Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH

Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH

Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH


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<strong>KTH</strong> Studiehandbok Studiehandbok 20<strong>06</strong>-20<strong>07</strong><br />

2B1813 Fiberoptisk kommunikation<br />

Poäng/<strong>KTH</strong> Credits 5<br />

ECTS-poäng/ECTS Credits 7.5<br />

Kursnivå/Level<br />

D<br />

Betygsskala/Grading, <strong>KTH</strong> 3, 4, 5<br />

ECTS-betygsskala/Grading, ECTS<br />

A-F<br />

Obligatorisk för/Compulsory for<br />

TFOTM1<br />

Språk/Language<br />

Engelska/English<br />

Kurssida/Course Page<br />

http://www.it.kth.se/courses/2B1813<br />

Fiber-optical Communication<br />

Kursansvarig/Coordinator<br />

Eilert Berglind, eilert@imit.kth.se<br />

Tel. 08 790 40 53<br />

Kursuppläggning/Time Period 3<br />

Föreläsningar 28 h<br />

Övningar 14 h<br />

Lab 8 h<br />

Kortbeskrivning<br />

The course content is knowledge of fibre-optical components, links, and<br />

systems.<br />

Mål<br />

The course content is knowledge of fibre-optical components, links, and<br />

systems. The systems relevant parameters of devices are derived from a<br />

physical description, and this forms the basis for designing fibre-optic links.<br />

After a completed course the participants should be able to:<br />

- Understand, describe, analyse, and compare the most important devices:<br />

light sources, fibres and detectors.<br />

- Design of digital fibre-optic links.<br />

Kursinnehåll<br />

Dielectric wave guides: Attenuation, wavelength dispersion. Light sources:<br />

Semiconductor laser, light-emitting diode, rate equations, output power,<br />

modulation, noise, laser amplifiers, chirp. Detectors: PIN diode, avalanche<br />

diode, responsitivity, bandwidth, noise Systems: Direct detection systems,<br />

heterodyne systems, attenuation limitations, dispersion limitations, signal<br />

dependent noise, additive noise, bit error rate, optical networks, solitones.<br />

Förkunskaper<br />

It is assumed that the participants are familiar with:<br />

- Wave guides, i.e. wave equation and modes, which is given in 2A1820,<br />

2A1840 or 2A1850 or in the wave guide chapter in Microwave Engineering<br />

2B1310;<br />

- Circuit theory, i.e. impulse response, convolutions, and transfer function for<br />

time continuous signals, which is taught in Signals and Systems 2E1313 or<br />

5B1215;<br />

- Pn-junction, which is taught in Solid state components 2B1252;<br />

- Noise, i.e. the concepts of auto correlation for analogue signals, spectral<br />

density and filtering, which is taught in Signal theory 2E1423;<br />

Kursfordringar<br />

One written examination (TEN1; 4 credits) and laboratory course (LAB1; 1<br />

credit)<br />

Kurslitteratur<br />

Agrawal: ”Fiber-Optic Communication Systems”, third edition, Wiley 2002<br />

Abstract<br />

The course content is knowledge of<br />

fibre-optical components, links, and<br />

systems.<br />

Aim<br />

The course content is knowledge of<br />

fibre-optical components, links, and<br />

systems. The systems relevant<br />

parameters of devices are derived from a<br />

physical description, and this forms the<br />

basis for designing fibre-optic links.<br />

After a completed course the<br />

participants should be able to:<br />

- Understand, describe, analyse, and<br />

compare the most important devices:<br />

light sources, fibres and detectors.<br />

- Design of digital fibre-optic links.<br />

Syllabus<br />

Dielectric wave guides: Attenuation,<br />

wavelength dispersion. Light sources:<br />

Semiconductor laser, light-emitting<br />

diode, rate equations, output power,<br />

modulation, noise, laser amplifiers,<br />

chirp. Detectors: PIN diode, avalanche<br />

diode, responsitivity, bandwidth, noise<br />

Systems: Direct detection systems,<br />

heterodyne systems, attenuation<br />

limitations, dispersion limitations, signal<br />

dependent noise, additive noise, bit error<br />

rate, optical networks, solitones.<br />

Prerequisites<br />

It is assumed that the participants are<br />

familiar with:<br />

- Wave guides, i.e. wave equation and<br />

modes, which is given in 2A1820,<br />

2A1840 or 2A1850 or in the wave guide<br />

chapter in Microwave Engineering<br />

2B1310;<br />

- Circuit theory, i.e. impulse response,<br />

convolutions, and transfer function for<br />

time continuous signals, which is taught<br />

in Signals and Systems 2E1313 or<br />

5B1215;<br />

- Pn-junction, which is taught in Solid<br />

state components 2B1252;<br />

- Noise, i.e. the concepts of auto<br />

correlation for analogue signals, spectral<br />

density and filtering, which is taught in<br />

Signal theory 2E1423;<br />

Requirements<br />

One written examination (TEN1; 4<br />

credits) and laboratory course (LAB1; 1<br />

credit)<br />

Required Reading<br />

Agrawal: ”Fiber-Optic Communication<br />

Systems”, third edition, Wiley 2002<br />

660<br />

ICT Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik

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