The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. XXIX, Part 1-2, 1936 - Khamkoo

The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. XXIX, Part 1-2, 1936 - Khamkoo

The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. XXIX, Part 1-2, 1936 - Khamkoo


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Hi2 HF.V!EWS OF HOOKS [VOI,. <strong>XXIX</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> natives. It ·was d'Allmqnorqtw who :·wnt Hll 1'!1Yo.1· to Ayudhya<br />

to <strong>the</strong> court <strong>of</strong> King lhtnmt!t ihod.i IJ, aw I frmn th:d tiuw Portuguese<br />

mercenaries servnd in <strong>the</strong> roy:tl Simui'SI~ hodyg·uard. Thnir deAcendants<br />

are still with us. rr'he Pc>rhrgnc;f;p \\"I'J'C in t hl·ir tnrn overthrown<br />

by <strong>the</strong> Dutch nnd though <strong>the</strong> lnt.ter a ls11 \\'Pl'i' sen·re taskmnBters<br />

<strong>the</strong>y were much more hnnw.ne in all respe(·ts.-<strong>The</strong> author writes<br />

very interestingly on whnt he cnJls "<strong>The</strong>· ,Johor Ernpire." 1'be<br />

reviewer· think"l, howevet·, that th1• titl1· nf l'lnperm· given to <strong>the</strong><br />

Sultans <strong>of</strong> a minor portion <strong>of</strong> 1\1:11:tyH awl Smnntm iK too :tmbitious,<br />

all <strong>the</strong> periodical splendours <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se rnh•rs uotwitllstanding.<br />

<strong>The</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 18th century sees tlw British on <strong>the</strong> scene, with<br />

great pioneers and far-seeing colonial acbnini:-;t.rator:-; like Fmncis<br />

Light and Sir Stamford Raffles, <strong>the</strong> ere:tton; uf prusunt-fhy British<br />

Malaya. <strong>The</strong> chapter on Penang'R relationl:l with <strong>the</strong> reborn and<br />

powerful <strong>Siam</strong>, and <strong>the</strong>ir disputes t1hout K

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