San Jiao Channel and Points - CatsTCMNotes

San Jiao Channel and Points - CatsTCMNotes

San Jiao Channel and Points - CatsTCMNotes


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Course: Energetics III Date: 4/22/08<br />

Class #: 2 - 3<br />

Primary meridian pathway<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Jiao</strong> <strong>Channel</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Points</strong><br />

Starts ring finger dorsum of h<strong>and</strong> between rad/ulna shoulder DU 14 GB 21 ST 12 <br />

Pericardium (san jiao) UJ, MJ, LJ<br />

From pericardium goes to Rn 17, ST 12, Neck then to back of the ear.<br />

If pt has allergies, ear infections, etc <strong>and</strong> mention that back of ear hurts, use SJ points (SJ 17). If<br />

not mention this, can choose other points – SI channel which circulates in front <strong>and</strong> enters the ear<br />

for instance.<br />

2 Pathways from back of the ear:<br />

1. From back of ear behind ear <strong>and</strong> enters the ear emerges in front of the ear<br />

(SJ 21) terminates at the outer canthus of the eye at SJ 23, then links with GB 1 <strong>and</strong><br />

sends Qi to this meridian.<br />

2. Circles behind the ear cheek (SI 18) inferior aspect of the eye.<br />

Pay attention to what internal organs it passes thru. SJ, PC. Pay attention to the pathway around/in the<br />

ear. Gallbladder channel very similar so don’t get the 2 confused. In clinic later on when you see ear<br />

problems distal points chosen are often on SJ <strong>and</strong> GB channels. Herbs often guide to these channels too.<br />

Good for ear infections, etc. Tinnitus/hearing loss will = kidney most of the time.<br />

SJ Luo connecting channel<br />

Comparatively, this one is different from the others discussed. Almost all have 2 branches, i.e., but not<br />

this one – only one branch.<br />

SJ 5 goes along external arm to chest, to Pericardium.<br />

Disorders of Luo connecting channel for SJ:<br />

Excess: contraction of elbows<br />

Deficiency: flaccidity of the elbows.<br />

Good for upper extremeties problems.<br />

SJ divergent<br />

This one different too.<br />

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Diverges from Head – Du 20<br />

Enters – chest<br />

Exits at back of ear<br />

Converges at SJ 16.<br />

SJ Muscular region<br />

Starts at finger, bundles at big joints, distributed at external upper arms, unites at GB 13. All we need to<br />

know is that it starts much like all others.<br />

Links with the root of the tongue<br />

<strong>Points</strong><br />

Indications:<br />

1. This channel is related to clearing heat on the channel. Yangming is better.<br />

2. Can also be used for Shaoyang syndrome <strong>and</strong> hypochondriac problems.<br />

Remember the 6 stages diagnosis.<br />

a. This is the Taiyang channel stage <strong>and</strong> Taiyang’s channel problems. Feel chilled, but have<br />

fever. This is usually for wind/cold invasions, so patient’s symptoms will be chills/fever,<br />

upper body pain, aches, etc.<br />

b. If patient doesn’t get proper care, pathogens will transmit to the next stage, Yangming<br />

channel stage/problem. High fever, pneumonia, etc. Yangming has a lot of heat.<br />

c. If patient is weak, poor body constitution then Shaoyang stage/channel: alternating<br />

chills/fever – blurred vision, floaters, vomiting, nausea, hypo pain can all be possible<br />

symptoms. Shaoyang is also called ½ exterior, ½ interior because patient is at the<br />

inbetween stage.<br />

KNOW: Alternating Chills/Fever<br />

GB is also the Shaoyang channel, so that’s why some of those points are chosen for<br />

Shaoyang problems/symptoms<br />

3. Problems along the pathway of the SJ channel. Finger, wrist, arm, shoulder, side of head, ear,<br />

eyes.<br />

Note no zangfu organs emphasized. SJ is for mostly channel problems.<br />

Point Category Indications/Contra/Caution<br />

SJ 1-4 First 4 points: SJ 1-4. Because of the point location, not all points used<br />

frequently. Most commonly used: SJ 3. SJ 1 is painful, 2 is used for Ashi as<br />

is 4. Pretty safe points, no side effects.<br />

Indications:<br />

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Point Category Indications/Contra/Caution<br />

