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316<br />

Concen- Temperature HASTELLOY~ alloy Staintration,<br />

less<br />

Corrosive Media percent deg. F deg. C 8/8-2 C/C-276 G/G-3 Steel Conditions<br />

Acetic Acid 99.7 253 123 - G - - plus 1 percent manganese acetate, 2 percent water. Alloy C= 2 mpy<br />

Acetic Acid 99.8 245 118 - E - - traces of water and propionic acid. Alloy C= 1 mpy<br />

Acetic Acid 99.9 255 124 U S - - plus 0.02 percent formic acid and trace KMn04<br />

Acetic Acid 99.9 Boiling Boiling - E - - 360 hrs.<br />

Acetic Acid Cone. 90-190 32-88 U E - - plus peracetic acid.<br />

Acetic Acid All 75 24 E E - - aerated or air free<br />

All B.P. B.P. S E - -<br />

Acetic Acid, Glacial - 675 357 E E - - in vapors and catalyst during manufacture of acetic anhydride by<br />

pyrolysis. Alloy C= 0.1 mpy<br />

Acetic Acid, Glacial - 1247 675 E E - - vapor velocity, 175 fUsee., 1776·hr. test. Spool exposed in inlet leg of<br />

reactor coil in acetic anhydride (99 percent acetic acid plus catalyst).<br />

Alloy C = 0.1 mpy<br />

Acetic Acid Vapor 100 125·B.P. 52·B.P. - E - -<br />

Acetic Anhydride 50 297 147 - E - - plus 40 percent ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid and 10 percent<br />

acetic acid<br />

Acetic Anhydride 60 284 140 E E - - plus 40 percent acetic anhydride. Alloy C= nil mpy<br />

Acetic Anhydride 95 252 122 - E - - plus 5 pecent acetic acid<br />

Acetic Anhydride 95 266 130 - E - - KMn04 added for quality control<br />

Acetic Anhydride 99 310 154 - E - - plus 1 percent acetic acid and violent agitation<br />

Acetic Anhydride 100 273 134 - E - - Alloy C= 0.04 mpy<br />

Acetic Anhydride All to B.P. to B.P. S E - -<br />

Acetone - - - - E - - activated carbon used for absorbing plus traces of methylene chloride.<br />

Alloy C = 0.1 mpy<br />

Acetone 60 176 80 G - - - plus 30 percent methyl acetate, 10 percent acetaldehyde pH 5·6.<br />

Acetone All to B.P. to B.P. E E - -<br />

Acetonitrite 4 376 191 G - - - in isopropyl chloride solution.<br />

Acetophenone 67 302 150 E - - - plus 33 percent phenol.<br />

Acetylene Tetrachloride - 108·120 42·49 - E - - excess CI 2 = 10·21 grams/liter. Dissolved Fe =0.15-1.65 grams/liter, HCI<br />

(Crude)<br />

= 0.7-6.6 grams/liter<br />

Acetylene Tetrachloride 90 205 96 S E - - at top and bottom of distillation column, in vapor and liquid<br />

90 223 106 B E - -<br />

Acid Pulping - 165·175 74·80 - E - E<br />

(Ammonia Base)<br />

Aconitic Acid - 185·194 85·90 - E - - plus NaOH, H 2 S04, and sodium metabisulfide. Alloy C gained weight<br />

slightly.<br />

Acrylic Acid - 212 100 S B - - H 2 S04, acrylic acid reactor condensor<br />

Air, Exhaust - 110 43 G E G G aeration, saturated with water and containing chlorinated solvents and<br />

other organic compounds<br />

Air - 180 82 - E - G Ca(OClh, CI 2 and H 2 0. Du'ration of test - 204 days<br />

Air and Steam - 180 82 E - - E<br />

Alcohol, Allyl 100 75 24 - S - -<br />

100 B.P. B.P. - S - -<br />

Alcohol, Ethyl or Methyl All to B.P. to B.P. E E - -<br />

Alkylamines - 200 93 - S - G alkyl ami nes in aqueous solution containing small amounts of CO 2 ;<br />

pH 10-12<br />

Alkylate, Butane - 128 53 E E - - during petroleum refining in depropanizer tower, vapor and liquid.<br />

and Lighter<br />

Alloy C = 0.1 mpy<br />

Alkylbenzene Sulfonate 71 140 60 G - - U 24 hrs., lab test (vigorous stirring)<br />

Alkyl Benzene- - 100·130 38-54 E E - - in settling tank and sulfonation tank during detergent manufacture. Alloy<br />

Sulfonic Acid<br />

C= 0.6 mpy<br />

E - Less than 2 mpy (0.05 mm/y)<br />

G- 2 mpy (0.05 mm/y) to 10 mpy (0.25 mm/y)<br />

S - Over 10 mpy (0.25 mm/y) to 20 mpy (0.51 mm/y)<br />

B - Over 20 mpy (0.51 mm/y) to 50 mpy (1.27 mm/y)<br />

U - More than 50 mpy (1.27 mm/y)<br />

B.P. -<br />

Boiling Point<br />


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