2010 Report to the Community - Allina Health

2010 Report to the Community - Allina Health

2010 Report to the Community - Allina Health


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The new Peter J. King<br />

Emergency Care Center<br />

Linda and John<br />

Schroepfer<br />

Telling our S<strong>to</strong>ry at<br />

United Hospital<br />


letter <strong>to</strong> our donors<br />

peter J. King emergency<br />

Care Center Grand<br />

opening<br />

Bentson foundation Gift<br />

announcing <strong>the</strong> 2011<br />

service <strong>to</strong> humanity<br />

award Recipients<br />

<strong>2010</strong> financials<br />

u n i t e d h o s p i t a l f o u n d a t i o n<br />

<strong>2010</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Community</strong><br />

M i n n e s o ta’ s l e a d e r i n Pat i e n t c a r e , s e r v i c e & t e c h n o l o g y<br />

We dedicate this community report <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

memory of our friend and benefac<strong>to</strong>r, Peter J. King<br />





2<br />

Tomi ryba, president,<br />

United Hospital<br />

Duke adamski, president,<br />

United Hospital foundation<br />

Jack ritt, chair, United<br />

Hospital foundation<br />

board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

Welcome Letter from Tomi Ryba,<br />

Duke Adamski and Jack Ritt<br />

as we celebrate opening <strong>the</strong> new peter J. King emergency Care Center at united<br />

hospital, it is with mixed emotions. While it is an exciting time, it is also one<br />

marked with <strong>the</strong> great loss of a long-time friend and united hospital benefac<strong>to</strong>r<br />

peter J. King. it is undeniable how truly committed peter has been both <strong>to</strong> united<br />

hospital and <strong>the</strong> st. paul community, and we are extremely honored <strong>to</strong> have his<br />

legacy living on through united and <strong>the</strong> care we provide.<br />

DESignED for yoU, maDE PoSSibLE bECaUSE of yoU<br />

after more than three years of planning and construction, we are extremely proud<br />

<strong>to</strong> now care for and serve our community in what is <strong>the</strong> finest state-of-<strong>the</strong>-art<br />

emergency care facility in <strong>the</strong> twin Cities metro area.<br />

<strong>the</strong> emergency department has truly become our community’s front door <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> health care united provides with approximately 40 percent of emergency<br />

department patients being admitted <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> hospital. and as we all know, a trip<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> hospital, especially through <strong>the</strong> emergency department, can be a scary<br />

and anxious time for patients and <strong>the</strong>ir families. <strong>the</strong> peter J. King emergency<br />

Care Center was designed not only <strong>to</strong> technologically support a patient’s medical<br />

needs but also <strong>to</strong> treat patients in an efficient manner, reduce anxiety and foster<br />

patient and family healing. <strong>the</strong> model of patient-centered care, which includes<br />

technological advancements, enhanced efficiencies and emergency preparedness<br />

capabilities, has been <strong>the</strong> focus throughout <strong>the</strong> facility’s development.<br />

as we open our doors <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> community, we have many people <strong>to</strong> sincerely<br />

recognize and thank for making <strong>the</strong> peter J. King emergency Care Center a<br />

reality. first, we would like <strong>to</strong> recognize peter J. King for his generosity, as well<br />

as numerous o<strong>the</strong>r donors for <strong>the</strong>ir philanthropic support. also, thank you <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

emergency department <strong>Community</strong> Campaign led by co-chairs Jack Ritt and Joan<br />

thompson. and finally, we would like <strong>to</strong> recognize our emergency department<br />

physicians and nurses, emergency Medical services partners, construction and<br />

development partners and united hospital staff members who all played a critical<br />

role in <strong>the</strong> development of this new facility and <strong>the</strong> care that’s provided within it.<br />

it’s impressive and inspiring what can be achieved when a community comes<br />

<strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r. and it is community that best represents what <strong>the</strong> new peter J. King<br />

emergency Care Center at united hospital is all about.<br />

<strong>to</strong>mi Ryba<br />

president, united hospital &<br />

executive Vice president of<br />

allina hospitals & Clinics<br />

duke adamski<br />

president, united hospital<br />

foundation<br />

Jack Ritt<br />

Chair, united hospital<br />

foundation Board of<br />


Peter J. King Emergency Care Center at<br />

United Hospital now Serving <strong>the</strong> <strong>Community</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> new peter J. King emergency Care Center at<br />

united hospital opened its doors for business in april.<br />

<strong>to</strong> celebrate this monumental event, united hospital<br />

invited staff, patients, friends and <strong>the</strong> east metro<br />

community <strong>to</strong> an open house on april 15.<br />

open house festivities included <strong>to</strong>urs of <strong>the</strong> facility,<br />

presentations by united hospital leadership, a parade<br />

by our emergency medical services partners, food and<br />

activities for children.<br />

“three years ago, we began working <strong>to</strong>ward creating<br />

a state-of-<strong>the</strong>-art emergency medicine facility that<br />

<strong>the</strong> community deserves,” said dan foley, Md, chief<br />

medical officer at united hospital. “<strong>the</strong> open house<br />

was <strong>the</strong> perfect way <strong>to</strong> invite <strong>the</strong> community <strong>to</strong> see<br />

this new care center, which was designed <strong>to</strong> increase<br />

efficiency and access <strong>to</strong> timely care, allow for disaster,<br />

trauma and bioterrorism response and meet <strong>the</strong> needs<br />

of our growing population.”<br />

<strong>the</strong> new facility features:<br />

• 27 examination rooms<br />

• six psychiatric rooms <strong>to</strong> provide a safe and secure<br />

treatment area<br />

• 12 observation rooms<br />

• a larger bay that can hold a minimum of six<br />

ambulances<br />

• a decontamination area<br />

• an in-department computed <strong>to</strong>mography (Ct)<br />

device<br />

• patient care and family areas designed for greater<br />

privacy<br />

thanK you <strong>to</strong> all Who helPed MaKe<br />

<strong>the</strong> Peter J. King eMergency care<br />

center a reality. your generosity<br />

has created a Much-needed resource<br />

that Will serve our coMMunity noW<br />

and for <strong>the</strong> future.<br />

King family<br />

Jack ritt, United Hospital foundation board Chair<br />

merry and michael T. DeCourcy<br />

3<br />


World <strong>Health</strong><br />

organization (WHo)<br />

facts about rabies<br />

• Worldwide, more than<br />

55,000 people die of rabies<br />

every year.<br />

• 40% of people bitten<br />

by suspect rabid animals<br />

are children under 15.<br />

• 95% of all human rabies<br />

deaths occur in asia and<br />

africa.<br />

• Dogs are <strong>the</strong> source of 99%<br />

of human rabies deaths.<br />

• Every year, more than<br />

15 million people<br />

worldwide receive<br />

postexposure preventive<br />

rabies treatment – this<br />

is estimated <strong>to</strong> prevent<br />

327,000 rabies deaths<br />

annually.<br />

Source: www.who.int/<br />

mediacentre/factsheets/<br />

fs099/en/<br />

4<br />

What started out as an anniversary<br />

celebration became a nightmare for<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Carey, a st. paul resident,<br />

when she was bitten by a bat and had <strong>to</strong><br />

undergo treatment for rabies.<br />

each autumn, Carey and her husband,<br />

Brendan, borrow a friend’s cabin in<br />

nor<strong>the</strong>rn Minnesota <strong>to</strong> celebrate <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

wedding anniversary. this past year was<br />

no exception, and <strong>the</strong> two headed north<br />

in september. shortly after arriving, a bat<br />

flew through <strong>the</strong> cabin’s open door. <strong>the</strong><br />

Careys left <strong>the</strong> door open in hopes that<br />

<strong>the</strong> bat would escape. nei<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong>m<br />

saw <strong>the</strong> bat a few hours later when getting<br />

ready for bed, so <strong>the</strong>y assumed it had left.<br />

Carey was almost asleep with her arms<br />

wrapped around her pillow when<br />

something hit her wrist. she said it felt<br />

like “a warm, squishy hamster had been<br />

thrown at my wrist.”<br />

she turned on <strong>the</strong> light and saw <strong>the</strong> bat<br />

on <strong>the</strong> curtains. <strong>the</strong>y were able <strong>to</strong> finally<br />

shoo <strong>the</strong> bat outside through <strong>the</strong> balcony<br />

doors. Carey examined her wrist, but<br />

didn’t see anything amiss.<br />

<strong>the</strong> next day, Carey noticed a bump<br />

on her wrist and what looked like two<br />

tiny puncture marks. once home she<br />

contacted <strong>the</strong> Minnesota department<br />

of health (Mdh), and <strong>the</strong> infectious<br />

disease epidemiologist suggested Carey<br />

immediately seek treatment in <strong>the</strong><br />

nearest emergency department. <strong>the</strong><br />

epidemiologist said that bats rarely fly<br />

in<strong>to</strong> people unless <strong>the</strong>y are ill and that<br />

she needed prophylactic rabies treatment.<br />

Patient S<strong>to</strong>ry:<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Carey’s<br />

Close Encounter<br />

Rabies is a viral disease that is spread<br />

through <strong>the</strong> saliva of rabid (infected)<br />

animals. <strong>the</strong> virus attacks <strong>the</strong> brain,<br />

causing fevers, muscle aches, confusion,<br />

agitation, seizures, coma and death. <strong>the</strong><br />

only treatment is prophylactic; a person<br />

must be treated as soon after exposure<br />

<strong>to</strong> an infected animal as possible, before<br />

symp<strong>to</strong>ms appear. <strong>the</strong> Centers for disease<br />

Control and prevention (CdC) report<br />

that <strong>the</strong> incubation period for rabies,<br />

<strong>the</strong> time from exposure until symp<strong>to</strong>ms<br />

appear, can be anywhere from a week <strong>to</strong><br />

a year in length. however, <strong>the</strong> sooner<br />

preventive treatment is begun <strong>the</strong> better<br />

because once symp<strong>to</strong>ms start <strong>the</strong> disease is<br />

usually fatal.<br />

according <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> World health<br />

organization (Who), about 55,000<br />

people die from rabies each year. in <strong>the</strong><br />

united states, thanks <strong>to</strong> widespread<br />

vaccination of domestic animals, only<br />

two <strong>to</strong> three cases of human rabies occur<br />

each year. <strong>the</strong>se are usually caused by<br />

exposure <strong>to</strong> nonvaccinated domestic<br />

animals or <strong>to</strong> wild animals, such as bats,<br />

raccoons, skunks and foxes, in which <strong>the</strong><br />

patient does not seek timely treatment.<br />

Bat bites are particularly problematic as<br />

a bat’s teeth are so fine that many do not<br />

realize <strong>the</strong>y’ve been bitten. <strong>the</strong> CdC<br />

recommends that any bat-human contact<br />

be followed by rabies treatment. <strong>the</strong> last<br />

case of rabies in Minnesota was in 2007 in<br />

a 46-year-old man who did not realize he<br />

had been bitten by a bat.<br />

Rabies treatment involves two<br />

medications. <strong>the</strong> first is rabies immune

globulin given in or near <strong>the</strong> site of <strong>the</strong><br />

bite. this is followed by a series of five<br />

rabies vaccine injections across 28 days<br />

(since Carey’s treatment, <strong>the</strong> advisory<br />

Committee on immunization practices<br />

has changed <strong>the</strong> pro<strong>to</strong>col <strong>to</strong> four rabies<br />

vaccine injections across 14 days).<br />

according <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> CdC “approximately<br />

16,000 <strong>to</strong> 39,000 persons come in contact<br />

with potentially rabid animals and receive<br />

rabies postexposure prophylaxis each<br />

year” in <strong>the</strong> united states.<br />

United Hospital and Rabies<br />

<strong>the</strong> Mdh does not keep statistics<br />

on <strong>the</strong> number of people who receive<br />

postexposure prophylaxis treatment.<br />

<strong>the</strong>y do keep statistics on <strong>the</strong> number of<br />

animals that test positive for rabies in <strong>the</strong><br />

state. in <strong>2010</strong>, 59 animals (skunks, bats,<br />

cows, cats and dogs) in Minnesota tested<br />

positive for rabies (for more information<br />

about rabies in Minnesota, visit www.<br />

health.state.mn.us/divs/idepc/diseases/<br />

rabies). united hospital’s records show<br />

that about 20 people were treated for<br />

rabies prevention at <strong>the</strong> hospital in <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

“<strong>the</strong> amount of immune globulin needed<br />

is based on <strong>the</strong> patient’s weight,” said<br />

deb Raptis, direc<strong>to</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> united<br />

hospital emergency department.<br />

“and <strong>the</strong> immune globulin needs <strong>to</strong> be<br />

administered as close <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> site of <strong>the</strong><br />

animal bite as possible.”<br />

Because Carey was bitten on <strong>the</strong> wrist,<br />

which is a narrow, bony area, she could<br />

not receive all <strong>the</strong> immune globulin at<br />

once. <strong>the</strong> nurse had <strong>to</strong> break it down<br />

in<strong>to</strong> a series of 24 shots, spread out over<br />

several hours.<br />

“<strong>the</strong> wrist shots were extremely painful,”<br />

said Carey. “immune globulin is thick and<br />

burns. But i’m so thankful for <strong>the</strong> nurse.<br />

she was so compassionate and kind.”<br />

following this treatment,<br />

Carey received her first<br />

injection of rabies vaccine and<br />

instructions <strong>to</strong> return in three<br />

days for her second injection.<br />

Allergic <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Treatment<br />

Carey’s problems were<br />

compounded that night when<br />

she awoke severely ill. she was<br />

having an allergic reaction <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> rabies vaccine.<br />

“i thought i was dying,” said<br />

Carey. “all my internal organs<br />

felt like <strong>the</strong>y were packed in<br />

ice. i couldn’t s<strong>to</strong>p vomiting,<br />

and i was dizzy and shaking.”<br />

paramedics were called <strong>to</strong> help<br />

her return <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> hospital,<br />

where she was immediately<br />

treated for anaphylaxis, a<br />

life-threatening allergic<br />

reaction in which a person’s<br />

breathing and circulation are<br />

compromised.<br />

Carey recovered but she had a problem.<br />

she still needed <strong>to</strong> continue <strong>the</strong> rabies<br />

regimen. for <strong>the</strong> next four weeks, she<br />

had <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> united emergency<br />

department for her rabies shots and <strong>the</strong>n<br />

<strong>to</strong> be watched and treated for anaphylaxis.<br />

through her ordeal, her symp<strong>to</strong>ms were<br />

sweating, dizziness, vomiting, nausea,<br />

rapid heart rate and, at times, dehydration<br />

and confusion, followed by a bleeding<br />

ulcer. But Carey attributes her recovery <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> staff, nurses and doc<strong>to</strong>rs at united.<br />

“i was extremely ill throughout <strong>the</strong><br />

treatment,” said Carey. “it was a horrible<br />

situation, but i’m so grateful <strong>to</strong> be alive<br />

and so grateful <strong>to</strong> live only three blocks<br />

from a great hospital like united. <strong>the</strong>y<br />

saved my life. More than once.”<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Carey, publisher of Town Life and<br />

author of “White bear: a His<strong>to</strong>ry,” was treated<br />

in September <strong>2010</strong> for rabies following a bat<br />

bite. Unfortunately, she also was allergic <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> only treatment that could prevent rabies.<br />

5<br />


Larry bentson<br />

6<br />

<strong>the</strong> united hospital foundation has<br />

been awarded $3 million by <strong>the</strong> Bentson<br />

foundation <strong>to</strong> endow <strong>the</strong> chair of <strong>the</strong><br />

nasseff neuroscience Center. in addition,<br />

<strong>the</strong> Bentson foundation pledged a<br />

future gift of $7 million <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> nasseff<br />

neuroscience Center.<br />

as part of one of <strong>the</strong> largest health care<br />

donations in Minnesota his<strong>to</strong>ry, this<br />

funding will help united hospital provide<br />

visionary leadership for <strong>the</strong> nasseff<br />

neuroscience Center and allow united <strong>to</strong><br />

continue its work in developing research<br />

and treatment capabilities for stroke care.<br />

“this generous gift will allow us <strong>to</strong> raise<br />

<strong>the</strong> bar on neuroscience leadership<br />

and program development,” said duke<br />

adamski, president, united hospital<br />

foundation. “We are grateful <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

The Bentson Foundation<br />

Donates $10 Million <strong>to</strong> Expand<br />

Neuroscience Programs<br />

RichaRd Shank, Md, RetiReS<br />

united hospital staff, nurses and<br />

physicians bid a warm farewell and<br />

sincerely thanked Richard shank, Md,<br />

for 32 plus years of service, as he retired<br />

Jan. 31, 2011.<br />

shank has served in many leadership roles<br />

at united hospital, including chair of<br />

<strong>the</strong> department of medicine, chair of <strong>the</strong><br />

pharmacy and <strong>the</strong>rapeutics Committee,<br />

secretary-treasurer of <strong>the</strong> medical staff, vice<br />

chief of staff, chief of staff and chair of <strong>the</strong><br />

Credentials Committee. since 1996 he<br />

has been <strong>the</strong> medical direc<strong>to</strong>r of Medicine<br />

services at united hospital and in 2002<br />

Bentson family for being advocates<br />

for changing <strong>the</strong> way we deliver care<br />

throughout Minnesota.”<br />

<strong>the</strong> Bentson foundation was started in<br />

1956 by larry and nancy Bentson <strong>to</strong><br />

support a variety of philanthropic causes<br />

throughout Minnesota. previous gifts <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> united hospital foundation from<br />

<strong>the</strong> Bentson foundation have funded <strong>the</strong><br />

nancy & larry Bentson Cardiovascular<br />

labora<strong>to</strong>ries in united hospital’s nasseff<br />

heart Center and neurosurgery suites in<br />

<strong>the</strong> nasseff neuroscience Center.<br />

“neurologic disorders affect millions<br />

of americans and <strong>the</strong>ir families,” said<br />

laurie Kauth, larry and nancy Bentson’s<br />

daughter. “We are pleased <strong>to</strong> support <strong>the</strong><br />

nasseff neuroscience Center as it<br />

seeks <strong>to</strong> advance <strong>the</strong> diagnostic and<br />

transitioned from his clinic practice<br />

<strong>to</strong> full-time work as a hospitalist<br />

at united hospital. as chair of <strong>the</strong><br />

diabetes Management team, he<br />

championed a team effort culminating<br />

in united becoming one of <strong>the</strong> first 10<br />

hospitals nationwide <strong>to</strong> be awarded <strong>the</strong><br />

certificate of distinction for inpatient<br />

diabetes care by <strong>the</strong> Joint Commission<br />

and <strong>the</strong> american diabetes association.<br />

dr. shank’s years of service were marked<br />

with an unwavering dedication and<br />

commitment that was well recognized<br />

by his colleagues. he received <strong>the</strong> <strong>2010</strong>

treatment options for patients with<br />

neurological diseases.<br />

“it is our sincere hope that many<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r individuals, foundations and<br />

corporations will join us in supporting<br />

this extraordinary and innovative center<br />

for research and care.”<br />

larry Bentson, who died in april 2009,<br />

had a 75-year career in broadcasting,<br />

entertainment and communications.<br />

he was instrumental in putting what is<br />

now KaRe-tV on <strong>the</strong> air in 1953 and<br />

later founded what is now Midcontinent<br />

Media, a company that provides cable<br />

television, digital phone and broadband<br />

internet service in Minnesota and north<br />

and south dakota. nancy died in 2004.<br />

she and larry were recipients of <strong>the</strong> 2003<br />

service <strong>to</strong> humanity award.<br />

service <strong>to</strong> humanity award, <strong>the</strong> 2009<br />

allina uncommon Caring award and<br />

two united hospital president’s awards<br />

in 2008.<br />

dr. shank and his wife, Barbara,<br />

have been married for 40 years and<br />

have two adult children, Kate and<br />

dan. his retirement plans include<br />

spending more time with his family,<br />

continuing volunteering with <strong>the</strong><br />

Boy scouts of america and completing<br />

many woodworking projects at his<br />

home and cabin.<br />

Operating Room<br />

Expansion Project<br />

patients at united hospital<br />

know when <strong>the</strong>y need surgery,<br />

united will provide exceptional<br />

care. But this ability is being<br />

tested. united’s operating<br />

rooms are <strong>to</strong>o small and <strong>to</strong>o<br />

antiquated for <strong>to</strong>day’s, as well<br />

as <strong>to</strong>morrow’s, state-of-<strong>the</strong>-art<br />

technology and capabilities.<br />

<strong>the</strong> fact that our physicians<br />

and staff have continued <strong>to</strong><br />

provide quality, exceptional<br />

health care in undersized and<br />

limited facilities is a testimony<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir knowledge, expertise<br />

and dedication.<br />

<strong>the</strong> majority of united<br />

hospital’s operating rooms<br />

were remodeled in <strong>the</strong> late<br />

1970s, before <strong>the</strong> advent of electronic medical records, portable<br />

ultrasound units, image-guided and robotic devices and many<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r technological advances. surgeons and staff often find<br />

<strong>the</strong>mselves crowded in small operating rooms, high-stepping<br />

cables, maneuvering between portable carts and devices and<br />

often having <strong>to</strong> manually shift equipment in<strong>to</strong> and out of <strong>the</strong><br />

room during procedures. all of which add time, thus incurring<br />

additional costs and reducing efficiencies. in an era of reduced<br />

reimbursements and increased medical costs, efficient use of <strong>the</strong><br />

surgical spaces becomes paramount.<br />

<strong>the</strong> united hospital foundation has begun fundraising <strong>to</strong> expand<br />

and improve united’s operating rooms. <strong>the</strong> new design will<br />

incorporate larger room size, enhanced lighting and technology<br />

and will improve patient flow and use of space.<br />

for More inforMation or <strong>to</strong> donate <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

oPerating rooM exPansion ProJect, Please<br />

contact <strong>the</strong> foundation at 651-241-8022 or at<br />

unitedhosPital.coM/unitedfoundation.<br />

7<br />


2011 Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity Gala<br />

Join us Sept. 24, 2011, for one of <strong>the</strong> largest, grandest events in St. Paul.<br />

<strong>the</strong> united hospital foundation service <strong>to</strong> humanity Gala brings more than 1,500 people <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r at <strong>the</strong> st. paul<br />

RiverCentre <strong>to</strong> raise funds that benefit united hospital and <strong>the</strong> st. paul community.<br />

this fabulous evening includes a signature martini reception, silent and live auctions, gourmet dinner, car<br />

raffle, awards ceremony and dancing <strong>to</strong> music by <strong>the</strong> legendary music group, <strong>the</strong> seville’s. since 2003, more than<br />

$9 million has been raised <strong>to</strong> benefit <strong>the</strong> nasseff neuroscience Center, <strong>the</strong> peter J. King family health Center and<br />

<strong>the</strong> peter J. King emergency Care Center at united hospital. this year’s proceeds will benefit <strong>the</strong> united hospital<br />

operating room expansion project. <strong>the</strong> Gala is ranked seventh out of 25 metro area fundraising events ranked by<br />

gross revenue.<br />

Here is how you can help us with <strong>the</strong> live and silent auction<br />

every year more than 600 items are donated <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> live and silent auction by individual donors, corporations and local<br />

businesses. if you are interested in donating or soliciting for <strong>the</strong> silent auction, see <strong>the</strong> categories listing examples of<br />

auction items. for delivery or drop-off please contact <strong>the</strong> foundation at 651-241-8022.<br />

