project plan example javascript

project plan example javascript

project plan example javascript


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My Magic Month<br />

Project Description<br />

This program will guess the user’s favorite month of the year. The user will choose the month<br />

they love best and translate the name into its numeric value (i.e. January=1 or 01; December=12). Once<br />

the user has the month and initiates the program, the program will first guess any number between 1 and<br />

12. After this guess, the user will respond with “h” for high, “l” for low or “c” for correct to guide the<br />

program’s guesses. After the program guesses the right number corresponding to the user’s favorite<br />

month, it will display how many guesses it took to reach the correct answer, and allow the user to play<br />

again (with their second favorite month…).<br />

Pseudocode – 1 st level<br />

Variables<br />

Guess = current guess (1st guess random)<br />

Upper = upper limit (Start set at 12)<br />

Lower = lower limit (Start set at 1)<br />

Turns = how many turns it takes the computer to guess<br />

Response = user’s hints (“h” or “l” or “c”)<br />

Explain game to user<br />

Choose your favorite month. Convert to its numeric value. The program will then attempt to<br />

guess your favorite month, but you need to guide it by typing “h” for month numbers that are too high,<br />

“l” for those that are too low and “c” when the computer guesses correctly. Press start to initiate the<br />

program’s guessing.<br />

Generate a random number between 1 and 12<br />

Make guess (Message to user: Here’s my guess. Tell me if it’s high, low or correct.)<br />

As long as user does not input “c”,<br />

Increment turn counter<br />

If user inputs “h”,<br />

Set the upper limit of the program to the last guess<br />

Keep lower limit same<br />

Make new guess<br />

If user inputs “l”<br />

Set the lower limit of the program to the last guess<br />

Keep upper limit same<br />

Make new guess<br />

If user inputs “c”<br />

Stop guessing<br />

Tell how many turns it took<br />

Allow to user to play the game again by pressing reload<br />

Pseudocode – 2 nd level<br />

Variables<br />

upper = 12<br />

lower = 1<br />

Print out game instructions:

Choose your favorite month. Convert to its numeric value: i.e. January = 1, December = 12. I'll try to<br />

guess your favorite month, but you'll have to help me. Enter h if my guess is too high, l if it's too low,<br />

and c if I'm right on. Ready to play?<br />

Guess = Generates a random guess between 1-12 (don’t put in loop)<br />

response = Print out guess. Enter h if my guess is too high, l if my guess is too low, or c if my guess is<br />

right on.<br />

while (response not correct)<br />

add 1 to the turn counter each repetition<br />

if (response is high)<br />

upper = guess;<br />

guess = Math.floor((upper + lower)/2);<br />

response = Print out guess. Enter h if my guess is too high, l if my guess is too low, or c if<br />

my guess is right on.<br />

else (response is low)<br />

lower = guess;<br />

guess = Math.floor((upper + lower)/2);<br />

response = Print out guess. Enter h if my guess is too high, l if my guess is too<br />

low, or c if my guess is right on.<br />

if (response is correct)<br />

Print I knew it! Number of turns.<br />

Visual Design<br />

Include, link to, or describe what your <strong>project</strong> will look like visually.<br />

Testing<br />

To test the program, I will begin by building it step-by-step in TextWrangler. After each new<br />

section, I’ll save and refresh the page in the Browser to see if it works. This process will allow me to test<br />

as I build, and therefore spot any mistakes right away. Once I’ve written the whole program, I’ll test it<br />

with a few different months. I’ll make sure to count the number of guesses it takes to make sure the<br />

program is counting this right.

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