?"<br />

"That's one way to put it," she said coldly. Her right hand went to the rear of her slacks<br />

and reappeared with a silver .32 Beretta. In barely a full second the pistol made three very sharp<br />

cracks. A darker spot, blood coming from his forehead, manifested itself directly in the center.<br />

"Next time, call in for instructions," she ordered the corpse slowly toppling face first to the floor.<br />

Without lowering her weapon, she faced the one in the chair on the right. "Get the body<br />

to one of your vehicles. I want it weighted and dumped at least five miles offshore tonight when<br />

it's good and dark. Keep in mind, I have yet more bullets." She gestured to her left. "Pick two of<br />

them to do it, then the rest of you can help me with this bastard." She pointed the gun at Bill. "I<br />

promise you, this motherfucker will talk before I'm done with him."<br />


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San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 6:17 p.m.<br />

Thankfully, things calmed down a bit at the hospital. Donnie regretted the fact he had to<br />

call for more men from "The Rez", but he did it without even a sigh. He was left a little short of<br />

personnel this way, but that would only hold true for slightly more than an hour. Angela assured<br />

us it would be longer than that before the cops departed the scene here in the ER. She then took<br />

special pains to see an officer would be with Adele at all times, within an arm's reach. Donnie<br />

nodded, certain he'd have more people here before they'd be needed.<br />

He'd also taken time to check on the two guys in the truck. One had a broken left arm, the<br />

other a badly sprained left ankle and a gouge on his left thigh. Both would limp around for a few<br />

days. Neither would be ready for hand-to-hand combat for a while, but each would fully recover.<br />

While we all took it as a plus, and Donnie tried to arrange to send 'em both back to "The Rez",<br />

they each sneered at his remark. A brief, muttered conversation among the three in a language I<br />

doubted I'd ever fully understand changed things. They'd go back to our house and pull guard<br />

duty, apparently a less strenuous task, and be available as backups.<br />

Donnie explained it to me with a shrug. "They are Luiseño warriors. They will accept no<br />

less than what they stated."<br />

"And you trust them with that duty?" inquired Angela.<br />

Donnie gave her the same rebellious stare the men had given him and didn't even bother<br />

to say anything. Angela gave him her phony cooperative half grin and said, "Right. Okay, now, if<br />

you'll excuse me, I need to go fuck myself."<br />

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Once we were satisfied Adele was safe, with the docs assuring us she wasn't bunged up<br />

too badly and would recover soon, we prepared to leave. Because she took numerous blows to<br />

the skull with a pistol, which caused several lacerations, the medical people were all adamantly<br />

saying she had to stay the night. Adele let the "girl side" of herself assume control a minute, her<br />

attitude reinforcing her, and made them swear they wouldn't need to cut off any hair.<br />

"Maybe a few snippets," the ER doc conceded.<br />

"They better be darned small, and I approve each one before it's done or I'm going home<br />

now," she insisted.<br />

When the doctor looked to me as if I might get on his side, I also shrugged. "Criminy! It<br />

is her hair! Why would you even question the idea?" Adele and I looked at each other as if the<br />

doctor was on a bad drug trip and his mind was addled. "Her guy loves her long hair," I added.<br />

He gave up, so I gave Adele a hug and a kiss, promising I'd come back when she was<br />

released tomorrow. Holding my guy's hand, we headed for his Luiseño guarded truck. I rode with<br />

him instead of bringing my car. As he held the passenger door for me, he announced, "Now we<br />

will go see Mr. Wilkins. If the terms are acceptable, my people and I will guard the man."<br />

I didn't say anything. Just let my saucer-sized eyes reply, then followed him the same<br />

way around the front of the vehicle and into the other door. "Just like that? We're going to …<br />

what? … drop in and ratify a bleeping deal?" I turned halfway on the seat. "Are you forgetting<br />

those bastards have taken Bill prisoner? What the heck're we going to do about that?"<br />

"Very much along those lines," he said, giving me a brief smile. "Ratifying a deal. As far<br />

as Bill's welfare goes, I'm sure I'll be able to find him when we finish here with Hondell Wilkins.<br />

As to my work protecting the man, I have people already in place. This will only be crossing t's<br />

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and dotting i's, if you will."<br />

He said it so casually I needed a moment to adjust to the concept finding Bill Cady would<br />

be such a simple job. It reminded me how resourceful Donnie can be and the incredible extent of<br />

all his scores of contacts.<br />

Apparently some of the many cell calls Donnie had while I was fussing over Adele were<br />

to the men he had stationed at the place Mr. Wilkins was in hiding. He made a call when we got<br />

to about three blocks out and the door began opening as we rounded the corner, fifty yards from<br />

the building. I glanced left, saw the tattoo parlor, then right to reconfirm what I thought I'd seen<br />

earlier. <strong>At</strong> least my eyesight is still good, and my memory's not bad, either.<br />

This time it was Cutterby, the taller girl, who met us inside the warehouse area. She was<br />

smiling amiably and gave me a nice hug as I stepped down from Donnie's truck. "This time it'll<br />

be Sharla who's acting gaga, not me," she chuckled.<br />

"You mean," I asked as I looked up to the second floor corner, "he's now, um—?"<br />

"The man is a total stud," she chortled mischievously. "This time it's her turn, but they<br />

won't be too long." One more glance up the stairs. "I don't think." More tittering. She faced my<br />

guy as he rounded the front bumper and held out her hand to shake. "Mr. Oldrunner, so nice to<br />

meet you in person."<br />

see us now?"<br />

"Miss Peterson," he said politely, grasping her hand. "I assume Mr. Wilkins is ready to<br />

"Yes, and I believe he has a surprise for you."<br />

As if instinctively, Donnie stood in front of me. "I do not enjoy surprises, especially in<br />

my work." He looked hastily around, his near ebony eyes taking in everything at high speed in<br />

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the event he'd have to defend us. Donnie Oldrunner would, I knew unquestionably, protect me to<br />

his dying breath and perhaps beyond. He's always like that with me. I'm his girl.<br />

She stopped, half turned and faced him. "Oh, it's not that kind of surprise, but I probably<br />

could have said it better. I suppose a bonus and some extra work, should you choose to do it, and<br />

I have no question in my mind you'll approve."<br />

We followed her up the stairs, waited through all the locks, then were seated on the same<br />

couch as last time. The difference was Hondell Wilkins entered the room with a dreamy-eyed<br />

Sharla in tow about half a minute afterward. We greeted each other verbally while the men shook<br />

hands and we all sat as we did the last time, with Sharla and Cutterby in reversed positions.<br />

Somehow I didn't feel at all in control or in charge at this meeting. More like an aide who<br />

would later have an opinion and be expected to give it. Beyond that, I was merely a witness.<br />

To my surprise, the verbal part of the deal … which was the entire agreement, as Donnie<br />

doesn't usually work by contract … didn't take very long. Some keys were provided us and a few<br />

items exchanged. I thought we might then be leaving. It seems I thought wrong. There was also<br />

an addendum to what they'd kicked around and I never saw it coming.<br />

Cutterby left the room. Maybe I was the only one who noticed a slight shifting in the<br />

position of Donnie's feet. However, I had no question if Cutterby, or anyone else, appeared in the<br />

hallway with anything other than amiable intentions, he-she could be a second or two away from<br />

dead. Donnie Oldrunner was a coiled spring, ready to be unleashed as needed, no matter who or<br />

what he faced. So, when she came back with two expensive black leather attaché cases, it left me<br />

wondering. I could see it hit Donnie the same way, but we both said nothing. Waited quietly.<br />

