Winter 2013 - The Pennsylvania Punch Bowl

Winter 2013 - The Pennsylvania Punch Bowl

Winter 2013 - The Pennsylvania Punch Bowl


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Volume LXXXVIII <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2013</strong> Issue Three<br />

Editors-in-Chief:<br />

Jonah Lustig ‘13<br />

Sam Pasternack ‘13<br />

Monica Schechter ‘14<br />

Executive Editors:<br />

Raj Gopal ‘13<br />

Nabil Mehta ‘13<br />

Lance Wildorf ‘13<br />

Daniel Weinblatt ‘13<br />

Julia Hurley ‘14<br />

Justin Starr ‘14<br />

Managing Editors:<br />

Evan Spiller ‘13<br />

Nikhil Menezes ‘15<br />

Kira Simon ‘15<br />

Editor-in-cat:<br />

Stevie ‘13<br />

please date us, we’re<br />

Editorial Staff<br />

Business Editors:<br />

Daniel Gelfarb ‘15<br />

Jaimie Zhang ‘16<br />

Associate Editors:<br />

Michelle Kaplan ‘13<br />

Monica Martin ‘13<br />

Sarah Schlein ‘13<br />

Jamie Picano ‘14<br />

Daniela Bucay ‘15<br />

Rob Golden ‘15<br />

Tarek Elsayed ‘15<br />

Hamza Qaiser ‘15<br />

Zola Ray ‘15<br />

<strong>The</strong>o Trampe ‘15<br />

Banished from USA:<br />

Daniela Da Forno ‘13<br />

Hayley Brooks ‘14<br />

Naomi Mae Shavin ‘14<br />

More Content Available Online at<br />

thepunchbowl.net facebook.com/pennpunchbowl @<strong>The</strong><strong>Punch</strong><strong>Bowl</strong><br />

Back in my day, we didn’t have SAC. No, sir.<br />

Sure, we had the kindness of Gary Alan Fine,<br />

James Fuld, AT Piskai, Smokes, and DP<br />

Dough. But you can’t live on calzones. Hell, we<br />

lived in a calzone for four years during the war.<br />

You whippersnappers need to count your blessings,<br />

and SAC is blessing #1. We didn’t have<br />

your luxuries of receiving free money in return<br />

for publishing an extremely sarcastic magazine<br />

written at a fourth-grade reading level a few<br />

times a year. We had to work for our money.<br />

Built character. Panhandle, steal, you name it.<br />

I sold half my furniture and most of my sperm<br />

before we had enough money to print our magazine.<br />

Which was proudly written at a fifth grade<br />

Big Spoons:<br />

Emily Leven ‘14<br />

Conor Nickel ‘14<br />

Daniel Gillis ‘15<br />

Andres Gonzalez ‘15<br />

Connor Ryan ‘15<br />

Jonathan Calles ‘16<br />

Adam Cole ‘16<br />

Noah Goldman ‘16<br />

Meaghan Harding ‘16<br />

Kishan Patel ‘16<br />

America Perez ‘16<br />

Brendan Smith ‘16<br />

Shira Stearns ‘16<br />

Jared Wishnow ‘16<br />

Little Spoons:<br />

Anita Gade ‘13<br />

Elana Silberstein ‘13<br />

Faryn Pearl ‘14<br />

Suvadip Choudhury ‘15<br />

Laura Doherty ‘15<br />

Rod Cook ‘16<br />

reading level. Perfect for the engineering students.<br />

SAC just makes things easier for you kids<br />

these days, like aerosol cans or pre-sliced cheese.<br />

SAC is like New Year’s Eve – it keeps on trying<br />

even though all it’s getting in return is three<br />

hours of Ryan Seacrest and Justin Bieber. Seriously,<br />

you’re lucky SAC hasn’t kicked you off<br />

their list for printing this sorry excuse for a literary<br />

publication. What’s publishing cost nowadays?<br />

Fourteen fifty? Why, in my day that got<br />

you a new bike or two cases of typewriter correction<br />

fluid. Looks like you could use some of<br />

that. Now go write a nice letter to SAC thanking<br />

them for their generosity, or God forbid they’ll<br />

start reading this garbage.<br />

Copyright <strong>Punch</strong> <strong>Bowl</strong> <strong>2013</strong>. Don’t steal. Half of us are pre-law so in about ten years you’ll get what’s coming.<br />

