SCSN Minutes 2010 11 - The Knowledge Network

SCSN Minutes 2010 11 - The Knowledge Network

SCSN Minutes 2010 11 - The Knowledge Network


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DATE: 5th November, <strong>2010</strong><br />

TIME:<br />

<strong>11</strong>.00am<br />

VENUE: Clinical Skills Centre, Room 8<br />

Present:<br />

Graham Nimmo<br />

Helen Henderson<br />

Jane Reid<br />

Jenny Miller<br />

Predrag Bjelogrlic<br />

Veronica O’Carroll<br />

Caroline Wood<br />

1. APOLOGIES<br />

Apologies were presented to the meeting on behalf of:<br />

Graham Geddes<br />

Janet Skinner<br />

Margaret Braid<br />

Maureen Crowley<br />

Beverley MacLennan<br />

Alna Robb<br />

Ailsa Armstrong<br />

Paula Ingram<br />


GN welcomed all members to the meeting and asked if the group could take a minute to go<br />

over the minutes of 6 August to see if there should be any changes to content. It was agreed<br />

that the minutes were an accurate reflection of the meeting.<br />

<br />

<br />

With regards item (12) in the last minute – Patient Safety Group – RP had written a letter to<br />

Peter Davey to intimate that the <strong>Network</strong> were keen to be linked with this and support the<br />

Patient Safety Group. <strong>The</strong> first meeting in St Andrews on 12 th November is fully subscribed<br />

with 200 registered. GN will be in attendance at this meeting and will also be promoting<br />

<strong>SCSN</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> minutes of the AGM were also distributed but not for discussion at the meeting – this<br />

will be done at the AGM next year.<br />

3. MATTERS ARISING – not covered elsewhere<br />

CW enquired how the vacancies for Steering Group Members and a Secretary were<br />

progressing – this was addressed under AOCB.<br />

<br />

<br />

JM asked if the <strong>Network</strong> should be promoting their association with ASME more and advising<br />

members that we have corporate membership and the benefits associated with this. PB<br />

asked what the financial benefits were and LE to source this information and pass on to<br />

members.<br />

CW suggested that the <strong>Network</strong> produces a flyer for members advising benefits available<br />

from ASME, information on the Travel Scholarship and any workshops coming up with a link<br />

to the website as this may encourage members to look at the website more. Discussion then<br />

took place on the formation of a bulletin from the <strong>Network</strong> being sent out to members. It<br />

was decided that a bulletin would be produced every 4 months and there would be a<br />

template made up and could be filled in with information relating to – Workshops, Special<br />


Interest Groups, the Annual Conference, Fundings, Travel Scholarships, ASME and would be a<br />

useful tool for the membership. It would be called “<strong>SCSN</strong> Bulletin” and when e-mailed out<br />

there would also be a link to the website. In order to get the bulletin out to a wider<br />

audience, members agreed to send this out to their own contacts. LE to draw up a template<br />

and remind members a couple of weeks before the bulletin is due to go out so that<br />

information can be collated. GN felt for a while that it would be good to cast the net wider,<br />

particularly in the medical fraternity, as awareness of the <strong>Network</strong> is not as high as it should<br />

be and he thought that the bulletin could be used as a way of letting people know about the<br />

<strong>Network</strong> – going through the College of Physicians and sending out flyers, etc.<br />

JM had a meeting in the North with Jerry Morse, having a look at the Suttie Centre and they<br />

invited a Service User (Carer), partly because they are having real problems with invasive<br />

procedures and thinking that clinical skills would be useful. Carers get no training and the<br />

Service User was very excited about the whole resource and how it could be used. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

other groups who may be interested in becoming associated members of the <strong>Network</strong>. GN<br />

thought this was a really good development of our profile and would help to get our<br />

membership more active. GN wanted to clarify invasive procedures and discussion took<br />

place on this and it was suggested that a good way to start this would be to have a workshop<br />

to see what the interest is because you could have a special interest group. JM to contact<br />

