ANNUAL REPORT 2010 - Konkurentsiamet

ANNUAL REPORT 2010 - Konkurentsiamet

ANNUAL REPORT 2010 - Konkurentsiamet


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The Competition Authority has the opinion that public interests do not justify the serious<br />

competition restriction included in the Public Transport Act §41 (2) (2). An authority<br />

granting the line permits should only have the right to demand that long-distance lines<br />

would not depart from a bus station with such a small interval that it would be mutually<br />

obstructive physically. Proceeding from the above, the Competition Authority<br />

recommended that the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications initiate the<br />

relevant amendment to remove the restriction specified in the Public Transport Act § 41<br />

(2)(2) and also submitted its opinions to the Economic Commission of the Riigikogu.<br />

Proposal for amendment of the Funded Pensions Act<br />

On 21.07.<strong>2010</strong> the Competition Authority submitted to the Ministry of Finance the<br />

amendment proposals of the draft for the amendment of the Funded Pensions Act and<br />

related acts. The Authority had already before repeatedly stressed the need to make the<br />

regulation of a mandatory funded pension more flexible for the consumers and more<br />

efficient from the standpoint of competition between trustees.<br />

On July 2, <strong>2010</strong> the Ministry of Finance submitted the draft for amendment of the Funded<br />

Pensions Act and related acts to the ministries for approval. Pursuant to the Funded<br />

Pensions Act valid at that moment the units of a pension fund could be changed only once a<br />

year. In the opinion of the Competition Authority this was a serious restriction of the<br />

freedom of choice of the consumers and thus also of the competition between the trustees<br />

and the entry of new service providers to the market was difficult. Pursuant to the draft<br />

submitted by the Ministry of Finance the consumers would have had the possibility to<br />

change the existing units of a mandatory pension fund three times a year and channel new<br />

payments to another fund in three business days. The Competition Authority has the<br />

opinion that even the possibility to change a mandatory pension funds three times in a year<br />

still restricts the freedom of choice of the consumers and efficient competition. It would be<br />

difficult for new service providers to enter the market in a situation where it is possible only<br />

three times a year to compete efficiently for the clients.<br />

The restriction of the change of pension funds has been mainly explained by the fact that<br />

permission of more frequent change would incline the investment policy of trustees to<br />

orientate towards an undesirably short-term benefit and would send the wrong signal to the<br />

unit owner, whose knowledge of investment is probably not too high. On the other hand,<br />


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