1. Sense organ’s problems where the channel passes thru – ear, eyes,<br />

mouth, throat. Headache, red eyes, tinnitus, deafness, sore throat. Not<br />

often used for this stuff, however.<br />

2. Finger, h<strong>and</strong>, arm problems like stiffness, numbness, painful arms esp<br />

along the channel.<br />

SJ 1<br />

SJ 2<br />

Jing Well<br />

(metal)<br />

Ying Spring<br />

(water)<br />

Jing Well applications<br />

1. treat uppermost regions of channel = tinnitus, deafness, earache, stiff<br />

mouth, dry lips, bitter taste in the mouth, headache, redness of eyes,<br />

painful obstrx in throat <strong>and</strong> pain in the subm<strong>and</strong>ib region.<br />

2. treat fullness below the Heart<br />

congested heat in the upper jiao, oppression of the Heart with absence<br />

of sweating <strong>and</strong> heart pain.<br />

3. Clear heat<br />

Clearing heat from the chennal <strong>and</strong> tretaing febriles.<br />

NOT for coma! Neither is GB 44, BL 67.<br />

Ying Spring applications<br />

Clears heat from channel/organ, but not used much to clear heat from organ –<br />

use PC or Ht points for that.<br />

1. Clear heat from upper reaches of the channel:<br />

Ears – redness, dryness, lacrimation. Better than SI for ears…<br />

Gums <strong>and</strong> teeth – pain <strong>and</strong> bleeding<br />

2. Clear heat from Heart/spirit<br />

Manifesting as palpitations, fright, mania, reaving, epilepsy.<br />

Compare with P8 – stronger than SJ 2. Not often used.<br />

3. malaria – typically, symptoms attack at the same time each day,<br />

having alternating chills/fever, sweating then symptoms disappear.<br />

Other: Treating local channel disorders <strong>and</strong> affecting the wrist, h<strong>and</strong>, fingers.<br />

Shaoyang syndrome symptom information:<br />

1. Alternating chills <strong>and</strong> fever<br />

2. Bitter taste in mouth<br />

3. Blurred vision – related to both SJ <strong>and</strong> GB, both of which<br />

circulate around the eyes.<br />

4. Nausea, vomiting, bloating, poor appetite, stomach ache.<br />

MJ problems, related to both SJ <strong>and</strong> GB.<br />

5. Pain in the costal/hypo region<br />

Related to GB channel passing thru this area.<br />

6. Irritability, heart vexation <strong>and</strong> irregular heartbeat.<br />

SJ <strong>and</strong> PC paired can = heart problems.<br />

7. Tongue – sides of tongue are more red, mixed yellow <strong>and</strong><br />

white coating reflecting the halfway characteristics of the<br />

Shao Yang syndrome.<br />

8. Pulse is wiry<br />

This is Gallbladder.<br />

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Point Category Indications/Contra/Caution<br />

9. Formula to use: Xiao Chai Hu Tang<br />

Find the right meridian – more important than finding the right point.<br />

Headaches in the temporal region = Shaoyang.<br />

A lot of points on the SJ channel can be used for Shaoyang syndrome.<br />

SJ 3<br />

Shu Stream<br />

(wood)<br />

1. One of most important distal points for treating ear disorders due<br />

to any pathology. Note, most important distal point, so local points<br />

might be better.<br />

Particularly suited to exterior wind <strong>and</strong> Liver disharmony, esp when<br />

due to excess. Includes tinnitus, deafness, inflammation of mid ear.<br />

Example: inflam of mid ear w/pus, pain around ear. Treatment =<br />

puncture/reduce SI 3 <strong>and</strong> pain in front of ear is better. Reduce on SJ 3<br />

<strong>and</strong> pain at back of ear disappears.<br />

2. Malaria – chronic malarial fever.<br />

3. Shu Stream (wood) applications:<br />

Not the most important point, but…<br />

Heaviness of body <strong>and</strong> pain in the joints. Includes pain of the<br />

shoulder/elbow, pain of the spine at the level of the heart, numbness<br />

of the 4 limbs <strong>and</strong> inability to flex <strong>and</strong> extend the fingers.<br />

SJ 4 Yuan Source Know category<br />

Not used much. Mostly used as an Ashi point. For Japanese acu, however,<br />

important to strengthen the original qi (yuan source qi) in the trtmt of xu. In<br />

this style, is the pathway of yuan source qi <strong>and</strong> water ways.<br />

