Letter To Shareholders - Mitac

Letter To Shareholders - Mitac

Letter To Shareholders - Mitac


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(c) Short-term financial instruments: Maturities of these financial instruments are<br />

within one year. Therefore, the Group expects to have no significant market risk.<br />

(d) Derivative financial instruments: The forward contract was entered into for<br />

hedging the fluctuation of exchange rate. Gains or losses on this contract is likely<br />

to be offset from the hedged items. Therefore, the market risk is low.<br />

(e) Long-term liabilities of financial instruments: The Group borrows loans, with<br />

floating interest rate. Thus, the Group expects to have no significant market risk.<br />

B. Credit risk<br />

(a) Equity financial instruments: The Group trades with reputable counter-parties.<br />

Thus, there is no significant credit risk.<br />

(b) There are no credit risks in the Group’s bonds payable.<br />

(c) Short-term financial instruments: The Group has established control procedures<br />

over the credit management on counter-parties, and the counter-parties are<br />

reputable companies and financial institutions with high credit ratings. The Group<br />

believes its exposure to potential default risk is low.<br />

(d) Derivative financial instruments: The Group believes its exposure to potential<br />

default risk is low due to the counter-parties being reputable institutions, and the<br />

Group diversifies the credit risks by entering into transactions with multiple<br />

counter-parties.<br />

(e) Long-term liabilities of financial instruments: No credit risk is expected to arise<br />

from the debt instruments.<br />

C. Liquidity risk<br />

(a) Equity financial instruments:<br />

The Group invests in available-for-sale financial assets, which are traded in<br />

active markets and can be readily converted into certain amount of cash<br />

approximate to their fair vaules. The liquidity risk exposure is low.<br />

The Group is exposed to a higher liquidity risk since its investments in financial<br />

assets carried at cost have no active market. However, the Group has no intention<br />

to hold these financial assets for trading and does not expect to sell those<br />

financial assets frequently. Therefore, the exposure to liquidity risk would be<br />

effectively reduced.<br />

(b) Bonds payable:<br />

The Group manages its financing and investing activities based on its operating<br />

capital requirements and capital expenditure budgets, thus, the liquidity risk is<br />

expected to be low.<br />

(c) Short-term financial instruments: Maturities of these financial instruments are<br />

within one year. And the Group has set operating plans to deal with future cash<br />

needs. Thus, liquidity risk is believed to be minimal.<br />


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