The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. XXIX, Part 1-2, 1936 - Khamkoo

The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. XXIX, Part 1-2, 1936 - Khamkoo

The Journal of the Siam Society Vol. XXIX, Part 1-2, 1936 - Khamkoo


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PT. I)<br />


'<br />

'.<br />

Landon, Re\'. K. P.<br />

L'Evesqtw, C.<br />

Leipzig Uni\·er;:;ity Libmry<br />

Levy, G.<br />

Lingat, R.<br />

Manfredi, E.<br />

l\bnoprtkom, Phya<br />

l\hrt.in, H. E. M .. ..<br />

Massot, F.<br />

M[l,y, P. \V.<br />

McFarland, Dr. G. B.<br />

.Medhi, Luang<br />

l\1innigerode, H. G.<br />

Moo re, R. Adey (Ron.<br />

Secretary)<br />

Mundie, \V. H . (Vice-<br />

President)<br />

Neiison Hays Libm ry<br />

Norris, H. L.<br />

Novion, H. E.<br />

Oakl ey, Dr. T. C.<br />

Ong Thye Ghee ...<br />

Pananuchom, Phya<br />

Pendleton, Dr. R. L.<br />

Perki'ns, E. A.<br />

Picot, 'vV. G.<br />

Pistono, F.<br />

Pl::tnterose, Re1ny de<br />

Plion, R.<br />

Prabha Karawongs, Phya<br />

Pmchuab Bunnag, Nai . ..<br />

Pmder·e-Niquet, R.<br />

Pradibacldha Bhubal, Phyn.<br />

Princeton University<br />

Libmry<br />

Rajada Bises, H. S. H.<br />

Prince<br />

Trang.<br />

Legisl::tti ve Couuci I.<br />

Bee t.ho\·enRtrasRe 6, Leipzig, Germany.<br />

G. Levy & Co., Anuwongse Road.<br />

Appeal Court ..<br />

Cole A \'enue, Bang Kapi.<br />

cfo Sirt 111ese Consuhte, Penang.<br />

cfo Honakon o· & Shano·hai Bankina<br />

,:, 0 z:. v<br />

Co rporation, London.<br />

Banque de l'Indochine.<br />

6 Queen Anne';:; Gardens, London, W. 4.<br />

Holyrood, Sathom Road.<br />

FMeign Causes Court .<br />

American Legation.<br />

Bangkok Times P ress, Ltd.<br />

Bangkok Tim es Press, Ltd.<br />

S uriyavongse Road.<br />

A rn erican Legation.<br />

City Engineer's <strong>of</strong>fi ce.<br />

British Dispensary.<br />

Oversea-Chinese Ban king Corporation,<br />

Forest Department.<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture.<br />

S iam ese Consul, Manila , P. I.<br />

French Legation.<br />

City Engineer's Office.<br />

Legislative Coun cil.<br />

French Legation.<br />

Soi Sap Lane.<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Defence.<br />

Les Romarins, Ia Loubigere, Toul on.<br />

Klong Toi.<br />

Princeton, N. J. , U.S. A.<br />

Mini stry <strong>of</strong> Public lnRtruction.

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