Dear Best and Blightest,<br />

It’s that time of the year again, and I for one couldn’t be happier to be back at Penn!<br />

Nothing puts a smile on my face like opening my front door and being greeted by<br />

the hustle and bustle of our student body making its way to class. As president of this<br />

fine university, I hold an immeasurable amount of pride in our brilliant students, fine<br />

learners, who are certain to be the movers and shakers of the future- AH TO HELL<br />


Truth is, you androgynous slugs, after four insufferable months you finally returned<br />

to the desolate rodent wheels you call “homes,” and I was able to achieve some<br />

much needed Amy time. I read some political philosophy, worked on my new book,<br />

and was even able to catch a hilarious movie about a utopian society, Django Unchained.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n I woke up one morning to see inebriated freshmen, stumbling onto<br />

campus with maudlin squeals of how unbearable home life was without the cemented<br />

friendships of their college hall. <strong>The</strong>se friendships, just like a pile of cement on a<br />

West Philadelphia sidewalk, will soon be shit upon by the proverbial homeless man<br />

of Fraternity and Sorority Rush. Those arrogant sophomores are even worse than the freshmen. <strong>The</strong>y come gallivanting<br />

back having realized that the football players and/or cheerleaders who used to make their lives miserable are now miserably<br />

working minimum wage jobs as gas station attendants and/or Denny’s waitresses. And don’t get me started on the juniors.<br />

Fools, fresh from some “life changing abroad experience,” who will spend the next week engaged in a dick measuring<br />

contest, boasting over who had the more exciting journey, only to lament the raucous parties and inside jokes they missed<br />

out on right here at home. Worst of all are the seniors who return to campus with the horrible realization that they only have<br />

one semester left. Ironically, their incessant bitching about their uncertain futures will prevent them from actually soaking<br />

in and enjoying said final semester.<br />

I hate this place with every fiber of my perfectly groomed and surprisingly moist being! I hate lying about how each class<br />

is getting better, and smarter, and prettier every year. If anything you’re getting worse…and dumber…and uglier with each<br />

coming academic season. I thought I stumbled onto a Tru TV special about inbred circus performers until I finally realized<br />

it was just the Class of 2016 Convocation Ceremony!<br />

<strong>The</strong> only thing worse than looking at you is trying to speak at you. I can’t stomach these brown nosing class board members<br />

who think they’re connecting with me on a personal level because we have a fifteen minute lunch every semester where I<br />

yawn about “how hard finals must be.” If you want a letter of recommendation from me you’ll have to earn it, like all the<br />

others, by shoveling coal into my furnace and giving me a weekly vial of your tears (real tears, diluters get the clamps) for<br />

beautification purposes.<br />

I can’t stand the Professors: pretentious, overzealous toadies who talk the most but say the least. I can’t stand the grad students,<br />

who are the same as the professors but greasier. I can’t stand the library, full of books that few read and even fewer<br />

enjoy. I can’t stand the nearly infinite references to Ben Franklin. <strong>The</strong> man was a drunk and a womanizer, who everyone<br />

believed was smarter than he actually was, a surprisingly appropriate idol for this Sodom of a university!<br />

Maybe I should aspire to a more personally fulfilling occupation, like working at a nursing home. Old people aren’t that<br />

bad. <strong>The</strong>y just constantly throw up on themselves, never know where they are, and don’t stop talking about the good old<br />

days. Oh damn it! <strong>The</strong>y’re just like Penn Seniors during Spring Fling. And that’s only for one weekend!<br />

Ah! Who am I kidding? People are dipshits everywhere. And I really don’t mind my job. I tolerate the students, and in general<br />

I’m pretty okay with Penn. Penn, with its don’t-give-a-fuck social ivy attitude. Penn, a shroom in the pile of cow shit<br />

that is West Philadelphia. Penn, where “Fuck Drexel” isn’t just a motto, it’s a way of life. You know what, there’s no place<br />

