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Type<br />

316<br />

Concen- Temperature HASTElLOY~ alloy Staintration,<br />

less<br />

Corrosive Media percent deg, F deg. C B/B-2 C/C-276 G/G-3 Steel Conditions<br />

Sulfuric Acid 25 150 66 - E E - 120 hrs" la b test<br />

Sulfuric Acid 25 Boiling Boiling - B G - 340 gil sodium sulfate<br />

Sulfuric Acid 25·40 158 70 - U - - 10·15% phosphoric acid, 0.5% fluorides, phosphate fertilizer plant.<br />

agitation and aeration - high<br />

Sulfuric Acid 28 135.5 57.5 G G G - hydrofluoric acid 5.9%<br />

Sulfuric Acid 28 267 131 G G - B tests for selection of material for an acetic acid recovery column for an<br />

acetaldehyde unit, 23 hrs.<br />

Sulfuric Acid 30 100 38 B G E - sulfur dioxide purge<br />

30 150 65 B U E -<br />

30 200 93 U U G -<br />

30 Boiling Boiling G U U -<br />

Sulfuric Acid 30 125·135 52·57 G E - - acid regeneration of resin. Alloy C=0.8 mpy<br />

Sulfuric Acid 30 190·210 88-99 B E - - plus 22 percent H 3 P0 4 in ion exchanger. Alloy C=0.3 mpy<br />

Sulfuric Acid 30.3 104 40 - E - - plus 57.5 percent acetic acid, 12.3 percent H 2 0 at liQuid·vapor interface.<br />

Alloy C=0.1 mpy<br />

Sulfuric Acid 31.6 110 43 - E - E (480 gil), sodium sulfate 18.2% (277 gil), sodium chlorate 1.3% (20 gil),<br />

sodium chloride 0.2% (3.6 gil), moderate aeration<br />

Sulfuric Acid 35-38 70 21 - E - - plus nitric acid in paper parchmentizing solution.<br />

Sulfuric Acid 36 130-160 54-71 S E - - plus 28 percent oxalic acid, 32 percent water, 4 percent ash. Alloy C=0.5<br />

mpy<br />

Sulfuric Acid 39 120 49 - E - - recovery of sulfuric acid used in papermaking in eva porator. Alloy C=1.3<br />

mpy<br />

Sulfuric Acid 40 65 18 - E - G distillation of H 2 0 from HF. 40% HF, 20% H 2 0, 240 days, moderate<br />

aeration<br />

Sulfuric Acid 40 Ambient Ambient - E - - saturated with C1 2 , 17 days<br />

Sulfuric Acid 40-45 Room Room - E - - saturated with C1 2 . Alloy C=1.6 mpy<br />

Sulfuric Acid 40 176 80 - U G - 28 day immersion test (plant) and various organics.<br />

Sulfuric Acid 40 176 80 - U G U acetate fiber production, field test - 28 days<br />

Sulfuric Acid 40 176·194 80-90 S S - - Zr·HF separation<br />

Sulfuric Acid 40 257 125 G U - - 20% ethanol, 1% ethyl ether, balance water, 432 hrs. lab test<br />

Sulfuric Acid 41-63 68-203 20·95 U B - - plus propylene. Alloy C=24 mpy<br />

Sulfuric Acid 43 Ambient Ambient - E - - saturated with C1 2 , 8 day test<br />

50 Ambient Ambient - E - -<br />

60 Ambient Ambient - E - -<br />

85 Ambient Ambient - E - -<br />

Sulfuric Acid 45 Ambient Ambient - E - E C1 2 , 113 days<br />

Sulfuric Acid 45 Boiling Boiling - E - - plus 1%CP hydrofluoric acid; also 45% CP sulfuric acid both with nitrogen<br />

purge, 4 days<br />

Sulfuric Acid 50 Ambient Ambient - G - U C1 2 , 3 days, lab test<br />

Sulfuric Acid 50 Ambient Ambient - E - - 40 days<br />

Sulfuric Acid 50 Ambient Ambient - G - U saturated with N 2 , 3 days, lab test<br />

Sulfuric Acid 50 70 21 U* E - - 109 days, saturated with C1 2 , *welded and annealed<br />

Sulfuric Acid 50 70 21 - E* - - saturated with C1 2 , *as·welded<br />

- E** - - **welded and annealed<br />

Duration of test - 132 days<br />

Agitation - 4.1 ft./sec.<br />

Sulfuric Acid 50 77 25 - E - - saturated with chlorine, lab test<br />

Sulfuric Acid 50 80 27 - E - - welded sample in acid saturated with chlorine. Alloy C=0.6 mpy<br />

Sulfuric Acid 50 122 50 - E - - saturated with chlorine, lab test<br />

Sulfuric Acid 50 158 70 - E - U saturated with C1 2 , 66 days, 4.1 fUsec. flow rate<br />

Sulfuric Acid 54 Ambient Ambient - E - - C1 2 , 36 days<br />

E - Less than 2 mpy (0.05 mmly)<br />

G- 2 mpy (0.05 mmly) to 10 mpy (0.25 mmly)<br />

S - Over 10 mpy (0.25 mmly) to 20 mpy (0.51 mmly)<br />

B - Over 20 mpy (0.51 mm/y) to 50 mpy (1.27 mmly)<br />

U - More than 50 mpy (1.27 mmly)<br />


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