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Hondell Wilkins cleared his throat before speaking. "The documents in that attaché are<br />

the same as the originals in this one," he said, pointing at the appropriate items in turn, "but the<br />

ones you have are copies of this with the names redacted. You see," he said solemnly as he let<br />

his eyes roam the room, taking in everyone in a sweep, "I've arranged to move things ahead a bit<br />

for my own safety and that of my son." He smiled as if only he had an inkling of what was to<br />

come. A fitting gesture, I concluded, since at least I was way out in right field with no glove.<br />

Now Donnie perked up noticeably. This was approaching the meat of the matter.<br />

"In that case is a trust agreement and, of course, a last will and testament, as needed. It<br />

was prepared by one of the world's premier law firms in New York City and the document names<br />

successive administrators to that trust." He locked eyes with me first, then smoothly switched to<br />

Donnie. "The Honorable <strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, first trustee, and Donnie Oldrunner, second trustee. The trust<br />

corpus will be one billion dollars, 2% or less of the amount of the sale, should the final bid come<br />

in at higher than the fifty billion." He smiled. "I only expect one bid received will be that large,<br />

and in cash, as I specified, but I could be surprised. There's an active marketplace. The auction<br />

was to have been held next week, but I sent a notice to say it's been accelerated because of all the<br />

attempts of late to kidnap me and-or take my life. So, I'll be that much richer by noon tomorrow.<br />

Within seconds of receiving my payment, the first billion dollars will be transferred to that trust,<br />

currently a financial vehicle held in Bern, Switzerland, and another billion will be placed in the<br />

custodial trust. A copy is there for you to read. Those names are not removed."<br />

As he'd handed me the attaché case moments earlier and I'd opened it, Donnie turned to<br />

me and nodded. I only glanced at the documents, since I wouldn't be ruling on them or offering<br />

my legal opinion, but I know my eyes did that "boing!" thing immediately. "Donnie," I said in a<br />

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very hushed and reverent tone as I looked up at him, "this says that amount of money is payable<br />

to you and me, jointly and severally, and we share control of the trust fund, which is this item." I<br />

held up the one with only a black spot in several areas where the name would be. "It means one<br />

of us can make a binding decision without the other present and it will still hold true for both of<br />

us as trustee-administrators."<br />

<strong>My</strong> eyes dropped to the doc again. "Donnie, we won't be doing anything worth a billion<br />

dollars! Criminy! That's one-thousand million, for Pete's sake!"<br />

Interrupting the tension filled moment, Mr. Wilkins laughed. "If you knew my son, you<br />

wouldn't be so quick to say that."<br />

"Why is the name of the child left out?" Donnie wanted to know.<br />

"In part because I believe one, or both of you, know my son. Oh, and he's no child. He's<br />

in his 30s now and not, by any means, a specimen to be proud of. His mother never told him my<br />

name. I'd recently had my vasectomy because I grew weary of condoms and wanted to enjoy the<br />

freedom of having sex without using one. Evidently, in the brief few days before my system was<br />

purged of the ability to reproduce, his mother conceived while I was with her. I didn't love the<br />

woman and, if not for him, doubt I'd've ever seen her again. Yet, I did. I still managed to see him<br />

from afar. We've never met. Not face to face. Nor have I ever spoken with him. He has no idea<br />

who I am. However, there've been DNA tests galore. There's no question he's my child." Now<br />

Mr. Wilkins glanced down at his lap, shaking his head in a gesture of regret. I couldn't be sure if<br />

he was simply hanging his head in acceptance or blaming a part of his body for failing him.<br />

When he looked up again he wore a chagrined expression. "It would, therefore, behoove<br />

me to set about correcting the errors of omission I've caused these many years last."<br />

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"Why, then, do you need us after this single day. Why me?" Donnie asked now with even<br />

more specificity.<br />

"I don't intend to ever introduce myself to the man," he confessed. "From what I know of<br />

him, I very much dislike him as a person because of who and what he is. That does not, however,<br />

absolve me of my responsibility. I shall see he has access to all the money he'll ever need, but he<br />

won't know how much. Nor will he have cause think he can simply speak up and get whatever it<br />

is his foolish heart desires. He'll need to convince one or both of you he needs and-or deserves<br />

what he asks to receive, depending on what you decide to tell him."<br />

One more glance at his lap reinforced the concept of him attributing blame to a wayward<br />

bodily organ. "Although he'll be left, as you said, <strong>CC</strong>, one-thousand million dollars, if I left it all<br />

to him openly, he'd be broke in a month. No one will ever dub him a 'financial genius'."<br />

"Does anyone else know the name of your son? These ladies included?" Donnie asked.<br />

"Only the attorney who drafted these documents, now deceased, and the one person who<br />

was able to help me confirm his identity. She was a Russian national and is also now deceased. If<br />

you'll step over to the corner with me, Donnie," he suggested as Sharla gently dislodged herself<br />

and he came to his feet, "I'll tell you. When you tell <strong>CC</strong> … I have no question that will occur …<br />

remember the peril anyone who knows my son's name will be under. <strong>My</strong> son will, at that point,<br />

be nothing less than a prime kidnapping target. If said kidnapping was committed by the wrong<br />

people, not only would he be at dire risk, anyone knowing his name would be in equal danger.<br />

With that thought, I will caution you not to take it too lightly when you step over by the hallway<br />

so I can reveal his identity to you."<br />

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Donnie's eyes swept the room, taking memory pics of everything and everyone in it, then<br />

moved to the beginning of the hallway. I was watching Donnie's always stoic face when he heard<br />

the name. His eyelids twitched. For him, that's the same as a normal person gasping and covering<br />

his mouth in surprise.<br />

His words following that reaction both surprised me and made me feel very proud.<br />

"<strong>My</strong> woman, my lady, is everything to me, Hondell. If I didn't know her as I do, I'd turn<br />

down your offer, if for no other reason than to protect her wellbeing. However, I won't even need<br />

to ask if she wishes to be involved. Unquestionably, she does so wish. Therefore, we accept your<br />

offer and, with the risk it imposes on the person I love most in this world, will consider we are<br />

not being overpaid." He shook Mr. Wilkins' hand. "I shall now take her home, then return after I<br />

conduct a brief duty. You will be in the hands of my men until I am back, but they will maintain<br />

your safety."<br />

in the man.<br />

"You're certain I'll be safe?" he asked, now showing the very first hint of fear I'd noticed<br />

Donnie stopped, faced him by turning halfway, and used the same facial expression he'd wear if<br />

he saw someone looking west for the sunrise off our back deck. "I have said it, therefore it is so.<br />

I believe my errand will encompass dealing with your primary threat, but not the only one you<br />

face. For that reason, I shall hurry back."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 6:23 p.m.<br />

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She walked slowly from the motel room bed to the credenza where she deposited her new<br />

black silk purse half an hour ago, glad she'd had enough time to set it down before the siege was<br />

underway in earnest. If you've got it, damn it, you might as well use it, she told herself as a smile<br />

crossed her face. The slow movement was calculated to accentuate an ass she believed, based on<br />

all the compliments it had garnered, was nicer than most women in their 20s had to offer. It made<br />

her feel good to still be superior at her age 43 and showing no signs of fading.<br />

Marcella Thrasher managed to conceal the smile when she orchestrated a half turn, also<br />

straightening her back to extend her breasts. With a forty-inch set of tits like mine, I'd be a fool if<br />

I didn't let the bastard have a chance to drool a little. She affected a pose while lighting the long<br />

Benson & Hedges she removed from the purse, allowing the light spilling from the shaded lamp<br />

by the bed to add a silhouette on the wall. Moaning pleasurably, the cigarette in her right hand,<br />

she slid her left palm up her side. It cupped the left breast, accenting it as she moaned again, and<br />

gave life to the libidinous scene she intended to create.<br />

"Nice," said her erstwhile lover, a companion she reinitiated tonight with a goal of using<br />

him to get what she wanted. "Do you have to do that now?" asked Darius McLain, a nonsmoker<br />

and, in many respects, her "boss" insofar as the work she usually did for a living.<br />

