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Type<br />

316<br />

Concen- Temperature HASTEllOY~ alloy Staintration,<br />

less<br />

Corrosive Media percent deg. F deg. C 8/8-2 C/C-276 G/G-3 Steel Conditions<br />

Alkylphenol - boron - 197-205 92·96 E E - - in alkaylation, mixing and distillation processes liquid and vapor phase.<br />

trifluoride complex<br />

Alloy C=0.4 mpy<br />

Allyl Chloride 100 75 24 E - - -<br />

Alumina Hydrate - 140 60 B S - - plus phosphated alumina hydrate (60 0 Be H2S0 4 ), 65 percent alumina<br />

hydrate, 75 percent Hl04<br />

Aluminum Acetate All to B.P. to B.P. S S - -<br />

Aluminum Brazing Flux - 800·1300 427·705 E S - - LiF, NaCI, NaF, specimens were alternately exposed to air and molten flux<br />

over 10-day period<br />

Aluminum Chloride 10-80 to B.P. to B.P. E - - - as in ethyl benzene production, isomerization, Friedel Crafts synthesis<br />

Aluminum Chloride 90 125 52 E - - - plus HCI at 250 psi<br />

Sludge 90 250 121 E - - -<br />

Aluminum Chloride - 360 182 - S - - AICIJ 85%, NaCI 12%, AI20J 3%, FeCIJ 700 ppm initially. AICIJ 35-60%,<br />

NaCI 8·9%, AI 20J 30·55%, FeCIJ 0.5·1.5% final<br />

Aluminum Chloride S~tr. Soln. B.P. B.P. B U - - no aeration<br />

Aluminum Fluoride 10 75 24 - S - -<br />

Aluminum Fluoro Sulfate 15 60-80 16-27 S E - - AIl 4 S0 4 to pH =2.3. Alloy C=0.4 mpy<br />

Aluminum Fluoro Sulfate 15·35 180-235 82·113 U B - - Alloy C=24 mpy<br />

Aluminum Potassium 10 to 175 to 79 - S - -<br />

Sulfate (Alum)<br />

Aluminum Sodium Sulfate 10 to B.P. to B.P. - S - -<br />

Aluminum Sulfate 10 to 130 to 54 - E - -<br />

10 175-B.P. 80-B.P. - S - -<br />

15 120 49 - E - -<br />

20* to 130 to 54 S E - - *paper makers alum<br />

20 175-B.P. 80·B.P. - S - -<br />

30 B.P. B.P. - S - -<br />

40 B.P. B.P. - S - -<br />

50 130-B.P. 54-B.P. - E - -<br />

55 100 38 - E - -<br />

Aluminum Sulfate 29·58 195-250 91·121 E - - - in coil descaling. Plus 0.01 percent ferric and 0.03 percent ferrous ions as<br />

Fe20J, trace Cr20J' Occasional exposure to NaOH cleaning solution<br />

Amines 30 250 121 E E E E 30% lactam, 20% organic acid, pH 10-11, polymerization kettle, 62 days<br />

Amines - 257 125 - E - E hot wash liquid. Reaction product of diphenylamine and acetone in HBR<br />

catalyst after addition to 50% NaOH to yield pH of 12-14. Moderate<br />

aeration<br />

Amines (Secondary 80-85 160 71 - E E E dissolved in isopropyl alcohol. Methyl chloride added to MNTN press and<br />

of Tallow)<br />

73% NaOH to keep neutral. Manufacture of fabric softener. Air free.<br />

Agitation violent, 251 days<br />

Amine Hydrochlorides 30 290-360 143-182 B U G S ammonia 20%, water 50%. Liquid phase. 25.2 days, no agitation or<br />

aeration<br />

Amine Hydrochlorides 30 290-360 143-182 - U - E ammonia 20%, water 50%. Liquid phase.<br />

Amine Hydrochlorides 30 360 182 B U G G ammonia 20%, water 50%<br />

Amine Hydrochlorides 40 302·482 150·250 - U U U ammonia 20%, water 40%,4 days, agitation> 4ft/sec, aeration - none<br />

Amine Hydrochlorides 40 302-482 150-250 - U - G ammonia 20%, water 40%. Liquid phase.<br />

Amine Hydrochlorides - 482 250 - U U U<br />

-<br />

3-Aminopyridine 3 144 62 - E - E 3.25% NaOCI, 2% NaOH, 10% NACL, 69% H20, Balance inerts. pH 14;<br />

production of 3-Aminopyridine; Agitation - none; Air free; 74 days<br />

Ammonia 12 80-90 26-32 G S - - plus 7 percent carbon dioxide and water in ammonia recovery stripper in<br />

urea plant.<br />

Ammonia 27 122-194 50-90 - E E E 6% CO2, 66% water vapor (all by vol.), 131 days, test in heat exchanger,<br />

vapor zone. Aeration - slight, Ag;tation - slight<br />

Ammonia 27 185 85 - E E E carbon dioxide 6%, water vapor 66%, air 0.5-1 %, all by volume<br />

E - Less than 2 mpy (0.05 mm/y)<br />

G- 2 mpy (0.05 mm/y) to 10 mpy (0.25 mm/y)<br />

S - Over 10 mpy (0.25 mm/y) to 20 mpy (0.51 mm/y)<br />

B - Over 20 mpy (0.51 mm/y) to 50 mpy (1.27 mm/y)<br />

U - More than 50 mpy (1.27 mm/y)<br />

B.P. -<br />

Boiling Point<br />


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