History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo

History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo

History of Tai - Will You Be the Same With Them - Khamkoo


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ပုိꨓ္းတꨯးမူိဝ္ꨳမုိꨓ္ꨵသုိꨓ္းꨡြꨓ္ e-book is created by www.ShanYoMa.org ꨅြမ္သꨤမ္ꨀဝ္ꨳ<br />

(8)ꨟꨮ္ꨳꨕုိꨀ္းꨟတ္းꨅ္ꨮ ထူပ္းꨅဳꨵꨡမ္ꨲꨁီ ထူပ္းလီꨶꨡမ္ꨲꨅူမ္းယြꨀ္ꨲꨡမ္ꨲꨀူဝ္ꨲ ꨁꨤမ္ꨲ<br />

တုꨀ္ꨵꨁဳꨵ။<br />

(9)ꨟꨮ္ꨳမီးထꨤတ္ꨳꨅ္ꨮ ꨡꨓ္ꨡမ္ꨲတြꨓ္ꨵဝူꨓ္ꨵဝဳꨳ ပူိꨓ္ꨳေတꨅြꨯꨳေတမꨰင္ꨲꨀဝ္ေꨡး။<br />

(10)ꨟꨮ္ꨳမီးထꨤတ္ꨳꨅ္ꨮဝူꨓ္ꨵဝဳꨳ ꨀဝ္ေတလꨯꨳꨅြꨯꨳꨕ္ꨮ ေတလꨯꨳမꨰင္ꨲꨕ္ꨮ မꨰင္ꨲꨡီꨳသင္။<br />

(11)ꨟꨮ္ꨳꨡဝ္ꨳလꨯꨳ ပꨯꨤꨳလြတ္ꨳ ꨀꨮဳꨲꨟြတ္ꨳꨁုိꨓ္ꨳထုိင္တီꨳ မီးသတိꨅ္ꨮꨁꨰင္ ꨓꨓ္ꨵꨀူꨳ<br />

ယꨤမ္း။<br />

(12)ꨟꨮ္ꨳဝꨯꨵꨅ္ꨮ ပူိꨓ္ꨳꨡꨤမ္းꨡမ္ꨲယုမ္ꨵ ပူိꨓ္ꨳေꨓးꨅ္ꨮꨡꨓ္ꨲလမ္ယုမ္ꨲယမ္တူဝ္<br />

ꨅဝ္ꨳꨀဝ္ꨲေသꨲေသꨲဝꨯꨵꨅ္ꨮသ္ꨮꨅꨤင္ꨲꨅုိꨓ္ꨳသူိဝ္း။<br />

(13)ꨟꨮ္ꨳꨟꨀ္ꨵလြင္ꨳလီတꨤင္းမ်ꨤတ္ꨳ ꨅူိဝ္ꨵꨅꨤတ္ꨳသဳꨲသꨓဳꨲၾတဳးမꨤꨓ္ꨲꨓူိဝ္တူဝ္<br />

ꨅဝ္ꨳꨀဝ္ꨲ။<br />

(14)ꨟꨮ္ꨳေမဳꨀိꨓ္ ေမဳꨓင္ꨳ ေမဳꨡုပ္ꨲ ေမဳပြင္ꨀူꨓ္းꨀူꨳꨅꨓ္ꨵꨡမ္ꨲေသꨵပူိꨓ္ꨳ<br />

ꨡမ္ꨲယြင္ꨳတူဝ္ꨅဝ္ꨳꨀဝ္ꨲ။<br />

(15)ꨟꨮ္ꨳေမဳꨅြꨯꨳ ေမဳထꨰမ္ ေမဳꨟꨱတ္း ေမဳသꨤင္ꨳ ေမဳဝူꨓ္ꨵꨓ္ꨮးꨀူꨳတီꨳတီꨳ။<br />

(16)ꨟꨮ္ꨳꨬꨀꨳ တꨤင္းꨁꨤꨓ္ꨅ္ꨮတုꨀ္ꨵꨁ ꨕုꨀ္ꨲꨡူꨉ္းလီ ေမးꨟꨮ္ꨳမ္ꨮꨲသုင္တꨤင္းꨓဳꨳ။<br />

(17)ꨟꨮ္ꨳေမဳတင္ꨳပꨱꨓ္မူꨲ ယူꨲꨟူမ္ꨳသဝ္းယုိꨓ္း ꨅူꨵတုိꨓ္းꨁုိꨓ္ꨳယ္ꨮꨲသ္ꨮꨲꨡလꨤင္း<br />

ထုꨓ္း ꨟꨮ္ꨳသုင္ꨅꨤတ္ꨳꨓꨯꨵ ꨅꨤတ္ꨳꨓဳꨳ။<br />

(18)ꨟꨮ္ꨳꨡဝ္ꨅြမ္ꨉꨤꨓ္ꨲ ထမ္ꨲမꨅꨀ်ဳꨲ ပꨤꨓ္ꨉဳꨲသမဳꨲထိသိꨲလꨀူꨳယꨤမ္း လꨯꨳ<br />

မꨤꨀ္ꨳလꨯꨳꨕူဝ္ꨲ လꨯꨳꨓိပꨤꨓ္ꨲ တီꨳꨀတ္းယꨱꨓ္။<br />

(19)ꨟꨮ္ꨳေမဳꨟꨱတ္းꨅြမ္း ꨀꨤမ္ꨲ ꨉꨤꨓ္ꨲ ဝိရိယꨬလꨳ မꨤꨀ္ꨲꨀꨤင္ꨲပꨰတ္ꨲပူိင္ꨡိꨀ္ꨲ<br />

သꨅဳ္ꨲသီꨲယူိင္ꨳ ꨀုိꨀ္းတူဝ္ꨕဳꨁိင္းတဳꨲေသꨲ။ ꨀဝ္ꨳတꨯး

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