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work and that is despite its unique combat resolution process, players who use traditional combat tactics will be rewarded for such tried and true maneuvers as flanking, rear attacks, spotting and pinning. In short, with GROPOS it is possible to play the game and not just play the rules. or futuristic combat games you will be attracted to GROPOS’ fast but intuitive combat system. When I first tried GROPOS the Babylon 5 world was totally unappealing to me but after one game of seeing a Minbari Federation Shriek Battle Tank in action with its hovering capability and heavy disruptors cannons I was hooked. Which brings up one of the most appealing aspects of GROPOS and that is how it so effectively gives each vehicle, unit or squad its own unique profile that makes learning how to use them effectively challenging but highly rewarding. What’s Old -- Actually there isn’t much in GROPOS that most gamers will have seen before. I know I said the same thing last issue about Vampire Wars but once again this is the type of game that challenges all the norms. There are some familiar rules mechanics but the overall presentation of the material is completely new to this genre of miniature gaming. What’s New -- What makes GROPOS work is its combat system so its worth explaining in some detail: The first event that occurs in combat is a “to hit“ roll. The to hit roll is made with a variable “targeting“ die and a variable “crew“ die meaning what type of die you roll (d6, d8, etc) depends on the targeting technology of your vehicles and the quality of your crews. Once these dice are rolled the “total“ must equal or exceed the target‘s “profile“. If a hit is scored, the result on the “crew“ die is added to the weapon‘s attack characteristic (DvD if firing at a vehicle, DvA if firing at personnel). In order to damage a target the result must equal or exceed the target‘s “damage“ rating, however if the result equals or exceeds its “destroyed“ rating then the target is destroyed outright. If the target is not destroyed outright it will either take a point of general damage until it reaches its total and is destroyed (basic rules) or under the Enhanced Damage rules it will take a point of damage to a specific component (i.e. weapons, sensors, etc.) until that component is rendered inoperable or the vehicle is destroyed. What’s Familiar -- What‘s familiar with GROPOS is another one of the things that really makes the system What’s Good -- While just about everything in the GROPOS rulebook is good, you can‘t profile this game without commenting on the superb line of miniatures produced in support of it. These miniatures include the vehicles and weapons of the four principle races of Babylon 5: the Earth Alliance, Minbari Federation, Narn Regime and Centaur Republic. Each race has its own unique fighting machines with their own unique abilities. The Earth Alliance relies primarily on the stern Thor Main Battle Tank and its formidable Bilpro cannon. Devastating up close but limited in range. The Minbari on the other hand wield probably the most advanced tank in existence in the Shriek Main Battle Tank. The Shriek MBT is armed with heavy disruptors with the power of the Bilpro but almost one and half times the range. Making them a threat far away and up close. Add to that the fact that these tanks hover over any terrain and when they take to the battlefield they are the hunter and everything else is the prey. Though not as versatile as the Shriek, the Centauri Hexus MBT has the second most powerful cannon in the game in the 68mm Gauss coil gun combined with the same range found in the Minbari heavy disruptor. Finally, come the Narn who do not have any tracked vehicles such as tanks per se but deliver the same capability in wheeled fighting vehicles such as the D’VaTren Armored Vehicle equipped with the 10-R-65 Gauss Gun - the most powerful cannon in the game but also the shortest ranged cannon in the game. What’s Bad -- The worst thing about GROPOS is that the game is no longer in production and even when it was, it was not widely distributed. While I’m sure you can find the rulebook finding the miniatures is an entirely different matter. In addition, even if you find some of the miniatures, like I did at one of my local hobby shops, the miniatures are quite expensive. Blisters which typically include three vehicles range from $12 to $20, while you can buy whole “companies” in boxed sets that sold for Shriek MBT $60 to $70. What I’m Going to Do with These Rules -- I actually bought into GROPOS late and it was the first nonmedieval game system I have purchased in some years. However, whether or not I keep it or auction it off on ebay, will largely depend on how many of the other races miniatures I can find and how much I will have to pay for them. Thor MBT Sliepner Recon

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