I’d rather be.<br />

Even if I do get the occasional “Show us your Tits” chant at Hey Day.<br />

Show ‘em if you got ‘em,<br />

Amy Gutmann, President

NEW!<br />

Just<br />

$19.99<br />

A Day in the Life of “That Guy”<br />

Everyone knows “that guy.” You deal with him everyday<br />

as he goes about his business, annoying everyone around<br />

him. Have you ever wondered about his life? What he<br />

hopes, dreams, and won’t shut the fuck up about? A<br />

brave <strong>Punch</strong> <strong>Bowl</strong> staff member secretly followed him<br />

for a day to get some answers.<br />

7:30 – Wakes up<br />

7:32 – Pees on the seat<br />

7:38 – Leaves pubes on roommate’s<br />

soap<br />

8:30 – Walks into wrong class<br />

and exclaims, “This isn’t where I<br />

parked my car!”<br />

8:56 – Answers phone in class<br />

9:02 – Answers teacher’s question using the words<br />

“facetious” and “superfluous”<br />

12:13 – Gets sauce all over the inside of panini press at<br />

Commons<br />

12:20 – Sits by himself at the biggest table, placing his<br />

jacket and bag on separate chairs<br />

2:40 – Puts subwoofers up against the wall of his dorm<br />

room and blasts “Sandstorm”<br />

4:14 – Invites hallmates over to watch “<strong>The</strong> League.”<br />

Puts on “Cougartown”<br />

9:30 – Takes two shots and is “so wasted, man”<br />

10:32 – Doesn’t pay for his share of the alcohol, says to<br />

“put it on my tab”<br />

11:18 – Demands that 8 people help him with a kegstand<br />

at frat party<br />

11:18:03 – Kegstand ends<br />

12:56 – Wanders into a Penn Dhamaka party<br />

12:59 – Booted from the party after a tasteless racial<br />

remark<br />

1:09 - Stops by friend’s apartment to use bathroom<br />

2:16 - Leaves bathroom and friend’s apartment without<br />

saying goodbye<br />

3:00 – Drools on the bong<br />

3:30 – Lures a girl back to his room to “get her some<br />

water”<br />

3:40 – Puts on his “Hook-up Playlist,” consisting of all<br />

Marvin Gaye songs<br />

4:03 – Passes out mid-handjob

Coming<br />

this<br />

Spring!<br />


ACTORS<br />

NEEDED<br />

For a theatrical production of<br />

Predator 2.<br />

Please send a portrait and description<br />

of prior experience to:<br />

An Alternative to Infomercials<br />

<strong>The</strong>ater Company<br />

8844 South Broadway<br />

New York, New York 10021<br />

John Mansfield Jessica Cofton Michael Upford<br />

After receiving<br />

my B.A.<br />

in Cinema<br />

Studies from<br />

Miami University<br />

of<br />

Ohio, I immediately<br />

started acting<br />

in some straight-to-internet action<br />

films: “<strong>The</strong> Spy Who Fucked Me,”<br />

“Reservoir Doggy Style,” and<br />

“Happy Feet.” I prefer no less than<br />

45 minutes of full-frontal nudity<br />

per role.<br />

I earned my<br />

degree in<br />

<strong>The</strong>ater Arts<br />

from Juilliard<br />

(Heard<br />

of it?). Upon<br />

graduation,<br />

I decided to study the role of “the<br />

waitress” for my future acting endeavors;<br />

thus did I begin working<br />

at a local hamburger eatery to immerse<br />

myself in the part. I will take<br />

any position that pays more than<br />

$4.39 and a large fries per hour.<br />

I left after<br />

my first year<br />

at Kareem<br />

Abdul Jabbar<br />

Vocational<br />

School as a<br />

<strong>The</strong>ater Production<br />

major. I always thought<br />

like, “Hey, why haven’t they made<br />

a Halo movie yet? That’d be pretty<br />

cool,” so I’ve spent the past few<br />

years studying the Halo games and<br />

sucking the cream out of Twinkies.<br />

If you hire me, I’ll bring the Cheetos.<br />

Rejected Le Mis Song Lyrics<br />

In 1980, composer Claude-Michel Schonberg and lyricists Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel premiered their original<br />

musical stage adaptation of Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables. What is unknown to most musical theatre aficionados<br />

is that Schonberg, Boublil, and Natel first attempted to adapt Hugo’s novel in 1949, but decided to hold off on<br />

completing the work until they were adults.<br />

<strong>The</strong> original French texts written by the young children have been recovered and translated to English for the very first time...<br />