Also:<br />

1. Malaria – alt chills/fever<br />

2. Wasting <strong>and</strong> thirsting. Similar to diabetes – very thirsty, weight loss.<br />

SJ is pathway of water <strong>and</strong> yuan source qi. In ancient thought, theory<br />

is that water is enough, but not distributed to the right places. Can<br />

help some of the symptoms of diabetes, but not often used today.<br />

3. Acute testitis by some practitioners. Middle sized moxa on SJ 4, 3<br />

units per day, treated for 1 week. 204 cases noted w/symptom relief<br />

in 10 hours to 7 days.<br />

SJ 5 – 10<br />

Of this group of points, SJ 5 is most common in clinic.<br />

For 5-7, have patients hold still because of the radial <strong>and</strong> ulnar bone cross<br />

when the arm positions change. Can result in a bent needle!<br />

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Point Category Indications/Contra/Caution<br />

Ancient texts say SJ 8 is contraindicated for needling. Now this is not<br />

heeded.<br />

Indications for this group primarily = problems along the Sj channel<br />

1. Ear problems, tinnitus, deafness, blockage of ears, earache, etc.<br />

SJ 3 + SJ 5 would be a good combination for these kinds of problems.<br />

2. Finger, arm, elbow, shoulder, upper back problems such as pain,<br />

numbness, tingling, tremors, <strong>and</strong> limited movement.<br />

Mostly used as Ashi points.<br />

SJ 5<br />

Luo Connecting<br />

Confl of Yang<br />

Wei<br />

Corresponds heavily to PC 6, confluent of the Yin Wei channel<br />

Luo Connecting point applications<br />

1. Luo connecting channel pathway disorders<br />

a. Excess: contraction of elbows<br />

b. Deficiencies: flaccidity of the elbows<br />

2. Ext/int channel or zang/fu<br />

Oppression <strong>and</strong> tightness of the chest, like PC 6. For needle sensitive<br />

patients, SJ 5 is far less sensitive than PC 6.<br />

a. <strong>San</strong> <strong>Jiao</strong> channel problems =<br />

i. Heat syndromes – Shaoyang syndrome<br />

Remember alt chills/fever, blurred vision, etc.<br />

Combine SJ 5 <strong>and</strong> GB 40 or 41 (depending on the text<br />

you read!)<br />

ii. Problems along the channel: headache, eye problems<br />

like redness, swollen <strong>and</strong> painful eyes, ear problems,<br />

finger, wrist <strong>and</strong> arm problems.<br />

Confluent of Yang Wei/Linking <strong>Channel</strong> applications<br />

Use SJ 5 + GB 41<br />

Yang Wei links all the yang channels of the body including the<br />

Du/Governing vessel<br />

Know syndromes of Yang Wei problems – Yang Wei closely<br />

related to Shaoyang channel – Yang Wei opens to Shaoyang <strong>and</strong><br />

also GB channel has a lot of meeting points with the Yang Wei<br />

channel, tying the two together. Since Yang Wei doesn’t have it’s<br />

own unique points, “borrows” heavily from GB (GB 13-21 + GB 35)<br />

Yang Wei is all about exterior symptoms – cold, wind invasion, etc.,<br />

headaches.<br />

1. Exterior Syndrome – dispel pathogen factors from exterior portion<br />

of the body. Yang Wei is on the surface of the body. Isn’t necessarily<br />

related to the Shaoyang syndrome stuff – can also be used for<br />

wind/cold invasion, but this is really about ousting the exterior…<strong>and</strong><br />

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Point Category Indications/Contra/Caution<br />

this is often wind.<br />

2. Headache – temporal, frontal, occipital, <strong>and</strong> vertex. While shaoyang<br />

is temporal, the yang wei tie-in links all the yang vessels <strong>and</strong> covers<br />

the frontal, occipital, <strong>and</strong> vertex. Use the SJ 5 <strong>and</strong> GB 41<br />

combination – especially good for people with the tension headache<br />

that then spreads all over the head.<br />

3. Constipation<br />

4. Yang Wei balances the Yang qi of the whole body. Use for yang<br />

defic, yin excess. Many other good points on the Du channel to help<br />

warm the body, so this one not often used for this.<br />

5. Problems along the Yang Wei pathway<br />

Area supplied: lateral asp of the lower extrems, shoulder <strong>and</strong> vertex.<br />

