The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. XXIX, Part 1-2, 1936 - Khamkoo

The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. XXIX, Part 1-2, 1936 - Khamkoo

The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. XXIX, Part 1-2, 1936 - Khamkoo


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] 66 ltE\TF:WS OF BOOT\K [VOL. <strong>XXIX</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> last chapter <strong>of</strong> Luang Roriha1'H 1Jook iH dr~,·• .1.!•(1 in wlw,t, he<br />

calls <strong>the</strong> I .. oph bnri period.<br />

In conformity with <strong>the</strong> ,-iewR held hy Prim~e Thunrong, t.he author<br />

diYides Sir1m into three distt-icts or A nakhet, all <strong>of</strong> ,d tieh he peopleR<br />

with Lawa, namely, (1) lhitmvati with ~akhon Pathom ax capital;<br />

(2) North <strong>Siam</strong> called Yang or Yonok; ttncl (;3) North-Eastern <strong>Siam</strong><br />

called Kotndmr or Panom with N:1khon Ph,mom as eapital. 'rhese<br />

three Sta,tes exi::;tecl p1·ior to <strong>the</strong> KhtJm or Khmer, he say:-:.<br />

From what is known n,t, prercwnt a,hout. <strong>the</strong> ancient popnlt1tion <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Siam</strong>, i.e., at <strong>the</strong> time when D\·anwati is :-:uppm;ecl to hnn~ flourished,<br />

<strong>the</strong> writer can only agreP in part '"ith <strong>the</strong>se ideas. First <strong>of</strong> all<br />

at what time were <strong>the</strong>re no Kluner in N. E. Si

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