• live auction (luxury cruises,<br />

cars, european trips)<br />

• art or <strong>the</strong>ater (tickets <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

ordway or Mn orchestra)<br />

• dining/Catering events or<br />

Wine/liquor (restaurant gift<br />

certificates)<br />

• Children’s items (clo<strong>the</strong>s, electric<br />

cars or o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>to</strong>ys)<br />

• home décor/entertainment/<br />

Kitchen/electronics (cookware,<br />

creative <strong>the</strong>me baskets, misc.)<br />

• health, Beauty and fitness<br />

(salon/spa gift certificates or<br />

beauty baskets)<br />

• Jewelry (necklaces, earrings,<br />

bracelets)<br />

Announcing <strong>the</strong> 2011 Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity Honorees<br />

The United Hospital foundation is proud <strong>to</strong> announce <strong>the</strong> 2011<br />

Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity honorees. The Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity award is<br />

presented <strong>to</strong> individuals or groups associated with United Hospital<br />

who have demonstrated selfless dedication and exemplary leadership<br />

in improving <strong>the</strong> health and welfare of St. Paul residents and communities<br />

we serve.<br />

michael DeCourcy, this year’s community honoree, is a long-time<br />

supporter of United Hospital foundation. He recently retired as a<br />

judge of ramsey County District Court after serving 20<br />

years. DeCourcy is currently working with his son, mike Jr.,<br />

practicing law at DeCourcy Law PLLC.<br />

Pulmonary and Critical Care associates, this year’s<br />

physician honoree, is an independent group that provides<br />

pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine services <strong>to</strong><br />

East metro and Western Wisconsin.<br />

8<br />

• lodging/travel/trips/transportation<br />

(donating timeshare or<br />

cabin for a week or hotel stays)<br />

• sporting/outdoors (sports<br />

memorabilia, sporting event<br />

tickets or outdoor/camping items)<br />

Your auction donations will ensure a<br />

fun and successful event.<br />

michael T. DeCourcy<br />

Pulmonary and Critical Care associates

Win a new 2011 lexus<br />

Prize<br />

2011 lexus is 250 C, estimated MsRp $48,709<br />

Red exterior, heated and ventilated front seats, navigation system<br />

with backup camera, 18” liquid graphite alloy wheels<br />

no more than 1,630 tickets <strong>to</strong> be sold. need not be present <strong>to</strong> win.<br />

proceeds <strong>to</strong> benefit operating Room expansion<br />

drawing held sept. 24, 2011, at <strong>the</strong> service <strong>to</strong> humanity<br />

Gala at <strong>the</strong> st. paul RiverCentre.<br />

Get Your Tickets<br />

tickets: 1 for $100, 3 for $250 or 7 for $500<br />

Make check payable <strong>to</strong> united hospital foundation<br />

Credit cards are not accepted.<br />

Mail <strong>to</strong>: united hospital foundation<br />

333 north smith avenue, saint paul, Mn 55102<br />

Call: 651-241-8022 for tickets or more information<br />

Visit: www.unitedhospital.com/unitedfoundation<br />

license no.: X-35475<br />

The winning vehicle may be slightly different than <strong>the</strong> vehicle pictured.<br />

11raf_UHF/u01232<br />

u n i t e d h o s p i t a l f o u n d a t i o n<br />

Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity gala raffle<br />

Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity Gala<br />

<strong>to</strong> reserve your tickets, please complete <strong>the</strong> following:<br />

Check one: 1 for $100 3 for $250 7 for $500<br />

__________tickets (individual) x $100= __________<br />

__________set (set of 3 tickets) x $250= __________<br />

__________set (set of 7 tickets) x $500= __________<br />

name<br />

address<br />

<strong>to</strong>tal= __________<br />

City state Zip<br />

phone Cell phone<br />

e-mail<br />

Check one:<br />

i wish <strong>to</strong> be contacted by lexus of Maplewood with future promotions<br />

i do not want lexus of Maplewood <strong>to</strong> contact me<br />


Auction Donation Form<br />

SATuRDAY, SEpT. 24, 2011<br />


5:30 p.m.<br />

10<br />


u n i t e d H O S P i t A L F O u n d A t i O n<br />

11gala_UHF-G/u01232<br />

Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity Gala<br />

Please complete <strong>the</strong> auction form below and return <strong>to</strong> United Hospital Foundation by Sept. 1, 2011. Our deadline for <strong>the</strong> program listing is<br />

also Sept. 1. If you have any questions, please call us at 651-241-8022. You may also fax this form <strong>to</strong> 651-241-5420. Thank you.<br />

Donor name (individual or company)<br />

Contact person (if different from above) Phone<br />

Cell phone_________________________E-mail_______________________________________________________________________<br />

Address Fax<br />

City State Zip Solici<strong>to</strong>r name<br />

Donated item with description<br />

Auction category Expiration date? No Yes<br />

Estimated or actual value: (each) x _____ = $____________________ Cash Check donation $__________________<br />

Exclusions and/or restrictions? (if travel related, vacation home or o<strong>the</strong>r):<br />

Item for donation: Has been donated Will be donated on (date)<br />

I/we as signed below agree <strong>to</strong> donate <strong>the</strong> above item(s) or services <strong>to</strong> United Hospital Foundation, a not-for-profit and tax-exempt organization<br />

for <strong>the</strong> Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity Gala on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011.<br />

Donor signature Date<br />

Proceeds benefit Operating Rooms Expansion at United Hospital<br />

United Hospital Foundation | 333 North Smith Avenue | Saint Paul, MN 55102 | 651-241-8022

Pledge Card<br />

SAturdAy, Sept. 24, 2011<br />

St. pAul river Centre<br />

5:30 pm.<br />

sPonsorshiP levels<br />

Premier SPonSor i — $50,000+<br />

• Unlimited seats and dedicated tables<br />

• Choice seating<br />

• Ad and dedication <strong>to</strong> honorees in program<br />

• Significant company advertising during event<br />

• Designed company logo in program<br />

• Company logo on our Web site with link <strong>to</strong> your site<br />

Premier SPonSor ii — $25,000<br />

• 30 seats and dedicated table<br />

• Prime seating<br />

• Ad and dedication <strong>to</strong> honorees in program<br />

• Company advertising during event<br />

Premier SPonSor iii — $10,000<br />

• 20 seats and dedicated table<br />

• Select seating<br />

• Ad and dedication <strong>to</strong> honorees in program<br />

• Company advertising during event<br />

Dinner SPonSor — $5,000<br />

• 10 seats and dedicated table<br />

• Ad or dedication <strong>to</strong> honorees in program<br />

• Limited company advertising during event<br />

AwArD SPonSor — $3,500<br />

• 10 seats<br />

• Logo in program<br />

sPonsorshiP<br />

$3,500 $5,000 $10,000 $25,000 $50,000 $50,000+<br />

Individual Seats<br />

Seat @ $195 each x _______ = $___________ (*$145 is tax deductible per seat)<br />

Guest name_________________________________________________________<br />

Table Sponsor<br />

$1,800 table of 10<br />

Dedication <strong>to</strong> Honoree<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r $ (outright donation)<br />

$100/name with message (write message on <strong>the</strong> back of this form)<br />

JB-1207 © <strong>2010</strong> AllinA HeAltH SyStem ® A reGiStered trAdemArK OF AllinA HeAltH SyStem<br />

Payment oPtions<br />

u n i t e d H O S P i t A L F O u n d A t i O n<br />

Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity Gala<br />

Check enclosed (Make checks payable <strong>to</strong> United Hospital Foundation)<br />

Credit card: Visa Mastercard Discover American Express<br />

Card number Expiration date<br />

Name(on card) Phone<br />

Company<br />

Address<br />

City State Zip<br />

Cell Phone E-mail<br />

Signature Date<br />

Mail <strong>to</strong>:<br />

United Hospital Foundation<br />

333 North Smith Avenue<br />

Saint Paul, MN 55102<br />

651-241-8022<br />

unitedhospital.com/unitedfoundation<br />

Proceeds benefit Operating Rooms Expansion at United Hospital<br />

11gala_UHF/u01232<br />

DeaDlines:<br />

Gala invitation<br />

Submit form by June 29 <strong>to</strong> be added in <strong>the</strong> Gala invitation.<br />

Gala ProGram<br />

Ads and logos are due August 15 for <strong>the</strong> Gala program.<br />

Guest names anD auction Donations<br />

Submit guest names and auction donations by September 1.<br />

11<br />


Peter J. King’s legacy includes<br />

<strong>the</strong> Peter J. King faMily health<br />

center in <strong>the</strong> underserved<br />

West seventh area of st. Paul<br />

and <strong>the</strong> neW Peter J. King<br />

eMergency care center at<br />

united hosPital.<br />

12<br />

Dawn and Tom Walrath, ann fankhanel and<br />

Peter J. King at <strong>the</strong> <strong>2010</strong> United Hospital<br />

foundation Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity gala.<br />

In Memoriam:<br />

Peter J. King<br />

on March 14, 2011, peter J. King, a long-time friend and benefac<strong>to</strong>r of<br />

united hospital and st. paul, died. he was 83 years old.<br />

although born and raised in Bos<strong>to</strong>n, Mass., King made Minnesota his home<br />

for more than 40 years. he came <strong>to</strong> Minnesota in 1971 <strong>to</strong> work as executive<br />

vice president and direc<strong>to</strong>r of american hoist and derrick. he also served as<br />

president and direc<strong>to</strong>r of pentair and was a major shareholder and direc<strong>to</strong>r of<br />

<strong>the</strong> savin Corporation. in 1974, King formed sunrise international leasing<br />

Corporation, which ultimately became <strong>the</strong> 50th largest leasing company in<br />

<strong>the</strong> united states. at <strong>the</strong> time of his death, King was still active in his role<br />

as chair of King Capital Corporation, <strong>the</strong> holding company composed of<br />

sunrise international leasing Corporation, sunrise investments, llC, and<br />

Vanguard investments, llC. he also was founder and chair of <strong>the</strong> peter J.<br />

King family foundation, a nonprofit organization whose focus is <strong>to</strong> provide<br />

“brick-and-mortar” facilities <strong>to</strong> local communities and organizations whose<br />

activities are dedicated <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> improvement of children’s health, education<br />

and welfare and <strong>the</strong> family environment.<br />

it was in <strong>the</strong> 1970s that King’s relationship with <strong>the</strong> West seventh<br />

community and st. paul began. Mayor George latimer and united<br />

hospital asked King <strong>to</strong> construct a building in a blighted area that would provide safe<br />

housing for hospital staff and local residents and also provide badly needed space for<br />

independent medical specialty groups. King constructed <strong>the</strong> irvine park <strong>to</strong>wers and<br />

fort Road Medical Center. his family foundation also funded two child care facilities<br />

and a playground facility for low income housing in <strong>the</strong> area.<br />

King’s legacy is reflected throughout <strong>the</strong> West seventh area. as Russell King, son, says,<br />

“as a business, we have had a philosophy of investing wisely <strong>to</strong> get <strong>the</strong> most benefit

for <strong>the</strong> buck. We apply this same philosophy <strong>to</strong> our family<br />

foundation. Bricks and mortar provide benefits for thousands of<br />

beneficiaries each year that should last at least 50 years.”<br />

in 2006 <strong>the</strong> peter J. King family foundation made <strong>the</strong> lead gift<br />

of $3.5 million <strong>to</strong>ward <strong>the</strong> construction of <strong>the</strong> new home for <strong>the</strong><br />

peter J. King family health Center. this center, which opened<br />

in 2009, houses united family Medicine, an organization<br />

dedicated <strong>to</strong> providing access <strong>to</strong> comprehensive primary care<br />

regardless of ability <strong>to</strong> pay.<br />

“in our foundation’s work, we always seem <strong>to</strong> come back <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> West seventh community and its needs. united family<br />

Medicine really fit our foundation’s mission perfectly,” said<br />

Russell King, who serves as president of <strong>the</strong> family foundation<br />

and King Capital Corporation and is a member of <strong>the</strong> united<br />

hospital Board of direc<strong>to</strong>rs.<br />

ano<strong>the</strong>r legacy is <strong>the</strong> new peter J. King emergency Care<br />

Center, a state-of-<strong>the</strong>-art emergency medicine facility that<br />

opened in april 2011 at united hospital (see page 3). <strong>the</strong><br />

facility was named <strong>to</strong> honor King for <strong>the</strong> lead gift <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

new facility. shortly before his death, peter King stated in<br />

an interview for this publication, “When i think of united<br />

hospital, i constantly think about its presence and its<br />

dedication <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> West seventh neighborhood. united is part of<br />

a large health care system, but it is still very much a community<br />

hospital. despite its size, <strong>the</strong> doc<strong>to</strong>rs and staff are compassionate<br />

and <strong>the</strong>y are always sensitive <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> community’s needs.”<br />

“When i think of peter, i think about his commitment, passion<br />

and dedication <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> people of st. paul and <strong>the</strong> community,”<br />

said duke adamski, united hospital foundation president.<br />

“over <strong>the</strong> years, peter, and now Russell, have recognized <strong>the</strong><br />

needs of <strong>the</strong> community and <strong>the</strong>n aggressively found ways <strong>to</strong><br />

take care of that need. peter was a wonderful friend <strong>to</strong> this<br />

community and <strong>the</strong> hospital, and he will be missed.”<br />

peter is survived by his loving companion, ann fankhanel, his<br />

sons, Bill (Beth) and Russell; his grandsons, Kyle, Ryan and<br />

Michael King, William and daniel Graham, and Kellin and<br />

alex sandeno. he is also survived by sisters, demetra Bowers<br />

and ann larouche; sister-in-law, helen Kalafatas; many nieces<br />

and nephews; and a large group of loving, devoted friends.<br />

Peter and russell King at <strong>the</strong> 2007 Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity<br />

gala where Peter received <strong>the</strong> Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity<br />

award.<br />


14<br />

frank Sunberg<br />

frank sunberg has a<br />

philosophy for life that has<br />

s<strong>to</strong>od him in good stead:<br />

“You spend <strong>the</strong> first third<br />

of your life learning, <strong>the</strong><br />

second third of your life<br />

applying, and if you’re<br />

lucky and you have your<br />

health, <strong>the</strong> last third of<br />

your life giving back.”<br />

since retiring in <strong>the</strong> mid<br />

1990s, sunberg has been<br />

giving back regularly<br />

through community<br />

involvement in nonprofit<br />

organizations, philanthropy<br />

and as a board member<br />

for <strong>the</strong> united hospital<br />

foundation.<br />

sunberg’s learning began at Cretin<br />

high school (now called Cretin-derham<br />

hall high school), followed<br />

by st. thomas university, both in<br />

st. paul. he <strong>the</strong>n applied his learning<br />

through hard work, culminating in <strong>the</strong><br />

founding of portu-sunberg Marketing,<br />

a manufacturers’ representative<br />

company that has been successfully<br />

distributing seasonal products, school<br />

supplies and patio furniture for more<br />

than 30 years. sunberg also founded two<br />

more companies and continues <strong>to</strong> be<br />

involved in numerous o<strong>the</strong>r ventures.<br />

Donor anD BoarD MeMBer Profile:<br />

Frank Sunberg<br />

When he retired, sunberg began giving<br />

back by applying his business acumen<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> boards for <strong>the</strong> university of<br />

st. thomas, Cretin-derham hall high<br />

school, hazelden and since this past<br />

spring, <strong>the</strong> foundation. sunberg says he<br />

is thrilled <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> give back through<br />

<strong>the</strong> foundation board <strong>to</strong> united hospital,<br />

which he cites, <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r with Minnesota<br />

oncology, as having saved both his and<br />

his wife, Judy’s, lives.<br />

“i am a four-time cancer survivor, and my<br />

wife is a 17-year cancer survivor,” said<br />

sunberg, who is 68 years old. “i give a lot<br />

of credit <strong>to</strong> this hospital and its partners<br />

for this miraculous journey.”<br />

Because of his nonprofit work and<br />

involvement, sunberg has received<br />

numerous awards and honors over <strong>the</strong><br />

years, including <strong>the</strong> Morrison Center’s<br />

1999 John f. Cade award for outstanding<br />

entrepreneurial attributes, contributions<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> community, ethical standards<br />

and integrity. this past fall, he and Judy<br />

received <strong>the</strong> st. elizabeth ann se<strong>to</strong>n<br />

award from <strong>the</strong> national Catholic<br />

educational association for significant<br />

contributions <strong>to</strong> Catholic education.<br />

he is devoted <strong>to</strong> his family, which<br />

includes Judy, <strong>the</strong>ir four children and<br />

11 grandchildren.

BoarD MeMBer Profile:<br />

Tom Hodnefield of Como friends.<br />

When Jack Ritt became president of<br />

<strong>the</strong> united hospital foundation Board<br />

of direc<strong>to</strong>rs, he recruited some new<br />

members with some unique skills that<br />

would help him in his position. one such<br />

person he recruited was <strong>to</strong>m hodnefield,<br />

a certified public accountant with years<br />

of experience specializing in audit,<br />

taxation, reporting and advisory services<br />

for non-profits.<br />

“Jack was looking for someone with<br />

financial expertise working with<br />

non-profit financials,” said hodnefield.<br />

“he recruited me and i joined <strong>the</strong><br />

foundation Board last spring.”<br />

hodnefield has extensive experience<br />

working with non-profits. he is a partner<br />

with hlB tautges Redpath ltd, an<br />

accounting firm in White Bear lake,<br />

Minn. for <strong>the</strong> past 23 years, he has<br />

expanded his knowledge and experience<br />

working with non-profits and <strong>to</strong>day<br />

leads that service area for hlB tautges<br />

Redpath, ltd.<br />

in addition <strong>to</strong> his work for <strong>the</strong> united<br />

hospital foundation, <strong>to</strong>m serves on<br />

<strong>the</strong> Gustavus adolphus College audit<br />

Committee and is a board member<br />

Meet <strong>the</strong> 2011 Gala chaiRS<br />

according <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> hlB<br />

tautges Redpath ltd<br />

Web site, hodnefield<br />

has served as a national<br />

reviewer of <strong>the</strong><br />

Government finance<br />

officers association’s<br />

Certificate of<br />

achievement in<br />

financial <strong>Report</strong>ing<br />

program and as a<br />

committee member for<br />

both <strong>the</strong> Minnesota<br />

society of Certified<br />

public accountants<br />

(MnCpa)<br />

governmental and<br />

not-for-profit<br />

Tom Hodnefield<br />

committees. he also<br />

was a member of <strong>the</strong><br />

MnCpa leadership Cabinet and a founding board member of<br />

<strong>the</strong> White Bear lake area educational foundation where he<br />

served as treasurer from 1994 <strong>to</strong> 2001.<br />

hodnefield is a member of <strong>the</strong> american institute of Certified<br />

public accountants, Minnesota society of Certified public<br />

accountants, Minnesota Government finance officers association<br />

and <strong>the</strong> nonprofit financial Group. he lives in stillwater<br />

with his wife, nancy, and <strong>the</strong>ir three children.<br />

John and linda schroepfer are <strong>the</strong> chairs of <strong>the</strong> 2011 service <strong>to</strong><br />

humanity Gala. <strong>the</strong>se long-time friends of united hospital and<br />

<strong>the</strong> foundation have a life-long philosophy of giving back <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

community. John became acquainted with <strong>the</strong> foundation when<br />

his electrical company, nei electric, contracted <strong>to</strong> work on <strong>the</strong><br />

Gold Ramp and <strong>the</strong> Mil<strong>to</strong>n M. hurwitz exerCare fitness Center<br />

in 2000. linda has been instrumental on <strong>the</strong> service <strong>to</strong> humanity<br />

silent auction committee for <strong>the</strong> past several years. We know<br />

that <strong>the</strong>ir enthusiasm for and dedication <strong>to</strong> united hospital will<br />

ensure that this year’s Gala is a great event. 15<br />



The United Hospital<br />

breast Center is a<br />

comprehensive program<br />

of screening, diagnostic,<br />

treatment and support<br />

services for women with<br />

benign and malignant<br />

breast disease. The breast<br />

Center provides quality<br />

care from a team of<br />

professionals, backed by<br />

<strong>the</strong> latest technology.<br />

for an appointment,<br />

call <strong>the</strong> breast Center at<br />

651-241-8300.<br />

<strong>to</strong> contribute <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> breast center,<br />

call <strong>the</strong> foundation<br />

at 651-241-8022 or<br />

visit us online at<br />

unitedhosPital.coM/<br />

unitedfoundation<br />

16<br />

United Breast Center<br />

Earns National Certification<br />

<strong>the</strong> united hospital Breast Center<br />

received three-year full accreditation<br />

by <strong>the</strong> national accreditation program<br />

for Breast Centers (napBC), a program<br />

administered by <strong>the</strong> american College of<br />

surgeons, in november <strong>2010</strong>. <strong>the</strong> Breast<br />

Center is one of only three in Minnesota<br />

<strong>to</strong> have earned this distinction.<br />

accreditation by <strong>the</strong> napBC is<br />

only given <strong>to</strong> those centers that have<br />

voluntarily committed <strong>to</strong> provide <strong>the</strong><br />

highest level of quality breast care and<br />

that undergo a rigorous evaluation process<br />

and review of <strong>the</strong>ir performance.<br />

“We are proud of <strong>the</strong> achievement <strong>the</strong><br />

napBC certification represents,” said<br />

Rosemary oolman, Rn, Ma, oCn,<br />

patient care manager at <strong>the</strong> Breast<br />

Center. “particularly gratifying is that<br />

<strong>the</strong> united hospital Breast Center passed<br />

all 27 standards on which <strong>the</strong> napBC<br />

evaluates programs. that’s a reflection of<br />

<strong>the</strong> outstanding care provided by our staff,<br />

Staff of <strong>the</strong> United Hospital breast Center<br />

and <strong>the</strong> superior technology and support<br />

services we all provide that ensures quality<br />

care and screening for patients with breast<br />

health concerns or breast cancer.”<br />

<strong>the</strong> napBC report on <strong>the</strong> united<br />

hospital’s Breast Center survey<br />

congratulated <strong>the</strong> center for its strong<br />

leadership and multidisciplinary program.<br />

during <strong>the</strong> survey process, <strong>the</strong> center was<br />

required <strong>to</strong> demonstrate compliance with<br />

standards established by <strong>the</strong> napBC<br />

for treating women who are diagnosed<br />

with <strong>the</strong> full spectrum of breast disease.<br />

<strong>the</strong> standards include proficiency in<br />

<strong>the</strong> areas of: center leadership, clinical<br />

management, research, community<br />

outreach, professional education and<br />

quality improvement. a breast center<br />

that achieves napBC accreditation<br />

demonstrates a firm commitment <strong>to</strong> offer<br />

its patients every significant advantage in<br />

<strong>the</strong> battle against breast disease.

