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316<br />

Concen- Temperature HASTEllOYilP alloy Staintration,<br />

less<br />

Corrosive Media percent deg. F deg. C B/B-2 C/C-276 G/G-3 Steel Conditions<br />

Magnesium Oxide Slurry - 120 49 - E E E flue gas scrubbing liquor for S02 removal, 238 days, moderate aeration<br />

Magnesium Sulfate 25 to B.P. to B.P. E S - -<br />

50 125-B.P. 52-B.P. E S - -<br />

Magnesium Sulfate - 198 92 - E - E brine slurry containing MgS04, Na2S04, KCI, NaCI, MgCI2, trace of So, pH<br />

7.7, moderate to extensive aeration<br />

Maleic Acid 10 to 175 to 79 E - - -<br />

10 B.P. B.P. S - - -<br />

100 to B.P. to B.P. S - - -<br />

Maleic Acid Liquor 10-18 32-40 0-4 U E - - plus small amounts of alpha naphtha quionone, phthalic acid. Alloy C=<br />

0.2 mpy<br />

II II "<br />

Maleic Anhydride - 400-545 204-285 E E - - plus phthalic anhydride, 1090-hr. test in vapor velocity of 7ft.lsec. at top<br />

tray of fractionating column<br />

Mercuric Chloride 10 to 175 to 80 - S - -<br />

Mercuric Chloride Vapors - 620-750 326-398 B E - - air-free nitrogen atmosphere. Mercuric chloride is present as 10 percent<br />

weight percent of varying amounts of activated carbon. Alloy C= 1.1 mpy<br />

Mercury All to 800 to 426 S - - -<br />

100 to 700 to 371 - E - -<br />

Methanol All to B.P. to B.P. E E - -<br />

Methanol - Boiling Boiling - E - - N 2 atmosphere, methanol recovery column stock solutions sent to lab for<br />

test<br />

Methyl Acetate 20 to 144 to 62 S E - - plus 20 percent ethyl acetate, 18 percent methyl ethyl ketone, 15 percent<br />

acetone, 6 percent acetaldehyde, 14 percent low boilers, trace acetic<br />

acid. Alloy C =0.01 mpy<br />

Methyl Acetate 60 to B.P. to B.P. - E - - with 10 percent acetaldehyde, 5 percent H20, 2 percent acetic acid,<br />

traces of acetone and alcohols<br />

Methyl Alcohol 60 165 74 E - - plus 15 percent methyl acetate, 23 percent acetone, 0.03 percent acetic<br />

acid. Slight pitting.<br />

Methyl Alcohol 95 203 95 - U - - plus 4 percent HCI, CH 3 CI bubbled through. Vapor phase = 16 mpy, liquid<br />

phase = 55 mpy<br />

Methyl Chloride 100 95-113 35-45 - E - E<br />

Methyl Chloride - 95-113 35-45 - E - E containing 100 ppm hydrogen chloride and 30 ppm water<br />

Methyl Chloride - 100 38 G - - - bubbling through water, 2.0 mpy in vapor phase, 3.0 in liquid phase<br />

Methyl Ethyl Ketone 1 210 99 - E - - Alloy C

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