Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH

Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH

Studiehandboken 06/07 del 4 - KTH


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<strong>KTH</strong> Studiehandbok 20<strong>06</strong>-20<strong>07</strong><br />

Stokastiska kassaflöden: Effektiva portföljer, Markovitz-mo<strong>del</strong>len, En- och<br />

två-fondssatserna, CAPM, Faktor-mo<strong>del</strong>ler, APT, Nyttoteori, Linjär<br />

prissättning.<br />

Översikt om finansiella derivat, såsom ``futures'', ``swaps'' och optioner.<br />

Generella kassaflöden: Optimal tillväxt.<br />

Riskvärdering: Portföljsimulering, Koherenta riskmått, Value at Risk.<br />

Förkunskaper<br />

Kunskaper i optimeringslära motsvarande 5B1712 eller 5B1722 och<br />

kunskaper i matematisk statistik motsvarande 5B1501, 5B1504 eller 5B15<strong>06</strong>.<br />

Kursfordringar<br />

En skriftlig tentamen (TEN), 4 poäng. Frivilliga hemtal.<br />

Kurslitteratur<br />

D.G. Luenberger, Investment Science (Oxford University Press), samt<br />

kompletterande material från institutionen.<br />

- calculate a minimum variace hedge by<br />

means of a future,<br />

- know the concepts of optimal growth<br />

and log-optimal pricing,<br />

- know how to perform a computer<br />

simulation of the development of a<br />

portfolio of assets,<br />

- account for the need of and the<br />

principles of coherent risk measures,<br />

- account for the concept Value-at-Risk<br />

and its weaknesses.<br />

Syllabus<br />

Deterministic cash flows: Basic theory<br />

of interest, bonds, interests' term<br />

structure<br />

Random cash flows: Mean-variance<br />

portfolio theory, the Markovitz mo<strong>del</strong>,<br />

One- and Two-fund theorems, CAPM,<br />

factor-mo<strong>del</strong>s, APT, utility theory,<br />

linear pricing.<br />

Overview of financial derivaties, such as<br />

futures, swaps and options.<br />

Generel cash flows: Optimal growth.<br />

Risk evaluation: Simulation of<br />

portfolios, Coherent risk<br />

measures,Value at Risk.<br />

Prerequisites<br />

Optimization corresponding to 5B1712<br />

or 5B1722 and Mathematical statistics<br />

corresponding to 5B1501, 5B1504 or<br />

5B15<strong>06</strong>.<br />

Requirements<br />

One written exam (TEN), 4credits.<br />

Voluntary homework sets.<br />

Required Reading<br />

Literature D.G. Luenberger, Investment<br />

Science (Oxford University<br />

Press), and complementary material<br />

from the department.<br />

244<br />

5B Matematik

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