Supporting Parkinson’s Disease<br />

and Movement Disorders Research<br />

if you or someone you know has<br />

parkinson’s disease you are not alone.<br />

according <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> national parkinson<br />

foundation, approximately 50,000-60,000<br />

new cases of parkinson’s disease are<br />

diagnosed each year in <strong>the</strong> united states.<br />

Worldwide, nearly 20 million people are<br />

affected by this chronic, degenerative<br />

neurologic disorder. since <strong>the</strong> cause of<br />

parkinson’s disease is unknown and <strong>the</strong>re<br />

is no cure, research is a critical fac<strong>to</strong>r<br />

for <strong>the</strong> continued improvement of its<br />

diagnosis and treatment. some of this vital<br />

and exciting research is being conducted<br />

right here in <strong>the</strong> east metro because<br />

of support from <strong>the</strong> united hospital<br />

foundation and united hospital Research<br />

and education Committee.<br />

in <strong>2010</strong>, Jawad a. Bajwa, Md, medical<br />

direc<strong>to</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> united deep Brain<br />

stimulation program for Movement<br />

disorders began leading a scientific study<br />

<strong>to</strong> research parkinson’s disease, essential<br />

tremor, dys<strong>to</strong>nia and o<strong>the</strong>r movement<br />

disorders in seven east metro area patients.<br />

<strong>the</strong> study, which is a collaboration<br />

between united hospital, neurological<br />

associates of st. paul, pa, Capistrant<br />

Center for parkinson’s disease and<br />

Movement disorders and <strong>the</strong> university of<br />

Minnesota, uses magne<strong>to</strong>encephalography<br />

(MeG) as its primary research method.<br />

MeG is a safe, noninvasive and painless<br />

procedure that provides information<br />

on how a person’s brain functions. it<br />

can detect small biomagnetic signals<br />

produced by <strong>the</strong> brain,<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r spontaneously<br />

or in response <strong>to</strong><br />

stimulation and<br />

provides data about<br />

<strong>the</strong> location(s) of<br />

brain tissue that<br />

produce <strong>the</strong>se<br />

signals. this could<br />

help scientists <strong>to</strong><br />

understand abnormal<br />

brain mechanisms<br />

in disorders like<br />

parkinson’s disease,<br />

essential tremor and<br />

dys<strong>to</strong>nia.<br />

While findings from <strong>the</strong> <strong>2010</strong> research<br />

cannot yet be shared, dr. Bajwa and<br />

his team are working <strong>to</strong>ward publishing<br />

articles in peer-reviewed prestigious<br />

neurologic journals and also will be<br />

presenting posters at some international<br />

conferences this year. also, based on <strong>the</strong><br />

pilot data, dr. Bajwa and his team have<br />

submitted medical research grants <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

national institutes of health (nih) and<br />

dys<strong>to</strong>nia Medical Research foundation<br />

and plan <strong>to</strong> submit additional nih grants<br />

this year. even if <strong>the</strong>se grants are awarded,<br />

additional funding will be required and<br />

is critical for <strong>the</strong> continuation of this<br />

research endeavor over years <strong>to</strong> come.<br />

this may help <strong>the</strong> scientific community <strong>to</strong><br />

understand disease like parkinson’s disease<br />

better and develop improved drugs and<br />

devices for treatment in <strong>the</strong> future.<br />

<strong>to</strong> contribute <strong>to</strong> this ParKinson’s disease research or learn<br />

More, Please contact <strong>the</strong> united hosPital foundation at<br />

651-241-8022 or unitedhosPital.coM/unitedfoundation.<br />

magne<strong>to</strong>encephalography<br />

is a safe, nonivasive way <strong>to</strong><br />

map <strong>the</strong> brain’s functions.<br />

United Hospital’s magne<strong>to</strong><br />

technology is being used <strong>to</strong><br />

research Parkinson’s disease,<br />

as well as o<strong>the</strong>r movement<br />

disorders <strong>to</strong> improve<br />

diagnosis and treatment.<br />

Thirteen United Hospital<br />

staff members volunteered<br />

at a Wellness fair that<br />

did blood pressure<br />

measurements as part<br />

17<br />

17<br />

UNITED HOSPITAL FOUNDATION | <strong>2010</strong> | <strong>2010</strong> REPORT TO TO THE THE COMMUNITY

18<br />

thank you for<br />

supporting <strong>the</strong><br />

programs and services<br />

of united hospital<br />

through event<br />

sponsorships. for<br />

more information, visit<br />

unitedhospital.com/<br />

unitedfoundation or<br />

call 651-241-8022.<br />

united hospital golf classic<br />

July 25<br />

White Bear Yacht Club, White Bear Lake<br />

title sponsor: McGough Companies<br />

Reception sponsor: hdR<br />

Beverage sponsor: nasseff Mechanical<br />

Contrac<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

hole-in-one sponsor: lexus of Maplewood<br />

3M championship senior Pga<br />

<strong>to</strong>urnament<br />

august 1-7<br />

Tournament Players Club, Blaine<br />

Celebrating <strong>the</strong><br />

Hearts of Women<br />

on february 17, 60 women ga<strong>the</strong>red for an english<br />

tea at <strong>the</strong> saint paul hotel <strong>to</strong> celebrate <strong>the</strong> hearts<br />

of women. Guests’ showed <strong>the</strong>ir passionate support<br />

of bringing awareness <strong>to</strong> heart disease by wearing<br />

something red. <strong>the</strong> united hospital foundation event<br />

educated women on <strong>the</strong> risks and facts of heart disease,<br />

as well as <strong>the</strong> programs, services and resources of <strong>the</strong><br />

nasseff heart Center at united hospital.<br />

<strong>the</strong> women heard presentations by <strong>to</strong>mi Ryba,<br />

president of united hospital, Julianne scott, direc<strong>to</strong>r<br />

of <strong>the</strong> nasseff heart Center, Kris Coleman, leader<br />

of cardiac rehabilitation and <strong>the</strong> Mil<strong>to</strong>n M. hurwitz<br />

exerCare fitness Center, and Margaret Beahrs, Md,<br />

a cardiologist with united heart & Vascular Clinic.<br />

one feature was a presentation by Maureen Marshall, a<br />

heart patient.<br />

united hospital and united heart & Vascular Clinic are proud <strong>to</strong> be in <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>p<br />

10 percent of hospitals in <strong>the</strong> nation for quickly opening blocked arteries. <strong>the</strong> quicker<br />

a patient’s arteries are opened, <strong>the</strong> greater chance for less heart damage and a more<br />

successful recovery. this is just one of many remarkable achievements that showcase<br />

<strong>the</strong> quality partnerships, dedicated staff and state-of-<strong>the</strong>-art techniques that make <strong>the</strong><br />

nasseff heart Center a state and national leader in heart care.<br />

a special thank you <strong>to</strong> Medtronic for supporting <strong>the</strong> afternoon of tea.<br />

2011 United hoSpital FoUndation eventS<br />

service <strong>to</strong> humanity gala<br />

september 24<br />

River Centre, St. Paul<br />

philanthropy is critical <strong>to</strong> both maintaining<br />

and fur<strong>the</strong>r developing united hospital’s<br />

leadership position in health care delivery in<br />

our community.

Enhancing EMS Partnerships<br />

<strong>the</strong> east Metro experienced an exciting year of<br />

growth with its emergency medical services (eMs)<br />

partnerships in <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

united hospital saw continuation in <strong>the</strong><br />

partnership with <strong>the</strong> city of Burnsville <strong>to</strong> provide<br />

medical direction <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> fire department’s<br />

ambulance service. Joe Madigan, Md, and larry<br />

erickson, Md, provide physician oversight for <strong>the</strong><br />

fire department’s paramedics.<br />

united also provides medical oversight for <strong>the</strong><br />

dakota Communications Center (dCC). <strong>the</strong><br />

dCC answers all 9-1-1 calls in dakota County and<br />

provides medical screening and advice for those<br />

calls involving medical emergencies. dr. erickson<br />

serves as medical direc<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> oversee this activity. <strong>the</strong> training of <strong>the</strong> dispatcher and ongoing<br />

quality improvement are supported by allina Medical transportation’s dispatch leadership team.<br />

this year also saw <strong>the</strong> city of Woodbury contract with allina’s office of eMs for medical<br />

direction and continuing education support of <strong>the</strong> city’s paramedics. paul satterlee, Md,<br />

is <strong>the</strong> lead medical direc<strong>to</strong>r and is also supported by drs. Jay Westwater, Chris Kapsner<br />

and Joe Madigan. o<strong>the</strong>r support for Woodbury includes providing medications through<br />

united’s pharmacy.<br />

<strong>the</strong>se new and continuing partnerships reflect united’s growing commitment and influence in<br />

supporting eMs providers. through such partnerships, united helps improve <strong>the</strong> quality of care<br />

provided <strong>to</strong> patients in emergency situation, as well<br />

as <strong>the</strong> overall health of <strong>the</strong> communities we serve.<br />

Telling our S<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

if you have driven past united hospital on interstate 35e in<br />

recent months chances are you have seen banners promoting our<br />

nationally recognized outcomes in stroke and heart care.<br />

<strong>the</strong> outside banners are part of a hospital-wide effort <strong>to</strong> tell<br />

united’s s<strong>to</strong>ry of earning national certification or accreditation, as<br />

well as general promotion of <strong>the</strong> hospital. as with billboards, <strong>the</strong><br />

banners are designed <strong>to</strong> quickly share a brief message with drivers.<br />

throughout <strong>the</strong> year banners featuring different services, including<br />

our cancer care, diabetes program and o<strong>the</strong>rs, will be displayed on<br />

<strong>the</strong> patient <strong>to</strong>wers.<br />

19<br />


20<br />

United Hospital <strong>2010</strong><br />

Facts and Figures<br />

Every number tells a unique s<strong>to</strong>ry of caring. Every day, <strong>the</strong> physicians,<br />

nurses, volunteers and staff at United Hospital play a vital role in our<br />

community, <strong>to</strong>uching thousands of lives.<br />

hospital admissions 24,822<br />

emergency department Visits 43,452<br />

patient days 101,980<br />

average daily Census 279<br />

newborn deliveries 3,544<br />

surgery department Cases 16,102<br />

individuals employed 2,924<br />

Medical staff Members 1,033<br />

nurses 1,100<br />

Volunteer hours 47,344<br />

licensed Beds 546 beds and<br />

40 bassinets


2 0 1 0<br />

U N I T E D H O S P I TA L F O U N D AT I O N<br />

Year in Review<br />

Your contributions make a diff erence! We would like <strong>to</strong> share with you how your support has contributed<br />

<strong>to</strong> foundation programs and services:<br />

Service <strong>to</strong> Humanity Gala<br />

• $1.35 million raised<br />

3M Championship<br />

• $566,667 raised<br />

Golf Classic<br />

• $141,000 raised<br />

Proceeds from <strong>the</strong> events benefi t <strong>the</strong><br />

Operating Room Renovation Campaign<br />

O<strong>the</strong>r Accomplishments:<br />

• Construction of Peter J. King Emergency Care Center<br />

in fi nal stages - opens in Spring 2011.<br />

• Purchased a second da Vinci® Si HD Surgical System.<br />

• Opened a center for teaching robotic-assisted<br />

surgery-<strong>the</strong> fi rst education center in Minnesota that<br />

focuses on women’s health and gynecology.<br />

• Heart Failure Initiative grant.<br />

• Magnetic Source Imaging and Movement Disorder<br />

Research Grant.<br />

• Cold Cap grant for Cancer Center - this device is <strong>to</strong><br />

prevent <strong>the</strong> chemo<strong>the</strong>rapy from being absorbed by<br />

<strong>the</strong> hair follicles - thus, retaining one’s hair.<br />



21<br />


*The “donut hole” was<br />

created in 2003 and affects<br />

those enrolled in medicare<br />

who have prescription drug<br />

coverage medicare Part D. in<br />

2011, this means:<br />

• you pay out-of-pocket<br />

for monthly Part D<br />

premiums all year.<br />

• you pay 100% of<br />

your drug costs until<br />

you reach <strong>the</strong> $310<br />

deductible amount.<br />

• after reaching <strong>the</strong><br />

deductible, you pay<br />

25% of <strong>the</strong> cost of your<br />

drugs, while Part D pays<br />

<strong>the</strong> rest, until <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>tal<br />

you and your plan spend<br />

reaches $2,800.<br />

• once you reach this<br />

limit, you have hit <strong>the</strong><br />

coverage gap called <strong>the</strong><br />

“donut hole.” you are<br />

now responsible for <strong>the</strong><br />

full cost of your drugs<br />

until your <strong>to</strong>tal reaches<br />

<strong>the</strong> yearly out-of-pocket<br />

spending limit of $4,550.<br />

• after this yearly<br />

spending limit, you are<br />

only responsible for a<br />

small amount of <strong>the</strong><br />

cost, usually 5 percent of<br />

<strong>the</strong> cost of your drugs.<br />

22<br />

Federal <strong>Health</strong> Care Reform<br />

understanding <strong>the</strong> hundreds of<br />

provisions in federal health care reform<br />

and knowing which changes will affect<br />

you and your family can be a daunting<br />

task. under <strong>the</strong> patient protection and<br />

affordable Care act, <strong>the</strong> biggest change<br />

is that more americans will have access<br />

<strong>to</strong> health insurance.<br />

in 2014, individuals will be required<br />

<strong>to</strong> have insurance and large employers<br />

will be required <strong>to</strong> provide insurance or<br />

both will face a fine. individual plans<br />

can be purchased through new insurance<br />

markets and some will qualify for credits<br />

<strong>to</strong> help cover <strong>the</strong> costs.<br />

here’s a breakdown of some recent and<br />

upcoming changes:<br />

As of December <strong>2010</strong>:<br />

• Young adults can stay enrolled on<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir parents’ plans until age 26.<br />

• insurance companies can’t take away<br />

your coverage if you get sick or cap<br />

your lifetime coverage.<br />

• Companies can’t deny coverage<br />

<strong>to</strong> children with pre-existing<br />

conditions. and a new high-risk plan<br />

provides coverage <strong>to</strong> uninsured adults<br />

with pre-existing conditions.<br />

• if you enroll in a plan through work,<br />

you receive free preventive care.<br />

• You’ll get a $250 tax rebate if you’re<br />

enrolled in Medicare part d and hit<br />

<strong>the</strong> “donut hole.”*<br />

In 2011:<br />

• if you’re enrolled in Medicare,<br />

preventive care including annual<br />

wellness checkups will be free.<br />

• if you’re in <strong>the</strong> “donut hole,” you’ll<br />

get half-off brand-name drugs.<br />

federal health care reform is designed <strong>to</strong> slowly<br />

phase out <strong>the</strong> “donut hole” clause in medicare Part<br />

D prescription drug coverage that requires those<br />

enrolled <strong>to</strong> pay thousands in drug costs each year.<br />

• You’ll no longer be able <strong>to</strong> pay<br />

for over-<strong>the</strong>-counter drugs not<br />

prescribed by a doc<strong>to</strong>r with flexible<br />

savings plans or health spending<br />

accounts.<br />

In 2014:<br />

• if you don’t have health insurance,<br />

you’ll face tax penalties that increase<br />

each year.<br />

• insurance companies won’t be able<br />

<strong>to</strong> deny you coverage or base your<br />

premiums on your health status.<br />

<strong>the</strong>y also can’t cap your yearly<br />

coverage.<br />

• if you still don’t have coverage<br />

through work, you’ll be able <strong>to</strong> buy<br />

affordable plans through new statebased<br />

insurance exchanges.<br />

• all health coverage must meet<br />

new government standards for <strong>the</strong><br />

benefits it provides.

United Heart & Vascular Clinic<br />

Now Serving <strong>the</strong> East Metro<br />

united heart & Vascular Clinic (uhVC) is now serving <strong>the</strong> east<br />

metro area of <strong>the</strong> twin Cities. located on <strong>the</strong> united hospital<br />

campus, uhVC offers a full range of resources for <strong>the</strong> prevention,<br />

early detection, rapid treatment and rehabilitation of heart disease in<br />

one integrated, state-of-<strong>the</strong>-art facility located in down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />

st. paul.<br />

uhVC was established when cardiologists from <strong>the</strong> now-closed st.<br />

paul heart Clinic joined allina hospitals & Clinics and heal<strong>the</strong>ast<br />

Care system in January 2011. uhVC cardiologists are <strong>the</strong> same who,<br />

throughout <strong>the</strong> past decade, have been partnering with <strong>the</strong> nasseff<br />

heart Center and making it nationally recognized for heart care.<br />

uhVC has additional locations at allina Medical Clinics in<br />

farming<strong>to</strong>n, forest lake and hastings and at <strong>the</strong> apple Valley<br />

Medical Center, <strong>the</strong> aspen Medical Group – Maplewood clinic<br />

and <strong>the</strong> Baldwin area Medical Center and River falls Medical Clinic<br />

in Wisconsin.<br />

for more about uhVC, visit unitedhospital.com/uhvc. <strong>to</strong> make an<br />

appointment, call 651-292-0007.<br />

united heart & vascular clinic Physicians<br />

alan Bank, Md<br />

Kenneth Baran, Md<br />

Margaret Beahrs, Md<br />

Richard Brody, Md<br />

akbar Khan, Md<br />

spencer Kubo, Md<br />

Brian Mahoney, Md<br />

Benjamin McKinley, Md<br />

Bilal M. Murad, Md<br />

sara Murray, Md<br />

thomas nobrega, Md<br />

Jeffrey olson, Md<br />

Michael peterson, Md<br />

Kamalesh pillai, Md<br />

tarang Ray, Md<br />

peter Rusterholz, Md<br />

nazifa sajady, Md<br />

salima shafi, Md<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>r tschida, Md<br />

R. dent underwood, Md<br />

pierce Vatterott, Md<br />

stay connected<br />

with united hospital<br />

Show your support for United<br />

Hospital by joining us at our<br />

official facebook page at<br />

facebook.com/UnitedHospital.<br />

become our friend, hang out<br />

with o<strong>the</strong>r supporters, get health<br />

tips, news and updates from<br />

United Hospital.<br />

anyone who is a member of<br />

facebook can check out <strong>the</strong> United<br />

Hospital facebook page as a “fan.”<br />

Those who are not members of<br />

facebook can still view <strong>the</strong> United<br />

Hospital facebook page. However,<br />

you will need <strong>to</strong> join facebook <strong>to</strong><br />

interact with <strong>the</strong> page.<br />

Online Giving<br />

United Hospital foundation<br />

news, events, publications<br />

and online giving options are<br />

posted at unitedhospital.com/<br />

unitedfoundation.<br />

To access <strong>the</strong> secure and<br />

protected online giving page, visit<br />

unitedhospital.com/foundation,<br />

click on <strong>the</strong> “give now” but<strong>to</strong>n in<br />

<strong>the</strong> left-hand navigation bar and<br />

complete <strong>the</strong> form. it’s that easy.<br />

your gift is tax deductible and<br />

100 percent of your gift will<br />

support <strong>the</strong> program or service <strong>to</strong><br />

which you direct your gift.<br />

be sure <strong>to</strong> visit us often on<br />

facebook and our Web site for all<br />

<strong>the</strong> latest news!<br />

Please note: <strong>Allina</strong> Hospitals &<br />

Clinics does not allow staff <strong>to</strong> access<br />

Facebook on <strong>the</strong>ir work computers.<br />

To join, you will need <strong>to</strong> access<br />

our Facebook Fan page via your<br />

personal computer.<br />

23<br />


United Hospital employees<br />

volunteered <strong>the</strong>ir time and<br />

talents <strong>to</strong> provide a Wellness<br />

fair at <strong>the</strong> <strong>2010</strong> East metro<br />

Project Homeless Connect,<br />

held at <strong>the</strong> Saint Paul river<br />

Centre. Such volunteer<br />

activities are part of allina’s<br />

commitment <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> communities<br />

in which we provide<br />

health care services.<br />

24<br />

<strong>Allina</strong> Launches <strong>Community</strong><br />

Engagement Program<br />

throughout <strong>the</strong><br />

past year, allina<br />

hospitals & Clinics<br />

formalized a deeper,<br />

broader community<br />

engagement plan<br />

for <strong>the</strong> nine regions<br />

in which allina<br />

provides health<br />

care services. in <strong>the</strong><br />

east metro, which<br />

includes united<br />

hospital and 21<br />

aspen and allina<br />

Medical Clinics in<br />

Ramsey, dakota<br />

and Washing<strong>to</strong>n counties, community<br />

engagement staff will manage a variety<br />

of activities focused on supporting<br />

employee volunteerism, developing<br />

health improvement opportunities for<br />

underserved communities, engaging in<br />

health care public policy and advocacy<br />

and formalizing charitable contributions.<br />

<strong>the</strong> overarching goal in all this work is<br />

<strong>to</strong> foster a culture and reputation as a<br />

compassionate, trusted community partner<br />

known for health, wellness and excellent<br />

health care.<br />

through extensive research and health<br />

needs assessments, allina discovered<br />

recurring <strong>the</strong>mes and ongoing community<br />

health challenges around obesity<br />

and mental health. as a result, <strong>the</strong><br />

community engagement program will<br />

center on helping members of underserved<br />

communities improve <strong>the</strong>ir nutrition,<br />

increase physical activity and enhance life<br />

balance – healthy, active living!<br />

East Metro <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Dialogue<br />

united hospital hosted a community<br />

health dialogue at <strong>the</strong> Wilder foundation<br />

where community leaders, social service<br />

providers, public health experts, elected<br />

officials, school representatives and o<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

discussed community barriers and assets<br />

for achieving good health. <strong>the</strong>y identified<br />

opportunities for allina <strong>to</strong> support and<br />

promote healthful eating, active living,<br />

maintaining life balance and generally<br />

foster improved community health in <strong>the</strong><br />

east metro region.<br />

<strong>the</strong> most commonly cited barriers <strong>to</strong><br />

community health in <strong>the</strong> east metro were<br />

unequal health care access for low-income<br />

individuals and communities of color; <strong>the</strong><br />

increased influence of technology and<br />

“passive” entertainment; ease of access<br />

<strong>to</strong> cheap, unhealthy food; and lack of<br />

safe spaces for children <strong>to</strong> play outdoors,<br />

unsupervised. <strong>the</strong> group also identified<br />

adolescents, single adults with children<br />

and communities of color as those most<br />

negatively impacted by <strong>the</strong>se barriers.<br />

in <strong>the</strong> coming months allina’s direc<strong>to</strong>r<br />

of community engagement for <strong>the</strong> east<br />

metro, hea<strong>the</strong>r peterson, along with<br />

project coordina<strong>to</strong>r patty Carlson, will<br />

be working with staff at united hospital<br />

and east metro clinics <strong>to</strong> develop specific<br />

strategies and activities within <strong>the</strong> east<br />

metro region that address <strong>the</strong>se important<br />

health improvement issues.