Shoulder pain can be related to the Yangwei channel.<br />

6. Treat Dai channel probs by coupling GB 41 + SJ 5.<br />

SJ 6<br />

Jing River<br />

(fire)<br />

Upper jiao<br />

1. clear heat from SJ ch, indicated for febrile diseases, redness, pain <strong>and</strong><br />

swelling of the eyes, tinnitus an deafness, lockjaw, swollen throat,<br />

scrofula…<br />

2. Resolve stagnation of qi in the chest (w/opression of chest/ht pain)<br />

3. Stagnant qi transforming into fire <strong>and</strong> insulting the LU – may be<br />

cough + red face.<br />

Middle <strong>Jiao</strong>: SJ 6 + GB 34<br />

Essential point for treating pain of the lateral costal region<br />

(hypochondriac pain) <strong>and</strong> distention due to qi stagnation or any other<br />

etiology. Moves Qi. Both SJ 5 <strong>and</strong> 6 can be used for hypo pain, but many<br />

books indicate SJ 6 more. GB 34 is lower he sea of GB – GB problems can =<br />

hypo pain. Because hypo pain often = Liver, some will couple 4 gates with<br />

SJ 6.<br />

Lower <strong>Jiao</strong><br />

Major point to move qi to relieve constipation, esp due to heat, stagnation of<br />

qi or other reasons. Thus, best for constipation on the arms.<br />

SJ 5 <strong>and</strong> 6 are the only points on the 3 arm yangs indicated for constipation!<br />

Comparatively, SJ 5 not so much as SJ 6…use SJ 6.<br />

SJ 7 Xi Cleft No relevant indications of the Xi cleft point!!! Since SJ goes to upper, mid,<br />

lower jiaos, practitioners often choose the organ related to the problem <strong>and</strong><br />

then use that xi cleft.<br />

Not used much. Indicated for epilepsy (St 6 is more commonly used, as are<br />

the Du channel <strong>and</strong> others), acupuncture anesthesia for chest surgery.<br />

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Point Category Indications/Contra/Caution<br />

SJ 8<br />

Sudden loss of voice <strong>and</strong> toothache. Lung channel more common for the<br />

voice, LI more common for toothache.<br />

SJ 9<br />

SJ 10<br />

SJ 11<br />

SJ 12<br />

SJ 13<br />

SJ 14<br />

He Sea<br />

(earth)<br />

Sudden loss of voice, toothache, breathing (plum pit Qi, shortness of breath).<br />

Other points are better.<br />

1. Migraine (Shaoyang area headache – temporal headache – choose SJ<br />

or GB points – other points are better like SJ 5), hypochondriac pain,<br />

neck pain.<br />

2. Transformation of phlegm:<br />

Scrofula, goiter, coughing of phlegm <strong>and</strong> psycho-emo disorders<br />

(phlegm misting the mind).<br />

SI channel also – SI 8 (he sea also) . From 5 element theory: both are<br />

earth points <strong>and</strong> earth controls water/dampness.<br />

3. Pain, painful obstrx <strong>and</strong> atrophy disorder affecting elbow, arm,<br />

shoulder, neck, upper back. In classical sources says to use for tx of<br />

wind painful obstx fx the whole body.<br />

Pain = qi/blood circ being blocked. This is used like an Ashi point.<br />

There are other, bigger points that will address atrophy disorders –<br />

choose the Yangming channel for this (LI on arms, ST on legs).<br />

SJ 11-14 are mostly for local points. All are used for shoulder <strong>and</strong> arm<br />

pain. Pain along SJ channel, not along channels.<br />

1. Headache<br />

2. Jaundice (b/c is on shaoyang channel <strong>and</strong> jaundice is usually about<br />

shaoyang or gallbladder.)<br />

3. shoulder <strong>and</strong> arm pain<br />

1. shoulder <strong>and</strong> arm pain<br />

2. epilepsy<br />

3. problems along SJ channel pthway: headache, stiff neck, toothache<br />

1. shoulder <strong>and</strong> arm pain<br />

2. red eyes<br />

3. goiter, scrofula (armpit)<br />

1. shoulder <strong>and</strong> arm pain<br />

2. Shoulder problems<br />

Like frozen shoulder. Called “Fifty Shoulder” in chinese as it hits<br />

about the time kidney essence is depleting <strong>and</strong> this affects the<br />

shoulder).<br />

Can do moxa, cupping here <strong>and</strong> this helps. Regarding needling, when relax<br />

shoulder to needle, perp puncture or punc towards elbow <strong>and</strong> go a little<br />

deeper – 1 – 1 ½ cun even 2 cun. Pt easily gets Qi sensation.<br />

More local point application. Stomach 38 can also be used in conjuction.<br />

After treatment, remove needle at SJ 14, keep ST 38 <strong>and</strong> ask pt to move<br />

shoulder. After about 5 min movement it’s easier with less pain. Pain will<br />

return, so have pt do ht pad <strong>and</strong> massage at home. Come back for trtment<br />

later.<br />

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Point Category Indications/Contra/Caution<br />

