Human Rights Monitoring Report - Kubatana

Human Rights Monitoring Report - Kubatana

Human Rights Monitoring Report - Kubatana


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community members were denied access<br />

to maize by MM a Kraal head and Zanu<br />

PF member for allegedly belonging to<br />

neither Zanu PF nor MDC.<br />

Lupane<br />

3 June 2007<br />

34 year old TG a Zanu PF supporter of<br />

Lupane allegedly annoyed NN of MDC<br />

at a funeral when he said “The Ndebele<br />

people are stupid just like the deceased,<br />

no wonder they were killed in the<br />

Gukurahundi era and this year many of<br />

them will die”. This led to the assault of<br />

NN with clenched fists and pressing him<br />

down onto the fire burning one side of<br />

his face.<br />

9 June 2007<br />

CN, and JM of MDC of Lupanda,<br />

Somgolo Primary School, Lupane, were<br />

allegedly assaulted by PL, MM, MS and<br />

MM, of Zanu PF. It is said that the<br />

victims were on their way home from<br />

their party meeting. The perpetrators<br />

demanded all the meeting materials that<br />

were distributed at the meeting and this<br />

triggered a fist fight and JM was injured.<br />

13 June 2007<br />

FN, of Zanu PF from Shabula Village in<br />

Lupane, was reportedly assaulted by<br />

BN, of MDC and was accused of being<br />

problematic because he is a trained<br />

youth militia who was allegedly<br />

implicated in a number of human rights<br />

violations during the 2005 election. He<br />

was beaten with a club on the back. The<br />

incident took place at Matshabala beer<br />

hall in Matshiya ward.<br />

15 June 2007<br />

MN, of Zanu PF who resides at Nyathi<br />

homestead in Lilangeni village, was<br />

accused of belonging to an unruly party<br />

that discriminate along party lines when<br />

distributing food by MM, QD, and HS<br />

of MDC. A heated argument is said to<br />

have ensued, and he was assaulted<br />

during the conflict and got injured. The<br />

three were later arrested by the police.<br />

HZ, of MDC, from Mhlahlandlela<br />

village in Matshiya ward was reportedly<br />

denied access to maize grain by GMB<br />

official JN, allegedly accusing him of<br />

being an MDC activist and was advised<br />

to see Mr. M the MDC Member of<br />

Parliament for maize.<br />

17 June 2007<br />

© ZPP Programmes Dept. June 2007<br />

MMT, of MDC from Mafa Primary School<br />

in Lupane and SS, also of MDC from<br />

Siziphe Primary school in Lupane,<br />

allegedly got into a heated argument when<br />

SS accused MMT of decampaigning the<br />

incumbent senator and accused him being<br />

a sell-out and threatened him with<br />

unspecified action.<br />

Nkayi<br />

8 June 2007<br />

LM, and MS of Gobhi village were<br />

reportedly harassed, threatened and barred<br />

from attending an MDC rally that was held<br />

at the Business Centre. The perpetrator<br />

FS, of Zanu PF is said to have been telling<br />

people from Gobhi village not to attend the<br />

MDC rally.<br />

10 June 2007<br />

ZP the MDC Councilor and other party<br />

members from Sibangilizwe village were<br />

allegedly harassed and threatened with a<br />

second “Gukurahundi” if they continued<br />

voting for MDC.<br />

13 June 2007<br />

NN, of Zanu PF from Gwamayaya village<br />

was allegedly harassed by Councillor JD,<br />

of MDC and gave preference to his MDC<br />

party members to board the bus to<br />

Dakamela at the expense of other members<br />

of the public and NN of Zanu PF in<br />

particular was denied to board the bus.<br />

15 June 2007<br />

SN the Minister of Small and Medium<br />

Scale businesses addressed a meeting at<br />

Simon business centre in Nkayi where she<br />

allegedly threatened MM, TM and NM, of<br />

MDC with suspension of the monthly<br />

allowances since they were kraal heads and<br />

accused of being loyal to the MDC.<br />

15 June 2007<br />

EM of MDC from Sibangilizwe village in<br />

Ngomambi was reportedly threatened with<br />

loss of his post of kraalhead by SM of<br />

Zanu PF also from Sibangilizwe for<br />

allegedly attending a ZESN democracy<br />

workshop that was held at Mtshabi<br />

Primary School. He was told that as a<br />

kraal head he was supposed to be loyal to<br />

Zanu PF.<br />

16 June 2007<br />

PN, and ZM of Puma village and<br />

supporters of Zanu PF were purportedly<br />

threatened with expulsion from the party<br />

by JD and FS a war veteran also of Zanu<br />

PF, for allegedly attending the MDC rally.<br />

21 June 2007<br />

MM, LD and RK from Sibangilizwe<br />

village were elected by the community to<br />

go and attend a course sponsored by the<br />

Minister of Small & Medium Scale<br />

Business, and upon arrival were asked to<br />

produce Zanu PF party cards which they<br />

did not have and were allegedly denied bus<br />

fare reimbursement by CC, and MS of<br />

Zanu PF.<br />

Bubi-Umguza<br />

4 June 2007<br />

SN and LD both MDC supporters from<br />

Mbembeswana ward in Matateni village<br />

were allegedly accused of stealing maize<br />

from the Bulilima Member of Parliament.<br />

This incident made the two to be displaced<br />

from ward 2 by TN and N also of MDC.<br />

14 June 2007<br />

ZM of MDC from Mbembeswana 1, ward<br />

3, village 2, was supposedly accused of<br />

stealing beers at Makoni bottle store and<br />

the police beat him up to the point of<br />

injuring him and told him that if he was a<br />

Zanu PF member, they were going to<br />

behave differently. This was said by MN<br />

and FN of Zanu PF.<br />

20 June 2007<br />

MS of MDC from Mbembeswana ward 3,<br />

village 3 was reportedly assaulted by DN,<br />

and ST, of Zanu PF at a kraalhead’s<br />

meeting accusing him of saying nonsense<br />

and belonging to MDC. The kraalhead<br />

reported the matter to police.<br />

20 June 2007<br />

SN, and SH, of Zanu PF of Majiji village<br />

allegedly accused ID, of organizing a<br />

youth meeting which was to be held at<br />

their homestead. The perpetrators<br />

allegedly approached her, saying, if she<br />

ever addresses the meeting, she was not<br />

going to make MDC members hold<br />

positions in their village as only Zanu PF<br />

members were allowed.<br />

20 June 2007<br />

It is alleged that at Balanda beer garden,<br />


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