<strong>2010</strong> Financial Summary<br />

aSSETS aT bEginning of yEar<br />

miLLionS<br />

$50<br />

$45<br />

$40<br />

$35<br />

$30<br />

$25<br />

$20<br />

$15<br />

$10<br />

$5<br />

$0<br />

annUaL giving<br />

miLLionS<br />

$3.5<br />

$3.0<br />

$2.5<br />

$2.0<br />

$1.5<br />

$1.0<br />

$.5<br />

0<br />

1998<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

2004<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />

2009<br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

2011<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />

2009<br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

it is important that every<br />

not-for-profit organization<br />

is in compliance with all<br />

of <strong>the</strong> regula<strong>to</strong>ry agencies<br />

that are responsible for<br />

moni<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>the</strong>ir activities.<br />

We are pleased <strong>to</strong><br />

announce that we are<br />

100 percent compliant.<br />

in <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>the</strong> united<br />

hospital foundation<br />

completed <strong>the</strong> following<br />

compliance audits.<br />

• federal iRs audit<br />

• larson allen, llp audit<br />

• internal hospital audit<br />

You can feel confident that<br />

our board of direc<strong>to</strong>rs are<br />

excellent stewards of your<br />

donated money.<br />

25<br />


coRpoRate<br />

MatchinG<br />

GiFtS<br />

We wish <strong>to</strong> thank <strong>the</strong><br />

following companies<br />

that match individual<br />

contributions <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> united<br />

hospital foundation:<br />

• agribank, fCB<br />

• american express<br />

foundation<br />

• Computer associates<br />

• e-funds Corporation<br />

• General electric Company<br />

• GMaC-RfC<br />

• iBM international<br />

foundation<br />

• inG foundation<br />

• Johnson & Johnson<br />

• McKesson foundation<br />

• saint Jude Medical inc.<br />

• securian foundation<br />

• tCf national Bank<br />

• travelers inc.<br />

• truist<br />

• us Bancorp Matching<br />

Gift program<br />

• Xcel energy foundation<br />

please check with your human<br />

resource department <strong>to</strong> find<br />

out about your company’s<br />

matching gift policy.<br />

26<br />

ToTaL ConTribUTionS<br />

miLLionS<br />

miLLionS<br />

$16<br />

$14<br />

$12<br />

$10<br />

$8<br />

$6<br />

$4<br />

$2<br />

$0<br />

$20<br />

$18<br />

$16<br />

$14<br />

$12<br />

$10<br />

$8<br />

$6<br />

$4<br />

$2<br />

$0<br />

1998<br />

ToTaL inComE<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

2004<br />

2005<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />

2008<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />


granTS anD aLLoCaTionS<br />

miLLionS<br />

$8<br />

$7<br />

$6<br />

$5<br />

$4<br />

$3<br />

$2<br />

$1<br />

$0<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

SoUrCE of <strong>2010</strong> DonaTionS<br />

inDiviDUaLS (41%)<br />

organizaTionS (24%)<br />

foUnDaTionS (35%)<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />

gifTS (57%)<br />

2009<br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

SoUrCE of <strong>2010</strong> DonaTionS<br />

DonorS (43%)<br />

27<br />


28<br />

<strong>2010</strong> United Hospital Donors<br />

The following pages pay tribute <strong>to</strong> all those who supported United Hospital through donations <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Foundation. The<br />

Diamond, Emerald, Sapphire, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze categories reflect life-time cumulative donations <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Foundation. The remaining categories reflect cumulative gifts of $100 <strong>to</strong> $1,000 <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Foundation between Jan. 1<br />

and Dec. 31, <strong>2010</strong>. Toge<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>2010</strong>, 3,451 donors gave $2,757,549 <strong>to</strong> make a difference in <strong>the</strong> lives of patients and<br />

families we serve. It is with great appreciation that we recognize <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

diaMond<br />

($1M+)<br />

3M Championship<br />

3M Company<br />

3M Foundation, Inc.<br />

<strong>Allina</strong> Foundation<br />

The Bentson Foundation<br />

Arthur G. Driscoll Trust<br />

Edwards Memorial Trust<br />

Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation<br />

John and Dolores Holl Estate<br />

King Capital Corporation<br />

Elaine S. Larson<br />

McGough Construction Company, Inc.<br />

McGough Foundation<br />

John Nasseff and Helene Houle<br />

Peter J. King Family Foundation<br />

The Saint Paul Foundation<br />

eMerald<br />

($500K+)<br />

<strong>Allina</strong> Hospitals & Clinics<br />

Associated Anes<strong>the</strong>siologists, PA<br />

Carol A. Bierbrauer<br />

F.R. Bigelow Foundation<br />

The Driscoll Foundation<br />

The Lawson Family<br />

Jack and Mary Ritt<br />

St. Paul Heart Clinic, PA<br />

Sunrise Investments LLC<br />

United Hospital Gift Shop<br />

United Hospital Medical Staff<br />

saPPhire<br />

($100K+)<br />

AGA Medical Corporation<br />

Andersen Corporate Foundation<br />

Hugh J. Andersen Foundation<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Applebaum<br />

Mrs. Harvey O. Beek Estate<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin B. Calmenson<br />

Cardiac Surgeons of St. Paul<br />

Charlotte Janssen Interim Trust<br />

Bruce F. Church Estate<br />

Merry and Michael DeCourcy<br />

East Metro Radiation Oncology<br />

Associates, PLLC<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Jesse E. Edwards<br />

The Estate of Wyllene Pearson Marks<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Frauenshuh<br />

Elsie Geiss Estate<br />

George G. Mairs Family Fund<br />

Greater Twin Cities United Way<br />

Hardenbergh Foundation<br />

Mrs. Margaret Harmon<br />

Clara Louise Harris Estate<br />

Nancy Ottis Harris Estate<br />

Marshall and Elizabeth Hatfield<br />

HDR Architecture, Inc.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fors Hill<br />

Louis W. Hill, Jr.<br />

Ruth and John Huss/Huss Foundation<br />

The John M. & Susan Morrison Family<br />

Foundation<br />

Ka<strong>the</strong>rine B. Andersen Fund<br />

Russell S. King<br />

Knutson Construction Services<br />

Komen Breast Cancer Foundation<br />

Lewis and Annie F. Paper Foundation<br />

James G. Lindell<br />

Mrs. Samuel (Ruth) Lipschultz<br />

Mardag Foundation<br />

The McKnight Foundation<br />

MEDICO Life ProAm Golf Tournament<br />

The Medtronic Foundation<br />

John and Karen Meslow<br />

Metris Companies, Inc.<br />

Minnesota Department of Children,<br />

Families and Learning<br />

Minnesota Department of <strong>Health</strong><br />

Mrs. Virginia L. Mullaney and<br />

Mr. Frank C. Mullaney<br />

Lorraine C. Murphy<br />

Nasseff Mechanical Contrac<strong>to</strong>rs, Inc.<br />

NEI Electric<br />

Northwest Area Foundation<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ordway, Jr.<br />

Ot<strong>to</strong> Bremer Foundation<br />

Our 365 Share More<br />

Partners for Violence Prevention<br />

PGA Golf Course Properties<br />

Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family<br />

Foundation<br />

Shirley J. Pond Estate<br />

Prom Management Group, Inc.<br />

Russell and Dorothy Ragon<br />

Ramsey County Warrant<br />

Paul and Irene Rifkin<br />

Clay<strong>to</strong>n L. Robinson<br />

The Rodman Foundation<br />

Carol F. Andersen and<br />

William H. Rubenstein<br />

Saint Jude Medical, Inc.<br />

Securian Foundation<br />

Ann J. Fee Appert Shiely<br />

Gertrude R. Shiely<br />

St. Paul Radiology, PA<br />

St. Paul/Ramsey County<br />

Children’s Initiative<br />

Sears Imported Au<strong>to</strong>s, Inc.<br />

State of MN, Department of Finance<br />

Ms. Elvera Stauffacher<br />

Travelers Foundation<br />

United Hospital Administration<br />

United<strong>Health</strong>care Corporation<br />

PlatinuM<br />

($50K+)<br />

Duke Adamski<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Kit V. Arom<br />

ATS Medical, Inc.<br />

Barbara and Dan Balik<br />

June and Sidney Barrows<br />

Bos<strong>to</strong>n Scientific Corporation<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bratnober<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John Brodie<br />

The Bush Foundation<br />

Mr. Robert H. Chandler<br />

Communications Mid-America/<br />

Ideacom<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Employment Partnership<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Shares of Minnesota<br />

Corval Group<br />

Doherty Rumble & Butler, PA<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Drake, Sr.<br />

Dwight D. Opperman Foundation<br />

The Elena Melius Foundation<br />

Employees of Ecolab<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Engen<br />

Falls & Nyhusmoen Construction, Inc.<br />

David Feinberg<br />

Felhaber, Larson, Fenlon & Vogt<br />

Mina Fergestad<br />

Frank E. & Seba B. Payne Foundation<br />

Michael T. Goff<br />

John B. Goodman<br />

Grot<strong>to</strong> Foundation Inc.<br />

John G. and Alice L. Harrison Family<br />

Foundation<br />

<strong>Health</strong>East<br />

<strong>Health</strong>Partners<br />

Anna M. Heilmaier Charitable<br />

Foundation<br />

Todd M. Hess, MD<br />

Stan and Doris Hill<br />

Hospital Pathology Associates, PA<br />

The HRK Foundation<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hunstad<br />

Jasc Software<br />

Jay and Rose Phillips Family<br />

Foundation<br />

Craig and Patricia Jilk<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Johnson<br />

Nasser Kazeminy<br />

Dr. Jerone and Penny Kennedy<br />

Knight Foundation<br />

Kraus-Anderson Construction Co<br />

Richard Leven Trust<br />

Bill and Sybil Lipschultz<br />

Mrs. Jean R. Ljungkull<br />

Harvey Lubov<br />

Medtronic, Inc.<br />

Merrick <strong>Community</strong> Services<br />

Minneapolis Cardiology Associates<br />

Minnesota Center for Crime Victims<br />

and Services<br />

Minnesota Epilepsy Group, PA<br />

Minnesota Medical Foundation<br />

Minnesota Wire<br />

Mrs. John Miller Musser<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Nasseff<br />

Mickey Nasseff<br />

Olmsted County<br />

The Dwight Opperman Foundation<br />

Opus Properties LLC<br />

Peoples Electric Company<br />

George Power, Jr. Estate<br />

RBC Wealth Management<br />

Darwin R. and Geri Reedy<br />

Ritt Family Foundation<br />

Thomas J. Rose, MD<br />

Saint Paul Lung Clinic, PA<br />

Summit Orthopedics, LTD.<br />

Sun Orchard<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Titcomb, Jr.<br />

Robert D. and Roberta R. Topness<br />

United Hospital Auxiliary<br />

Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A.<br />

Xcel Energy, Inc.<br />

gold ($25K+)<br />

3M - Medical Surgical &<br />

Skin <strong>Health</strong> Divisions<br />

Charles F. Alexander, III, MD<br />

Sarah J. Andersen and<br />

Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Hayner<br />

Associated Bank<br />

Aventis Pharmaceuticals<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Baran<br />

Martin and Ramona Barrett<br />

Baxter <strong>Health</strong>care Corporation<br />

Drs. Margaret M. and<br />

J. Randolph Beahrs<br />

Berwald Roofing Company, Inc<br />

Big Top Liquor S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Rachel Hill Boechmann<br />

Martin and Es<strong>the</strong>r Capp Foundation<br />

The Cargill Foundation<br />

Jeffery Carlson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Hollis E. Cavner, Jr.<br />

City of St. Paul - Dept. of Planning<br />

and Economics

Coldwell Banker Burnet Realty<br />

Stephanie Cook<br />

Dr. Vic<strong>to</strong>r and Brenda Corbett<br />

Deluxe Corporation Foundation<br />

Olivia Dodge<br />

Mary E. Dunn, MD and<br />

Gregory F. Cotterell, MD<br />

Curtis E. and Debra D. Enestvedt<br />

Dr. Kathryn E. Farniok and<br />

Mr. Erik Englebretson<br />

EPIC Systems Corporation<br />

First National Bank of Hudson<br />

James Flink, MD and<br />

Diane Uecker-Flink, RN<br />

Frauenshuh, Inc.<br />

Garelick Family Foundation<br />

Bruce, Karen, and Charlie Gershman<br />

Goodin Company<br />

Sherrie and Gregory A. Granrud, MD<br />

Greenhaven Printing<br />

Mary Livings<strong>to</strong>n Griggs and<br />

Mary Griggs Burke Foundation<br />

Gross-Given Manufacturing<br />

Company<br />

Richard B. Guthrie, MD<br />

The Harvey Lubov Charitable<br />

Lead Trust<br />

<strong>Health</strong>East Foundation<br />

Sherrie and Gregory A. Hegg, MD<br />

Helen Sperry Lea Foundation<br />

Hobbit Travel<br />

Dr. Ken and Linda Holmen<br />

Roy Hope, MD<br />

Joseph Hreha<br />

Mary L. Huberty<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Mil<strong>to</strong>n Hurwitz<br />

Intuitive Surgical, Inc.<br />

Marc S. and Judy Isaacs<br />

David B. Jones, Jr. and Julie A. Jones<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Jue<br />

Mrs. James E. Kelley<br />

James S. and Mary A. Kowalski<br />

Norma L. Larson<br />

Lawson Software<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Leavitt, Jr.<br />

R. C. Lilly Foundation<br />

Lockridge Grindal Nauen PLLP<br />

Gertrude Maiden<br />

The Thomas G. Mairs and<br />

Marjorie P. Mairs Fund<br />

Maslon, Edelman, Borman & Brand<br />

Teresa and Bob McMahon<br />

Gary Melius<br />

Merck & Company, Inc.<br />

Metropolitan Medical Center<br />

Foundation<br />

Metropolitan Urologic Specialists, PA<br />

Michaud, Cooley, Erickson &<br />

Associates<br />

Michael and Elizabeth Miller<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Zondal R. Miller<br />

Zondal & Es<strong>the</strong>r Miller 1996<br />

Charitable Remainder Unitrust<br />

Minnesota Oncology Hema<strong>to</strong>logy, PA<br />

Minnesota Wild Hockey Club<br />

Mark and Joan Mishek<br />

Lucille Moeller<br />

LeVonne Mulrooney<br />

Dean K. Murray<br />

Sue and Art Nasseff<br />

Edmund C. and Mary Ann Newman<br />

Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Lights League<br />

Northwest Airlines Inc.<br />

Northwestern Bell<br />

Gene and Bonnie Nugent<br />

Douglas Olson, MD<br />

Fane W. and Corie A. Opperman<br />

Vance and Darin Opperman<br />

John G. Ordway<br />

Frederick M. Owens, Jr., MD, and<br />

Lucy T. Owens<br />

Richard Pettingill<br />

Piper Jaffray, Inc.<br />

The Potish Family<br />

Rosella Qualey<br />

Ramsey County Human Services<br />

Resources for Child Caring<br />

Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, LLP<br />

T. Jay Salmen<br />

John P. and Linda A. Schroepfer<br />

Dr. Richard D. and<br />

Mrs. Barbara W. Shank<br />

Cy and Vi Sheehy<br />

The Shepard Family Foundation<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shuster<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Singer<br />

Mrs. Vernon D. E. Smith<br />

St. Paul Radiology Foundation<br />

Starkey Hearing Foundation<br />

Thomson Reuters<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Vic<strong>to</strong>r H. Tschida<br />

U.S. Bank - St. Paul<br />

United Properties-Northmarq<br />

Thomas and Dawn Walrath<br />

West Seventh <strong>Community</strong> Center, Inc.<br />

Patricia Whitacre<br />

Cornelius W. Wiens<br />

Lloyd Willbrandt<br />

Ned W. Windmiller<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Wong<br />

silver ($10K+)<br />

Abbott Labora<strong>to</strong>ries<br />

Abbott Northwestern Hospital<br />

Paul M. Abbott<br />

Dr. and Ms. Stuart W. Adler<br />

Adolfson & Peterson Construction<br />

American National Bank & Trust<br />

America’s PPO/<strong>Health</strong>EZ<br />

Andersen Consulting<br />

Lee R. Anderson Family Charitable<br />

Foundation<br />

Mary Anne Anderson<br />

Nancy J. Anderson<br />

Arctic Cat<br />

Gerald and Virginia Armstrong<br />

Charles and Marjorie Avoles<br />

Terrence L. and Jeanne M. Bailey<br />

Linda and Robert Barrows<br />

Peter R. Bauer<br />

Hamon T. and Kay Becken<br />

Jonathan T. Berget, MD<br />

George S. Bergh<br />

Eugene and Geraldine Berwald<br />

John and Andrea Bien<br />

Peter and Janet Beaulieu<br />

Phillip J. Bifulk<br />

Mrs. Alexandra O. Bjorklund<br />

Bos<strong>to</strong>n Scientific<br />

Briggs and Morgan<br />

Richard Brody, MD and<br />

Margaret Flynn<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Steve C. Bryant<br />

Luella Bue<strong>to</strong>w<br />

Edwina and Raymond Burrows<br />

BWBR Architects, Inc.<br />

Jerome G. Byrnes<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Calmenson<br />

Mary D. Cannon<br />

Cen<strong>to</strong>cor<br />

Central Parking System<br />

Children’s Hospitals & Clinics<br />

Church of St. Anne<br />

The Cities’ 97 FM<br />

City of Saint Paul<br />

Clara Claussen<br />

Frieda Claussen<br />

Dr. Charles Cliffe and<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth Cliffe<br />

Tony, Kathy, Kimberly and<br />

Andrea Clinch<br />

Commonwealth Electric of<br />

Minnesota, Inc.<br />

Patricia A. and Jim Cooksey<br />

Bert Cross<br />

Daly, Corbett, Ogden, Abid & Olive<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Davis<br />

Mrs. Edwin M. Davis<br />

George Dejmek<br />

Deloitte and Touche<br />

Neil M. Derechin, MD<br />

Dennis Desender<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Mark T. Destache<br />

Kathleen DiGiorno<br />

District Energy St. Paul, Inc.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dosland<br />

Down<strong>to</strong>wner Woodfire Grille<br />

Harry Drake<br />

Mr. and Mrs. W. John Driscoll<br />

DS&B, Ltd.<br />

Drs. Rene P. duCret and Susan J. Roe<br />

Dr. and Mrs. David N. Dunbar<br />

Eagle Eleva<strong>to</strong>r Corporation<br />

Ecolab, Inc.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Egermayer, Jr.<br />

Dr. Blake and Mary Jo Elmquist<br />

Estate of Helen Bauer<br />

ExerCare Fitness Center<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Feeney<br />

Peter E. Fehr, MD<br />

Dr. Dan and Lyn Foley<br />

Stephen J. Foley<br />

Clarence Frame<br />

Benjamin Fuller, MD<br />

Gastroenterology Consultants, PA<br />

Genentech, Inc.<br />

General Mills Foundation<br />

Gillette Children’s Specialty<br />

<strong>Health</strong>care<br />

Gladys & Rudolph Miller Foundation<br />

GlaxoSmithKline<br />

The Arthur and Constance Goodman<br />

Family Foundation<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Goodman<br />

Goodrich Foundation<br />

Lisa A. Gray<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Pierson Sandy Grieve<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Guyer<br />

Elias and Grace Haddad<br />

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Haight<br />

Dr. Dennis and Joyce Halbe<br />

Mrs. Marice L. Halper and<br />

Mr. Robert Rubenstein<br />

Bruce E. Hanson<br />

Doug and Marie Hanson<br />

Pat and Al Hanzal<br />

Jennifer Harring<strong>to</strong>n, MD<br />

The Harris Foundation<br />

Robert Haugan<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hauser<br />

<strong>Health</strong>Partners<br />

Priscilla A. Hedberg<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David F. Herr<br />

Hill-Rom<br />

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hulings<br />

Louis and Ida Lee Hurvitz<br />

David D Jaeger, MD<br />

Charlotte and Martin Janssen<br />

Jerome M. and Marice L. Halper<br />

Family Foundation<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Randall K. Johnson<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Johnson<br />

Thomas H. and Kristen E. Johnson<br />

James R. and Joan Jordan<br />

Ione N. Kadden<br />

Joseph L. Kapla, MD<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Ketcham<br />

Key Investment, Inc.<br />

Lianne M. King<br />

Cheryl Kirchner<br />

Mark J. Kleinschmidt<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Hess Kline<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Klugman<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Koelz<br />

Patrick T. Koller, MD and<br />

Tammy A. Chiesa, MD<br />

Robert J. Kosec<br />

Kowalski’s Woodbury Market, Inc.<br />

Gary R. Kravitz, MD and<br />

Anna E. Schorer, MD<br />

DeLores L’Allier Houle<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John Lambros, Jr.<br />

LarsonAllen, LLP<br />

Darren Lawson<br />

Le Jeune Investment, Inc.<br />

29<br />


30<br />

<strong>2010</strong> United Hospital Donors<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leech<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lehmkuhl<br />

Roger R. Lenzmeier<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Levitan<br />

Dr. and Mrs. F.B. Lewis<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lick<br />

Mrs. Drake Lightner<br />

David M. Lilly<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindeke, Jr.<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lindell<br />

Linen Effects, Inc.<br />

Links Golf Ireland<br />

Erma G. Lipschultz<br />

Susan L. and Terrance Loushin<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Luse<br />

Lyndale Garden Center<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Madison<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Magnuson, Jr.<br />

Mairs and Power, Inc.<br />

Georgeand Mary Mairs<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Mansur, Jr.<br />

Dr. and Mrs. John Marta<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Reid A. Martinson, MD<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Hillard M. Marver<br />

Maurice & Mitzi Spiegel Fund<br />

McCarthy Bjorklund Foundation<br />

Theresa T. McCarthy Trust Estate<br />

Thomas and Mary McKeown<br />

McNeely Foundation<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Eric A. Melum<br />

Dr. Robert L. and<br />

Mrs. Charlotte T.L. Merrick<br />

Rita M. Meyer<br />

Peter W. Michalowski and<br />

Joan Hackel<br />

Midcontinent Media, Inc.<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>ria M. and George E. Miller, MD<br />

Minnesota Gastroenterology, PA<br />

Minnesota Life Insurance Company<br />

Minnesota Sports and Entertainment<br />

Minnesota Surgical Associates<br />

Minnesota Twins Baseball Club<br />

MN Coalition Against Sexual Assault<br />

Drs. Gerald Moriarty and<br />

Patricia Penovich<br />

Dan and Tammy Mott<br />

Joseph Murray, Jr.<br />

The Myers Foundation, Inc.<br />

Ka<strong>the</strong>rine B. Nason<br />

Steve and Tammie Nasseff<br />

William K. Natale<br />

National Speaking of Women’s<br />

<strong>Health</strong> Foundation<br />

Neurological Associates of<br />

St. Paul, PA<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Demetre M. Nicoloff<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Noreen<br />

North Star Bank<br />

Hoyt W. Nye, MD<br />

S. Rhiannon O’Connor, MD<br />

Mrs. Richard Ordway<br />

Owens & Minor<br />

PCL Construction Services<br />

Penn State University<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Penque<br />

Deniz A. Perese, MD<br />

Mary C. Petracek<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Podas<br />

Pope Architects<br />

Richard C. Radman<br />

Robert Ratte<br />

William S. Reiling<br />

Georgiana S. Reny<br />

Mary Rice<br />

Margaret Rivers Fund<br />

Robert D. Roettger<br />

Ruth and Norman Rose<br />

Rosenquist Construction, Inc.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Kennon V. Rothchild<br />