"I didn't do it when I was taking care of all your needs, darling," she cooed, turning now<br />

to face him. Marcella stood with her feet spread apart, back straight, her breasts resplendent as<br />

she inhaled on the cigarette and raised them even higher. Only five-two, 108 pounds, she knew<br />

her small stature was an additional turn-on for many men, particularly the one in the bed she'd<br />

just stepped away from. The one she'd worked diligently to pleasure for thirty minutes. The one<br />

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she wanted to give her information. The one who would, if she had anything to say about it, even<br />

if it meant getting back in that bed and draining him of the last flicker of energy in his body.<br />

"True," he conceded, sitting up a bit straighter in the bed. Still naked, McLain pulled the<br />

sheet and blanket high enough to cover his navel, then crossed his hands on his lap and looked at<br />

her again. "And I must say, you gave as good as you got." He chuckled.<br />

I gave one helluva lot better than I got, you dipshit, but if I get what I want out of you,<br />

I'm willing to call it even, she thought, never allowing the smile to change from the vixenish air<br />

she knew it created. "As good as you are between the sheets, Darius, I take that as quite a tall<br />

compliment." Marcella took another drag, stayed in her pose until it was released, then sashayed<br />

back to the bed in a fabricated, sultry slink. It was an improvisation she'd created and displayed<br />

more times in the past than she could, or wished to, remember.<br />

Swooping her hand to collect the ashtray next to the bed, she sat on the foot of it on her<br />

right, leaving him alone on the left. When she sat, sliding slightly to her left, she was on her left<br />

haunch, knee bent, left ankle beneath her right thigh, right foot still dangling over the side of the<br />

bed. <strong>At</strong> her height it wouldn't reach the floor, so she began a gentle swaying of her lower leg,<br />

knowing it would give a pulse to the moment. Maintaining an erect carriage, she knew his eyes<br />

would stay largely on her breasts. That part was no problem, as she could very easily overcome<br />

showing any of the lies others would be unable to hide behind their eyes. Marcella had done that<br />

much all her life.<br />

"Consider it meant to be that way," he said with a smile as his eyes again appraised her<br />

body in an up and down stare.<br />

"Say, I was thinking something, but I'm not sure what to do about it."<br />

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"And you think I can help you … which is why I just got my brains fucked out. There<br />

had to be a reason you called to set this up. I knew it."<br />

"You think that's the only reason I'd call you to set this up?"<br />

"In a word … yes." He smiled innocuously.<br />

"You evil, evil man," she chuckled. "Well, since you've found me out … only in part,<br />

though, because I would've stopped it at just the blowjob if I didn't love being with you … it's<br />

probably best if I tell you what's on my mind."<br />

"Inquiring minds want to know," he said in a casual attempt at humor.<br />

"What happened to that author? Bill Cady? He's suddenly not around."<br />

"That was less than two hours ago. How is it you ask the question?"<br />

"Darius, I didn't get where I am in life, or in the work we do, without making a few very<br />

valuable contacts. It's my job to know these things. So, what happened to the man and where is<br />

he now?" She kept her eyes riveted to his, then took a drag and held it, her breasts jutting out as<br />

she watched his face.<br />

"I don't think I should tell you." He began to look away, must've thought better of it and<br />

renewed the lock he'd just begun to undo.<br />

"Oh? Why?" She concentrated harder on staring into his eyes.<br />

"There could be a … problem," he responded.<br />

Hmmm? she mused. I don't think that was all posed and-or just for the drama. He's got<br />

something on his mind. "Tell me about this problem."<br />

"If I did that, I'd be telling you everything." Now he did look away to his right. "That's<br />

not likely my wisest move."<br />

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"Oh? Why not?" She smiled. "After all, I might be able to help you."<br />

"I certainly doubt that."<br />

"You have no reason to doubt me, Darius. You know my reputation and how often I<br />

come through with success. Granted, we all miss one once in a while, but I don't miss much."<br />

"Neither does sh—" He had a flash of panic on his face. "Never mind."<br />

"I see. It's a 'she'. Who is she? Anyone I know?"<br />

"I've said too much," he replied, his right hand beginning to raise the blanket.<br />

Shit! He's going to get dressed and leave me hanging, damn his hide! I can't get this close<br />

and blow it! Especially after I just blew him, damn it! "She's the mechanic you said was trailing<br />

me, am I correct?" she asked, taking a wild shot out of desperation.<br />

McLain ceased the movement that would've had him standing next to the bed a second<br />

later and sat back. "How did you know?"<br />

"Because I'm smarter than hell and I have a shitload of contacts," she fabricated. No way<br />

in hell am I admitting I made a lucky guess. Screw that shit!<br />

For a few seconds of strain and tension, McLain watched her eyes.<br />

Damn! The bastard's not even looking at my tits any longer! I really have his attention!<br />

"Yes." He took a deep breath. "She is, in many ways, a contractor, such as are you, but<br />

she does have a … call it a 'position' … with the organization."<br />

"You mean with 'The Side', correct?"<br />

"Marcella, we seldom use—"<br />

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"Oh, can that bullshit, Darius. I know damned good and well whom I get called on to do a<br />

job for, just like Borislava and Boleslav did before they became corpses. We aren't supposed to<br />

talk about it, I know, but you and I know damned well what that group is and what it does."<br />

He smirked. "You never bought in on the supposed CIA hook-up, did you?"<br />

"How stupid do I look?" Her left hand reached up and jiggled her breast. "Don't look at<br />

these when you answer," she chuckled. "Hell, no, I didn't. Too many of the supposed 'career<br />

people' with the CIA who came in to that Black Ops group started asking questions and soon<br />

ended up dead. Nope, not my cup of fucking tea, sweety." She took the last drag and stubbed it<br />

out. "Tell me about this person. She's supposedly the 'ultimate mechanic', as you inferred, and<br />

apparently I'd be no match for her." She snorted derisively. "Name? Background? Tell me."<br />

"The name she uses is Olivia Higginbotham," he said, watching her face for any sign of<br />

betrayal she knew more than she admitted.<br />

Marcella expected that much and maintained a mask of ignorance, partially untrue. She<br />

said nothing. <strong>Me</strong>rely waited for him to continue.<br />

"She's got maybe twenty years with both the FBI and CIA and, of course, is heavily tied<br />

in to 'The Side'. Yes, she was watching you and, yes, she would've killed you. In a heartbeat, my<br />

love, even if she doesn't have one. A heart, I mean. She … uh, I have no concrete proof, but it's<br />

the only thing that makes sense … is also running a renegade operation."<br />

"Of what nature?" Marcella pressed, leaning forward a bit, no longer aware of her sex<br />

appeal or its power over men. Him in particular. "Tell me about it."<br />

"I believe she kidnapped Cady."<br />

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"For what reason?" was the inquiry as Marcella stood, scooted to her purse, dug out a<br />

new cigarette and lit it. "Why is Cady important? You had me dick teasing for the man—"<br />

"There are people at the top," he said while gesturing toward the ceiling, "who believe he<br />

knows Hondell Wilkins based on a character in a novel he wrote many, many years ago. All the<br />

similarities of his character and Wilkins are too much alike to dismiss it out of hand." He sighed<br />

as if giving up for a moment, which Marcella knew would never happen. "Worse, with Wilkins<br />

now expediting the bid date—"<br />

"For his formula? He moved up the time?"<br />

Nodding, "Tomorrow at noon. Olivia also believes Cady knows how to find the man and<br />

has taken him prisoner. To be honest, I don't think she even cares if she's discovered as the one<br />

who took him, if it comes down to that. If he knows anything about Wilkins, she'll learn it all<br />

tonight. In a hurry, so she can present the info and get to Wilkins before the auction date." He<br />

sighed in exasperation. "I think she's running an operation against 'The Side', as well. I think, if<br />

she can get to Wilkins … I have no doubt Cady will not survive her interrogation … she'll claim<br />

the money herself. To do it would be a triple flip, so to speak."<br />

Smoke trailing over her still naked shoulder, Marcella resumed her former position on the<br />

bed. "Explain." She took a drag, her eyes now fused with his.<br />

"The US government, along with a few other countries, have formed a bloc. They intend<br />

to share the ransom cost and the benefits. Unfortunately, certain countries against the idea of our<br />

world no longer needing oil … all those fucking A-rabs … formed their own bloc. They want to<br />

get custody of Wilkins so they can kill him. In a set-up too big to believe or explain, 'The Side'<br />

was hired by both blocs to find and capture Wilkins."<br />

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"Okay?" She leaned forward, unable to hold herself back.<br />

