PC Control / Profi Control 645-12M Instruction Manual pdf - Kuhnke

PC Control / Profi Control 645-12M Instruction Manual pdf - Kuhnke PC Control / Profi Control 645-12M Instruction Manual pdf - Kuhnke


Purpose of PC Control 645-12M 1.1. Transition from individual controllers to network systems Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and PCs play an important role in industrial automation. There are three main reasons for this: -- they are universally applicable, -- programming is easy and comprehendible, -- there is a large variety of tools for testing and startup. As problem-orientated micro-computers, PLCs have taken over more and more elements of process computing systems in accordance with their permanently growing capacities. They have become universal instruments of automation which have found acceptance in a wide range of action. A strong tendency towards hierarchical process control systems has since become apparent. In these, tasks are separated. Each part-system executes tasks according to its optimal aptitude. Generally speaking, PLCs perform at the process interfacing level whereas PCs are used for processing and managing large amounts of data at the control level. Task separation leads to decentralisation Integrating further components such as sensors and actuators produces network systems at the field level. High-performance interfaces and transmission lines are of vital importance because they are the hardware for communication between PLCs and further PLCs, other devices and PCs. 1 - 2

Introduction Advantages of decentralisation -- reduction of multicore cables, • material (cables, connectors..) • space (conduits, terminal blocks, switching cabinet) • installation (time, possible errors) -- increased efficiency -- the program structure is similar th the object structure, this leading to more transparency -- reaction to problems (if one part of the systems fails other parts can continue to work) -- reduced setup times -- pre-testing of individual stations -- devices of different manufacturers can be combined These advantages can only be fully effective if a standardised solution for all part-systems is available. This must offer an acceptable compromise for a vast majority of tasks. Speed and reliability of data transfer and the design as an open system are of decisive importance here. The system to provide this compromise is PROFIBUS. 1 - 3

Introduction<br />

Advantages of decentralisation<br />

-- reduction of multicore cables,<br />

• material (cables, connectors..)<br />

• space (conduits, terminal blocks, switching cabinet)<br />

• installation (time, possible errors)<br />

-- increased efficiency<br />

-- the program structure is similar th the object structure, this<br />

leading to more transparency<br />

-- reaction to problems (if one part of the systems fails other<br />

parts can continue to work)<br />

-- reduced setup times<br />

-- pre-testing of individual stations<br />

-- devices of different manufacturers can be combined<br />

These advantages can only be fully effective if a standardised<br />

solution for all part-systems is available. This must offer<br />

an acceptable compromise for a vast majority of tasks.<br />

Speed and reliability of data transfer and the design as an<br />

open system are of decisive importance here. The system to<br />

provide this compromise is PROFIBUS.<br />

1 - 3

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