I Dreamed a Dream<br />

I dreamed a dream but just last<br />

night<br />

I was in a pool<br />

Of jello swimming<br />

I thought that it would be divine!<br />

But it was really just quite sticky<br />

I went to school and I was late<br />

I missed the bus<br />

For time spent swimming<br />

And when I finally arrived<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was physical fitness testing<br />

<strong>The</strong>n my hands turned into fish<br />

I had no clue how to feed them<br />

When they spoke I heard them say<br />

“Would you like to meet the<br />

Queen?”<br />

Do You Hear the People Sing?<br />

Do you hear the people sing?<br />

Singing the songs of angry men.<br />

It is the music of my comrade<br />

Who is in my brain again!<br />

I believe his name is Klaus.<br />

He often tells me what to do<br />

I told my parents but they don’t<br />

Believe that it’s true!<br />

He’s my imaginary friend<br />

That is what they say to me<br />

But he helps me make decisions<br />

Like when I have to pee<br />

He told me to run away<br />

If you serve me a Brussels sprout<br />

I’ll move to his house on Mars<br />

Without a doubt!<br />

One Song More<br />

One song more<br />

It’s 9pm that is so late at night<br />

This is the last one we should write tonight<br />

Tomorrow will bring a new dawn<br />

We’ll catch up on last night’s Pokemon<br />

One song more<br />

We could take songs we wrote before<br />

And use their parts to make just one more<br />

One song more<br />

<strong>The</strong> Queen looked at my fishy hands<br />

And turned them back into human hands<br />

One more song before bedtime<br />

Will Klaus ever let us sleep?<br />

One more song because Klaus says so<br />

He lives underneath my bed.<br />

I promise I won’t miss the bus<br />

Or I’ll get fish hands again<br />

This musical is about us...


Well 2012 is over and the Mayans look like a bunch of drama queens. Once again man has triumphed over our self-made hysteria and<br />

fear-mongering. Life goes on, and death is now laughably far away. So here’s to a new era of reckless extravagance and global warming.<br />

Life Goes On<br />

Orissa, India: An Indian coalminer<br />

rejoices at the opportunity<br />

to spend many more years inside<br />

the dark and dangerous caverns<br />

working for incredibly small<br />

wages.<br />

Buried Underneath Mexico City,<br />

Mexico: Mayan scholars craft<br />

new calendars with novel holidays<br />

such as New Thursday and<br />

the Mid-April Solstice.<br />

San Fernando Valley, CA: A<br />

pornstar prepares for a triple<br />

penetration scene involving two<br />

handicapped steamboat workers<br />

and a giant squid.<br />

Admissions from the Night<br />

of the Apocalypse<br />

“All green apples look the same to me.”<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Hitler mustache ain’t too shabby.”<br />

“All this money DID bring me happiness.”<br />

“Those times I said I was out bowling I was really out<br />

playing golf.”<br />

“Legalizing crack is the most important social issue in<br />

America.”<br />

“I laughed when Bambi’s mom died.”<br />

“I saw Bin Laden on a bus in Penn’s Landing four years<br />

ago and didn’t tell anyone.”<br />

“I’m not a big fan of taxes.”<br />

“I’ve actually never been to outer space.”<br />

“I enjoy a nice bag of Funyuns every now and then.”<br />

“I voted for Nader twice.”<br />

“I once peed into a running vacuum cleaner.”<br />

Even More Horrible Things Being Done in the Name of Penn<br />

Washington D.C.: US President<br />

Barack Obama frantically paces<br />

around the Oval Office, wondering<br />

what went wrong in his<br />

doomsday plot and whether anyone<br />

is onto him.<br />

Flanders, Belgium: A young<br />

warbler pecks at a mirror, blissfully<br />

unaware that concepts of<br />

fear and disaster can even exist.<br />

Philadelphia, <strong>Pennsylvania</strong>: A<br />

humor editor struggles to put<br />

together a comedy piece after assuming<br />

she would be dead long<br />

before the next deadline.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>re are seven businesses like show business.”<br />

