Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH

Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH

Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH


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<strong>KTH</strong> Studiehandbok Studiehandbok 20<strong>06</strong>-20<strong>07</strong><br />

2G1505 Automatteori<br />

Poäng/<strong>KTH</strong> Credits 4<br />

ECTS-poäng/ECTS Credits 6<br />

Kursnivå/Level<br />

D<br />

Betygsskala/Grading, <strong>KTH</strong><br />

ECTS-betygsskala/Grading, ECTS<br />

Språk/Language<br />

Kurssida/Course Page<br />

Kursen har ersatts av 2D1371 Automatteori.<br />

This course has been replaced by 2D1371 Automata Theory.<br />

Mål<br />

The course is aimed at giving the students comprehensive knowledge and<br />

understanding of the design and implementation of uni-processor operating<br />

systems. After the course, the students should have good knowledge of how to<br />

write applications based on system calls and good understanding for how the<br />

design of the underlying operating system affects the performance of<br />

application programs. Moreover, the students should have good understanding<br />

of the particular problems encountered in distributed operating systems.<br />

Theory of Automata<br />

Kursansvarig/Coordinator<br />

Kursuppläggning/Time Period<br />

Aim<br />

The course is aimed at giving the<br />

students comprehensive knowledge and<br />

understanding of the design and<br />

implementation of uni-processor<br />

operating systems. After the course, the<br />

students should have good knowledge of<br />

how to write applications based on<br />

system calls and good understanding for<br />

how the design of the underlying<br />

operating system affects the<br />

performance of application programs.<br />

Moreover, the students should have<br />

good understanding of the particular<br />

problems encountered in distributed<br />

operating systems.<br />

ICT Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik 689

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