Loretta Lamb, director of PAMIS – huge area to provide support in localities to access clinical<br />

skills training or at least start to talk to people. JM to send synopsis about research project<br />

and contact details to GN and LE to circulate to Steering Group.<br />

LE<br />

JM<br />

4. Artist in Residence<br />

GN announced at the Conference, progress in relation to the Artist in Residence – GN and Christine<br />

Borland were putting together a detailed application. If this goes ahead Christine will spend 2 days<br />

a week interfacing with all the Clinical Skills facilities and facilitators in Scotland. If successful with<br />

the application this will start the middle of next year and the end will coincide with the Conference<br />

in Edinburgh.<br />

5. Skills Passport<br />

This was left on the Agenda from the last meeting on the basis that we need to shift this aside. Tony<br />

sent in a Skills Passport he had when he was training but reading through minutes from previous<br />

meetings Jean Ker is actually looking at this nationally and we should let Jean and Tony look at this.<br />

GN did not think this was something that the Group should pursue and will e-mail Tony and advise<br />

him of this.<br />

6. <strong>2010</strong> Conference<br />

Copies of the Feedback forms were distributed and it was decided that even under the<br />

circumstances with the disruption of the fire, the general consensus was that the Conference was a<br />

success. A letter was being sent to Discovery to formally thank them for their assistance that day.<br />

GN thought that the right balance had been found with the Keynote Speakers and the conference<br />

had given people what they wanted. It was agreed that the on-line registration system was a good<br />

idea and worked well in principle. PB would support this idea for next year.<br />

GN<br />

PB asked if the Keynote Speakers had given permission for their talks to be put on the website. LE<br />

said only two had signed permission forms. Other speakers to be contacted to ask if they will give<br />

permission for their talks to go on the website.<br />

CW raised the question of money and now that figures/bills were in, the situation was becoming a<br />

bit clearer. <strong>The</strong> Group has to make £8,500 a year to keep a balance, although there is about<br />

£20,000 in the pot but we don’t want to go into that too much. This year we only made £6,500 and<br />

it is a point to note that we didn’t make a profit. Each year we are losing a little bit more – as we<br />

are now having to pay for venues, this is adding to the costs and we haven’t increased the

conference fees and this needs to be discussed. <strong>The</strong>refore this year it looks to have cost us £2,000.<br />

Discussion then took place regarding members and membership costs. LE to contact current<br />

members who haven’t yet paid their membership. It was felt that the choices for payment at the<br />

conference this year led to a bit of confusion with regards to payment of membership. Perhaps we<br />

should say that people should be members of the Group first before they receive the discounted<br />

amount for the Conference and that the membership year should start before the conference, e.g.<br />

June to June and then we know that everybody has paid membership and then when Conference<br />

comes round then they pay separately and the members get the reduced price. PB thought the<br />

solution was for the membership to be on a separate date and leave it out of the Conference. GN<br />

asked if we could come back to this.<br />

7. Conference 20<strong>11</strong>- Update<br />

VO and PB met with Conferencing Services in St Andrews – Kim Mhalerbie is the contact there. With<br />

regards to some of the things from the last meeting, the Social Event Fork Buffet would cost £15pp<br />

for the food and there would be an additional cost for drinks (£12.50 per bottle of wine). Numbers<br />

would need to be checked to see how many Lower College Hall could hold and also confirmation of<br />

additional costs. <strong>The</strong>re was a bit of a concern that there would only be a Technician available for set<br />

up of the conference but there may be someone available on the two days and we would have to<br />

pay for their time.<br />

GN thought that the initial costing of £48/person for the two days was quite a good price with<br />

everything that was included. VO having problems contacting Kim Mhalerbie and when she gets<br />

final costings will copy CW for costs.<br />

GN then proposed a formal checklist with progress and timelines that could be discussed at each<br />

meeting. This will enable gaps to be highlighted. VO asked if there could be a section in the<br />

checklist to highlight the responsibilities of the host.<br />

VO<br />

GN/LE<br />

<strong>The</strong> rooms available are: 1 Lecture <strong>The</strong>atre (holds 300), 2 Seminar Rooms (hold 50) and 5 Tutorial<br />