New Lease on Life<br />

A checklist of things to do now that the world isn’t over<br />

• Finish every episode of Law and Order: SVU<br />

• Own a Starbucks franchise<br />

• Finally finish my Beyonce-Michelle Obama-Pikachu love triangle fanfic<br />

• Pay off juggling school debts<br />

• Set a county record<br />

• Invent a new cheese<br />

• Make more checklists<br />

• Resolve beef with Al Sharpton<br />

• Fish that wombat out of the water heater<br />

• Explain to kids why they have two daddies and a penguin babysitter<br />

• Move “<strong>The</strong> Adjustment Bureau” up on my Netflix queue<br />

• Defeat the notorious Shen-Ma and reclaim the dynasty<br />

• Steal a kid’s bike<br />

• Learn to ride a bike<br />

• Pollute extra hard to make up for lost time<br />

• Finish those Mallomars that have been sitting in the<br />

cupboard for like 4 years<br />

• Sleep my way to middle management<br />

• Pronounce Worcestershire Sauce without crying mid-way through<br />

• Man up and get a prostate exam<br />

• Stop referring to myself as “<strong>The</strong> Kid”<br />

• Finally finish reading the Spark Notes for <strong>The</strong> Brothers Karamazov<br />

PHILADELPHIA, PA - <strong>The</strong> Penn community<br />

is in a state of disbelief following<br />

a series of leaked documents detailing<br />

controversial studies taking place at<br />

university labs. Studies revealed horrible<br />

and inhumane experimentation, the likes<br />

of which have not been seen outside of<br />

North Korea.<br />

One study, for example, revealed that five<br />

adorable, three-month-old puppies found<br />

dead under a floor grate last year were<br />

actually subjects in a Penn Vet study of<br />

drug function in adorable puppies trapped<br />

under floor grates. In the report, lead scientist<br />

Ralph Tinker is quoted as saying:<br />

“We have found that our new drug is<br />

capable of killing precious, fluffy baby<br />

golden retrievers, when they are trapped<br />

under a floor grate without food or water.”<br />

Lab assistant Lisa Frankel is also quoted:<br />

“Those were the most adorable puppies I<br />

had ever seen. I’m so glad they died in the<br />

name of science.”<br />

But this only one of many depraved experiments<br />

being conducted at the university.<br />

Some other titles of research projects<br />

include “Effects of Non-Kosher Foods on<br />

Hillel Regulars”, “Inverse Correlation Between<br />

the Depth of a Male’s V-neck and<br />

Penis Length”, and “Effects of Uranium<br />

on Lab-Induced Uranium Poisoning”.<br />

<strong>The</strong> leaks also reveal that Penn studies<br />

have played a part in the foundation of<br />

fraternities on campus. One report shows<br />

that Zeta Beta Tau, a well-known Jewish<br />

fraternity, was founded as part of an<br />

experiment to determine the effect of<br />

Adderall on Jewish noses. Additionally,<br />

documents reveal that experiments were<br />

conducted by Brad to see how many beers<br />

Chad can chug without passing out and<br />

whether or not you think Thad’s sister<br />

sucks dick.<br />

Other notable studies include one in<br />

which a rogue Penn Med scientist mated<br />

with an orangutan, calling the creation<br />

“Oranguman.” Another involved the synthesis<br />

of soylent dolphin.<br />

<strong>The</strong> leaks even show that experimenters<br />

created fraudulent studies in order to<br />

pursue their own vile ends. For instance,<br />

in “Verbose Study on Phallus Laceration,”<br />

scientists lured illiterate West Philly residents<br />

into labs using flyers with flowery,<br />

graduate-level language. Once in the<br />

lab, all of their phalluses were lacerated.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>y done lacerated my phallus!” one<br />

subject, Jeb D’Johnson, was recorded as<br />

saying.<br />

President Amy Gutmann, when asked<br />

to respond to these leaks, said, “Penn is<br />

known for its outstanding and groundbreaking<br />

research. You don’t see Harvard<br />

doing such innovative experiments as<br />

“Guantanamo Highrise” and “<strong>The</strong> Seven-<br />

Limbed Quaker.”<br />

Check back to this magazine for an investigation<br />

into the secret lives of Mormon<br />

fish, coming on Wednesday (in this<br />


Study Abroad in Persia<br />

2/8/12<br />

Wow! What a long flight! After 13 hours, I’ve finally<br />

arrived at the University of Persepolis (or as the locals<br />

call it, Istanbul University). To prepare for my semester, I<br />

watched Aladdin, Lawrence of Arabia, and Prince of Persia<br />

on the way over. My first task was to get a cell phone<br />

at the local bazaar. <strong>The</strong>re, I tried bartering with one of the<br />