"It's a sting from 'The Side', who intends to keep the idea and the money … but Olivia is<br />

stinging their sting, to coin a term. She wants to be the one who ends up with all the loot and can<br />

still market the product. If she can pull it off, she'll not only be the most powerful person in the<br />

history of the world, she'll also be the richest. Hell, even Gates, when he had a hundred billion in<br />

assets, only had it on paper. Everything she has will be in cash. Far more powerful. Olivia will be<br />

able to topple entire governments with a single phone call." He shook his head in amazement, as<br />

if the idea went to new heights hearing it from his own mouth.<br />

"And you know all this because …?" Marcella let it hang incomplete.<br />

"From all I knew, what I deduced, and some calls I made, I understand what she's doing,<br />

but I don't dare bank on her making it happen. She put me between a rock and a hard place since<br />

she's theoretically working for my operation at the moment." He sighed again, but this time it<br />

was almost a painful sound as Marcella heard it. "With no other options, I called and turned her<br />

in. Now I'm waiting."<br />

"For what?"<br />

"Permission to kill her. If I don't get an okay, it'll mean her upstairs connections are a lot<br />

stronger than mine. If so, I'll be the target. In that case, she and her people will get a go ahead to<br />

kill me. Perhaps you can see why I'm so concerned."<br />

Marcella smiled. "Well, you don't have to be concerned. There's a way out of this mess<br />

for you, if you want it."<br />

"Oh? And what would that be?"<br />

"Tell me where she's keeping him and I'll take care of her for you."<br />

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"As if you could," he said wistfully.<br />

"Count on it, Darius. I can, and I will. Now, tell me where she's holding him."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Friday, December 25 th , 2008 … 7:10 p.m.<br />

Always the total, complete gentleman, my guy Donnie stopped as we were heading to his<br />

pickup in the parking area of Mr. Wilkins' huge warehouse and dug out the disposable lighter he<br />

always carries nowadays. He held it up and waited.<br />

"Um, honey, we're not in the truck yet," I argued reluctantly.<br />

With a grin he told me, "You went all that time in there without a cigarette and you know<br />

I don't ever see you as 'looking slutty', so go ahead, have one now, as we're walking."<br />

Because he showed his love by thinking of me like that, my eyes got a little watery at<br />

first, but I stood on my toes and kissed his left cheek, then dug one out and lit it when he held up<br />

the lighter. I winked at him and we continued walking. When we reached his truck he looked up<br />

on the walkway and, to my surprise, one of his men was there. He was dressed in a light gray top<br />

and slacks so close to the color of the concrete walls, a gray cap covering his ebony hair, he was<br />

a part of the danged wall until he stood. He gave a hand signal, so Donnie opened my door. "I<br />

won't need to sweep the truck for bugs," he explained.<br />

All I could do was shake my head. We got in the truck and, just before he started it, I<br />

asked, "Okay, this is going to drive me cuckoo. Who in the heck is his son?"<br />

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When he started leaning my way, I thought he was going to kiss me before he answered,<br />

but he said, "I'll whisper it, on the off chance there's a mic in here we didn't detect." His lips<br />

came to my ear and he told me.<br />

Without any question, my eyes did that saucer thing again. "Are you serious?"<br />

Donnie nodded. "You can see how much harder that will make it for us, correct?"<br />

"Harder? Criminy! Try impossible! Him? We're supposed to manage … and dole out … a<br />

fortune to and for him? Honey, that could become full-time work!"<br />

"We will manage. I'm certain of it. Now," said with the truck running, "I need to turn on<br />

my GPS and do a search."<br />

"We're going to go find Bill now, aren't we?"<br />

Donnie shook his head. "I will, after I take you home."<br />

"Bull-shit, mister! You don't have any of your men with you now. They're all here or at<br />

our house. There's not a single, bleepin' chance I'll let you do this on your own!"<br />

"Princess, it's too danger—"<br />

"<strong>My</strong> suntanned ass! Donnie Oldrunner, you and I are partners, dang it! In love and in life<br />

and in everything we do! There's no way in hell you're going after those people on your own!"<br />

"I simply cannot allow—"<br />

"You just try stopping me, Buster! If you take me home … Donnie Oldrunner, I swear<br />

this on my Grandma's grave! … I'll get in my car and follow you! If I have to screw the whole<br />

thing up, including holding my freakin' hand on the horn when we get to wherever that loony<br />

bitch has Bill, I will! You are not doing this alone! I'm going with you and that's that!" I almost<br />

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crossed my arms to pout, then remembered I was holding a ciggie, so I just glared at him. I love<br />

my guy with all my heart and soul but, at times, this macho crap makes me want to barf.<br />

He looked at me seriously for a few seconds, then broke into that goofy grin of his that<br />

simply melts my heart. "Well, if you're sure …"<br />

"You big jerk!" I told him, swatting his right biceps. "You know danged good and well<br />

I'm as sure as can be. This is a 'you and me deal' and that's all there is to it." I took a drag and<br />

looked at the dashboard where he had the GPS on now. "So, how's that going to help us find Bill<br />

now? I realize you've got some pretty sophisticated stuff, but …" I left it dangling.<br />

"I told you I do not trust that woman. I haven't since I met her." He got a small chip from<br />

the pocket of his windbreaker as he spoke.<br />

"Yeah, so? I didn't much like her, either, but how does that help us find Bill?"<br />

"As you recall, Adele took exception with Olivia two days ago at our house."<br />

"As if anyone wouldn't? That nasty bitch … sorry, but she really pissed me off, too! …<br />

risked Adele's bleeping life! I was glad to see Adele sock her one, although I'd've never thought<br />

Adele had it in her."<br />

"Some people are deep and quiet, but better off left undisturbed," he observed. "Adele is<br />

one such. Be that as it may, Olivia was unconscious almost five minutes, although she refused<br />

any medical attention afterward."<br />

lower back?"<br />

"Okay?" Where the heck's he going with this? I wondered.<br />

"Do you remember Olivia telling us this afternoon she thought she pulled a muscle in her<br />

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"Yes. I was actually sort of glad to hear it, which I realize is sort of childish of me, but I<br />

really don't like that woman. Honey, what the heck's that got to do with anything?"<br />

"While she was unconscious on our floor, after I slipped away to get what I needed, I was<br />

able to insert a very tiny homing device under the skin in her lower back. I'll plug this into my<br />

GPS, punch in the code, and … voila! There she is."<br />

His GPS system showed a small red circle on the location. He looked at it, turned to face<br />

me, and grinned. "Just as it's supposed to do."<br />

"That is honest-to-God amazing!" I told him, gawking at the screen. "Just how far away<br />

would this bleepin' thing track her, honey? And, for how long? I mean, we had no idea what she<br />

might do, and there was no reason to suspect Bill would be kidnapped like he was, but what in<br />

the world possessed you to do all this?"<br />

"As I said, I do not trust that woman. I suspected she would do something underhanded<br />

and saw a chance to keep track of her without any manpower. The beeper will only emit a signal<br />

over a period of about four days for 100 miles. After that, it begins to fade. I just didn't think it<br />

would take her that long to tip her hand. The woman is evil and I was sensing it right away."<br />