Dr. and Mrs. David A. Ro<strong>the</strong>nberger<br />

John J. Rowan<br />

Steven M. and Wendy H. Rubin<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Rumsey<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Peter K. Rusterholz<br />

Mrs. Alan Rusterholz<br />

Saint Paul Infectious Disease<br />

Associates<br />

Anthony Sanneh<br />

The James Scarpetta Family<br />

Leonard D. Schloff, MD<br />

Cheryl L. Schreiner<br />

Richard D. Schreiner<br />

The Schubert Club, Inc.<br />

Julianne and Jeffrey Scott<br />

Chris and Michael Seitz<br />

Moe and Nazy Sharif<br />

Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.<br />

Freda Silver<br />

St. Paul Midway Lions Club<br />

Foundation, Inc.<br />

St. Paul Police Foundation<br />

Kimberli Sorbel<br />

Spectranetics<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Spiegel<br />

Elenor Stafstrom<br />

James and Leslie Studenski<br />

Frank and Judith Sunberg<br />

Tapemark Company, Inc.<br />

Robert A. Van Tassel, MD<br />

Tenet <strong>Health</strong>care Foundation<br />

Charles Terzian, MD<br />

George and Elise Tesar<br />

Dr. and Mrs. P. Thienprasit<br />

Barbara A. Thomas<br />

Joan and William Thompson<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>ria A. Tigwell<br />

William L. Til<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Dr. Scott W. and Patricia S. Tongen<br />

Timothy R. Toonen<br />

The Tozer Foundation<br />

Treasure Island Resort and Casino<br />

Mary Lynn Tyler<br />

United Hospital Alumni Club<br />

United Medical Specialities<br />

United Neurosurgery Associates<br />

University of Minnesota<br />

University of Minnesota -<br />

Department of Radiology<br />

Upper Midwest Perinatal Assoc. Ltd.<br />

Up<strong>to</strong>wn Derma<strong>to</strong>logy and SkinSpa<br />

Stuart B. Utgaard<br />

Pierce J. Vatterott, MD<br />

Paul and Carolyn Verret<br />

Hadley Verwest, Jr.<br />

The Vic<strong>to</strong>r Foundation<br />

Richard A. Volkman<br />

Thomas J. VonRueden, MD<br />

Dr. David M. Wark and<br />

Mrs. Mary Ann Barrows Wark<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Washburn<br />

Mimi Weinberger<br />

Diane Weinfurtner<br />

Dr. Russell C. Welch and<br />

Brenda Andrewson<br />

Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota<br />

Chris<strong>to</strong>pher J. Wendell, MD<br />

Rosemary K. West<br />

West Suburban Pathology<br />

Consultants, PA<br />

Dr. Joseph J. Westwater and<br />

Ms. Virginia A. Kraus<br />

Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Weyerhaeuser<br />

Thomas A. Wiberg, MD<br />

Mr. Leonard H. Wilkening<br />

Norb and Karen Winter<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Worth<br />

Max E. Zarling, MD<br />

bronze ($5K+)<br />

A.L. Crump Family Foundation<br />

Academy Insulation, Inc.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. David G. Adolfson<br />

Tacoumba T. Aiken<br />

AirTran Airways<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews Allen<br />

<strong>Allina</strong> Medical Clinic<br />

- Administration<br />

<strong>Allina</strong> Medical Transportation<br />

Jean W. Ambler<br />

American Security Corporation<br />

American State Bank<br />

AMGEN<br />

Dr. and Mrs. David C. Anderson<br />

John and Beret Anderson<br />

Dr. Nathan and Lyndsay Anderson<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Ross E. Anderson<br />

Apple Valley Medical Clinic, Ltd.<br />

Arlene Applebaum<br />

Applebaum Companies, Inc.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Applebaum<br />

Associated Obstetricians &<br />

Gynocologists, PA<br />

Augsburg College<br />

Austad’s The Golfers’ S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Axel Newman Family Foundation<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. Bailey<br />

Alan J. Bank, MD<br />

William Barrows, MD<br />

Bassford Remele<br />

Anthony Bechik<br />

Maxine A. Becker<br />

Anita M. Berg<br />

Steven C. Bergeson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Andy F. Bessette<br />

Bixby Energy<br />

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota<br />

Duane and Jean Bojack<br />

Norlin G. Boyum<br />

Lucy W. Brown<br />

Jimmie L. Browning, MD<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Martin G. Bruhl<br />

Dr. Sandy and Cory Buckman<br />

Building Bond Income-UHF<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Burnet<br />

Patrick Butler<br />

David W. Byrd<br />

Kenneth Caldwell, MD<br />

Chapel Collection Fund<br />

Dr. Elliot Chesler and<br />

Dr. Rosalind Chesler<br />

Therese Chlebeck<br />

Rita Clemens-Turner<br />

Como Park Zoo & Conserva<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

Patrick J. Cook<br />

Michael J. and Dalloul G. Coury<br />

Currentech<br />

Dain Rauscher Corporation<br />

Dakota County Board of<br />

Commissioners<br />

Dakota County Financial Services<br />

Peter Daly, MD<br />

David Hurd Painting<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Davidson<br />

David Real Estate Services Group, LLC<br />

Day<strong>to</strong>n Hudson Corporation<br />

Angelica D. Della Grazia-Volpi<br />

Dr. and Mrs. William Derechin<br />

Domain Property Management<br />

J. Donald and M. Cathy Donahue<br />

Doody Mechanical<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Ebbott<br />

Ecolab Foundation<br />

Electric Resource Contrac<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

Larry Elliott, MD<br />

Employee Fund <strong>Health</strong>One<br />

Julia Endres-Spray<br />

E. E. Engelbert, Jr.<br />

Equity Services of St. Paul, Inc.<br />

Lynn P. Ettestad<br />

Mary E. Feist<br />

Sandy Feldblum<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Davitt A. Felder<br />

Elizabeth P. Fesler<br />

Lit<strong>to</strong>n E. S. and Nancy Field, Sr<br />

Dorothy S. Fobes<br />

Foley & Mansfield, PLLP<br />

Connie J. Foote<br />

Richard T. Foreman<br />

Roger Foussard<br />

Evelyn Fredrickson<br />

Fredrikson & Byron, PA<br />

The Freeman Family<br />

Mil<strong>to</strong>n Frogner<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ful<strong>to</strong>n<br />

James and Mary Gagne Gag<br />

Harry and Jeanne Gallaher<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Galloway<br />

The B.C. Gamble & P.W. Skogmo<br />


Paul G. Gannon<br />

Michael D. Garr, MD<br />

Mary Gavin<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Geist<br />

Anne German<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Howard D. Gilbert<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Graham, Sr.<br />

Greater Minnesota Cadillac Dealers<br />

Warren and Sharon Green<br />

Greenhaven Marketing Corporation<br />

Richard S. Gregory, MD<br />

Griggs-Cooper Co., Inc.<br />

Paulette Groshens<br />

Guidant Foundation, Inc.<br />

Dr. Ka<strong>the</strong>rine Guthrie and John Ward<br />

William M. Gydesen<br />

H2 Development Inc.<br />

Haag Family Foundation<br />

Richard A. and Diane R. Haight<br />

Valorie K. Harshe<br />

Hazelden<br />

<strong>Health</strong> Management Systems<br />

Heart Leaflet Technologies, Inc.<br />

Lisa Helland<br />

Bradley A. Helms<br />

Mary T. Hendrickson<br />

Joan Herman<br />

Jim Heuer<br />

James Hilgert<br />

Dr. Merle and Annemette Hillman<br />

Homespections, Inc<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Houle<br />

William Houl<strong>to</strong>n, MD<br />

Gerry and Susan Hughes<br />

Dr. Craig and Jean D. Humphries<br />

Hurwitz, Lerner, Butwinick,<br />

Wangsness & Nelson<br />

Brec A. Huseby<br />

Rose Hutterer<br />

James T. Hynes<br />

J.B. Hudson Jeweler<br />

J.L. Shiely Company<br />

JBL Companies<br />

Donald Johanns<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Mr. D. Ward Johnson, Sr.<br />

The H.S. Kaplan Family Fund of <strong>the</strong><br />

Minneapolis Foundation<br />

Everett H. Karon, MD<br />

Pamela A. Ketcham<br />

Miriam Y. Kim, MD<br />

Dr. and Mrs. David B. Kispert<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Klas, Sr.<br />

The Klas Family Foundation<br />

Robert C. Knutson<br />

James J. Kohler<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Brian M. Krasnow<br />

Paul Kraus<br />

Jacqueline M. Krech<br />

Brian K. and Rebecca LaCroix<br />

Laurie M. Lafontaine<br />

Elizabeth A. Lake and<br />

Phillip J. Trobaugh, Esq.<br />

Gerald L. L’Allier<br />

Langer Real Estate Services<br />

Daniel L. Larson<br />

Carol A. Leffingwell<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Irving J. Lerner<br />

Lindell Charitable Trust<br />

Patricia Long<br />

Allen Lorenz<br />

Hal and Carol Lyman<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Lynch<br />

Bob and Pamela MacDonald<br />

Christy Mader<br />

The Malcolm M. Pearson Estate<br />

Dr. Joseph and Hea<strong>the</strong>r Madigan<br />

Mall of America<br />

James Marino<br />

Susan J. Markham<br />

Marriott Corporation<br />

Marriott Corporation - <strong>Health</strong>Care<br />

Jeanette Maruska<br />

Master Framers Incorporated<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. McBride<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. McCloud<br />

Arlie Alford McCoy<br />

Miriam K. McCreary, MD<br />

Thomas P. McDonough<br />

James McGlade<br />

McKesson HBOC, Inc.<br />

John and Sharon Medjanyk<br />

Medtronic - Spinal and Biologics<br />

Berhardt and Susan Meents<br />

Pamela M. Melius<br />

Mellon Global Securities Services<br />

Michael Mercer, MD<br />

Chris<strong>to</strong>pher R. Merz<br />

Metropolitan OB-GYN, PA<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Micallef<br />

Millennium Neurosurgery, PA<br />

David Miller<br />

David R. Miller<br />

Patricia S. Miller<br />

The Minneapolis Foundation<br />

Minnesota Friends of <strong>the</strong> Orphans<br />

Moore Business Forms<br />

Gerald L. Moriarty, MD<br />

Morrison Management Specialists<br />

William Morrissey<br />

Mortenson Construction<br />

Gerald and Carol Mulcahy<br />

Sally A. Mullen<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nasseff<br />

Lisa M. Nasseff<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Peter Nasseff<br />

National Independent Brokers, Inc.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Brock D. Nelson<br />

Dr. Scott and Jerilynn Nelson<br />

Network For Good<br />

Patricia A. New<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Nimis-Newman<br />

Noel Foundation<br />

Nor<strong>the</strong>rn X-Ray Company<br />

William F. Northrup, III, MD<br />

Northwest Opticians<br />

Nursefinders<br />

Anne P. and J. Kirby Ogden<br />

Susan Shuman Okie<br />

Susan H. Olson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Osborn<br />

Palanisami & Associates, Inc.<br />

Lewis Paper<br />

Ellen M. Parks<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Paulus<br />

Drs. Kevin and Alison M. Peterson<br />

Pfizer, Inc.<br />

Pittway Corporation Charitable<br />

Foundation<br />

Robert J. Plaszcz<br />

Pool and Yacht Club<br />

Dr. James M. and<br />

Mrs. Constance N. Pries<br />

Susan K. and Giuseppe Puppin<br />

PureChoice, Inc.<br />

R.W.M., Inc.<br />

William B. Randall<br />

James W. Reagan<br />

Ed Regal<br />

John G. Reiling<br />

Patricia Reioux<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Thomas Resha<br />

Marty and Susan Richards<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. and<br />

Kathleen C. Ridder<br />

Karen A. Ringheim<br />

Riverview Hospital Auxiliary<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Robb<br />

Joseph L. Rose<br />

Bur<strong>to</strong>n B. and Berneen R. Rudolph<br />

Guy Runkle<br />

John and Patricia Ryan<br />

Tomi and Jim Ryba<br />

The Saint Paul Hotel<br />

Robert C. Samec<br />

Jerry Sansby<br />

Sauer Childrens Renew Foundation<br />

Joseph J. and Sandy Schaaf<br />

Paul K. Schilling<br />

Jerome J. Schorr<br />

Ann and Thomas Schroeder<br />

Bruce Scott<br />

Joan Shapiro<br />

Rosalind Shapiro<br />

Ronald A. and Norma E. Signorelli<br />

Marie Slawik<br />

Smiley, Glotter, Associates, Inc.<br />

Mrs. Elmer H. Smith<br />

Soderberg, Inc.<br />

David and Judith Sonstegard<br />

Spectacle Shoppe<br />

Jac Sperling<br />

Sportsman’s Warehouse<br />

St. Paul Linoleum & Carpet Company<br />

St. Paul Pioneer Press<br />

The Standard Register Company<br />

Star Tribune<br />

Randolph C. Steer, MD<br />

Larry Stern, MD<br />

Arthur and Margaret S<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

Jennifer Strangis<br />

Stuart Companies<br />

SuperValu, Inc.<br />

Phil Su<strong>the</strong>rland and Sandy McCaul<br />

Susan M. Tabor<br />

TAP Pharmaceutical Products<br />

Joseph Tennyson<br />

Jean M. Teigland and Russ Felkey<br />

Ruemah H. Thompson<br />

Charlene F. Tieso<br />

Robin Tieva, Jr.<br />

Ben Tilsner<br />

Timco Construction, Inc.<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Jack L. Titus<br />

Gary Tournier<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Tredal<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Trucker<br />

Dr. Michael and Donna Trump<br />

Kathleen Tuenge<br />

Cynthia S. Tunnicliff<br />

U.S. Bancorp Matching Gift Program<br />

United Family Medicine<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Vohs<br />

Michele Volpi<br />

Thomas W. Votel, MD<br />

W.L. Hall Co.<br />

Stephen R. Wagner, MD and Teri L.<br />

Wagner<br />

Janet A. and Donald C. Wegmiller<br />

The Western Group<br />

Wildside Caterers<br />

James R. Wingate<br />

Winthrop & Weinstine PA<br />

Wipfli, LLP<br />

Dr. and Mrs. W. Douglas Wong<br />

WorkflowOne<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Wurm<br />

Xerox Corporation<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Yellin, MD<br />

Betty and David York<br />

Barbara Youngblood<br />

Merle D. Youngquist, MD<br />

suMMit<br />

society ($1K+)<br />

Amy Adams<br />

Duke Adamski<br />

Airport Foundation MSP<br />

Alternate Billing Corporation<br />

Jean W. Ambler<br />

American Brain Tumor Association<br />

American Engineering Testing, Inc.<br />

American Midwest Power<br />

Nathan P. Anderson<br />

Susan Anderson<br />

Anoush Ansari<br />

Apple Valley Medical Clinic, Ltd<br />

Applebaum Companies, Inc.<br />

Sidney and Lorraine Applebaum<br />

Atlas Grill and Clubroom<br />

Charles and Marge Avoles<br />

Jeanne and Terry Bailey<br />

Bassford Remele<br />

Hamon T. Becken<br />

Pamela J. Berg<br />

Steven C. Bergeson<br />

John and Andrea Bien<br />

Big Top Liquor S<strong>to</strong>re<br />

Alexandra O. Bjorklund<br />

31<br />


32<br />

<strong>2010</strong> United Hospital Donors<br />

Jean M. Bojack<br />

David and Suzanne Boll<br />

Richard J. Borncamp<br />

Terrie L. Brandt<br />

Kris<strong>to</strong>ffer Breien<br />

Briggs and Morgan<br />

Jimmie L. Browning<br />

Steven C. Bryant<br />

David K. Bucher<br />

Sandy J. Buckman<br />

Terrance D. Capistrant<br />

Mitchell G. Caron<br />

Central Parking System<br />

Gayle L. Cole<br />

Communications Mid-America/<br />

Ideacom<br />

Como Park Zoo and Conserva<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

Dr. Vic<strong>to</strong>r and Brenda Corbett<br />

Corval Group<br />

Davis Real Estate Services Group, LLC<br />

Bruce E. Davis<br />

Jean Delaney Nelson<br />

Dennis Bro<strong>the</strong>rs Liquors<br />

Dennis Desender<br />

Development Representation<br />

Associates, Ltd<br />

William F. Diers<br />

Kathleen DiGiorno<br />

District Energy St. Paul, Inc.<br />

M. Cathy Donahue<br />

Down<strong>to</strong>wner Woodfire Grille<br />

Employee Campaign Special Event<br />

Richard A. Engen<br />

Mark Fawcett<br />

Leo F. Feeney<br />

David E. Feinberg<br />

Gerald Fine<br />

Darren T. Forbes<br />

James R. Fox<br />

Fredrikson & Byron, PA<br />

Eleanora M. Friederichs<br />

Margaret A. Ful<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Goff and Howard, Inc<br />

Claudia D. Gray<br />

Lisa A. Gray<br />

H2 Development Inc.<br />

Patricia A. Hanzal<br />

Marshall R. Hatfield<br />

<strong>Health</strong>East<br />

Bradley A. Helms<br />

David F. Herr<br />

Kathrine E. Hill<br />

Roy E. Hope<br />

Delores Houle<br />

Robert E. Hunstad<br />

Alvin J. Huss<br />

Jeff S. Hyer<br />

Imris Inc.<br />

Intereum, Inc.<br />

Irie Delights Personal Chef Service<br />

Jill D. Janvrin<br />

Joan M. Jungkunz<br />

Saed S. Kakish<br />

Shannon M. Kearney-Coborn<br />

Douglas B. Ketcham<br />

Kowalski’s Market<br />

Brian and Rebecca Lacroix<br />

Lake Elmo Inn<br />

John W. Lambros<br />

Lancer Service Au<strong>to</strong> Care<br />

Lawson Software<br />

Bruce A. Leopold<br />

Linen Effects, Inc.<br />

Susan L. Loushin<br />

Carol R. Lyman<br />

Mackmiller Design + Build<br />

Christy Mader<br />

Joseph C. Madigan<br />

Michael T. Madison<br />

Mairs and Power, Inc.<br />

Thomas G. Mairs<br />

Michael L. Mann<br />

Jeanette C. Maruska<br />

Thomas M. Matenaer<br />

Marjorie Mathison Hanze<br />

McCarthy Bjorklund Foundation<br />

Thomas Mcdonough<br />

Richard K. McNamara<br />

Sharon A. Medjanyk<br />

John K. Menoudakos<br />

Peter W. Michalowski<br />

Michaud, Cooley, Erickson &<br />

Associates<br />

Minnesota Epilepsy Group, PA<br />

Minnesota Vikings<br />

Morrissey Hospitality Companies<br />

William Morrissey<br />

John M. Nasseff<br />

Neurological Associates of St.<br />

Paul, PA<br />

Nicholson Family Foundation<br />

Daniel E. Nugent<br />

Mary E. Nussbaum<br />

Nathan Panning<br />

Park Square Theatre<br />

Kenneth H. Paulus<br />

Pazzaluna<br />

Peoples Electric Company<br />

Alison M. Peterson<br />

Jack B. Petrie<br />

Robert J. Plaszcz<br />

Pool and Yacht Club<br />

George C. Power<br />

Susan K. Puppin<br />

Jeffrey Rayl<br />

Rosemarie Reger-Rumsey<br />

Paul N. Rifkin<br />

Peter G. Robb<br />

Roseville Visi<strong>to</strong>rs Association<br />

Jolene A. Roth<br />

Steven M. Rubin<br />

Tom P. Rusch<br />

John and Patricia A. Ryan<br />

Mike S. Sabo<br />

Saint Paul Infectious Disease<br />

Associates, Ltd<br />

Richard D. Schreiner<br />

Schullers Tavern<br />

Science Museum of Minnesota<br />

Moe Sharif<br />

Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.<br />

Paul M. Slininger<br />

Kimberli T. Sorbel<br />

Spectacle Shoppe<br />

Stuart W. Steichen<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>rine M. Stemper<br />

Mary E. Stieger<br />

Leslie L. Studenski<br />

Michael D. Sullivan<br />

Sunrise Investments LLC<br />

Connie K. Swanson<br />

Kristina J. Taylor<br />

Joseph A. Tennyson<br />

Charles G. Terzian<br />

The Medtronic Foundation<br />

Tillges Certified Orthotic<br />

Pros<strong>the</strong>tic Inc.<br />

Connie Tolzman<br />

Patricia S. Tongen<br />

Michael J. Trump<br />

U.S. Bank - St. Paul<br />

United Family Medicine<br />

United Properties-Northmarq<br />

Verizon Wireless<br />

Zeev A. Vlodaver<br />

Mary O. Weinberger<br />

Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, NA<br />

Chris<strong>to</strong>pher J. Wendell<br />

Desi Weydauer<br />

Jeffrey T. Wicklander<br />

CarieAnn L. Williams<br />

Ned W. Windmiller<br />

Bradley S. Wood<br />

Debra Young<br />

James V. Young<br />

Georgia K. Zachman<br />

John t. rogers<br />

society ($500+)<br />

Judith A. Anderson<br />

Linda M. Anderson<br />

Marvin R. Anderson<br />

API Group, Inc.<br />

Ravi Balasubrahmanyan<br />

BAPS Charities<br />

Jerald M. Barnard<br />

William P. Behrens<br />

Bennett’s Chop and Rail House<br />

Barbara K. Bentley<br />

Ralph G. Bone<br />

Ot<strong>to</strong> G. Bonestroo<br />

Lonnie A. Borgerding<br />

Michael Borkan<br />

John J. Boulger<br />

Sandra L. Braun<br />

Dawn M. Bro<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

Diane R. Brusius<br />

Ronald Butchko<br />

Chandler and Brown, Ltd<br />

Chicago Marriott Down<strong>to</strong>wn<br />

Carol Corich<br />

Chris<strong>to</strong>pher C. Cox<br />

Rollin H. Crawford<br />

Lori A. Dahlstrom<br />

Mark T. Demma<br />

Kathleen A. Diffley<br />

Debra A. Diko<br />

William R. Dircks<br />

Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.<br />

Bree A. Doepner<br />

Lyle C. Doerr<br />

Kirk R. Doman<br />

Mary E. Dunn<br />

Rebecca Edberg<br />

Robert D. Eibert<br />

Lawrence G. Erickson<br />

Lynn P. Ettestad<br />

Falls & Nyhusmoen Construction, Inc.<br />

Gerald J. Farlee<br />

Kimberly K. Faust<br />

Steven R. Ficks<br />

Cindi Foster<br />

FriedemannFoarde, PLLC<br />

Dennis Galligan<br />

Mary C. Gisch<br />

Goodrich Corporation<br />

J. Patrick Graiziger<br />

Karen M. Gustafson<br />

Keith M. Haas<br />

Haldeman-Homme<br />

Donald V. Harper<br />

Shelly J. Harvey<br />

James A. Hasling<br />

Hea<strong>the</strong>r L. Haubenschild<br />

Tom Haugen<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>rine J. Hegge<br />