bazaarkeeps, but he insisted prices were set by the heads<br />

of the “radio shack.” I managed to persuade him to sell<br />

me a Vodaphone by complimenting him on the modernity<br />

of his so-called shack. Following that, I went straight to<br />

the dorms in downtown Persepolis (or as the locals call it,<br />

downtown Istanbul). <strong>The</strong>re I met my roommate, Darius,<br />

who much to my dismay had no ties to Persian royalty<br />

whatsoever, but was rather a black college student from<br />

Cleveland! What a ripoff!<br />

3/13/12<br />

Has it really been a month since I arrived in this mystical<br />

land of sand and time? My time here has been a whirlwind<br />

of olive-scented afternoons and steamy Arabian<br />

nights. My professors keep insisting that this is technically<br />

not an Arabic country, but Persians have been known to be<br />

confused by the heat of the mid-day sun. I’ve had no luck<br />

in my search to find a princess to marry against her will,<br />

but not for lack of effort! Unfortunately, I’ve been ordered<br />

to attend several seminars on sexual assault as a result. Oh<br />

Agrabah!<br />

5/2/12<br />

I stumbled upon a lamp one afternoon, and hoping that a<br />

genie might be inside, I rubbed it vigorously. One of my<br />

fellow students suggested that I inhale from the lamp,<br />

presumably to fully unlock the genie within. As I was<br />

inhaling, he also mentioned that the lamp contained PCP<br />

(Persian Crystal Potion?). And once I had finished imbibing<br />

the ancient PCP, oh! What glory and splendor! <strong>The</strong><br />

genie rose forth in unparallelled power, dancing before<br />

me. I implored him to grant me riches for a thousand lifetimes,<br />

but somehow I woke up 3 hours later in a dumpster<br />

downtown.<br />

6/4/12<br />

I can’t believe my time here is almost over! <strong>The</strong>re are so<br />

many things I haven’t gotten the chance to do yet, like<br />

battle the King of Thieves and free Robin Williams from<br />

slavery. And I’ve only met three talking parrots! Still, I am<br />

just about ready to leave. As I expected, the locals don’t<br />

comprehend my Western ways. <strong>The</strong>y call me “racist” and<br />

“uninformed” and “unaware that I’m in Istanbul.” <strong>The</strong>y<br />

say I will never amount to anything more than a street rat.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y don’t understand me, but that’s ok. If I’ve learned<br />