SJ 15 Local problems mostly . Because of location (between GB 21 <strong>and</strong> SI 13)<br />

possibly pnthx. Many ppl hold stress on shoulder here – puncture obliquely<br />

toward clinical manifestation. Doesn’t need to be deep. Body work or<br />

cupping good here too to relax muscles.<br />

Local problems.<br />

Shoulder <strong>and</strong> arm pain though mostly pain here fx shoulder. Can also use<br />

for stiff neck, fullness of check (but other points are far better—P6 for<br />

instance, <strong>and</strong> Ren 17). For stiff shoulder + neck, SJ 15 too<br />

SJ 16 Window of Sky Remember category mostly.<br />

On neck, posterior border of SCM. Punc perp here. Probls of face, head,<br />

headache, dizziness, puffy face, deafness. Local problems like stiff neck.<br />

Insomnia, DDS (other points far better for this)<br />

This group is around the ear. In clinic almost all of them are safe.<br />

Often used in clinic for ear problems.<br />

SJ 17<br />

“Yi Feng” in<br />

chinese. Feng<br />

refers to wind.<br />

Yi Feng implies<br />

wind screen.<br />

Perp punc ½ - 1 cun. Some aim tip of needle toward tip of nose – much<br />

stronger sensation. Choose a 1 cun needle! Major nerve deep to here.<br />

Very important point.<br />

1. Ear problems – any kind. Vertigo, i.e. Even hearing things other<br />

people don’t hear – like schizophrenic manifestations. Allergy ear<br />

problems, ear infx <strong>and</strong> more. Not every patient will have good results<br />

with hearing loss…very important to warn the patient about this. Ear<br />

ache, blockage works very well. Hear the pulse in the ear, hear wind<br />

in the ear also good too…if this is related to anxiety, add points for<br />

that too.<br />

2. Facial problems – swollen face, TMJ. If you palpate here pt will<br />

probably feel tenderness.<br />

3. Scrofula, goiter (swelling of thyroid)<br />

4. Hiccups – use with strong acupressure. Bladder 2 also.<br />

5. Expel Wind – dizziness, vertigo, Bell’s Palsy. Dizziness/vertigo<br />

often due to inner ear. Works well for this – Mennier’s disease, etc.<br />

causing dizziness/vertigo. Du 20, GB 8, GB 2, SJ 17, LI 11, LI 4, SJ<br />

5, Liv 3, SP 6, SP 9.<br />

Re Bell’s Palsy: good point to treat this! Usually this is a viral<br />

infection of the facial nerve – which goes along the back of the ear.<br />

The nerve swells, constricts the nerve here. Localized edema,<br />

swelling. Patient will usually feel pain, back of ear. LI 4 also, as well<br />

as ST 3 – 6, SI 18 in addition to SJ 17, BL 20.<br />

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Point Category Indications/Contra/Caution<br />

Can also use blood letting here – not the 3 edged needle, but 7 star<br />

needle, stretch skin tightly, tap until the skin is broken, then cup on<br />

top of this point – use the suction cups, not the fire cupping. Good for<br />

Bell’s palsy, pain.<br />

If not related to the ear, don’t need to use this point.<br />

SJ 17 + SJ 21, SI 19, GB 2 all used for ear problems. Palpate to see which<br />

are tender.<br />

SJ 18<br />

- 19<br />

SJ 20<br />

SJ 21<br />

SJ 22<br />

SJ 23<br />

1. Ear problems<br />

2. headache<br />

3. infantile epilepsy – muscle twitching might be one form. Could be<br />

related to lack of magnesium or calcium.<br />

4. Digestion problems such as vomitting <strong>and</strong> diarrhea. So many other<br />

good points, this one isn’t so good.<br />

1. Ear problems<br />

2. Eye problems – red eyes, swollen eyes. Red, burning, itchy eyes.<br />

3. Mouth problems: toothache, dry lips, dry mouth, etc.<br />

4. Headache, stiff neck<br />

5. Mumps – use acupressure or moxa w/Deng Xin Cao rather than with<br />

mugwort. ST 5 can also be used for mumps. Soak Deng Xin Cao in<br />

sesame oil then hold it with a hemostat, touch the fire to the point.<br />

This kind of moxa is almost specifically for mumps.<br />

1. Ear problems – located in front of ear, so diff kind of ear problems.<br />

Stacks on top of SI 19 <strong>and</strong> GB 2. Palpate each to find the tender one.<br />