Rooms (hold 12) and all the rooms in the Clinical Skills area will be available. Coffee will be served in<br />

the main entrance area and it was decided that posters will be set up in the coffee/lunch area,<br />

where the Trades People will also be situated. JM asked if more time could be spent going round the<br />

posters.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was then discussion on the display/presentation of posters and the length of time for showing<br />

these to give them maximum exposure. GN suggested starting the conference one hour earlier to<br />

allow extra time during coffee/lunch, one of which could be extended, for people to look at posters<br />

and also to network. It was agreed to start the conference at 10.00am on the first day.<br />

At this point in the meeting Cass Kellett came in to apologise that she had been drafted onto an<br />

interview panel and would be unable to attend the meeting but wanted to thank everyone for their<br />

help during the Conference. GN then thanked Cass personally for her excellent organisation of the<br />

Conference and for the organisation on the day of the fire. GN asked if CK could e-mail him a copy of<br />

the Abstract Marking Criteria. CK asked that it must be made clear on the call for abstracts and the<br />

website that people cannot submit abstracts and then withdraw at the last minute because they<br />

cannot get funding to attend the conference.<br />

CK<br />

Keynote Speakers – GN asked for any suggestions for Keynote Speakers and a note will be sent out<br />

to all on the Steering Group for suggestions. Roger Kneebone who had to withdraw from this year’s<br />

conference had said that he would be delighted to attend at another time so he will be contacted.<br />

JR suggested Esther May, Dean of the University of South Australia as a possible Keynote as she had<br />

heard her speak and she was excellent. PB had confirmation from the Dean that he will open the<br />

meeting.<br />

Workshops – suggestions were for Inter-professional Skills, or for an area that was doing really well<br />

with Clinical Skills. JR suggested ACT AHP Co-ordinator who is now beginning to do a lot of teaching<br />

integrating through medical school and it might be good to have a workshop or presentation on the

work that is going on. VO involved in programme piloting Clinical placements but will have<br />

something to feedback by next year and include in a workshop.<br />

GN’s thoughts on the format of the conference was for Roger Kneebone to start off and then run<br />

with the concept of inter-professional skills and then the final talk would be somebody who pulls it<br />

all together with what has gone on over the two days and Jean Ker is probably the person to do this,<br />

if we gave her the remit.<br />

Jane Reid left the meeting at 1.00pm.<br />

Money – CW had done rough calculation and worked out that we need to make another £4,000 this<br />

year to break even. <strong>The</strong> cost of the evening meal to be added to the cost of conference package.<br />

In order to increase revenue, it was suggested that more exhibitors from Trade and Industry were<br />

contacted and offered places if there was enough space for them. <strong>The</strong> Group decided that with the<br />

conference expanding and costs increasing, that the exhibitor costs should be increased and it was<br />

agreed that this would increase from £350 to £450 which was still excellent value for 2 days at a<br />

conference. Cost of the conference fees was discussed and CW and LE to draft something with<br />

prices and send round to the Group. Final decision regarding finance options to be made at January<br />

meeting.<br />

2012 Update<br />

Venue will be Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh and not University of Edinburgh as<br />

previously stated in minutes. A local meeting has not been held yet to discuss the concept of<br />

“Human”. GN wondered if we should have a lay representative on the Steering Group.<br />

8. Workshops<br />

<strong>The</strong> workshops will be put onto the Bulletin and GN will write formally to Nicky Maran about the<br />

Debriefing Workshop that she said she would run.<br />

GN apologised for cancelling the Literature Review workshop in November but it coincided with the<br />