"You are incredible!" I told him as I kissed his right cheek. Then I dug my .380 Beretta<br />

out of my purse and checked the magazine. "Do you have a handgun with you?" I questioned.<br />

Donnie nodded, gesturing toward the back of his pants. "If needed. Let's see what we face<br />

when we get there."<br />

It wasn't really all that far away. The address was a house in a middle class neighborhood<br />

in Lemon Grove, less than ten miles from downtown San Diego. We went past and parked half a<br />

block away, then walked normally until we were two houses away from the one we wanted. It<br />

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was already very dark and the entire area was very quiet. The houses this far out were a little bit<br />

more separated than in San Diego proper, meaning some forty feet apart with a small yard out in<br />

front and something bigger in the back. There were lights on in the second house from the one<br />

we sought, none in the one next to it. All were on our left as we proceeded along the sidewalk.<br />

We scrunched down and went below the windows of each, and Donnie made me swear<br />

I'd wait at the corner of the dark one behind some bushes while he scouted the one where Olivia<br />

was. We hoped with Bill. Couldn't be positive yet. I made him swear he'd come back to get me,<br />

warning him I'd "go cowboy on him" if he tried any fast ones on me.<br />

He was back in about three minutes. Even startled me when he so mysteriously popped<br />

up without me even seeing him approaching where I waited. Thankfully, he expected I'd react<br />

that way and clamped a hand on my mouth as he said, "Baby, it's me."<br />

When he knew I had it together he released me. "Bill's in there, <strong>CC</strong>, in what I take to be a<br />

living room near the right rear of the house, if facing it from the street. It's a good sized room, I'd<br />

say it's some twenty feet wide at the back, twenty-five from the back wall to a doorway on each<br />

end of the room. Olivia is in there. Bill's handcuffed, sitting in a chair in the far right corner if<br />

you were to come in from either door."<br />

I nodded, wondering how the heck I, <strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, a bleepin' Superior Court judge, ever get<br />

my butt into some of these messes.<br />

"There are three other men in the room, all wearing black ski masks, but Olivia isn't using<br />

one. That means she intends to kill him during, or after, the questioning. Bill's mouth looks like<br />

he's been slugged a couple times … a little bit bloody, but not badly beaten … and I’d say the<br />

three men with her are doing the slugging. She's ranting and raving, evidently losing just a little<br />

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of her control. That tells me this is very important to her. A pro wouldn't normally let something<br />

like that bother her at a time like this."<br />

"Okay, so what're we going to do?"<br />

"There is a window on the other side of the house on a bedroom. No one is in the room<br />

and it's not locked. I checked. I can open it quietly. I'll go in the window, pull you in after me,<br />

and we'll go down the hall to the living room. Using both doors, we'll break in and take Bill out<br />

of there. In all likelihood, we'll be required to kill the people in the room. I doubt they will be in<br />

a mood to surrender."<br />

"Why don't we call the police? We both have cell phones?"<br />

"I fear I underestimated Olivia and her fervor. She's rather angry now and, from the little<br />

I saw through the window, it's apparent Bill is taunting her almost without letup. It's delaying her<br />

… I'm sure that's part of his motivation … but increasing her rage at the same time. I doubt he'll<br />

be in very good shape, or even still alive, by the time any police units can get here. Even so, if a<br />

raid was made to get him, unless it was a SWAT team, Bill would probably be killed in the heat<br />

of the moment. No, we have to go in now, for Bill's sake."<br />

Part of what Donnie intended came true as he described it. We skirted the house and got<br />

to the bedroom window. We made entry as he said we would and were at the doorway leading<br />

into a hallway where we whispered to each other. "I'll go out and start down the hallway," he told<br />

me. "I'll go to the far door, you stop at the one I point to on this end. We'll both have our weapon<br />

in hand when we kick in the door. Anyone on the left side of the room is mine, on the right side,<br />

is yours. Shoot to kill and be quick about it."<br />

Nodding, I mouthed, I love you.<br />

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Donnie nodded and slowly opened the door. We stepped out and entered a hall running<br />

the width of the building. A half opened door at the far end was a restroom with no one in it.<br />

Donnie headed that way, as silent as drifting smoke, as he always is when he doesn't want to be<br />

heard. I gave him about ten feet and started after him. As he stepped past the first door, the one<br />

he told me to cover, it began to open. A man said, "I'll be right back. Gotta piss like a racehorse."<br />

I froze like a ninny! Freaked out, I wasted a precious split second before I began bringing<br />

my Beretta up to shoot him from about seven feet away. His mouth was just beginning to open,<br />

the door he was pulling shut almost, but not quite closed, when Donnie took him from behind.<br />

An arm came around the front, the hand clasping his chin, while Donnie's other hand came to<br />

rest atop his head. One vicious twist and Donnie lowered the corpse to the floor. Signaling me to<br />

the slightly ajar door, he vanished down the hallway to cover his door as fast as he could.<br />

As he reached that other door, a man came out of each one, evidently concerned over the<br />

sound of Donnie lowering the dead man, or maybe the snap of his neck. The one farthest from<br />

me raised his hand with what seemed a 9mm in it as Donnie was turning to face him. I hoisted<br />

my .380 and put two rounds into the back of his skull from about fifteen feet or so, then spun to<br />

face the one coming at me. He was also pulling a semiautomatic from his waistband when I let<br />

go three very fast shots into his face from not quite a yard away.<br />

I stepped forward quickly, slamming my left palm against the dead man's chest so he'd<br />

fall away from me and not into me. That's when I heard Bill yell, "No, you stupid bitch, I'm not<br />

done with you yet!"<br />

Leaving Donnie to get in the far door, I raised my right foot and kicked in the one facing<br />

me. I saw Bill and Olivia near this right side of the room. He had his arms handcuffed behind<br />

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him as he lunged out of the chair and charged. Olivia was raising her right hand, filled with yet<br />

one more semiauto, when Bill's head crashed into her belly. Unable to balance himself, he just<br />

kept digging, trying to push her away or knock her down.<br />

With no gunshots from Donnie's doorway, I concluded he was either having a hard time<br />

getting in, perhaps because of a locked door, or was unable to shoot for fear of hitting Bill.<br />

However, showing surprising agility, Olivia was slammed into the side of a chair by Bill,<br />

but managed to keep her feet as he landed on the floor. Bill immediately struggled to get at least<br />

to his knees, but she suddenly had her weapon against the right side of his head, her left arm now<br />

around his throat from behind. "I'll shoot this son-of-a-bitch if you don't let me get out of here!"<br />

she menaced. "I mean it, I'll kill the motherfucker!"<br />

Jamming the barrel hard against Bill's skull, she spat, "On your feet, you asshole! You<br />

and I are getting the fuck out of here now!"<br />

Olivia pulled up and back, forcing Bill to rise to his feet. It was a mistake she didn't think<br />

of in time, but I saw it right away, and so did Bill. His six-two was more than she'd planned on at<br />

her five-six and, as he rose, he resisted very smartly. About halfway erect, Bill lunged backward<br />

and did a reverse head butt at the same time. The back of his skull slammed into her face, giving<br />

her a very bloody nose instantly. Then Bill reversed his course and threw himself to the floor. As<br />

he fell he exposed her as a target.<br />

Always the total professional, Olivia now rapidly sidestepped to her right. She evidently<br />

knew, with me being right-handed, I'd correct slower moving to my left than the other way. She<br />

also did a half turn as she relocated, putting her back toward the wall on my left, presenting the<br />