anything from my experience here, it’s that I am truly a<br />

diamond in the rough.<br />

Location:<br />

Each morning, you can watch the sun<br />

rise over the medium-sized buildings of<br />

the 69th largest city by area in the United<br />

States! As you step onto your crumbling<br />

front porch, breathe in the fresh, diesel<br />

air, and drink in the view of obviously<br />

disregarded building codes!<br />

Housing:<br />

Safety:<br />

?<br />

Study Abroad: West Philly<br />

University City Housing, a fantastic local<br />

real estate company, has agreed to house<br />

our students for the semester! No need to<br />

check online reviews, UCH is known for<br />

their clean, rodent-free, foundationallysound<br />

houses. To reiterate, no need to<br />

check the reviews.<br />

Academics:<br />

<strong>The</strong> fear of being on the streets causes<br />

students to spend hours studying in our<br />

beautiful study spaces. We also use the<br />

surrounding environment to craft our<br />

curriculum. Students must take 1 of 3<br />

core classes:<br />

ARCH 203: Use of Broken Glass<br />

GEOG 252: Where Not to Go<br />

MKTG 243: Marketing and Sale of Narcotics<br />

Employment:<br />

Potential jobs are located right on our<br />

doorstep, and employers often visit campus<br />

for new recruits. Students frequently<br />

find jobs at local auto-repair shops,<br />

pharmacies, and street-corner tour guide<br />


Lies of a Penn Education<br />

1) No, that half Ugandan half Eskimo kid got in<br />

on his own merit.<br />

2) You won’t spend 45 fucking minutes in line for<br />

a class board beer mug only to find out that there<br />

are none left.<br />

3) Next year our rankings will go up.<br />

4) Allied Barton security professionals have gone<br />

through all necessary training procedures.<br />

5) That homeless guy wearing his socks over his<br />

shoes really is a Vietnam Vet.<br />

6) You are the best and brightest students in the<br />

world and will most definitely not be curve fodder<br />

for the Asian students.<br />

7) You can fit in without owning a black peacoat<br />

or Longchamp.<br />

8) Admissions officers will definitely read the<br />

extra 3 letters of recommendation and your art<br />

supplement.<br />

9) Penn offers a multitude of job opportunities in<br />

fields beyond finance and consulting.<br />

10) <strong>The</strong> president lives on campus, and definitely<br />

not with her husband in New York.<br />

11) Throwing the toast is a tradition that you will<br />

value long after your freshman year.<br />

12) Nah, that guy didn’t pee on you last night. I<br />

was totally watching out for you, girl.<br />

13) Academic advisors want what’s best for you.<br />

14) Your friendships with Whartonites will be<br />

genuine and fulfilling.<br />

15) No one has ever peed on that statue before.<br />

Ever.<br />

16) Barely any courses at Penn are taught by<br />

Teaching Assistants.<br />

17) Eighteen cents is enough to support the man<br />

outside of Wawa.<br />

18) I can’t believe you were waitlisted at Yale!<br />

19) Val Ross exists.<br />

20) You will develop deep, intimate relationships<br />

with your professors.<br />

21) Sex! You will have so much sex that your penis/vagina<br />

will beg you to stop! ...Or at least once<br />

before you graduate.<br />

22) We call that big button over there the “Statue<br />

of the Three Lies.”<br />

23) Gregory is a place where you can explore new<br />

things and feel a real sense of community.<br />

24) <strong>The</strong> fraternity culture doesn’t really dominate<br />

the social scene here.<br />

25) Leges sine moribus vanae.<br />


If you haven’t heard of the Id, you must be<br />

living under a rock. It’s impossible to go to a<br />

party on campus without seeing the Id there, as<br />

he’s always stealing the spotlight and smooches.<br />

Id took the time out of his busy, depraved<br />

schedule to talk to us.<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: So what do you do on campus?<br />

<strong>The</strong> Id: I beat the shit out of people! Just fuckin<br />

pissin’ me off! Wanna bang their head against a<br />

streetlamp! You don’t know me you little bitch!<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: What advice would you give freshmen?<br />

Id: I like to beat things. People. My cock. Your<br />

cock. I like to beat things.<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: What’s your best pickup line?<br />

Id: Show me! Show me all of the things!!!<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: What’s your guilty pleasure?<br />

Id: Quell the voices Jesus! No. Satan teaches<br />

me the lessons you’re afraid to.<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: What does your PennCard say about you?<br />

Id: Fire. This should fucking be on fire. Burn<br />

it, monster!<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: What will you miss most about Penn?<br />

Id: JERKING OFF IN BOOKS ABOUT infertility<br />

THEN leaving them there.<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: Biggest pet peeve?<br />

Id: It’s not masturbating if it’s on a playground.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n it’s playing. Don’t tell on me. Don’t tell on<br />


<strong>Bowl</strong>: What Disney Princess are you?<br />

Id: Stalin. I want to fuck my sister!<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: Where’s your favorite place to<br />

eat on campus?<br />

Id: Uuuughhhhhh. All done.<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: What’s the farthest<br />

west you’ve gone in Philly?<br />

Id: This one time I picked up a<br />

transvestite prostitute and he let<br />

me buy two tickets to stank town.<br />

Father was none too pleased! Was he?<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: Which Sex and the City<br />

character are you most like?<br />


I’M A CHILD.<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: Where do you see yourself in five years?<br />

Id: I am not capable of future-directed thinking.<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: What’s the best date you’ve ever been on?<br />

Id: Fisting at the Jack in the Box.<br />

<strong>The</strong> one. <strong>The</strong> only.<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: What “Friends” character would you be?<br />

Id: <strong>The</strong> one with the dicks for hands and the top<br />

hat.<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: Are you more of a T-Swift or Bieber fan?<br />







<strong>Bowl</strong>: What’s a typical Friday night for you?<br />

Id: Wanna rub moss all over you and<br />

make you feel like a DIRTY LITTLE<br />

ROCK.<br />

<strong>Bowl</strong>: What’s something that really<br />

makes your day?<br />

Id: What did you just say? WHAT? DON’T<br />



<strong>Bowl</strong>: Which of John Mayer’s exes would you be?<br />

Id: I want you to eat it. Like a dog. Get in the<br />


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