Roberta L. Hoppe<br />

Vicki J. Iverson<br />

Rachel A. Jacobson<br />

Donald J. Johanns<br />

Patricia E. Johansenstrain<br />

Tracy K. Johnson<br />

JW Marriott Chicago<br />

Helen Kalafatas<br />

Joan E. Kidd<br />

Erin L. Kidder<br />

Deborah L. Klein<br />

Krista Koeppl<br />

Daniel L. Larson<br />

Linda Lasch<br />

Cecily A. Lawson<br />

Lenore D. Lemke<br />

James W. Lewis<br />

Lexus of Maplewood<br />

John H. Lund<br />

Thomas C. Lyman<br />

Sheila A. Lynch-Salamon<br />

Majestic Oaks Golf Club<br />

John R. Malone<br />

Maplewood Imports<br />

Martin and Es<strong>the</strong>r Capp Foundation<br />

Maslon, Edelman, Borman<br />

& Brand, LLP

Kelley A. Mastenbrook<br />

James P. McGlade<br />

Joanne C. McLaughlin<br />

Audrey C. Mears<br />

Susan Meents<br />

Meghan Doll Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />

Gary Melius<br />

Alan J. Melnychuk<br />

Meritage Resort & Spa<br />

Minnesota Valley Country Club<br />

Robert C. Moravec<br />

Daniel C. Mott<br />

Paul F. Mulcahy<br />

Steve J. Nasseff<br />

Jason A. Nelsen<br />

Averial E. Nelson<br />

Corinna J. Nelson<br />

Marcia J. Nelson<br />

Patricia A. New<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Jeanne E. Nierowiecz<br />

Northwest Opticians<br />

Lisa M. Nor<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Joette Nuyen<br />

Terrence P. O’Brien<br />

Wanda K. Olinger<br />

Cynthia B. Orbovich<br />

Barbara A. Ostroski<br />

Diane L. Otremba<br />

Patricia E. Penovich<br />

Gloria Perez<br />

Gerald F. Peterson<br />

Holt A. Peterson<br />

John R. Pfeifer<br />

Linda Phalen<br />

Stephen K. Porter<br />

Janine M. Quitter<br />

R.F. Moeller Jeweler<br />

Susan M. Rainey<br />

Debra Raptis<br />

David A. Ratliff<br />

James A. Ritz<br />

Richard A. Roessler<br />

Ann E. Sagnes<br />

Saint Paul Saints<br />

Deb A. Sapp<br />

Joseph J. Schaaf<br />

Kristina Scheid<br />

Linda M. Schloff<br />

Suzanne S. Schradle<br />

Cheryl L. Schreiner<br />

Brian J. Schubloom<br />

Schumacher Eleva<strong>to</strong>r Company<br />

Bruce A. Shirley<br />

Anna Singh<br />

Karen L. Sipinen<br />

Barbara J. Slagerman<br />

Amy L. Sloper<br />

Jennifer R. Smith Kristensen<br />

Southwest Airlines Charitable Giving<br />

Peggy Speaker<br />

Tierza M. Stephan<br />

S<strong>to</strong>newater Skin & Laser<br />

Lester I. Strouse<br />

Mary L. Suemnick<br />

Summit Brewing Company<br />

Julie Sutter<br />

Geoffrey Sylvester<br />

Michael C. Talberg<br />

The Saint Paul Hotel<br />

Barbara A. Thomas<br />

William A. Thompson<br />

William B. Thompson<br />

Kathleen M. Tuenge<br />

Duane H. Turner<br />

Kathleen Tuzinski<br />

United Hospital Alumni Club<br />

United Hospital Emergency<br />

Room Staff<br />

Unleash Your Inner Foodie<br />

Paul A. Verret<br />

Frederick P. Washburn<br />

Lisa E. Waytulonis<br />

Wendy & Steve Rubin Family Fund of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Saint Paul Foundation<br />

Stephen G. Wenzel<br />

Alice K. Westrud<br />

Penny A. Wheeler<br />

Leonard H. Wilkening<br />

Dennis Wilson<br />

Jerry E. Womack<br />

Robert J. Wood<br />

Larry L. Woodbury<br />

John Zellmer<br />

Gerald E. Zierdt<br />

charles t.<br />

Miller society<br />

($250+)<br />

Paul M. Abbott<br />

ABRA Au<strong>to</strong> Body<br />

James C. Adams<br />

Advanced Derma<strong>to</strong>logy Care<br />

Sharon M. Ahern<br />

Jared Allen<br />

Russell L. Allen<br />

<strong>Allina</strong> Hospitals & Clinics<br />

Barry A. Alverman<br />

American Center for Philanthropy<br />

Jeannie M. Amick-Bogatay<br />

Lawrence Ancrum<br />

Donald W. Anderson<br />

John W. Anderson<br />

Patricia A. Anderson<br />

Cindy K. Archer-Bur<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Karin I. Armstrong<br />

Mikehal J. Aschittino<br />

Jennifer C. Baese<br />

Martin Barrett<br />

Margaret M. Beahrs<br />

James S. Beloff<br />

Ronald R. Belschner<br />

Belwin Conservancy<br />

Scott Benson<br />

Kristen L. Bentley<br />

Mark A. Ben<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Mary L. Berg<br />

Chris<strong>to</strong>pher J. Bernish<br />

Adam Berry<br />

Arthur R. Berry<br />

Cathy J. Berwald<br />

Andy F. Bessette<br />

Best Western - White Bear<br />

Country Inn<br />

Douglas J. Bisser<br />

Shari S. Blindt<br />

Bruce E. Blomquist<br />

Lynne A. Blomquist<br />

Shalabh Bobra<br />

Bonfe’s Au<strong>to</strong> Service & Body Repair<br />

Timothy J. Braun<br />

Ellie P. Brier<br />

Elizabeth M. Buckingham<br />

Becky J. Burdick<br />

Paul G. Busch<br />

David W. Byrd<br />

Michael S. Calbrieth<br />

Candyland, Inc.<br />

Carlson Chiropractic Clinic<br />

Diane M. Chappuis<br />

April Christensen<br />

James W. Christiansen<br />

Christine K. Chua<br />

Circus Juventas<br />

Butch Ciresi<br />

Cathryn L. Clardy<br />

Cleveland Airport Marriott<br />

Cleveland Marriott at Key Center<br />

Cobra Imaging Products, LTD<br />

John M. Coleman<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Shares of Minnesota<br />

Delia D. Conrad<br />

Curt S. Cooper<br />

Evelyn R. Cotter<br />

Jeffrey D. Cot<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Kenneth M. Cross<br />

Charles E. Crutchfield<br />

Michael O. Dalager<br />

Raymond P. Dalpiaz<br />

James A. D’Aquila<br />

Alexander M. Dashe<br />

Karl Dedenbach<br />

Louis J. Demedici<br />

Denham & Rehkamp, Inc.<br />

Detroit Marriott at <strong>the</strong><br />

Renaissance Center<br />

Diane Dietz<br />

Patricia M. Dillinger<br />

John D. DiSan<strong>to</strong><br />

Terri L. Dresen<br />

Carol C. Dressen<br />

Richard F. Dugan<br />

David C. Eckholm<br />

Marjorie B. Edwards<br />

Bernadine M. Engeldorf<br />

Naomi N. English<br />

Barbara B. Erickson<br />

Jim Erickson<br />

ExerCare Fitness Center<br />

Mary A. Fabel<br />

Mary E. Feist<br />

Amy E. Ferstenou<br />

Judith M. Fitterer<br />

James D. Foley<br />

Barbara A. Forshier<br />

Lisa M. Frantz<br />

Freedom Valu Center<br />

William B. Frels<br />

Stuart M. Friedell<br />

Konrad J. Friedemann<br />

Kathleen Gabel<br />

Duncan P. Gallagher<br />

James M. Gannon<br />

Minda M. Garcia<br />

Fred Gerbig<br />

Bruce Gershman<br />

Rene J. Gesell<br />

Giants Ridge Golf and Ski Resort<br />

Michael C. Gilbertson<br />

Gregg Giza<br />

Frances S. Go<br />

Angela Goddard<br />

Paul F. Goering<br />

Eleanor M. Goodall<br />

Marsha Gorman<br />

Karen J. Gorz<br />

Andrew W. Gottfried<br />

Patrick C. Gray<br />

Great River Energy<br />

Gerald A. Gretsch<br />

Griffin Gate Marriott<br />

Margaret M. Grittner<br />

Gundersen Lu<strong>the</strong>ran Medical<br />

Foundation, Inc<br />

James W. Haight<br />

Thomas W. Handley<br />

Pamela J. Hargis<br />

Rita Harmandayan<br />

Lynda A. Harring<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Cynthia N. Hart<br />

Janel Haugarth<br />

William D. Headrick<br />

Mary T. Hendrickson<br />

Rodney M. Heuer<br />

James T. Hickey<br />

Leslie J. Hillman<br />

Lawrence Himebaugh<br />

Gregory R. Hoehn<br />

Clifford W. Hoffman<br />

Dennis A. Homel<br />

Raymond J. Houle<br />

Patricia Howell<br />

Susan Hughes<br />

Ida Lee Hurvitz<br />

Insider Training, Inc.<br />

David D. Jaeger<br />

Jana Noonan Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />

Jessica F. Jandric Tickner<br />

Jazzercise, Inc<br />

Jellycat, Inc.<br />

Jila Nikpay Studio<br />

John Doll Studios<br />

Benjamin Johnson<br />

Patricia A. Johnson<br />

Thomas H. Johnson<br />

33<br />


34<br />

<strong>2010</strong> United Hospital Donors<br />

K. R. Kline and Associates, Inc.<br />

Frank D. Kapps<br />

KARE 11<br />

Brent A. Karkula<br />

William E. Karkula<br />

Deedee B. Karssen<br />

Harold H. Katz<br />

Kemps LLC<br />

Sena Kihtir<br />

Laurel J. Kloskin<br />

Rita M. Klym<br />

Charles D. Knudtson<br />

Kelly D. Knutson<br />

Anthony Kotlarz<br />

Donald J. Kovarik<br />

Jacqueline M. Krech<br />

Gregory J. Kurr<br />

Land O’Lakes<br />

Landmark Center<br />

Mary B. Lardizabal<br />

Julie M. Larson<br />

Norma L. Larson<br />

Bernice Law<br />

Edward J. Lawrence<br />

Kathryn A. Leveroos<br />

Life Uniform<br />

Lincolnshire Resort Marriott<br />

Carolyn Lingenfelter<br />

Paul J. Linstroth<br />

David H. Liss<br />

Nes<strong>to</strong>r M. Locsin<br />

Patricia R. Long<br />

Michael E. Luger<br />

Patricia Lupkowski<br />

M & M Financial Company<br />

Mark Mackmiller<br />

Shane Madsen<br />

Susan C. Mahle<br />

Gregory D. Malik<br />

Manny’s Steakhouse<br />

James R. Marino<br />

Sharbel Maroun<br />

Robert J. Martineau<br />

David E. Matteson<br />

Fred D. Mattila<br />

Kathryn J. May<br />

Robert F. Mayer<br />

Tricia McDaniels<br />

Kathi S. McGaffigan<br />

Michael J. McGuire<br />

Mary McKeown<br />

Alison E. Mellin<br />

Jerry W. Metzger<br />

Walid A. Mikhail<br />

Minke Properties<br />

Minnesota Landmarks<br />

Mark Z. Moores<br />

A<strong>to</strong>m S. Mortice<br />

Gerald R. Mulcahy<br />

Paul L. Najarian<br />

Jerold O. Nelson<br />

Elva R. Neubauer<br />

Michael W. Newman<br />

Ford J. Nicholson<br />

Amy J. Niess<br />

Eileen Nikolas<br />

North Oaks Golf Club<br />

Linda C. Odegard<br />

Camelia Olariu-Tau<br />

Kenneth W. Olson<br />

Gary Osterbauer<br />

David A. Palmer<br />

John F. Palmer<br />

Douglas J. Pariseau<br />

Melissa J. Parker<br />

William M. Peters<br />

Mary F. Pettiford<br />

Gordon Pierpont<br />

Suzanne M. Pitman<br />

Marie C. Podratz<br />

Theresa Pollnow<br />

Pot O. Gold<br />

David M. Potts<br />

Benjamin R. Pries<br />

Kelley F. Puppe<br />

Millicent M. Quast<br />

Radiance Medspa<br />

Roger W. Rasmussen<br />

Razoo Foundation<br />

Karen A. Reigstad<br />

Linda H. Riley<br />

John C. Roberts<br />

Ralph M. Roberts<br />

Mark E. Robertson<br />

Rodgers Psychological Services, Inc.<br />

Richard W. Rodgers<br />

Margret C. Rohr<br />

Andrew J. Rolling<br />

Ron Burg Fine Portraits<br />

Pamella J. Roth<br />

Janet Russell Geisler<br />

Mary Ann Russo<br />

Kurt Rusterholz<br />

Phyllis A. Rusterholz<br />

John K. Rutz<br />

Megan Ryan<br />

S & T Office Products, Inc.<br />

Andrew G. Sall<br />

Ronald S. Sapieszko<br />

Sarah Kurn Skincare<br />

Kay Sargent<br />

Lynn M. Schaefer<br />

Jeffrey J. Scherer<br />

Frank Schiefelbein<br />

Mary J. Schiltgen Bobzien<br />

Eric Schoon<br />

Seacrist, LLC<br />

Emily F. Seesel<br />

Joseph C. Selden<br />

Virginia L. Serey<br />

Suzanne F. Shearen<br />

Christine E. Sheetz<br />

Trudy J. Sheire<br />

Danielle Sicora<br />

Goldie K. Siedow<br />

Smart Circle International, LLC<br />

H. N. Smith<br />

Julie A. Smith<br />

Southview Country Club<br />

Kristine K. Spiewak<br />

St. Maron’s Catholic Church<br />

St. Paul Linoleum & Carpet Company<br />

Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Staley<br />

Stenseth Samuelson & Boese, Ltd<br />

Lynn L. Stevens<br />

Sweatshop <strong>Health</strong> Club<br />

Brian Swiglo<br />

Fa<strong>to</strong>u Tambadou<br />

Jacqueline M. Tappella<br />

Gregory D. Tauscher<br />

The Schubert Club, Inc.<br />

The Toro Company<br />

The/Toro Company Giving Program<br />

Janet L. Thomas<br />

Greg L. Thompson<br />

Paula B. Tiede<br />

David C. Tjosvold<br />

John F. Tocko<br />

Tom Conlon Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />

Anca A. Toma<br />

Leah J. Tuccit<strong>to</strong><br />

Diane Uecker-Flink<br />

Urban Equity Inc.<br />

Kimberly J. Utgaard<br />

Brett Vander Bloemen<br />

Viking Electric Supply<br />

Bobbi K. Vogt<br />

Waddell Interiors<br />

Margaret A. Wallen-Friedman<br />

Michael F. Walsh<br />

James N. Wells<br />

James M. White<br />

James J. Wiberg<br />

Stanley E. Williams<br />

Martin B. Winges<br />

Witthaus Consulting<br />

Jennifer Wolf<br />

Judith A. Wood<br />

Rob Wood<br />

Wayne A. Woodford<br />

Marcia H. Yanz<br />

Mark Zauhar<br />

Paul E. Zenner<br />

Wylie H. Zhu<br />

Bart L. Zibrowski<br />

Edward H. Zieroth<br />

1855 club<br />

($100+)<br />

Jeremy A. Abbs<br />

David G. Adolfson<br />

Allstar Plumbing LLC<br />

Marian Alstad<br />

American Girl<br />

Edward H. Amey<br />

Beth W. Anderson<br />

Constance J. Anderson<br />

Dwight M. Anderson<br />

Laurence E. Anderson<br />

LeAnn M. Anderson<br />

Lisa K. Anderson<br />

Myron D. Anderson<br />

Penny A. Anderson<br />

Roger L. Anderson<br />

Tina M. Anderson<br />

John R. Andrews<br />

Mark A. Arnesen<br />

Dean A. Arneson<br />

Jane C. Arnt<br />

Arthur Murray Dance Studios<br />

Martin Avila-flores<br />

Mary A. Ayers<br />

Marjorie J. Baab<br />

Laurie A. Backes<br />

Ronald J. Bagnall<br />

Steven J. Bailey<br />

Bartlett J. Baker<br />

Douglas D. Baker<br />

Patricia M. Ball<br />

Paul G. Ballanger<br />

Dolores E. Barkley<br />

Tammi Barnes<br />

Gary W. Bastian<br />

John M. Bates<br />

Kenneth P. Batts<br />

Marvin E. Bauer<br />

James H. Beistle<br />

Elizabeth R. Bejarano<br />

Kristin J. Belin<br />

Belissimo Salon & Spa<br />

Ernest J. Bennett<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>rine J. Benson<br />

Andrea J. Berg<br />

Nancy C. Berg<br />

Marcia A. Bergie<br />

Norman W. Berning<br />

Gilbert S. Binsted<br />

Julio Bird<br />

Herman J. Birnberg<br />

Doris A. Bisciglia<br />

Patricia A. Blake<br />

Timothy J. Blank<br />

Cameron H. Blodgett<br />

Marvin W. Boeckermann<br />

Michael J. Boland<br />

Meredith Bollig<br />

Roberta Bonrud<br />

A. Michael Booth<br />

Daniel Boulay<br />

Wendi G. Bowlin<br />

Rebecca L. Braden<br />

J. Chris Brandt<br />

Beth A. Bredemus<br />

Gerald Breidel<br />

Deborah A. Brocker<br />

Earlene L. Brown<br />

Gaylerd E. Brown<br />

Mary L. Brown<br />

Michael J. Brown<br />

Murray R. Brown<br />

Bonnie L. Brubakken<br />

Marylin J. Bruening<br />

Jacqueline R. Bruggeman<br />

Jacqueline R. Brunsberg<br />

Richard W. Brust<br />

Susan M. Brustman<br />

Barbara A. Bryant<br />

Paul Bryant<br />

Roy L. Buchholz

Gregory P. Bulinski<br />

Lawrence J. Burgart<br />

Mary Beth Burger<br />

Burke & Thomas, PLLP<br />

Lloanna L. Burman<br />

Michael J. Burns<br />

James M. Bur<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Samara Calderon<br />

Joseph G. Capecchi<br />

Capi<strong>to</strong>l Dental Center P.L.C.<br />

Eleanor E. Carbary<br />

Cynthia D. Cargill<br />

Christine L. Carlin<br />

Robert D. Carlson<br />

Russell Carlson<br />

Sarah P. Carlson<br />

Sharon A. Carlson<br />

Wayne W. Carlson<br />

Daniel L. Carnicom<br />

Leo J. Carroll<br />

Susan S. Cash<br />

Sandra Cashman-Palmer<br />

Daniel F. Cassellius<br />

Stanley P. Cernohous<br />

Robert M. Chad<br />

Paul B. Chaffin<br />

Saadia Z. Chaudhry<br />

Che Bella<br />

Aparna Cherla<br />

Chianti Grill<br />

Children’s Hospitals & Clinics<br />

Yeen C. Chong<br />

Ryan H. Christenson<br />

Dave Christiansen<br />

Linda M. Christinsen-Rengel<br />

Ronald T. Clappier<br />

Chris P. Claude<br />

Edward J. Cleary<br />

Paul W. Clements<br />

Clos Pegase Winery<br />

Cheryl L. Cloutier<br />

Linda R. Clute<br />

Margaret P. Cochrane<br />

Lawrence Collette<br />

Richard T. Colvin<br />

Jay F. Cook<br />

Robyn L. Cook<br />

Gary T. Copland<br />

Judith M. Coppersmith<br />

Douglas C. Corcoran<br />

Roberta J. Cordano<br />

Peter J. Cordon<br />

Thomas D. Costello<br />

Peter E. Cote<br />

Country Inn and Suites - St. Cloud<br />

Crave Restaurant<br />

Daniel Crear<br />

Crowne Plaza<br />

John P. Cruz<br />

Georganne M. Csargo<br />

Bernard F. Curti<br />

Joseph Cytron<br />

Roger J. Dahlke<br />

Donald Dahlstrom<br />

D’Amico & Partners<br />

D’Amico Kitchen<br />

Lisa M. Damon<br />

Diana R. Danilenko<br />

Mil<strong>to</strong>n W. Datta<br />

Thomas S. Deans<br />

Virgil R. DeLong<br />

Lloyd B. Dennis<br />

Penny L. Destache<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>rine A. DeSutter<br />

Detroit Marriot Troy<br />

Robert Devere<br />

Lydia Diaz<br />

Timothy M. Dietz<br />

Angela K. Dillow<br />

Harrison P. Dilworth<br />

Helen A. Dingle<br />

DiSan<strong>to</strong>’s Fort Road Florist<br />

Clark L. Dobbs<br />

Robert E. Dodd<br />

Dan Dodds<br />

Darren Domain<br />

Parvin C. Dorostkar<br />

William E. Dove<br />

Michael Downes<br />

Nortei Dowuona<br />

John G. Dribaum<br />

John Drummond<br />

Rene P. duCret<br />

Jon R. Durand<br />

Cindy M. Early<br />

Jody Ebert<br />

Aaron Efron<br />

Tanya C. Ehret<br />

Alan C. Eidsness<br />

Shirley M. Ellis<br />

Sandra S. Elmstrom<br />

Robert E. Engel<br />

Betty J. English<br />

Lloyd W. Enos<br />

Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Erickson<br />

Sarah Z. Erickson<br />

Roger G. Ettel<br />

John A. Etten<br />

Peggy L. Ettestad<br />

Cheryse L. Evans<br />

Evolution Salon<br />

Eyebobs Eyewear<br />

Hosea L. Ezell<br />

Bret D. Farring<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Jody L. Fearing-Trende<br />

Joan M. Felion<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>rine L. Ferrazzo<br />

Jorge A. Ferreiro<br />

Gregory J. Ferrian<br />

Carrie Fink<br />

James J. Fischer<br />

Mary E. Fisher<br />

Dennis J. Flaherty<br />

Jacqueline M. Fleming<br />

Thomas P. Flynn<br />

Richard R. Folkerth<br />

Carol Jo L. Forneris<br />

Yolanda J. Foss<br />

Jeanne C. Foussard<br />

William L. Foussard<br />

Clarence L. Freeman<br />

Jerome M. Friedmann<br />

Arden J. Fritz<br />

Paul Gamst<br />

Leah M. Gapinski<br />

Robert E. Garber<br />

Ronald C. Gardenhire<br />

Andrew L. Gardner<br />

Robert E. Gatti<br />

Susan Gatzert-Snyder<br />

Alvin E. Geerdes<br />

Mark A. Gehl<br />

Cynthia K. Gerlach<br />

Lisa M. Gersema<br />

Richard C. Gieske<br />

Carol J. Gilbert<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w E. Gilson<br />

