MAC Mag 06

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Back: Nicola King, Hannah Steven<br />

Middle: Ryan Limmer, Trevor Cray, Nick Love, Mr John Hammond (teacher), Hannah Scott<br />

Front: Catherine Hart, Sarah Cashen, Octavia Beazley, Anneke Martin, Hannah James, Kansas Davis,<br />

Max Sydney<br />

Absent: Yasmin Smith, Tom Sherson, Caleb Beazley, Jake Child, Abbi Ayre, Molly Holloway, Laura Coloco,<br />

Brodie Ollerenshaw, Guy Wilson, Andrew Hamilton<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> ROCK-CLIMBING COMPETITION 20<strong>06</strong><br />

The air was chilly (to put it mildly), the rock was cold, (also put mildly), and all sensation was lost in<br />

fingers and toes … but nothing could dampen the enthusiasm of the students who turned up at<br />

Roadside to compete. Each competitor had to climb a series of routes in 3-minute slots with only 2<br />

minutes between climbs - no time to revive numb fingers or rest ‘pumped’ arms!<br />

All the Hostel students competed as part of their weekend OP activities and it was a pleasure to see<br />

such a cheerful bunch of students ‘giving it a go’, helping out with belaying, assisting with the BBQ<br />

(popular warm spot to stand!) and offering helpful advice to other climbers.<br />

Special commendation to Nick Love and Trevor Cray who were particularly helpful on the day, to<br />

Graham Smout for starting the proceedings with such style, to Helen Hammond for her brilliant time<br />

keeping, and to John Hammond for organizing the whole event.<br />

Congratulations to the winners:<br />

Best Senior Girl: Yasmin Smith<br />

Best Junior Girl: Abbi Ayre<br />

Best Senior Boy: Isana Reid-Gray<br />

Best Junior Boy: Tom Sherson<br />


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