Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH

Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH

Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH


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<strong>KTH</strong> Studiehandbok 20<strong>06</strong>-20<strong>07</strong><br />

• Flow-teorin<br />

• Aktivitetsbalans<br />

• Arbetsförmåga och arbetsplatsanalys<br />

• Fysisk arbetsmiljö och ergonomisk<br />

Förkunskaper<br />

Allmän högskolebehörighet.<br />

Kursfordringar<br />

För att erhålla Godkänd på kursen skall studenten ha:<br />

genomfört och aktivt <strong>del</strong>tagit i kursens obligatoriska seminarier (SEM1; 1p),<br />

u/g<br />

bedömts som godkänd vid skriftlig examination med tillhörande seminarium<br />

(SPM1; 3p) u/g.<br />

Kurslitteratur<br />

Antonovsky, A. (1991). Hälsans mysterium. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.<br />

Asplund, J. (1987). Om hälsningsceremonier, mikromakt och asocial<br />

pratsamhet. Göteborg: Daidalos.<br />

Brülde, B., & Tengland, P-A. (2003). Hälsa och sjukdom – en begreppslig<br />

utredning. Lund: Studentlitteratur.<br />

Cassidy, T. (2003). Stress, kognition och hälsa. Lund: Studentlitteratur.<br />

Clark, F., Stanley, P. Azen, S.P., Carlson, M., Man<strong>del</strong>, D., LaBree, L., Hay, J.,<br />

Zemke, R., Jackson,J., & Lipson, L. (2001). Embedding health-promoting<br />

changes into the daily lives of<br />

independent-living older adults. Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences,<br />

56, 60-63.<br />

Erlandsson, L-K. (2003). 101 Women’s patterns of daily occupations.<br />

Characteristics and relationships to health and well-being. Lund: Lund<br />

University. Occupational Therapy Dissertation.<br />

Frankl, V.E. (1992). Livet måste ha mening. Stockholm : Norstedts.<br />

Glass, T. A., de Leon, C. M., Maratolli, R. A., & Berkman, L. F. (1999).<br />

Population based study of social and productive activities as predictors of<br />

survival among elderly Americans. British MedicalJournal, 319, 478-483.<br />

Haworth, J. T, & Hill, S. (1992). Work, leisure, and psychological well-being<br />

in a sample of young adults. Journal of Community and Applied Social<br />

Psychology, 2, 147-160.<br />

Hicks, N. (1997). The proper relationship of public health and occupational<br />

health. Journal of Occupational Science, 4(3), pp 1<strong>06</strong>-111.<br />

Kallenberg, K., & Larsson, G. (2000). Människans hälsa – livsåskådning och<br />

personlighet. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.<br />

Man<strong>del</strong>, D., Jac Pentland W, Harvey A, & Walker J. (1998). The relationship<br />

between time use and health and well being in men with spinal cord injury.<br />

Journal of Occupational Science: Australia, 5(1), 14-25.<br />

Medin, J.,& Alexandersson, K. (2000), Begreppen Hälsa och hälsofrämjande -<br />

en litteraturstudie. Lund: Studentlitteratur.<br />

Nelson, L., & Clark, F. (1997) Lifestyle Redesign: Implementing the Well<br />

Elderly Study. AOTA<br />

Nordenfelt, L. (1991). Hälsa och värde. Studier i hälso- och sjukvårdens teori<br />

och etik. Stockholm: Thales.<br />

Nordenfelt, L. (1996). ”Samtal om hälsan”. En dialog om hälsans natur.<br />

Stockholm: Almqvist och Wiksell, Medicin/Liber.<br />

Rydenstam, K. (1992). I tid och otid. En undersökning om kvinnors och mäns<br />

tidsanvändning. 1990/1991. Stockholm: Statistiska Centralbyrån.<br />

kson, J., Zemke, R., Snyder, C., Clark, F., Masunaka-Noreiga, M., & Young,<br />

B. (1998). Los Angeles street kids: New occupations for life program. Journal<br />

of Occupational Science, 5, 133-139.<br />

Sachs, L.(2002). Från magi till bioteknik, medicinsk antropologi i<br />

molekylärbiologins tidevarv. Studentlitteratur.<br />

SOU 2000:91, (2000). Hälsa på lika villkor - nationella mål för folkhälsan,<br />

Stockholm: Fritzes, offentliga publikationer<br />

• Acquired basic knowledge as<br />

well as an awareness of diverse<br />

meanings of balance, experiences,<br />

values, and rhythm in relation to<br />

occupation in order to develop an<br />

understanding of what contributes to<br />

health/ill health.<br />

• The ability to identify<br />

different risk factors and determinants<br />

for health/ill health in diverse<br />

populations as well as age groups in the<br />

society<br />

• Acquired basic knowledge of<br />

ergonomics, environment, and<br />

occupational performance in relation to<br />

work/employment and be able to<br />

identify physical, psychosocial, and<br />

organizational aspects of work and<br />

occupation.<br />

Syllabus<br />

• Life-paradigm<br />

• History and different<br />

perspectives on occupation, health, and<br />

participation<br />

• International Classification<br />

of Functioning, Disability and Health<br />

(ICF)<br />

• A Mo<strong>del</strong> of Human<br />

Occupation<br />

• Flow theory<br />

• Occupational balance<br />

• Capacity for work and<br />

workplace analysis<br />

• Physical work environment<br />

and ergonomics<br />

Prerequisites<br />

Basic requirements for higher education.<br />

Requirements<br />

To pass the course the student should<br />

have:<br />

attended and actively participated in the<br />

compulsory seminars in the course<br />

(SEM1; 1 cr.) Fail (U)/Pass (G)<br />

passed the written examination task and<br />

the examination seminar (SPM1; 3 cr.)<br />

Fail (U)/Pass (G).<br />

Required Reading<br />

Contact the department for further<br />

information.<br />

Registration<br />

Course: Contact the department for<br />

further information.<br />

Exam: Contact the department for<br />

further information.<br />

Other<br />

The course is based on a problem<br />

oriented pedagogic. Different methods<br />

will be applied such as lectures, group<br />

discussions, and seminars.<br />

6S <strong>KTH</strong> Syd 517

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