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smallest target she could be. If this was only the two of us, she'd've been that split second ahead<br />

of me, the time needed so only she would get a round off.<br />

Yet, it wasn't just the two of us. I had backup.<br />

I saw the glint as Donnie's shiny blade crossed that last foot of open air before slamming<br />

into her back between the shoulder blades, burying itself to the small, abbreviated hilt Donnie's<br />

fingers had used to make a purchase when he threw it. The impact of the knife, and probably the<br />

incredible shock of what happened, knocked Olivia a few inches forward. The single round she<br />

was able to fire slammed into the wall somewhere to my right.<br />

The five shots I got off so fast they sounded like one all hit her upper chest in the ribs.<br />

She only groaned as she fell, dead before her body reached the floor.<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Saturday, December 26 th , 2008 … 12:06 p.m.<br />

Last night wrapped up the craziest Christmas Day of my entire bleepin' life. It was only<br />

the good luck of getting Angela there in a hurry that let us get out of the place in three hours. If<br />

not for her, I'm afraid we'd still be answering questions. Of course, because of whom Olivia was,<br />

and the person she was thought to be, it also brought in a lot of federal people, but Angela put a<br />

stop to their shenanigans in a hurry. She not so subtly reminded them I'm a reserve SDPD cop, as<br />

well as a judge. Donnie is a licensed private investigator with a <strong>CC</strong>W permit and he also has the<br />

right to carry a knife. A few people rolled their eyes at first when he said he threw it, but when<br />

they asked him to show them how he did it, I broke in. I said he charges for lessons and they'd<br />

need to make reservations in advance.<br />

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It turns out Donnie wasn't being super-heroic by tossing the knife, either.<br />

He had the semiauto out and was preparing to shoot the one who came out the far door,<br />

granting me he may've been a step slow getting at the guy. That was no longer important after I<br />

shot the man, but what the guy did when I hit him was significant. He'd been grabbing for the<br />

weapon Donnie held and the hammer landed on the fold of skin by the man's thumb. When it did<br />

that, piercing the skin, was the instant I shot him. His hand froze in the fabled "dead man's grip"<br />

on the weapon, leaving Donnie disarmed.<br />

Donnie took the door down anyway, prepared to use his martial arts abilities instead of a<br />

handgun. Then, when he saw what Olivia was going to do, he realized he could put the blade in<br />

her back much faster than he could reach her, so he did.<br />

Our friend Bill refused any more than initial medical treatment by the EMTs and gave the<br />

cops the answers they were looking for. When they finished, at Angela's urging, Bill was taken<br />

to the ER in a patrol car to see Adele. He was almost belligerent until they agreed to take him to<br />

her, but calmed down in a hurry afterward. He stayed the night in her room, a condition they saw<br />

fit to allow when he started getting cranky again. He called us this morning to say she was being<br />

released and we'd be able to find him … armed and waiting, if necessary … at his condo there in<br />

Oceanside.<br />

Donnie and I had kept our babies up to speed throughout that crazy, marathon day and<br />

they were waiting anxiously for us when we got home. Donnie kissed 'em all and begged off,<br />

saying he had to get back to work. He left me to explain, which I did very proudly. The girls and<br />

I had a late snack … I was famished by that point … and made it to bed around two. I was up at<br />

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my normal time around six-thirty so I could spend some time with our babies before I came here<br />

to be with Donnie.<br />

He arranged for me to stop and wait about a mile from where they were. He used a taxi to<br />

get to me and drove my car to the warehouse after sweeping it to be sure there were no bugs or<br />

listening devices, homing devices, or any other spy stuff attached to my BMW. The other part<br />

we discussed last evening all seemed surreal to me. As if it was part of a story I was reading, but<br />

not something "real", if you know what I mean. Dang it all, the idea of someone putting a sum of<br />

money that large at my disposal simply wouldn't register in my brain. Too many zeroes, maybe.<br />

Yet, as we awaited the hour of conclusion, even the look I saw on Donnie's face told me<br />

the idea had some factuality to it. <strong>My</strong> Donnie isn't one to follow the illogical or buy pipe dreams,<br />

but even he looked my way and shrugged. Despite the inanity implied, I was suddenly beginning<br />

to grasp the concept and file it under reality. Even then, I couldn't fathom it all.<br />

Then Hondell made a few keystrokes on his computer keyboard, sat back and said with<br />

an ear to ear smile, "Done." He turned to Donnie. "<strong>My</strong> money came and was verified instantly.<br />

As soon as it was, the other two accounts were funded, as well." His printer spat out a sheet of<br />

white paper with something printed on it. He handed it to Donnie, saying, "This is everything<br />

you and <strong>CC</strong> need to know about both accounts. I suggest you use your own protected network so<br />

you can get in touch with them and arrange to change the passwords and other codes."<br />

As large as Donnie's eyes became at what he read, I don't even want to speculate on my<br />

own brown ones. He handed me the paper and said, "We'll take care of this later, Princess."<br />

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His "princess" sure as heck did feel like royalty when she saw all those freakin' zeroes on<br />

the sheet! Criminy! It made me feel like one of those people they say have more money than God<br />

to express wealth!<br />

"Who was the buyer?" was Donnie's first question.<br />

"I wasn't able to verify that part," Hondell admitted. "All I received was information from<br />

the bank saying the money was received. However, there really were only two blocs competing<br />

for it in the end, as I said. I think of them as 'the free world' and 'the money grubbing Arabs', and<br />

I believe it was 'the free world' side that prevailed." He examined the screen again and sighed.<br />

"An amount of money like that, with all the other spending they do, would possibly cripple the<br />

Arab world all at once. The other group was also many more countries, I'm sure, since all the rest<br />

of the world is oil dependent in one way or another. Their individual contributions would be a lot<br />

smaller that way."<br />

"Has anyone scheduled any form of announcement of the purchase?" Donnie asked.<br />

"No," Hondell told him, scanning his computer screen, "and I'm connected here to all the<br />

sources that would know. No one's said a thing so far."<br />

"They won't," Donnie told him, shaking his head sadly. "This is the result I expected."<br />

"I don't understand. You expected no one would say anything? Why? <strong>My</strong> formula will be<br />

the most important discovery in hundreds of years, if not in all recorded history. Why would you<br />

think they'd keep it a secret?"<br />

"Pressure from 'Big Oil' and all their political connections. The oil companies certainly<br />

have the money to have funded this purchase. Yet, if you made it available to the free world, as<br />

you dubbed one side … but in this case, if it was the real free world … all those oil companies<br />

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you mentioned would soon go broke. They have hundreds of billions of dollars tied up in oil and<br />

all the derivatives, and they'd lose uncountable amounts of income. If I was to hazard a guess, I'd<br />

say the side that bought it is comprised of those major oil companies. The US government may<br />

not even be involved."<br />

"You mean …" he left it hanging, as if afraid to finish the question.<br />

Donnie nodded. "Yes, they bought it, now they'll bury it. I'm sure the paperwork you put<br />

with the deal contains a lifetime nondisclosure agreement, correct?"<br />

Hondell merely nodded.<br />

"Then it's a certainty. You'll spend the rest of your life in court with all your money tied<br />

up as it wends its way through one after another after another and your formula will still never<br />

see the light of day if you say anything. I imagine they've already laid the groundwork to make<br />

you appear to be a madman if that happens and you'd die both broke and humiliated."<br />

Donnie came to his feet there in the spare bedroom down the hall. There were three. One<br />

was used as an office, this one, the other for whatever girl wasn't sleeping with Hondell on any<br />

given night, and the other was for him and the one with him that evening. "The people will never<br />

get any benefit from what you discovered."<br />

"I hadn't even thought of that part," he admitted. "I have a press conference set to be held<br />

in an hour. What should I tell them?"<br />

"You will be best served if you tell them the formula was proven wrong and the deal has<br />

fallen through. You will suffer some embarrassment, it's true, but that will reduce the likelihood<br />

anyone will try to take you prisoner to force a ransom. As the wealthiest man in the world … and<br />