Nancy R. Godfrey<br />

Mary Goering<br />

Jennifer Goodwin<br />

Mitchell Gordon<br />

Richard A. Gordon<br />

Joseph J. Goswitz<br />

Yale Gotsdiner<br />

Rozell A. Grainger<br />

Alana L. Grajewski<br />

Grand Casino Hinckley<br />

Grand Fusion Artisan Glass<br />

Kristen A. Griep<br />

Roger B. Griffin<br />

Carol B. Gross<br />

Kathleen M. Grube<br />

Mary B. Gunderson<br />

Hairitage ‘hous<br />

Theodore J. Haland<br />

Henry H. Halvorson<br />

Mary E. Halvorson<br />

Robert H. Hamer<br />

Hamp<strong>to</strong>n Inn<br />

William A. Hanggi<br />

James T. Hankes<br />

Edward J. Hanley<br />

Jim Hansel<br />

Dorothy M. Hanson<br />

James R. Hanson<br />

James C. Hardman<br />

Barney W. Harris<br />

Margaret F. Harris<br />

Mary K. Harrison<br />

Beverly Y. Hartman<br />

Patricia A. Hartman-Gray<br />

Somail M. Hassan<br />

Farah D. Hathaway<br />

Lydia L. Hatterschide<br />

Holly Hayes Berger<br />

Mary J. Hayes<br />

Suzanne E. Hayes<br />

Merry L. Heilmann<br />

Sandra J. Heineman<br />

Mark Heller<br />

Annalea H. Helms<br />

Jacob Z. Helms<br />

Verlyn D. Hemmen<br />

Paul L. Henderson<br />

Brian Henke<br />

Robert A. Henning<br />

Cheryl A. Hermann<br />

Martin L. Hertzog<br />

Valarie M. Hertzog<br />

Allan A. Hietala<br />

Hil<strong>to</strong>n Minneapolis<br />

David P. Hodgson<br />

Thomas Hodnefield<br />

Judy L. Hoke<br />

Lisa A. Horner<br />

Gregg A. Horras<br />

Jean M. Hough<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Linda L. Houle<br />

Randy Houle<br />

Henrietta J. Hovland<br />

Sandy Hunter<br />

Robert L. Hurley<br />

Terry L. Hutchinson<br />

Craig L. Hyser<br />

Christine L. Igo<br />

Richard C. Ikeri<br />

Thomas P. Immen<br />

Inverwood Golf Course<br />

Kermit W. Iverson<br />

Kristi Iverson<br />

Bernard I. Izevbekhai<br />

Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel<br />

Pearl A. Jackson<br />

Lamont L. Jacobs<br />

Arthur W. Jacobson<br />

Tina M. Jacobson<br />

Margaret M. Jaworski<br />

Richard T. Jeans<br />

Chris D. Jensen<br />

Donna M. Jensen<br />

Edward P. Jirak<br />

Timothy A. Johanson<br />

Wyn M. John<br />

Dorothy A. Johnson<br />

Helen D. Johnson<br />

Jerome L. Johnson<br />

Linda T. Johnson<br />

Marsha E. Johnson<br />

Michael K. Johnson<br />

Sharee L. Johnson<br />

Vint M. Johnson<br />

W. Ben Johnson<br />

Mark T. Johns<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Ruby M. Johns<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Eric Jolly<br />

John W. Jones<br />

Mary L. Jordan<br />

David L. Jorve<br />

Theresa M. Joseph<br />

Mary E. Kandels<br />

Mark T. Kaschke<br />

David Katz<br />

KDWB 101.3 FM<br />

Roger D. Keapproth<br />

Robert W. Keis<br />

Dawn M. Kelly<br />

Gerald L. Kelly<br />

Marcella Kennedy<br />

Arline B. Kenow<br />

Scott J. Kienitz<br />

35<br />


36<br />

<strong>2010</strong> United Hospital Donors<br />

Edward J. Kin<strong>to</strong>p<br />

Janie Kirschbaum<br />

Mitchell M. Kirschbaum<br />

Robert C. Klas<br />

Thomas R. Kluge<br />

Renee A. Koeberl<br />

Carolyn Koehler<br />

Lisa M. Kohner<br />

Erik P. Kolz<br />

Philip W. Korst<br />

Robert J. Kosec<br />

KQRS<br />

Michael J. Kramer<br />

Rosemary Kranz<br />

Laurel A. Krause<br />

Marjorie A. Krause<br />

Jamie Kravik<br />

Eugene E. Krech<br />

David Kress<br />

William Krog<br />

KS95 - FM<br />

Patricia A. Kubash<br />

Brian W. Kueppers<br />

James D. Kuhn<br />

Trevor J. Kukowski<br />

John A. Kurshoff<br />

Anthony Kwong<br />

Laurie M. Lafontaine<br />

Erlene J. Lagerquist<br />

Jill M. Lang<br />

Brenda L. Langstrom<br />

Judy L. Lapanta<br />

Florence V. LaPlante<br />

Timothy Larkin<br />

Greta L. Larsen<br />

Carol J. Larson<br />

Glen T. Larson<br />

Robert L. Larson<br />

Larson-Quinn Company<br />

Charles H. Lauder<br />

Darlene Lauridsen<br />

Gilbert G. Lautenshlager<br />

Rolfe A. Leary<br />

Richard A. LeClaire<br />

James A. Lee<br />

Lee’s Taxidermy<br />

Joe Leise<br />

Carol LeMay<br />

Timothy J. Lenartz<br />

Stanley A. Leonard<br />

Rita Lerman<br />

Gwen M. Lerner<br />

Cynthia L. Lesher<br />

Carol L. Letendre<br />

Robert E. Lever<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Tamera J. Lillemoe<br />

Sharon F. Limesand<br />

Linder’s Greenhouse and Garden<br />

Center<br />

Dennis J. Lindquist<br />

Gloria K. Little<br />

Kamarie A. Livings<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Bruce L. Lomker<br />

Cory A. Long<br />

Raymond Lorenz<br />

Suzanne M. Loscheider<br />

Juanita Lovegren<br />

Susan A. Lundgren<br />

Vicki L. Lunz<br />

Suzanne M. Luse<br />

Lorna C. Lusk<br />

Lisa L. Lyons<br />

Tommy Lyons<br />

Brenda M. Lyseng<br />

Steve Lyster<br />

M & N Supply<br />

David Maas<br />

Lorraine L. Machacek<br />

Roberta M. Mack<br />

John J. Mader<br />

Stacy M. Mader<br />

Dean A. Mahlke<br />

Jeffrey M. Mahoney<br />

Dianne J. Maki<br />

Penny S. Malecha<br />

John M. Malone<br />

Jill N. Maltrud<br />

Mary Ann Mancini<br />

Edward N. Mansur<br />

Jo L. Marcotte<br />

David D. Markert<br />

Kenneth M. Markwardt<br />

Rosemary M. Marley<br />

Marriott Chicago O’Hare<br />

Marriott Oakbrook Hills Resort<br />

Steven J. Martagon<br />

Thomas L. Mason<br />

Richard A. Mat<strong>the</strong>ws<br />

Robert G. Mattlin<br />

Jean M. Mattson<br />

Jennifer B. Mattson<br />

Donald P. Mayer<br />

Eric C. McBrayer<br />

Wendy M. McCabe<br />

Stanley R. McCormick<br />

James H. Mccutchen<br />

James R. McDonagh<br />

Sheila S. McDonagh<br />

William C. McDonald<br />

Shannon R. McElmury<br />

Janet L. McGough<br />

Jean B. McGough<br />

Philip P. Mcguire<br />

Charles E. Mcjil<strong>to</strong>n<br />

M-Clip<br />

Mary B. McMillan<br />

James McNamara<br />

Lee B. Mehrkens<br />

Carol C. Meldman<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w W. Mellen<br />

Jeffrey R. Menz<br />

Mary P. Mercado<br />

Michael S. Mercer<br />

Meritage<br />

Wilfred R. Mer<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Laura L. Messenger<br />

Judith T. Messner<br />

Susie A. Mestemacher<br />

Jane E. Metcalf<br />

Metro Heart Group of St. Louis, Inc.<br />

Richard L. Meyer<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>ria M. Michaels<br />

Douglas R. Mickelson<br />

Hilda E. Mickelson<br />

Karl Miesen<br />

Kathleen L. Milano<br />

Frederick Miller<br />

Ka<strong>the</strong>rine A. Miller<br />

Richard A. Miller<br />

Mary T. Milligan<br />

Minneapolis Marriott City Center<br />

Minneapolis Marriott Southwest<br />

Minnesota Grocers Association, Inc<br />

Minnesota Opera<br />

Minnesota Zoo<br />

Sharon L. Minns<br />

Ragnvald Mjanger<br />

Roger D. Moberg<br />

John P. Moe<br />

Wendy J. Moli<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Tony Mondry<br />

Shirley K. Moore<br />

Jonathan C. Moren<br />

M. Eyman Mortada<br />

Molly Motzer<br />

Kathleen A. Mountain<br />

Saeid Movahedi-Lankarani<br />

Penelope Moyers<br />

Julie A. Mudgett<br />

Diane K. Mueller<br />

Darwin M. Mulder<br />

Kenyelle T. Mullins<br />

LeVonne D. Mulrooney<br />

Paul C. Munkholm<br />

Melissa J. Munsch<br />

Philip K. Munson<br />

Anna C. Myer<br />

Mystic Lake Casino Hotel<br />

Nami Restaurant<br />

Ralph V. Nardini<br />

Nasseff Heart Center Staff<br />

National Oilwell Varco/Hydralift<br />

AmClyde, Inc<br />

Dana L. Nelson<br />

David P. Nelson<br />

Gerald L. Nelson<br />

James S. Nelson<br />

Marilyn E. Nelson<br />

Mark C. Nelson<br />

Patricia J. Nelson<br />

Richard J. Nelson<br />

Merritt C. Nequette<br />

Susan K. Nestegard<br />

Barbara L. Noble<br />

James E. O’Brien<br />

Pauline G. O’Brien<br />

Sean O’Byrne<br />

Pamela J. O’Connell<br />

Judith O’Gara<br />

Carol H. O’Keefe<br />

Dale V. Olson<br />

Duane L. Olson<br />

Suzanne V. Olson<br />

Wallace B. Olson<br />

Ordway Center for <strong>the</strong><br />

Performing Arts<br />

Organized Today<br />

Jolene J. Ormand<br />

Virginia Oskey<br />

Manuel R. Otero-Cagide<br />

Patricia Otu<br />

Jay S. Overbaugh<br />

Amy Pahl<br />

Ross N. Paitich<br />

Nancy J. Palda<br />

Kenneth G. Pallas<br />

Constance J. Paquette<br />

Phyllis E. Parr<br />

Gary E. Pawlenty<br />

Mark Q. Pearson<br />

Benjamin Peltier<br />

Tony A. Pelzel<br />

Thomas P. Penne<br />

Penumbra Theatre Company<br />

Judith Perrault<br />

Kenneth E. Peters<br />

Wayne S. Petersen<br />

Carole M. Peterson<br />

Donald N. Peterson<br />

Duane D. Peterson<br />

Gloria Peterson<br />

Jeffrey D. Peterson<br />

Kathleen M. Peterson<br />

Mildred L. Phelon<br />

George A. Pickar<br />

Natalie Pieper<br />

Brian J. Pietsch<br />

David C. Pikala<br />

Frank T. Pilney<br />

Dan Pohl<br />

Barbara P. Poschbranigan<br />

Janine L. Potter<br />

Pottery Barn<br />

Patricia T. Powell<br />

Robert R. Prochnow<br />

Brian G. Prokosch<br />

Michael A. Pruszinske<br />

Craig Purkat<br />

William S. Quinn<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>ria M. Radosevich<br />

Ravi Raghavapudi<br />

Johnny C. Raiter<br />

Gary L. Rasmussen<br />

Gregory M. Rasmussen<br />

Jamie L. Rassett<br />

Eileen Reagan<br />

Keith Reardon<br />

Kimberly D. Rederth<br />

Jeremiah Reedy<br />

Michael E. Regan<br />

Regis Salon<br />

Michael D. Reif<br />

Melissa A. Reiland<br />

John J. Reinartz<br />

Susan S. Reiss<br />

Renaissance Schaumburg Marriott<br />

Residence Inn<br />

Donald G. Reuter<br />

Richard D. Reuter<br />

Thomas M. Reynen

Patricia A. Ricci<br />

Rochelle J. Rice<br />

Thomas A. Riebe<br />

Rodney Riehl<br />

Kathleen M. Rivard<br />

Dee Ann R. Roberts<br />

Jennifer L. Roettger<br />

Wesley E. Rogers<br />

Marjorie Rolland<br />

Luis Rosario<br />

Allan B. Rossman<br />

Diane K. Roth<br />

Margaret Roth<br />

Kristin Rothaupt<br />

Robert P. Rubenstein<br />

Delaine C. Rud<br />

Joseph F. Rugnetta<br />

Diane Rumsey<br />

James M. Rutledge<br />

Kian Sabeti-Carretta<br />

Gerald F. Sadowski<br />

Saint Paul Fire Department<br />

Saint Paul Police Department<br />

Ramasubbu Sairam<br />

Pamela Sakkinen<br />

Salon Cheveux<br />

Salon Ultimo<br />

Steven A. Sancho<br />

Alan G. Sandkamp<br />

Christine Sanken<br />

Glenn A. Sansburn<br />

John San<strong>to</strong>s<br />

JoAnn Sauro<br />

Lisa R. Savard<br />

Laurie A. Savino<br />

Jeffrey A. Schackor<br />

Sonia J. Schaeffer<br />

Michael W. Schafhauser<br />

Karen G. Schanfield<br />

Stanley W. Schimke<br />

Dawn M. Schletty<br />

John W. Schletty<br />

Robert A. Schmidt<br />

Gregory A. Schmit<br />

David C. Schoenbeck<br />

Leroy A. Schommer<br />

Joseph J. Schottler<br />

Elizabeth Schreiner<br />

William R. Schroeder<br />

Keith A. Schuler<br />

Karen E. Schultz<br />

Allan H. Schuster<br />

Majken A. Schwartz<br />

Bruce E. Scott<br />

Scruples, Inc.<br />

Judith L. Seibel<br />

Donald Seitz<br />

Gail E. Severson<br />

Abdolreza Shafiei<br />

Robyn A. Sharpe<br />

Leroy E. Shea<br />

Jack B. Shel<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Walter J. Shiner<br />

Nicole E. Sickmann<br />

Alan R. Siebold<br />

Lisa A. Sjobeck<br />

Eric A. Sjostrom<br />

Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, PA<br />

Thomas A. Skoien<br />

Constance K. Smith<br />

Maureen S. Smith<br />

Steven R. Smith<br />

Vicki L. Smith<br />

William K. Smith<br />

Daniel E. Soderlund<br />

Ralph E. Sonday<br />

Stephen F. Sonnek<br />

William Sonntag<br />

Julie L. Sova<br />

Dianna Sowieja<br />

Laurie Sparks<br />

John H. Sperl<br />

Laurie M. Squillace<br />

St. Paul Building & Construction<br />

Trades Council<br />

St. Paul Chamber Orchestra<br />

Michael W. Stanley<br />

Staples Advantage<br />

Alice P. Starkman<br />

Bruce C. Steadman<br />

Theresa A. Steeper<br />

Kari S. Steffenson<br />

Lewis D. Stein<br />

James G. Steinwand<br />

David C. Stenseth<br />

Stepping S<strong>to</strong>ne Theatre for<br />

Youth Development<br />

Kathleen Stevenson<br />

Margaret J. Stevenson<br />

John E. Stieger<br />

Kevin T. Stieglbauer<br />

Stillwater Skin<br />

Warren E. S<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

Daniel R. S<strong>to</strong>ut<br />

Beverly J. Strassener<br />

Chari A. Strelow<br />

John G. Strickler<br />

James C. Strom<br />

Gary A. Sturm<br />

Patricia A. Suess<br />

Barbara Susnik<br />

Jeffrey G. Swanson<br />

Maryann A. Swayze<br />

Edward A. Swenson<br />

Valerie Swetland<br />

John Swol<br />

Anil K. Tadavarthy<br />

Margaret C. Talbot<br />

Allan J. Taylor<br />

James C. Teal<br />

James R. Telschow<br />

Umeng D. Thao<br />

The Capi<strong>to</strong>l Grille<br />

The Chanhassen Dinner Theater<br />

The Dancing Fair<br />

The Guthrie Theater<br />

The Rose Ensemble<br />

The Westin Edina Galleria Hotel<br />

Leon Theron<br />

James F. Thomas<br />

John E. Thomas<br />

Tinucci’s Restaurant<br />

Jack L. Titus<br />

Sam Tofanelli<br />

Charles R. Torman<br />

Dwayne A. Toutges<br />

Dean G. Trampe<br />

Transition Real Estate Advisors LLC<br />

Helen K. Trisko<br />

Douglas D. Trogstad<br />

Michael Trucano<br />

Elaine A. Tuhy<br />

Judith M. Turk<br />

David Turnbull<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>ryne H. Turner<br />

Twintel, Inc.<br />

Diane M. Tyler<br />

U.S. Framers and Finishers, Inc.<br />

Gordon T. Ueland<br />

Mat<strong>the</strong>w Uhrich<br />

United Electric<br />

United Hospital<br />

Dennis E. Van Roekel<br />

Leo P. Varley<br />

Janice J. Vaughan<br />

Village Wine & Spirits<br />

Joanne R. Villard<br />

Robert S. Voigt<br />

Toni Volkmeier<br />

Richard H. Votel<br />

Thomas W. Votel<br />

Nicholas C. Voynovich<br />

Mary C. Wagner<br />

Jennifer E. Waidelich-Luke<br />

Debbie Walczak<br />

Eleanor C. Waldrup<br />

Hea<strong>the</strong>r L. Walker<br />

Constance M. Walsh<br />

Harry M. Walsh<br />

Carolyn L. Walters<br />

Mary Beth Wanzek<br />

Mary Ware<br />

James F. Warner<br />

Nathan H. Wayne<br />

William H. Wearn<br />

Donald M. Weber<br />

Sarah E. Weddell<br />

Jody H. Weisman<br />

Melvin P. Weiss<br />

Jodi Welch<br />

John E. Welckle<br />

Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota<br />

Raymond J. Welsh<br />

Nancy A. Wendell<br />

Louis C. Wendling<br />

Greg Wennes<br />

Kathryn A. Westman<br />

What’s New In Gifts<br />

Susan E. Whea<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Alice Wheelwright<br />

White Bear Yacht Club<br />

Kim Wieber<br />

Keith R. Wilcox<br />

Richard A. Wilhoit<br />

David F. Wilke<br />

Janice E. Wilke<br />

Stephen J. Willard<br />

Lloyd Willbrandt<br />

Alan D. Willette<br />

Karen D. Wilson<br />

Robert D. Wiplinger<br />

Marilyn K. Wirth<br />

David L. Wittlief<br />

Cheryl A. Wittman<br />

Robert J. Wittman<br />

Wayne C. Wittman<br />

Tamara L. Wold<br />

Alan D. Woldt<br />

Gerald J. Wolf<br />

Stephen G. Wolters<br />

Woodbury <strong>Health</strong> Care Center<br />

Christine M. Woodward<br />

Katrina M. Wright<br />

Kathleen A. Wuorinen<br />

Michael D. Wurm<br />

Wyndmere Naturals, Inc.<br />

Michell Yang<br />

Betty G. York<br />

James E. Young<br />

Pamela E. Young<br />

Duane L. Zabinski<br />

Anca I. Zamfirescu<br />

Sandra M. Zamora<br />

Mario J. Zarama<br />

Richard P. Zeien<br />

We aPologize for any errors or<br />

oMissions that May aPPear in this listing.<br />

Please contact <strong>the</strong> united hosPital<br />

foundation at 651-241-8022 With<br />

questions or corrections.<br />

37<br />


Larry gamst, <strong>the</strong> managing<br />

principal of DS&b Ltd. , is a<br />

board member of <strong>the</strong> United<br />

Hospital foundation.<br />

38<br />

Recent tax legislation extended <strong>the</strong><br />

Bush tax cuts for two more years as<br />

a compromise <strong>to</strong> dealing with <strong>to</strong>ugh<br />

economic times. although some in<br />

Congress called for making <strong>the</strong>se cuts<br />

permanent, that did not happen. in my<br />

experience, no tax legislation will ever be<br />

permanent; however, with <strong>the</strong> extension<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Bush tax cuts and <strong>the</strong> certainty for<br />

estates for <strong>the</strong> next two years, we should<br />

be able <strong>to</strong> do a better job as it relates <strong>to</strong><br />

charitable planning in this period of time.<br />

although charitable planning is often<br />

guided or determined by tax laws in<br />

effect at <strong>the</strong> time, we need <strong>to</strong> consider a<br />

number of o<strong>the</strong>r elements <strong>to</strong> truly make a<br />

difference. first, medical research is at <strong>the</strong><br />

forefront of extending and improving <strong>the</strong><br />

quality of life. let me say that once more<br />

– extending and improving <strong>the</strong> quality of<br />

life. now, more than at any o<strong>the</strong>r point<br />

of time, it is important that continued<br />

support for medical research occurs. <strong>the</strong><br />

needs of many require continued financial<br />

support from those who can do so.<br />

second, it is easier <strong>to</strong> give of ourselves<br />

when we have ways <strong>to</strong> replenish those<br />

funds for family members who survive<br />

us. <strong>the</strong> use of charitable trusts and<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r irrevocable trusts can aid us in our<br />

long-term planning.<br />

third, tax legislation is never static. it<br />

will always change, which requires us <strong>to</strong><br />

deal with <strong>the</strong> advantages that are present<br />

now and <strong>to</strong> spend less time worrying<br />

about <strong>the</strong> future. in my article in <strong>the</strong><br />

fall <strong>2010</strong> united hospital foundation<br />

planned giving<br />

now is <strong>the</strong> time <strong>to</strong> act<br />

newsletter, i noted that carryover basis<br />

and better record keeping could become<br />

a concern. i also noted that by<br />

contributing highly appreciated assets,<br />

one might alleviate some of those record<br />

keeping concerns.<br />

<strong>the</strong> recent tax legislation continues <strong>to</strong><br />

allow for stepping up <strong>the</strong> basis <strong>to</strong> date of<br />

death for deaths in <strong>2010</strong>, 2011 and 2012.<br />

Whe<strong>the</strong>r it will continue after 2012 will<br />

depend upon <strong>the</strong> efforts of Congress. for<br />

gifts of assets prior <strong>to</strong> death, <strong>the</strong> basis for<br />

<strong>the</strong> donee is usually <strong>the</strong> same as it is in<br />

<strong>the</strong> hands of <strong>the</strong> donor.<br />

<strong>to</strong>day, <strong>the</strong>re has never been a better<br />

time where people who have substantial<br />

assets can make a difference in improving<br />

quality of life. through contribution<br />

of <strong>the</strong>se assets <strong>to</strong> qualified charitable<br />

organizations, <strong>the</strong>re is virtually no tax<br />

when those assets are liquidated, which<br />

leaves a greater amount of dollars that<br />

can be spent <strong>to</strong>ward medical research.<br />

this means that greater benefits during<br />

<strong>the</strong> next two years and beyond exist in<br />

contributing highly appreciated assets<br />

<strong>to</strong> ei<strong>the</strong>r charitable trusts or <strong>to</strong> donor<br />

advised funds, such as those of <strong>the</strong> united<br />

hospital foundation. With proper<br />

planning we can be certain <strong>to</strong> maximize<br />

tax savings in making those contributions,<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y are current gifts or legacy<br />

gifts from a will or trust.<br />

in conclusion, please consider making<br />

those gifts now when <strong>the</strong>y can make a<br />

greater difference for us, our loved ones,<br />

our friends and our community.

