History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo

History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo

History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo


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ပုိꨓ္းတꨯးမူိဝ္ꨳမုိꨓ္ꨵသုိꨓ္းꨡြꨓ္ e-book is created by www.ShanYoMa.org ꨅြမ္သꨤမ္ꨀဝ္ꨳ<br />

ꨓꨓ္ꨵ-<br />

ပုိꨓ္းတꨯးဝူင္ꨵ ꨀꨤင္မူိင္းမꨤဝ္းလူင္ꨡꨓ္ေတꨲတင္ꨳပꨱꨓ္မဳးယဝ္ꨵꨅူိဝ္း<br />

(1)ꨅဝ္ꨳꨁုꨓ္လီေတꨲတင္ꨳမူိင္းမꨤဝ္းလူင္ေꨟဳꨁမ္းမူိင္းမꨤဝ္းမူိဝ္ꨳပီꨶ 80-100 AD<br />

ꨓꨓ္ꨵယဝ္ꨳ။ မူိဝ္ꨳပꨤꨓ္ꨓꨓ္ꨵ တုိꨀ္ꨵပꨱꨓ္ပꨤꨓ္မူိင္းꨓမ္ꨅဝ္ꨳ ꨡမ္ꨲꨓꨓ္မူိင္း<br />

မင္း မူိင္းမင္း၊ ပဝ္းသိꨓ္ꨓꨯꨵေသ ထုိင္မဳး 667-AD ꨅင္ꨲေတ ꨟူိဝ္ꨳꨟူိင္းပꨱꨓ္<br />

မူိင္းဝူင္ꨵတꨯးမဳး ပꨤꨓ္ꨅဝ္ꨳမင္းေꨓဳꨲယဝ္ꨳ။<br />

(2)ꨀူပ္းလꨯꨤးꨡမ္ꨲꨓꨓ္ မင္းေꨓဳꨲေတဳꨲꨀဳꨲꨅဝ္ꨳဝူင္ꨵ(11)တူꨓ္ ꨡုပ္ꨵငမ္းလူင္<br />

ꨀꨮဳꨲ ေတꨲတင္ꨳꨡဝ္မူိဝ္ꨳပီꨶ AD 667 ထုိင္ 777 ꨓꨓ္ꨵယဝ္ꨳ။<br />

(3)ꨅဝ္ꨳသꨤမ္ꨲလူင္ꨘဳꨵ တုိꨀ္းေပꨵေꨁꨲꨁဝ္ေသ ပꨱꨓ္ꨅြမ္သုိꨀ္းလူင္ သိူဝ္ꨁꨤꨓ္ꨲ<br />

ꨘဳꨵေသꨬလꨳ ေတꨲတင္ꨳꨡဳꨲဝ မူိဝ္ꨳပီꨶ 808-1325 AD ꨓꨓ္ꨵယဝ္ꨳ။<br />

(4)ꨅဝ္ꨳꨓꨤင္းမူဝ္ꨁမ္း ေမးꨓꨤင္းꨅဝ္ꨳသူိဝ္ꨁꨤꨓ္ꨲꨘဳꨵေတꨲတင္ꨳေꨟဳꨁမ္း တီꨳ<br />

မူိင္းꨀြင္ ꨡꨓ္ပꨱꨓ္ေꨟဳꨁမ္းေꨕ မူိင္းမꨤဝ္းလူင္ မူိဝ္ꨳပီꨶ 839-AD ꨓꨓ္ꨵယဝ္ꨳ။<br />

(5)ꨅဝ္ꨳꨟုင္းꨁမ္း လꨯꨳꨡုပ္ꨵငမ္းမူိင္းမꨓိပူꨲရ ꨡဳꨲသꨤမ္ꨬလꨳ မူိင္းေꨓဳးရဳꨵꨓဳꨲꨀ၊<br />

မူိဝ္ꨳပီꨶ 1315 AD ꨓꨓ္ꨵယဝ္ꨵ။<br />

(6)ပꨤꨓ္မူိင္းဝူင္ꨵ တင္းꨡဳꨲဝပꨱꨓ္သုိꨀ္းꨀꨓ္ꨓꨓ္ꨵ ပꨱꨓ္ပီꨶ 1445-AD ꨓꨓ ္ꨵ<br />

ယဝ္ꨳ။<br />

(7)ꨅဝ္ꨳသူိဝ္ꨁူပ္းꨘဳꨵꨬလꨳ ꨅဝ္ꨳꨁꨯꨲꨘဳꨵꨀꨮဳꨲတုိꨀ္းေတဳးမိူင္းထꨯး။<br />

(8)ဝူင္ꨵတꨯးမူိင္းမꨤဝ္းလူင္ လꨯꨳတꨰꨀ္ꨲယꨯꨤꨳꨀꨓ္ ပꨤꨓ္ေပဳꨳမꨯꨤꨳꨡြင္ꨲေတꨲယဳꨵ တုိꨀ္း<br />

ꨀꨓ္တင္းꨅဝ္ꨳꨁူိဝ္းသꨰင္မူိဝ္ꨳပီꨶ AD 1850 ꨓꨓ္ꨵယဝ္ꨳ။<br />

(9)ꨅဝ္ꨳသူိဝ္ပꨱင္းꨘဳꨵ ꨡဳꨲဝꨁဝ္မဳးတုိꨀ္းတြပ္ꨲတꨰꨓ္းꨀူꨉ္းꨓဳꨲꨡမ္ꨲꨡြင္ꨲမꨤင္ꨲ။

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