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you will be with that much in liquid assets … you will require a large security contingent the rest<br />

of your life, be it my men or someone else's crew. I would begin to downplay the risks now."<br />

"No," he said, looking away as he slowly shook his head side to side, "I won't do that. I<br />

am not going to shame myself in front of the entire world. People have been waiting for me to<br />

show them my 'miracle' and I intend to at least let them know it's been sold. That it is real." He<br />

shook his head some more. "If they want to dig to see who bought it, I won’t defend the buyers<br />

or give them an easy out. If they want to hide it and not use it, so be it. Either way, I still have the<br />

money and more freedom than anyone on this planet."<br />

"You will have less," Donnie argued. "You will not be able to appear in public and you<br />

will need a security force—"<br />

"Poppycock!" spat Hondell. "I know what I intend to say to the press and I won't change<br />

a word of what I have prepared. I'll just add the fact the buyers won't produce it and will explain<br />

the money is held in accounts that legally cannot pay a ransom. That will keep me safe."<br />

"You are deluding yourself," Donnie countered.<br />

"No, I'm not, and I refuse to argue about it, Donnie. You and your team are dismissed. I<br />

have spent so long as a prisoner in my own custody, the girls and I are going to enjoy life a little<br />

as a group. That's it. <strong>My</strong> word is final. You've been paid, so take your men and go home."<br />


San Diego, California<br />

Saturday, December 26 th , 2008 … 1:09 p.m.<br />

True to his word, Hondell Wilkins held a press conference. He did it just outside the main<br />

police headquarters and drew a good size crowd. There were reporters from all the newspapers in<br />

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the county … I had no idea there were so many … all the TV stations, including a few of them in<br />

Tijuana, which surprised me quite a bit, and eleventeen radio stations. Criminy! Even XX1090, a<br />

sports show, sent some people. I never will figure out that part.<br />

He explained the idea was sold for "a substantial sum of money", although he didn't give<br />

an amount, and said it appeared the formula would be suppressed. He insisted he had no control<br />

of that part and suggested anyone disappointed by that fact should write to their congressman or<br />

senator. Perhaps both. He added the money he'd received was held by a foreign bank and they<br />

were under specific orders not to pay any ransom in the event he was kidnapped, meaning there<br />

was no motive to kidnap him. He insisted anyone who did would be subject to the penalties for<br />

committing a serious federal crime and it would be impossible to collect even a nickel.<br />

Heck, I'm no criminal, but even I saw through that one like a plate glass window. With as<br />

much money as he received, even if he wouldn't state an amount, it was obviously an incredible<br />

amount of cash. Gee, just the daily ATM withdrawal limit on an account that large would sure as<br />

heck be enough to motivate some lowlife thug to take a crack at him. Still, there was nothing we<br />

could do about it. If the man wanted to assume the risks, and I saw them as enormous, all we'd be<br />

able to do is pray for him. What he had in mind was stupid, but not illegal.<br />

He even pointed to Donnie, standing some 50 feet away, and a couple of his men, saying<br />

they were his "former security people" and would no longer be around when the press conference<br />

ended. He even used that as an example to "prove" he was right, insisting he wouldn't terminate<br />

his bodyguards if there was any reason a criminal might want to come after him.<br />

In my opinion, he did nothing but feed the fire by saying that. He told the whole world to<br />

"come and get me" if they dared, but this is America. The land of the free and, it appears, also<br />

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the home of the terminally stupid. As citizens, we have the right to be as stupid as we want at any<br />

time we choose. Hondell was simply exercising his rights as an American, I guess.<br />

Without a great deal of fanfare, he approached us when he finished and assured us he was<br />

doing the right thing. Then he "ordered" Donnie and his crew to leave him alone.<br />

Donnie sent most of his men away, but told them to go to a place here in San Diego and<br />

he'd meet with them in a few hours. When I asked why he did that, he assured me it would make<br />

more sense later and asked me to hold off. I agreed. I wasn't being snubbed, and Donnie and I<br />

have a unique respect for each other, so I let it go. However, I was positive he wouldn't just let it<br />

go, and I was correct. He planned to hang around, certain he'd be needed.<br />

Evidently he knows me as well as I know him because he wasn't surprised when I said I<br />

would again be his backup. He argued feebly against the idea, but it was more for show than any<br />

other reason. When I began to get in his face, pretty much the same way I did last night, he let it<br />

go almost immediately. So, using his truck and leaving my car in a spot there at the police station<br />

so it would be safe, we followed Hondell and the girls.<br />

After dictating my terms about going along with him, I wasn't in any position to argue on<br />

the way he did it. I felt we were staying a bit too far back to be helpful if we were needed, but he<br />

insisted this was how he wanted to do it. Keeping in mind how good Donnie is at his work, that<br />

made it a good time for me to zip my lip and accept what was before me.<br />

Hondell and the girls went to a very nice restaurant in La Jolla right on the water and we<br />

settled for burgers, fries and a Coke. To Donnie, a total health food freak, it was an anathema,<br />

but I demanded he eat something. The urgency of the moment convinced him to go along with<br />

me, but I could see it was a struggle. It may've been the first time he ever had such food or, if not<br />

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the first ever, at least the first since he was a boy. His dietary regimen now would make me feel<br />

bad when I got out of bed, knowing I wouldn't eat anything I liked all day long, but he's trained<br />

himself to enjoy it, I guess.<br />

Clearly Hondell had it in mind to enjoy what he saw as his "new freedom". They were in<br />

that bleepin' restaurant almost two hours! I was actually starting to get angry, which is dumb, as<br />

he'd "fired us" not long ago. We were there because Donnie has such a strong sense of loyalty<br />

and duty to those who hire him, so I had no right to expect that man to hurry. After all, even if he<br />

was as wrong as can be, he believed he was in no danger from anyone.<br />

We were positioned about 200 yards away from the restaurant where Donnie had to use a<br />

pair of field glasses to see the door. Having all that time to think about it, I'd concluded Donnie<br />

had us so far back to protect me. I was about to bring it up and argue we should be closer when<br />

he said, "They're coming out." He leaned ahead a little, focusing.<br />

I watched Hondell hand his parking tag to the valet, then resume talking with the girls.<br />

Cutterby was on his right, his arm around her shoulders, with Sharla on his left, also blanketed<br />

the same way. The uniformed parking attendant left to get the car, a <strong>Me</strong>rcedes he'd used today,<br />

and I leaned ahead myself, wondering what we'd do as far as the rest of the day. I can accept my<br />

guy's beliefs and his system of values, but we could very easily spend a lot of time shadowing<br />

this trio before anything happened where we'd be needed.<br />

Boy, was I ever wrong!<br />

The kid in the uniform hadn't traveled ten yards when a late model full-size car, one I<br />

took for a rental without examining it very closely, screeched to a stop in front of them. As fast<br />

as the eye could blink, three masked men jumped out, two from the back, one from the passenger<br />

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side. The driver was also masked but, in my estimation, much smaller than the three guys who<br />

made it clear by their actions this wasn't a social call.<br />

They ran at the trio, Hondell and the two girls, and I realized the problem I'd caused for<br />

my guy. I should've insisted he take one of his men along, maybe then trailed 'em myself so I'd<br />

be there to help, but we were too far away to stop what was happening. Donnie sprang from the<br />

truck yelling, "<strong>CC</strong>, stay here!" and was off like a bullet shot from a gun.<br />