2. Toothache<br />

3. Stiff neck<br />

4. TMJ<br />

Mostly used for local problems.<br />

Local:<br />

1. heaviness of head or headache<br />

2. tinnitus<br />

3. TMJ<br />

Local problems:<br />

1. headache, migraine. Esp migraine on templar side. Some prac’s<br />

thread SJ 23 Taiyang point. If migraine in process <strong>and</strong> you do<br />

strong stim, makes migraine worse. Palpate to see if feels comfortable<br />

with palpation or is it too excruciating? Also, balance with lower<br />

distal arm/leg points to prevent even more migraines. GB 41, SJ 5 for<br />

example to help descend the Qi.<br />

2. Eyes: blurred vision, red eyes, twitching of eyelids<br />

Epilepsy also. Some epilepsy patients stare upwards during an attack.<br />

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PC <strong>and</strong> SJ channels. Some from Energ I <strong>and</strong> II—common stuff <strong>and</strong> important stuff<br />

Primary <strong>and</strong> luo connecting channel pathway, focus on specific zang or sense organs<br />

Point categories – both channels <strong>and</strong> energetics 1, 2. All categories from each channel<br />

Point cat/functions – yuan, xi, back-shu’s, etc.<br />

Four needle tech <strong>and</strong> 5 element theory<br />

Extraordinary channels – indications <strong>and</strong> points to choose for Ren, Yin Wei/Yang Wei,<br />

yin/yang qiao, etc.<br />

Six stages – Taiyang, Shaoyang symptoms <strong>and</strong> points to choose.<br />

<strong>Points</strong> to choose taiyang = SI or BL channels. Shaoyang = SJ or GB channels.<br />

Four levels – ying/nutritive, xue/blood level symptoms <strong>and</strong> points to choose.<br />

(Pericardium 3, 8 – symptoms = fever, worse at night; bleeding symptoms)<br />

Case discussions – symptoms <strong>and</strong> differentiation<br />

choose the points for the cases’ symptoms/diff’s. Most important symptoms are the primary<br />

focus.<br />

LOOK AT CAMS!! Whole chapter on symptoms of the 8 extraordinary channel<br />

symptoms.<br />

Confluents<br />

LU 7 – Ren<br />

SI 3 – Du<br />

BL 62 – Yang Qiao<br />

KI 6 – Yin Qiao<br />

SP 4 – Chong<br />

P 6 – Yin Wei<br />

SJ 5 – Yang Wei<br />

GB 41 – Dai<br />

One theory: use the opening point/confluent point to treat the extraordinary.<br />

Another theory: paired points for the extraordinaries. Use the primary affected first, then follow with the<br />

secondary coupling point.<br />

Ren coupled with Yin Qiao = Lu 7+ Kid 6<br />

Du coupled with Yang Qiao = SI 3 + BL 62<br />

Yang Qiao coupled with Du = BL 62 + SI 3<br />

Yin Qiao coupled with Ren = KI 6 + LU 7<br />

Chong coupled with Yin Wei = SP 4 + P6<br />

Yin Wei coupled with Chong = P6 + SP 4<br />

Yang Wei coupled with Dai= SJ 5 + GB 41<br />

Dai coupled with Yang Wei = GB 41 + SJ 5<br />

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Case Discussions<br />

Patient comes in with an earache for ~ 3 days, swollen left ear, painful to touch. Post nasal drainage,<br />

nasal congestion.<br />

Tongue: thick yellow coating<br />

Pulse: wiry<br />

DX: wind invasion, phlegm heat accumulation (thick coat, wiry pulse)<br />

<strong>Points</strong>: Choose for differentiation, for symptoms<br />

Differentiation:<br />

Wind invasion : SJ 5, LI 4, LU 7<br />

Phlegm heat accumulation: ST 40 for phlegm, LI 11 for heat, GB 41/34/20 for heat<br />

Symptoms :<br />

Ear : SJ 3, SI 3, LI 6, SI 19 (opposite side), SJ 17 (opposite side), GB 2(opposite side).<br />

Could use laser acupuncture since it’s painful to the touch.<br />

Nasal : LI 20<br />

NEXT QUIZ :<br />

PC <strong>and</strong> SJ.<br />

Energetics 3 – Spring 2008<br />

www.<strong>CatsTCMNotes</strong>.com<br />

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