Ahsip meeting in Newcastle and also Chris Cairns couldn’t manage but this will be rescheduled for<br />

probably February at the earliest.<br />

GN asked for any other ideas for workshops and the question was raised about missed workshops at<br />

the Conference due to the fire. It was agreed that there would be 3 workshops planned and timings<br />

would be February, June and December. JM will co-ordinate workshops and GN volunteered for the<br />

February one. <strong>The</strong> Group will invite the people who ran a workshop at the conference if they would<br />

like to do so either in June or December. JM to meet with LE to discuss organisation/administration<br />

of workshops.<br />

9. Website<br />

<strong>The</strong> members still have to be finalised in each area and a photograph submitted. GN would like to<br />

meet with PB to go over what has to be updated on the site. <strong>The</strong>re was discussion about creating a<br />

community site as this was free, there were discussions boards and blogs for members. Steering<br />

group members were encouraged to take a look at the CDM community site. If the <strong>SCSN</strong> site was<br />

re-launched as a community site then perhaps it would be used more. PB to continue his roll as<br />

Website Supervisor and to look after community site. Meeting needs to be arranged to set up<br />

community site.<br />

10. CS Men Update<br />

A. Baker was expected to be at meeting but could not attend to give an up-date.<br />

GN<br />

GN<br />

JM/GN<br />

JM/LE<br />

PB/GN<br />

<strong>11</strong>. Clinical Decision Making Special Interest Group Update<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a meeting of this group in December and since the Steering Group last met the CDM have a<br />

3 rd on-line tutorial. Members were asked to encourage people to use this and point learners at this.<br />

This would also be a good item to put into the bulletin.<br />

At this point Caroline Wood had to leave the meeting but the dates for future meetings were

agreed.<br />

Next Meetings:<br />

Friday January 28 th 20<strong>11</strong> - <strong>11</strong>.00am<br />

Friday April 1 st 20<strong>11</strong> - <strong>11</strong>.00am<br />

Friday June 3 rd 20<strong>11</strong> - <strong>11</strong>.00am<br />

Friday August 12 th 20<strong>11</strong> - <strong>11</strong>.00am<br />

All meetings to be held in the Clinical Skills Centre, Ninewells Hospital & Medical School, Dundee.<br />

12. A.O.C.B.<br />

Steering Group Vacancies<br />

Graham Geddes has joined the Steering Group. Janet Skinner has intimated that due to workload<br />

she is unable to make Friday meetings and has asked if she should step down and someone replace<br />

her – GN will speak to Janet and also has someone in mind as a replacement. <strong>The</strong>re are still two<br />

vacancies, one in the West but Catie Paton has intimated her interest in joining and the Group<br />

unanimously supported this – GN to contact. JM had contacted someone as a replacement for the<br />

North and was waiting to hear their decision.<br />

GN<br />

JM<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary Position is still available but the Group agreed that they would run without a<br />

Secretary at the present time and see how this goes.<br />

Len Dalglish<br />

GN was preparing a letter to Len Dalglish’s family to inform them that we will be having the Len<br />

Dalglish Lecture (on Decision Making) at the next Conference and invite them and Pat Crosskerry to<br />

the meeting.<br />

GN asked if there were any other items and JM asked about the cost of hiring the mobile unit but no<br />

one had any firm ideas about cost. Since the meeting the following information has been taken<br />

from the CSMEN website regarding the cost of hiring the unit:<br />

“NHS Education for Scotland have funded the build and transportation of the unit for a twoyear<br />

(2009/10) pilot period to allow full evaluation of the educational potential for such a<br />

unit in the longer term and to determine the optimal use of the mobile unit. We are<br />

suggesting that Hospitals/Practices charge £10 per person per course initially, to cover costs<br />

of consumable items and so that professionals understand there will be charges in the<br />

future”<br />

13. Date of Next Meeting<br />

<strong>The</strong> date of the next meeting, as noted earlier, was agreed as Friday, 28 th January, 20<strong>11</strong>.

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