<strong>My</strong> "Like hell I will!" was only to make myself feel good, I guess. He was already too<br />

danged far away to hear me unless I screamed it, which I wouldn't ever do. Feeling helpless, I<br />

also jumped out and began running after him, leaving my purse in the truck. All I took with me<br />

was my .380 Beretta and the two extra magazines I keep with it. <strong>My</strong> weapon holds 13 rounds,<br />

plus one in the chamber. I always keep one "live" like that, choosing to rely on the safety. Any<br />

cop will tell you the time needed to press the safety off, then jack one into the chamber, can be<br />

all the time a bad guy needs to kill you. So, with fourteen in the weapon and two more extra<br />

mags, I had a total of 40 rounds at my disposal. That many bullets would mean we were at war,<br />

for cryin' out loud!<br />

Dressed in a comfortable dark blue jogging suit and Reeboks, I was alright for running,<br />

even if I only get to do it a couple times per week now, but I fell way behind. Even Donnie, as<br />

fast as he can move, wouldn't be there in time to do any good. I was now getting angry at myself<br />

for not thinking ahead.<br />

That's when I received a huge surprise. Instead of wilting, or backing away, cowering in<br />

some manner, Sharla and Cutterby ran at those men. Cutterby, the tallest, "pulled a Donnie" as<br />

she drew near. She planted her left foot, bent her torso to the side, and did a smooth 360° turn.<br />

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Her right foot hit the side of the guy's head and dropped him as if he'd been poleaxed. As fast as<br />

she put him down, she looked for another foe.<br />

Sharla went at the guy on the other end, feinted, then rammed her right fist, flattened and<br />

with her curled fingers the weapon of choice, directly into his throat. The guy bent forward and<br />

staggered away, both hands on his throat, unable to breathe. Sharla then whirled and leapt at the<br />

one still standing, a man trying unsuccessfully to ward off the blows Cutterby was using against<br />

his neck and head. Sharla did her own drop and spin, her foot colliding with the attacker's groin<br />

and dropping him like an ox with a bullet in the brain.<br />

In a matter of ten measly seconds or less, the attacking trio had been disabled and would<br />

no longer be a threat to anyone. One of 'em may not even survive the event, I concluded as I ran<br />

as fast as my shorter legs would carry me. Still too far away to be of any assistance in time, with<br />

Donnie in the same boat, but a lot closer than I was, I watched in horror as the driver of the car<br />

got out.<br />

Smaller than the other three, this one also differed in another way. This one was either<br />

carrying a big sack lunch in the front of that black shirt, dressed like a bleepin' ninja in all black,<br />

shirt, pants and shoes, or had some very big boobs! When the driver stepped to the front of the<br />

car aiming a big, black semiauto, I was also able to see some reddish-auburn hair that spilled out<br />

from the ninja cap. "Donnie, it's Marcella!" I screamed in a wasted breath.<br />

As if that would make him move any faster? Add to the dire nature of the moment?<br />

I watched Marcella bring up her sidearm in a two-handed stance only fifteen feet away<br />

from Hondell Wilkins and take aim. Then I heard her scream, "If I can't get you, you bastard, I'll<br />

see no one else does, either!" She fired three times, the firearm making a sharp crack each time<br />

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her finger squeezed the trigger, spitting a flame over half a foot long with each round. Then she<br />

turned to get to the driver's door again, but Sharla was already on her way around the back of the<br />

car. Worse, Sharla and Cutterby now also sported a semiauto apiece.<br />

The attacker I was dead-bang positive was Marcella Thrasher knew when she was totally<br />

overmatched, so she spun and ran away. Approaching two couples walking toward the eatery,<br />

she got off two rounds on the way past, hitting one man in the chest and dropping him where he<br />

stood. The others gathered around to help him, so she kept the three survivors between herself<br />

and her pursuers as she made a beeline to the far edge of the building. Once there, she spun to<br />

her right and raced toward the back.<br />

I gave up at that point, with Sharla and Cutterby in hot pursuit of the one who just shot<br />

the man who was the star of their lives. They told me afterward they chased her to the pier where<br />

she leapt into the water and disappeared. They saw no bubbles and couldn't find any evidence<br />

she was able to surface, but they also didn't find her dead body. She was simply gone.<br />

When I reached Donnie, gasping and out of breath, his right hand slowly swept across the<br />

face of the man he'd been trying to protect, closing the lifeless eyes forever. He looked up at me<br />

and said quietly, "He said he destroyed the computers he used to create the formula and kept it<br />

all in his head. However, he told me the location of a notebook and a laptop he has with all that<br />

information on it. He said if he died from his wounds, I'd be free to do with it as I choose."<br />

"What … what are we going to … um, do about it?" was my question.<br />

"Get it and take it to 'The Rez'. It will be safe with Cool Wind while we think it over."<br />

"Can we … Donnie, do we have that right? I mean, he signed a—"<br />

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"I did not sign any nondisclosure agreement. I am free to do with it as I choose. You and<br />

I will decide our course of action, but we have one more duty ahead of that one."<br />

He caught me off guard. "What duty is that, honey?"<br />

"We still need to speak with his son. I sent some men looking for him early today. I now<br />

have his location. When we finish here, I feel we should go talk with the man."<br />

I nodded. "Whatever you think is right, honey. I'm with you 100%."<br />

We were free to leave about an hour later, although there'd be more reports and we'd be<br />

answering questions in the future, I had no doubt. We had two of Donnie's Luiseño friends with<br />

us as backup, trailing behind us in their own pickup truck. We headed to what I saw as a low-rent<br />

bar in Pacific Beach, where we parked on the street and I pushed coins into a meter. We went in<br />

the front door, Donnie's big buddies a step behind us, one on each side. The person Donnie had<br />

waiting saw us come in and gestured toward the pool tables in the back, way off to my left from<br />

where we'd entered.<br />

It was a sleazy place without any doubt. The barstools, maybe a dozen or so, were a red<br />

vinyl fake leather, cracked with a yellow sponge showing where the material was missing. All<br />

the tables had cigarette burns on them, although there were three crumb-bums standing outside<br />

smoking as we came in the door. They all raped me with their eyes, but no one said a word with<br />

the three men I had with me. That part was nice.<br />

The bar was dimply lit, a blessing in many ways, but there was too much long term dirt to<br />

hide it all. The clientele was also very low-grade, leaving me no doubt I could hire a murderer<br />

from this group in a minute or two. There were four tables, positioned so we were approaching<br />

them from the side, two rows with two tables in each. The guy we wanted was at the one furthest<br />

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away, in the right rear corner. He'd been preparing to shoot, but stopped at the dead silence that<br />

was created when we came through the door. He looked up, recognized us right away, and<br />

sneered. "I ain't gotta listen t' all yer shit this time, ya know? Ya ain't got no fuckin' right t' be<br />

botherin' my ass, ya hear me?" In what I took to be an attempt at looking cool in front of his<br />

friends, he lit a cigarette and scowled. "What th' fuck ya doin' down here, anyways?"<br />

"You will not speak that way in front of my lady," Donnie instructed him. "If you do so, I<br />

will physically harm you. Listen carefully to what I tell you."<br />

"Yeah? Well, this ain't like last fuckin' time, ya dig? Got my homies with me now, so ya<br />

ain't no badass motherfucker down here an' ya ain't gonna tell me no shit like—"<br />

Just like he did the last time, his hand so fast it would've outraced a striking King cobra,<br />

Donnie buried his right fist in the guy's belly. There was a massive whoosh of air as he bent over<br />

and dropped to his knees.<br />

"Listen much closer than you did the last time, or now," Donnie instructed as he bent and<br />

gathered a fistful of the man's leather jacket. "I am taking you outside, you imbecile, to explain<br />

the changes about to enter your life." With his prisoner gagging and retching, half crawling on<br />

his knees and trying to stand, the Luiseños alert and glowering to keep the crowd away from us,<br />

Donnie hastily dragged a very subdued Casey Bingham out of the bar.<br />

THE END<br />

See what happens with the money they've acquired, and what efforts <strong>CC</strong> and Donnie are able to<br />

make with their new charge, in <strong>CC</strong> <strong>Ryder</strong>, What Are You Made Of?, coming soon.<br />

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