United Hospital Foundation Funds<br />


this fund provides resources for<br />

programs and equipment for one<br />

of <strong>the</strong> state’s busiest birth centers.<br />



<strong>the</strong> fund provides for pulmonary<br />

and cardiac education for patients<br />

and staff at united hospital.<br />


<strong>the</strong> vision is <strong>to</strong> be a leader in<br />

clinical cardiology and provide<br />

<strong>the</strong> highest level of quality<br />

research service. <strong>the</strong> fund helps<br />

expand <strong>the</strong> knowledge of current<br />

and developing <strong>the</strong>rapies.<br />


a health care team works<br />

<strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>to</strong> find <strong>the</strong> best way<br />

<strong>to</strong> manage diabetes. this fund<br />

provides support for diabetes<br />

programs and projects. united<br />

hospital is Joint Commission<br />

certified for inpatient diabetes<br />

care program.<br />



this cataloged collection of<br />

nearly 24,366 human hearts<br />

and 88,000 pho<strong>to</strong>graphic slides<br />

provides a unique learning and<br />

working opportunity for local,<br />

national and international<br />

physicians, which benefits<br />

every person with <strong>the</strong> potential<br />

for heart disease. <strong>the</strong> endowment<br />

fund keeps <strong>the</strong> registry here<br />

at united.<br />


<strong>the</strong> nasseff heart Center<br />

offers comprehensive care from<br />

diagnosis <strong>to</strong> rehabilitation.<br />



this fund supports <strong>the</strong><br />

designation of a medical<br />

direc<strong>to</strong>r position of <strong>the</strong> stroke<br />

intervention Center within <strong>the</strong><br />

nasseff neuroscience<br />

Center, which already has<br />

<strong>the</strong> components for a stroke<br />

center of excellence in place,<br />

including experienced staff,<br />

interventional radiological<br />

treatments, rehabilitation<br />

services, screenings, prevention<br />

and risk-reduction programs.<br />




<strong>the</strong> apartments offer a place for<br />

families <strong>to</strong> stay when a loved one<br />

is hospitalized. this fund helps<br />

subsidize guests who can’t afford<br />

<strong>to</strong> pay for <strong>the</strong> service.<br />



this resource is funded entirely<br />

by physicians and provides grants<br />

for clinical research, educational<br />

opportunities and <strong>the</strong> purchase<br />

of ancillary equipment.<br />




<strong>the</strong> Mil<strong>to</strong>n M. hurwitz exerCare<br />

fitness Center provides medically<br />

safe and effective exercise and<br />

education programs <strong>to</strong> patients,<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir families and <strong>the</strong> community.<br />


<strong>the</strong> John nasseff neuroscience<br />

institute offers comprehensive<br />

services, including a multidisciplinary<br />

team for acute and<br />

long-term care, and serves as a<br />

research and education center<br />

<strong>to</strong> patients with neurologic<br />

disorders.<br />



<strong>the</strong> operating Room expansion<br />

fund supports <strong>the</strong> renovation<br />

of <strong>the</strong> united hospital operating<br />

rooms. upgrades bring stateof-<strong>the</strong>-art<br />

technology and<br />

capabilities <strong>to</strong> continue providing<br />

exceptional care.<br />




united’s emergency department,<br />

one of <strong>the</strong> busiest in <strong>the</strong> twin<br />

Cities, is being expanded <strong>to</strong><br />

continue <strong>to</strong> meet <strong>the</strong> needs of<br />

our community as we respond<br />

<strong>to</strong> life-threatening injuries and<br />

illness, as well as <strong>the</strong> possibilities<br />

of terrorist threats, large-scale<br />

natural disasters and worldwide<br />

epidemics. <strong>the</strong> emergency<br />

department is opening in spring<br />

2011 (see page 3).<br />



this fund focuses on providing<br />

health care <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> uninsured,<br />

underinsured and underserved<br />

community members.<br />


Jim Adamski Complementary<br />

Therapy Fund<br />

Behavioral <strong>Health</strong> Services Fund<br />

Breastfeeding Resource Center<br />

Cancer Care and Research Fund<br />

Cardiovascular <strong>Health</strong><br />

Improvement Fund<br />

Center for Caring<br />

Chapel/Pas<strong>to</strong>ral Care/<br />

Spiritual Care Fund<br />

Claussen Scholarship<br />

Endowment Fund<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Partnership Fund<br />

Dr. C. Richard Gui<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Ethics Fund<br />

Dr. Karon Pulmonary<br />

Disease Fund<br />

Employee Fund (EFAC)<br />

Equipment Fund<br />

Faye Ann Johnson Memorial<br />

Education Fund<br />

Free Care Endowment Fund<br />

G. Kamman Tumor<br />

Conference Fund<br />

General Fund<br />

Heart/Lung Endowment Fund<br />

John & Delores Holl<br />

Endowment Fund<br />

Lawson Family Donor<br />

Advised Fund<br />

Medicine Fund<br />

Newman Breast Cancer Fund<br />

Nursing Education<br />

Endowment Fund<br />

Olivia Birth Center Fund<br />

Oncology Endowment Fund<br />

Pain Center<br />

Ragon Cardiac Fund<br />

Rifkin Cardiac Fund<br />

Rinkey Cardiovascular<br />

Endowment Fund<br />

Sam Singer Memorial Fund<br />

Sharon K. Willbrandt<br />

Memorial Fund<br />

Volunteer Fund<br />

<strong>to</strong> make a donation <strong>to</strong> any united hospital foundation fund, please call <strong>the</strong> united hospital foundation at 651-241-8022<br />

or visit us online <strong>to</strong> learn more and about planned giving at www.unitedhospital.com/unitedfoundation.<br />

39<br />


United Hospital Donor Tributes<br />

United Hospital foundation’s<br />

Honoring Program offers a<br />

distinctive and meaningful way<br />

<strong>to</strong> remember, honor, pay tribute<br />

or recognize those important<br />

people in your life. by giving in<br />

remembrance, you offer a gift of<br />

lasting memory.<br />

United Hospital’s continued<br />

strength results in large measure<br />

from <strong>the</strong> support received from<br />

generous individuals like you.<br />

The financial commitment of our<br />

community members enables<br />

United Hospital foundation <strong>to</strong><br />

invest in important projects at<br />

United — supporting <strong>the</strong> best<br />

in quality health care for our<br />

patients while meeting <strong>the</strong> needs<br />

of our donors. The following<br />

are memorial/tribute gifts<br />

received from aug. 26, <strong>2010</strong><br />

through Dec. 31, <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

if you Would liKe <strong>to</strong><br />

honor, reMeMber or<br />

celebrate soMeone,<br />

or an event, Please<br />

coMPlete <strong>the</strong> enclosed<br />

honoring enveloPe<br />

and send it and your<br />

donation <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> united<br />

hosPital foundation.<br />

40<br />

In Memory of<br />

Ruth Bank<br />

Thor G. Bank<br />

Renee BaRinBaum<br />

Margie and Steve Krause<br />

gaRy Beckwith<br />

Sandy Andersen<br />

Jerry and Shari Nelson<br />

Betty BeRgeson<br />

David and Lynda Bergeson<br />

melvin candell<br />

Marjorie Edwards<br />

kent coBoRn<br />

Shannon Kearney-Coborn<br />

ann colucci<br />

Helene A. Houle<br />

teRRi lynn cotteR<br />

Evelyn Cotter<br />

haRRiet cummins<br />

Jerry and Shari Nelson<br />

nettie doBRyman<br />

Margie and Steve Krause<br />

gene dwyeR<br />

Yvonne Garvin<br />

iRving s. efRon<br />

Karen and Bruce Gershman<br />

Bud goldBeRg<br />

Karen and Bruce Gershman<br />

Paul Rifkin<br />

daRlene howell<br />

Patricia Howell<br />

mR. and mRs. chen-chu<br />

hsiung<br />

Jean Hsiung<br />

wilfRed t. Johnson, JR.<br />

David W. York<br />

James t. kane<br />

Jean C. Kane<br />

Bess kiRschBaum<br />

Margie and Steve Krause<br />

anna m. kisch<br />

JoAnne M. Kisch<br />

syBil lipschultz<br />

Karen and Bruce Gershman<br />

Paul Rifkin<br />

Ruth and samuel<br />

lipschultz<br />

Dorothy (Dottie) Lipschultz<br />

elizaBeth ann paul<br />

Tom and Florence Thomson<br />

maRgaRet peteRson<br />

Carol Ann and Philip McGuire<br />

John Nasseff and Helene Houle<br />

madeline mulleR peteRson<br />

Dennis and Kathy Peterson<br />

BeatRice dena san<strong>to</strong>s<br />

John San<strong>to</strong>s<br />

In Celebration of a Birthday<br />

lillian meckleR<br />

Paul Rifkin<br />

For a Speedy Recovery<br />

steve RuBin<br />

Mary and Bob Mersky<br />

JeRRold “JeRRy” savitt<br />

Karen and Bruce Gershman<br />

Margie and Steve Krause<br />

geoRge schaffhausen<br />

Pat and Tony Spraitz<br />

Judith a. schmitt<br />

Lorraine and Raymond Houle<br />

h. nippeRt smith, md<br />

United Hospital Medical Staff<br />

e<strong>the</strong>l “attie” spek<strong>to</strong>R<br />

Marjorie Edwards<br />

<strong>to</strong>dd steffenson<br />

MSgt. Daniel and Tammi Barnes<br />

donald B. swanson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watt<br />

<strong>to</strong>m tRepanieR<br />

Joseph and Dorothy Trepanier<br />

RogeR van cleve<br />

Dolores Sailor and John Luger<br />

caRolyn weiss<br />

Melvin Weiss<br />

alys yaRmo<br />

Marjorie Edwards<br />

chaRles zalk<br />

Marjorie Edwards

In Honor of<br />

maRy maRgaRet’s maRRiage<br />

connie Bennett<br />

Paul Rifkin<br />

<strong>the</strong> lexing<strong>to</strong>n RestauRant and staff<br />

Mickey Goff<br />

louis B. huRvitz<br />

Eric Sjostrom<br />

dR. claRisa RoBles, neuRology dvm<br />

dR. alistaR mcvey, neuRology dvm<br />

anna hoffmann, cvt neuRology<br />

Mickey Goff<br />

elaine s. laRson<br />

Harlan Cavert and Linda Odegard<br />

In Honor of Mil<strong>to</strong>n M. Hurwitz ExerCare Fitness Center<br />

youR wondeRful caRe duRing tRaining<br />

stephanie h. at exeRcaRe<br />

Mickey Goff<br />

In Honor of United Hospital<br />

david w. ByRd<br />

Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Staley<br />

foR pRoviding outstanding caRe<br />

del conRad, Rn<br />

Jack Kurshoff<br />

pam ketcham<br />

Mary Hendrickson<br />

exeRcaRe fitness centeR<br />

stephanie d., kRis c., loRi f., Joe s. , dan k.,<br />

aRlene m., caRly h. , BRett p., shelBy s. ,<br />

elaine t. and nancy d.<br />

Mickey Goff<br />

dR. RichaRd d. shank<br />

Elinor and Richard Gordon<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Irving Lerner<br />

foR excellent caRe<br />

united hospital - station 3400<br />

Gerald and Janet Fine<br />

heR community leadeRship<br />

Joan thompson<br />

Gloria Perez<br />

caRdoza society awaRd<br />

Ron zamansky<br />

Karen and Bruce Gershman<br />

<strong>the</strong> fantastic doc<strong>to</strong>Rs and nuRses<br />

united hospital - icu<br />

Gerald and Janet Fine<br />

dRs. gRegoRy, lis<strong>to</strong>n, dunn & opeRating team<br />

Joan M. Jungkunz<br />

celebRatinG national patient RecoGnition Week<br />

United Hospital’s nutrition Services Department celebrated national Patient<br />

recognition Week february 1-7. Staff visited patients and let <strong>the</strong>m know that<br />

<strong>the</strong>y appreciated being able <strong>to</strong> care for <strong>the</strong>m and for choosing United Hospital.<br />

With help from <strong>the</strong> alumni Club nutrition Services staff offered hot apple cider,<br />

hot spiced apple tea or Sprite® <strong>to</strong> patients and <strong>the</strong>ir visi<strong>to</strong>rs. Crystal olson,<br />

nutrition Services, enjoyed working with <strong>the</strong> alumni Club.<br />

“i just loved working with <strong>the</strong> ladies, <strong>the</strong>y were all so cute and excited <strong>to</strong> be<br />

here,” said olson. “i think <strong>the</strong> experience was a win for everyone involved.<br />

Thank you alumni Club for your dedication <strong>to</strong> our patients and making this<br />

day a great success.”<br />

national Patient recognition Week promotes observance of health care<br />

patients. The week revolves around patient satisfaction; upon observing<br />

patient satisfaction, health care providers can use <strong>the</strong> time <strong>to</strong> consider ways<br />

in which <strong>the</strong>y can enhance it.<br />

mil<strong>to</strong>n m. huRwitz exeRcaRe fitness centeR<br />

and caRdiac RehaB<br />

Mickey Goff<br />

41<br />


42<br />

The Heritage Society<br />

<strong>the</strong> heritage society is our way of acknowledging donors who make <strong>the</strong> foundation part of <strong>the</strong>ir estate plan<br />

or who provide perpetual support of our hospital through <strong>the</strong> creation of an endowment fund. <strong>the</strong>se generous<br />

individuals are shapers of <strong>the</strong> future, making <strong>the</strong>ir mark with gifts that will benefit generations <strong>to</strong> come. an<br />

estate gift is so much more than a donation. it is a charitable act that provides a steady stream of support that<br />

allows <strong>the</strong> foundation <strong>to</strong> respond <strong>to</strong> changing needs – forever.<br />

<strong>to</strong> become a member of <strong>the</strong> heritage society, all you need <strong>to</strong> do is inform us of <strong>the</strong> provision you have made<br />

for <strong>the</strong> foundation in your will or trust. <strong>the</strong> amount can vary and does not have <strong>to</strong> be disclosed. You may<br />

remain anonymous if you wish.<br />

for more information, please contact <strong>the</strong> united hospital foundation at 651-241-8022. Confidential<br />

consultation on charitable giving with foundation staff or o<strong>the</strong>r experts is available.<br />

We recognize and thank <strong>the</strong> following members of <strong>the</strong> heritage society:<br />

Duke Adamski<br />

Darcy Andahl<br />

Gudfinna Angevine<br />

Charles and Marjorie Avoles<br />

Barbara and Dan Balik<br />

Helen L. Bauer<br />

Cynthia Bean<br />

Maxine A. Becker<br />

Eleanor Beikler<br />

Larry and Nancy Bentson<br />

John and Andrea Bien<br />

Rachel Hill Boeckmann<br />

William Bogenberger<br />

Paul J. Bosman<br />

Elinor Brodie<br />

Edwina and Raymond Burrows<br />

David W. Byrd<br />

Mary D. Cannon<br />

William J. Carthaus<br />

Robert H. Chandler<br />

Dorothy Chappell<br />

Bruce F. Church<br />

Clara Claussen<br />

Frieda Claussen<br />

Stephanie S. Cook<br />

Pat and Jim Cooksey<br />

Lisa M. Damon<br />

Patrick and Marie Drescich<br />

Arthur G. Driscoll<br />

Cindy and Bill Early<br />

Mina Fergestad<br />

James Flink, MD, and<br />

Diane Uecker-Flink, RN<br />

Dan Foley, MD<br />

Mil<strong>to</strong>n Frogner<br />

Virda Frogner<br />

Elsie Geiss<br />

Stephen Gryzan, MD, and<br />

Thomas M. Reynen<br />

Richard J. Haag<br />

Jerome M. and Marice L. Halper<br />

Family Foundation<br />

M. Lenore Hannon<br />

Douglas H. and<br />

Marie E. Hanson<br />

Beda Harper<br />

Clara Louis Harris<br />

Nancy Ottis Harris<br />

John G. and Alice L. Harrison<br />

Marshall and Elizabeth Hatfield<br />

Marjorie Hathaway<br />

Monica and Harold Heitgen<br />

Rebecca F. Hensel<br />

Phillip W. Herzog<br />

George S. Hill<br />

Louis Fors Hill<br />

Stan and Doris Hill<br />

Edith B. Hodgson<br />

John and Dolores Holl<br />

Dr. Ken and Linda Holmen<br />

Joseph B. Hreha<br />

Mary L. Huberty<br />

Rose Hutterer<br />

Mary Lou Jacobson<br />

Charlotte Janssen<br />

Evelyn B. Johnson<br />

David B. and Julie A. Jones<br />

Ione N. Kadden<br />

Margaret D. Kincaid<br />

Elsie J. Lane<br />

Elaine S. and Robert E. Larson<br />

Norma L. Larson<br />

The Lawson Family<br />

Roger R. Lenzmeier<br />

N. Logan Leven, MD<br />

Richard Leven<br />

Bill and Sybil Lipschultz<br />

Mrs. Samuel (Ruth) Lipschultz<br />

Jean and Gunnar Ljungkull<br />

Dr. Thomas and Katie Love<br />

Harvey Lubov<br />

Gertrude Maiden<br />

Wyllene Pearson Marks<br />

William H. Mason, III<br />

Kay Ma<strong>the</strong>s<br />

Theresa T. McCarthy<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Merrick<br />

Peter W. Michalowski<br />

David and Patricia Miller<br />

Dr. Zondal and Es<strong>the</strong>r Miller<br />

Mark and Joan Mishek<br />

Lucille Moeller<br />

Joan Muhlenkord<br />

LeVonne Mulrooney<br />

Lorraine C. Murphy<br />

Dean K. Murray<br />

John Nasseff<br />

Peter L. Navtzeny<br />

Scott Nelson and Roxanne Hart<br />

Winnifred Ne<strong>the</strong>rly<br />

Sandy Neuman<br />

Mary Ann and Ed Newman<br />

Frederick M. Owens, Jr., MD,<br />

and Lucy T. Owens<br />

H. Johanne Platzer<br />

Shirley J. Pond<br />

George Power, Jr.<br />

Florine J. Prusak<br />

Rosella E. Qualey<br />

Russell and Dorothy Ragon<br />

Paul and Irene Rifkin<br />

Karen A. Ringheim<br />

Jack Ritt<br />

Clay<strong>to</strong>n L. Robinson<br />

Robert R. Robinson<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Roessler<br />

John T. Rogers, MD<br />

Louise and Thomas Rose<br />

Norman Rose<br />

Lillian M. Rumble<br />

Jerry Sansby<br />

James Scarpetta, Jr.<br />

Craig and Leah Schmalz<br />

Dolores M. Schram<br />

William C. Schram, Jr<br />

Christine and Michael Seitz<br />

Drs. Richard and Barbara Shank<br />

Ronald A. and<br />

Norma E. Signorelli<br />

Charles Signs<br />

Freda Silver<br />

Eleanor V. Stafstrom<br />

Florence and Donald Stan<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Elvera Stauffacher<br />

Phil Su<strong>the</strong>rland<br />

James F. Sylvester<br />

Joan C. Thompson<br />

Ruemah H. Thompson<br />

Joyce Johanne Tobiason<br />

Robert and Roberta Topness<br />

Mary L. Tyler<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tyler<br />

Paul and Carolyn Verret<br />

Tim L. Vesperman<br />

Carol J. Wagner<br />

Diane Weinfurtner<br />

Patricia H. Whitacre<br />

Leonard Wilkening<br />

Norb and Karen Winter<br />

Eleven of our donors wish <strong>to</strong><br />

remain anonymous.

United Hospital Foundation Staff<br />

<strong>the</strong> united hospital foundation exists <strong>to</strong> enhance <strong>the</strong> health of united hospital<br />

patients and <strong>the</strong> wellness of <strong>the</strong> community we serve.<br />

Back row: Jo Marcotte, Department Secretary; Cindy Early, Major Gifts Manager; and Janet Berg, Development Associate.<br />

Front row: Duke Adamski, President; and David Byrd, Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Development.<br />

United Hospital Foundation Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

Duke Adamski,** president, united<br />

hospital foundation<br />

Sid Applebaum,* Big <strong>to</strong>p liquors<br />

Alan Bank, MD, united heart &<br />

Vascular Clinic<br />

John Bien, treasurer, foundation<br />

Board; united hospital<br />

Bob Chandler, Chandler & Brown, ltd.<br />

Vic Corbett, MD,** united Medical<br />

specialties<br />

Merry DeCourcy, <strong>Community</strong> Member<br />

Song Lo Fawcett, fawcett law<br />

Mary Gag, RN, united hospital<br />

Larry Gamst, ds&B, ltd.<br />

Karen Gershman, <strong>Community</strong> Member<br />

David Herr, Maslon, edelman, Borman<br />

& Brand, llp<br />

Louis Fors Hill,* <strong>Community</strong> Member<br />

Tom Hodnefield, hlB tautges Redpath<br />

ltd.<br />

Helene Houle, <strong>Community</strong> Member<br />

Gerry Hughes, <strong>Community</strong> Member<br />

Douglas Ketcham, MD, st. paul<br />

Radiology<br />

Russell King, secretary, foundation<br />

Board; King Capital Corporation<br />

Anders Knutzen, MD,** Chief of<br />

staff, united hospital; st. paul<br />

Radiology<br />

James Kowalski, past Chair,<br />

foundation Board; Kowalski Companies<br />

Norma L. Larson,* <strong>Community</strong><br />

Member<br />

Patrick Mazorol, Be<strong>the</strong>l university<br />

Joseph Micallef,* <strong>Community</strong> Member<br />

Peter Michalowski, Goodrich<br />

Daniel Mott, fredrikson & Byron<br />

Jack Ritt, Chair, foundation Board;<br />

north star Bank<br />

Peter Robb, Mairs & power<br />

Nancy L. Rosenberg, Big <strong>to</strong>p liquors<br />

Wendy Rubin, Wendy Rubin ltd.<br />

Tomi Ryba,** president, united<br />

hospital<br />

Frank Sunberg, <strong>Community</strong> Member<br />

Kris Taylor, ecolab, inc.<br />

Jon V. Thomas, MD** Vice-Chief of<br />

staff, united hospital; ent specialty<br />

Care of Mn<br />

Joan Thompson, Minnesota Wire<br />

Paul Verret, Vice Chair, foundation<br />

Board; <strong>Community</strong> Member<br />

Len Wilkening,* <strong>Community</strong> Member<br />

Stan Williams, phd, university of<br />

Minnesota<br />

Bart Zibrowski, McGough<br />

Construction Company, inc.<br />

* emeritus ** ex-officio<br />

43<br />




United Hospital Foundation<br />

333 North Smith Avenue<br />

Saint Paul, MN 55102<br />

unitedhospital.com/unitedfoundation<br />

NoNprofit<br />

orgaNizatioN<br />

U.S. poStage<br />

paiD<br />

St. paUl, MN<br />

perMit 3121

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