History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo

History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo

History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo


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ပုိꨓ္းတꨯးမူိဝ္ꨳမုိꨓ္ꨵသုိꨓ္းꨡြꨓ္ e-book is created by www.ShanYoMa.org ꨅြမ္သꨤမ္ꨀဝ္ꨳ<br />

ꨀꨰဝ္ဝꨰတ္ꨵꨓꨤမ္း)ꨓꨓ္ꨵယဝ္ꨵ။ ꨅုမ္းꨀပ္းသုိပ္ꨲဝꨰတ္ꨵꨓꨤမ္းꨁဝ္ ယင္းꨡဝ္ꨅꨤင္ꨵ<br />

ꨕူိꨀ္ꨲမဳးယုိꨓ္ꨳတြꨓ္ꨳပꨓ္ꨅဝ္ꨳꨁိင္းဝူင္ꨵ(Cheng)ေꨟဳꨁမ္းမူိင္းꨅဝ္ꨳꨀြꨓ္ꨲယဝ္ꨵ။<br />

ꨅဝ္ꨳꨁိင္းဝူင္ꨵꨓꨯꨵလꨯꨳꨓင္ꨳေꨟဳꨁမ္းꨀိꨓ္မူိင္းꨀꨮဳꨲတꨤင္းꨟူိင္(37)ပီꨶယဝ္ꨵ။<br />

ဝꨯꨤးေသꨓꨓ္ꨵ တင္ꨳꨡဝ္ 1078 ထုိင္ 910 BC ꨓ ္ꨮးꨅူဝ္ꨳꨁꨤဝ္းယꨤမ္း<br />

169 ပီꨶလုမ္းလုမ္း ꨅဝ္ꨳꨕꨰꨓ္ꨲလိꨓ္တꨯးꨟဝ္း သုိပ္ꨲပုတ္ꨳꨟꨤင္ꨳတꨰꨓ္းေꨟဳꨀꨓ္<br />

မဳးမီး(5)တူꨓ္ မူိꨓ္ꨓင္ꨲꨬꨓဝꨯꨵပဳꨳတ္ꨮꨳꨓꨯꨵယဝ္ꨵ။<br />

ေꨟဳꨁမ္းတꨯးတꨯးမူိင္းꨅဝ္ꨳပꨤꨓ္ꨓꨓ္ꨵ<br />

1ꨵ ꨅဝ္ꨳꨀꨤင္ဝူင္ꨵ Kan Wang 1078-1053 BC 26ပီꨶ<br />

2ꨵ ꨅဝ္ꨳဝူင္ꨵ Chao Wang 1052-1002 BC 51ပီꨶ<br />

3ꨵ ꨅဝ္ꨳမူိင္းဝူင္ꨵ Mu Wang 1002-947 BC 55ပီꨶ<br />

4ꨵ ꨅဝ္ꨳꨁုꨓ္ဝူင္ꨵ Kung Wang 946-935 12ပီꨶ<br />

5ꨵ ꨅဝ္ꨳꨁုꨓ္ꨡꨯꨤꨳဝူင္ꨵ I Wang 934-910 25ပီꨶ<br />

ပြင္းေလဳးꨀꨓ္ 169 ပီꨶ<br />

ꨀူိတ္ꨲပꨱꨓ္တꨯး ꨟꨮ္ꨳေမဳꨀꨮꨤမ္းတꨯး<br />

ꨟꨮ္ꨳꨟူꨵလိꨀ္ꨳတꨯး ꨟꨮ္ꨳꨟꨓ္ငူိꨓ္ꨳ ပုိꨓ္းတꨯး<br />

ꨀꨮꨤမ္းသꨤင္ꨲ<br />

ပꨤꨓ္ေꨟဳꨁမ္းတꨯးꨟဝ္းေတꨲတꨤင္ꨳꨡုပ္ꨵငမ္း မူိင္းတꨯးမူိင္းေꨁꨲ မဳးꨟꨤꨓ္ꨵ<br />

ေတဳꨲပီꨶ (BC 856) ေပဳးလုꨀ္ꨵပꨤꨓ္မူိဝ္ꨳလꨱဝ္ ꨓမ္ꨵꨀꨮဳꨲေတမီး(2000)ပီꨶပꨯꨤပꨯꨤ။<br />

မူိဝ္ꨳပꨤꨓ္ေꨟဳꨁမ္းတꨯးꨁိင္း(Chin State )ꨓꨓ္ꨵ ေꨁꨲꨁဝ္မဳးယူꨲသဝ္းလူꨉ္ꨳတꨯး

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