History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo

History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo

History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo


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ပုိꨓ္းတꨯးမူိဝ္ꨳမုိꨓ္ꨵသုိꨓ္းꨡြꨓ္ e-book is created by www.ShanYoMa.org ꨅြမ္သꨤမ္ꨀဝ္ꨳ<br />

ပꨤꨓ္ေꨟဳတꨯးမူိ္င္းလုိဝ္း<br />

ꨡမ္ꨲꨓꨓ္<br />

ပꨤꨓ္တꨯးမူိင္းတူင္ꨳ/မူိင္းလြ ꨯ (224-BC)<br />

ထုိင္မဳးမူိဝ္ꨳပီꨶ(224-BC)ꨓꨓ္ꨵဝꨯꨤးေသ မူိင္းꨁိင္းလꨯꨳတူꨀ္းသုမ္းꨀꨮဳꨲ<br />

ꨓꨓ္ꨵ တꨯးလꨯꨳꨡြꨓ္ꨡꨓ္ေတꨲတင္ꨳ ပꨱꨓ္ပꨤꨓ္တꨯးလုိဝ္းꨓꨓ္ꨵေꨀဳꨳ ꨡမ္ꨲ<br />

ေတꨲတင္ꨳလꨯꨳꨟုိင္ပꨱင္းꨅ္ꨮ လꨯꨳေꨕလꨯꨳယꨯꨤꨳꨀꨓ္ပꨱꨓ္ꨀꨮဳꨲသြင္မူꨲꨅုမ္းဝꨯꨵယဝ္ꨵ။<br />

မူိဝ္ꨳပꨤꨓ္ꨓꨓ္ꨵ ꨅဝ္ꨳေꨟဳꨁမ္းတꨯးꨁꨯꨤꨵꨀꨮဳꨲတꨤင္းꨓ္ꨮးမူိင္းသီꨁုမ္ꨵယဝ္ꨵ။ ꨅဝ္ꨳꨀꨰမ္<br />

မူိင္း မူိင္းလုိဝ္းပꨱꨓ္ꨕူꨳꨡုပ္ꨵငမ္း မꨤꨓ္ꨳမူိင္းꨓꨯယဝ္ꨵ။<br />

ဝꨯꨤးေသသုိꨀ္းမူိင္းလူင္ ယꨱꨓ္ဝြတ္ꨳꨀꨮဳꨲယဝ္ꨵꨓꨓ္ꨵ ꨀူꨓ္းတꨯးꨁဝ္ လꨯꨳꨁမ္ꨲ<br />

တꨤမ္ꨲသုိꨀ္းမဳး ꨓမ္ꨟုိင္ꨓဳꨲꨓဳꨲꨬလꨳꨡဝ္လꨯꨤꨲꨅꨤꨓ္ꨳလြင္ꨳသုိꨀ္းꨀꨮဳꨲေသ ꨡြꨓ္<br />

ꨀꨓ္ယူꨲꨀတ္းꨀတ္း ယꨱꨓ္ယꨱꨓ္ ꨟꨤင္းꨕ္ꨮꨟꨤင္းမꨓ္းꨀူꨉ္းꨬလꨳ မꨤꨓ္ꨳမူိင္းေꨀဳꨳ<br />

ꨡူꨓ္ꨳꨟုꨓ္းတꨰမ္ꨲေယဳꨳꨀꨮဳꨲေတꨵေတꨵယဝ္ꨵ။<br />

ꨀြပ္ꨳꨕ္ꨮေꨀဳꨳꨁꨯꨳယူꨲꨀတ္းယူꨲယꨱꨓ္<br />

ꨡမ္ꨲꨁ္ꨮꨳꨟꨱတ္းသုိꨀ္း ꨟꨱတ္းသူိဝ္ꨬလꨳ ꨅင္ꨲေꨕꨡြꨀ္ꨲꨀꨓ္ဝꨯꨵပꨱꨓ္သြင္မူꨲꨓꨓ္ꨵ<br />

ယဝ္ꨵ။<br />

(1) ꨅုမ္းꨡြꨓ္တꨤင္း ‘‘တꨯးမူိင္းလူင္’’

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